History of Crawford County, F. W. Meyers. 2 vols. Chicago: S. J.
Clarke Pub. Co., 1911.
the prosperous citizens of Boyer township few have enjoyed the favors of fortune
more abundantly in recent years than P.H. Cronin. He was born in Warren county,
New York, January 29, 1871, a son of Philip and Julia (Hartnett) Cronin, both of
who were natives of Ireland. The father went to England and lived for a time in
London, where he worked as as brick mason. He was married in England to Julia
Hartnett and soon afterward came with his bride to America. They lived for a
while in Warren county, New York, and then decided to locate in Iowa, selecting
Clinton county for their home. In 1881 Mr. Cronin removed with his family to
Crawford county and permanently located in Boyer township, where he is still
living. His wife passed away in 1896. There were four children in their family:
P.H. of this review; Timothy, of Willow township; D.J. who is now a druggist at
Platte Center, Nebraska; and Mary, the wife of William Shannahan, who lives near
Ute, Iowa.
P.H. Cronin received his education in the district
schools and early engaged in farming, to which he has since devoted his
attention. He has applied himself with gratifying results and is the owner of
one hundred and sixty acres of highly productive land. He raises grain and pays
special attention to raising and marketing a good grade of horses and cattle.
Politically he is identified with the Democratic party
and has served as a member of the school board. In religious beliefs he adheres
to the Catholic church and fraternally he is a valued member of the camp of
Modern Woodmen of America at Dow City. He is unmarried and has no important
interests aside from his farm, his chief attention being concentrated upon his
business. This accounts in a large measure for his success.

Gue, B.F. Biographies
and Portraits of the Progressive Men of Iowa. Des Moines: Conaway & Shaw
Publishers, 1899.
A. J., of Sheldon, O'Brien county, is a product of Ireland,
the little green isle that has furnished so large a quota of the men who have
been foremost in preserving and developing this great land of the free. His
parents, Michael and Rose (O'Kane) McKeever, were farmers, and despite the
despicable system of landlordism prevailing in Ireland,
were in moderate financial circumstances when they came to the United States in
The youth of Mr. A. J. McKeever was spent on a farm in
Dubuque county, where his parents resided until 1884, when he removed to O'Brien
county. In 1888 he engaged in the grocery business at Sheldon, in partnership
with Mr. Theodore Geiger, and after one year's prosperous business Mr. McKeever
bought out the interest of his partner and continued the business alone. In his
youth he learned well the lessons of prudence, frugality and industry, so
valuable to men everywhere in business, and these qualities enabled him to
increase his stock and extend his business until now he owns and occupies the
handsomest business block in that city. He is the embodiment of a
first-class business man; strictly honorable in his dealings, courteous to all,
and genial and companionable to a high degree. He makes a friend of everyone
with whom he comes in contact. Coming direct to Iowa from Ireland
in 1860, he begun with pioneer life, and has lived to see the wild prairie upon
which he first came for a home transformed into a grand agricultural paradise,
all settled up with good citizens and industrious farmers, and has accumulated
for himself a goodly portion of this world's wealth to make himself comfortable
in old age. Religiously, like the greater share of his nationality, he is a
Catholic, and is faithful in his labors for, and self sacrificing in his
devotion to, his church. In polities he is a democrat, but one of that kind who
has the greatest consideration for the views of those opposed to him.

