Biographical and Historical
Record of Greene and Carroll Counties, Iowa...Chicago: Lewis Pub. Co., 1887.
William R. Greene, farmer section 14, Greenbrier Township, is a native of
County Down, Ireland, born December 19, 1832. His parents, Robert and Mary
(Tweedie) Greene, had seven children, of whom our subject was the second
child. When he was fourteen years of age his parents removed to Dundee,
Scotland, where he lived six years, working in a flax factory. At the age of
twenty he came to the United States and located in Whitely County, Indiana,
where he lived about seventeen years, engaged in railroading. In 1868 he
came to this county, first settling three miles south of Jefferson, where he
lived eight years, having purchased eighty acres of land. In 1876 he came to
Greenbrier Township and settled upon his present farm, where he has since
resided. He first bought 160 acres, and has since added to his original
purchase until he now owns 240 acres of excellent land, well improved and in
a good state of cultivation. He has a good house, well furnished, and
comfortable out-buildings for stock and grain. He also has a fine orchard
and a native grove of five acres. He is engaged in general farming,
stock-raising and feeding. He was married in December, 1850, to Miss Mary
Elliott, a native of Ireland, and a daughter of Thomas and Margaret (Hill)
Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. Greene have eight children-Robert, George G., Maggie,
Mary Jane, Elizabeth, Samuel E, William II, and Rose Alice. Mrs. Greene died
October 8, 1881. Mr. Greene is a Republican in politics, and is a worthy and
consistent member of the Presbyterian church, always taking an active
interest in the advancement of education and religion.

Wolfe's History of Clinton County, Iowa; Vol 2; B.F. Bowen & Co;
Indianapolis, Indiana: 1911
There are perhaps, not so many
representatives of the Emerald Isle in Clinton county as of other countries of
northern Europe, but it is safe to say that in point of progressive citizenship
they are not surpassed by any other people. We find that they are owners, most
of them, of good homes and well-kept farms and they are loyal in their support
of local and state affairs, appreciating to the fullest extent, apparently, our
free institutions and the efforts of this government to protect its citizens and
make life worth the living under the stars and stripes.
One such is John Dixon, who was born in County Down, Ireland, the son of James
and Ann (Dixon) Dixon, both born in Ireland and reared there. They emigrated to
America and located in Philadelphia, where the mother died. The father came west
and settled in DeWitt, Iowa, and there spent the rest of his days, dying in
John Dixon was educated in the common schools. As early as 1847 he came to
America and lived until his parents came to America. He worked on a farm several
years and in 1865 he bought eighty acres in Lincoln township, Clinton county,
Iowa. He removed the old log houses he found on the place and put up good
buildings and carried on general farming in a very successful manner. He brought
his place up to a high standard and laid by a competence for his declining
years. He has been living retired for some time at his pleasant home, which he
built and surrounded with the evidences of his former years of thrift. As a
general farmer he has always ranked with the best in the township. In politics
he is a Democrat and while he has never taken an especial interest in political
matters or public life, he is interested in local affairs and he has been road
boss for several years.
Mr. Dixon was married to Katherin Sullivan, a native of London, England. The
wedding occurred when the subject lived in Philadelphia and to this union 8
children were born.

History of Kossuth and Humboldt
Counties, Iowa. Springfield, Ill.: Union Pub. Co., 1884.
James M McKitrick, son of John and
Jane McKitrick, was born near Dromore, county Down, Ireland, Aug. 18, 1826. He
followed farming until eighteen years of age, when he came to America, locating
in Philadelphia, Penn., where he remained about eighteen months, then went to
Seneca Co., Ohio, where he engaged in farming until 1868, thence came to
Humboldt county, and located on section 2, Springvale township, or what is now
called Corinth township. In 1878 he sold his stock of household goods, etc., and
went back to Seneca Co., Ohio. He only remained there six months, when he came
to Humboldt county. This time he purchased 160 acres of land on section 24,
Rutland township. He purchased this land while back to Ohio. He has erected a
large and commodious two-story farm house, and has one of the nicest lawns of
any farmer in the township. He was married May 8, 1851, to Miss M.J. Kelley,
daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Kelley of Seneca Co., Ohio. They have had nine
children, seven of whom are living- Eliza J., Anna M., Mary J., James W., Ella
M., Frances I. and Archie A. One of their sons, William J. died April 28, 1881,
aged twenty-four years. He was a school teacher, but at the time of his death
was engaged in keeping books for a firm in Humboldt. His loss was mourned by a
large number of friends and acquaintances. He was a bright and promising young
man. All of Mr. McKitrick's children are teachers except two. Mrs. McKitrick was
born in county Armaugh, Ireland. Mr. McKitrick is a republican, and has held the
offices of road supervisor, school director, etc.

History of
Dubuque County, Iowa; Weston A. Goodspeed, ed. by F. T. Oldt and P. J. Quigley;
Chicago: Goodspeed Hist. Assoc. 1911
James Fagan, of Cascade, is a
typical example of what pluck and perseverance can do for a young man who comes
from a foreign land with the determination to succeed honorably in life. As is
indicated by his name, he is of Irish nativity, his birth occurring in County
Down in the year 1836. When a young man twenty years of age he immigrated to the
United States, working as a farm hand a short time in the state of New York,
then coming to Dubuque county, Iowa, where he continued to work at farming a
number of months. This occupation he varied by putting in a season in the pine
woods of Wisconsin and assisting in a spring drive of logs. By this time he had
saved sufficient means to make a payment on a farm, and returning to Dubuque
county, brought a tract of 120 acres of raw land on section 24 in White Water
township, upon which he located and began improving. After completing the paying
for his property he bought more until he now owns 450 acres. Mr. Fagan was a
good farmer and foresaw the value which would accrue to him by the improvement
of his property and the raising of stock. He erected suitable buildings of
modern construction, set out orchards and shrubbery and engaged extensively in
the raising of high grade stock. So successful did he become that four years ago
he moved his home to the village of Cascade and now spends the greater part of
his time in overseeing his properties and in marketing stock. Mr. Fagan has been
twice married. First, in 1858, to Elizabeth Morrow, a native of Ireland and
daughter of George Morrow, who was one of the early pioneers of White Water
township, this county. Mrs. Fagan died August 11, 1893, after bearing her
husband the following named children: George, William, James, Edward, Mary Ann,
Charles, Lillie, Thomas and Letta. Of the foregoing, George, Edward, Mary Ann
and Charles are dead. For his second wife Mr. Fagan married Miss Mamie Croston,
who was born in 1871, the daughter of John and Letta (Patterson) Croston,
natives of Ireland, but for many years well-known residents of Richland
township. Mr. Croston died in 1894, at sixty-five years of age, and Mrs. Croston
in 1897, aged sixty-three years. There are no children by the second marriage;
the family affiliate with the Presbyterian church.

