A Little Bit of Ireland


Lahaff           Thomas              Esqre, Gort                                              29/1/1817
Lahaff           Thomas              Captn, son of Thomas of Gort                             29/1/1817
Lahaff           Daniel              son of Thomas, of Gort                                   29/1/1817
Lahaff           James               son of Thomas, of Gort                                   29/1/1817
Lahaff           Henry               Esqre, son of Thomas of Gort                             29/1/1817
Lamb             Vincent             Esqre, son of Jno Lamb, Esq, Bandon                      11/10/1790
Lambert          Walter              Esqre, Creag Clare, Co Galway                            10/10/1791
Lambert          Richard             Ironmonger, Dublin                                       6/8/1817
Lane             Christopher         Serjeant, L.C.M.                                         29/1/1817
Lane             John                Gentn, birth                                             30/6/1834
Langford         Robert              Ensign, L.C.M.                                           27/6/1801
Langford         Francis             Revd., Rector Kilcornan                                  6/8/1817
Langford         Richard             Esqre, brother of Francis, Beechwood, Nenagh             6/8/1817
Langford         Robert              Esqre, Greenpark                                         12/4/1823
Langlands        Mathew              merchant                                                 28/6/1824
Langley          Charles             Esqre, Lisenham Rock, Co Kilkenny                        10/10/1763
Langley          Henry               son of Charles Langley, Esqre                            10/10/1763
Langley          John                son of Charles Langley, Esqre                            10/10/1763
Langly           Jeremiah            Esqre                                                    15/2/1813
Langrish         Hercules            of the County Kilkenny, Esqre                            5/5/1762
Langrish         Robert              of the County Kilkenny, Esqre                            5/5/1762
Langton          James               Esqre, Bruree                                            13/10/1788
Langton          james               Junr, Esqre, son of James                                13/10/1788
Langton          James               Esqre, marriage                                          26/6/1826
Langwith         John                Clothier                                                 7/10/1754
Latch            Robert              Coachmaker                                               7/5/1747
Latch            Robert              the younger, watchmaker                                  13/10/1760
Latouche         John                Esqre, Harristown, Co Kildare                            27/6/1801
Law              George              Lt                                                       26/6/1758
Law              Robert              Esqre, City Dublin                                       11/5/1762
Lawson           Patrick             Captain of the Lord Holland East Indiaman                11/10/1779
Leacock          Samuel              baker                                                    7/5/1747
Leane            William             Gentn, Kilpeacon                                         5/5/1762
Ledbetter        Richard             Gardner                                                  9/9/1748
Ledbetter        Joseph              Boatman of the Pool                                      27/9/1794
Ledbetter        Joseph              birth                                                    5/1/1824
Ledger           Robert              Mr. Of George's Street, son to Mr. Willm. Ledger, cabinet12/4/1823
Lee              Robert Smith                                                                 9/9/1748
Lee              Benjamin            Esqre, Merrion, near Dublin                              2/10/1772
Lee              Edward              Esqre, Barrister                                         28/6/1802
Lee              John                Esqre, Bettyville                                        11/10/1813
Lee              William             Revd., Barna, Coy, Tipperary                             6/8/1817
Leeson           William             Band, L.C.M.                                             15/2/1813
Lefroy           Anthony             Esqre, late Col. 9th Drags                               27/9/1794
Lefroy           Thomas              Esqre, son of Col. Lefroy                                29/6/1795
Lefroy           Henry               Revd., son of Col. Lefroy                                9/10/1815
Lefroy           Thomas              Esqre, Barrister                                         29/1/1817
Lefroy           Anthony             Esqre, son to Serjt. Lefroy                              28/6/1819
Lefroy           Anthony Thomas      Esqre, son to Captn. Lefroy, City York                   28/6/1819
Leinster         William             Duke of                                                  13/8/1776
Leland           John                Genl. Colonel, 64th Regt.                                4/12/1792
Lenegan          Thoams              Esqre, Castle Fogarty, Co. Tipperary                     27/9/1794
Leonard          Michael             marriage                                                 5/1/1824
Leslie           Robert              Esqre                                                    21/9/1754
