History of Delaware County, Iowa...Captain
John F. Merry, supervising ed. 2
vols. Chicago: S. J. Clarke Pub. Co., 1914
Hon. Edward Michael Carr, of Manchester, is
prominent in the state and has been influential in many lines of human endeavor.
He is a well known lawyer, a leader of his party in the state of Iowa, a
director of the First National Bank of Manchester, chairman of the general
managing board of the Manchester and Oneida Railway and president of the Dairy
City Creamery Company. In addition to his other activities he supervises the
operation of his fine farm, "Goodland". Hon. Edward M. Carr was born
in Cattaraugus county, New York,on the 28th of June, 1850, a son of John and
Anna (Keane) Carr. The father was born in County Cavan, Ireland, on the 25th of
November, 1821, and in 1835, when a youth of fourteen years, came to America
with his parents, who located near Kingston, Canada. He became a seaman and when
the Mexican war broke out, as the family had in the meantime removed to New
York, he enlisted in the United States navy and served for a time upon the
frigate "Savannah" but was later transferred to the sloop-of-war
"Warren." At the close of the conflict he returned home and in
December, 1847, was married. He resided on a farm in New York until his death,
which occurred August 10, 1887. His wife was born in Athlone, Ireland, in 1826,
a daughter of Joseph Keane, an English army officer. She was highly educated,
attending an excellent Irish school for eleven years. Of the children born to
her marriage seven survive, namely: Edward Michael, of this review; Margaret,
the wife of Henry Thompson; Joseph; John F.; James; and Ellen, the wife of D.J.
Edward M. Carr was taken by his parents to Buchanan county, Iowa, in 1856, when
a lad of six years. He was reared to young manhood upon a farm in that county
and received his primary education at home and in the district schools of the
neigborhood, later becoming a student in the high school at Independence. His
attendance at these schools was only during the winter months as each year as
soon as the field work commenced he left school and helped his father on the
farm. But while working on the homestead he did not wholly discontinue his
studies and with the assistance of his mother managed to keep up with his
classes, and before he was seventeen years of age he began teaching. In this way
he earned nearly enough to pay his way through the law department of the Iowa
State University, from which institution he was graduated with the class of
1872, receiving the degree Bachelor of Laws.
Mr. Carr was admitted to the bar in that year and immediately located for
practice at Manchester, forming a partnership with the late Ray B. Griffin. This
association continued for three years, after which Mr. Carr practiced alone for
some time, but in 1884 he became a member of the firm of Bronson, Carr &
LeRoy. When the First National Bank of Manchester was organized in 189? Mr.
LeRoy retired from the law firm to become president of that institution and the
firm became Bronson & Carr. After a few years, Henry Bronson and Hubert
Carr, sons of the original partners, became members of the firm under the name
of Bronson, Carr, & Sons, which continued until the death of the senior
partner, Mr. Bronson, in 1908. Mr. Carr is now the senior partner of Carr &
Carr, his son being the other member of the firm. He has gained unusual success
in his chosen profession, his learning, his experience and his keen mentality
enabling him to win prominence in a profession where only a high order of
intellect can win distinction. Mr. Carr has not only acted as counsel in many
important cases in the course of his private practice, but he has also
represented the city of Manchester as its attorney for three terms, proving
aggressive and thoroughly competent in the discharge of his duties in that
capacity. In 1882 a republican judge appointed him a commissioner of insanity,
although he is a prominent democrat, and he has held that office by successive
appointments until the present time. For many years he has been a member of the
Iowa State Bar Association and in 1903 he was one of three delegates elected to
represent that body at the annual meeting of the American Bar Association, of
which he has since been an active member. At a meeting of the latter
association, held at Chattanooga, Tennessee, in 1910, he was greatly honored by
election as a member of the general council for the state of Iowa, which
position he still holds. This recognition by his colleagues is unmistakable
evidence of the high esteem in which they hold him.
During his entire life Mr. Carr has been a tireless worker and thus has
accomplished a great deal in several lines outside the practice of law. In 1875
he used his first earnings as an attorney to purchase an interest in the
Manchester Democrat and after about two years he and the late C.E. Bronson
became equal and sole owners thereof, publishing the paper for about thirty
years. The partnership was terminated only by Mr.Bronson's death and Mr. Carr
still has a large interest in the Democrat and has found time to furnish nearly
all of the copy for its editorial pages for many years. For more than
twenty-four years or ever since its organization, he has been a director of the
First National bank of Manchester, considered one of the best banks of the
county. For three years he was president of the Manchester & Oneida Railway
Company and during that time the road was built and successfully operated, Mr.
Carr being largely responsible for placing it upon a solid foundation. Although
he is not now the president, he is still connected with the company and for the
past several years has been chairman of its general managing board. His
constructive thought and power of initiative, was well demonstrated when, in
1906, for the purpose of increasing the business of this railroad, he helped in
the organization of the Dairy City Creamery Company, of which he has served as
president ever since.
Although his connection with these various concerns is a heavy tax upon Mr.
Carr's time and thought, the greater part of the work which he has done outside
of his practice of law has been in connection with his farm interests. He was
reared upon a farm and has never lost his love for agriculture, and has found
perhaps his greatest pleasure in developing his fine farm, which is known as
"Goodland". He applies the same business principles to its operation
that he uses in his connection with the various companies previously mentioned
and in all that concerns the purely agricultural work of farming seeks to apply
the latest scientific methods and in so doing aids much in the development of
the county along that line. His farm is situated near Manchester and is known as
one of the best in this part of Iowa.
in October, 1873, Mr. Carr was united in marriage to Miss Emma Preussner, who
was born in 1853 and was a daughter of a farmer who lived near Mr. Carr's
boyhood home. Two sons, Edward and Hubert, were born to this marriage, the
eldest dying before he reached years of manhood, while the latter is his
father's partner in the law firm of Carr & Carr. The wife and mother died in
1903, and in 1906 Mr. Carr married Miss Katherine N. Cotter, who previous to her
marriage was a teacher in the Manchester schools.
When a young man Mr. Carr served for three years as captain of Company C, Iowa
national Guard, and during the four years in which John H. Gear was governor of
the state he served as judge advocate of the Iowa National Guard with the rank
of major. Ever since finishing his schooling he has taken an active part in
politics and for nearly a quarter of a century has served as a member of either
a county, congressional or state committee of the democratic party and for
nearly two score years has attended as as delegate practically all of the
democratic state conventions held in Iowa. In 1896 he was permanent chairman of
the memorable democratic state convention held in Dubuque, at which time
Governor Boies was a candidate for the presidency and during the campaign which
followed Mr. Bryan's first presidential nomination Mr. Carr was secretary and
acting chairman of the democratic national convention, and in 1904 he was first
delegate at large and chairman of the democratic nominees for the office of
judge of the supreme court of the state, and he is at present his party's
nominee for the office of attorney general of the state, being the only
candidate on the democratic state ticket who was nominated without opposition.
He has achieved success along many lines but he values most of all the sincere
respect and good-will which those who know him best give him in willing tribute
to the integrity and uprightness of his life.

