A Little Bit of Ireland

Surnames A-E

Surname          Given Name      Residence            Right Under Which Admitted
Armstrong        Martin          Presentation Road    cooper
Atkison          Francis         Presentation Road    carpenter
Armstrong        John            Presentation Road    cooper
Akison           George          Back street          merchant
Anderson         William         Earl's Island        bleacher
Anderson         John            Shop street          tailor
Anderson         George M        Shop street          tailor
Boyle            Henry           Market-street        merchant
Broderick        Thomas          Buttermilk lane      sawyer
Burke            Michael         William street       carpenter
Bodkin           Christopher     Shop street          apothecary
Burke            Nicholas        Abbeygate street     brewer
Burke            Edmund          Market street        carpenter
Brady            Anthony         Muglen's lane        skinner
Burke            James           West William st      tailor
Briggs           Michael         Bridge street        ship-carpenter
Beatty           James           Middle street        barber
Briggs           William         Claddagh             ship-carpenter
Burke            Austin          Nun's Island         paper-maker
Burke            John            Middle street        shoemaker
Burke            Myles           Wood Quay            slater
Burke            Patrick         Lombard street       shoemaker
Bulger           Michael         Nun's Island         mason
Browne           Peter           Henry street, West   tailor
Burke            Mark            Henry street, west   tailor
Bulger           James           Nun's Island         mason
Brannon          Patrick         West Suburbs         weaver
Boughan          William         Tahibeg              weaver
Brannon          Peter           Upp. Dominick St     brazier
Burns            Michael         Eyre street          painter
Burke            William         Bohermore            sawyer
Banacle          Michael         Shop street          baker
Brine            John            William's gate       baker
Burke            John            Bohermore            mason
Burke            John            Cross street         shoemaker
Burke            Walter          High street          baker
Burke            James           Long walk            hatter
Burns            Patrick         William st, west     wheelwright
Burke            Anthony         Main Guard           cooper
Bath             Thomas          William street       nailer
Bath             Nicholas        Abbeygate street     nailer
Baux             Patrick         Barna                weaver
Bradby           William         Abbeygate street     painter
Bright           Joseph          Upp. Dominick st     nailer
Bright           Wiliam          Courthouse lane      nailer
Bright           Joseph          Upp. Dominick St     nailer
Bright           Henry           Bridge street        nailer
Burke            John            Kirwan's lane        shoemaker
Cavanagh         William         Lombard street       shoemaker
Cullen           John            Chruch lane          joiner
Conaly           Patrick         Kelly's lane         brogue-maker
Canty            Samuel          Whitehall            cabinet-maker
Carter           Samuel          Eyre street          watch-maker
Conolly          John            Buttermilk lane      shoemaker
Costello         Charles         Shop street          vitner/dealer
Cassedy          John            High street          confectioner
Costello         John            Dominick street      merchant & shopkeeper
Cassedy          Hugh            High street          confectioner
Conbys           Thomas          MainGuard            chandler
Coen             Myles           Eyre street          house-carpenter
Cain             Bartholomew     Shop street          painter
Commons          Patrick         William street       merchant/shopkpr
Carr             Peter           William street       trader
Coneys           Joseh           Sea road             land-surveyor
Coleman          George          Cross street         hat manufacturer
Cain             John            Buttermilk lane      painter
Clarke           Denis           Flood street         merchant
Callaghan        Patrick         Bridge street        victualler
Conroy           Thomas          Upp. Dominick st     carpenter
Cooney           Patrick         Bohermore            tanner
Codire           Thomas          Boherad              carpenter
Condire          James           Eyre square          merchant
Cavanagh         John            Spanish parade       shoemaker
Cabell           Patrick         Nuns' Island         sawyer
Costello         Thomas          College road         trader
Cusack           Bartholomew     Market square        carpenter
Corrigan         James           Henry st West        stone-mason
Connor           John            Wood Quay            weaver
Cusack           Patrick         College road         carpenter
Cosgrive         Stephen         Whitehall            victualler
Coen             Andrew          Abbey lane           carpenter
Curren           Stephen         West William st      blacksmith
Callaghan        James           Parkavera            victualler
Cavanagh         John            Bohermore            shoemaker
Carty            John            Upp Henry street     smith
Curlaey          Paul            Henry street         brogue-maker
Coen             Patrick         Eyre street          cooper
Coony            Joseph          Whitehall            turner
Cooke            Patrick         Uppr Dominicks st    tailor
Coffee           John            Lombard street       cabinet-maker
Coppinger        Patrick         Abbey street         shoemaker
Cooney           John            Abbeygate street     turner
Cloherty         Peter           Kelly's lane         brogue-maker
Corlacey         Paul            Henry st West        brogue-maker
Culen            Philip          Henry st West        brogue-maker
Caine            Conor           West suburbs         clothier
Culen            Patrick         William street       brogue-maker
Curley           Patrick         Kelly's lane         brogue-maker
Connell          Nicholas        Shop street          shoemaker
Craine           Michael         Lombard street       shoemaker
Cunningham       James           Lombard street       tin-plate worker
Casey            Simon           Kelly's lane         weaver
Cloherty         Dominick        Henry st West        brogue-maker
Carroll          Patrick         Lombard street       shoemaker
Connedy          John            New road             shoemaker
Comber           Mathew          Abbey street         cooper
Curreen          John            Kelly's lane         brogue-maker
Cavanagh         Patrick         College road         mason
