History of Delaware County, Iowa...Captain John F. Merry, supervising ed. 2
vols. Chicago: S. J. Clarke Pub. Co., 1914
James E Dunlap owns in connection with his
brother and sister a fine tract of two hundred and eighty acres of land in Hazel
Green township, and devotes his time to its operation. He was born in that
township, June 4, 1871, a son of James B. and Clarissa M. (Comstock) Dunlap,
natives of Ireland and New York respectively. The father passed away in
February, 1903, but the mother survives and makes her home in Hopkinton.
James E. Dunlap was given an excellent education and after completing the course
of the local public schools he attended Western College at Toledo, Iowa. Since
leaving school he has concentrated his energies upon agricultural pursuits, as
he manages and operates two hundred and eighty acres of land on section 3, Hazel
Green township, belonging jointly to himself, his brother, and sister. He
understands well the methods best adapted to the cultivation of Iowa soil and,
as he is a man of great energy, his yield of grain per acre is always high and
his stock is invariably of a good grade.
On the 11th of December, 1912, Mr. Dunlap was united in marriage to Miss Clara
G. Keith, a daughter of George W. Keith, and to this union has been born a
daughter, Rosalind. Mr. Dunlap supports the republican party at the polls and
takes a lively interest in all matters concerning the public welfare. He is a
man of high standards of conduct and his life is in all respects upright and
honorable, winning for him the sincere esteem of all who know him.

History of Delaware County,
Iowa...Captain John F. Merry, supervising ed. 2
vols. Chicago: S. J. Clarke Pub. Co., 1914
A.E. Dunlap is the efficient
county recorder of Delaware county, of which he is a worthy native son, his
birth having occurred in Hazel Green township on the 4th of August, 1868. His
father, Thomas B. Dunlap, was born in Ireland on the 10th of October, 1840, and
came to the United States at an early day, settling in Iowa. He devoted his
attention to general agricultural pursuits throughout his active business career
and passed away on the 23d of March, 1914. His wife, who bore the maiden name of
Rose Speers, was called to her final rest about 1881. Their children were four
in number, namely: A.E. of this review; Myra J., who is the widow of William
Gillespie and resides in Nebraska; Mary Elizabeth, who gave her hand in marriage
to Frank L. McKean and passed away leaving three little daughters; and Robert
J., also deceased.
A.E. Dunlap acquired his early education in the common schools of the county and
continued his studies in Lenox College of Hopkinton. The work of the fields then
claimed his attention and he successfully carried on farming in Hazel Green
township until he assumed the duties of county recorder in 1913 to which office
he had been elected in 1912. He has been nominated for a second term as he has
proven his fitness for the position and is widely recognized as a most
trustworthy and capable county official.
As a companion and helpmate on the journey of life Mr. Dunlap chose Miss Mandana
Danford, whose birth occurred in Delaware county on the 24th of December, 1869.
Her father, Samuel Danford, has passed away. Mr. Dunlap gives his political
allegiance to the republican party and has held the office of township assessor
for four years. His religious faith is that of the Congregational church, while
fraternally he is identified with the Knights of Pythias, the Independent Order
of Odd Fellows and the Masons. Both he and his wife have spent their entire
lives in Delaware county and are well known and highly esteemed within its
["A" stands for
Alexander; Rose Speers was also born in Ireland. This per the 1880
Submitted by--Becky