Biographical Souvenir of
Delaware and Buchanan Counties Iowa Chicago: F.A.
Battey & Company 1890
E.M. CARR, lawyer and editor of Manchester,
Iowa, is a native of
Cattaraugus county, N. Y., and was born June 28, 1850. John Carr, his
father, was born in County Cavan, Ireland, November 25, 1821, and in 1835
came to America with his parents, who first located in Canada, near
Kingston. This voyage caused John to fall in love with a sea-faring life,
and, although but a lad of fourteen years of age, he longed to assist the
crew at every opportunity in the navigation of the great ship. Even his new
home had no charms for him, sufficient to keep him away from salt water,
and on the first occasion that offered he availed himself of-it and put off
to sea, following it for many years and visiting nearly every country
bordering on the great oceans. He rounded Cape Horn and the Cape of Good
Hope and spent some time in Australia and the adjacent islands. His parents
having removed from Canada to New York, Mr. Carr, at the breaking out of
the Mexican war, enlisted in the United States navy and was assigned to
duty on the United States frigate Savannah, but was afterwards transferred
to the sloop-of-war Warren. His ship had several engagements with the
better class of war ships of the Mexican navy, which were quite powerful,
but few in number. Before and after the successful bombardment of Vera
Cruz, he, with a number of shipmates, several times volunteered to assist
the land forces, and it is a well known fact that the "tars" proved to
an efficient aid to the military, especially in the training of heavy
ordnance. At the close of the struggle Mr. Carr returned to the home of his
parents, and the year after, on the tenth day of December, 1847, was
united in marriage with a highly educated lady, Miss Anna Keane, who bore
him ten children, of whom seven are still living, namely-Edward Michael,
our subject; Peter, who lives at Lamont, Iowa; Margaret, wife of Henry
Thompson, a resident of Norden, Nebr.; and Joseph, John, James and Ellen,
living at Lamont. Soon after marrying, John Carr bought a farm near
Franklinville, N". Y., on which he resided until the summer of 1856, when
he came to Iowa and settled at Lamont, and there, with the exception of a
couple of years spent in Manchester, he passed the remainder of his days,
which ended August 10, 1887. Mr. Carr had led a strictly temperate life,
having never used liquor nor tobacco, a most unusual thing to men who pass
many years at sea. He cared nothing for personal enjoyment, in the sense in
which the phrase is usually understood, but preferred to use his means and
energies in promoting the interests of his adopted country and the
pleasures of his family and friends, and in sustaining those things which
he ought to be right. An Irish patriot as well as an American, the wrongs
inflicted on his native country were to him as personal grievances, and he
was altogether a true type of that sturdy race that has kept alive
Ireland's right to nationality through fight that has lasted more than a
thousand years. Throughout his whole life he was a most devout Catholic.
The mother of E. M. Carr, Mrs.
Anna Keane Carr, now living at
Lamont, was born in the town of Athlone, Ireland, in 1826; is a daughter of
Joseph Keane, and is a highly educated lady, having attended an Irish
college for eleven years. Joseph Keane, her father, was an English officer,
and his son Joseph, a younger brother of Mrs. Carr, was commander for
twenty years of the British avenue cutter Euphrates, and his sons are also
officers in the British navy, holding rank as captains and lieutenants.
E. M. Carr, subject proper of
this sketch, was brought by his
parents to Buchanan county, Iowa, in 1856. Here he received his preliminary
education in the common schools, and this was supplemented by an attendance
for two years at the high school of Independence, after quitting which he
taught school for while. After relinquishing school teaching he entered the
University of Iowa, at Iowa City, spent a time in the academic department,
then attended the law department, and from this successfully graduated in
June, 1872. Coming at once to Manchester, he formed a law partnership with
Ray B. Griffin, which lasted three years, following which he practiced
alone until July 21, 1884, when he formed a partnership in the law business
with Charles E. Bronson, which has been continued till the present time.
But this was not the first business connection Mr. Carr had with Mr.
Bronson, The Manchester Democrat was established in January, 1875, by a
stock company, of which Mr. Carr was secretary, and in which Mr. Bronson
was a large shareholder. In April. 1878, Mr. Carr and Mr. Bronson together
bought the publication, and together have since continued to issue it,
raising its circulation to 1,600 copies. It is a ten-column folio, is all
"home print" is published every Wednesday, and is considered to be the
exponent of democratic principles in this section of the state.
Mr. Carr has always taken a
most active part in politics and is a
recognized leader of the county and state democracy. For the past twelve
years he has been a delegate to nearly every county and state convention
held by the democratic party and has been a most able assistant in managing
its campaigns. He is looked upon as being one of the shrewdest politicians
in the state, and under no circumstances would the managers of the party
take a step, even of the slightest importance, in matters relating to his
locality without consulting him and taking his advice as to its wisdom and
probability of success.
Mr. Carr is now, and has been
for the past ten years, commissioner
of insanity. He organized the militia company at Manchester, was for three
years its commander, and was appointed, by Governor Gear, judge advocate,
with rank of major. He also assisted in organizing the First National Bank
of Manchester, of which he is a director and has been since its
organization. He has always exerted his best efforts in advancing every
project intended for the promotion of the benefit of his town, county and
state. With Mr. Bronson he owns four hundred acres of choice land in
Coffin's Grove and Richland townships, stocked with thoroughbred and graded
cattle and improved with every modern convenience. His industry is untiring
and his enterprise without limit, while his standing as a gentleman,
lawyer, editor and political manager is unexcelled by any other man of his
years in the county or in the state.
The marriage of Mr. Carr took
place October 18, 1873, to Miss Emma
Preussner. This lady was born in Cook county, Ill., in 1853, and is now the
happy mother of two children-Edward and Hubert.