Leslie           James               Revd                                                     1/7/1754
Leslie           Edward              Son of Bishop Leslie                                     12/9/1757
Leslie           Richard             Son of Bishop Leslie                                     12/9/1757
Lestrange        Peasly Henry        Lt Col, King's Coy. Militia                              7/10/1793
Lewellen         Edward              Esqre, Silvermine, Co Tipperary                          11/5/1762
Lewen            James               Esqre, Headford, Co Galway                               4/12/1792
Lewin            Thomas              Esqre, Cloghana Castle, Co Mayo                          12/10/1780
Lewis            Ross Henry          Lieut. L.C.M.                                            27/6/1801
Lill             Godfrey             Esqre                                                    29/8/1761
Limerick         James               Lord Bishop                                              3/12/1755
Limerick         William             Lord Bishop                                              29/6/1772
Limerick         Thomas              Lord Bishop                                              9/12/1794
Lindsay          George              son of the late Captn Lindsay                            8/10/1770
Lindsay          Lord James                                                                   20/9/1802
Little           Richard             Serjt, L.C.M.                                            28/1/1794
Littlebales      Edwd.               Baker, Secy to Ld. Lieut.                                7/8/1799
Lloyd            Robert              Revd                                                     12/9/1757
Lloyd            Francis             Doctor of Physick                                        3/9/1759
Lloyd            Rickard             Gentn, Kildrummin                                        11/5/1762
Lloyd            Thomas              Barrister, son of said Thos. Lloyd                       11/5/1762
Lloyd            Hugh                son of said Thos. Lloyd                                  11/5/1762
Lloyd            Thomas              son of Ed. Lloyd of Erine                                11/5/1762
Lloyd            Geroge              son of Dr. Lloyd                                         25/9/1765
Lloyd            Thomas              son of Willm Lloyd, Tower Hill                           8/10/1770
Lloyd            Rickard             son of Willm. Lloyd, Tower Hill                          8/10/1770
Lloyd            Willm               son of Wm. Lloyd, Towerhill                              2/10/1772
Lloyd            Frederick           Esqre, son of Jno Lloyd, Crannagh, Co Tipperary          26/6/1786
Lloyd            John                Esqre, Crannagh, Co Tipperary                            12/10/1789
Lloyd            Rickard             son of late Mr. Lloyd, Crannagh                          12/10/1789
Lloyd            Jesse Henry         Esqre, Counr at law                                      12/10/1789
Lloyd            Robert              Esqre, Churchisland, Co Clare                            28/1/1794
Lloyd            Thomas              Esqre, Churchisland, Co Clare                            14/5/1794
Lloyd            Thomas              Revd., Catle Lloyd                                       27/9/1794
Lloyd            Rickard             son of the Revd. Rickard Lloyd                           27/9/1794
Lloyd            John                son of the Revd. Rickard Lloyd                           27/9/1794
Lloyd            Thoms               Esqre, Mt Fresco, Co Tipperary                           27/9/1794
Lloyd            Thomas              son of Thomas Lloyd, Esqre, Prospect                     13/10/1794
Lloyd            John                Esqre, son of Thomas Lloyd, Esqre, Prospect              13/10/1794
Lloyd            John                Clerk Peace                                              13/10/1794
Lloyd            Francis             Esqre, Creville                                          10/10/1796
Lloyd            John                son to Alderman Fredk. Lloyd                             27/6/1801
Lloyd            Frederick           son to Alderman Fredk. Lloyd                             27/6/1801
Lloyd            Henry               son to Alderman Fredk. Lloyd                             27/6/1801
Lloyd            Arthur              son of Lt. Col Lloyd                                     23/12/1801
Lloyd            Rickard             son of Lt. Col Lloyd                                     23/12/1801
Lloyd            Edward              son of Lt. Col Lloyd                                     23/12/1801
Lloyd            William             Chandler                                                 23/12/1801
Lloyd            George              Jr, son of Geo. L., Mt. Catherine                        23/12/1801
Lloyd            John                Esqre, son to Aldn. Frek. Lloyd                          25/6/1810
Lloyd            George              Esqre, son Aldn Frans. Lloyd                             15/2/1813
Lloyd            Fitzgerald Thos.    Captn. 96th Regt.                                        29/1/1817
Lloyd            Charles             Esqre, son of Aldn, Fredk. Lloyd                         10/2/1817
Lloyd            James               son to Aldn. Frans. Lloyd                                6/8/1817
Lloyd            Richard             son of the late Revd. Ed. Lloyd                          6/8/1817
Lloyd            Edward              son of the late Revd. Ed. Lloyd                          6/8/1817
