VFW Auxiliary; Little Red Book of Household
Hints; Palo Alto Co, IA; probably from around 1930s COLDS: When taking a fresh cold, take a hot foot bath for 20 minutes, wrap in a warmed blanket and go to bed. Drink hot lemonade or milk and stay in bed. Soda water taken as soon as cold is felt coming on will often prevent cold. Keep the bowels open. Take 1 drop of camphor every hour or 2 to 3 drops when you first feel cold coming on. When your head feels stuffy, stand straight, take a long breath and then stoop over and touch your toes with your hands. Repeat several times and your head will be clear. Mix thoroughly 2 level tablespoons sweet oil or lard, 1 teaspoon each turpentine and camphor, 1/2 teaspoon each quinine and kerosene. Heat, rub on throat and chest at night for a cold. Shave 1 ounce camphor very thin in 4 ounces of olive oil. Apply warm on chest and throat for a cold. Hoarseness or sore throat: 3 or 4 drops of camphor in 1/3 glass water, take a swallow of it often. Or steep a pint of strong sage tea, add 1 teaspoon powdered alum and sweeten to taste with honey. Gargle often during the day and before retiring. |
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© 2001 Cathy Joynt Labath