History of Johnson County,
Iowa...from 1836 to 1882; Iowa City, Iowa: 1883
Michael Fitzsimmons, a resident of Iowa City,
doing business on Gilbert street, near the city mills, where he has recently
erected a new cooper shop; was born in September, 1820 in county Cavan Ireland.
Came to America in 1848 and settled in Iowa City, in 1856; he is a cooper by
trade and has worked at that business since his residence in Iowa City. He was
married in April 1851 to Miss Catharine Morecroft, of Iowa City. This union is
blessed with four children: Francis, wife of Martin Freeman, of Morse station:
Henry A. Freerick and Charles. The family are members of St. Patrick Roman
Catholic Church. He is a democrat in politics.

Wolfe's History of Clinton
County, Iowa; Vol 2; B.F. Bowen & Co; Indianapolis, Indiana: 1911
The name of Thomas Farrell has for
more than a quarter of a century been a very familiar one in Deep Creek
township, of which he has been trustee for thirty years, and he has long been
prominently identified with farming and business interests. He has done much for
the general development of his community, for which he has the hearty thanks of
all citizens. Mr. Farrell was born in county Cavin, Ireland, November 18, 1848,
and was brought to America by his parents when about one year old, and was
reared and educated here. He is the son of Martin and Mary (Terney) Farrell,
both of Ireland, where they were married and settled to farming, and in 1849
emigrated to America and first located in Ohio, remaining there four years on
rented farms. About 1853 they came to Clinton county, Iowa, and bought eighty
acres of land, raw prairie, which he improved and farmed. He was short of money
and had to work hard and use economy to keep his family together. He later added
to his land and owned at one time six hundred acres, which he later divided
among his sons. At first he had to go to Iowa City for his milling, a long
distance, and there were many other inconveniences, too numerous to mention,
which he found in the undeveloped country. With others that came to the new
land, he underwent many deprivations and hardships which fell to their lot, and
with those that came first started the moral and physical development of the
county and helped lay the foundation for good government. He was a strong
Democrat, but was no office seeker. He was a constant and worthy member of the
Catholic church. He was a general farmer and raised some stock, remaining at the
old home until death claimed him. He was well known and highly respected and his
integrity and honor above reproach. His wife survived him two years and died in
1901. Mrs. Farrell's father, Thomas Turney, settled with his son. He reared six
children, and the mother of the subject was the second daughter.
There were born to Mr and Mrs Martin Farrell ten children. All lived to maturity
and all married but James and John, both yet single; Richard died in this
township; Bridget became Mrs. Thomas Manning, and she died leaving five sons;
Thomas, the subject; Peter died, leaving a large family, four sons and four
daughters; Ann J., who became the wife of Timothy Crennen, died in Minnesota,
and left seven children; Marie is now Mrs. Laughlin of Bryant; Catherine, Mrs.
Hand, of this county; James is farming on the homestead; John is in the creamery
business in Goose Lake; Martin is a farmer in this township.
Thomas Farrell was born in the old country and was reared in Ohio and Iowa, and
he remained under the parental roof until he married, in 1876, then settled to
farming in Washington township. He later moved to his vacant land inherited from
his father, which he improved in cultivation and where he yet resides on one
hundred and sixty acres, to which he has added adjoining land of forty acres;
another survey of one hundred and sixty acres he bought in 1901, and improved
farm which he rents to his son. He has done general farming and raised all kinds
of stock except mules and has been very successful. He has now retired from
active farming and rents the farm to two sons, Joe and Ellis, and anticipates
retiring to Lyons. He has always supported the Democratic party and has filled
many township and school offices. He was elected trustee in 1879, and has been
elected continuously since, but has now dropped out to let some younger man take
hold of the work. He has filled all positions creditably to himself and
satisfactorily to the people. He also holds a position on the church committee.
He was reared in the Catholic church, from which faith he has never departed. He
is well known and highly respected.
Thomas Farrell married Julia Crowe, who was born in Kenosha county, Wisconsin,
February 6, 1857, a worthy wife and good helpmate. She is the daughter of
Michael and Bridget (Laughlin ) Crowe, both from Ireland, who first settled in
Wisconsin, he a wagonmaker and blacksmith, which trade he followed through
active life and died in Wisconsin in the prime of manhood, about thirty-eight
years old. His wife survived and came to Clinton county, Iowa, and later married
James Sullivan, a farmer near Bryant, who has retired to Lyons. Three sons and
four daughters were born to her last marriage. There was one daughter by the
Crowe marriage, the wife of the subject. Her parents and family are all members
of the Catholic church. Mr. Sullivan is also a Catholic.
Thomas Farrell and wife are the parents of seven children, namely: James P. is
yet single and he is a farmer; Mary died at the age of ten years and eleven
months; Winifred is the wife of Gust Thiesen, a prominent farmer; Elliott, Julia
and Blanche are all at home.

