Adjutant General of Iowa, was born in read Oak, Montgomery county, Iowa,
March 11, 1871. His ancestors on his father's side were Scotch, while his
mother's were descended from IRISH and German stock. His education was
acquired in the public schools of Red Oak. He worked on a farm from 1888 to
1892, at which latter date he was appointed deputy sheriff of Montgomery
county, which office he held until 1896. He was mustered into the volunteer
forces as Second Lieutenant of Company "M", Fifty-first Iowa Volunteer
Infantry, for the Spanish-American war, on April 26, 1898, with which
organization he served in the Philippine Islands and was mustered out of the
service at San Francisco, California, November 2, 1899. During the
Twenty-eighth General Assembly he served as assistant door-keeper of the
Senate. He was County Recorder of Montgomery county from January 1, 1901,
until June 1, 1905, at which time he resigned to accept the appointment of
Colonel and Assistant Adjuntant General of Iowa. He served in that poistion
until February, 1909, when he was appointed and promoted to Brigadier
General and Adjuntant General of Iowa. His term of office expires at the
pleasure of the Governor.
A Republican in politics.
Iowa Official Register 1909-1910
Biographies of State Officers

Senator from the First District, composed of Lee County, was born in Keokuk,
June 26, 1859. His parents, who were both natives of IRELAND, were among the
earliest settlers to that part of the state and were married in Keokuk,
where the family has always resided. He graduated from the common schools,
afterwards taking a business course at Baylies Commercial College, from
which he received a diploma; after leaving school, he engaged in
school-teaching for three years. Then accepted a position as bookkeeper for
a Keokuk firm, remaining with them for three years in this capacity, then
going on the road as commercial salesman for them for three years more. He
then married and decided to engage in agriculture and stock raising, which
eh followed successfully for eight years, giving up the business to become a
member of a contracting firm, of which his father was the head. After the
death of his father he associated himself with George S. Tucker, under the
firm name of McManus & Tucker, general contractors in stone and earthwork,
and during the past ten years this firm has become known throughout the
State. Elected Senator in 1906. A Democrat in politics.
Iowa Official Register 1909-1910
Biographies of State Officers

Senator from the Twenty-fifth District, composed of the counties of Iowa and
Johnson, was born of IRISH parentage in LaSalle county, Illinois, September
4, 1859. His parents moved to Iowa county, Iowa, in 1861 and settled on a
farm near South Amana. He received his education in the country schools,
Grave's Academy in Iowa City and Notre Dame University at Notre Dame,
Indiana. For many years followed the occupation of farming and stock
shipping. In recent years has devoted his entire time to farming. Has held
the office of township clerk for one term and the office of Clerk of
District court in Iowa county for two terms. Elected Senator in 1908. A
Democrat in politics.
Iowa Official Register 1909-1910
Biographies of State Officers

Representative from Buena Vista county, was born at Burlington, Racine
county, Wisconsin, December 14, 1869. His father, P.H. Cunningham, was of
IRISH descent, and his mother, Hannah M (Nagle) Cunningham, was of
IRISH-German descent. Education acquired in the common schools, which he
attended up to the age of thirteen. Moved to Manson, Calhoun county, Iowa,
in 1889, where he was employed on the farm of Colonel L Blanden. moved to
Newell, Buena Vista county, Iowa, in 1892, where he has since resided. Was
employed as manager of the Hopewell Stock Farm, owned by S.A Parker, of
Newell, for three years. Lived on a stock farm for three years and has since
been engaged in the real estate business since leaving the farm. Was elected
mayor of Newell in 1902 and re-elected in 1904 and 1906. Was married to Ida
F. Scovel in 1893. They have one son. Elected Representative in 1908. A
Republican in politics.
Iowa Official Register 1909-1910
Biographies of State Officers

Representative from Carroll county, was born on a farm in Highland township,
Guthrie county, March 17, 1862 of IRISH parents. Was educated in the
district school of Highland township. Continued to live on a farm and was a
successful farmer and stock raiser until 1896, when he retired from farming
and moved to Coon Rapids, where he now resides. In 1896 engaged in the
mercantile business. In 1900 sold stock of goods and engaged in live stock
business, in which he is still active. In 1894,with others, organized a
state savings bank at Coon Rapids and was made vice-president. In 1900 this
bank was incorporated as the First National Bank,of which he continued as
vice-president. Was married February 15, 1885. is a member of the Knights of
Columbus and Benevolent Protective Order of Elks. Elected Representative in
1906, and re-elected in 1908. A Democrat in politics.
Iowa Official Register
Biographies of State Officers

Representative from Chickasaw county, was born at Independence, Buchanan
county, Iowa, August 2, 1875. His parents were born in IRELAND and came to
America at a very early age. At the age of five years he left home and went
to Lawler, Chickasaw county, where he resided with relatives and engaged as
a boy in the mercantile business with an uncle. Received his education in
the parochial and public schools of his local town and thereafter went to
Iowa City where he spent one year in the Iowa City Academy. Afterward
attended the State University at Iowa City and took special work preparatory
to his law course. Graduated from the law department in June, 1898, and
commenced practicing at once at New Hampton, Iowa. Was elected county
attorney in 1902 and re-elected in 1904. Was married in 1904 and his family
consists of two boys. Elected Representative in 1908. A Democrat in
Iowa Official Register 1909-1910
Biographies of State Officers

"From History of Scott
County, Iowa 1882 Chicago: Interstate Publishing Co."
James Paul is a native of Ireland, born Jan. 29, 1825. He left his native
country and landed in America, May 17, 1847, at New York, where he remained one
day, then went to Philadelphia, thence to Boston, then back to Philadelphia,
where he resided until April 13, 1850, when he left for Davenport, Ia. In 1851
he returned to the East, and stayed there until March 17, 1852, when he came
again to Scott County, locating in Le Claire. He subsequently accepted a
situation as salesman in a lumber yard at East Davenport, which he retained
until March, 1857, when he moved to his farm in Cleona Township, which he
entered in the spring of 1852, and has followed that occupation since. He now
owns 120 acres of land in this township, well improved and stocked. In 1870 he
entered 2,070 acres of land in Nebraska. He has held the offices of supervisor
and school director a number of years. Was also treasurer of the School Board in
1861 and in '73 and '74. He was married to Margaret Paul, June 13, 1859. They
have had five children - Willie born June 25, 1864; Anna, Feb. 12, 1869; John,
Jan. 25, 1871; Martha Emily, June 24, 1876, and David Alexander, Oct. 17, 1878.
Mr. Paul has been raised a Presbyterian, his parents being members of that

"From History of Scott
County, Iowa 1882 Chicago: Interstate Publishing Co."
Stewart Gillmor, a native of Ireland, was born July 27, 1832. His father,
Stewart Gillmor, came to Scott County in April, 1847, and settled at Long Grove,
Winfield Township. The subject of this memoir was reared on a farm, and attended
the common schools of his native country. When he came to Scott County, it was
yet in its infancy. The red men still inhabited the country, and wild game was
to be found in abundance. Mr. Gillmor settled on section 18, Winfield Township
in 1856; fom there removed to Allen's Grove Township in 1867. He owns 337 acres
of prairie and 40 acres of timber land, and is an extensive farmer and
stock-raiser. His marriage took place in 1859 to Mary A. Connor, of Canada, and
daughter of John Connor, an early settler of Scott County. They have been
blessed with seven children, six surviving - John, Maggie J., Rebecca E., Willie
L., Hugh H., Frank E., and Isaac Fenton.