Biographical History and
Portrait Gallery of Scott County...1895; American Biographical Publishing Co.
John F. Dillon, one of the most distinguished
members of the American Bar, widely known as the attorney of the Jay Gould
estate and general counsel of the Union Pacific Railroad Company, was for many
years a member of the Davenport Bar. He was born in Washington County, New York,
on the twenty-fifth of December, 1831. His father was Thomas Dillon. His
paternal and maternal grandfathers were each born in Ireland, and emigrated to
this country at an early age and settled in the State of New York, whence his
father immigrated to Iowa.
In 1838, when he was little over seven years old, his
parents removed from Herkimer County, New York, to Davenport, in the then
Territory of Iowa, in which city he has resided constantly ever since. He
commenced the study of medicine at seventeen years of age, under the direction
of Egbert S. Barrows, M.D., then the leading physician of Davenport. He attended
two courses of medical lectures at the Keokuk Medical College, and graduated at
the age of twenty-one years. He entered upon the practice of his profession, but
finding, after a trial of a few months, that it did not accord with his tastes,
he commenced reading law in the office where his sign as a physician was
displayed. He was licensed as an attorney in Scott County, Iowa, in 1852, and at
once commenced the practice of his profession, being soon afterward elected
prosecuting attorney of the County.
In 1858, when twenty-seven years of age, he was elected
by a majority greatly exceeding the majority of his party as the Republican
candidate for Judge of the Seventh Judicial District of Iowa, a district then
composed of the four populous Counties of Scott, Muscatine, Jackson and Clinton.
The first work he did after his election was the giving of a close, critical
study to all the then reported decisions of the Supreme Court of the State. This
resulted in the preparation of his first legal work, "A Digest of the
Decisions of the Supreme Court of Iowa." In 1862 he was reelected without
any opposition, the bar of the district, without distinction of party, uniting
in a request to him to continue in the office. During the year following his
second election he was nominated by the Republican party of his State for one of
the judges of the Supreme Court, and was elected for a term of six years, taking
his seat on the first of January, 1863. In 1869 he was unanimously renominated
and reelected for another term of six years without any considerable opposition,
but before he qualified under his second election, and while still holding the
office of Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, he was nominated by the President
and confirmed by the Senate as Circuit Judge of the United States for the Eighth
Judicial Circuit, embracing the States of Minnesota, Iowa, Nebraska, Missouri,
Kansas and Arkansas, and later, also, the State of Colorado.
During the time he was on the Supreme bench of the
State he commenced collecting data for a work on "Municipal
Corporations," and having become bound to the publishers to prepare the
treatise, he was compelled to write it out after his accession to the Federal
bench. The work has an extraordinary sale. The first edition of twenty-five
hundred copies, published in the year 1872, was exhausted in a few months, and
the second edition, expanded into two volumes, was soon gone. The royalty to
Judge Dillon on the published editions amounted to several thousand
In 1872, seeing the necessity for the publication of a
first class law journal in the Valley of the Mississippi, he was instrumental in
setting on foot the publication of the "Central Law Journal," himself
sketching out the plan and for a time contributing much of the material. Having
given it a fair start, and being unable longer to give it supervision, he
committed the management of it to Seymour D. Thompson, Esq., of St. Louis.
While holding thirteen terms of court every year in
several judicial districts and six States, he edited and published several
volumes of "Circuit Court Reports," mostly his own opinions.
Judge Dillon's opinions while on the Supreme bench of
the State may be found in the twelve hundred volumes of "Iowa
Reports", from the fifteenth to the twenty-eighth volumes. During this
period the judges adopted and rigidly maintained the habit of consulting
thoroughly upon every case before the opinion was written. These consultations
extended to an agreement upon the facts of the case, upon the judgment to be
rendered, and upon the grounds on which the judgment should be placed. This
system of voluntarily enforced discipline could not fail to be productive of
important results, and the decisions of the Supreme Court of Iowa naturally
acquired a high standing throughout the Union and carried with them at home the
additional weight which attaches to the understanding that an opinion of the
Court was not merely the opinion of a single judge.
After serving with distinction several years on the
Circuit Bench, Judge Dillon resigned to accept the position of general counsel
of the Union Pacific Railroad Company and removed to New York City. Becoming
intimately associated with the late Jay Gould, he has, since the death of that
noted financier, sustained the relation of attorney to Gould's successors in the
management of his vast estate.
Judge Dillon's wife to whom he was married in 1853, was
a daughter of Hon. Hiram Price, for many years a representative in
Congress from the 2d Iowa district.

History of Tama County, Iowa;
Springfield, Ill.: Union Pub. Co., 1883.
McIlhinney is a native of Ireland, born in March, 1829. He made his home in his
native land and with his parents until he attained his majority, and then came
to America, and settled in the state of Pennsylvania. His marriage with Miss
Nancy A. Smith occurred in 1859, and the same year they came to Iowa, and
settled in Geneseo township, on land which Mr. McIlhinney had previously
entered. They have four children living- Estella J., Fayette F., Byron W. and
Theressa O.
Andrew McIlhinney, a native of Ireland, settled on
section 20, in 1859, on land he had entered a few years previously and on which
he had built a house the year before. In this house he now lives.

of Wapello County, Iowa; Chicago: Western Historical Company, 1878.
Bradley, Francis;
Superintendent of County Poor Farm, Sec. 33; Center tp.; Contains 149 acres;
born Oct 26, 1817 in Ireland; in 1836 came to Butler Co, Penn.; in 1837 to Ind.;
in 1840 to Ohio and kept a dairy in vicinity of Cincinnati for about 15 years;
in 1865 came to Jefferson co, Iowa; the following year removed to Wapello Co.
Owns 90 acres of land in Richmond tp.; 15 acres in Center tp; also 5 acres in
Hammond's Addition to Ottumwa. Married Julia Downey Oct. 13, 1856; she was born
Feb. 14, 1830 in Ireland. Catholic; Democrat.

History of
Wapello County, Iowa; Chicago: Western Historical Company, 1878.
Bradley, James,
bakery, Eldon; born Feb. 28, 1833 in Ireland; in 1854 came to New York; in 1870
removed to Eldon; owns his bakery and other property in town. Enlisted in 1863
in Co. A, 7th Ill. V.C. and served about 1 year. Has been two years a member of
the Council. Married Johanna Shahan in 1855; she was born in 1828 in Ireland;
have four children- Mary, Ellen, Edmund, and John. Catholic.

History of
Wapello County, Iowa; Chicago: Western Historical Company, 1878.
Dooley, Martin,
boarding house and saloon, Eldon; born Nov. 8, 1841 in Ireland; in 1860 came to
Scott Co, Iowa; in 1869 removed to Wapello Co.; owns house and lot in town.
Married Mary Flinn Nov. 7, 1870; she was born in Ireland; have three
children-Ellen, Mary, Agatha. Catholic; Democrat.