History of Johnson County,
Iowa...from 1836 to 1882; Iowa City, Iowa: 1883
Father Patrick Smyth, the resident
priest of St. Patrick’s Roman Catholic Church in Iowa City; was born in
November, 1848 in County Cavan, Ireland. He was ordained at All Hallow's Foreign
Missionary Seminary in Dublin, Ireland, and was sent to the Dubuque, Iowa
Mission and remained there until January 1874, at which time he was sent to
Madison county, Iowa to the Irish Settlement and finally superseded Father
Martin Rice, in Iowa City, in April 9, 1876; he soon saw the importance of
having a building for his people, and set himself to work to secure one; he
purchased a lot from Mrs. O.E. Dondelson, on the corner of Court and Linn
streets, and erected the present beautiful brick edifice, the attraction and
admiration of all observers of architects; he has been faithful in his labors,
self-sacrificing in his devotion to his church, and enjoys the educational
interest of his people as well as their spiritual affairs and the result is he
has fine schools in connection with his church supported solely by his
congregation. He is highly respected and very popular with all classes of

History of
Dubuque County, Iowa; Weston A. Goodspeed, ed. by F. T. Oldt and P. J. Quigley;
Chicago: Goodspeed Hist. Assoc. 1911
John J McCollins,
proprietor of the McCollins Express & Transfer Company, Dubuque, is a native
of this city and the son of Barney and Jane McCollins. The father was a native
of County Cavan, Ireland, and came to America and Dubuque in or about 1844,
dying ten years after his arrival here, aged forty-five years, and followed by
his widow twenty years later, aged sixty-five years. The father is buried in the
Third street cemetery and the mother in Key West. John J. McCollins was born in
1851, and received his primary education in the local public schools, later
taking a course in Christian Brothers' College, which he left in 1851, and
received his primary education in the local public schools, later taking a
course in Christian Brothers' College, which he left in 1865. During the next
five years he carried papers for the Dubuque Herald and learned the Blacksmith
trade, which he subsequently followed for ten years. In 1880 he established
himself in the grocery business at the corner of Fifth and Main streets in
partnership with J.J. Dunn, the present County Sheriff, continuing thus for
seven years. The partnership was then dissolved, and Mr. McCollins conducted the
business along for one year. Then James M. McFadden was admitted to partnership,
and some few months later Mr. McCollins sold out to his partner. In 1889 he
located on government land in South Dakota, but shortly returned to Dubuque and
established a buffet, which he conducted for five years. During this time he
also operated a teaming and transfer line which he still continues and at the
present writing is also engaged in the coal and wood business. The concern has
grown extensively under Mr. McCollins' management and is one of the largest of
its kind in the city. He is a Democrat in politics, a member of St. Raphael's
Cathedral, and socially is identified with the Catholic Benevolent Society and
Modern Woodmen of America. On May 16, 1877, in Dubuque, he was united in
marriage with Miss Catherine Butler, and to them five children have been born as
follows: Louis B., in business with his father; Bernice M., graduate of Lincoln
school and Visitation Academy; Genevieve M., attending Visitation Academy;
Marjorie M., a student in St. Joseph's Academy; one child died in infancy. The
family residence in Dubuque is located at 304 Julien avenue. Mrs. McCollins was
the daughter of Patrick and Margaret Butler, who were pioneers of Hazel Green,
Wisconsin, where for years the father followed mining and was a prominent

The History of Jackson County,
Iowa...Chicago: Western Hist. Co., 1879.
P.C. Burke, farmer, Sec. 10; P.O.
Garry Owen; was born in County Cavan, Ireland, in 1823, where he remained until
1845, when he emigrated to Watertown, Mass. In 1846, during the Mexican war, he
entered the service of the U.S. and served in the Ordnance Department of the
Government until 1856; in that year, he removed to Jackson Co, Iowa, and settled
where he now lives. Mr. Burke has represented Butler Township in the County
Board of Supervisors two years; he is Chairman of the present Board of Township
Trustees, and is also President of School Board in his district; both the latter
offices he has been elected to several terms. He is Independent in politics.
Married, in Watertown, Mass., Nancy A. McCabe; they have had thirteen children-
Katie (now deceased), Mary (wife of P. Noonan), Lizzie (a Sister of Mercy),
Nannie, Josephine (a Sister of Mercy, Dubuque Co.), Rosa, Agnes, Alice, Maggie,
Emeline, Gertie, Stephen A., and Charles B. Mr .Burke owns 200 acres of land; is
an active, go-ahead citizen, and has always taken an active part in the public
affairs of Butler Township, and has taken a leading part in the advancement of
the educational interests in the district in which he now resides.

