A Little Bit of Ireland


Hackett           Thomas                Esqre, Barrister                             27/9/1794
Hackett           John                  Serjeant, L.C.M.                             29/1/1817
Hackett           William               Leather Merchant                             29/8/1823
Hadlock           Richard               merchant                                     10/9/1756
Hadlock           Roger                 Revd.                                        25/9/1765
Hadlock           Wiliam                Revd, Vicarage Hill, Co Clare                12/10/1818
Haenn             William               counsellor at law                            20/2/1747
Hains             John                  Tanner                                       11/5/1762
Hall              John                  Clothier                                     9/9/1748
Hall              Edward                Joiner                                       3/9/1759
Hall              John                  Esqre                                        30/6/1788
Hallam            Robert                son of Robert Hallam, town clerk             12/9/1757
Hallam            John                  son of Robert Hallam, town clerk             12/9/1757
Hallam            Villers               son of Robt. Hallam, Aldn                    21/9/1768
Hallam            George                Esqre, son of the late Robt.                 10/6/1793
Halliday          James                 Linen draper                                 29/1/1817
Hamill            Arthur                Clothier                                     11/5/1762
Hamilton          Henry                 Esqre                                        1/7/1754
Hamilton          John                  Revd.                                        12/9/1757
Hamilton          Robert                Sir                                          5/5/1762
Hamilton          John                  Serjt, C.L.M.                                28/1/1794
Hamilton          William               Band, L.C.M.                                 15/2/1813
Hamilton          Ferrier               John, Esqre, Westport, North Britain         6/8/1817
Hammilton         William               wigmaker                                     20/2/1747
Handcock          William               Mr., Willbrook, Co Westmeath                 30/1/1792
Hannon            William               L.C.M.                                       12/4/1823
Harcourt          Simon                 Earl, Rt Honble                              30/6/1766
Harcourt          William               Col. Honble                                  30/6/1766
Harding           Thomas                Esqre, City Cork                             10/10/1791
Harding           Henry                 Brigade Major, Harding Grove                 27/6/1808
Harding           Thomas                Esqre, M.D.                                  15/2/1813
Harding           Samuel                son of Major Henry Harding                   28/6/1813
Harding           Henry                 son of Major Henry Harding                   28/6/1813
Hardwicke         Earl                  Ld., Lieut                                   20/9/1802
Hargrove          George                Dentist                                      10/10/1791
Hargrove          George                Junr, Surgeon                                9/10/1815
Harrington        Marquis               Ld Lieut                                     21/5/1755
Harrington        Chas                  Earl Comr in chief                           24/10/1808
Harrision         Harte Cauzabon William Captn., 34th Regt.                          12/10/1789
Harrison          Robert                Esqre                                        3/9/1755
Harrison          Charles               Watchmaker                                   13/10/1760
Harrison          Robert                son of Robt. Harrison, Esqre                 11/5/1762
Harrison          William               son of Robt. Harrison, Esqre                 11/5/1762
Harrison          Francis               son of Robt. Harrison, Esqre                 11/5/1762
Harrison          John                  son of Robt. Harrison, Esqre                 11/5/1762
Harrison          Richd John            Lieut. Yeomanry                              15/2/1813
Harte             Richard               son of Pierce Harte, Attny                   11/5/1762
Harte             Percival              Esqre, Coorus                                25/9/1765
Harte             William               attorney                                     12/10/1789
Harte             Johnson William       Esqre, son Aldn Richd. Harte                 30/1/1792
Harte             Uriel                 Shoemaker                                    4/12/1792
Harte             Richard               Esqre, Gurteen                               24/1/1814
Harte             George                Revd Chanter, Diocese Limk                   29/1/1817
Harte             Henry                 Trinity college                              6/8/1817
Harte             Thomas                Merchant                                     8/10/1821
Harte             Richard               Esqre (birth)                                26/6/1826
Hartney           William                                                            13/10/1760
Hartney           Samuel                Gentn, Pallas                                11/5/1762
Hartney           Charles               Cabinetmaker                                 27/9/1794
Hartsonge         Henry                 Sir Bart                                     29/6/1752
Harvey            Thos.                 Apothecary                                   25/9/1765
Harvey            Massy Joseph          merchant                                     10/10/1791
Harvey            Rhuben                Merchant, son of Joseph M Hervey             6/8/1817
Hassett           Thomas                R.N.                                         7/10/1816
Hastings          David                 Apothecary                                   21/9/1768