History of
Wapello County, Iowa; Chicago: Western Historical Company, 1878.
Quinn, John,
farmer Sec. 10; P.O. Dudley; owns 130 acres valued at $1500; born in Ireland in
1850; came to this country about 1858; came to Wapello in 1875. Married Johanna
Bernard who was born in Canada in 1854.

Biographical History and
Portrait Gallery of Scott County...1895; American Biographical Publishing Co.
McCourtney, a native of Waynesburg, Greene County, Pennsylvania, was born
September 8, 1825, to Arthur and Nancy (Gordon) McCourtney. His father, who was
born in Ireland, March 8, 1792, was a man of literary tastes and in early life
fitted himself for teaching. Thinking to better his chances in his chosen
calling the father left his native land in 1817 and came to America, landing at
St. John's, Newfoundland. Thence he went to New York City, where he had a sister
living. At her earnest solicitations he settled there and remained three years
and prospered. In 1820, with a friend, McDonough, who came with him from
Ireland, he made a trip over the mountains from Philadelphia and Pittsburgh and
thence to Wheeling, West Virginia, and from there to Waynesburg, Pennsylvania,
where an uncle of McDonough lived. Their intention was to soon return to their
native land, but this uncle took an interest in the young men and persuaded them
to remain in Waynesburg, promising to secure schools for them, which he did.
There our subject's father met and married the estimable and cultured lady above
named, and continued to reside there till 1834, and then moved with his family
to a farm in Perry County, Ohio, near Somerset.
Young McCourtney attended the public schools taught by
his father, under whose preceptorship he received all his preliminary education.
In 1848 he began the study of medical works and during the next three years was
engaged in teaching, his purpose being to secure means with which to pay his
expenses in college. He used all his spare time in study, and in October, 1851,
entered the medical department of "Western Reserve College," at
Cleveland, Ohio. He made rapid progress in his studies and took a high stand and
was graduated with honors.
Soon after his graduation he began the practice of
medicine at Rehoboth, Ohio, but six months later removed to New Lexington, in
Perry County, near his father's home. Here, surrounded by his friends, who knew
his abilities and the strenuous efforts he had made to fit himself for his
profession, he had a good degree of success, and it was with reluctance that he
left them for a new and untried field in the West, a step rendered necessary by
the delicate health of his wife, Margaret F., nee Green, whom he married on June
30, 1853. She is a native of Lebanon, Pennsylvania, and a woman of charming
accomplishments and rare womanly virtues. Locating in Davenport Dr. McCourtney
soon became well and favorably known, and his practice steadily increased from
year to year, yielding him a most satisfactory income. In 1864 he was appointed
"contract surgeon" in the army, and filled that office till the close
of the war. In March, 1865, with a small detachment of soldiers he conveyed five
hundred and three rebel prisoners of war from Rock Island to Richmond, Virginia.
Dr. McCourtney has always shown a commendable interest in
public affairs and in whatever pertained to the welfare of his adopted city, and
has been honored by his fellow-citizens with numerous positions of trust and
responsibility. In 1885 he was elected coroner of Scott County for two years and
reelected at the expiration of his term. He was again tendered the nomination in
1889 but declined it. Two years later he yielded to the persistent solicitations
of his friends and accepted a nomination for the same office and was elected,
and at the expiration of that term was elected for another two years' term. But
Dr. McCourtney is in no sense a politician, being a man of modest, retiring
disposition and of domestic tastes. In political sentiment he has always been a
Democrat. In his chosen calling and in the quiet retirement and enjoyment of his
home he finds his chief delight.
Though in his seventieth year time has dealt kindly
with him and he is uncommonly well preserved, a fact to be attributed in large
measure to his simple and correct habits of life. He is courteous and genial in
manner, and in all his intercourse and dealing with others has the bearing of a
high-minded and cultured gentleman.
His estimable wife and devoted helpmeet died November
22, 1892, at the age of sixty-three years, ten months and eighteen days, beloved
by all who came within the circle of her benign influence.
Of ten children born to them but three survive, viz:
Mary Eugene, known as "Lillie", Fannie Claudius and Ella. Of the
others who lived to maturity, Eugene, born December 18, 1867, died October 11,
1888; Libbie, born October 10, 1865, died May 3, 1890; Nettie, born October 25,
1863, died February 18, 1891; Gertie, born November 10, 1869, died October 4,

The History of Linn County,
Iowa...Chicago: Western Hist. Co., 1878
Oliver, H., farmer
Sec. 9 T 83, R 6; born November 12, 1812 in Ireland; in 1883 came to
Philadelphia; in 1842 came to Linn county, Iowa; owns 130 acres valued at $35
per acre. Married Elizabeth Bigger in 1844; she was born in Ireland; have 4
children-Ellen J., Margaret E., Arthur B., Sarah F. John H enlisted in
1861, Co K, 9th I.V.I; died March 22, 1863 in Memphis, Tenn. of disease
contracted in army. Are member of M.E. church.