History of
Dubuque County, Iowa; Weston A. Goodspeed, ed. by F. T. Oldt and P. J. Quigley;
Chicago: Goodspeed Hist. Assoc. 1911
Thomas J. Mulgrew, a native of the
city of Dubuque and a member of one of its oldest and best known families, was
born May 8, 1867, a son of John and Louisa (Boxleiter) Mulgrew. Originally the
family resided in Germany but the direct ancestors of the subject of this sketch
moved to County Cavan, Ireland, and from there emigrated to America. Members of
this family have achieved distinction in the various walks of life. The
grandfather of Thomas J. was a soldier in the War of 1812 and lost his life at
the battle of Black River Bridge. John Mulgrew came from New York City to
Dubuque in 1850, and as was usual with many of the pioneers, engaged in mining,
operating his own plant. He is yet well remembered by the old settlers as a man
of strong character and unblemished integrity. Thomas J. Mulgrew passed his
youthful days attending the public schools, and began his business career as a
bell boy in the Julien Hotel, succeeding which for a time he was employed in
several other capacities, eventually becoming connected with the Hansen &
Lincoln Company as manager of their coal business. For eight years he was thus
associated, then embarked in that line of business for himself. This, under the
management of Mr. Mulgrew, gradually increased in importance in the commercial
world of Dubuque until it is now recognized as one of its most stable and
prosperous institutions. The concern is now incorporated as the Mulgrew-Boys
Company, of which Mr. Mulgrew is the president and treasurer. He is also the
treasurer and a director of the Dubuque Art Manufacturing Company, is a director
of the Dubuque National Bank, the Dubuque Industrial Association, the Dubuque
Board of Education and is the owner of a cotton plantation in Bolivar county,
Mississippi. Mr. Mulgrew started out in life for himself a poor boy and by his
own unaided efforts has accumulated a competency and an honored name among his
fellowmen. He is a Roman Catholic in religion, being a member of St. Anthony's
parish, is a Knight of Columbus, a member of the Benevolent and Protective Order
of Elks, and in politics is a Democrat. September 9, 1891, he was united in
marriage with Miss Mary C. Cosley, daughter of Amab and Caroline Cosley, who
were among the early pioneers of Dubuque county, and to their union four
children have been born as follows: Myrtle V., Russel J., Carl George and
Kathleen. The Mulgrews are among the best people of Dubuque.

History of
Dubuque County, Iowa; Weston A. Goodspeed, ed. by F. T. Oldt and P. J. Quigley;
Chicago: Goodspeed Hist. Assoc. 1911
William Heery, retired farmer and
stock raiser, residing in Cascade, was born a subject of Queen Victoria, his
birth occurring in 1836, in County Cavan, Ireland. His parents, James and
Catherine (McGovern) Heery, were also natives of the Emerald Isle, where the
father, a son of William and Ann (Boltie) Heery, followed his trade of
shoemaker. To better his condition and to afford his children greater
opportunities for advancement, Mr. Heery and family embarked on a sailing vessel
bound for the United States in 1847, their destination being New Orleans. While
on the way the mother died and was buried at sea, the infant daughter named
Kate, for whom the mother gave her life, dying shortly after the arrival of the
boat at New Orleans. The other children born in Ireland were William, John and
Ann. Upon arriving in this country the family came north to St. Louis, but in
1850 came to Dubuque, Iowa, first being preceded by William, the subject of this
sketch. Government land was bought in Washington Township, Jones County, Iowa,
and there the family located and established a home after the primitive manner
of the times and as their means afforded. James Heery died in 1891. William
Heery assisted his father for a time, then bought and improved a farm near the
old homestead, which he conducted until about fourteen years ago, at which time
he moved into Cascade and retired from the active work of farming. In 1860 he
married Elizabeth Drummond, daughter of John and Isabella Drummond, natives of
Ireland. John Drummond was born in County Tyrone in 1831, came to Baltimore,
Maryland, at an early day, moved from there to Pittsburg, thence to Dubuque,
Iowa, in 1851, where he lived one year and finally located on a farm near Temple
Hill in Washington Township, Jones County, Iowa. There he lived the remainder of
his days. Mr. and Mrs. Drummond. Mr. and Mrs. Drummond were the parents of these
children: Alice, born in Ireland, married John Cornwall, who was a blacksmith in
Cascade in the early fifities and is now deceased; Samuel, deceased; Ellen,
married Frank Jones and resides in Idaho; William, deceased; Elizabeth, now Mrs.
William Heery; William (2) now residing in Cascade; Isabella, the wife of
Patrick Seery, of Cascade; and John, who married Ellen McDermitt and lives in
South Dakota. William Heery is one of Dubuque county's most worthy and esteemed
citizens. He has worked hard and from his means has contributed liberally to all
worthy causes. Aside from his valuable real estate holdings he is a stockholder
in the Farmers' and Merchants' Bank in Cascade, of which he is also a director.
To Mr. and Mrs. Heery no children have been born, but they have two adopted
children, Bernard Drummond, born in 1873 and Mary Drummond, born in 1877.

Biographical and Historical
Record of Ringgold and Union Counties...Chicago: Lewis Pub. Co., 1887.
John McCaffery, one of the
prominent citizens of Creston, was a native of County Cavan, Ireland, and came
to America with his parents while yet an infant. The family settled in Albany,
New York. When he was eight years old they removed to Chicago, where a greater
part of his life has been passed. He learned the printer's trade in the office
of The Young America, a tri-weekly newspaper that was afterward merged into the
Chicago Times. He continued on the Times as foreman in the press department for
a period of fourteen years. This included the history of that noted paper to the
time that Wilbur F. Storey became its proprietor, and also the first nine months
of that eminent journalist's connection with the paper. A strike on the part of
the typographical force then occurred which resulted in Mr. McCaffery's severing
his connection with the Times. He then engaged with the Inter-Ocean, as foreman
of the press department, and filled that position two years. He next embarked in
the grocery trade in Chicago and was burned out in the great fire of 1871. He,
with thousands of others, sustained a severe loss in the conflagration. His
property was insured for $25,000, but he realized nothing from his insurance
policies. He immediately rebuilt and resumed his business until 1877, when
failing health compelled him to change locality. Having large land interests in
Union County, he resolved to make Creston his home and devote his attention to
the improvement of his land, and in obtaining the rest which his long and close
application to business demanded. Politically Mr. McCarffery is a Democrat. He
was prominently connected with Chicago politics for many years. He served as
alderman four years during his business career and after his retirement from
business he served another year. In 1874 he was elected a member of the county
board of commissioners, serving three years. From the time he came to Creston
until 1885 he was chief of the fire department in this city, and to his
management is due much of the reputation that this department has attained. Mr.
McCaffery was married in Chicago to Miss Alice Dixon, who died in Creston in
1883. His present wife was Maria Brownrig. He had five children, two sons and
three daughters, by his first marriage. He owns 550 acres of land in Spaulding
Township. He has a beautiful home in Creston, indicative of taste and comfort.
His library of standard books shows his taste for reading, and his desire that
his family shall not lack the opportunity for obtaining knowledge. Besides the
property mentioned he owns other lands and city property.