History of
Dubuque County, Iowa; Weston A. Goodspeed, ed. by F. T. Oldt and P. J. Quigley;
Chicago: Goodspeed Hist. Assoc. 1911
James Armstrong, who founded the
Armstrong Lumber Company at Dyersville in 1882, is a native of County Down,
Ireland, his birth occurring January 22, 1842. When but a small lad his parents,
David and Jane Armstrong, came to the United States and for a time resided in
New York. In 1854, at a time when this section of the country was in a primitive
condition, they came to Dubuque, Iowa, where the father figured as the largest
contractor of his day. He built, among other important structures, the present
county jail and the sheriff's house, and also up to the beginning of the Civil
war all the principal bridges contiguous to Dubuque. In 1860 he removed to
Taylor township, where he owned and operated a splendid farm of some 600 acres,
subsequently going to Independence, Iowa, where he was engaged in contracting
until his death in July, 1894, when sixty-four years old. Mr. Armstrong was a
man of unusual force and character, of great vitality and activity, and by
reason of his upright life commanded the respect of all who knew him.
In the Third Ward School of Dubuque James Armstrong received his primary
education. When fifteen years old he was left in charge of his father's large
farm in Taylor township and in 1865 was deeded a tract of 160 acres continuing
farming until 1872. In the latter year, in partnership with George McGee, he
embarked in mercantile pursuits at Farley, but in 1880 removed to Dyersville and
engaged in the hardware and implement business, continuing this alone and in
partnership with others, until he founded the present Armstrong Lumber Company.
Mr. Armstrong has lived practically his entire life in Dubuque county and is
universally conceded to be one of its best citizens. He is a member of the
Methodist Episcopal church, and in politics is a Democrat. He served one term as
mayor of Dyersville, and from 1884 to 1890 was a member of the Board of
Aldermen. June 7, 1865, he married Miss Martha Dick, a native of Philadelphia,
the daughter of James and Eliza Dick. James Dick died in Philadelphia March 9,
1868, and his wife, who was a relative of President James Buchanan, came to
Dubuque and here died October 9, 1889. To Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong twelve children
have been born: David Raymond and Roy Harold, dying in infancy; Geo. G and Jas.
E., president, and Chas. L., secretary and treasurer of the Armstrong
Manufacturing Company, manufacturers of well drilling machinery and gas engines,
Waterloo, Iowa; David W.,for three terms mayor of Dyersville, and secretary and
treasurer of the Jas. Armstrong Lumber Co.; Clara M., now Mrs. Dr. John Mueller,
of Dyersville, this county; Emily M., married T.R. Bell, who is manager of a
large concern at Minneapolis, Minnesota; Margaret E., the wife of Elmer E. Carty,
a farmer near Earville, Iowa; Eliza J., now Mrs. E.C. Herling, Illinois Central
station agent at Charles City, Iowa; and Mary J. and Martha L., residing under
the parental roof at Dyersville.

History of
Dubuque County, Iowa; Weston A. Goodspeed, ed. by F. T. Oldt and P. J. Quigley;
Chicago: Goodspeed Hist. Assoc. 1911
James W. Beatty,
prominently identified with the banking interests of Cascade, is a native of
Jones county, Iowa, his birth occurring in the year 1850. He is a son of David
and Jane (McCartney) Beatty, natives of County Down and County Tyrone, Ireland,
respectively, and a grandson of James and Agnes (Dickson) Beatty, who were also
natives of the Emerald Isle. The grandparents immigrated to the United States in
1848, and for the most part resided in Jones county, Iowa. They were the parents
of nine children, named David, James, John, Dixon, Alexandria, Benjamin, Sarah,
Margaret, and Esther, one of whom only is now living. David Beatty married in
Philadelphia in 1846 and the same year moved to Iowa and took up government land
at $1.25 per acre. At this time the locality to which they moved has very few
settlers and those few were widely scattered. Clearing and improving with the
rude implements of husbandry in those days was laborious in the extreme, and
markets, a long distance away, afforded but scanty returns for the work
performed. Here Mr. Beatty lived the greater part of his life, surviving to see
the unbroken prairies transformed into prosperous farms and peaceful homes.
Although of foreign birth, his love for his adopted country led to his
enlistment for the integrity of the Union as a member of Company I, Twenty-first
Iowa Volunteer Infantry. He was early a whig in politics, but later helped to
found the Republican party in Iowa, of which he was an ardent supporter. He was
an honest worker for the cause of education and a member of the Baptist church.
The latter part of his life was passed in Cascade, where he died in 1907, at the
age of eighty-four years, preceded by his wife in 1903, also aged eighty-four.
Both have their final resting place in the cemetery at Cascade. They were the
parents of James W., Samuel B., Mary A., Eliza, Sarah B., and Elizabeth. The
education of James W. Beatty, the subject of this review, was obtained in the
district schools, the old academy at Cascade and at Lenox. He followed the
occupation of farmer until 1878, when he embarked in the furniture and
undertaking business with Thomas Crawford, whom he succeeded as postmaster in
1884, subsequently serving also a number of years as town clerk. He finished his
education at Lenox College, and since 1892 has been in the banking business in
Cascade. Mr. Beatty is a member of the Masonic fraternity, the Modern Woodmen of
the World and in politics is a Republican. In 1878 he married Edith, daughter of
Richard and Lydia (Hornbuckle) Rafferty, who died in 1902. For his second wife
he married in 1896 Miss Mary Elliott, and to this union one daughter, Thelma
Elliott, has been born.

The History of Jackson County,
Iowa...Chicago: Western Hist. Co., 1879.
Joseph Gilmore,
farmer, Sec. 19; P.O. Maquoketa; he was born in County Down, in Ireland, on the
4th of January, 1826, where he grew to manhood and received a good common-school
education. He emigrated to the United States in July, 1847, and located in
Monroe Co., N.Y., where he resided for five years, when, in 1852, he came to
Iowa and settled in Jackson Co., where he has lived ever since, in Fairfield
township. He has for several years been prominently connected with the
educational interests of his township, and is now the Secretary of the School
Board, and has also served for several terms as Road Supervisor. He has ever
been a stanch Democrat since he became a naturalized citizen of the United
States. He married Mary Marshall, a native of County Down, Ireland, in Monroe
Co., N.Y. the 1st of November, 1850, and had eight children, five of whom are
living at the writing of this history, namely Robert, David, Susanah, Hannah and
Adelle. He and his family all attend the Methodist Episcopal Church. When he
first came to the United States and located in Jackson Co., he was extremely
poor, and had no capital whatever, while now he has a good and comfortable
homestead, and a fortune valued at from $5,000 to $6,000. Owns 125 acres of

