A Little Bit of Ireland


O'Brady        James               Esqre, Mt. Prospect                               30/6/1788
O'Brien        Lucius              Barrister                                         3/9/1759
O'Brien        Timothy                                                               24/9/1770
O'Brien        Henry               Esqre, of Bladderwick, Great Britain              8/10/1770
O'Brien        Stafford            Esqre, of Bladderwick, Great Britain              8/10/1770
O'Brien        Edward              Esqre, of the Square                              11/10/1773
O'Brien        John                High constable                                    13/10/1788
O'Brien        Denis               Esqre, Newcastle                                  27/9/1794
O'Brien        Charles             Wine merchant                                     27/9/1794
O'Brien        James Christopher   Captn. Clare Militia                              9/12/1794
O'Brien        William             farmer Roxboro'                                   10/10/1795
O'Brien        Denis               Jr, Esqre, Counsr at law                          10/10/1795
O'Brien        Mathew              Esqre, Counsr at law                              10/10/1795
O'Brien        Thomas              merchant                                          27/6/1801
O'Brien        Major               Clare Regt.                                       22/4/1802
O'Brien        Sir Edward Bart     Drumoland                                         15/2/1813
O'Brien        Donat               Esqre, Cratloe                                    15/2/1813
O'Brien        James               late Qr Mr. Serjt, L.C.M.                         29/1/1817
O'Brien        William             farmer of Ballyclogh                              29/8/1823
O'Brien        Edward              Grocer, birth                                     26/6/1826
O'Brien        Timothy             Esqre, Killonan, marriage                         1/4/1833
O'Brien        Francis             Serjeant at mace                                  28/6/1819
O'Callaghan    John                Esqre, Maryfort, Co Clare                         11/10/1802
O'Callaghan    Holland Hezekiah    Attorney                                          15/2/1813
O'Callaghan    Cornelius           Esqre, Maryfort, Co Clare                         11/10/1813
O'Callaghan    George              Esqre, brother of Cornelius                       11/10/1813
O'Callaghan    Patrick             Grocer                                            29/1/1817
O'Callaghan    Patrick             Esqre, Surgeon, marriage                          10/10/1825
O'Callaghan    Donat John          Gent, George's street, birth                      9/10/1826
O'Connell      George              Esqre, birth                                      30/6/1823
O'Connor       Arthur              Esqre, counsr at law, Co Cork                     10/10/1791
O'Connor       Richard             Esqre, late of the Royals                         25/6/1792
O'Connor       Maruice             Esqre, Mt. Pleasant, King's County                27/9/1794
O'Connor       Patrick             Notary Public                                     10/10/1795
Odell          John                Esqre                                             7/10/1754
Odell          Thomas              Esqre, Shannongrove                               5/5/1762
Odell          Charles William     Gentn.                                            5/5/1762
Odell          John Charles        Gentn. Lismota                                    11/5/1762
Odell          William             Esqre, Grove                                      27/9/1794
Odell          Butler Willm        Revd. Banemore                                    29/6/1795
Odell          Thomas              Esqre, Ballingarry                                6/8/1817
Odell          John                sadler, marriage                                  10/10/1836
O'Dell         William             Lieut. L.C.M.                                     15/2/1813
O'Donnell      John                Merchant                                          21/9/1753
O'Donnell      Maurice             sadler                                            8/10/1753
O'Donnell      Simon               Esqre, Clonmoney, Co Clare                        12/10/1789
O'Donnell      George              Esqre, Clonmoney, Co .Clare                       9/12/1794
O'Donnell      Anderson Henry      Col Clare Street                                  10/2/1817
O'Donoghue     John                Revd                                              7/10/1816
O'Donoghue     Patrick             shopkeeper, Gort                                  29/1/1817
O'Farrell      Wiliam              Mr, Architect                                     14/2/1823
O'Farrell      Bernard             Gt. Birth                                         29/6/1835
O'Flaherty     James               Mr. Gort, Co Galway                               30/1/1792
O'Grady        Standish            Esqre, Counsr at law, Mt. Prospect                30/6/1788
O'Grady        John                Esqre, son of Darby O'Grady, Mt Prospect          10/10/1791
O'Grady        Thomas              Esqre, son of Darby O'Grady, Mt Prospect          10/10/1791
O'Grady        Edward              Esqre, barrister                                  29/6/1807
O'Grady        Edward              Esqre, Barrister                                  15/2/1813