and Biographical Album, Henry County, Iowa; Acme Publishing Company, Chicago,
1888, pp 323-324
CLARK is a farmer and stockraiser, residing upon section 1, Jackson Township.
He was born in County Cavan, Ireland, in 1833, and is a son of Thomas and Ellen
(Smith) Clark. The family emigrated to America in 1845, settling in Sullivan
County, N. Y. In 1848 they came to Chicago, but returned the same year to New
York. At that time there was but one hotel in that now prosperous city, and the
swampy location offered but little inducement for the family to remain. They
remained three years in New York, then went to New Haven, Conn., and remained
until about the year 1854, when they came to this county. Here the parents lived
and died, and were buried in the pioneer cemetery at Mt. Pleasant. They were
pious Catholics, and were the parents of three children, two of whom died in New
York State, leaving our subject the only one to represent a family whose name
has been a familiar one in this county for more than a quarter of a century. He
was married in this county to Miss Annie, daughter of John and Mary (Cassidy)
Courtney, Jan. 4, 1871, Rev. Father Welch, of Mt. Pleasant, performing the
ceremony. Our subject had earned by
hard labor with his own hands every dollar that he paid for his nice farm, which
was purchased before the marriage, and the young bride came immediately to the
cosy little cabin which her husband had built in anticipation of her coming.
From the beginning they have prospered, and their pastures are dotted with herds
of cattle, and his well-tilled fields bring abundant crops. A new frame house
took the place of the cabin in which
their married life was begun, and the union has been blessed with several
promising children. The sons are stalwart young men, and the daughters resemble
their mother in both intellect and features. They were named in order of their
birth: James, John, Ellen, Pearl, Mary, Rose, Kate and Sylvester. The family
have ever been reckoned by their neighbors as one whom they can value as people
of intelligence and thrift. As a self-made man Michael Clark is entitled to
credit, and his good wife is an honor to her sex, and the faithful mother of her
happy family of children, all of whom were born on the farm in Jackson Township.
At the breaking out of the late war our subject joined Company D, 4th Iowa
Cavalry, and for four years braved the shot and shell along with his comrades
under Capt. Spearman. He was in every engagement in which his regiment
participated, and was only in the hospital two weeks during his four years of
service. All honor is due our gallant men who fought to preserve the Union, and
we are pleased to make honorable mention of them. By his gallantry as a soldier,
his integrity of character, and his honorable record as a good citizen, Mr.
Clark is entitled to a place among the best people of Henry County.

Portrait and Biographical
Album, Wapello County, Iowa, published by Chapman Brothers, Chicago, 1887
Shields, a self-made man, and one who has attained success in life through
individual effort and economy, is at present a resident of the thriving little
city of Eddyville. He was born in County Cavan, Ireland, in 1819, and is a son
of James and Eliza (Niel) Sheilds, natives of the Emerald Isle. James Shields
was a farmer by occupation, and followed his calling in his native country until
his demise, in 1881, while in his eighty-ninth year. He was a member of the
Presbyterian Church.
Our subject crossed the briny waters, and landed on the
soil of our free Republic in 1848, settling soon thereafter at Pittsburgh, Pa.
There he continued to reside for three years, engaged as a clerk in the
wholesale grocery business of Edward Hazelton. He then went to Harrison County,
Ohio, and after a residence there of four years, during which time he was also
merchandising, he came to this county and took up his residence near Eddyville,
the date of his settlement being 1852, and engaged in farming, being thus
occupied for about ten years. During the year 1863 he moved into the village and
established his present residence, and has since made this his home, living a
retired life.
Mr. Shields was first married July 20, 1849, and the
lady chosen as his life companion was Miss Rebecca Sherrod, a native of Ohio.
She died Jan. 29, 1857, after having borne him six children, two of whom are yet
living - John G., a resident of Mahaska County, and Lemuel B., a farmer of
Decatur County, this State. Our subject was a second time married, July 2, 1863,
Miss Sarah Heacock being the other contracting party. She was born in Ohio, and
is the daughter of John G., and Rachel (Peterson) Heacock, the former a native
of Pennsylvania and the latter of Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Heacock were both members
of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Of this later union three children have been
born: William H., now in Minnesota; Eddie and Rachel E., both living at home.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Shields are members of the Methodist
Episcopal Church. Our subject is the proprietor of six lots in Eddyville, and
also owns 320 acres of good farming land in Decatur County. He has been a member
of the School Board and also of the City Council of Eddyville.
Isaac Shields began life a poor boy, but by economy and
industry has succeeded in accumulating a sufficiency to enable him to retire
from active labor and pass the sunset of life in peace and quiet. He is a
Republican in politics, and has always advanced the freedom of the races, and
fifty years ago assisted the British Government in the freedom of the slaves on
the Island of Jamaica.