"From History of Scott
County, Iowa 1882 Chicago: Interstate Publishing Co."
P. F. Brenan is a native of Ireland, and was born in June, 1822. He emigrated to
America in 1829, with his parents, and, landed at Halifax, Nova Scotia, and from
there went to Fall River, Massachusetts; remained there four years, then went to
St. Louis, Mo. Four years later he came to Davenport, afterward returned to St.
Louis, and in 1850 crossed the plains to Sacramento City, Cal. He returned to
Davenport after a sojourn of four years, via the Isthmus of Panama, New Orleans
and St. Louis. He bought 40 acres in Winfield Township, which he sold 12 years
after and bought the farm he now lives on. It consists of 80 acres of
well-improved land. In July, 1856, he was married to Margaret McSteen. They have
had six children - Annie, born in 1857; James, in 1859; Katie, in 1861; Thomas,
in 1863; John, in 1865, and Charles, in 1867. Mr. Brenan has served his township
as road supervisor, school director, and at present holds the office of justice
of the peace. He belongs to te Catholic church, and in politics is a Democrat.

"From History of Scott
County, Iowa 1882 Chicago: Interstate Publishing Co."
Richard Tobin was born in the year 1806 in Ireland. He came to this country in
1851 and landed at Philadelphia. After spending one year in Pittsburg, Pa., he
came to Scott County, arriving in 1852. He purchased 160 acres of land at $1.25
an acre, and has increased his land from time to time, and now owns with his
brother 560 acres of fine farming land. He was married to Miss Mary Cody, in
June, 1827. To them have been born five children - Ellen, now Mrs. Michael
Ronihan, was born in November, 1828; Bridget, now Mrs. Patrick Gilillin, was
born May 15, 1838; Matthew, born March 15, 1837; Mary, born in December, 1841,
married Michael O'Grady, and Margaret, now Mrs. John Conway, was born March 10,
1844. Matthew Tobin, brother of Richard was born in Ireland in 1811, and came to
Scott County in 1843. He purchased a portion of the 560 acres now owned by
himself and his brother. He was married to Mary Ann Monroe, May 22, 1871. She
was born in New York, on the 10th of March, 1854. Four children have blessed
this union - Richard, born Feb. 25, 1872; Mary Ellen, Aug. 9, 1873; Sarah E.,
Jan. 20, 1876, and Margaret born July 5, 1877. Richard and Matthew Tobin farm
together and have as fine a farm as there is in the county. They vote the
Democratic ticket, and are members of the Catholic church. Matthew has held the
offices of road supervisor, constable, and school director.

"From History of Scott
County, Iowa 1882 Chicago: Interstate Publishing Co."
Samuel Clark, a son of Samuel Clark, Sr., a native of Ireland was born Sept. 3,
1828, in Lower Canada. He was reared on a farm and educated in the common
schools of his native country. He came to Scott County in October, 1854, and
located in Allen's Grove Township; farmed there until 1865, when he came to this
township and settled on section 17, on a farm of 495 acres, which is his present
home. Mr. Clark has been very successful in a financial way, and is classed
among Scott County's most able citizens; has held various township offices. He
was married in 1849 to Rebecca Ewart. They have been blessed with 13 children,
viz.: George, James M., John, Jane M., Christie V., Mary H., William L., Robert
H., Samuel, Wallace W., Agnes R. and Angues C.

"From History of Scott
County, Iowa 1882 Chicago: Interstate Publishing Co."
Michael Kelly, a native of Ireland, was born March 13, 1836. His father, Timothy
Kelly, was also a native of the Emerald Isle. Michael came to this country and
located in Scott County, in May, 1859. He rented land for two years, then leased
his present farm for four years, purchasing it before the lease expired. He
married in Ireland in 1858, Delia Agnes O'Fane, born in that country. They have
had a family, of 13 children, 11 surviving, viz.: Lizzie, Thomas, Kate, Walter,
Theodore, Michael, James, Maggie, Agnes, Lottie, and Delia. Mr. Kelly is a
prominent farmer and stock-breeder of Sheridan Township, and owns a farm of 320
acres of finely improved land. The family are members of the Catholic church.

"From History of Scott
County, Iowa 1882 Chicago: Interstate Publishing Co."
Capt. John McCaffery, Le Claire, Ia., was born in Ireland, 1842, son of James
and Mary (Murray) McCaffrey, natives of Ireland, who emigrated to the United
States when the Captain was a mere child, and located in St. Louis, where he
resided until his death, which occurred in 1850. Mother died about the same time
leaving a family of five children, viz.: Mary (now the wife of Henry Spinsby),
Phillip, Kate (now the wife of George Trumley), Sarah, (now the wife of Stephen
Rhodes, and John. The Captain commenced his river life in 1856, as a raft hand,
and he said then if he got through with his trip he would leave the river, but
becoming acquainted with the life still prosecuted the business. In the spring
of 1864 he took charge of boat and ran the first lumber raft from Reed's
Landing, and has been engaged in the same business since. March 24, 1868,
married Miss Sarah J. Davenport, a daughter of A. J. Davenport, an early settler
of Scott County, where she was born Oct. 10, 1844. The fruit of this marriage
was four sons, three of whom are living, viz.: Frank D., born Aug. 18, 1869;
Henry S., born Sept. 29, 1870; Jack, born March 21, 1873. The Captain came to Le
Claire in 1856, where he has resided since.
"From History of Scott
County, Iowa 1882 Chicago: Interstate Publishing Co."
Robert Loury's great-grandfather, Col. Alexander Loury, was born in the North of
Ireland, in December, 1723, and came to America with his father, Lazarus Loury,
in the year 1729, and settled in Donegal Township, Lancaster Co., Penn. Col.
Alexander Loury was elected a member of the Legislature, in 1775, and of the
Senate in 1776. Was elected a member of the convention that formed the first
constitution of Pennsylvania; and commanded the Lancaster County militia in the
battle of Brandywine. His grandfather, Lazarus Loury, was born in Douegal
Township, Lancaster Co., Penn., and moved to Frankstown Township, Blair Co.,
Penn., about 1780, when he pruchased some 700 acres of land between Frankstown
and Hollidaysburg. He died in 1813, leaving 11 children, four sons and seven
daughters. The names of the boys were: Alexander, John Fleming, Lazarus and
Robert. His father, Alexander Loury, was born in Donegal Township, Lancaster
Co., Penn., on the 22d day of December, 1786. He married Miss Margretta
Bouslough, in 1806. He died on the 4th day of August, 1854, at Yellow Springs,
Blair Co., Penn. His mother was born near Hagerstown, Md., on the 3d day of
November, 1785. She died at Yellow Springs, in March, 1852. Robert Loury was
born on the 2d day of November, 1816, near Hollidaysburg, Blair Co., Penn.
Recieved a common-school education. Married Miss Elizabeth Heilen McGhee, At
Dayton, Ohio, on the 4th day of October, 1847. In August, 1848, he was appointed
by Gov. William F., Johnston, of Pennsylvania, aide-de-camp to the governor,
with the rank of lieutenant-colonel in the militia, of the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania. On the 11the day of May, 1853, he moved with his family to
Davenport, Iowa. In April, 1864, he was elected mayor of Davenport, having
received 946 majority. Nov. 8, 1864, he was elected to the State Senate of Iowa.
Was elected a delegate to the National Republican Convention that assembled in
Chicago, May 20, 1868, and nominated General Grant for President and Schuyler
Colfax, for Vice-President. At the October election, 1869, he was again elected
to the Senate of Iowa, from Scott County. At the session of the Senate in
January, 1872, was elected president pro tem. of the Senate, was chairman of the
Committee on Railroads. In October, 1871, was appointed by President Grant,
United States centennial commissioner for the State of Iowa. The United States
Centennial Commission met at Independance Hall, Philadelphia. At their first
meeting, on the 4th day of March, 1872, he was elected vice president of the
commission. The commission was in executive session for some years. He never
missed a session of the commission.

