Clare Journal, Monday, 13th February 1797
To Maurice O'Connor Esq, Vice Provost of Ennis. Sir, We the Inhabitants of this town, take this opportunity of expressing our most perfect approbation of the great zeal, unwearied diligence and strict impartiality you exerted in billeting the Soldiery in the late marches through it, being entirely convinced that in the discharge of that duty your conduct was governed by the most unbiased wishes for the public good. The period was awful and alarming, far beyond any example of our time: It was not a time for langour or parsimony, and here, Thank Heaven, there did not appear a symptom of either: all, as if but one, animated by the same spirit of loyalty and diligence to the best of Kings, cherished the weary soldier with liberality, doubly comfortable because administered with cheerfulness.
James Kenny, Edward Mallon, James Kinnane, Walter Arthur, John Ed. Kenny, Matts. Brennan, Jhn Chartres, Basil Lukey, P. Butler, Robert Weldon, Terence McMahon, John Lyons, Thomas Dulhunty, J. Gregg, Matt. Power, Laurence Comyn, Hugh McCloskey, James Stuart, James O'Gorman, John Speilesy M.D., Thomas Butler, Richard Griffin, Neptune Blood, Patrick Davoren, Henry Hewitt, Joseph Cox, Robert Kean, Michael Hicky, Richard Janns, Michael Walsh, John Whitestone, Thomas Crowe, Wm. Fitzgerald, Patt. Sitred, Jonas Studdert, Wm. Brampton, John O'Donnell, Thomas Hewitt, Percival Banks jun., Michael Dwyer, D. Barrett, John R McGrath, William M'Grath, Daniel Finucane, Hugh Brigdale, Hugh McLaughlin, James Roche jun., John Loughnane, John Power, Robert Dowling, John Loughnane jun., Cornelius Sims, Daniel Roughan, Matt. Williams, Daniel Lysaght, Richard Baker, Charles Keane, John Bowerman
Clare Journal, Tuesday, 17th December 1799
We, the undersigned Retailers of Wines, Spirituous Liquors, Beer and Porter of the town of Ennis (being requested to do so by our Surveyor C.P. Bolton Esq) do give this Public Notice to the several unlicensed retailers in said town and its vicinity that if they do not immediately desist from their illicit practices, we stand pledged to each other to prosecute them as the law requires. Ennis, 12 December 1799.
Thomas Brew, Michael Hickey, Thady O'Brien, James Sexton, John Leary, James Reddan, Martin Hennessy, Patrick Malone, William Scales, James Kinnane, John White, Bridget Roughan, John Belassayse, William Kenny, Richard Stamer, Richard Atkins, Denis Spellissy, Roger Hogan, Denis O'Halloran, Catherine Gorman
Clare Journal, Thursday, 5th May, 1803
Whereas on the night of Wednesday 27 Day of April last in the absence of Michael Canny of Ennis, Notary Public, when at the Sessions at Milltown, some villians attempted to break into and plunder his House and on the night preceeding the shop of Mrs. Gorman of Mill Street in said town was broke open and plundered of several articles of value and the shop of Mrs. Macnamara of Church Street was also attempted in like manner... and on the night of the 1st inst. the shop of Mrs. White in Church Street was also broke open... and several other Houses and Shops in the town of Ennis within these few Nights last past. We, the Inhabitants of the said town of Ennis, do hereby offer the several Sums to our Names respectively annexed as a Reward to any Persons who shall within Three Calendar Months from the date hereof apprehend and prosecute to conviction any of the Persons Concerned... Given under our Hands this 5th Day of May 1803.
Charles Mahon, 5 Gs; James Kinnane, 1, Luke M'Grath, 1; William Arthur, 1; James Hickey, 1; James Gallery, 1; Francis Swyny, 1; Rich. England,1; Mich.M'Namara, 1; Wm. Fitzgerald, 2; Michael Hickey, 1; John Leary, 1; Francis Daly, 2; John Tierney, 1; Edward Mallon, 1; Robert Kean, Chas, 2; Anne White, 1; John England,1; William Greene, 2; John O'Neill, 1; James O'Connor, 1; John Carroll, 1; Michael Hillard, 1; Luke Thomas, 1; William Emerson, 2; James O'Neill,1; George Lardner, 1; Mat.Williams, 2; James Sexton, 1; Dan. M'Mahon, 1; Hugh M'Loughlin, 2; James O'Brien, 1; Thomas Roughan, 1; Thomas Butler, 2; Pat. Kean, 1; Daniel Roughan, 1; Michael Canny, 2; Wm. McGrath, 1; Edm. Donnellan, 1; James M'Loughlin, 2; Mich. Danagher, 1; George Edwards, 1; Thomas Darcy, 2; John R M'Grath, 1; James P Crowe, 1; Catherine Gorman, 2; J. O'Neill, tobacconist, 1; John O'Donnell, 2; Richard Floyd, 2; William Kenny, 1; Daniel Finucane, 2; Anth. Horahan, 2; John E Kenny, 1; J. M'Cullen, 11s. 4 1/2d.; Edw. Haire, 1; Mich. Walsh, 1; M. O'Dea, 11s.4 1/2d.; Richard Baker, 1; Sylvester O'Gorman, 1; Ellen Hogan, 11s. 4 1/2d.; Joseph Haire, 1; Edmond Lynch, 1; Walter Nevian, 1; Andrew Joynt, 1; Daniel O'Keeffe, 1