The History of Linn County,
Iowa...Chicago: Western Hist. Co., 1878
O'Brien, Thomas, farmer, Sec 34;
PO Prairiesburg; owns 240 acres worth $6,000; was born in Ireland in December
1805; came to America in 1834, settling in West Chester Co, New York where he
remained until 1848, then moved to Pennsylvania, and in 1852, came to this
county settling on Sec. 3, Buffalo tp. and moved to this tp. in 1868, settling
where he now lives. Married Rosanna O'Brien, a native of Corbon Co., Penn.,
April 1, 1846; children James, John, Margaret, Maria (died), Thomas, Peter
(died), Ellen and Peter; their son John was a soldier in the regular army and
was with General Custer on that fatal day at Little Big Horn, but is now
believed by many to be a captive in Sitting Bull's camp, over the Canadian

Biographical History and
Portrait Gallery of Scott County...1895; American Biographical Publishing Co.
John McSteen
M'Steen is a native of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, where he was born July
18, 1840, being the third child in the family of Patrick McSteen and Bridget
(McDermott) McSteen. His parents came to this country from Ireland in their
youth, and were married on this side of the water. His father was a brass
moulder and gas fitter by trade, and in this business was very successful. His
mother died when he was very young, and he was taken into the family of her
brother, with whom he resided and by whom he was educated.
His youth was spent in obtaining his schooling at the
Christian Brothers' School and at a select school taught by John Cavanaugh, both
being located in Pittsburgh. Here he remained until he was about seventeen years
of age, at which time he learned the trade of stove moulding, with the firm of
Graff & Co and continued at this work until he was twenty-one years of age.
It was about this time that his uncle and his aunt with their family concluded
to move to the West. It was their idea that in this section of the world would
be found greater opportunities for the accumulation of money than could be found
elsewhere. Mr. McDermott desired to leave his trade and take up the occupation
of farming, and for that reason when the party came to the vicinity of Davenport
they located, not in the city, but in the country - in Winfield township- where
Mr. McDermott purchased a farm.
Mr. McSteen remained with his uncle, engaging in
agricultural pursuits and giving up his trade also. They had reached Davenport
some time during the spring of 1859, and Mr. McSteen remained with his uncle for
about sixteen years, or until some time in 1876.
He accumulated enough during his career as a farmer to
purchase an acre of ground, and built for himself a cozy home thereon.
Later, as time dealt kindly with him, he got together funds to purchase a
threshing machine, and during four or five seasons-some time in the 70s-he
conducted a very prosperous business throughout the County. His machine was
entirely destroyed by fire during the beginning of one season, and Mr. McSteen
found himself face to face with a state of affairs which was calculated to
discourage and dishearten the strongest of men. He owed several hundred dollars,
which had been borrowed on the outfit, and although he was not compelled to do
so, owing to the nature of his contract, he gave up his home in the country in
the settlement of his debt. Friends and relatives had endorsed his notes, and,
had he been so disposed, he could have allowed them to pay the sums necessary to
square his accounts, but he chose the more honorable course, and as a result
moved into the city of Davenport, where he had just enough money to pay one
month's rent-leaving but fifty cents in his pocket.
He had absolutely no opportunities for making money. He
cast about for some time in the effort to find the means to make a living, and
finally got work over at Rock Island Arsenal as a teamster, which occupation he
followed for a couple of years with reasonable good success.
This employment enabled him to purchase a lot and build
himself a home in the City of Davenport, and in partnership with Joseph Nole he
engaged in the implement business, having borrowed six hundred dollars.
Misfortune again overtook him. This time, however, not in the same manner as
before, although he lost everything. He had given promissory notes for the money
he had borrowed, and as a result, when the failure of the firm took place, the
little property which he had accumulated was seized, and he was left again
without a home. This was early 1879.
He was a candidate during that spring for the city
clerkship, and good fortune overtook him when he was elected to the office by a
large majority. It was, perhaps, true that his business failure had something to
do with his success at the election. However, it would appear that he must
undoubtedly have been very successful in the office, for he was ten times
reelected, and his friends insisted upon him running the eleventh time, when he
was defeated, but not in fair competition. It happened that after that he had
refused to allow his name his friends came to him and urged that he allow
himself to be placed in nomination. This he absolutely refused to do at first,
but finally consented to run independently, there having been previously chosen
a representative from his party ranks. He consented to run for one election,
only upon condition that the Republicans would not place a candidate in
nomination. This the Republicans had promised, but they failed to fulfill their
promise, and as a result there were three candidates in the field, the
Republican winning.
Inside a week after the contest was decided Mr. McSteen
went into the life, fire and accident insurance business, representing the
following companies: American of Newark, New Jersey; Union of Philadelphia;
Security of Davenport; Grand Rapids of Michigan; United States Mutual Accident
Company; Firemen's of Newark, New Jersey; Eagle Fire of New York; State of Des
Moines; Capital of Des Moines, and Manhattan Life Insurance Company. He has been
very diligent in this and his success has been very good.
Mr. McSteen's political aspirations were not confined
entirely to his ten years' service in the city clerk's office. While he was a
resident of Winfield Township he was justice of the peace for four years and
secretary of the school for six years, also township clerk for seven or eight
Some time in 1890 he purchased a cigar store and has
conducted a successful business in that line in connection with his insurance.
He has his insurance office in his cigar and tobacco establishment, but regards
the cigar business as of small importance compared with his insurance business.
Mr. McSteen is one of the substantial citizens of Scott
County. He is possessed of an indomitable will and great energy, coupled with
which he has ability and good business judgment. His career has been an
interesting one in many respects, and owing to the misfortunes which have
befallen him great credit is due him for what he has accomplished. He not only
has sustained severe financial losses, but in 1861 met with the loss of his leg
as the result of a threshing machine accident. A strange thing about this
accident was the fact that Mr. McSteen had arranged all his affairs to enlist in
an Iowa regiment for service in the War of the Rebellion. He was to have
enlisted on the evening of the accident, and, in fact, had started for the place
of enlistment, when he was called by some neighbors to assist in the work which
later resulted in the loss of his limb and necessarily in the giving up of his
military career.
Through adversity and trial Mr. McSteen has toiled
onward, steadily and resolutely, until he has been successful to a degree of
which he has a right to feel proud.
He was married, October 21, 1860, to Miss Elizabeth
Loyd, a native of New York City. The children of this union are: Charles F.,
residing in Phillipsburgh, Kansas, who is an engineer; Edward, who died at the
age of one year; John P., residing in Horton, Kansas, and also an engineer; J.E.,
connected with the train dispatcher's office on the Rock island Railroad; Thomas
P., residing in Davenport, a timekeeper at the Eagle Manufacturing Company's
works, and Florence and Gertrude, residing at home.