"From History of
Scott County, Iowa 1882 Chicago: Interstate Publishing Co."
John A. Showalter was a son of John Showalter, Sr., who was born near Richmond,
Va., in 1799, and when 22 years of age went to Pennsylvania, where he was
married in 1821, to Mary Ann Donlee, a native of Ireland. John A., the subject
of this sketch, was born in Greene County, Pa., Nov. 2, 1827. When he was 15
years old he went to Westmoreland Co., Pa., where he remained until 1855, when
he came to Scott County, reaching Davenport April 13 of that year. In 1858 he
went to Kansas City, Mo., and while there made three trips to Colorado, one via
the Arkansas, one via the Platte, and one via the Missouri River. He had great
sport hunting buffalo, deer, elk and other game that abounds on the plains. In
1864 he went to Alder Gulch, Montana; this was supposed to be the richest mine
ever discovered. At one time he took out $36 in 10 hours. In 1866 he returned to
Scott County, and on the 29th of January, 1867, he married B. J. Norton, who was
born in County King, Ireland, Dec. 11, 1838, and came to America in 1840, and to
Scott County in 1850. Their union has been blessed with five children, four
living, - Raymond D., born Sept. 14, 1870; Austin, April 26, 1873; William E.,
May 17, 1876; and Morris N., Sept. 19, 1878. Mr. Showalter owns 200 acres of
good land in Winfield Township, and raises all kinds of grain and stock. He is a
member of the Catholic church. In politics is a Democrat.

"From History of Scott
County, Iowa 1882 Chicago: Interstate Publishing Co."
James L. Sharlow, farmer and stock-raiser, Princeton, was born in Galena, Jo
Daviess Co., Ill., Jan. 9, 1844, son of David and Louisa (Ladd) Sharlow; father
a native of Ireland and mother of Kentucky. They were married in Galena, where
10 children were born, six of whom are living; viz.: James L., Wm. B., Martha
Ann (now the wife of B. F. Bigelow, Jasper Co., Ia.), David, Henry T. and George
E. In 1835 David Sharlow left his home in Ireland and came to the United States,
landing in Philadelphia, thence to Chicago, where he made a claim which he
traded for a team of horses and a shot gun. From Chicago went to Galena, where
he worked in the mines and was afterward employed in the smelting works. In 1851
went to California, via Cape Horn, where he embarked in mining, remaining four
years. In 1856 came to Scott County, where he rented a farm in Le Claire
Township, where Mr. Bragonier now lives, where he died July 9, 1873. The subject
of this sketch enlisted in 1862, in the 20th Iowa Volunteer Infantry, Company K.
Among the principal engagements were Prairie Grove, siege and capture of
Vicksburg, Red River expedition under Banks, etc., was mustered out at Clinton,
Ia., July 17, 1865. Mr. Sharlow has 290 acres of land, valued at $30 per acre.
Has under his supervision 1,100 acres, 400 under cultivation.

"From Vol 2 History of
Davenport and Scott County" by Harry E. Downer - S. J. Clarke Publishing
Co. 1910 Chicago
William Johnson, who is now living retired in Davenport, was for many years
identified with the industrial interests of the city as a carpenter. His birth
occurred in Ireland on the 23d of November, 1829, his parents being Thomas and
Eleanor Johnson. The father, who was a farmer and weaver by occupation, brought
his family to the United States in 1849, locating at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,
where he worked as a weaver. Four years later, in 1853, he came to Davenport,
Iowa, settling on a tract of thirty acres which he purchased near Walcott. The
land was all wild prairie but he set resolutely to work, erected a house, fenced
the fields and improved the property. He was not long permitted to enjoy his new
home, however, passing away about a year after his arrival in Scott county. The
demise of his wife also occurred about the same time.
William Johnson obtained his education in the schools of his native land and was
a young man of twenty when he accompanied his parents on their emigration to the
new world. While in Philadelphia he worked at the weaver's trade but after
coming to this county turned his attention to general agricultural pursuits and
was thus engaged for about five years. Subsequently he acted as a colporteur for
the Presbyterian church for about five years, on the expiration of which period,
in 1866, he was married and took up his abode in Davenport. He then learned the
carpenter's trade and worked at that occupation for many years, erecting a
number of houses. When at length, owing to his untiring industry and good
business ability, he had accumulated a handsome competence he retired from
active life and has since enjoyed the fruits of his former toil in well earned
On the 28th of March, 1866, Mr. Johnson was united in marriage to Miss Elizabeth
Steel, who was born in Ireland in 1848, and came to this country about 1865. Mr.
and Mrs. Johnson became the parents of five children, the record o whom is as
follows: Brice, who is a grocer of Davenport, has been twice married, his first
union being with Miss Ruth Hage, by whom he had a daughter, Elizabeth Ruth. For
his second wife he chose Miss Rose Lingerfeldt and they had a son who is now
deceased. George, living in Davenport, married Miss Elizabeth Blair, by whom he
has two children. William R. Johnson is still under the parental roof. Cora
follows the profession of school teaching in Davenport. William passed away when
about two years of age.
Mr. Johnson of this review has now attained the venerable age of eighty years
and has lived within the borders of Scott county for more than a half century.
Coming to the United States in early manhood, he found the opportunities which
he sought and through their wise utilization won a measure of success that now
enables him to spend his declining years in retirement - surrounded by all of
the comforts and many of the luxuries that go to make life worth living.

"From History of Scott
County, Iowa 1882 Chicago: Interstate Publishing Co."
Edward H. Ladner was born in Wingar Parish, England, Aug. 30, 1830. His parents
were James and Catherine (Hampton) Ladner, natives of England. He died in
America of cholera, on the Ohio River, while on his way to Kingston, Ill., July
20, 1850. She died in 1870. The subject of this sketch came to America with his
father when 18 years of age. He followed mining in various places until 1856,
when he came to Scott County and located in Buffalo Township. He worked in the
coal mine of Capt. W. L. Clark and LeRoy Dodge until 1858, then took a contract
to furnish coal for the Clark & Dodge packets on the Mississippi River. He
was married to Margaret Finnigan June 28, 1858. She was born in Ireland. She
died in June, 1863, having been the mother of two children, both deceased. Mr.
Ladner again married, Jan. 3, 1864, to Mrs. Eliza Alford, nee Jago. She was born
in Dartmouth, Devonshire, England, and was a daughter of Edward and Eliza (Hawson)
Jago, natives of England, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Ladner have one son, Hampton J. Mr.
Ladner is a member of Buffalo Lodge, A.O.U.W., No. 72. In politics is a
Prohibitionist, and cast his first vote for James Buchanan

"From History of Scott
County, Iowa 1882 Chicago: Interstate Publishing Co."
Michael Donahue, manufacturer of steam engines, mill gearing, corn mills, etc.,
and president of the Davenport Water-Works, Front and Scott streets, was born in
Glasgow, Scotland, Feb. 9, 1817, and was son of Peter and Mary Donahue, natives
of Ireland. Michael came to this country in 1830, and worked in foundries in
various cities of the East some time, then went South and worked on steamboats.
In 1846 he enlisted in the Mexican war, in Co. A, First Reg., Ohio Vols., and
remained in the service one year; then built a foundry for the Government at the
mouth of the Rio Grande, and stayed there doing Government work and repairing
steamboats until the close of the war. He then started overland with a party to
California; was nearly two years making the journey; had to fight their way
through, arriving at their destination in 1849. He built the first foundry and
melted the first iron in that part of the country. In 1854 he came to Davenport,
Ia., and bought the foundry he now owns. In 1872 or '73 Mr. Donahue and his
brother Peter built the Davenport Water-Works, of which Michael is now
president. Peter Donahue resides in San Francisco, Cal; owns the San Francisco
& Pacific R. R., also a line of boats. Our subject married Miss Ester A.
Alexander. They have two children - Mamie and James, attendants of the
Georgetown College. Mr. Donahue has been mayor of Davenport two years. He was
mustered into the service of the Mexican war at Camp Washington, Cincinnati, and
was the first volunteer to enlist. Everything he possesses has been accumulated
by his own nutiring energy, and he is justly entitled to the appellation of a
self-made man.