Carteaux         Frederick       Eyre square          saddler
Carney           Martin          Abbeygate street     nailer
Costello         Hugh            Bohermore            butcher
Caufield         John            Bowling green        mason
Concarnon        Laurence        Lombard street       sawyer
Creanin          John            New road             carpenter
Conolly          Stephen         Eyre street          sawyer
Croughin         Michael         West                 carpenter
Commons          Patrick         Henry street         nailer
Clarke           John            Chruch lane          shoemaker
Cannon           Peter           Henry street         cooper
Comber           John            Eyre square          cooper
Callaghan        Luke            Parkavera            victualler
Connolly         William         Eyre street          sawyer
Curtin           James           Eyre street          printer
Conolly          Owen            Tahibeg              tailor
Collins          Thomas          Green                tailor
Curreen          John            henry street         blacksmith
Costello         Patrick         Middle street        shoemaker
Collins          Patrick         Hanbury's lane       shoemaker
Cosgriff         James           New road             mason
Considine        James           Quay street          trader
Considine        Daniel          Quay street          trader
Chambers         Callent         Green                saddler
Collins          Rickard         Kelly's lane         tanner
Clifford         William         Middle street        leather-cutter
Clarke           William         College road         architect
Craddock         Thomas          Merlin Park          blacksmith
Craddock         Patrick sen     Merlin Park          blacksmith
Craddock         Patrick jun     Merlin Park          blacksmith
Curreen          Michael         Kelly's lane         nailer
Costello         Michael         Kelly's lane         brogue maker
Conolly          James           Kelly's lane         brogue maker
Cullen           Thomas          New road             papermaker
Congan           James           New road             papermaker
Cleary           William         New road             printer
Connor           John            Suckeen              weaver
Curreen          James           William street       shoemaker
Callinane        John            Nuns' Island         carpenter
Connor           Mark            Claddagh             shipwright
Connor           Martin          Claddagh             shipwright
Comerford        Henry           Merchant's road      merchant
Connor           James           Barna                weaver
Connor           Mark            Claddagh             rope maker
Connor           Owen            Claddagh             shipwright
Collins          Patrick         New road             shoemaker
Croughan         James           Lombard street       carpenter
Connell          Patrick         Bohermore            mason
Carr             james           William street       baker
Carr             Thomas          Eyre street          coachmaker
Commons          Owen            Bridge street        butcher
Connaughton      William         Boherard             weaver
Cunniffe         Patrick         Shop street          slater
Cadely           Joseph          Chruch lane          shoemaker
Codere           Thomas          Boherard             carpenter
Cusack           Thomas          Lombard street       carpenter
Cronolly         Thomas          West Suburbs         iron founder
Clare            Henry           Boherbeg             marble manufctr
Connor           John            Kelly's lane         tailor
Connelly         Thomas          Back street          tobacco-spinner
Devitt           Patrick         Abbeygate street     tailor
Dow              Colin           Market square        cooper
Daly             James           Bowling green        skinner
Durkin           Thomas          Suckeen              miller
Deviney          Pat             Upp Dominick st      tanner
Daly             Cornelius       Abbeygate street     cooper
Davis            James           Mainguard street     carpenter
Duffey           Pat             Mary's street        tailor
Donnelan         Michael         Up Dominick st       miller
Dempsey          Thomas          Nun's Island         sawyer
Driscoll         Austin          Bowling green        clothier
Dunn             Patrick         Middle street        tailor
Daly             Michael         Lombard street       tailor
Dugan            Roger           Suckeen              shoemaker
Doherty          Patrick         Tahibeg              shoemaker
Dalby            Patrick         Barna                weaver
Dalby            William         Barna                weaver
Dudely           Anthony         Suckeen              tailor
Dempsey          Patrick         Henry st West        miller
Duane            Patrick         Up Dominick st       miller
Devery           William jun     Church lane          printer
Dodgeworth       Luke            Cross street         printer
Duggan           Darby           Market square        corn dealer
Duggan           Brian           Market square        corn dealer
Duggan           John            Shop street          shopkeeper
Duggan           Michael         Shop street          auctioneer
Dooly            John            Nun's Island         miller
Duane            John            Kay street           carpenter
Dugdale          Peter           West William street  blacksmith
Dugdale          John            West William street  blacksmith
Dease            Laurence        Munster lane         brogue maker
Dempsy           William         New road             tobacco-spinner
Dowling          Michael         High street          cloth merchant
Daven            Hugh            Merchant's road      blacksmith
Daven            James           New road             plasterer
Daven            Patrick         Hanbury's lane       shoemaker
Dutty            John            Abbeygate street     tailor
Dempsey          Thomas          Bohermore            shoemaker
Delany           John            Wood quay            slater
Dutty            Michael         Long road            slater
Elward           Thomas          Bowling green        victualler
Eardly           Thomas          Shop street          hatter
Eardly           James           Cross street         tailor
Ennis            William         Bowling green        maltster
Ennis            Matthew         Mary                 maltster
Elward           William         Bowling green        victualler
Egan             John            Bridge street        victualler
Eardly           Patrick         Flood street         tailor


Palo Alto County, Iowa USGenWeb Project Scott County, Iowa USGenWeb Project Celtic Cousins A Little Bit of Ireland The Irish in Iowa Joynt/Joint Family Chronicles Other Family Ties