Daily Times,
Davenport, Scott, Iowa, Jan 2, 1896
Mrs. Susan Brady, who has been a resident of Davenport for nearly half a
century, passed away last night at the family residence 1214 West Seventh
street. About five years ago she suffered an attack of la grippe, and although
she rallied sufficiently to be able to be up and around, she never fully
recovered from its effects. Her system had been greatly weakened by the
complications following the attack of la grippe and since Christmas, when she
was again prostrated, her condition had been such as to warrant no hope for her
recovery. The deceased was a native of Cootehill, County Cavan, Ireland, and was
born in 1820. She located in Davenport over forty years ago and her residence in
this city has been continuous since that time. Her husband died on Aug. 6 of
last year and two sons, Philip and John, both of this city, survive her.
The funeral will be held from St. Mary's church Saturday morning at 9 o'clock
and the interment will be made in the adjoining cemetery.

Iowa Recorder; Greene, Butler,
Iowa; Nov 1, 1905
Mrs. J.H. Bryant
A Worthy and Highly Respected Lady Called to Her Long Best
expressions of remorse and deep regret do we hear on all sides over the death of
Mrs. J.H. Bryant, who passed from this life to the better world on Sunday,
October 22nd, 1905, at her home east of Greene.
Mrs. Bryant had not been well for a long time, but was
confined to her bed only about three weeks before the final summons came. About
two weeks before her death she was taken to Rochester, Minn, for an operation,
but after a thorough diagnosis of her case was made this last hope was abandoned
and she returned home to await the end which must soon come, for the doctors had
discovered an internal cancer in an advanced stage. This she did with a
fortitude that was truly heroic, resignedly and patiently bowing to the will of
Him, who doeth all things well. Every comfort and cheer a devoted and loving
husband could bestow was provided and her last hours were as peaceful as anxious
and willing hands would make them.
The deceased was a member of the Presbyterian
church and a devout christian. Although far from well her pew was seldom vacant,
and she was always anxious and ready to do whatever she could for the
advancement of Christ's kingdom.
The funeral was held in the Presbyterian church on
Wednesday morning, Rev. Weinland, her pastor, conducting the services and the
remains were laid to rest in Rose Hill cemetery.
A choir composed of Mrs. C.H. Williams, Miss Carrie
Trimble and Messrs. Lewis Ellis and Aaron Moss, with Miss Ethel Huckins as
organist, rendered soft, sweet music for the occasion, and Messrs. J. Kahuds,
S.A. Clark, D.H. Ellis, Wm. McDonald, Thos. Montgomery and Lewis Ellis acted as
pall bearers.
Margaret Anderson was born in Cootehill, county Cavan,
Ireland, December 15th, 1851. She was married to J.H. Bryant in New York City,
April 24th, 1882, and went to Minneapolis, where they made their home for a
time. They then moved to Sioux county, where they lived until about six years
ago, when they bought their farm home and have lived here ever since.
Besides her grief stricken husband she leaves to mourn
her irreparable loss two sisters and four brothers, Mrs. M.A. Canning, Mrs. A.
Marsden, Jas. and William Anderson, all of Hendrum, Minn., Thos. Anderson of
Minneapolis and John Anderson of Greene, the three former and the latter being
present at the funeral.

Nashua Reporter
Nashua, Chickasaw, Iowa
Nov 4, 1920
Obituary of Mrs. Farrell
Margaret McGovern Farrel was born in Bele Conwall
county Caven, Ireland, in 1855. She came to America in the month of February,
1882, at the age of 27 years and died at her home in Nashua, Iowa, Oct 26, 1920
at the age of 65 years.
About 25 years ago she was united in marriage to
Michael Farrell, in Riverton township, Floyd county, Iowa, S.D. French
Deceased was a woman respected by all who knew her and
one who has many deeds of kindness to her record.
Funeral services were held at St. Michael's Catholic
church at 10 a.m. Oct. 28. Rev Goetzinger of Ionia officiating, and interment
was in St. Michael's cemetery.