O'Grady        Smyth Carew         brother to the Chief Baron                        15/2/1813
O'Grady        Standish            Esqre, eldest son to Chief Baron                  15/2/1813
O'Grady        Waller              Esqre, son of the Widow De Courcy O'G             1/7/1816
O'Grady        Hayes               Esqre, brother to the Chief Baron                 1/7/1816
O'Grady        William             Esqre, brother to the Chief Baron                 1/7/1816
O'Grady        Waller              Esqre, son to the Chief Baron                     29/1/1817
O'Grady        Darby               Esqre, Landwaiter Port Limk.                      29/1/1817
O'Grady        D'Courcy            Esqre, Kilballyowen, Bruff                        6/8/1817
O'Grady        James               son to the Chief Baron                            6/8/1817
O'Grady        Richard             son to the Chief Baron                            6/8/1817
O'Grady        Standish            son to James O'Grady, Esqre                       6/8/1817
O'Grady        Thomas              son to James O'Grady, Esqre                       6/8/1817
O'Grady        Standish            Esqre, son ot Edward O'Grady Esqre, Barrister     12/10/1818
O'Grady        James               Esqre                                             14/2/1823
O'Grady        Hayes               Captn.                                            14/2/1823
O'Grady        Thomas              Esqre, second son of James O'Grady, Esqre, burgess29/8/1823
O'Grady        Darby               Esqre, landwaiter                                 29/8/1823
O'Halloran     Sylvester           Esqre, F.R.I.A.                                   27/6/1801
O'Halloran     George              Major 4th Regt                                    29/1/1817
O'Hara         James               son ot Robt. O'Hara, Raheen, Co Galway            6/8/1817
O'Hara         Walter              Brigade Major                                     8/11/1824
O'Keeffe       John                Serjeant at mace                                  29/1/1817
Oliver         Silver              Esqre                                             28/6/1756
Oliver         Philip              Esqre                                             10/9/1756
Oliver         John                Revd.                                             10/9/1756
Oliver         Richard             son of the Right Honble, Silver Oliver            30/6/1788
Oliver         Charles             son of the Right Honble, Silver Oliver            30/6/1788
Oliver         Silver              Junr, son of the Right Honble, Silver Oliver      30/6/1788
Oliver         Robert              Esqre, son to Rt. Honble Silver Oliver            27/9/1794
Oliver         Deane Charels       Esqre, Spahill                                    6/8/1817
O'Loughlin     Patrick             Quarter Master Serjt. L.C.M.                      29/1/1817
O'Loughlin     Terence             Major General                                     30/6/1817
O'Meara        Daniel              Major General                                     30/6/1817
O'meara        Daniel George       Esqre, son ot Major Genl. O'Meara                 12/10/1818
Omrsby         Maunsell            birth                                             5/1/1824
O'Neal         David                                                                 12/4/1823
O'Neill        John                Rt. Honble, Shanes Castle, Co Antrim              8/2/1792
Ormsby         Arthur              son of the Revd. A. Ormsby                        7/5/1747
Ormsby         Maunsell            Gentleman                                         7/5/1747
Ormsby         Edward              Lietu.                                            11/5/1762
Ormsby         Arthur              Esqre, Ballygrennan                               26/6/1786
Ormsby         John                Esqre, Ballygrennan                               30/6/1788
Ormsby         Edward              Esqre, son of the late Maunsell Ormsby of Ballygre12/10/1789
Ormsby         Henry               Esqre, son of ad Maunsell                         12/10/1789
Ormsby         Thomas              son of the late Ar. Ormsby, Esqre, Ballygrennan   27/6/1801
Ormsby         Arthur              son of the late Ar. Ormsby, Esqre, Ballygrennan   27/6/1801
Ormsby         Henry               son of the late Ar. Ormsby, Esqre, Ballygrennan   27/6/1801
Ormsby         Charles             son of the late Ar. Ormsby, Esqre, Ballygrennan   27/6/1801
Ormsby         Peter               Staff surgeon                                     12/10/1818
Orsborne       George              musician, marriage                                11/10/1824
Osborne        Charles             Gentn.                                            9/9/1748
Osborne        Daniel              Gentn.                                            11/5/1762
Osborne        William             Sir Bart                                          10/10/1763
Osborne        George              Musick master                                     29/8/1823
O'Sullivan     Jeremiah            Gentn, Birth                                      1/7/1822
Ottiwell       Thomas              watchmaker                                        7/10/1765
Ousley         Ralph               Gentn.                                            25/9/1765

Paine          James               Architect                                         1/7/1816