"From History of Scott
County, Iowa 1882 Chicago: Interstate Publishing Co."
John McMannus was born in Brooklyn, N. Y., Oct. 17, 1836. He moved with his
father to Madison, Ind., in 1840, and to Scott Co., Iowa, in 1851. His father
bought a farm of 160 acres in Winfield Township, which John now owns and
cultivates. The subject of this record was married in 1960, to Bridget Henegin,
who was born in Ireland in 1840. Of 12 children born of this union, six are
living - Frank P., born in 1861; Genevieve, in 1866; Anna, in 1870; Katie, in
1873; Joseph P., in 1876; and Mary T., 1880. Mr. McMannus has held the office of
school director a number of years. He is a member of the Catholic church.
Politically is a Democrat

Biographical and Historical
Record of Greene and Carroll Counties, Iowa...Chicago: Lewis Pub. Co., 1887.
P.M. Fitz Patrick, farmer and stock-raiser, section 22, Cedar Township, is a
son of Miles and Julia Fitzpatrick, who came from Ireland to America in
1845. They first settled in Ilinois, living there ten years, and in 1855
came to Iowa, and were the first settlers of Cedar Township, Greene county.
Our subject was the seventh of nine children. He was born in Ireland, March
10, 1844, and was therefore but one year old when his parents came to
America. He remained with his parents until twenty-six years of age, and in
February, 1870, he settled on the farm where he now lives. He first bought
eight acres, but to this he has added and has improved it until he now owns
one of the best farms in Greene county. His first trading point was Des
Moines, which was also his postoffice. As there were no bridges and all the
streams had to be forded, the trip was a long and hard one. Mr. Fitz Patrick
was married January 10, 1870, to Josephine Rhoads, a nature of Ohio,
daughter of Samuel Rhoads, who came to Iowa in 1850 and settled in
Washington Township in 1855, where he still lives. Mr and Mrs. Fitz
have six children-Mattie, Nellie, Mary and Miles (twins), Charles and Carl.
Mr. Fitz Patrick and his family are members of the Catholic church. Although
beginning life a poor man, Mr. Fitz Patrick has by hard work and economy
acquired a valuable property. His farm contains 260 acres of choice land,
all well improved, and his home is a model of beauty and convenience. He is
one of the influential men of the township and has held most of the
important offices, serving each with efficiency and to the entire
satisfaction of his constituents.

Biographical and Historical
Record of Greene and Carroll Counties, Iowa...Chicago: Lewis Pub. Co., 1887.
J.J. Fitzpatrick, postoffice
Churdan, one of the prosperous agriculturists
of Cedar Township, engaged in farming and stock-raising on section 23, was
born in Ireland in March, 1841, a son of Miles and Julia Fitzpatrick, who
were natives of the same country. They were the parents of nine children,
our subject being the sixth child. They came with their family to America in
1847, settling on a farm in Illinois. Our subject was fourteen years old
when his parents left Illinois and settled on the farm in Greene County,
Iowa, in June 1855, which is yet his home. The farm was at that time in a
state of nature, entirely unimproved, and consisted of forty acres of timber
and 120 acres of prairie land, to which our subject has since added 160
acres. Their farm is now well-improved and under a fine state of
cultivation, consisting of 320 acres and is considered one of the best farms
in Greene county. Here our subject was reared on the frontier farm,
experiencing many of the hardships and privations incident of pioneer life.
His first postoffice was at Des Moines and his milling was done at Peoria or
Des Moines. He began life on limited means, but by hard work, persevering
energy and good management he has prospered in his agricultural pursuits and
become the owner of his present fine property. He devotes considerable
attention to stock-raising having handled short-horn cattle for twelve
years, and is now making a specialty of the Hereford grade. He has also on
his farm a fine imported horse, for which he paid about $2,033. He was
united in marriage January 3, 1872, to Miss Kate Ragan, a daughter of
Michael and Margaret Ragan who were natives of Ireland. Mrs. Fitzpatrick
was reared in Canada, and in 1870 came with her parents to Greene County,
Iowa. Five children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Fitzpartrick- Joseph,
born October 16, 1872; Charles , born March 11, 1874, died April 22, 1874;
Mary, born in July, 1882; John, born April 9, 1884, and Lucy, born April 22,
1886. In politics Mr. Fitzpatrick is a Democrat and an anti-prohibitionist.
He was one of the organizers of Cedar township, and is a man of good
standing and a highly respected citizen of the community in which he
resides. He and his family are members of the Roman Catholic church.

Biographical and Historical
Record of Greene and Carroll Counties,
Iowa...Chicago: Lewis Pub. Co., 1887.
James Burke of Kendrick Twp, was born in Ireland, October 10, 1834, son of
Miles and Ellen Burke. When he was 12 years of age his parents emigrated to
America, locating in Cayuga County, New York. In 1855 he removed to Clark
County, Wisconsin, where he resided until the breaking out of the Rebellion,
when he enlisted, August 23, 1861, in the First Wisconsin Battery light
Artillery, Colonel Jacob T. Foster commanding. December 23, 1864, he
re-enlisted, and served until the close of the war. He took an active part
in many of the historical battles of the war, and was in General Banks' Red
River Expedition. He was honorably discharged July 18, 1865, at Milwaukee,
Wisconsin, and returned to his home in Clarke county, where he remained
three months. He then removed to Hancock county, Mississippi, where he was
engaged in lumbering and in railroad work for five years In 1870 he removed
to Johnson county, Iowa, living there one year. March 23, 1871, he was
married to Sarah Eason of that county, who was born in Wayne County, Ohio, a
daughter of Alexander and Mary Eason. During that same year he came to
Greene county, locating near the Garland school-house in Kendrick Township,
where he lived until 1879, then settled upon the farm where he now resides.
His farm contains fifty acres of as good land as can be found in Greene
county, and it is in a good state of cultivation. He has a one-and -a -half
story modern residence, well furnished and surrounded with shade trees. He
has a large and commodious barn for stock and grain, a fine orchard and a
native grove. Mr. and Mrs. Burke have one daughter, Ada May, born January
11, 1872. Politically Mr. Burke affiliates with the Republican party, and he
is a member of the N.H. Powers Post, No. 111, G.A.R., at Scranton.