Biographical History and
Portrait Gallery of Scott County...1895; American Biographical Publishing Co.
D. Martin is a native of Davenport, having been born, October 26, 1848, the son
of Luke and Mary (Dyer) Martin, both natives of Ireland. Mr. Martin's father was
a farmer, and came to Davenport in 1846, where he resided until his death in
1848. Mrs. Martin's death occurred in 1862. In the family there were but two
children, James, residing now in the West, and Charles D., who is prominently
identified with the business interests of the city in which he has spent his
entire life.
The latter was educated in part in the public schools,
and in part at Father Pelamorgues' school, an institution which flourished in
Davenport for a number of years. Mr. Martin has been his own guide and counselor
since he was thirteen years of age, and since that time has depended entirely
upon his own resources for his advancement in the world. The first employment he
had after leaving school was at farm work, for which he received eight dollars a
month. Then he learned the harness maker's trade, in which he continued for
about four years. Some time in 1868 he have up his trade to accept employment on
one of the river packets, with which he was connected for a couple of years.
In 1870 he joined a party of Davenporters, who
immigrated to the Greeley Colony, in Colorado. A spirit of adventure and a
desire to accumulate money prompted Mr. Martin to undertake this trip. Greeley
at that time was an insignificant hamlet, there being few people there, and the
chances for making money did not seem at all promising. The outlook not being
favorable, Mr. Martin remained there only about six months, returning to
Davenport to take a position in the retail grocery establishment of P.F. Kelly.
In this he remained for a couple of years, when he engaged in the grocery
business on his own account in partnership with Daniel Leonard, under the firm
name of Martin & Leonard. Mr. Leonard retired from the business at the end
of a year and Mr. Martin continued the establishment in his own name for six
years. In 1879 he formed a partnership with J.F. Kelly in the wholesale liquor
business under the firm name of Kelly & Martin. He had disposed of his
grocery establishment in which he had been quite successful, and in the new
venture with Mr. Kelly was more than ordinarily prosperous. Their business
continued until prohibition was inaugurated in this State. The latter had the
effect of bringing about a dissolution of the partnership and Mr. Martin went
into the wholesale fruit business, in partnership with O.C. Woods and George W.
Noth, under the firm name of Martin, Woods & Comapny. This establishment is
still doing business in Davenport, having since been incorporated. It is now
known as the Martin-Woods Company.
In 1891 Mr .Martin was appointed County recorder to
fill the unexpired term of Recorder Susenmiel. This position Mr. Martin held for
six months, and in 1892 he organized the Davenport Bag and Paper Company in
connection with George Noth and Gus Eckhardt. Of this company Mr. Martin is
still the president.
On the first of January, 1892, Mr. Martin formed a
partnership in the real estate business with George A. Koester, in which
business he is engaged at the present time, giving the greater part of his
attention to the transactions of this firm.
He has had a busy life for a young man, and the fact
that he has succeeded in different kinds of business evidences his
resourcefulness, sagacity and executive ability. He has to-day interests in a
number of enterprises in the city, and has stock in concerns which are not
mentioned above. He is a very energetic man, but has a great aversion to office
work-in fact, this is one of his peculiarities, if it may be termed such-and for
that reason he has never been able to content himself with a life of
confinement. In his present active connection with the firm of Koester &
Martin he does the greater part of what is commonly termed "outside
work" in connection with the real estate transactions, and is better
suited, perhaps, to this kind of work than to any other. He likes to come into
contact with other men, enjoys the making of new acquaintances, and is full of
enthusiasm concerning the prospects for Davenport's future greatness. He gives
strangers a splendid impression of the city and its resources, and is an active
promoter of its material growth and prosperity.
He has always taken a lively interest in the city's
welfare, and has found time to serve the city in the capacity of alderman from
the Fifth Ward for six years. He was for five years chairman of the finance
committee and in this position many important matters came under his
supervision. His record as an alderman is that of a man faithful and diligent in
the performance of his obligations to his constituents.
Mr. Martin was married February 19, 1878, to Miss
Johanna Grace, daughter of Edward Grace of this city. To this union have been
born seven children: Mary Elizabeth, William Henry, Grace Alice, Raymond Luke,
Charles D., Florence Gertrude and Charles Edward, the last of whom died in
infancy. Mr. Martin has a handsome home located at the northwest corner of
Eighth and Farnam streets.