The History of Jackson County,
Iowa...Chicago: Western Hist. Co., 1879.
Robert L. Stewart, farmer, Sec.
19; P.O. Union Center; was born in County Down, in Ireland, in 1824, where he
lived until he was 22 years old, when he emigrated to the United States and
located in Monroe Co., N.Y., where he resided a short time over two years, when
he again moved to Butler Co., Ohio, where he lived for four years, and, in 1853,
moved to Jackson Co., Iowa and remained for one year, when he moved back to
Butler Co., Ohio where he lived two or three years, when he again pulled up
stakes and came back to Jackson Co., Iowa, in 1856, and has lived there ever
since. He has served his township faithfully for two terms as Road Supervisor.
He received his education in Ireland before emigrating. He has always been a
strong Democrat since he became a naturalized citizen of the United States. He
married his second wife, Agnes Clark, a native of County Down in Ireland, in
Dubuque, Iowa, on the 28th of March, 1858, and had four children, all of whom
are living, namely, Robert Clark, William, Mary and James L.; he married his
first wife, Susanah Marshall, a native of County Down in Ireland, in Monroe Co.,
N.Y. in 1851, and had one child, who is living at the present time, namely,
Charles B. He and his family are attendants of the Methodist Episcopal Church.
When he first came to Iowa, he was a poor man and totally without capital, but
by dint of perseverance, energy and hard work, he has a nice and comfortable
homestead, and a fortune of $7,000 to $8,000; owns 130 acres of land.

The Pioneer History of Pocahontas County, Robert E. Flickinger. Fonda: G. Sanborn, 1904.
McCartan Bernard (b. Oct 31,
1826), who died in Cedar township Oct. 2, 1887, in his 61st year, was a native
of Down county, Ireland, the son of Bernard and Ann (Brush) McCartan. In 1845
with his parents he came to America and found employment in the lead mines at
Dubuque where he married Mary, daughter of Roger and Margaret (Baldwin)
McNamara. He then located on a farm in that vicinity, in 1869 moved to Webster
county and in 1871 to the sw1/4 sec. 3, Cedar township. He was the first to
occupy this farm and improved it finely. The first house built in 1881, 14x18
feet, in 1876 became an attachment to a large and comfortable one. A fine grove
of forest and fruit trees was planted, and by subsequent purchases the original
farm was increased, previous to his death in 1887, to 540 acres and since that
date to 930 acres, all of which are occupied by the younger members of his
He was president of the second board of trustees of Cedar township in 1872,
president of the school board in 1873 and treasurer of the school funds in 1874.
He was a member of the board of county supervisors three years, 1874-76, when
the county seat was at Old Rolfe.
He was a good farmer, a man of noble principles and exerted a strong influence
in establishing and sustaining Catholic worship in the vicinity of Fonda. In the
pioneer days he was recognized as a wise and prudent leader in politics and
religion. In matters of charity, he was always ready to respond to the call of
the needy, who never left his door without assistance. His wife, a woman of more
than average intelligence and loved by all who knew her, died June 11, 1898.
He was the father of thirteen children, ten of whom survived him: 1- Thomas F.,
county auditor seven years, 1886-92, 2- Susan E., on May 19, 1895 married Ed.
O'Donnell, Fonda;3- Mary E., Oct. 5, 1897, married John Lilly, owner and
occupant of a farm of 80 acres on sec. 21, Dover township; 4- John J., born July
7, 1873, in April 1892 married Katie L. Haggerty and lived four years in Dover
township, then engaged in the abstract business for the bank of Pocahontas in
'97-98, and since as manager of the Shull Bros. lumber yard, Fonda; he has three
children, Austin R, Mary F, and Regina; he was secretary of the Cedar township
school board two years, '88-89 and assessor in Dover township 1894-95; 5- Arthur
A., born Oct. 3, 1865, is manager of the home farm; 6- Bernard E., born Nov. 25,
1867, has taught school four years and is now at Davenport; 7- Joseph H. at
home; 8- Maggie T. on August 28, 1899 married Anton J. Sauter, a carpenter and
resides at Fonda; 9- Katie and Roger, also at home.
McCartan Thomas F. (b. Oct. 19,
1854) is a native of Dubuque county and came with his parents to Cedar township
in 1871. He was clerk of Cedar township in 1878 and secretary of the school
board in 1883. He served as Auditor of Pocahontas county seven years, 1886-92,
the law of 1890 changing the election of county officers to alternate years
having added one year to his third term. He has been a resident of Pocahontas
since 1886; and as a stockholder and cashier of the Bank of Pocahontas has
been engaged in the banking and real estate business since 1893.
On May 17, 1886 he married Ella, a daughter of Roger and Margaret Collins,
formerly of Lizard township, and has a family of six children, Clement B.,
Tessie, Theo F., Myrtle, Monica and Arthur Thomas.

The History of Jackson County,
Iowa...Chicago: Western Hist. Co., 1879.
John McCaw, farmer, Sec. 30; P.O.
Union Center; owns 160 acres of land. He was born in County Down, Ireland, Dec.
22, 1824; in 1846, he emigrated to the United States and settled in Monroe Co.,
N.Y.; resided until 1855, then removed to Iowa and located upon the property
where he now lives, in Fairfield township. He has faithfully served his township
as School Director, Trustee and Road Supervisor; he also holds the contract for
transporting the United States mail from Union Center P.O. to Maquoketa twice a
week. He has been a stanch Democrat since becoming a naturalized citizen of the
United States. He married Susanah McCullagh,a native of Ireland, in Upper
Canada, June 26, 1856; had seven children; one survives- Susanah Margaret. He
and all his family are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. When he first
started in Jackson Co., he as a very poor man and nearly without capital, but,
by hard work and close application to business, he has a nice homestead and a
fortune of from $10,000 to $12,000.

History of Counties of Woodbury and Plymouth,
Iowa; Will L. Clark, et al.; Chicago: A. Warner & Co., 1890-91
J.C. Foley,
stockman, Climbing Hill, was born in county Down, Ireland, in the year 1834. His
parents' names were Matthew and Elizabeth (Copeland) Foley, both of Irish
nativity. Mr. Foley was married in England, May 27, 1865, to Rosena Cleland, of
Irish birth and parentage, a daughter of Robert and Elizabeth Cleland. In the
same year Mr. Foley immigrated to America, and engaged in farming in Wisconsin.
He went to England on a three years' visit, returning to Wisconsin, from whence
he went to Kansas, remaining five years, and returning again to Wisconsin. In
1877 he came to Sioux City, and engaged in the dairy business until 1887, when
he came to his present place, the Glenview stock farm, West Fork township, where
he is engaged in farming and the breeding of trotting and French draft horses.
Mr .and Mrs. Foley have six children-four girls and two boys, viz: Elizabeth,
aged twenty-four years, a milliner in Sioux City; Mary, aged twenty-three years,
principal of one of the Sioux City schools; Sarah, aged twenty-one years, a
teacher in Sioux City; Grace, aged nineteen, milliner at Sioux City; William,
aged seventeen, attending business college in Sioux City; and Johnny, aged
thirteen, at school in Sioux City.

