Madison County Reporter, Winterset, IA, Feb. 22, 1906
William McClain born Newtonards, County Down, Ireland, May 12, 1832 and died
at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Ross (Nancy) Croft in Winterset last Monday
after a long and painful illness.
Wife, Elvina, died 1895 on farm near Patterson where they lived many years.
Failing health compelled him to leave the farm and last November came to town to
make his home with his daughter.
He leaves 5 children: Mrs. Mary Strauderman of Conger, Mrs. Elvina Booth of
Patterson, Mrs. Ellen Pender, William McClain, and Mrs. Nancy Ross Croft of
Winterset. Funeral home of Ross Croft Tuesday by Rev. R.R. Marquis and remains
Union Chapel Cemetery.
(note: William's wife actually died in 1905, not 1895.)
Being Researched by Jane

Lake City Graphic
Lake City, Iowa
September, 1889
Samuel E. Campbell was born in Ireland, county of Down, Aug. 2d, 1826.
Emigrated to Philadelphia U. S. A., in May 1847, He was married to Sarah E.
Smith, June 25, 1853 and united with the Presbyterian Church in 1858. Moved
from Philadelphia to Wisconsin in 1854, being a pioneer of that state.
Enlisted Sept. 3, 1864, Co. K., 42d Wisconsin Volunteers. Mustered out
11th, 1865. From Wisconsin he moved to Glidden, Carroll county, Iowa,
22, 1869, at which place his death occurred Sept. 3d, 1889. He was a
charter member of the Glidden Presbyterian Church. His death was caused by
Bright's disease of the kidneys.
Cyndi Hailey

Davenport Times
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
Nov 14, 1900
At 8 o'clock last evening occurred the death of Mrs.
Mary Trainor in
the 74th year of her age. The deceased passed away in this city at the home
of her daughter, Mr. John Russell of 1215 Third avenue, in East Davenport,
wehre for some time before her death she had resided. Prior to her taking up
her habitation with her daughter in this city she resided in Chicago for
three years.
The deceased was born in County Down, Ireland, and for
42 years resided
in this state. Her death was due to apoplexy.
The survivors are Michael, her son, of this city, with
the fire
department, Mrs. Henry Webber of Marshalltown, Lizzie, of Chicago, and
Mamie, now Mrs. John Russell, of this city.
The funeral will be held from the late residence
tomorrow morning with
services at the Sacred Heart Cathedral at 9 o'clock. The interment will be
at St. Marguerite's cemetery.
Nov 16, 1900
The Funeral of Mrs. Trainor
It Was Held with Services at the Sacred Heart Cathedral
The funeral of Mrs. J. Trainor was held from the
residence of her
daughter, Mrs. John Russell, 1215 Third Avenue in East Davenport. It was
largely attended. The pall bearers were Frank Lanigan, James F. Halligan,
Michael Carville, Patrick Hanley, and Thomas McLaughlin. The interment was
made at St. Marguerite's cemetery.
Services were held at the Sacred Heart Cathedral,
Reverend James Davis

Chief Reporter
Perry, Dallas, Iowa
Feb 9, 1899
Thos. Bailey, a Hero of the Seminole War Died Yesterday Morning
oldest citizen of Perry died ten minutes after midnight, Tuesday night. Mr.
Thos. Bailey was attacked with the grip eight days ago and he had been confined
to his bed just one week when he died. He was conscious to the last and was
ready to depart from this world.
The deceased was 92 years, 10 months and 21 days of
age. He leaves a widow whom he married in 1848, and who is past the
seventy-third year of her life. Also eight children survive him. They are Mrs.
D.A. Watkins, of Missouri; Mrs. S.V. Montrose, of Ft. Madison, Iowa; Mrs. H.E.
Lasher, of Big Rock, Ill.; Mrs. M.H. Ogburn, of Wyoming, Ill; M.A. Bailey of St.
Paul, Neb.; J.E. Bailey of Big Rock, Ill.; U.G. Bailey, of Hinsale, Ill. and T.B.
Bailey, of this city.
The funeral will be held from the house on Otley Avenue
and 7th street conducted by Rev. McDade, probably Friday afternoon.
Father Bailey was born in County Down, Ireland, March
17, 1806, and removed to America in the twenties. He was a mason by trade and
his early life was a roving one. He enlisted in 1839, in New York, as a United
States soldier in the Seminole Indian War, on a salary of seven dollars per
month. He bore the distinction of being the man who discovered the whereabouts
of the last lot of Indians that were captured, 98 in number. He and three other
men were out hunting a bee tree in the timber of Florida, when some deer crossed
their path. While the other men continued the hunt, he was satisfied that there
were Indians about, and would not leave until he had discovered their tracks. He
reported the matter to his major and it resulted in the capture of all the
Indians left excepting two chiefs, Billy Bowlegs and Sam Jones.
Mr. Bailey survived an attack of yellow fever and was
made steward of a hospital at $14 per month, but was somehow cheated out of his
pay. He was discharged at Jefferson Barracks, Missouri, in 1844.
He was married July 4th, 1848. Nearly forty years ago
Mr. Bailey put some lime in his eye while working at his trade, and after two
years the sight in that eye was destroyed.
He formerly lived where the Presbyterian church now
stands, but sold the lots to the church and removed to his late home. Although
he was hale and hearty for a man of his years, he was unable to withstand the
ravages of the grip upon his physical system.