Portrait and Biographical Album, Henry
County, Iowa; Acme Publishing Company, Chicago, 1888, pp. 378-379.
PATRICK O'CONNELL, fireman at the
Iowa State Hospital for the Insane, at Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, has been connected
with that institution longer than any other person, having worked on the
construction of the first building of the hospital. He helped put in the boilers
and machinery in 1860, built the first fires in the furnaces, and has been
retained in charge of the furnaces continuously since, covering a period of over
twenty-seven years. Mr. O'Connell was born in County Cavan, Ireland, parish of
Laara, township of Lisnaglee, in the year 1822. He is a son of Michael and
Bridget (Rudan) O'Connell; was reared on a farm and emigrated to America in
1850, landing in New York on the day of the funeral of President Taylor, July
30, 1850. He went directly to Sullivan County, Ind., where he was variously
employed for the next four years. He had his living to earn and worked at
anything he could turn his hand to, be it railroading, farming or any other
work. In 1854 he came to Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, where he engaged in brick-making
and quarrying for a year. In April, 1855, he engaged with Capt. McMahon,
preparing for the building of the Iowa State Hospital, as before mentioned.
Mr. O'Connell was married, Feb. 1, 1853, in Sullivan
County, Ind., to Miss Rebecca Govan, a daughter of William M. Govan, of
Kentucky. Her father was a soldier in the War of 1812, and participated in
the battle of Tippecanoe under Taylor. Mrs. O'Connell was born in Sullivan
County, Ind. Six children were born to this union, of whom five are now living:
Isabella, the eldest, died at the age of twenty-two; Wilbur, assistant fireman
at the State Hospital, wedded Sarah Melcher, and resides at Mt. Pleasant;
Charles P., married Sadie Millispei, and lives at Chariton, Iowa; Cora, residing
at Topeka, Kan., is a stenographer, and is employed by the Rock Island Railroad;
French E., is married and resides in Missouri; Ollie, residing in Kankakee, is
an attendant at the Hospital for the Insane at that place. Mrs. O'Connell died
July 16, 1877. Mr. O'Connell is a member of the Catholic Church, and is a
Democrat in politics.

A Memorial and Biographical record
of Iowa. Chicago: Lewis Pub. Co., 1896
Marcus Simpson is the capable manager of
the Burlington Linseed Oil Works. In America "labor is king," and the
sovereignty that her liberty-loving people acknowledge is that of business. The
men of influence in this enlightened age are the enterprising, progressive
representatives of commercial interests, and to this class belongs Mr. Simpson.
We accord - and rightfully so - praise to the man who raises a company to battle
for his country's rights; but how much greater glory is due to the man who pays
over his own counter each week, one hundred workmen, providing the means of
sustenance for one hundred families. Each legitimate enterprise ably conducted
is of benefit to a community, for in this latter part of the nineteenth century
everything depends upon commercial activity. Mr. Simpson is accorded a place
among the wide-awake business men of Burlington, and is well deserving of
representation in this volume.
Born in county Cavan, Ireland, January 1, 1840, he is a
son of Innes and Catherine (Thompson) Simpson, the former a native of Dumfries,
Scotland, and the latter of Londonderry, Ireland. The paternal grandfather, John
Simpson, was born in Aberdeen, Scotland. He was a man of great firmness in
adherences to truth and good principle, despised shams of all kinds, and always
fearlessly spoke his honest convictions. He was at one time collector of excise
taxes, during which period he was associated with Robert Burns, the celebrated
Scotch poet, in the same office, and they were fast friends. John Simpson spent
the last ten years of his life as a farmer of Canada, although he died and was
buried in Ireland, passing away at the age of eighty-four. For many years he was
a faithful member of the Presbyterian Church. In manner he was kindly and
genial, and won many friends. The father of our subject was a civil engineer,
and died in Carrigbue, county Cork, Ireland, and in 1854, at the age of sixty
years. His wife passed away nine years previous, at the age of forty-six. They
were members of the Presbyterian Church, and had twelve children, eight sons and
four daughters. The living are Joseph, a steamboat man residing in St. Louis;
David, who owns and operates a ranch in southern California; and Marcus, who is
the youngest of the family.
On the Emerald Isle our subject spent the days of his
boyhood and youth living in the counties of Cork and Kildare until eighteen
years of age, with the exception of three years passed in the city of Dublin. He
attended various schools and entered the preparatory school of Nass, acquiring a
good education that well fitted him for life's practical duties. Thinking to
find a broader and better field of labor in the New World, he crossed the
Atlantic in 1857, and after spending a few years in Canada went, in 1863, to
Chicago. He was there engaged in the paint business until 1874, when, on account
of failing health, he was obliged to sell out. The following year he spent in
traveling, hoping to be benefited by the more genial clime of the Pacific slope,
continuing his travels until the fall of 1875, when he located in Burlington and
resumed his old line of business. This he continued until 1880, when, in
connection with F.B. Jaggar, he established the Burlington Linseed Oil Works,
where were conducted under the firm name of Jaggar & Simpson. In 1887 the
business was incorporated under the name of the Burlington Linseed Oil Company,
of which Mr. Simpson became secretary, treasurer and manager. In 1888 this was
consolidated with the business of the National Linseed Oil Company, but the old
name was retained. The concern has become an important one, its business
steadily and constantly increasing, and employment is now furnished to a large
force of men. It has also been a benefit to the surrounding community, for in
the development of the industry flax-growing has become a paying crop to
surrounding farmers. Mr. Simpson is a thorough-going business man of progressive
ideas and untiring energy, and it is largely due to his indefatigable efforts
that the Burlington Linseed Oil Company has attained its excellent success.
On the 12th of October, 1864, was celebrated the
marriage of Mr. Simpson and Miss Sarah J. Holbrook, a native of Franklin county,
New York, and a daughter of Joseph and Fannie (Walker) Holbrook. The parents
were both natives of the Green Mountain State. The wedding of Mr. and Mrs.
Simpson took place at Trout River, New York, and they now have a very pleasant
home at No. 420 High street, Burlington.
It is often the case that in the rush and hurry of
commercial interests one neglects the holier duties of life, but though many are
his business cares, Mr. Simpson has always found time to promote the cause of
Christianity, and both he and his wife are prominent members of the Methodist
Church. He is now serving as church Treasurer, and was one of the delegates to
the General Conference in Omaha, in 1892. Largely through his efforts the
magnificent church edifice was erected, one of the handsomest and best arranged
church buildings in the State. He is a very zealous worker in the Master's
vineyard, and lends his hearty support to the various benevolent and charitable
organizations connected with the church. In politics Mr. Simpson is a
Republican, and, as every true American citizen should do, feels a deep interest
in the success of the party to which he gives his support. In 1892 he served as
one of the delegates from the First Congressional district to the national
convention in Minneapolis. In manner Mr. Simpson is always affable and polite,
possessing the dignity of the true gentleman and one of that haughty,
domineering spirit which some men assume for dignity. He is genial and kindly,
and values more highly the good qualities of head and heart in estimating
character than the money one possesses. In personal appearance he is tall and
commanding. His successes in the financial world have been won entirely through
his own efforts and his ever honorable dealing and upright career has won him a
very large circle of friends.