A History of Tama County, Iowa
Vol II; Chicago: Lewis Pub. Co., 1910.
James Martin- Tama county, Iowa, is located in the midst of a rich and
fertile farming region, and prominent among the enterprising and energetic men
who have so ably assisted in developing and advancing its agricultural resources
is James Martin, of Highland township, a well-known and prosperous farmer. A son
of the late Robert Martin, he was born, October 23, 1860, in New York city, of
thrifty Irish descent.
Robert Martin was born and reared in Ireland, his birth occurring January 4,
1820. On March 27, 1854, he married Margaret Woods, who was born in Ireland,
March 20, 1826, and died in Tama county, Iowa, in 1903. Immediately after his
marriage he emigrated to this country, and, after spending sixteen years in New
York city, came with his family to Iowa. Buying land in Tama county, he improved
a good farm, on which he resided until his death, in 1900. Eight children were
born to him and his wife, three of whom are living, namely: James, of this
sketch; Maggie, wife of Frankie Fish, lives in Highland township, on the
parental homestead; and Mary, wife of George Gary, also of Highland township.
Obtaining a practical education in the public schools, James Martin decided on
farming as his life occupation, and in 1891 purchased his present estate of one
hundred and sixty acres in Highland township. Here Mr. Martin has made many and
valuable improvements, his home being one of the most attractive in the
neighborhood, and here he is carrying on general farming with eminent success.
On March 11, 1886, Mr. Martin married Alice Clark, who was born in Lee county,
Illinois, October 27, 1863, a daughter of Francis M. Clark. Mrs. Martin was four
years a teacher in our public schools. A native of Ohio, Francis M. Clark was
born, June 10, 1837, in Richland county. He was a graduate of Mt. Morris
(Illinois) college, and taught school for a number of years. He married Sarah
Walkup, who was born in Ogle county, Illinois, October 13, 1842, and they became
the parents of four children, as follows: Alice, now Mrs. Martin; Arthur, living
on the old home farm in Highland township, where his parents settled on coming
to Iowa in 1864; Clinton, deceased; and Eva, deceased. Francis M. Clark died
December 29, 1908. Six children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Martin, namely:
Ralph, deceased; Raymond, Eva, Robert, Ethel and Charles. Politically Mr. Martin
is a straightforward Republican. Fraternally he belongs to the Modern Woodmen of
America. Religiously he and his family attend the United Brethren church.

A History of Tama County, Iowa
Vol II; Chicago: Lewis Pub. Co., 1910.
Alexander Ribby- Among the
prosperous and successful agriculturists of Otter Creek township is numbered
Alexander Ribby, better known, perhaps, to the residents of this community as
Sandy Ribby. he was born in Peoria, Illinois, January 21, 1856. Thomas Ribby,
his father, was born in Ireland in 1823, but, coming to the United States in
1848, he worked his way westward as a railroad employee in different
construction companies, and in January, 1861, arrived in Tama county, Iowa. He
preceded the railroad here and located in Tama when that city contained but a
few shacks. In section 15, Otter Creek township, he purchased one hundred and
twenty acres of land covered with brush and timber, but he cleared his land and
made his home thereon until his death in may of 1866. He married at Bloomington,
Illinois, Catherine McCarthy, who was also from his native Ireland, born in
1829, and she died on the 10th of April, 1904. Of their eight children, four are
now living, namely: Alexander; Margaret, the wife of Daniel Mulligan, of Otter
Creek township; Catherine, wife of King Ullum, of South Dakota; and Mary, the
wife of Michael O'Connell and a resident of Richland township.
Alexander Ribby spent fourteen years of his early life in the city of Tama,
attending in the meantime its public schools and the Western college, at Toledo,
for two terms. At the age of twenty-two years he left home and followed railroad
work for five years; was then for eight years a farmer on rented land in
Pocahontas county, this state, and then returning to Tama county, he purchased
his present homestead of one hundred and twenty acres in 1898. All of the many
and valuable improvements on this farm have been placed there by him, and he is
numbered among the community's most progressive agriculturists. During the past
eight years he has served his township as its clerk, and during two years he was
also a trustee. his politics are Democratic.
Mr. Ribby married on October 1, 1882, Emma Dulybon, born at Mt. Carroll,
Illinois, April 15, 1866, a daughter of Mathew and Anna (Berkholder) Dulybon.
She is one of their six children, and the four now living are: Alice, the wife
of a Mr. Dennis, of Nebraska; Mrs. Ribby; Mrs. Frank Laws, of Tama; and Frank,
of the same city. Mathew Dulybon enlisted in 1861 with an Ohio regiment and
served in the Civil war until its close. He then located at Mt. Carroll, in
Illinois, and from there in 1870 came to the city of Tama, Iowa, where he lived
until his death. Eleven children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Ribby, namely:
Sadie, the wife of Michael Foley, of Clutier, Iowa; and Nellie, Margaret, Emma
(a teacher in the public schools), Thomas, Alexander, Leo, Mary, Ralph and Carl.
The family are members of the Catholic church.