Biographical History of
Pottawattamie County: Lewis Pub. Co., 1891.
Alexander Kenedy, an
enterprising and well-known citizen of Center Township, Pottawattamie County,
Iowa, has resided on a farm in section 1 since 1880.
He was born in Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania,
February 5, 1819. His father, Gilbert Kenedy, was born in Belfast, County Down,
Ireland, son of John Kenedy. Gilbert Kenedy was only two years old when his
parents came to America and settled in Franklin County, Pennsylvania. John
Kenedy was a soldier in the Revolutionary war, and fought bravely all through
that struggle for his adopted country.
Gilbert Kenedy married Jane Applebee, who was
born on the ocean, of Scotch-Irish parents.. They reared six sons and three
daughters, Alexander being the youngest son. The father died at Shade Gap,
Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania, at the age of eighty-five years; and the mother
died in Pike County, Illinois, when past eighty. Mr. Kenedy followed the
vocation of a farmer all his life. He was in politics a Whig, and in religion a
Alexander grew to manhood on a farm in Pennsylvania,
receiving a somewhat limited education. Arriving at the age of manhood, he was
married, November 3, 1852, to Jane Gillis, who was born in Bedford County, near
the Fulton County line, Pennsylvania. Her father, Daniel Gillis, was born in
Glasgow, Scotland, and when a young man he came to America and settled in
Pennsylvania. Her mother was also a native of Scotland, her maiden name having
been Margaret Carlisle. Daniel Gillis and wife passed the remainder of their
lives in Fulton County, Pennsylvania, the former living until he passed the
seventieth mile-post, and the latter reaching the advanced age of eighty-eight
years. They reared nine children, three sons and six daughters. Two of the sons,
David Andrew and John McCoy, were soldiers in the late war, the latter dying of
disease contracted while in the service. Daniel Gillis was a farmer all his
life; was a Whig and a Presbyterian.
Mr. Kenedy resided in Pennsylvania until 1856 when the
family moved to Pike County, Illinois, where they lived six years. He also spent
some time in other portions of Illinois. In 1874 they took up their abode in
Chariton County, Missouri, where they remained until 1880. In that year, as
before stated, he came to Pottawattamie County and settled on his present farm.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenedy have eight children: John Calvin, at the homestead; Mary
Rebecca, wife of J.L. Phillips, Center Township, Pottawattamie County, has seven
children; Margaret Jane at home; James Chalmers, who is married and has two
children, resides in Layton Township, this county; Newton Daniel is married, has
one child and lives in Wright Township; Virginia Adeline, wife of Daniel McLain;
and Luella P., wife of S.J. Smith, of Lincoln Township, has two children.
Our subject was rocked in an Abolitionist cradle, and
is now a Republican. He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, as also
is his wife. They have reared their children in such a manner that they are
fitted to occupy worthy and respected positions in society. Although over
seventy years of age Mr. Kennedy is well preserved. He has traveled extensively,
is well informed on general topics, and is one of those frank and cordial
gentlemen with whom it is a pleasure to meet. By all who know him he is regarded
as an honored and esteemed citizen.

History of Delaware County,
Iowa...Captain John F. Merry, supervising ed. 2
vols. Chicago: S. J. Clarke Pub. Co., 1914
John Platt, deceased, owned and managed a nursery near Colesburg for many
years and was successful in that undertaking. He was born in Uniontown,
Pennsylvania, September 9, 1829, a son of John and Martha (Gettis) Platt.
They had four sons, of whom the subject of this review was the oldest. The
father was a native of Pennsylvania and the mother of County Down, Ireland.
Their marriage occurred in the Keystone state about 1825. In 1843 the
family removed to Delaware county and located in the Dickson settlement,
where they resided until their deaths, the father passing away in 1858 and
the mother in 1880. Both were buried in the Dickson settlement. The father
was a farmer and stock-raiser and was a man of notable public spirit. He
deeded land for the schoolhouse to the public and also gave land for the
cemetery. Politically he was a democrat and for many years served
acceptably as justice of the peace.
J ohn Platt, Jr., received his early education in Delaware county and then
went to Dubuque, where he learned the printer's trade, working on the old
Miner's Express. He continued his connection with that sheet later when it
was known as the Herald. In 1854 he went to California and for twelve years
edited the Downeyville Democrat of that state. In 1866 he returned to
Delaware county and started a nursery in the Dickson settlement which was
known as the Colesburg Nursery. For many years he conducted that enterprise
and as he spared neither labor nor thought in an endeavor to improve the
stock grown and as he understood thoroughly the effect of different
varieties of soil, of heat, light and moisture, the trees grown in the
Colesburg Nursery were fine specimens of nursery stock and of such vitality
that they grew well if given moderately favorable conditions when set out
by those who purchased them. The business of the nursery extended over
quite a large territory and those who patronized it once continued to do so
for years.
Mr. Platt was married in August, 1867, at Platteville, Wisconsin, to Miss
Mary Adna, a daughter of John and Susan (Schnee) Adna, who passed away at
Platteville, where they were laid to rest. To Mr. and Mrs. Platt were born
three children, namely: Ida, the widow of Jeff Walters; Webster, mayor of
Colesburg and candidate for the office of county supervisor; and Mrs. Ellen
Mr. Platt was a democrat in politics and took an active interest in public
affairs and held a number of local offices, including that of township
assessor. He was one of the leaders in local democratic circles and did all
in his power to advance the interests of that party. Fraternally he was a
member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the Ancient Order of
United Workmen. He resided in this county when wolves, bear and deer
abounded and when Indians were very numerous, and his reminiscences of the
early days of the region were intensely interesting and of great value, as
they served to make real the life of the pioneers to the generation of
today who know this county only as a settled and highly prosperous
agricultural section.
Submitted by--Becky Teubner