The History of Linn County,
Iowa...Chicago: Western Hist. Co., 1878
McHugh, John,
farmer, S. 25; P.O. Lisbon; born in Ireland in 1826; came to this country in
1846 and to this county in 1855; owns 140 acres of land. He married Mrs. A.
Kilkenny in 1855; she was born in Ireland; they have 3 children-Margaret, Mary
A., Kate.

The History of Linn County,
Iowa...Chicago: Western Hist. Co., 1878
Ellison, Samuel, farmer &
stock raiser, Sec. 26; P.O. Mt. Vernon; born Ireland 1820; came to this county
in 1840; owns 685 acres of land. He married Mary Scott in 1848; she was born in
Indiana; has 5 children-William. G., James P., Ruth A., Mary M., and Margaret
A., lost one.

Biographical and Historical
Record of Ringgold and Union Counties...Chicago: Lewis Pub. Co., 1887.
Canney, one of the prominent and prosperous agriculturists of Ringgold County,
engaged in farming and stock-raising on section 33, Grant Township, is a native
of Ireland, born November 16, 1826, a son of Michael and Mary Canney, who were
natives of the same country. Thomas Canney was reared a farmer in Ireland till
eighteen years of age, when he decided to try his fortunes in America.
Accordingly, in April, 1844, he sailed from Liverpool, England, and landed at
New York City, the 1st of May. He first went to Pennsylvania, where he worked on
a farm for one summer, and in the following fall went to Ohio, remaining in that
State one year. He then spent fiver years in the State of Illinois, and in 1853
came to Ringgold County, when he located on the farm where he has since made his
home. He has on his land a fine orchard filled with many varieties of fruit
trees, a well-cultivated farm and good farm buildings. Mr. Canney was married
April 1, 1860, to Mary Cabert. They have had five children-Rose, Tansie, Daniel,
Thomas and William. Rose and Thomas are deceased. In politics Mr. Canney casts
his suffrage with the Democratic party. Mr. Canney has met with excellent
success in his agricultural pursuits, and by his persevering energy and good
business management has accumulated a large property, amounting to 750 acres,
all of which he has gained by fair and honorable dealings, and what is of
greater value, he has won the respect and confidence of all who know him.

Biographical and Historical
Record of Ringgold and Union Counties...Chicago: Lewis Pub. Co., 1887.
Bailey, M.D., located in Mt. Ayr, Iowa, in March, 1879, and has built up a good
practice, having gained the confidence and esteem of his patrons and brethren in
the profession. He is a native of Rock Island County, Illinois, born September
1, 1851, a son of James and Anna (Blakely) Bailey, natives of Ireland, who came
to America in their youth, and were married in Rock Island. His father died when
he was an infant three months old, and he was reared by his widowed mother, and
was given the benefit of a good education. He began the study of medicine with
Dr. J.H. Seyler, of Preemption, Mercer County, Illinois, and subsequently
entered Rush Medical College, Chicago, Illinois, from which he graduated in
February, 1879, and immediately after his graduation located in Mt. Ayr, where,
for seven years, he has been identified with all that pertains to the social and
material development of the place. In 1882 he was elected coroner of Ringgold
County, and has held the office since by re-election. He is a member of the
Masonic fraternity, lodge and chapter, and also of the lodge and encampment of
the Odd Fellow order. He is a member of the Epsicopal church, being confirmed by
Bishop Lee, in 1866.