Hastings          Stephen               Esqre, Fort Henry                            10/2/1817
Hatch             John                  Esqre                                        29/8/1761
Haughton          Richard Thomas        Esqre, Tontine Buildings                     24/1/1814
Hayes             Arthur                Serjt, C.L.M.                                28/1/1794
Hayes             Jeremiah              Esqre                                        27/9/1794
Hayes             John                  Esqre, Mungret Street                        27/6/1801
Hayes             Arthur                Serjeant, L.C.M.                             29/1/1817
Hayes             Bury                  Corporal                                     14/2/1823
Hayman            Samuel                Cappaquin, Co Waterford, M.D.                7/10/1793
Heacock           John                  Hearth Collector                             10/10/1796
Heacock           Henry                 Esqre (birth)                                4/4/1831
Head              Michael               Esqre, Derry Co Tipperary                    27/9/1794
Head              Michael               Junr, Esqre                                  27/9/1794
Headford          Viscount              Lord                                         29/9/1778
Healy             Philip                Serjeant, L.C.M.                             29/1/1817
Healy             James                 Serjeant, L.C.M.                             29/1/1817
Hedges            Robert                Esqre, Mt Hedges, Co Cork                    27/9/1794
Heffernan         Cantillon John        Esqre, Castle Roberts                        27/6/1801
Heming            William               Lieut, 93rd Regt.                            7/10/1816
Hemmings          Mathew                Barrack master                               15/2/1813
Hemsworth         Thomas                Esqre, late of Abbyville, Co Tipperary       30/1/1792
Hemsworth         Christopher           Ensign, L.C.M.                               15/2/1813
Hemsworth         Thomas                Esqre, Abbeyville, Burrisokane               6/8/1817
Henchy            George                Mr., Apothecary                              10/6/1793
Henderson         James                 Mr., Gort, Co Galway                         30/1/1792
Henley            Roger                 Esqre, late of the Royals                    25/6/1792
Henn              William               Esqre                                        9/10/1815
Henn              Poole                 Esqre, Attorney at law                       1/7/1816
Hennessy          Patrick               Upholsterer                                  12/10/1789
Hennesy           John                  Cabinetmaker                                 4/12/1792
Herbert           Edmond                Esqre                                        29/8/1761
Hernon            Daniel                Gent                                         3/9/1759
Hewton            John                  Serjt, C.L.M.                                28/1/1794
Hickey            John                  Gentn, Sixmilebridge                         9/9/1748
Hickman           Poole                 Esqre                                        6/3/1746
Hickman           Thomas                Esqre, Clare street                          15/2/1813
Higgins           John                  Lieut                                        3/9/1759
Higginson                               Lt Col                                       5/5/1762
Higginson         William               of Lisbon (sic), Co Antrim                   8/10/1770
Hill              Willm                 son of Wm Hill, tanner, decd.                10/10/1768
Hill              Lancelot              Esqre                                        11/10/1773
Hill              John                  Clothier                                     15/2/1813
Hill              John                  Serjt,L.C.M. and son to John Hill, clothier  15/2/1813
Hill              Rea                   Serjt,L.C.M. and son to John Hill, clothier  15/2/1813
Hill              William               Serjt,L.C.M. and son to John Hill, clothier  15/2/1813
Hill              John                  Esq, eldest son of Wm Hill (birth)           14/2/1823
Hill              George                Grocer                                       29/8/1823
Hipson            William               Gort, late Sergt., 5th Dragoons              11/10/1790
Hipson            Thomas                of Gort, son of Wm. Hipson                   29/1/1817
Hoar              Robert                City Cork Town Clerk                         19/10/1758
Hoare             Edward                Esqre, City Dublin                           20/2/1747
Hoare             Samuel                Gentleman                                    9/9/1748
Hoare             Deane                 Revd.                                        28/6/1756
Hoare             Jospeh                Barrister                                    13/10/1760
Hoare             John                  Revd                                         30/6/1788
Hoare             Henry Edward          Revd., City Dublin                           12/10/1789
Hoare             Edward                Esqre, Tantever, Co Galway                   4/12/1792
Hoare             Dodgson Charles       Attry, son of Revd. D. Hoare                 4/4/1793
Hoare             Barnabus William      Revd., son of Revd. D. Hoare                 4/4/1793
Hoare             Barthw                Esqre, Barrister                             27/9/1794
Hoban             Patrick               Permt serjt yeomanry                         15/2/1813
Hobert            Robert                Honble, Rt. Secretary to the Ld Lieut        16/6/1791
Hobson            Samuel                Esqre, City Cork                             11/5/1762
Hobson            Samuel                Esqre, Assistant Barrister, Co Cork          4/12/1792