Paliser        John                Revd, son of John Paliser, Esqre, Burgess         29/1/1817
Paliser        Hugh                son of John Paliser, Esqre, Burgess               29/1/1817
Paliser        Richard             son of John Paliser, Esqre, Burgess               29/1/1817
Palliser       John                Esqre, of Derryluskin, Cty Tipy                   26/6/1810
Palliser       Wray                Esqre, of Derryluskin, Cty Tipy                   26/6/1810
Palliser       Richard             Esqre, Bunratty, Co Clare                         26/6/1810
Palmer         John                Esqre                                             3/9/1756
Palmer         Thomas              Cordwainer                                        13/10/1760
Palmer         Thomas              son of Thos. Palmer, Cahirdavin, Esqre            13/10/1788
Palmer         Edward Taylor       Esqre, of Glentworth street                       12/4/1823
Parker         John                Pewterer                                          20/2/1747
Parker         Geroge              Gentleman                                         9/9/1748
Parker         Anthony             Esqre, the younger                                3/9/1756
Parker         John                Revd                                              5/9/1758
Parker         John                son of John Parker, Burgess                       5/5/1762
Parker         Edward              son of John Parker, Burgess                       5/5/1762
Parker         William             son of John Parker, Burs                          21/9/1768
Parker         William             Esqre, Landsdown, Co Tipy                         4/4/1793
Parker         Nicholas            Esqre, Fort Elizabeth                             27/9/1794
Parker         Anthony             Jr, Castlelough, Co Tipy                          27/9/1794
Parker         John                Revd Ballyvally, Co Clare                         27/9/1794
Parker         Anthony             Esqre, Landsdown, Co Tipy                         27/9/1794
Parker         Edwrd               Junr, son to E. Parker, Burgess                   29/6/1807
Parker         Edward              Town Clerk                                        10/10/1814
Parker         John                Esre, Tarbert                                     28/6/1819
Parker         Edward              Chandler, marriage                                27/6/1825
Parker         John                Esqre, birth                                      28/6/1830
Parker         Edward              Jr, Esqre, birth                                  29/6/1835
Parker         William             Marriage                                          4/1/1836
Parkinson      John                Revenue Officer, Kilrush                          21/1/1794
Parsons        Richard             Gentn                                             9/9/1748
Parsons        William             Sir Bart, Parsonstown                             11/5/1762
Parsons        William             Esqre, Parsonstown                                11/5/1762
Parsons        Laurence            Sir Bart                                          7/10/1793
Parsons        William             Esqre, Parsonstown                                7/10/1793
Parsons        William             Revd, Parsonstown                                 21/1/1794
Parsons        Ricahrd             Esqre, marriage                                   30/6/1834
Patterson      Mark                Counsr at law                                     20/2/1747
Patterson      Francis                                                               5/9/1758
Payne          George Richard      Architect                                         29/1/1817
Peacock        Joseph              Gentn                                             3/10/1757
Peacock        William             Lieut                                             26/6/1758
Peacock        Thomas              Esqre, Fort Etna                                  27/9/1794
Peacock        Villers             Ensign, L.C.M.                                    27/6/1801
Peacock        Thomas              Esqre, son of Thos. G. Peacocke, Esqre, Fort Etna 29/1/1817
Peacock        William             Esqre, son of Thos. G. Peacocke, Esqre, Fort Etna 29/1/1817
Peacock        John                son of Villiers Peacock, Esqre, Doneen            28/6/1819
Peacocke       George              Esqre, son of Thos. G. Peacocke, Esqre, Fort Etna 29/1/1817
Pearce         Thomas              Linnen draper                                     9/9/1748
Pearce         Henry               Gentn                                             9/9/1748
Pearce         Robert              Esqre, Co of Galway                               5/5/1762
Peard          Richard             Esqre, Coole, Co Cork                             11/10/1813
Pearse         Robert              Esqre, Roxboro' Co Galway                         4/12/1792
Pelham         Thos                Rt Honble, Secrty of Ld Lieut                     9/10/1797
Penefather     Bolton              Esqre                                             24/9/1770
Penefeather    Mathew              landwaiter                                        21/9/1753
Penefeather    Charles             Ensign                                            26/6/1758
Penefeather    Richard             of the County Tipperary, Esqre                    5/5/1762