Lloyd            Thos.               son of the late Revd. Ed. Lloyd                          6/8/1817
Lloyd            Thomas              son to Thos. Lloyd, Barrister                            6/8/1817
Lloyd            Thomas              son of Robt. Lloyd, Ballynellan                          6/8/1817
Lloyd            Thomas              Esqre, son to Aldn, Francis Lloyd                        12/10/1818
Lloyd            Francis             Junr., son to Aldn. Frans. Lloyd                         12/4/1823
Lloyd            John                Esqre, son to Aldn Frans. Lloyd                          12/4/1823
Lock             Thos                Revd., Newcastle                                         21/9/1768
Loftus                               Aiducamp to Duke of Richmond                             25/9/1809
Long             William             son to Aldn Henry Long                                   6/3/1746
Long             Thomas              son of John Long, Burgess                                12/9/1757
Long             Henry               son of John Long, Burgess                                12/9/1757
Long             John                son of John Long, Burgess                                5/9/1758
Lopdell          Christopher         son of Mr John Lopdell, Derrygoing, Co Clare             13/1/1791
Lopdell          James               son of Mr. John Lopdell, Derrygoing, Co Clare            13/1/1791
Lopdell          Christopher         Esqre, Derryowen, Co Clare                               10/10/1791
Lopdell          John                Esqre, Rosehill, Co Galway                               29/1/1817
Lopdell          Charles             Esqre, Catle Lodge, Co Galway                            29/1/1817
Lord             Arthur              Revd., Clonkelly, Coy, Tipperary                         27/9/1794
Loudown          John                Earl of                                                  1/7/1751
Louth            Robert              Revd D.D.                                                4/6/1755
Lovett           Phillips Cosby      Esqre, of William Street                                 27/6/1825
Lowe             John                Esqre, Ryves Castle                                      15/2/1813
Lowe             Peter               Esqre, Quinsboro'                                        1/7/1816
Lowellin         Robert              Esqre, Silvermines, Co Tipperary                         10/10/1763
Lucas            Thomas              Apothecary                                               21/9/1768
Lumley           William             Burgess, City Cork                                       28/1/1794
Lyons            Henry               Esqre, King's County                                     3/9/1759
Lyons            Mathew              Grocer, Gort, Co Galway                                  11/10/1790
Lysaght          John                Honble, the son of Lord Lisle                            11/5/1762
Lysaght          Edward              Esqre, Barrister                                         27/9/1794
Lyster           Cavendish           Col 3rd Footguards                                       10/10/1785

Mackey           Timothy             Architect                                                29/8/1823
Madder           John                Revd.                                                    11/5/1762
Madder           Henry               Merchant                                                 29/1/1784
Magennis         Hugh                Lt Col., 38th Ret                                        8/2/1792
Magnor           Edward              Serjeant, L.C.M.                                         29/1/1817
Magrath          John                Captn, 28th Regt.                                        10/10/1791
Magrath          Wm James            (birth)                                                  29/6/1833
Mahon            Anthony             Esqre, of Gort                                           10/10/1791
Mahon            Anthony             Gentn, Gort, Co Galway                                   27/9/1794
Mahon            Nicholas            late woollen draper                                      27/9/1794
Mahon            James               Esqre, Gort, Co Galway                                   27/9/1794
Mahon            Nicholas            son of N. Mahon, Burs                                    15/2/1813
Mahony           Pierce              Esqre, Coolihenane                                       10/6/1793
Mahony           Fitzgerald Dennis   Merchant                                                 27/6/1806
Mahony           Pierce              Junr, Esqre, County Kerry                                29/1/1817
Mahony           Henry               Serjeant, L.C.M.                                         29/1/1817
Mahony           David               Esqre, son of Pierce Mahony, Esqre                       30/6/1817
Mahony           John Watson         son to D.F.G. Mahony, Burgess                            28/6/1819
Mahony           Andrew Watson       second son of the present Mayor                          29/8/1823
Mahony           Daniel Gabbett      third son of the present Mayor                           29/8/1823
Mahony           Denis Fitzgerald    Junr, 5th son of Alderman D.F.M.                         8/11/1824
Mahony           Henry D'Esterre     Esqre, son of the present Mayor                          25/6/1827
Mahony           John Watson         Esqre (birth)                                            8/10/1832