Hodder            Moore William         Esqre, Hoddersfield, Co Cork                 14/5/1794
Hodder            George                Esqre, Fountainstown, Co Cork                27/9/1794
Hodder            George                Junr, Esqre                                  27/9/1794
Hodder            Moore Henry William   Lt col, N. Cork Militia                      12/10/1818
Hodges            George                Gentn, the younger                           8/10/1753
Hodges            Godfrey               Gentn                                        1/7/1754
Hodges            Geo Wm                Esqre, Landscape, Co Clare                   12/10/1818
Hogan             Edmond                Esqre                                        25/6/1750
Hogan             Mathew                Merchant                                     27/6/1801
Hogan             John                  Serjeant, L.C.M.                             15/2/1813
Hogan             Patrick               Drum major, L.C.M.                           29/1/1817
Hogan             George                Esq, Surgeon (birth)                         7/10/1822
Hogan             Charles               Gentn (birth)                                30/6/1834
Hogg              William               Whipmaker                                    13/10/1760
Holland           Thomas                son of Aldn. Randal Holland                  20/2/1747
Holland           John                  Clothier                                     9/9/1748
Holland           Humphrey              lace weaver                                  8/10/1753
Holland           Philip                swordbearer                                  8/10/1753
Holland           James                 Cordwainer                                   13/10/1760
Holland           William               Attry, Bridge street                         15/2/1813
Holland           Frederick             Esqre, Barrister                             10/10/1814
Holland           Henry Philip          Esqre, attorney, son of Wm Holland, Esqre    9/10/1815
Holland           William P             Attorney                                     12/10/1818
Holmes            John                  merchant                                     21/9/1753
Homan             Edward                Pawn broker                                  12/4/1823
Homan             Edmond                Apothecary (marriage)                        28/6/1830
Honan             Mathew                Merchant                                     27/9/1794
Honan             Martin                cloth merchant, marriage                     13/10/1828
Hopson            Thomas                Captn., 34th Regt.                           7/10/1782
Horan             Robert                Farmer                                       10/9/1756
Horsfall          Henry                 Lieut and adjt, C.L.M.                       18/5/1793
Howley            John                  Junr, Esqre (marriage)                       30/6/1823
Huleatt           Arthur                Revd.                                        6/3/1746
Hunt              Vere                  Friarstown, Esqre                            11/5/1762
Hunt              Daniel                Gent, Lickadoon                              11/5/1762
Hunt              William               Esqre, Friarstown                            30/6/1788
Hunt              John                  Revd., son of Vere Hunt, Esq, Friarstown     30/6/1788
Hunt              Thomas                Esqre, son of Vere Hunt, Esq., Friarstown    30/6/1788
Hunt              George                Taylor                                       10/6/1793
Hunt              D. Vere               Esqre, son of Alderman William Hunt          15/2/1813
Hunt              Henn Wm               Esqre, son of Alderman William Hunt          15/2/1813
Hunt              John                  Surgeon, son of Geo. Hunt Taylor             28/6/1813
Hunt              D. Vere               Esqre, Cappa, Co Tipperary                   11/10/1813
Hunt              Fitzmaurice           Esqre, Cappa, Co Tipperary                   11/10/1813
Hunt              Henry                 Lieut, Tipperary Militia                     11/10/1813
Hunt              Vere                  Esqre, Clorance                              11/10/1813
Hunt              William               minor, son of the late Mayor                 12/10/1829
Hunt              Henry                 minor, son of the late Mayor                 12/10/1829
Hunter            Samuel                Junr, Merchant                               11/10/1784
Husey             Walter                Esqre, Co Kildare                            10/10/1763
Hutchinson        Haly John             Barrister                                    13/10/1760
Hutchinson        Andrew                Perukemaker                                  25/9/1765
Hyde              John                  Esqre                                        8/10/1770
Hynes             Bartholw              Innholder, Gort                              29/1/1817

Ievers            Augustine             brother to Henry Ievers, Esqre               22/9/1750
Ievers            Peter                 farmer                                       21/9/1753
Ievers            Henry                 son of Jno. Ievers, Gent, Mohane, Co Clare   11/5/1762
Ievers            George Hawkins        Mercant                                      12/10/1818
Ingoldsby         Massy Hugh            Esqre, Fortwilliam, Co Clare                 12/9/1757
Ingram            Jacques               Gentn                                        6/3/1746
Ingram            Jocelyn               son of the Revd. James Ingram                10/9/1756
Ingram            James                 son of the Revd. James Ingram                10/9/1756
Ingram            Ievers Henry                                                       13/10/1760
Ingram            James                 son of the Revd. James Ingram                13/10/1788
Ingram            John                  Grocer, Cork                                 11/10/1813