Penefeather    Kinsmill            of the County Tipperary, Esqre                    5/5/1762
Penefeather    Thomas              Captain                                           5/5/1762
Penefeather    Richard             Esqre, Newpark, Co Tipy                           25/6/1792
Penefeather    Willm.              Esqre, Member for Cashell                         25/6/1792
Penefeather    John                REvd. Rector of Newport                           25/6/1792
Penefeather    Kingsmill           Major son to Revd. J. Penefeather                 6/8/1817
Penrose        Cooper              Esqre, Woodville, Cork                            8/2/1792
Peppar         Theobald            Esqre, Newtown Perry                              10/10/1791
Peppard        S. John             Ensign, L.C.M.                                    15/2/1813
Peppard        Richard             Printer, Thomas street                            12/4/1823
Peppard        John                Esqre, son of Richard Peppard, printer            25/6/1827
Percy          Hugh                Earl of                                           26/6/1769
Perrier        David               Esqre, City Cork                                  13/10/1794
Perrier        George              Esqre, City Cork                                  13/10/1794
Perrier        Anthony             Esqre, City Cork                                  13/10/1794
Perrier        Thos                Esqre, son of Sir David Perrier, Knt              6/8/1817
Perrier        Willm               Esqre, son of Sir Anthy, Perrier, Knt             6/8/1817
Perry          Hugh                Sadler                                            7/10/1754
Perry          William             Perique maker                                     11/5/1762
Perry          Henry Edward                                                          21/9/1768
Phelps         Thomas              Esqre, Holycross, Co Tipperary                    13/10/1817
Phelps         Samuel              Mercht                                            8/10/1821
Phelps         James               Merchant                                          8/10/1821
Phillips       Willm               apothecary of City Cork                           21/9/1768
Phillips       Hill James          Gentn                                             11/10/1773
Phillips       Richardson John     Lieut, Tipy Militia                               27/9/1794
Phillips       Fredk. Chas.        Revd of Kilkenny                                  29/6/1795
Phillips       Richard             Esqre, Mt Rivers, Co Tipperary                    10/10/1814
Philpot        Williamson Usher    Capt Lieut, L.C.M.                                13/10/1794
Pierce         William             Esqre, Rathbane Wilson                            27/9/1794
Piercy         Pierce              Baker                                             7/5/1747
Piercy         Richard             son of Pierce Piercy of the North Strand          8/10/1770
Piercy         William             son of Pierce Piercy of the North Strand          8/10/1770
Piercy         William             Esqre, Surgeon                                    26/6/1786
Piercy         John                Esqre, Lieut, L.C.M.                              15/2/1813
Piercy         William             Esqre, son to Lt. Percy, L.C.M.                   12/10/1818
Piercy         William             Esqre, son of J.S.F. Piercy, birth                25/6/1827
Pim            John                Esqre, City Dublin                                12/4/1823
Pinsent        Robert              Revd                                              28/6/1756
Pitman         Andrew              Whip-maker                                        9/9/1748
Pitts          Richard             Distiller                                         25/6/1752
Pitts          George              Esqre, Counsr at law                              9/10/1780
Plants         Mathew              Gentn                                             9/10/1769
Podner         William             son of Mr. Podnor, Wheelwright                    11/5/1762
Poe            Edward              merchant                                          10/9/1756
Poe            Purefoy             Esqre, Haley Park, Co Tipy                        14/1/1782
Poe            Jacob Herman        Mr. Singland                                      30/1/1792
Poe            Edward Waller       Esqre, birth                                      13/10/1834
Ponsoby        John                Rt Honble                                         4/6/1755
Ponsonby       Brabazon William    Esqre                                             8/10/1770
Pool           William             Esqre, Ballyfin, Queen's County                   11/5/1762
Porter         James               Chandler                                          11/10/1784
Powel          Richard             Esqre, the younger                                6/3/1746
Powel          Evans               Fyre, Gentleman                                   7/5/1747
Powel          Stratford           Revd                                              3/9/1756
Powel          Caleb               Esqre, City Dublin                                28/6/1819
Powell         Geroge              Clothier                                          9/10/1752
Powell         Richard             son of Richard Powell, Esqre                      11/5/1762
Powell         George              son of Richard Powell, Esqre                      11/5/1762