Maley            Thomas              merchant                                                 9/10/1752
Malone           Joseph              Gentn, Clonmell                                          27/9/1794
Manners          Thos.               Rt. Honble Lord High Chancellor                          24/10/1808
Mansell          Robert              Esqre, Banker                                            29/6/1789
Mansergh         James               son of Sheriff Manssergh                                 2/10/1772
Mansergh         Nichs Henry         son of Sheriff Manssergh                                 2/10/1772
Mansergh         Bryan               Revd. Tipperary                                          13/10/1794
Maquay           George              Esqre, Merchant, Dublin                                  13/10/1794
Maquay           John                Esqre, Merchant, Dublin                                  13/10/1794
March            Lenox               Earl of                                                  25/9/1809
Margrett         Peter               Gentn                                                    8/10/1753
Mark             Thomas              Merchant                                                 8/10/1759
Mark             John                Merchant                                                 10/2/1817
Mark             James               Esqre, son of John Mark, merchant                        6/8/1817
Marley           William             Ensign, L.C.M.                                           30/6/1794
Marrett          Nathl.              chandler                                                 20/2/1747
Marrett          William             Gentn, Rosehill, Co Clare                                29/1/1784
Marrett          Arbuthnot Christr   Esqre, son to Wm Marrett, Burgess                        23/12/1801
Marrett          Willm Henry         son to Ald Marrett                                       28/6/1819
Marrett          William             nephew of Sir Christr Marrett, Knt, Alderman             29/8/1823
Marsh            Peter               Esqre, Moyellagh, King's County                          11/5/1762
Marshall         Robert              Esqre, Secd. Serjt at law                                1/10/1750
Marshall         Simon               Esqre, Collector of Galway                               11/5/1762
Marshall         Joseph              Gentn, marriage                                          4/4/1836
Martin           Patrick             tobacconist                                              13/10/1760
Martin           Richard             Esqre, Dangan, Co Galway                                 16/10/1795
Martin           Nicholas            Esqre Captain (late Militia)                             12/4/1823
Mason            Thomas              son of Thos. Mason, Burgess, decd.                       9/9/1748
Mason            Thomas              son of George Mason, tobacconist                         9/9/1748
Mason            Monk John           Barrister                                                3/9/1759
Mason            Joseph              Esqre, Cooleen                                           11/10/1813
Mason            Walter Jackson      Esqre (marriage)                                         13/10/1828
Massy            Hugh                Esqre, son of Dean Massy                                 10/9/1756
Massy            Godfrey             Revd. Son to Co. Thos. Maunsell                          5/9/1758
Massy            Hugh                Member for County Limerick                               13/10/1760
Massy            Ingoldsby Hugh      Esare                                                    24/9/1770
Massy            George              Revd                                                     8/10/1770
Massy            Eyre                Col., 27th Regt                                          7/9/1775
Massy            George              Honble, Ballyclogh                                       4/12/1792
Massy            Dillon Hugh         Esqre, Donass, Co Clare                                  10/6/1793
Massy            Ingoldsby Hugh      Esqre, Newgarden                                         10/6/1793
Massy            Godfrey             Esqre, Ballycahane                                       10/6/1793
Massy            George              Honble, brother to Lord Massy                            27/9/1794
Massy            Edwd.               Honble, brother to Lord Massy                            27/9/1794
Massy            Clement George      Captn., 31st Regt                                        13/10/1794
Massy            Charles             Revd., Donass, Co Clare                                  9/12/1794
Massy            John                Gonble Park                                              27/6/1801
Massy            Hugh Dillon         Esqre, son to REvd. Chas. M                              15/2/1813
Massy            Hugh                Esqre, Riversdale                                        15/2/1813
Massy            George              Esqre, Glinwilliam                                       15/2/1813
Massy            Godfrey             Lieut., L.C.M.                                           15/2/1813
Massy            John                Honble, North Strand                                     1/7/1816
Massy            Bolton John         Esqre, Barrister                                         29/1/1817
Massy                                Lord Rt Honble                                           29/1/1817
Massy            William             Honble, brother to Lord Massy                            29/1/1817