Ingram            John                  son of Revd. H.I. Ingram                     6/8/1817
Ivers             William               Esqre, Fortwilliam, Co Clare                 6/3/1746
Ivers             Augustine John        son to Henry Ivers                           6/3/1746
Ivers             Norton Henry          son to Henry Ivers                           6/3/1746
Ivers             George                Gentn, son of Geo. Ivers, deceased           7/5/1747
Ivers             Robert                Gentn, Ballylusky                            9/9/1748
Ivers             John                  Gentn, Mongboy                               9/9/1748
Ivers             William               Ensign, 69th Regt                            11/10/1790
Ivers             Anthony               Gentn, son in law to the late Thomas Dunn of 29/6/1785
Izod              William               Esqre, Chapelizod, Kilkenny                  6/8/1817

Jackson           John                  Grocer                                       7/5/1747
Jackson           Myles                 Gentn                                        13/10/1760
Jackson           Barnaby               Esqre, Curtuddy, Co Kilkenny                 11/5/1762
Jackson           John                  Esqre, son of Barnaby                        11/5/1762
Jackson           Clifford              Gentn, of Coy, Limerick                      11/5/1762
Jackson           Walker                Gentn, of Coy, Limerick                      11/5/1762
Jackson           William               Clerk at the Fish House                      30/6/1788
Jackson           Marcus Willm.         Atterbury, Co Clare                          11/10/1790
Jackson           Hewson William        Phibbsboro                                   13/10/1794
Jackson           Strettel              landwaiter, Port Cork                        13/10/1794
Jackson           D. Willm.             son of W.M. Jackson, attry                   15/2/1813
Jackson           Robert                Lieut, 68th Regt, son to Sheriff Jackson     12/10/1818
Jackson           George                Esqre, son to Sheriff Jackson                12/10/1818
Jackson           Thomas                Esqre, Fanningstown                          28/6/1819
Jackson           Andrew                Printer                                      14/2/1823
Jackson           Thomas                Revenue officer                              29/8/1823
Jackson           Richard               Publican                                     29/8/1823
James                                   Captain                                      7/5/1747
James             Rawleigh              Tallow chandler                              25/8/1763
James             Charles               Cabinet maker                                12/4/1823
James             John Rawleigh         birth                                        30/6/1834
Jameson           Edward                Esqre, City Cork                             27/6/1801
Jameson           Ralph                 Esqre                                        8/10/1821
Jameson           George                Esqre                                        8/10/1821
Jameson           Mathew                Merchant                                     14/2/1823
Jaques            Luke                  Clothier                                     8/10/1753
Jebb              John                  Rt Revd Lord Bishop of Limerick              29/8/1823
Jefferies         St John               Major                                        24/9/1770
Jeffreys          John                  Earl Camden, Lord Lieut.                     16/10/1795
Jenkinson         Chas                  Rt Honble                                    30/9/1775
Jephson           John                  birth                                        5/4/1824
Jepson            William               Ironmonger                                   28/6/1784
Jepson            Hickey Laurence       Esqre, Carrick-on-Suir                       27/6/1801
Jepson            John                  Pro-Collector, Port Limk                     29/1/1817
Jervis            Thomas                Esqre, Carbineers, on in law to Alderman Vere12/4/1823
Jervis            Thomas                Esqre, marriage                              10/10/1825
Jervis            Thoams                Esqre, K.C. one of His Majesty's Judges of Ch8/10/1827
Jessop            William               Gentn, Ballywilliam, King's County           11/5/1762
Jessop            William               son of Wm Jessop, Burs., decd.               25/9/1765
Jocelyn           Robert                Honble                                       9/9/1748
Johns             Bartholomew           Shoemaker                                    12/10/1747
Johns             Samuel                son of Sheriff Johns                         10/9/1756
Johns             Samuel                silversmith                                  10/9/1756
Johnson           Zacharious            son of Zacharous Johnson, landwaiter         7/5/1747
Johnson           Thomas                Esqre, Charleville, King's County            30/9/1771
Johnson           Charles               Esqre, late Lieut. 24th Regt. Foot           11/10/1790
Johnson           Mathew                Lt Col, 69th regt                            16/6/1791
Johnson           Berresford            Revd, on in law to Collectr Waller           6/8/1817
Johnston          George                Ensign                                       29/6/1752
Johnston          James                 Colonel                                      11/5/1762
Johnston          Francis               Esqre, private Secretary to Lord Lieut       30/12/1822
Johnston          Richard               Captain, late North Cork Militia, now of Ball29/8/1823
Johnston          Hunt                  Revd, marriage                               28/6/1830
Jones             William               son to John Jones, Burgess                   6/3/1746
Jones             Thomas                son to John Jones, Burgess                   6/3/1746