History of Crawford County, F. W. Meyers. 2 vols. Chicago: S. J.
Clarke Pub. Co., 1911.
resident of Denison since 1867, Charles Bullock is one of its best known and
respected citizens. He is also a successful business man who by his industry,
wise management and public spirit has gained the confidence of the entire
community. He was born at Macomb, McDonough county, Illinois, March 8, 1838, a
son of Thomas and Agnes (McCabe) Bullock, the former of whom was a native of
County Down, Ireland, and the latter of Dauphin county, Pennsylvania. The father
emigrated to America in 1818 and engaged in the furniture business at
Hummelstown, Pennsylvania, making chairs, spinning wheels, etc. He was captain
of the Hummelstown Volunteers, the oldest military company whose organization is
still maintained by the state of Pennsylvania. He was the last man to join the
company, but being a fine tactician he was unanimously elected captain and was
in command when La Fayette came to America in 1824, the company serving as a
body-guard to the distinguished visitor. He continued in command until 1836 when
he came west with James G. Blaine, who was a second cousin of Mr. Bullock's
wife. He settled in Macomb, Illinois, and engaged in the furniture business and
as a millwright, continuing there during the remainder of his life, with the
exception of five years. He passed away in 1881, at the age of eighty-seven
years, his wife dying the same year and at the same age as himself. They were
both members of the Presbyterian church. He was originally an old line whig, but
becoming a personal friend of Stephen A .Douglas, joined the democratic party.
He was a man of prominence in the community and served as justice of the peace
for a number of years, also as judge of the county court. Ezekiel Bullock, the
paternal grandfather of our subject, was a native of County Down, Ireland. The
Bullocks were a military family and Ezekiel had several brothers who were
officers in the British army, but he was opposed to a monarchial form of
government, being an uncompromising republican. He lived to the advanced age of
ninety-four years and was the father of five children, Thomas, Boyd, Ezekiel,
James and Margaret. The maternal grandfather was John McCabe, also a native of
Ireland. He settled in Pennsylvania at an early day, continuing in that state
during the remainder of his life. His wife was Nancy Wallace and they were the
parents of three children, Nancy McElrath, Agnes and John. Seven children were
born to Thomas and Agnes Bullock, Charles being the only one now living. One
brother, Thomas, and two sisters, Rachel and Anna, grew to maturity. Rachel
married S.R. Lowry and Anna became the wife of S.L. Fisher.
Charles Bullock was reared at Macomb, Illinois, and
attended the public schools, where he obtained the rudiments of an education
which he has greatly widened by reading and observation. He taught school for
five terms and continued to live at home after arriving at maturity. His parents
kept a hotel and he assisted in the house as he grew up, later keeping books for
a large mercantile concern and a mill. He also worked on a farm and later
engaged in the wood-carding business at Plymouth, Illinois, in the summer time
and sold goods in the winter. In 1867 he came to Crawford county and has ever
since made his home at Denison. For two years he conducted a general store and
then went into the drug business ands was for several years interested in a
lumberyard in this city. He engaged quite extensively in the cattle business,
operating a ranch on the line between Nebraska and South Dakota. Subsequently he
became proprietor of a large hardware store at Vail and during recent years he
has engaged in the real estate, loan and insurance business in partnership with
J.B. Dunbar, the concern being one of the most substantial of its kind in this
part of the state.
On the 17th day of April, 1865, Mr. Bullock was united
in marriage to Miss Eliza W. Hill, a native of Kentucky and a daughter of
Fleming and Marian (Duval) Hill, the former of whom was born at Shelbyville and
the latter at New Castle, Kentucky. They moved to Schuyler county, Illinois, but
afterwards returned to Kentucky, where they continued during the remainder of
their lives. They were the owners of a large plantation and a number of slaves.
There were six children in their family, Molly, Eliza W., Roland, Sarah, John
and Lucy. Two children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Bullock, both of whom died in
Politically Mr. Bullock gives his support to the
democratic party. He has served in a number of public offices, having been
assessor and town clerk early in life. In 1884 he was elected a member of the
twentieth general assembly of Iowa, succeeding the late Hon. H.C. Lamb, and
filled the office to the general acceptance of his constituents for two years.
He was afterward a candidate for the state senate but could not overcome the
large normal majority of the opposing party. He was a delegate to the democratic
national convention in Chicago in 1896 and at Kansas City in 1900, and was a
member of the committee who notified John W. Kern of his nomination as a
candidate for vice president of the United States. In religious affiliation he
is identified with the Presbyterian church, while his wife is connected with the
Baptist church. Fraternally he belongs to Sylvan Lodge, No. 507, A.F. & A.M.
and he and his wife are members of the Order of the Eastern Star. He also holds
membership in Dowdall Lodge No. 90, K.P. Mr. and Mrs. Bullock have journeyed
together over life's pathway for more than forty-five years and have a host of
friends in Crawford county who have been attracted by their sterling
characteristics. Mr. Bullock is now practically retired from the cares of
business and enjoys the fruits of many years of application.

The History of Marshall County,
Iowa; Chicago: Western Hist. Co., 1878
Jordan, James,
farmer, Section 28; P.O. State Centre, born County Down, Ireland, in 1828; came
to this country in 1856 and located in this county in 1871. Married Mary Ennis
in 1856; s he was born in Ireland; 4 children living- Jabez, Emma, Carson,
Charles. Are members of M.E. Church; he is a Republican. School Director. Owns
160 acres of land, valued at $25 per acre.

History of Counties of Woodbury and Plymouth,
Iowa; Will L. Clark, et al.; Chicago: A. Warner & Co., 1890-91
McConnell Semple, clergyman, Merrill, was born in Donaghadee, county Down,
Ireland, November 26, 1848. His ancestry is traced to Rev. James Semple who
migrated from Scotland during the persecution of Protestants, and settled at
Kircubbin, Ireland. James Semple, grandfather of William, was a farmer and his
son James, one of twins, was born at Donaghadee, and married Mary Crothers, a
native of the same place. He kept a general store there, and died in April,
1890, at the age of ninety-two years. His wife died in June following, aged
seventy-seven. Of their nine children, of whom eight are now living-two sons
being in Australia-William is the seventh.
He was educated at the national training school for
teachers at Newtownards, and taught two years at Donaghadee and three years near
Belfast. He read the entrance course for the Queen's college at Belfast, but
immigrated to the United States on reaching his majority. For two years he
taught school at New Diggings, Wis., and then began the four years' conference
course for the Methodist Episcopal ministry. In the meantime he preached at
Montfort one year, and three years on Dane circuit of the West Wisconsin
Conference. After preaching two years at Monticello he returned to New Diggings
and taught for two years. In 1880, he came to Iowa, and began farming in
Washington township, Plymouth county, and two years later he bought his present
farm of 120 acres, his residence being on section thirty-five.
He supplied the Merrill circuit from 1885 to 1887, and
in the spring of 1890 he returned to the church of his fathers, the
Presbyterian, and is now assistant to the pastor of Le Mars, having charge of
the Merrill mission. Since becoming a citizen he has sustained the republican
party, and has served Washington township as assessor and chairman of the board
of trustees. December 15, 1871, he married Susan Johnson, a native of New
Diggings, Wis., and daughter of Warren and Alzina (Bean) Johnson, of Ohio and
Missouri birth, respectively. The children of Mr. Semple and wife are named in
order of birth as follows: Alzina Mabel, William Emmett, Allen Edgar, Olney
Warren, Kitty Belle and Robert Llewellyn.