Massy            John                Honble, brother to Lord Massy                            29/1/1817
Massy            John                Esqre, Turritts                                          6/8/1817
Massy            John                Esqre, Donass, Co Clare                                  6/8/1817
Massy            Robert              son to Honble G. Massy, of Dublin                        6/8/1817
Massy            Hugh                Esqre, son to Honble George Massy, Riversdale            12/10/1818
Massy            Hugh                Esqre, son to William Massy, Esqre, Glinville            12/10/1818
Massy            George Eyre         Honble                                                   14/2/1823
Massy            Nathaniel           Honble                                                   14/2/1823
Massy            William             Honble, Millford                                         14/2/1823
Massy            George              Honble, brother to Lord Clarina                          29/8/1823
Massy            James               Gentn (marriage)                                         30/6/1834
Maunsell         Eton                son of Richd. Mansell, Esqre                             7/5/1747
Maunsell         John                merchant                                                 9/10/1752
Maunsell         Thomas              son to Col. Thos. Maunsell                               9/10/1752
Maunsell         Wm.                 Revd. Son to Co. Thos. Maunsell                          9/10/1752
Maunsell         Thomas              son of Thos. Barrister                                   13/10/1760
Maunsell         Daniel              son of Richard Maunsell, Burgess                         5/5/1762
Maunsell         Richard             son of Richard Maunsell, Burgess                         5/5/1762
Maunsell         John                son of Richard Maunsell, Burgess                         21/9/1768
Maunsell         George              son of Richard Maunsell, Burgess                         21/9/1768
Maunsell         William             son of Wm Maunsell, mercht                               2/10/1772
Maunsell         George              Esqre, Collector, Port of Limerick and Burgess           30/6/1788
Maunsell         John                Esqre, Attry, Milford                                    25/6/1792
Maunsell         Richard             Esqre, son of REvd. Geo M.                               10/10/1808
Maunsell         William             Junr, son to Wm Maunsell, Attry                          15/2/1813
Maunsell         Henry               son to Robert Maunsell, Esqre                            15/2/1813
Maunsell         Charles             son to Robert Maunsell, Esqre                            15/2/1813
Maunsell         Charles             Lieut., L.C.M.                                           15/2/1813
Maunsell         Hedges Robert       Esqre, Banker                                            9/10/1815
Maunsell         Richard             Esqre                                                    1/7/1816
Maunsell         George              Captn, 3rd Dragoon Guards                                1/7/1816
Maunsell         John                Captn, Royal artilly.                                    29/1/1817
Maunsell         Mears George        son of Danl. Maunsell, barrister                         6/8/1817
Maunsell         Henry Daniel        son of Danl. Maunsell, barrister                         6/8/1817
Maunsell         Robert              son of Danl. Maunsell, barrister                         6/8/1817
Maunsell         Edward              son of Danl. Maunsell, barrister                         6/8/1817
Maunsell         Frederick           Lieut, 85th Regt.                                        12/10/1818
Maunsell         Thomas              son of George Maunsell, Esqre, Milford                   28/6/1830
Maunsell         Edward              son of George Maunsell, Esqre, Milford                   28/6/1830
Maunsell         Robert              son of George Maunsell, Esqre, Milford                   28/6/1830
Maunsell         Robt Thomas         Esqre (birth)                                            29/6/1833
Maxwell          Samuel              Esqre, Attry, Milford                                    27/9/1794
Maxwell          Robert              Esqre, Charleville                                       27/9/1794
McAdam           Thomas              Esqre                                                    27/9/1794
McAdam           John                Esqre, Parteen Co Clare                                  27/9/1794
McAdam           Philip              Esqre, Springhill (birth)                                12/10/1829
McAllister       Alexander           Innkeeper                                                9/9/1748
McAllister       William             merchant                                                 10/10/1768
McBride          John                Admiral, R.N.                                            10/6/1793
McCarthy         William             Corporal, L.C.M.                                         29/1/1817
McCraigth        Thomas              Esqre, Cashel                                            29/6/1795
McCraith         Robert              Lieut., L.C.M.                                           15/2/1813
McDaniel         Alexander           skinner                                                  7/5/1747
McDaniel         David               Skinner                                                  9/10/1752