Powell         Robert              son of Eyre Evans Powell, Esqre                   11/5/1762
Powell         Eyre                son of Eyre Evans Powell, Esqre                   11/5/1762
Powell         Caleb               Esqre, City Dublin                                11/5/1762
Powell         John                Gentn, Clover Hill                                10/10/1763
Powell         Strafford           son of Caleb Powell, Collector                    30/9/1771
Powell         Samuel              son of Caleb Powell, Collector                    30/9/1771
Powell         Eyre                son of Caleb Powell, Collector                    30/9/1771
Powell         Robert              Wine merchant                                     29/1/1784
Powell         Eyre                Lieut, L.C.M.                                     27/6/1801
Power          Patrick             Merchant                                          27/6/1801
Power          Patrick             Esqre                                             15/2/1813
Prendergast    John                Esqre                                             5/5/1762
Prendergast    Thomas              Esqre, son to the late Jeffrey Prendergast        4/12/1792
Preston        Simon               Gentn, City Dublin                                7/10/1754
Preston        John Arthur         Revd, Dean of Limerick                            15/2/1813
Price          Frederick           Mr. Singland                                      30/1/1792
Price          Cromwell            Attorney                                          27/9/1794
Pritty         Henry               Esqre, Kibbey, Cty Tipperary                      5/5/1762
Pritty         Henry               son of Henry                                      5/5/1762
Purdon         William             Esqre, Quinpoole, Co Clare                        7/5/1747
Purdon         John                Esqre                                             14/10/1752
Purdon         Simon               son of George Purdon, Esqre                       7/10/1765
Purdon         William             Cornet                                            21/9/1768
Purdon         Simon George        son of W.C. Purdon, Esqre, Tinerana               10/10/1808
Purefoy        James               Esqre, James'stown, Co Dublin                     11/5/1762

Quin           Valentine           Esqre, Rossbrien                                  6/3/1746
Quin           George              Esqre                                             7/10/1751
Quin           Wyndham             Esqre                                             7/10/1751
Quinlan        Patrick             Corporal, L.C. Regt                               14/2/1823
Quinn          John                Gentn                                             25/9/1765
Quinn          William             Lieut, 55th Regt.                                 10/10/1791

Radcliffe      Stephen             Esqre, City Dublin                                10/10/1763
Ranclogh       William             Band, L.C.M.                                      15/2/1813
Ranelow        Francis             musician, birth                                   12/10/1829
Rathbourne     Richard             Esqre, Clagwell, Co Galway                        4/12/1792
Rathburn       Richard             Junr Esqre, Ballymore, Co Galway                  6/8/1817
Raymond        James               Esqre, Ballyegan, Co Kerry                        11/5/1762
Raymond        Captn               Aidducamp to Ld. Lieut.                           7/10/1799
Rayner         Thomas              cutler                                            7/5/1747
Ready                              Secretary to Duke of Richmond                     25/9/1809
Reddan         Francis             Corporal L.C.M.                                   14/2/1823
Reddan         John                Esqre, merchant                                   29/8/1823
Reddin         John                Ensign                                            11/5/1762
Reeves         Hoare Edward        Esq, Rathcormick                                  14/5/1794
Reeves         Boles John          Esqre, Attry                                      10/10/1814
Regan          Thomas              farmer of Seigan, near Gort                       29/6/1817
Regan          Patrick             farmer of Seigan, near Gort                       29/6/1817
Reidy          William John        Gentn                                             27/6/1801
Reidy          Patrick             Serjeant, L.C.M.                                  29/6/1817
Rice           Simon               yeoman                                            7/5/1747
Rice           Richard             Gunner                                            13/10/1760
Rice           Richd.              Revd of Quinnington, in Glostershire              29/1/1784
Rice           John                Gentn, Rivers                                     27/9/1794
Rice           Thomas              Gentn, Ballymacreese                              27/9/1794
Rice           Richard             Gentn, Ballymacreese                              27/9/1794
Rice           Michael             Serjeant, L.C.M.                                  29/6/1817
Richardson     William             son of Wm Richardson, apothecary                  7/5/1747
Richardson     Edward              apothecary                                        9/9/1748