History of Boone Co, IA
A Biographical Record of Boone Co, IA
New York and Chicago; The S.J. Clarke Publishing Co: 1902
W.F. Menton
W.F. Menton, w ho is connected with journalistic interests in Boone, Iowa,
as one of the owners and publishers of the Boone County Democrat, was born
in Colfax township on the 13th of Sept , 1874, and is a son of John and
Joanna (O'Leary) Menton, both of whom were natives of Ireland, whence they
emigrated to the United States and took up their abode in Boston. The father
was first employed upon a farm and later was for 12 years an employe in the
Ames Shovel Factory, near Brockton, Massachusetts. In April, 1866, he came
to Iowa, locating in Colfax township, Boone county, upon the farm where our
subject was born. He purchased fifty-eight acres of land and in the spring
of 1889 he removed to Boone where he is now living retired, having for about
a quarter of a century been an active factor in agricultural interests. He
is now enjoying a well earned rest, for in the years of his business
activity he accumulated a considerable competence. In his family were nine
children, of whom eight are yet living: Julia; Daniel; John A., Catherine,
wife of D.P. Ivis, of Boone county; Ellen Elizabeth; Thomas P.; William F;
and Edward J. One son, Dennis, died at the age of twenty-five years on the
19th of February, 1888. He had been admitted to practice at the Boone county
bar, after completing a course in the State Agricultural College at Ames,
Iowa, and in the Iowa State University, where he pursued his law course. He
seemed to have a bright future before him, but his career was terminated in
death. W.F. Menton, whose name introduces this record, pursued his education
in the public schools and in early life became familiar with all the work of
the farm, early assisting in the cultivation of the fields. At length,
however, he left the old homestead and on the 3d of September, 1900,
purchased a half interest in the Boone County Democrat, becoming the partner
of J.R. Herron. This relation has since been maintained and the paper is
conducted under the firm name of Herron & Menton. The Democrat was
established in 1868 and has the largest circulation of any Democratic weekly
published in Boone county. It also is the strongest organ of the party in
central Iowa. Its owners and publishers are men of good business ability,
wide awake and enterprising and their paper has now a large and constantly
increasing circulation. It supports every measure calculated to benefit the
general welfare and has been a valued factor in advancing the public good.
Mr. Menton is a member of the Improved Order of Red Men, belonging to Oneida
Tribe, No. 22 of Boone, and he now holds the office of great senior sagamore
of Iowa. He is also identified with Boonesboro Lodge K. of P. and with the
Fraternal Choppers of America. Mr. Menson is a young man who exempifies the
progressive spirit of the west. He has a wide acquaintance in Boone county
where he has always resided, and the circle of his friends is almost
co-extensive with the circle of his acquaintances.

History of Boone Co, IA
A Biographical Record of Boone Co, IA
New York and Chicago; The S.J. Clarke Publishing Co: 1902
James Miller
Upon his farm on section 30, Garden township, James Miller is devoting his
time and attention to the cultivation of field and meadow and to the raising
of stock and his work has been so energetically prosecuted that gratifying
success has attended his efforts. He today owns four hundred and forty acres
of land covering portions of sections 2, 14, 22, 27, and 28, which is a
well improved farm on which are three sets of farm buildings. He also has a
place of thirty acres adjoining Madrid.
Mr. Miller is a native of New York, his birth having occurred on the St.
Lawrence river, in St. Lawrence county, February 6, 1842. His father, John
Miller, was a native of Ireland and on leaving the Green Isle of Erin
crossed the briny deep to the new world when a young man. St. Lawrence
county, New York ,was his final destination, and he located on a farm in
Lisbon township, where he carried on agricultural pursuits, becoming one of
the substantial farmers of that locality . There he reared his family and
spent his remaining days, his death occurring there in 1891 at the ripe old
age of eighty years. He was married in that county to Mary Burk, also a
native of Ireland. She died in 1864. By her marriage she became the mother
of four sons and a daughter, all of whom reached adult age.
Of this number James Miller was the eldest and upon the old home farm in the
Empire state he was reared to manhood, remaining under the parental roof
until he had reached his majority. He had fair common school advantages and
on starting out on an independent business career he secured employment as a
farm hand and his time was thus passed for eleven years. He was married
March 2, 1874, to Matilda Miller, a native of St. Lawrence county, reared
and educated here. The wedding journey of the young couple consisted of a
trip to the west. They made their way direct to Boone county, Iowa, arriving
on the 4th of March and for two years they resided upon a rented farm. Mr.
Miller then purchased the first farm which he ever owned, becoming the
possessor of one hundred and sixty acres on section 14, Garden township. Not
a furrow had been turned or improvement made upon the place but with the
characteristic energy he undertook the work of developing a good farm there.
He built a small house and began to break the land and fence the fields.
Later his first home was replaced with a good residence, while substantial
barns and outbuildings were provided for the shelter of train and stock. In
his new home success attended his efforts, and he purchased a tract of land,
adding to his property from time to time until he secured two hundred acres
in the home place and other lands nearby. In 1900 he removed to his present
home, adjoining Madrid and rented his original farm. The place had been
purchased in 1891, and in September, 1900, he took up his abode there. Unto
Mr and Mrs Miller has been born one son, Linnie J., who it is home with his
parents. Mr. Miller is most earnest in his advocacy of the principles of the
Republican party and in 1864 he cast his presidential ballot of Abraham
Lincoln, while to each candidate of the party since that time he has given
unwaivering allegiance. He firmly believes in the principles of the
organization, including the protection of American industries, sound money
and expansion. He has never desired or sought office, but has served as
township trustee and also as supervisor of highways. The cause of education
find in him a warm friend and he endorses all measures which he believes
will contribute to the general good. Both he and his wife are devoted
members of the Methodist Episcopal church of Madrid and Mr. Miller is
serving as one of the church trustees. He is a respected citizen of the
county in which he has made his home for twenty-eight years and in which he
has been known as a progressive and enterprising agriculturist. He came to
the county a poor man, empty handed but possessed of a courage and
determination. He has met obstacles and difficulties on his path but has
overcome these by strong purpose and to-day he stands among the substantial
men who owe their advancement to indefatigable labor. His life history is an
illustration of what may be accomplished through unremitting diligence when
guided by practical common sense and should serve to encourage and inspire
many young men starting out for themselves without capital.

History of Delaware County,
Iowa...Captain John F. Merry, supervising ed. 2
vols. Chicago: S. J. Clarke Pub. Co., 1914
Christopher Carrothers, Jr.
General agricultural pursuits have
always claimed the time and energies of Christopher Carrothers, who now owns and
resides upon a valuable farm of four hundred acres on section 32, Prairie
township. His birth occurred in Ireland on the 1st of March, 1841, his parents
being William and Margaret (Ramsay) Carrothers. The year 1864 witnessed their
emigration to the United States and the family home was established in Prairie
township, this county, William Carrothers here passing away in 1866 and his wife
about 1875.
Christopher Carrothers had come to America in 1863, one year prior to the
emigration of his parents. He was first employed as a farm hand for some time
and then bought a quarter section of land in Buchanan county, where he made his
home for about twelve years. In 1884 he purchased one hundred and sixty acres of
land in Prairie township, Delaware county, where he has remained continuously
since and now owns about four hundred acres. About a year ago he gave each of
his sons a portion of his seven hundred acres. He has devoted his attention to
the pursuits of general farming and stock-raising throughout his entire business
career and the success which has attended his efforts is well merited and
While a resident of Buchanan county Mr. Carrothers was united in marriage to
Miss Angene Anderson, by whom he has five sons and two daughters, namely;
William, Henry, Frank, Erwin, Charles, Sarah and Mabel. The wife and mother is
still living and has shared her husband's joys and sorrows throughout all the
years, proving both and able helpmate and loving companion. Mr. Carrothers is a
stanch republican in politics and has reared his family in the faith of the
Methodist church. He has now passed the seventy-third milestone on life's
journey and in his declining years may look back with pride upon an active,
useful, and honorable career.