McFarland        John                Gentn, Henry Street                                      15/2/1813
McGrath          Thomas              Barber                                                   13/10/1760
McGrath          William             accomptant                                               29/8/1823
McGregor         John                Chandler                                                 13/10/1760
McKern           Hector              Woolen draper                                            29/1/1784
McKern           George              Printer                                                  8/10/1821
McMahon          George              Gentn                                                    8/10/1753
McMahon          Henry               Gentn                                                    24/9/1770
McMahon          Bryan               Gentn, Attry                                             28/6/1790
McMahon          Peter               Dr Revd                                                  10/2/1794
McMahon          James               Attorney (birth)                                         1/7/1822
McNamara         Thady               Esqre, Ayle, Co Clare                                    11/10/1802
McNamara         John                marriage                                                 5/1/1824
McNamara         Burton              Captn, R.N. (marriage)                                   5/1/1835
Meade            John                Gentn                                                    6/3/1746
Meade            John                Sir Bart                                                 28/8/1763
Meade            Thomas John         linnen draper                                            27/9/1794
Mears            Francis             Esqre                                                    12/9/1757
Mears            George              Gent, City Dublin                                        11/5/1762
Mears            Peter               Serjeant, L.C.M.                                         1/7/1793
Medows           William             Sir, Rt Honble, K.B.                                     16/9/1801
Meehan           John                Cooper (marriage)                                        30/6/1834
Meek                                 Esqre                                                    21/9/1791
Meggs            Harry               Gentn                                                    25/6/1750
Melowny          Crosdall            gentn                                                    25/9/1752
Miles            Zachary             clothier                                                 9/9/1748
Miles            John                the younger, clothier                                    1/10/1750
Miller           William             Esqre                                                    8/10/1753
Mills            Gough               sadler                                                   21/9/1768
Milltown                             Lord Rt Honble                                           30/9/1775
Milwind          Richard             Gaoler                                                   10/10/1791
Minchin          John                of Annah, Coy, Tipperary, Esqre                          3/9/1759
Minchin          Charles             son of Jno Minchin, Gentn, County Tipperary              11/5/1762
Minchin          Frederick           son of John Minchin, Esqre                               2/10/1772
Minchin          George              son of John Minchin, Esqre                               2/10/1772
Minchin          Falukner            Esqre, son of John Minchin, Burs.                        29/1/1784
Mitchell         John                Captn, aidducamp to Ld. Lieut.                           21/9/1791
Mitchell         Andrew              Surgeon, 38th Regt.                                      8/2/1792
Molony           Lambert             Esqre                                                    3/9/1755
Molony           James               Junr, Gentn Co Clare                                     13/10/1760
Molony           Toby                son in law to Arth Roche, Esqre                          9/10/1760
Molony           Fitzgerald          Crossdalle                                               2/10/1772
Molony           Gonne Henry                                                                  2/10/1772
Molony           John                Attry, Pheenagh, Co Clare                                30/3/1793
Molony           Patrick             Grocer                                                   29/6/1795
Molony           Stephen             of Kunnuncky, near Gort                                  29/1/1817
Molony           James               Esqre, Kiltannon, Tulla                                  6/8/1817
Monk             Thomas              Barrister                                                3/9/1759
Monsell          Samuel              son of Wm. Monsell, Burgess                              6/3/1746
Monsell          Samborne            Esqre                                                    12/10/1747'
Monsell          Terence             son of John Monsell, Gentn                               12/10/1747'
Monsell          Samuel              son of John Monsell, Gentn                               12/10/1747'
Monsell          John & Thomas       sons of Ephraim Monsell                                  9/10/1752
Monsell          James               son of John Monsell, Gentn                               1/7/1754
Monsell          Thomas              son of John Monsell, Gentn                               1/7/1754