Richmond       Chas                Duke, Ld. Lieut.                                  14/5/1807
Ringrose       Jacob               chandler                                          30/9/1771
Roberts        Ambrose             Gentn                                             13/10/1755
Roberts        Thomas              Sir Bart, Brickfield, Co Clare                    12/10/1789
Roberts        John                Esqre, Brickfield, Co Clare                       12/10/1789
Roberts        Thomas              Sir Banker, City Cork                             8/2/1792
Roberts        John                Esqre, brother to Sir Thos.                       25/6/1792
Roberts        Walter              Esre, Britfieldsdown, Co Cork                     27/9/1794
Roberts        William             Merchant, Cork                                    13/10/1794
Roberts        Richard             Esqre, Ardmore Co Cork                            13/10/1794
Robinson       Joseph              son of Alderman Jno Robonson                      7/5/1747
Robinson       George              son of George Robinson, silversmith               3/9/1759
Robinson       Edward              son of George Robinson, silversmith               3/9/1759
Robinson       Thos                Revd, City Dublin                                 11/5/1762
Robinson       John                son of Aldn Jno Robinson                          25/9/1765
Robinson       Hugh M              merchant                                          28/6/1824
Roche          George              son to Arthur Roche, Esqre                        6/3/1746
Roche          Thomas              Esqre, City Dublin                                12/9/1757
Roche          Wintropp Geroge     son of David Roche, Alderman                      5/5/1762
Roche          David               son of David Roche, Alderman                      5/5/1762
Roche          Benjamin            son of Aldn Dav Roche                             8/10/1770
Roche          Benjn               son of Aldn Dav Roche                             2/10/1772
Roche          Edward              Esqre, Trabulgan, Co Cork                         4/12/1792
Roche          John Stephen        Merchant                                          10/2/1794
Roche          John Philip         Merchant                                          10/2/1794
Roche          Stephen             Junr, Esqre,                                      27/9/1794
Roche          Thomas              Esqre, son of Stephen Roche Jnr, Esqre            27/9/1794
Roche          David               Junr, Esqre, Carass                               9/10/1815
Roche          Stephen             eldest son of Thomas Roche, Banker, birth         14/2/1823
Roche          David               Junr, Esqre, birth                                26/6/1826
Rochford       Willm               Esqre, Clontarff, Cty Dublin                      1/10/1750
Rochford       John                Esqre, Cloghgrennan, Cl Carlow                    12/10/1789
Rochford       Robert              The Honble, Roden Park, Co Westmeath              30/1/1792
Rochford       Michael Senr        Merchant                                          10/2/1794
Rochford       Henry               Esqre, Paymaster                                  30/6/1794
Rodger         Robert              marriage                                          5/1/1824
Rodger         Robert              birth, Esqre                                      30/6/1829
Rogers         Thomas              Master of the Band, L.C.M.                        1/3/1793
Roice          Henry Thos          Esqre, Nantinan                                   7/10/1765
Rose           John                glazier                                           7/5/1747
Rose           Richard             attorney                                          13/10/1760
Rose           Henry               Brewer                                            9/10/1780
Rose           Henry               Gentn, Attry                                      26/6/1786
Rose           Maunsell Thomas     Esqre                                             9/10/1815
Rose           Anderson Richard    Esqre, Foxhall, Co Tipy.                          9/10/1815
Rose           Henry               Esqre, son of Thos. M. Rose, Esqre                29/6/1817
Rose           Alexander           Captn, Thomas street                              30/6/1817
Rose           Simon               attorney, son of Thomas M Rose, Esqre             12/10/1818
Rose           John                Lt 95th Regt son of Thomas M Rose, Esqre          12/10/1818
Rose           William             Ens 86th Regt, son of Thomas M Rose, Esqre        12/10/1818
Rose           Thomas              Captn, 32nd Regt, son of Thomas M Rose, Esqre     12/10/1818
Rose           James               Esqre, son of Thomas M Rose, Esqre                12/10/1818
Rose           Richard Croker      Captn 89th Regt                                   11/10/1819
Rose           William             Esqre                                             14/2/1823
Rose           William             Esqre, marriage                                   27/6/1825
Rose           William             Taylor, Esqre, birth                              12/10/1829
Roseingrave    John                Esqre, Gort, Co Galway                            13/10/1788
Rosingrave     Jeremiah            son to John Rosingrave of Gort                    11/10/1790