The History of Des Moines
County, Iowa; Chicago: Western Historical Co., 1879.
(Flint River Township) KELLY,
William, far., Sec. 17; P. O. Burlington; was born in the year 1828, in the
county of Down, Ireland; when 19 years of age, emigrated to this country;
remained in the State of New York about eighteen months, then returned to his
native land; in 1853, he again came to the United States. On the 7th of October,
1854, married Miss Eliza Porter, in Newburg, N. Y., they removed to this county
in 1856; have eight children living: Eliza J., James P., Phebe A., Flora May,
Martha, David J., William and Ida. Mr. K. is a Democrat. Has held the office of
Justice of the Peace two years; has held various school offices. Owns 167 acres
of land; is an energetic and enterprising citizen

Biographical and Historical
Record of Ringgold and Union Counties...Chicago: Lewis Pub. Co., 1887.
(Union County)
Henry Murphy, general merchant, Cromwell, is a
native of County Down, Ireland, born April 4, 1847. His father, Patrick Murphy,
was also born in County Down, Ireland, and in 1854 immigrated with his family to
America, and settled in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He was a day laborer in
limited circumstances, and died when our subject was very young. After his
father's death Henry was sent to the sisters of charity, remaining there until
about eight years of age, when he commenced blacking boots and selling
newspapers which he followed for some time, the latter part of this time being
on a boat as a bootblack and newsboy. He was soon after employed by the engineer
to grease the engine. He was subsequently promoted to engineer, which position
he held several years, and when twenty-three years old was receiving $21 a week
for his services. He followed engineering till within the last thirteen years,
most of the time being employed in a rolling mill near Cincinnati, where he
received a certificate to the effect that he was a first-class engineer. He came
to Union County, Iowa, July 24, 1872, locating at Cromwell, after which he
followed farming for three years, and in 1881 he engaged in his present business
,carrying a stock of dry goods, groceries, boots and shoes, hats and caps,
queensware, and glassware, valued at $4,500, his annual sales amounting to

Portrait and
Biographical Record of Dubuque, Jones and Clayton Counties
Chicago: Chapman Pub. Co., 1894
F. SMYTH, a prominent business man and enterprising citizen of Bernard, is at
present extensively engaged in buying and selling grain, and is also the
proprietor of a hardware and farming implement store, which he conducts with
success and profit. He is of Irish descent, and is the son of John and Margaret
(Henry) Smyth. The father was born in
County Down, Ireland, in 1819. When thirteen years of age he came to this
country with his parents and settled in Bangor, Me. A few years later he
embarked in the mercantile business in that city, carrying a line of general
merchandise, dry goods, boots, shoes, groceries, etc. He followed this
occupation for ten years, and at the expiration of that time sold out and came
to Iowa, settling in Prairie Creek Township, Dubuque County. Here he bought one
hundred and forty acres of wild, uncultivated land, and immediately set about
clearing and improving it. He built a good house and barn, which he furnished
comfortably, and within two years he had a nice little home to which he brought
his bride in 1844. He married Miss Margaret Henry, a native of Dubuque County,
and to them were born thirteen children, nine of whom are living: Henry, John,
Anna, George, Charles, Katie, Celia, Frank and Albert. They all received a good
common-school education, and Katie is a graduate of Lyons College. She has been
a teacher in the public schools of Iowa for six years, giving good satisfaction,
and is an excellent instructor.
John F. Smyth was a hard
working man, industrious and saving. Having been taught in his youth the
necessity of taking care of the pennies, he lived a frugal but comfortable life,
and at the time of his death he had accumulated a large share of this world's
goods and left his family well provided for. He passed peacefully away November
24, 1886, leaving a large circle of sincere friends a loving companion and
several children to mourn his loss. His good wife still survives him, and is
living on the old homestead.
Our subject was born May 8,
1859, in this township; he spent his boyhood days in the old home on the farm,
attending the public school, helping in seed-time and harvest, and enjoying the
free and happy life of a farmer until in the fall of 1890, when he went into
business for himself at Bernard. Being a man of good business ability,
genial and social, he has made many warm friends and built up a trade of which
any one might well be proud. He also owns one hundred acres of land in Prairie
Creek Township, well improved and all in grass. Mr. Smyth is erecting at the
present time a large new building, which he will use for hardware and light
September 7,1891, Mr. Smyth was
united in marriage with Miss Sabina, daughter of Michael Cox a retired farmer of
Dubuque County. She was born January 15, 1873. Mr. and Mrs. Smyth are the
parents of two interesting children, Mary, born August 20, 1892, and Geneva,
born February 21, 1894. Our subject is a Democrat in his political views, taking
active part in all the councils of that party. He, with his excellent wife, is a
member of the Catholic Church, and occupies a high position in the social
circle. Mr. Smyth has been a member of the School Board, and has occupied that
position for four years.
--Contributed by Becky Teubner

Portrait and
Biographical Record of Dubuque, Jones and Clayton Counties
Chicago: Chapman Pub. Co., 1894
M H. MARTIN is a member of the
firm of Martin & Strelau, of Dubuque, general freight and transfer
agents and wholesale and retail dealers in wood and coal. They are
now doing a good business and the members of the firm are numbered among the
wide-awake and substantial business men of this community. Mr. Martin was born
in New York City in
1854, and is of Irish descent. His parents, George and Mary (Murdock) Martin,
were both natives of the Emerald Isle, The father was born in County Down,
Ireland, and in 1853 crossed the Atlantic to America, locating in New York. The
following year he came to Dubuque, where his death occurred July 16, 1894, at
the age of seventy-seven. His wife is still living. Midst play and work the
childhood days of our subject were passed. During his infancy he was brought by
his parents to Dubuque, where he was reared to manhood. He acquired his
education in the public schools and his first independent effort in life was as
a mail carrier, a position which he filled for some time in this city. He then
purchased his father's freight and transfer line which he has since successfully
conducted, his business
steadily increasing and yielding to him a comfortable competence. In 1889 he
admitted to partnership Paul E. Strelau, under the firm name of Martin &
Strelau, which connection has since continued. In the freight and transfer
business they employ some twenty-five men. They also deal in wood and coal,
handling anthracite and bituminous coal, and oak, maple and pine woods. In this
branch of their business they also enjoy a good trade, the enterprise
proving a profitable one. December 25, 1881, was celebrated the marriage of Mr.
Martin and Miss Gussie E. Strelau, daughter of John and Emily (Tanken) Strelau,
who were early settlers of Dubuque. Four children grace this union, two sons and
two daughters, Florence A., Frederick D., Mabel Harriet and Harrold P. The
parents are both faithful members of the Presbyterian Church, and with their
family reside at No, 208 West Fourteenth Street.
In his political views Mr.
Martin is a Republican, and though he warmly advocates the principles of the
party, he has had neither time nor inclination for public office. Socially, he
is connected with Apollo Lodge, K. of P.; and Julien Lodge, I. O. O. F. His
residence in this city covers a period of forty years, and he has therefore
witnessed the greater part of its growth and development, and has seen the
progress and advancement which has been achieved through the progressive and
practical efforts of such citizens as himself. Mr. Martin started out to make
his own way in the world at the early age of thirteen, and has since been
entirely dependent
upon his own resources. Steadily he has worked his way upward, overcoming the
difficulties and obstacles in his path by industry and perseverance. He may
truly be called a self-made man, and as such we present him to our readers.
--Contributed by Becky Teubner