Monsell          Thomas              Gentn                                                    13/10/1760
Monsell          Thos. Wm.           son to Wm Monsell, Esqre                                 5/5/1762
Monsell          Jonathan            Gent, Donegroge, Co Clare                                11/5/1762
Monsell          Ephraim             son of the present sheriff                               11/5/1762
Monsell          John                son of the present sheriff                               11/5/1762
Monsell          Ephraim             Revd                                                     10/10/1763
Monsell          Richard             Esqre, Rutland Street                                    15/2/1813
Monsell          William             Esqre, son to W.T. Monsell, Esq, Tervoe                  28/6/1813
Monsell          Thomas              Chairman, Co Fermanagh                                   12/10/1818
Monsell          Jonathan            Esqre, Clare street                                      12/4/1823
Monsell          Thomas              Revd. Archdeacon of Tervoe                               8/11/1824
Monsell          Thomas William      attorney at law (marriage)                               1/4/1833
Moore            Mathew              son of John Moore, clothier                              7/5/1747
Moore            George              silversmith                                              9/9/1748
Moore            Willm.              Jeweller, City Dublin                                    5/5/1762
Moore            John                Clothier, son of Mathw. Moore                            11/5/1762
Moore            Thomas              Sugar baker, City Cork                                   11/10/1790
Moore            Samuel              Chandler                                                 27/9/1794
Moore            Robert              Barrister, City Dublin                                   27/6/1801
Moore            William             Esqre, Captn, R.N.                                       1/7/1816
Moore            Mathew              Chandler, Esqre                                          1/7/1816
Moore            George              Corporal, L.C.M.                                         29/1/1817
Moore            Crosbie             Esqre, Moorsfort, Co Tipperary                           6/8/1817
Moore            Mathew              Grocer                                                   14/2/1823
Moore            Thomas              Dier                                                     14/2/1823
Moore            John                Mr. Crosbie Row                                          28/6/1824
Moore            Mathew              Revd. George's Street                                    28/6/1824
Moore            Richard             Revd. Corbally (marriage)                                10/10/1836
Morgan           Charles             Monksfield, Co Galway                                    10/10/1791
Morgan           James               Esqre, City Limerick, Agent, Royal Exchange Ins. Co.     14/2/1823
Morgan           John                Esqre, Cecil Street                                      14/2/1823
Morgell          Crosbie             Esqre, Mt Morgell                                        27/9/1794
Morgell          Thomas              Esqre, son of Crosbie                                    27/9/1794
Moroney          Henry               Esqre, son of Thomas Moroney of Milltown House           28/6/1819
Morony           Andrew              Esqre, Donaha, Co Clare                                  11/5/1762
Morony           Edmond              Gentn                                                    25/9/1766
Morony           Thomas              son of Edmd Morony, Burgess                              30/9/1771
Morony           Westropp            son of Edmd Morony, Burgess                              30/9/1771
Morony           John                son of Edmd Morony, Burgess                              30/9/1771
Morony           Ralph               son of Edmd Morony, Burgess                              30/9/1771
Morony           Edmond M            son of Edmd Morony, Burgess                              30/9/1771
Morony           Thomas              Esare, Counsr at law                                     29/6/1789
Morony           Echam               Ensign, L.C.M.                                           10/6/1793
Morony           Edmond              Junr son to Ed Morony, Burgess                           15/2/1813
Morony           Harison Thomas      son to T.M., Miltown Malbay                              28/6/1813
Morony           Thomas              Esqre, Miltown house                                     10/10/1814
Morony           Frans Goold         Esqre, son of Thomas Moroney of Milltown House           28/6/1819
Morony           William             second son of Alderman Morony                            29/8/1823
Morris           Evans Wm            Sir                                                      5/5/1762
Morris           Samuel              Esqre, Flange, C Kerry                                   11/5/1762
Morris           Francis             Esqre, Sixmilebridge, Co Clare                           12/10/1818
Morris           John D'Burgh        son of James D'B. Morris, Esqre, Burgess                 29/8/1823
Morris           Charles James       son of James D'B. Morris, Esqre, Burgess                 29/8/1823
Morrison         Edward              Major-General                                            10/7/1798