Nashua Reporter
Nashua, Chickasaw, IA
July 23, 1930
John W Hicks Died Monday
After Three Day's Illness
John W Hicks, who has
been in ill health for the past few years, died quite suddenly Monday morning
after an illness of three days, at his home ten miles east of Nashua.
Mr. Hicks was born in Ireland, Nov. 15, 1860, and came
to America in 1880, settling in New York City. From there he went to DeKalb,
Ill, where he lived with his uncle, James Lattimer. In 1883 he came to Bremer
county, Iowa, to make his home with an uncle, Wm. Campbell. He was married to
Miss Lillian Leaman, March 27, 1884,and for over forty years has lived upon the
farm where he died. He is survived by his widow, and five children. Mrs. Maggie
Shattuck, Blackshear, Ga., Mrs. Bartlett Peterson, Mrs. Dorothy Callender,
McKinley Hicks, and Mae, of Nashua.
The funeral will be held Wednesday at 2 p.m. at the
Federated church at Republic.
Obituary of J.W. Hicks
Again death has entered into our human relationship and
called into Eternity a fellow traveler. The departed John William Hicks was born
Nov. 15, 1860, at Coothill, Ireland, County of Cavern [Cavan] and departed this
life July 21, 1930. Age was 69 years 8 months and 6 days. As a young man of 18
years he came to this country and located in Illinois and then came to Iowa in
the fall of 1883. In 1884 he was united with Lillie Leaman in Holy Matrimony and
the young couple moved on a farm near Republic, which has been their home ever
since. This union was blessed with seven children, five are living, and two are
dead. The children are Margaret, Mrs. W.M. Stattuck of Black Shear, Ga.; Sarah,
Mrs. B.E. Peterson, of Nashua; Mae at home; Dorothy, Mrs. J.C. Kellner of Ionia;
Mckinley Hicks of Tripoli.
In youth he was united with the Episcopalian church and
was active in various community affairs until his last years when his health
began to fail. He was a member of the Woodman Lodge at Republic. He was a kind
and affectionate husband and father, always desirous to have his children near
him. He was a good neighbor and friend.
He leaves his companion, five children, 11
grandchildren, five brothers and a sister.

Alto Reporter
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Feb 10, 1899
An Old Settler
On last Friday, February 3, occurred the death of Mr. Patrick
Brady, at his home in Great Oak township. The immediate cause of Mr. Brady's
death was la grippe, from which he suffered several weeks. The deceased was born
in county Cavan, Ireland, on April 13, 1816, consequently had he lived until
April he would have reached his eighty-third year. At the age of twenty-one he
emigrated from Ireland to this country and settled in Virginia. A few years
later he moved to Joliet, Ill., where on February 9, 1874 he was united in
marriage to Miss Mary Bannon. In 1882 he came to this county, and settled on a
farm in Great Oak township, where he continued to reside until his death. Mr.
Brady was an upright man, and was universally respected. He was well versed in
the history of his native country, and always took an active affairs of this
country. He leaves a wife, a son, Frank Brady, and a daughter, Miss Kittie
Brady, to mourn his loss.
The funeral took place from Assumption church on Monday
morning, at 10:30 o'clock It was held under the auspices of the A.O.H., of which
he was a prominent member. The services at the church were conducted by Rev.
Father Carroll of Ayrshire, to whose parish the deceased belonged. The remains
were interred in St. John's cemetery.