History of Delaware County, Iowa...Captain John F. Merry, supervising ed. 2
vols. Chicago: S. J. Clarke Pub. Co., 1914
Arthur McEnany is a worthy native
son and prosperous agriculturist of Delaware county, owning and cultivating four
hundred acres of land in Adams township. His birth occurred on the 10th of
February, 1872, his parents being Arthur and Ann (Woods) McEnany, both natives
of Ireland. They emigrated to the United States in 1854 and made their way
direct to Delaware county, Iowa, taking up a tract of government land on section
20, Adams township. Here the father carried on agricultural pursuits
successfully throughout the remainder of his life, passing away on the 19th of
January, 1889. He had lived in the community for more than a third of a century
and had gained an extensive circle of friends who sincerely mourned his loss.
Mrs. McEnany, who survives, now makes her home with her youngest daughter, Mrs.
F.C. Farrel in Buchanan county, this state. She had five children, four of whom
are yet living, as follows: Rose F., who gave her hand in marriage to F.N.
Beacom and resides in Pierre, south Dakota; Katherine, who is the wife of F.C.
Farrel and lives in Buchanan county, Iowa; James, also a resident of Buchanan
county; and Arthur, of this review.
The last named has devoted his attention to general agricultural pursuits
throughout his entire business career and has won success by dint of close
application, perseverance and well directed energy. He now owns four hundred
acres of rich and productive land in Adams township, one hundred and sixty acres
comprising the old homestead on section 20 and two hundred and forty acres lying
to the southwest. In addition to the cultivation of cereals he also devotes
considerable attention to live-stock interests, raising Abderdeen Angus cattle
and Duroc Jersey hogs. Both branches of his business have returned to him a
gratifying annual income,and he well deserves representation among the
successful and enterprising citizens of the community.
On the 2d of July, 1902, Mr. McEnany was united in marriage to Miss Sadie A.
Keegan, a daughter of Mr and Mrs James Keegan. Our subject and his wife both
have five children, namely: Bernice A., born July 3, 1903; Gertrude A., born
February 17, 1906; Eileen A., born November 8, 1908; Louis A., born Oct 6, 1911;
and Sadie A., born Mar., 9, 1914. Mr. McEnany enjoys an enviable reputation as
one of the progressive and prosperous native sons of Delaware county and is held
in high esteem by the people among whom his entire life has been spent.

History of Delaware County,
Iowa...Captain John F. Merry, supervising ed. 2
vols. Chicago: S. J. Clarke Pub. Co., 1914
James Hahesy, a representative,
progressive and enterprising agriculturalist of Milo township, owns and operates
a farm of one hundred and forty acres on section 6. His birth occurred In
Ireland on the 15th day of May, 1856, his parents being William and Bridget (Holihan)
Hahesy, who were likewise natives of that country. In 1862 they crossed the
Atlantic to the united States and took up their abode in Prairie township,
Delaware county, Iowa, here spending the remainder of their lives. They had
seven children, four of whom survive.
James Hahesy, who was a little lad of six years when brought to this country
attended the common schools in the acquirement of an education and remained with
his parents until their deaths. He then disposed of the home farm and purchased
a tract of one hundred and forty acres on section 6, Milo township the operation
of which has claimed his time and energies continuously since. Mr. Hahesy
carries on general farming and also conducts a dairy, meeting with excellent
success in both branches of his business. His place is well improved in every
particular and is situated within a mile and a half of Manchester. He may truly
be called a self-made man, for his prosperity has come as the direct and
deserved reward of untiring energy and intelligently directed effort.
In 1893 Mr. Hahesy was united in marriage to Miss Johanna Penny, a native of
Jackson county, Iowa, and a daughter of James and Elizabeth Penny, who were born
in Ireland and Pennsylvania respectively. Our subject and his wife had ten
children, as follows: Katherine, Mary, William H., Margaret, Agnes, John J.,
Edward J., Percy, Thomas and Irene Josephine. The wife and mother died in June,
1910, and was laid to rest in Manchester Catholic cemetery. Mr. Hahesy gives his
political allegiance to the democracy, but has never sought nor desired office
as a reward for his party fealty. The period of his residence in Delaware county
covers more than a half century, and he has long been numbered among its
prosperous agriculturists and respected citizens.

History of Delaware County,
Iowa...Captain John F. Merry, supervising ed. 2
vols. Chicago: S. J. Clarke Pub. Co., 1914
Michael Lillis hold a prominent
position in financial circles of Masonville as cashier of the Farmer's Savings
Bank, which he was instrumental in organizing in 1905. He also owns valuable
farming property in Buchanan county, his possessions covering five hundred and
seventy acres. He is a native of New York, born December 19, 1856. His parents,
Patrick and Ellen (Sheeley) Lillis, were natives of Ireland and in the early
'40s emigrated to America, first locating in New York, where they spent several
years. In 1857, however, they continued their journey westward to Dubuque
county, Iowa, where they lived until 1868, when they removed to Buchanan county,
this state, and there spent their remaining days, the mother passing away April
24, 1903, while the father departed this life February 19, 1910. Their union was
blessed with fourteen children, of whom five are living.
Michael Lillis was educated in the common schools of Iowa, being but one year
old at the time the family removed to this state from the east. He was reared
under the parental roof and remained at home until the time of his father's
demise. In 1905 he organized the Farmers Savings Bank at Masonville and has from
that time to the present served as its cashier, and it is largely due to its
efforts that the business has grown to goodly proportions. He ever fulfills the
duties of his responsible position in a farsighted and able manner, winning
recognition as a capable and winning financier. In addition to his interest in
the bank Mr. Lillis is also the owner of five hundred and seventy acres of
valuable farm land located on sections 3, 10 and 11, Newton and Middlefield
townships, Buchanan county and this returns to him a gratifying income.
In political views Mr. lillis is a republican and has been called to fill some
township offices. He is a communicant of the Catholic church. He is well and
favorably known throughout the county in which he makes his home and his
judgment on everything related to banking and finance is sound and reliable.

History of Delaware County, Iowa...Captain John F. Merry, supervising ed. 2
vols. Chicago: S. J. Clarke Pub. Co., 1914
William Duggan, whose entire life
has been spent within the borders of Delaware county, has always devoted his
attention to general agricultural pursuits and is now the owner of an excellent
farm comprising one hundred and sixty acres in Prairie township. His birth
occurred in Coffins Grove township on the 10th of June, 1867, his parents being
James and Mary (Behan) Duggan, both of whom were natives of Ireland. Their
marriage was celebrated in Massachusetts in 1855. James Duggan passed away in
1891 but is survived by his wife, who has now reached the advanced age of
eighty-five years and makes her home with our subject. She became the mother of
six children, five of whom are yet living, as follows: John, who is a resident
of Adams township; Norah, who gave her hand in marriage to Thomas Donohue of
Adams township; Kate, the wife of James Ward of Cedar Rapids; Mary, who is the
wife of Frank Donohue of Dunlap, Iowa; and William of this review.
The last named attended the district schools in the acquirement of an education
and since putting aside his text-books has given his time and energies
exclusively to agriculture. He now owns one hundred and sixty acres of rich and
productive land on section 36, Prairie township, and in connection with the
production of cereals devotes considerable attention to the raising of graded
stock, both branches of his business returning to him a gratifying annual
income. His property is well improved in every particular, and he is widely
recognized as one of the progressive agriculturists and substantial citizens of
his native county.
In early manhood Mr. Duggan was united in marriage to Miss Rose Lyness, a
daughter of James Lyness of Ireland. To them have been born five children,
namely: Marie, who is employed as a clerk in a store in Ryan; Beredine; William;
Marguerite; and Hazel. They also adopted a son, Albert, when he was three years