Newspaper Unknown possibly a Stuart, Adair Co, IA Newspaper; 1927
E M c E V O Y
In the death of Mr. McEvoy Sunday morning, Stuart loses one of its oldest and
most genial citizens. He was born in County Down, Ireland in 1834 and came
to this country in early manhood.
For many years, he and his wife and family resided on a farm near Walnut, Iowa
where he labored for the comfort and happiness of his loved ones. Six
children were born to this union, four of whom survive him. They are
Katherine, Mrs. J. A. Muldoon, of Stuart; Elizabeth, Mrs. M. J. Wolfe, of
Bancroft; Dennis McEvoy and Leo J. McEvoy, both of Stuart. The deceased
members are Lawrence and Mrs. Cecelia Murphy.
Mr. McEvoy's widow and children were at his bedside during his last
illness, and they felt it a privilege to minister to his comfort. At all
times, he was blessed by having full use of his intellect.
He was always kind and cheerful among his friends, who welcomed him because of
his pleasing manner and the splendid traits of his character.
Requiem High Mass was celebrated for him at All Saints Catholic Church Tuesday,
October 16, 1927 by the Very Rev. Father Toher. The pall bearers were Will
Farrell, John James, David James, William E. Delaney, John O'Brien, and Francis
Those attending the funeral from out of town were Joe Craney and family; M. E.
Murphy and family; Will Murphy, and Mrs. Hamilton and family of Walnut, Iowa; M.
J. Wolfe and family, of Bancroft, Iowa.
Card of Thanks
We wish to thank our kind friends and neighbors
for the sympathy shown to us in every way during
the last illness of our beloved husband and Father.
The McEvoy Family
L E O J. M c E V O Y 1 8 9 3 - 1 9 7 5
Leo Joseph McEvoy, youngest son of Lawrence and Ann O'Donnell Conroy McEvoy, was
born at Marne, Iowa on March 24, 1893. He was a member of the Catholic
Church and was baptized At Walnut, Iowa.
In 1920 he was united in marriage with Mary Agnes Doud. He served in the
Army during World War I.
He was engaged in farming and retired in 1965 due to ill health. He passed
away suddenly at his home in Stuart, Iowa on April 17, 1975.
He is survived by his wife, Mayme, a brother, Dennis McEvoy, nieces and nephews
whom he loved dearly, and many friends.
Oh! Gentlest Heart of Jesus, ever present in
the Blessed Sacrament, ever consumed with burn-
ing love for the poor captive souls in Purgatory,
have mercy on the soul of thy departed servant.
Be not severe in thy judgment, but let some drops
of Thy Precious Blood fall upon the devouring
flames, and do Thou Oh Merciful Saviour send Thy
Angels to conduct Thy departed servant to a place
of Refreshment, Light, and Peace.
Lawrence McEvoy was born in Ballymagreehan and I believe he was the son of
Lawrence McEvoy and Mary Gribben. He had brothers Michael-a grocer and
farmer (married Mary McCartan) Mcevoy, died Ballymagreehan 1905 and Dennis
McEvoy. Dennis's had been a grocer in Durham England, he is buried in
Ballymagreehan (Leitrim RC graveyard). Dennis's wife's given name was
Margaret and she was from Sunderland. They had a son Lawrence.
Please contact me if you have any connection to this
family in Ireland or Iowa.

Palo Alto Reporter; Emmetsburg,
Palo Alto, Iowa; Friday, March 10, 1899
The death of Mrs. Mary McNally occurred at her home in this
city, on Friday morning, March 3, 1899, after an illness of less than a week's
duration. The cause of Mrs. McNally's death was la grippe.
Deceased was born in county Down, Ireland, over seventy-three
years ago, but when a girl of twelve years she emigrated to America and settled
in Wisconsin. In 1843, she was married to Myles McNally Sr., and in 1872 the
family moved to Palo Alto county. Eight years ago her husband died, and now Mrs.
McNally has been called to join him in the other world. She leaves a family of
six children, namely, Mrs. John Joynt, Mrs. J.J. Kane, J. McNally, Patrick
McNally, and Ed McNally, of this county and C.J. McNally of Austin, Minn.
Mrs. McNally was a devoted member of the Catholic
church, and was a faithful communicant of all its ministrations.
The funeral took place from Assumption church, on Sunday
morning, at 11:30 o'clock and was conducted by Rev. M.J. Costello. The remains
were interred in St. John's cemetery.
[Note: My gg grandmother. Her maiden name
was McDonel...Cathy Joynt Labath]