Mt Pleasant News; Mt. Pleasant, Henry Co, IA; Monday, December 23, 1948
C.R. Jackman Dies at Lowell
London- Funeral services for Charles Robert Jackman, 88, who passed away at 1
p.m. will be held at the Elliott chapel in New London Tuesday at 11 a.m. The
Rev. F.W. Sutton, pastor of the Church of Christ, will officiate and burial will
be in Bethel cemetery southwest of Lowell.
He is survived by his wife and son, Cleveland, and two
grandchildren, all of Lowell. A half-sister, Mrs. Stella Allen of Crawford,
Nebr. also survives.
Sometime ago Mr. Jackman prepared his own obituary as
Charles Robert Jackman was born March 15, 1858, at
Smithland Mills, Henry county, just opposite the town of Lowell. His father,
Clarkson Jackman, came to Lee county in 1842. A native of Pennsylvania, whose
ancestors came from Cavan county, Ireland, in 17?0, settling in Washington
county, Penn., in Greenland. His grandmother, Catharine Holman Jackman, was a
native of Pennsylvania. Her father, Henry Holman, fought in the war of
Independence when only 18 years of age and served throughout the war. His
mother, Martha G. (Smith) Jackman, was the daughter of Hiram Chealy Smith, a
native of Kentucky, and his wife, Mary Nee Boch, who was a native of South
Carolina and the granddaughter of General Burgess of the War of the Revolution
whose lineage went back to the colonial days of Maryland.
Charles Robert attended the district school near his
home and later worked in his father's mill and on the farm. In 1877 and 1878 he
attended the Burlington Business college at Burlington. After receiving his
diploma on March 18, he went to California when it took 12 1/2 days to make the
trip by train.
While there he worked in a sawmill near the foot of Mt.
Lassin, the only active volcano in America.
After returning to Iowa on October 12, 1879, he married
Mary Elizabeth Kirkpatrick, a schoolmate whom he had known all of his life. To
this union was born one child, Cleveland. Mr. Jackman spent the next three years
with his brother Hiram operating the father's mill.
Later he sold his interest and purchased most of the
old homestead taken up by his grandfather in 1833. Until 1937 his occupation was
that of farmer. He was elected township clerk for 18 years and highway
supervisor in district No. 5 in Baltimore township for 16 years. He was
appointed supervisor of roads in the township for the years 1903 and 1904.
He moved to Burlington in 1907 where his son was
engaged in the real estate and insurance business. In 1910 he was successful in
getting the majority of landowners to petition for the drainage of district no.
2, Hendersen county, Ill., across the river from Burlington. In 1911 with his
family he moved to San Diego, Calif., returning to his home almost every year,
never casting his vote any place except Lowell.
Since 1920 he has lived at the home in Lowell.

Emmetsburg Democrat ;Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa;
Wednesday, 5 Jan 1916
He Located in Palo Alto County In 1882
William J Collins died at his home in this city
early Sunday morning after a somewhat protracted illness. He was quite
advanced in years and the infirmities of old age were against him. The
funeral was held yesterday. Services were conducted at the Assumption
church. The interment was in St. John's cemetery. There were many old
friends and neighbors in attendance. The pall bearers were Peter Collins,
Jr., James Collins, P.F. Miller, Charles Miller and James O'Donnell, all
grandsons of the deceased.
Mr. Collins was born in the county of Cavan,
Ireland, in 1837. He grew to manhood in the land of his birth. He was
married at Newcastle England, in 1858, to Miss Margaret Minney. Mr. and
Mrs. Collins came to the United States in 1863. They located at Mahoney
Plans, Pennsylvania, residing there until 1877, when they came west. For
two years they made their home at New Hartford, this state, later they
spent a year at Holland, Iowa, and in 1882 came to Emmetsburg. Mr. Collins
followed railroading for many years but was
finally forced to retire on account of his waning physical powers. Six
sons and six daughters were born to Mr. and Mrs. Collins. Four sons and
four daughters are dead and the good wife and mother was called to here
eternal reward a number of years ago. There are two sons and two daughters
living. The sons are Peter, section foreman on the Rock Island road at
this place, and M.J., who is the Rock Island agent at Anita, this state.
The daughters are Mrs. Patrick Miller of Emmetsburg and Mrs. Anna
O'Donnell of Nevada, Iowa. All were present at the bedside of the aged
father before he passed away and the absent members remained for the
Mr. Collins was an honest, high minded man and he
led a most edifying life. He was temperate in his habits and he had a high
regard for those who observe conscientiously the precepts of religion and
laws that govern society. He was quiet and humble and he gave close
attention to the care of his family and his private business affairs. He
was an agreeable, peaceful man and he always did what he could to promote
good feeling among his neighbors. Though he had limited educational
advantages when young, he read newspapers and books regularly and closely
and he kept well informed on local and general topics. A warm hearted
conscientious, loyal old christian gentleman has been taken to a brighter,
better, world. His memory will long be revered by all who knew him. The
sympathy of all is extended to the sons
and daughters.