Biographical and Historical
Record of Ringgold and Union Counties...Chicago: Lewis Pub. Co., 1887.
Ellis, proprietor of the Ellis House and liver stable in Mt Ayr, is a native of
Virginia, born March 31, 1832, a son of Francis Ellis. His parents were
natives of Ireland, immigrating to America about 1825, when they located in
Virginia, where the father followed mercantile pursuits. When our subject was
two years old his parents removed from Norfolk, Virginia, to Coshocton County,
Ohio, where the father followed farming till his death. The mother also died in
that county, at the advanced age of ninety-three years. They were the parents of
ten children, of whom four are yet living. Francis Ellis, the subject of this
sketch, passed his youth in Coshocton County, receiving his education in the
district schools. At the age of nineteen years he went to Davis County, Iowa,
with a 160 acre land warrant his oldest brother gave his life for in the city of
Mexico. In 1854 he was married to Miss Sussanah W. Yoast, a native of Ohio, but
at the time of her marriage living in Davis County, Iowa, with her father and
mother, and teaching district school. They have two children-Truman C and Mary
Oliver, wife of W. A Reger, Turman B graduated from the Medical College at Iowa
City, and is now a practicing physician at Bethany, Missouri. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis
have lost three children by death. After his marriage Mr. Ellis settled on a
farm in Davis County, where he followed farming until 1859, when he engaged in
the hotel business, and also bought a steam saw-mill, which he operated a year.
In 1860 he went to Pike's Peak, Colorado, where he engaged in mining, but did
not meet with much success. He returned to Davis County,and from there went to
Wayne County, Iowa, where he followed agricultural pursuits until 1865, when he
came with his family to Mr. Ayr, and gain engaged in the hotel business, keeping
the Mt Ayr House, commencing on but $400 capital and from this small beginning
he built up a large business, and after running the hotel for nine years he
retired with $28,000. He then purchased 1,010 acres of land, and engaged in
general farming and stock-raising, but instead of making money in this
enterprise he lost, owing to the prices of stock going down as well as all farm
products. He soon abandoned farming and returned to Mt Ayr, purchasing the
present hotel, which is the leading house in the city. It contains forty-five
rooms, which are all well-furnished and fitted up for the comfort of all his
patrons, all the accommodations being first-class, and in connection with his
hotel he runs a livery well supplied with good horses and vehicles of different
kinds, and is well prepared to accommodate the traveling public, and by his
genial and accommodating manners he has made a success of his hotel, and gained
the respect of all who know him.

The History of Jones County,
Iowa; .Chicago: Western Hist. Co., 1879
Richard and Thomas H. McQuillen, farmers, Sec. 23; P.O. Cascade; sons of John
McQuillen, who was born in Ireland and came to the United States in 1830; lived
in Albany N.Y., till he came to Jones Co. in the spring of 1846; he settled
where his sons now live; he died in the fall of the year he came to the county.
Besides the three brothers mentioned above, is George, who resides in Washington
Township; another, Bernard, died in 1865; the homestead, now owned by John,
Richard and Thomas, contains 500 acres, 300 of which is improved; they are
engaged principally in stock-raising. Thomas, born in 1846, is the only one of
the brothers born in Jones Co.; he has held several township offices; has been
Township Clerk and Collector for four years; was a Justice of the Peace from
1871 to 1875; he was one of the first Directors of the Cascade, Bellevue &
Western Railroad. The brothers are Democrats in politics. Their mother,
Margarette McQuillen, lives with them. They are Catholics in religion.

History of Clayton County,
Iowa. Chicago: Inter-State Pub. Co.: 1882.
Thomas Keleher was born in
Ireland, Dec. 23, 1833. He immigrated to America in June, 1848, and landed in
New York, where he resided ten years, and in 1855 came to Clayton County, Ia.,
and purchased 160 acres of Government land on section 34, Boardman Township,
where he now resides. He has added to his original purchase until it has
increased to 240 acres of fine land and well improved. Mr. Keleher has been
twice married, first in April, 1861, to Mary Dirine, who died in 1879, leaving
six children viz.: William, born in 1861; Jeremiah, in 1863; James T., in 1865;
Anna, in 1867; Francis Joseph, in 1869; and Edward, in 1871. His second marriage
occurred in 1870, to Anna Maria Roach, who was born in Massachusetts in 1852.
Mr. Keleher has held the offices of road supervisor and school director for
several years, has also served as treasurer of the School Board. He is a member
of the Catholic church. In politics he is independent, and is one of the old
settlers and representative men of the county.

The History of Jones County,
Iowa; .Chicago: Western Hist. Co., 1879
D. Sullivan, farmer, Sec. 3; P.O. Cascade, Dubuque County; son of John and
Margaret Sullivan; was born on the farm he now owns October 29, 1840; his father
was a native of Ireland and was born in 1807; he came to this country in 1835,
and entered the farm where his son now resides. His mother was born in Virginia
in 1810; she was married in Illinois in 1827 to David Lindsay; had three
children by this marriage, none of whom are living; she became a widow, and on
Jan. 1, 1840, she married Mr. Sullivan; she has four children by her second
marriage- John D., William T. (lives in Daviess Co., Mo., and is editor of a
paper called the Northern Missourian), Robert F. (resides in Franklin Co.,
Iowa), Dennis (lives in Richland Township, Jones Co., Iowa). John D. was married
to Helen M. Simmons, who was born in Canada; she died July 13, 1877. Mr.
Sullivan has five children- Adda, William H., Emma J., John F and Charles M. Mr.
Sullivan was for about one year a member of Co. C., 2nd I.V.I.; entered the army
in 1864. His brother William T., enlisted in Co. K, 17th I.V.I. in 1861; served
till the close of the war.