and Historical Record of Ringgold and Union Counties...Chicago: Lewis Pub. Co.,
John H. McElroy, residing on
section 11, of Riley Township, Ringgold County, where he has a fine farm of 260
acres, is a native of County Down, Ireland, born January 31, 1846. In 1851 his
parents immigrated to the United States with their four children, and settled in
Union County, Ohio, where the father died a few years ago. The mother still
lives in that county with two of her children, Margaret Ann and Samuel. Her
children, Charles A., William, Susan and Esther Ann, are also residents of the
same county. John H. McElroy passed his youth in Union County, Ohio. At the age
of eighteen years he ran away from his home, being determined to fight for his
adopted country, and in July, 1864, he enlisted in Company B, One Hundred and
Seventy-fourth Ohio Infantry, and participated in the following engagements:
Battle of the Cedars, near Murfreesboro, Tennessee, Decatur, Alabama, Overall's
Creek, Kingston and Goldsboro, North Carolina. He was honorably discharged
at Raleigh, North Carolina, June 28, 1865, when he returned to his home in Union
County, Ohio, remaining there till he came to Iowa, In 1869. After living in
Ringgold County for three years, he settled on his present farm in Riley
Township and commenced improving it in the fall of 1872 and has converted it
from the naked prairie into one of the best farms in Riley Township. Mr. McElroy
was married November 16, 1871 to Miss Mary E. Bonham, a resident of Ringgold
County. They have two children living-Sanford H., and William H., A son, Charlie
Blaine, died September 16, 1880, aged two years and a daughter, Ivy I., died in
infancy. Mr. and Mrs. McE;lroy were members of the Methodist Episcopal
church. In politics Mr. McElroy is an ardent Republican. He is a member of the
Grand Army of the Republic.

The History of Delaware
County, Iowa. Chicago: Western Historical Co., 1878
JOHN, Farmer; Sec. 26; P.O. Greeley; born in County Down, Ireland, in 1849; was
married there Aug. 2, 1855, to Jane Carney; she was born in Donegal, Ireland,
Oct. 1834; came to Ohio in 1846; have seven children- Samuel A.,
Alexander, Thomas, Eliza J., Mary, Charles A., and John; came to this county in
1860; owns 138 acres of land on which he has put more than $4,000 improvements;
has been School Director one, and Board Supervisor two terms; family belong to
the M.E. Church.