Rosingrave     John                son to John Rosingrave of Gort                    11/10/1790
Rosingrave     Mathew              son to John Rosingrave of Gort                    11/10/1790
Rosslewin      Hanison             Esqre, Fortfergus                                 25/9/1765
Rosslewin      John                son of the late Hanison Rosslewin, Esqre, of Fortf12/10/1789
Rosslewin      Westropp            son of the late Hanison Rosslewin, Esqre, of Fortf12/10/1789
Rosslewin      George              son of the late Hanison Rosslewin, Esqre, of Fortf12/10/1789
Rosslewin      Ralph               son of the late Hanison Rosslewin, Esqre, of Fortf12/10/1789
Rosslewin      Hanison Jr          son of the late Hanison Rosslewin, Esqre, of Fortf12/10/1789
Rosslewin      William             son of the late Hanison Rosslewin, Esqre, of Fortf12/10/1789
Rosslewin      Henry               Ensign, L.C.M.                                    28/1/1794
Rosslewin      George              son to Geo Rosslewin, Esqre                       6/8/1817
Rosslewin      B Francis           son to Westropp Rosslewin, Esqre                  6/8/1817
Rosslewin      John                Esqre, Friarstown                                 12/10/1818
Rosslewin      Henry               Esqre, birth                                      11/10/1824
Rothes         John                Earl of Rt Honble                                 4/6/1755
Rous           Sir John            Bart, Darsham, Suffolk                            13/10/1794
Royce          H.F. Thos           Esqre, Nantenan                                   1/7/1816
Royce          Ford Abraham        Esqre, borther of T.H.F. Royce, Esqre             29/6/1817
Royston        Lord Visct                                                            20/9/1802
Ruffle         Thomas              Serjt, L.C.M.                                     28/1/1794
Rugg           John                Gentn                                             5/5/1762
Rumley         John                son of the late Ensign Thos. Rumley               10/2/1817
Russell        Francis             pewterer                                          7/5/1747
Russell        Francis             Clothier                                          10/9/1756
Russell        John                Linen draper                                      12/9/1757
Russell        Willm               son of Philip Russell, clothier                   25/9/1765
Russell        Philip              son of Philip Russell, clothier                   11/10/1773
Russell        James               Gentn, son of Frans. Russell, pewterer            29/1/1784
Russell        Abraham             grocer                                            13/10/1788
Russell        George              Junr, Cotton Manufacturer                         13/10/1788
Russell        William Philip      son of Wm. Russell, Burgess                       13/1/1791
Russell        William             son of Wm Russell, Burgess                        13/1/1791
Russell        John                Grocer, son of Frans., decd.                      25/6/1792
Russell        Philip              son to Sheriff Russell                            27/6/1801
Russell        K Whitshed          son to Sheriff Russell                            27/6/1801
Russell        Hugh                son of the late Wm Russell, burgess               27/6/1801
Russell        George              son of the late Wm Russell, burgess               27/6/1801
Russell        John                Revd Trinity College                              12/10/1818
Russell        James Guthrie       attry at law                                      11/10/1819
Russell        John Norris         merchant, birth                                   1/7/1822
Russell        Francis William     Esqre, birth                                      7/10/1822
Russell        George Norton       Esqre, Patrick street                             12/4/1823
Russell        Francis Philip      Esqre, Distiller                                  25/6/1827
Russell        Hampden             Esqre, birth                                      27/6/1831
Rutland        Chas                Duke of Ld. Lieut                                 10/10/1785
Rutledge       Mr Sydley           marriage                                          10/10/1825
Rutledge       Edmond William      Gentn, birth                                      10/10/1831
Ryan           Charles             Carpenter                                         9/9/1748
Ryan           John                Staymakre                                         1/10/1750
Ryan           Mathew              Barrister                                         3/9/1759
Ryan           Christopher         Staymaker                                         24/9/1770
Ryan           William             M.D., Derryleigh, Cty Tipy                        27/6/1785
Ryan           James               Serjeant, L.C.M.                                  29/6/1817
Ryan           Michael                                                               12/4/1823
Ryves          William             Esqre, Ryves Castle                               29/6/1807
Ryves          Willliam            Junr, Esqre, Tontine Buildings                    10/10/1814


Palo Alto County, Iowa USGenWeb Project Scott County, Iowa USGenWeb Project Celtic Cousins A Little Bit of Ireland The Irish in Iowa Joynt/Joint Family Chronicles Other Family Ties