Brewer, Luther A. and
Barthinius Wick. History of Linn County, Iowa From Its Earliest Settlement to
the Present Time Vol II. Chicago: Pioneer Publishing Company, 1911.
S. B.
Beatty, ranking with the substantial citizens and prominent and progressive
business men of Cedar Rapids, is numbered among Iowa's
native sons and in his life displays the enterprising spirit characteristic of
the middle west. His birth occurred in Cascade, Dubuque county, Iowa,
April 13, 1854. His father, David Beatty, was a native of Ireland
and in the year 1838 crossed the Atlantic to Philadelphia in company with
his parents, James and Nancy (Dixon) Beatty. He was but a boy when his parents
settled in Philadelphia, where he resided until 1846, when he became one of the
first settlers of Cascade. His early life was devoted to farming and he was thus
closely associated with the agricultural development of the community. As the
years wore on he became a very active and influential citizen and was one of the
promoters and builders of the narrow gauge railroad from Cascade to Bellevue. He
continued to make his home at Cascade until his death, which occurred in 1907,
when he had reached the advanced age of eighty-four years. His wife, who bore
the maiden name of Jane McCartney, was a native of Tyrone, Ireland.
S. B. Beatty pursued his education in the public
schools of his native town and in Cascade Academy and through the periods of
vacation assisted in the work of the home farm. After putting aside his
text-books he gave his further attention to general agricultural pursuits until
twenty-two years of age, when, believing that he would find commercial interests
more congenial and profitable, he began merchandising in Cascade, opening a
furniture and undertaking establishment. There he conducted a successful
business until 1898, when he removed to Cedar Rapids, and opened an undertaking
business at his present location. He is also interested in milling and mining in
Montana and his carefully formed and well executed plans are bringing to him
substantial and well merited success.
In 1881 Mr. Beatty was married to Miss Carrie L. Kelly,
a daughter of Samuel R. and Mary M. (Macdonald) Kelly and a native of Brooklyn,
New York, and they have become parents of three sons and a daughter: Donald R.,
married Florence Wittie and was secretary of the Kilbourn Milling & Cereal
Company, of Kilbourn, Wisconsin. He was killed accidentally February 5, 1910.
Robert J., is engaged in the undertaking business in South Dakota. Clarence is a
graduate of the Cedar Rapids high school. Zelda is at home.
Mr. Beatty and his family attend the Baptist church, in
which he holds membership. He belongs to Lodge No. 643, I. O. O. F.; Cedar
Rapids Lodge, No. 25, B. P. O. E.; the American Order of United Workmen; and the
Fraternal Aid. In politics he is a republican but at local elections votes
independent of party ties, supporting the men whom he believes best qualified
for office. In all matters of citizenship he takes a progressive stand,
advocating reform and advancement, and his cooperation has constituted an
effective element along the line of general improvement. He is respected and
trusted as a business man and in social relations wins that warm friendship
which is only given in recognition of genuine personal worth.

Brewer, Luther A. and
Barthinius Wick. History of Linn County, Iowa From Its Earliest Settlement to
the Present Time Vol II. Chicago: Pioneer Publishing Company, 1911.
William Fogarty owns and operates a finely improved farm of one hundred acres in
Buffalo township, Linn county. He is a native son of the state, born in Dubuque
county, in 1858, his parents being Daniel and Mary (Cleary) Fogarty, both
natives of Ireland. They came to America at a very early day and spent five
years in New York state, whence they removed to Dubuque county, Iowa, where the
father spent several years in railroading. He then rented a farm in Buffalo
township, Linn county, operating the same for three years, and at the end of
that time he was enabled to purchase forty acres in that township. This proved
but the beginning of his success, however, for as he prospered he kept adding to
his original holdings from time to time until at his death his possessions
aggregated five hundred and sixty acres of land, which he divided among his
children, each of his sons receiving one hundred acres, while the remainder was
given to his other children. He was twice married, William, the subject of this
review, having been born of his first marriage. His mother died in 1865, and in
1868 the father was again married, his second union being with Mrs. Ellen
O'Neal, who was born in Ireland, and by whom he had three children, Maggie,
Daniel and John. The father died November 14, 1908.
William Fogarty acquired his education in the common
schools and was early trained in the work of the fields, assisting his father
during the periods of vacation. Putting aside his text-books, he gave his entire
time to the cultivation of the farm, remaining under the parental roof until he
was thirty years of age. He was then given by his father the one hundred acres
of land on which he now makes his home, this being located in Buffalo township.
He has made many modern improvements on the place, which include a good country
residence, a substantial barn and out-buildings for the shelter of grain and
stock, and everything about the place is neat and attractive in appearance,
indicating the progressive methods of the owner.
On the 6th of June, 1899, occurred the marriage of Mr.
Fogarty and Miss Bridget Fay, a daughter of Edward and Margaret (Mulconery) Fay,
who were natives of Ireland. In early life they emigrated to America, first
locating in Chicago, but after ten years spent in the western metropolis, they
made their way to Jones county, Iowa. There the father purchased one hundred
acres of land, operating the same until the mother's death in February, 1898,
after which he lived retired in Anamosa until he passed away on the 6th of
August, 1909. Their family numbered six children.
Politically Mr. Fogarty is a democrat and at present is
serving as township trustee. Both he and his wife are members of the Catholic
church. He shows good judgment in the conduct of his business affairs and in his
work is meeting success.