History of Delaware County,
Iowa...Captain John F. Merry, supervising ed. 2
vols. Chicago: S. J. Clarke Pub. Co., 1914
Daniel Lahey
Daniel Lahey, who has been actively identified with agricultural pursuits in
Delaware county throughout the past third of a century, is now the owner of a
productive and valuable farm embracing one hundred and sixty acres three miles
north of Masonville. His birth occurred in New York on the 3d of July, 1859, his
parents being William and Mary Lahey, both of whom were natives of Ireland. In
an early day they emigrated to the United States an took up their abode in New
York. The mother passed away in that state, and in 1894 the father came to Iowa,
locating in Delaware county. His last years were here spent in the home of our
subject, his demise occurring in 1898.
Daniel Lahey spent the first twenty-two years of his live in the Empire state
and in 1881 came to Delaware county, Iowa, here cultivating rented land for
about seven years. On the expiration of that period he purchased a farm of about
one hundred and sixty acres three miles south of Masonville, which he has
operated continually since, conducting his agricultural interests in a
practical, progressive manner and deriving therefrom a gratifying annual income.
He has long been numbered among the substantial and representative
agriculturists of the community and his present prosperity is attributable
entirely to his own efforts and capable management.
In 1882 Mr. Lahey was united in marriage to Miss Bridget Flaherty, a daughter of
Michael Flaherty, a native of Ireland. Our subject and his wife have ten
children as follows: Catherine, who gave her hand in marriage to Michael Lozier,
of Coffins Grove township; William, a resident of Pipestone, Minnesota; John,
who makes his home in Delaware county; Mary, who is the wife of James McGraw and
lives in Buchanan County, this state; Teresa, the wife of Henry Miller, of South
Dakota; and Joseph, Louis, Mabel, Edward, and Hazel, all at home.
Mr. Lahey gives his political allegiance to the democracy and takes a deep
interest in all measures and movements instituted to promote the general
welfare. The success which has attended his labors well entitles him to
recognition among the progressive, enterprising and representative citizens of
the community, and his many sterling traits of character have won him the warm
friendship and kindly regard of those with whom he has come in contact.

History of Delaware County,
Iowa...Captain John F. Merry, supervising ed. 2
vols. Chicago: S. J. Clarke Pub. Co., 1914
For more than two decades Daniel
F. Hennessey has been successfully engaged in the livery business, conducting an
enterprise of that character at Manchester. His birth occurred in Linn county,
Iowa, on the 16th of August, 1871, his parents being Thomas and Mary (Sweeney)
Hennessey, both of whom were natives of Ireland. The father, an agriculturist by
occupation, passed away in Linn county, Iowa, while the mother died in
Manchester, about 1905. They had eleven children, as follows: James, who resides
on a farm in Delaware county; Edward, a resident of Dubuque, Iowa; Ella, the
widow of Timothy Sullivan; Mary, who is the widow of Patrick Kelly; Maggie, who
gave her hand in marriage to Dan Sullivan; Thomas, who is deceased; Maurice,
residing in manchester, who is now serving as sheriff; Daniel F., of this
review; Lizzie, a resident of Ryan, this county; and two who passed away in
early childhood.
Daniel F. Hennessey acquired his education in the common schools of his native
county and after putting aside his text-books was engaged in farming until he
had attained his majority. At the age of twenty-one years he embarked in the
livery business in manchester, buying out A.A. Morse at that time, and in this
connection he has since built up and maintained an excellent and gratifying
patronage. He has a fine automobile and his other facilities are sufficient to
meet every demand.
On the 14th of November, 1900, Mr. Hennessey was united in marriage to Miss
Lizzie Rhuby, a native of Dubuque county and a daughter of John Rhuby, who is
living now retired. Our subject and his wife have one daughter, Marie, who is in
school. Mr. Hennessey gives his political allegiance to the democracy and is
identified fraternally with the Modern Woodmen of America, while in religious
faith he is a Catholic. He has always taken an interest in all that pertains to
the upbuilding or development of the community and gladly gives his support to
every measure the adoption of which he feels would promote the general welfare.

History of Delaware County,
Iowa...Captain John F. Merry, supervising ed. 2
vols. Chicago: S. J. Clarke Pub. Co., 1914
Daniel J. Kenna, devoting his
attention to the pursuits of farming and stockraising, is the owner of three
hundred forty acres of rich and productive land on sections 29, 30 and 20,
Richland township. His birth occurred in Jones county, Iowa, on the 2d of
December 1861, his parents being John and Julia (Whelan) Kenna, both of whom
were natives of Ireland. They emigrated with their respective parents to Canada
and remained in that country for several years, while in 1850 they crossed the
border into the United States and located on a farm in Jones County, Iowa. In
1865 they came to Delaware county and the following year took up their abode on
the farm in Richland township, where their son, Daniel J., now lives,spending
the remainder of their lives thereon. John Kenna passed away September 8, 1909,
while his wife was called to her final rest on the 2d of May, 1891. They were
well known and highly esteemed throughout the community, gaining an extensive
circle of friends during the long period of their residence here. To them were
born nine children, four of whom survive, as follows: Patrick, who is a resident
of South Dakota; Julia, who gave her hand in marriage to T.E. Herrington of
Waterloo, Iowa; John, living in the state of Washington; and Daniel J., of this
The last named acquired his education in the common schools and remained under
the parental roof until twenty-one years of age. on attaining his majority he
began the operation of the farm which he now owns, the property embracing three
hundred and forty acres of land on sections 29, 30, and 20, Richland township.
Here he has carried on the work of the fields continuously since, also making a
specialty of stock-raising, which branch of his business adds materially to his
income. He has erected commodious and substantial buildings on the place and has
further enhanced its value by other improvements.
On the 8th of February, 1893, Mr. Kenna was united in marriage to Miss Ellen
Carr, who was born in Buchanan County, Iowa, July 31, 1866, her parents being
John and Anna (Keane) Carr. More extended mention of this family is made on
another page of this work in connection with the sketch of Edward M. Carr, a
brother of Mrs. Kenna, who is a practicing attorney of Manchester. To Mr. and
Mrs. Kenna have been born four children, as follows: Clarence E., whose birth
occurred August 13, 1895, and who is now a high-school student; John C., whose
natal day was August 19, 1896; Maurice, born November 7, 1898; and Mary Evelyn,
who was born on the 27th of August, 1900, and is attending St. Xavier's school
at Manchester.
Mr. Kenna gives his political allegiance to the democracy and has served as a
member of the school board, the cause of education ever finding in him a stanch
champion. His religious faith is that of the Catholic church, of which his wife
is also a devout communicant. In Delaware county, where nearly his entire life
has been spent, he is well and favorably known as a man reliable in business,
progressive in citizenship and faithful to all ties and obligations of life.