Morrison         D'Burgh J.          Quarter master, L.C.M.                                   15/2/1813
Morton           John                Esqre, City Dublin                                       13/1/1791
Mules            Thomas              Thomondgate, Limerick                                    28/6/1824
Mullinex         Capel               Sir Bart                                                 5/5/1762
Murphy           James               Linnen weaver                                            7/5/1747
Murphy           Robert              High Constable                                           29/1/1817
Murphy           James               Mr. Glazier of Creagh Lane                               12/4/1823
Murphy           Patrick             merchant                                                 8/11/1824
Murphy           Edward              Esqre (birth)                                            8/10/1827
Myles            James               Ironmonger, Broad street                                 28/6/1819
Myles            Richard             Clothier, Thomondgate                                    12/4/1823

Napper           Henry               Merchant                                                 10/9/1756
Nash             John                Mr Linnen draper                                         7/10/1794
Nash             William Henry       Mr, marriage                                             10/10/1825
Naylor           James               Merchant, Taylor                                         15/2/1813
Neal             John                Captn                                                    11/5/1762
Needham          Richard             Gentn                                                    10/9/1756
Ness             Burdett             Captn, 71st Regt.                                        6/8/1817
Nestor           John                Gentn                                                    1/10/1750
Nethercoat       Wm                  Revd. Gort, Co Galway                                    11/5/1762
Neville          Garrett             Esqre, Marymount, Co Kilkenny                            15/2/1813
Neville          Thomas              Esqre, oldest son of Garrett Neville                     15/2/1813
Neville          Robert              Esqre, son to Garrett Neville, Esqre, Marymount, Kilkenny6/8/1817
Newcomin         Thos                Sir Bart                                                 5/5/1762
Newenham         John                Esqre, City Cork                                         11/5/1762
Newenham         Richard             nephew to the present Mayor                              21/9/1768
Newenham         Henry               nephew to the present Mayor                              21/9/1768
Newenham         Henry               Esqre, son of John Newenham, Esqre, late of Maryboro'    30/6/1788
Newenham         Abraham             Esqre, son of John Newenham, Esqre, late of Maryboro'    30/6/1788
Newenham         William             Esqre, Coolmore, Co Cork                                 12/10/1780
Newenham         Thomas              Dewpark, Doneraile                                       7/10/1794
Newenham         John                son of Richard Newenham, Esqre, Burgess                  6/8/1817
Newenham         Thomas              Esqre of Lahena                                          11/10/1819
Newton           William             Major                                                    26/6/1758
Nichols          Mr George           marriage                                                 27/6/1825
Nix              Charles             Gentn                                                    20/2/1747
Nixon            Michael             Esqre                                                    12/9/1757
Nixon            John                Esqre, Strabane, Co Derry                                27/9/1794
Norcott          Arthur              Esqre, Park, Co Cork                                     27/9/1794
Norcott          Hugh                Esqre, Springfield, Co Cork                              27/9/1794
Norcott          William             Junr, Esqre, Charleville                                 9/12/1794
Norcott          James               Esqre, Springfield, Buttevant                            6/8/1817
Norcott          Arthur              Junr, Esqre, Park, Co Cork                               6/8/1817
Norcott          James               Esqre, brother of Arthur of Co Cork                      6/8/1817
Norris           Thomas              Gentn                                                    11/5/1762
Norris           William                                                                      11/10/1773
Norris           Patrick             son of John Norris, Merchant                             30/6/1788
Norton           Theophilus          Lieut. Royal Battleaxe Guards                            6/8/1817
Nugent           John                Gentn                                                    1/10/1750
Nugent           Robert              Lieut                                                    11/5/1762
Nugent           John                Ensign, 9th Foot                                         12/10/1789
Nugent                               Lt Col, 85th Regt.                                       30/6/1794
Nugent           Richard             Merchant                                                 29/1/1817


Palo Alto County, Iowa USGenWeb Project Scott County, Iowa USGenWeb Project Celtic Cousins A Little Bit of Ireland The Irish in Iowa Joynt/Joint Family Chronicles Other Family Ties