Jones             William Taylor                                                     7/5/1747
Jones             Joseph                Plumber, William street                      15/2/1813
Jones             J. Jaques             Lieut yeomanry                               15/2/1813
Jones             Joseph                Revd., Rathkeale                             29/1/1817
Jones             Henry                 Sadler                                       6/8/1817
Jones             Samuel                Revd. Rector, Ardcanny                       12/10/1818
Jones             John Joseph           birth                                        28/6/1824
Jones             Samuel Wilberforce    Esqre, birth                                 10/10/1836
Joyce             David                 Esqre, Barrack master                        12/4/1823
Judd              John                  Apothecary                                   30/9/1771

Kane              Richard               Paymaster                                    30/6/1817
Kane              Thomas                Esqre, birth                                 13/10/1828
Keane             Thomas                Gentleman                                    9/9/1748
Keane             Hugh                  Major                                        11/5/1762
Keane             John                  Esqre, Major, Waterford Militia              29/6/1795
Keane             Evans Henry           Lieut Clare Militia                          7/10/1816
Keane             James                 Serjeant, L.C.M.                             29/1/1817
Keane             Richard               Lt Col, Waterford Regt                       6/8/1817
Keane             Daniel Ryan           Esqre, Bar.                                  13/10/1828
Keane             Edward                Grocer, birth                                1/4/1833
Kearney           David                                                              12/4/1823
Keating           George                M.D.                                         14/5/1794
Keating           William               Esqre                                        10/10/1796
Keating           William               Lieut, L.C.M.                                27/6/1801
Keating           Michael               son to George Keating, M.D.                  15/2/1813
Keating           Nicholas              Attorney, son to Maurice Keating, Esq, Barris11/10/1813
Keating           Ricahrd               Barr, son to Marurice Keating, Esq, Barrister11/10/1813
Keays             J.                    Mr. Cunnigar, S. Libs.                       14/2/1823
Keeffe            Thomas                Band, L.C.M.                                 15/2/1813
Kelly             Richard               Ship carpenter                               3/10/1797
Kelly             Cuffe John            Esqre, Castle Connell                        27/9/1794
Kelly             Edmond                shoemaker, Gort                              29/1/1817
Kelly             Festus                wheelwright, Gort                            29/1/1817
Kelly             George                cabinet maker, Gort                          29/1/1817
Kelly             Thomas                farmer, Glanbrack, Co Galway                 29/1/1817
Kelly             John                  Merchant                                     10/2/1817
Kelly             William Bennett       Druggist                                     28/6/1819
Kelly             James                 Esqre, birth                                 12/10/1829
Kennedy           Joseph                Derjt, L.C.M.                                28/1/1794
Kennedy           Wiliam G              Surgeon, marriage                            25/6/1827
Kenny             Richard               Esqre, son of archdeacon Kenny               15/2/1813
Kerby             Nicholas              Shoemaker                                    9/9/1748
Kerwick           Robert                Chandler                                     15/2/1813
Kerwick           John                  Printer                                      14/2/1823
Keyburn           William               Pewterer                                     29/6/1752
Keyes             Richard               Gentn, Abbington                             11/5/1762
Kidd              Peter                 Clothier                                     7/5/1747
Kiely             Andrew                Gentn, Gort                                  29/1/1817
Kiely             John                  Esqre, M.P. Clonmel                          28/6/1819
Kiely             William               Esqre, brother of John                       28/6/1819
Kiely             Arthur                Esqre, brother of John                       28/6/1819
Kieth             William               Serjeant, L.C.M.                             29/1/1817
Killegrue                               Major Serjt, L.C.M.                          14/5/1894
Kilpatrick        John                  Esqre, Coy, Tipperary                        7/10/1776
King              John                  revd. Archdeacon, Killala                    28/6/1802
King              Sir Abraham Bradley   Bart                                         8/10/1821
Kingsborough                            Lord                                         7/10/1776
Kinross           Joseph                Gentn                                        24/9/1770
Kinselagh         Roche Edwd.           Jeweller, City Cork                          11/5/1762
Kirwan            John                  Esqre, Castle Hackett, Co Galway             10/10/1791
Kirwan            Denis                 Esqre, Castle Hacket, Co Galway              10/10/1791
Knight            Christopher           Esqre                                        7/10/1776
Knight            Henry                 Esqre, Lt Col, 21st Regt                     26/6/1786


Palo Alto County, Iowa USGenWeb Project Scott County, Iowa USGenWeb Project Celtic Cousins A Little Bit of Ireland The Irish in Iowa Joynt/Joint Family Chronicles Other Family Ties