History of Iowa County, James G.
Dinwiddie. Volume 2. Chicago: S. J. Clarke Pub. Co., 1915
Boland was born near Belfast, Ireland, in County Down, July 14, 1841. His
father, Edward Boland, Sr., was born in the town of Paisley, Scotland, in 1797
and died in Williamsburg, Iowa county, Iowa, January 13, 1897, at the age of
ninety-nine years and two months. He crossed the sea from Scotland to Ireland in
1815. He emigrated to Canada in 1856 and lived there for ten years then removed
to Williamsburg, Iowa county, Iowa, in 1866, where he bought land and settled on
a farm one mile south of Williamsburg, afterward selling it and moving to the
south part of Troy township. He paid seven dollars and fifty cents per acre for
the first land that he bought, which is today renting for eight dollars per acre
yearly. Our subject's mother, Ellen Cargo, was born in County Down, Ireland, in
1804. She was of English descent, her ancestors coming from Carlyle, England, in
the seventeenth century. She died near Williamsburg, Iowa, February 28, 1889, at
the age of eighty-four years and eight months. They are both laid to rest in
Oakhill cemetery in Williamsburg. There were born to this union five sons ,two
of whom are living at the present time. Edward Boland, and Charles Boland, one
of the extensive farmers of Troy township.
On the 3d of September, 1863, Edward Boland was united
in marriage to Margaret McCann in London, Ontario, Canada. She was born in
Middlesex county, Ontario, January 14, 1844. In 1829 her parents came from the
north of Ireland to Ontario, where they resided the balance of their lives, both
dying at the age of eighty-four years, one year apart. They are laid to rest in
Exeter cemetery near the shore of Lake Huron, Ontario. They encountered many
hardships, literally hewing their home out of the wilderness. Mr. McCann was
called out by the government to quell the McKenzie rebellion in 1837. The troops
had to follow the blazed trees on foot for over ninety miles, and when the
rebellion was over and the leader had escaped to the United States, they were
dismissed and sent home on foot, even their old flintlock guns being taken from
In the spring of 1857 Edward Boland came west with an
older brother, stopping at Monmouth, Illinois. That was when Lincoln,
Breckenridge, and Douglas were coming to the front in the political world, and
in the days of the underground railway, when a good old abolitionist would
travel all night with a slave or two in his wagon on the road to freedom or
Canada. Hard times came on and the bottom dropped out of the price of live stock
and farm produce, and wages dropped so that a farm hand was glad to get a place
to stay all winter and work for his board. But one lesson this sixteen year old
boy learned was that whatever you do, do it right, not knowing that the neighbor
across the road was watching him all summer, how he milked the cows regularly
and fed the three hundred head of hogs, while the other man took it easy. When
hard times came he came over and when he found that Mr. Boland was going to
Canada he offered him twenty-five dollars per month. He says it pays to do
right. But homesickness came on, he returned to Canada and lived there for
eleven years, still longing for the far western prairies.
In March, 1868, having married, Mr. Boland brought his
wife to Williamsburg, Iowa county, Iowa, and in April, 1868, they lived in Troy
township on a rented farm for a few years. Ten children were born to this union,
four of whom have passed to the great beyond. The six left are located as
follows: Charles H. Boland, of Webster, Keokuk county, Iowa, a farmer, stock
shipper, and real-estate agent; W.W. Boland, of North English, Iowa county, a
stock shipper, real-estate dealer and farmer; Mr. Mary Conn, wife of R.T. Conn,
a retired farmer and real-estate agent living at Marengo, Iowa county; R.G.
Boland of Webster, Keokuk county, a farmer and stock feeder; George Boland, a
farmer on the home place; and Mrs. Ida Brown, wife of Daniel Brown, a farmer and
live-stock dealer of English township, Iowa county.
After arriving here in 1868 and getting settled on a
rented farm, hardships began to come; hauling corn twelve miles to Marengo and
selling it for fifteen cents per bushel; hauling coal from What Cheer,
thirty-two miles and sometimes being gone for three or four days in a storm. But
all these inconveniences have passed away, and the farmers of today can make
farming a pleasure. The cradle has given way to the reaping machine, and the
reaping machine to the self-binder and the old fourteen inch plow to the sulky
or gang plow with five horses, turning over six or seven acres in one day. But
the old settlers had a good time. The farm in Troy township was purchased for
fifty dollars per acre and today is worth two hundred dollars per acre.
After becoming a naturalized citizen in 1874, Mr.
Boland was elected one of the trustees of Troy township and served on that board
for eight years. In 1894 he was elected assessor but after performing the duty
for two years refused to serve any longer on account of home duties. In 1903 he
was chosen by the republican party to represent Iowa county in the state
legislature in the thirtieth and thirty-first general assemblies but afterward
refused the nomination as the next election on account of farm duties. In 1909
Mr. Boland moved to Williamsburg and was appointed justice of the peace to fill
a vacancy; was afterward elected and has been reelected at every election since.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Boland are members of the Presbyterian church and he has been
a member of Stellapolis Lodge, No. 391, A.F. & A.M., for thirty-three years,
and secretary for five years.
On September 3, 1913, Mr. and Mrs. Boland celebrated
their golden wedding. The following is taken from the Williamsburg
" The golden wedding anniversary of Hon. and Mrs.
Edward Boland was observed yesterday at their home in Williamsburg, and the
event touched the community at almost every angle. The well known couple has
resided here for many years and the throng that called at the Boland home to
offer congratulations and good wishes included nearly the whole town and the old
neighborhood in which the family formerly lived. The occasion served as a family
reunion and all the children and grandchildren gathered at the home. Miss Emma
Watkins was the only grandchild that was absent and this was on account of the
young woman beginning her term this week as a teacher in the high school at
Brooklyn. The dinner was an elaborate affair; there was nothing omitted that
would add to its scope or flavor. Rev. T.E. Sherman of the Presbyterian church
was guest and invoked the divine blessing on the gathering and the
following immediate members of the family were present:
"Mr. and Mrs. Richard Watkins and son, Walter; Mr. and
Mrs. C.H. Boland of Webster; Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Boland and sons, Wayne and
Wilson, of North English; Mr. and Mrs. R.T. Conn, sons, Rex and Russell, and
daughter, Ethel, of Marengo; Mr. and Mrs. R.G. Boland of Webster; Mr. and Mrs.
George Boland of the old homestead, and Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Brown and daughter,
Margaret Mary, of North English. The foregoing are the sons, daughters,
sons-in-law and daughters-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Boland. The other relatives
present were: Mr. Charles Boland, the well known Troy township farmer together
with his family and children; Mr. and Mrs. S.N. Boland, Mr. and Mrs. C.A. Boland
and family, of Sigourney; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Boland, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jones and
Irvine Boland.
"Relatives of Mrs. Boland, from Canada, present
were: Mrs. Jane Cunningham, Clandeboye, Ontario; Mrs. William Holt and Mrs.
Edward Portice, Sarnia, Ontario, all sisters of Mrs. Boland; Mrs. William
Holland and son, HOrace; Alonzo Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Hall, Mr. and Mrs.
Albert Hall and Mr. and Mrs. A. Mann, London, Ontario; Mrs. Holland and Mrs.
Mann are nieces and the Halls are nephews of Mrs. Boland. Mrs. Cunningham was
the oldest person in the gathering; she is in her eighty-fourth year but entered
into the spirit of the occasion with a heart as lightsome as a girl's.
"A real family gathering, surely, and the Boland
home never held a merrier throng. It was the wedding spirit multiplied by fifty
happy years and all the tender memories came trooping to add pleasure to the
scene. The invitations to the dinner and reception barred the bringing of gifts
but children violated the injunction by presenting the mother and father with a
handsome gold chain and Masonic charm and the mother with a handsome gold pin,
while the friends of Williamsburg and vicinity presented the couple with two
fine gold mounted umbrellas and Mr. Boland with a handsome gold mounted cane.
"The public reception was held in the afternoon from
three o'clock till five and from seven in the evening till nine-thirty. This was
one continuous throng of friends and well-wishers and light refreshments were
served the callers. The evening at the home presented a scene not often
witnessed; the lawn and porches were a blaze of mellow gold light, filthered
through Chinese lanterns and the street in front of the home was banked with
automobiles; dozens of North English, Marengo and Conroy cars were present.
Short talks were made by Wilson Boland, H.E. Hull, Hon. Edward Boland, and Mrs.
William Holt, all touching on the event in which the whole community felt a
personal and kindly interest.
"Edward Boland was born near Belfast, Ireland,
July 14, 1841. In 1856 he came to London, Canada, and on September 3, 1863, he
was united in marriage to Miss Margaret McCann, a native of Middlesex county,
Canada, where she was born January 14, 1844. In 1866 the family moved to Iowa
county, Iowa, locating on a farm in Troy township, which continued to be the
home until the old couple moved to Williamsburg a few years ago, the old
homestead passing to the control of the youngest son, George.
"No finer people ever lived than are Mr. and Mrs.
Boland; they came here in the days of the pioneer and through all these years
they have held fast to the many friendships formed. Good, whole-souled,
kind-hearted people with hands ever ready to help and hearts joyed with the joys
of others and easily touched by another's woe. Their life has been truly happy
and here in their advancing years they have the supreme pleasure of seeing their
children commanding the respect and esteem of the communities they honor. For
forty-five years they have lived here and now in the happy glow that haloes
their golden wedding anniversary the things most highly prized are the enduring
friendships they have enjoyed.
"The Journal-Tribune extends to Mr. and Mrs.
Boland its sincerest greetings and wishes them many returns of the anniversary
of the event so becomingly celebrated."

Iowa Official Register 1925-1926;
Biographies of State Senators p. 290
John Orr - Representative from Keokuk county, was born in County Down,
Ireland, February 18, 1850. He came to the United States in 1870 and settled in
Rock Island county, Illinois. He moved to Iowa in 1876 and has lived on the farm
where he now resides since 1879. He was married in 1898 to Anna L. Johnston. He
is a thirty-second degree Mason and a Shriner; also a member of the Eastern
Star. Elected representative in 1920 and re-elected in 1922 and 1924. Member of
the Presbyterian church. A republican in politics.