History of Delaware County,
Iowa...Captain John F. Merry, supervising ed. 2
vols. Chicago: S. J. Clarke Pub. Co., 1914
John A. Dunlap is successfully
farming upon section 18, Milo township this county, and is regarded as one of
the progressive agriculturists of this township. He was born in Hazel Green
township in 1861, a son of James and Clara M. (Comstock) Dunlap, natives of
Ireland and Pennsylvania respectively. The father came to the United States from
the Emerald isle and first settled in Ohio, where he remained until 1856, when
he removed to Dubuque, Iowa. He worked there for a time for others and then, in
1857, purchased a farm in this county and continued to reside thereon until his
removal to Hopkinton, where he lived retired. He passed to his reward in 1902,
deeply mourned by many friends. His marriage occurred in Dubuque in May, 1860
and he became the father of ten children, namely: John A., Myra and Thomas who
died when infants; Robert E., who died in 1906; Ida B., the wife of Ralph
Andrews, a resident of Minnesota; George C., who passed away in July 18*5; J.E.,
living in Hazel Green township; William J., who was called to his last rest in
February, 1908; Clara M., who resides at Hopkinton with her mother and David L.,
a resident of Syracuse, New York, and medical director in Syracuse University.
John A. Dunlap was reared upon the home farm and acquired his education in the
common schools of the neighborhood. He has continued to follow the occupation to
which he was reared and is now the owner of one hundred and sixty acres of land
on section 18, Milo township, four miles south of Manchester. He follows mixed
farming, raising graded stock in addition to cultivating the fields, and his
activities yield him a gratifying profit.
On the 26th of March, 1889, Mr. Dunlap was united in marriage to Miss Emma F.
Miller, a daughter of Jacob K. and Catherine (Wagner) Miller, both natives of
Pennsylvania. Her father passed away in 1900, but her mother survives and lives
in Delhi township with a son. Mr. and Mrs. Dunlap have become the parents of
four children: Bemba M., at home; Leila I., the wife of Chester McCarthy, a
farmer of Delaware township; and Forest J. and Kenneth G., at home.
Mr. Dunlap is a republican and has held the office of school director for
several years. He realizes the vital connection between the advancement of the
public schools and the progress of the community, state and nation, and does all
in his power to maintain the local schools at a high standard of efficiency. His
entire life has been spent in this county and he has not only won material
success for himself, but has also aided in the agricultural development of his
locality and has won the confidence of his fellow citizens.

A History of Tama County, Iowa
Vol II; Chicago: Lewis Pub. Co., 1910.
James Gallogly- In the little city
of Buckingham, James Gallogly is well known as a hardware merchant, carrying a
large and general line of heavy hardware, harness, fence materials, paints, etc.
He was first identified with the life of Tama county as an educator, having
taught for twenty-four years or more, or up to the time he entered mercantile
pursuits, seven years ago. He had also followed the carpenter's trade to some
Mr. Gallogly was born at Manitowoc, Wisconsin, August 18, 1856, a son of Michael
and Mary (Peppard) Gallogly, who came from their native Ireland when very young,
the mother being but two years old at the time of her emigration, and they were
married in Ohio, and were farming people there until moving to Wisconsin in
about the year 1850. From there they came to Tama county, Iowa, on the 1st of
September, 1876, and in Buckingham township purchased the farm which is still in
the family name. Michael Gallogly died on his farm in the year 1905, when
eighty-seven years of age, and his wife, Mary, died there in 1901, aged
seventy-two years. They reared a large family of ten children, and nine are yet
living, but are scattered over the different states of the Union, two living in
Minnesota, two in Wisconsin, one in Illinois, two in Dakota, and Michael owns
the old Gallogly homestead in Buckingham township.
James Gallogly, of this review, married Miss Margaret Tierney, a member of a
prominent and well-known family of this county, and a daughter of Daniel
Tierney. Their three sons are Daniel, Ralph and LeRoy. Mr. Gallogly is a
Democratic voter, and he served his township as clerk for several years and also
as assessor. He holds fraternal relations with the Modern Woodmen of America at
Traer and with the Ancient Order of United Workmen at Centerville, South Dakota.
The family are members of the Blessing Catholic Church.

Biographical Souvenir of
Delaware and Buchanan Counties Iowa Chicago: F.A.
Battey & Company 1890
JOHN SEERY, one of the prominent
and successful young farmers of
Delaware county, was born near
Cascade, Iowa, June 1, 1852. His father, John Seery, is a
native of Ireland, but immigrated to the United States in
1840. He was engaged as clerk in a wholesale
house in New Orleans for nine years. He came up the
Mississippi river as far as Dubuque in 1851 and bought land near Cascade
in Jones county. He met with great success and is now an
extensive farmer and stock-raiser. The boyhood days of John Seery, the subject
of this notice, were passed on his father's farm in Dubuque county. He attended
the common district school and also St. John's College at Prairie du Chein, Wis.
Mr. Seery married, February 19, 1879, the lady of his choice being Miss Kate
Skahill She was born in Jones county, Iowa, and is a daughter of Patrick and
Mary (Murry) Skahill, both of whom were natives of Ireland. Her parents died
when she was quite young.
The union of Mr. and Mrs. Seery has resulted in the birth of five children,
viz.- Henry F., born December 26, 1879; Ida May, born September 4, 1881; Katie,
born May 8, 1883; Albert, born October 8, 1885, deceased, and Jane F., born
August 16, 1889.
Mr. Seery is a stanch democrat of the Jacksonian type and a strong supporter of
his party. He and his estimable wife are zealous members of the Catholic church
and liberal contributors to every worthy cause. He owns a fine farm of two
hundred and eighty acres, highly improved and all under cultivation. He has an
elegant residence, surrounded with all necessary out-buildings.
Mr. Seery is a wide-awake progressive farmer and one of the representative
citizens of South Fork township, and has always taken an active interest in all
public improvements. He has been successful in life, a result due to his own
exertions, aided and encouraged by his devoted wife. He stands deservedly high
in the estimation of the entire community, as a citizen, business man and
neighbor, and is looked upon as one of the most substantial and reliable
residents whose character is above reproach.
Submitted by Becky

History of Emmet County and
Dickinson County Iowa: A Record of Settlement, Organization, Progress and
Achievement, The Pioneer Publishing Company, Chicago, Illinois, 1917
Conlin followed agricultural pursuits throughout his active life and his well
directed labors yielded him a good financial return. His last days were spent in
honorable retirement from business cares in Armstrong, where he passed away
September 4, 1916. He was born in Massachusetts on the 20th of March, 1845, and
is a son of James and Anna (Gallagher) Conlin, who emigrated to this country
from Ireland in an early day and located in Massachusetts. The father farmed
there until the removal of the family to Wisconsin, where he became a landowner.
He passed away in 1886 at the advanced age of eighty-four years, and the mother
died in 1858.
Peter Conlin spent his boyhood and youth in Wisconsin
and received his education in the public schools of that state. When not quite
seventeen years of age he was employed in hauling provisions for the Union army
and was at the front for about three years. He was taken captive and because of
the terrible conditions of prison life became so emaciated that he was little
more than a skeleton when he returned to his home in Wisconsin. As soon as he
had sufficiently recovered his strength he went to work as a farm hand and so
continued until 1871, when he came to Emmet county, Iowa and took up a homestead
in Armstrong Grove township. He brought that place to a high state of
cultivation and made many improvements thereon. For thirty-three years his time
and energy were taken up with the operation of his farm, and his good management
and thrift enabled him to accumulate a competence. At length he retired and took
up his residence in Armstrong, where he died September 4, 1916, at the age of
seventy-one years and five months.
On the 4th of December, 1869, Mr. Conlin was married to
Miss Delia Harrity, a daughter of John and Bridget (Thornton) Harrity, who were
natives of Ireland but emigrated to America, locating near Cleveland, Ohio. The
father was for a time foreman on a large farm there, but later the family
removed to Wisconsin and he purchased land, which he cultivated until his death.
To Mr. and Mrs. Conlin were born five children: Anna, who died April 24, 1906;
Mary and John, twins; James and Patrick, who is a resident of Emmetsburg.
Mr. Conlin was a Democrat in politics but was without
ambition to hold office, being content to discharge his duties as a citizen in a
private capacity. However, he was chosen by popular suffrage trustee of his
township. In religious faith he was a Catholic. The patriotism which prompted
him to give his services to the Union at the time of the Civil War characterized
him throughout life and he always placed the general welfare above his personal
interests. |