Iowa Official Register 1925-1926;
Biographies of State Senators p. 271-272
Charles Frederick Johnston - Senator from the forty-third district,
composed of Franklin, Cerro Gordo and Hancock counties. Resides at Sheffield,
Iowa. He was born January 17, 1866, on a farm two miles east of Hampton. His
father was Irish, coming from the County Cavin, Ireland, and his mother a native
of Ohio of Scotch parents. He is a graduate of the Hampton high school.
Following graduation he attended the law school at the state university. Was
admitted to the bar in 1891 and is at the present time engaged in banking and
the practice of law in Sheffield, Iowa, being president of the Citizens Bank of
that place. He was married June 29, 1892, to Delle Haecker. They have two
children, a son, C.F. Jr., now associated with his father in the bank, and a
daughter, Winifred, a student at the state university of Iowa. He was a member
of the house in the 26th, 26th Extra and the 27th general assemblies and
was the first native son to occupy the position and is the first native
son to occupy a similar position in the senate.

Ruthven, Iowa Centennial; Ruthven, Palo Alto Co, IA;
James Currans
was born December 25, 1838, in County Cavan, Ireland. His father died when
James was two years old. He came to the United States with his aunt to
Schenactady, New York, from there he moved to Wisconsin. March 7, 1865 he
enlisted in the Civil War, he was discharged July 28, 1865.
Susan Nesbitt
Currans was born May 4, 1850, in Leitrim, Ireland. She came to the United States
at the age of 17, with an aunt to Brooklyn, New York. The following year,
her parents, brothers and sisters came to the United States, and settled at
Winnecome, Wisconsin. Susan was educated in the national schools in
Ireland and by private tutors. On September 26, 1868 Susan Nesbitt and
James Currans were married..
In 1869 James
came to Iowa and filed a homestead claim three miles east and one mile north of
Ruthven. In 1870 Susan and her two small sons, William and George, came to
the homestead by train to Algona and stagecoach to Emmetsburg (Old Town), where
she and the children stayed with the James White family for three weeks waiting
for their home to be finished. After the home was built, Amos Miller
brought them to their homestead by team and wagon. The frame house
measured 12 x 16 with one room upstairs. The lumber had been transported
from Fort Dodge, Iowa. In their home they had six chairs, table, stove,
bed and trundle bed, which was pushed under the other bed by day. Their
means of water was a well with a bucket and rope. They had a cow they
picketed out. Later they bought two
horses. James worked in Emmetsburg at the carpenter trade for $2.50 per
day. He helped move the buildings from Old Town to where Emmetsburg now
stands. One day Susan found a pumpkin seed in a trunk, she planted in a
gopher mound and raised seven pumpkins. As soon as they could afford it,
they built a barn on the homestead. Their means of transportation was
walking or by horse and wagon. They were the parents of 11 children,
George H., William F., Jane Anne (Mrs. Ben Schade), Susan A., James H., John A.,
Mary E. (Mrs. Tom McDevitt), Thomas P., Frances L., Ruth V. and Carne E.; George
and Carne both died as small children.
In March of
1906, The family moved to Ruthven, as James' health was poor, he passed
away April 17, 1906. He was buried from Sacred Heart Church, where they
were active members.
Susan was a
great homemaker. She was active in church work, President of the Ladies
Aid and worked faithfully to get the first Sacred Heart Church built.
Before the church was built Mass was held in surrounding homes, and the skating
rink. Susan passed away in May of 1934.
Susie lived
with her mother. She was a dressmaker and did sewing and hand work for
people. A big garden was raised and they had a horse and buggy in which
they would visit the other members of the family. They also had a cow and
chickens, Susie took care of these. Susie attended to her mother's needs
as her mother's health failed. Susie passed away April 1938.
Frances was
educated in the Ruthven schools. She worked in the elevator in Ruthven
until her health failed and she passed away at the family home in July of
Ruth attended
Ruthven school and went to teachers College at Cedar Falls. She taught
school near Ruthven. At one time she taught where the golf course is now.
Her sister Jane also taught there before her. Later she went to business College
at Marshalltown. Thomas and Ruth had the hardware store (where the Legion
Hall is now on the west side). In 1919, it was sold to Sam Wigdahl.
Ruth went to Sioux City as a bookkeeper. In 1931, she returned to Ruthven
to help in the care of her mother. She went to work at the Farmer's Co-op
Creamery where she worked for 17 years. In 1948 she was appointed acting
postmistress in Ruthven, a position she held until her
retirement in March of 1950. She was a very devout person to her work, her
family and church. She was very active in the Catholic Daughters.
She was always ready to help any family who needed care. In 1936 when her
sister Mary McDevitt passed away, she took Mary's two young daughters Ruth and
Rosemary to raise. In November of 1955, Ruth passed away the last member
of the Currans family.