A History of Tama County, Iowa
Vol II; Chicago: Lewis Pub. Co., 1910.
Wiliam H. McAnulty is prominently
known as an agriculturist of Howard township, where he owns a valuable estate in
section 12. He is a self-made man in the truest sense of the term, and may well
feel proud of the success he has achieved in life. Remaining at home with his
mother until 1872, he then purchased his first piece of land, a little tract of
eight acres, in section 12, which formed the nucleus of his present large and
valuable estate of three hundred and twenty acres of fine land as lies in Howard
township. The estate contains two sets of buildings, and its owner is one of the
influential men of his community. He has served his township as treasurer and
during the past fourteen years he has been its school treasurer and, during the
past thirteen years, the school secretary. He has also been twice elected
justice of the peace but did not qualify.
William H. McAnulty was born in Berks county, Pennsylvania, September 12, 1847,
a son of Patrick and Catherine (O'Neil) McAnulty. The father, who was a native
born son of Ireland, came to the United States when eighteen years old, locating
among the Quakers of Chester County, Pennsylvania, and there he died on the 23rd
of May, 1853, when sixty years of age. Mrs. McAnulty was born in Berks county,
Pennsylvania, and there he died on the 23rd of May, 1853, when sixty years of
age. Mrs. McAnulty was born in Berks county, Pennsylvania, in 1803, and she died
at the age of eighty-six years in this township. Their marriage was celebrated
in 1821, and of the fifteen children born of their union only five are now
living, namely: Wesley, of Toledo, Iowa: William of this review; Mary, whose
home is also in Toledo; Hannah, the wife of Mr. Cox, of Carlton township; and
Mrs. Catherine Rhodes, of Clinton, Iowa. Mrs. McAnulty was a member of the
Methodist Episcopal church for seventy-two years. The death of her husband left
her with a large family of children to support, some of whom were under age, and
the older ones wishing to go west and farm, she finally packed her belongings
and came with her family to Iowa, journeying by railroad to its terminus at Iowa
City and from there they drove to Tama county, and purchased one hundred and
sixty acres of land in section 13. The lumber for the home erected thereon was
obtained at Brewer's mill, at Monticello, where the first mill in the county had
been erected, and on her farm home here the brave mother spent the remainder of
her days and was laid to rest among others of the honored pioneers of Tama
William H. McAnulty married on the 12th of September, 1871, Margaret Hill, who
was born in Tuscarawas county, Ohio, January 7, 1852, a daughter of Absalom
Hill, another of Tama county's early pioneers. He also was born in Tuscarawas
county, January 18, 1827, and he died in Howard township, of Tama county, on the
21st day of May, 1895. He moved from Ohio to Whiteside county, Illinois, in
1854, where he farmed until enlisting for the war on the 4th January, 1863, and
he served until its close. In 1868 he came to Iowa and located in Boone county,
and from there, in 1870 he came to Tama county and established his home on
section 13, Howard township, where his death subsequently occurred. He had
married, on the 23rd of February, 1857, Rebecca Marks, who was born at New
Philadelphia, in Tuscarawas county, Ohio, June 8, 1830, and who is now a
resident of Toledo, the mother of six children: Mrs. McAnulty; Cyrus, whose home
is in South Dakota; Grant, of Otter Creek township; Scott, of Toledo; Mary E.,
the wife of W.A. McAnulty, also of Toledo; and Jessie, the wife of E. McCormack,
of Cedar Rapids. The union of Mr and Mrs. McAnulty has been blessed by the birth
of seven children, namely: Edith, the wife of Carl Grau, of Cedar Rapids; Viola,
the wife of Howard Lyon, of Whitten, Iowa; Gertrude, the wife of John Stevenson,
also of Cedar Rapids; Pearl, the wife of Horace Honeycutt, of Toledo; Earl H.,
of Howard Township; Hazel, a stenographer in Cedar Rapids; and Nelson, at home
with his parents. Both Mr and Mrs McAnulty are members of the Beulah united
Brethren Church and he is also a member of the Ancient Order of united Workmen
at Toledo. is political affiliations are with the republican party.

A History of Tama County, Iowa
Vol II; Chicago: Lewis Pub. Co., 1910.
James O'Neill has long been
numbered among Tama county's agriculturists and leading citizens, and although
practically retired from an active business life, he yet resides on his valuable
estate of one hundred and twenty acres in section 5, Carroll township. He
arrived in Tama county on the 27th of February, 1865, and after spending the
first year with Robert Blake in Howard township he bought eighty acres of land
there, the west half of the northeast quarter of section 2. He improved his land
and built what was known as the "Half Way House" between old
Buckingham and Toledo, one of the historic places of Tama county. There he
entertained over night many of the county's early settlers, particularly during
the severe storms of those winters. That historic old place continued as his
home until 1872, and two years later he sold the farm and came to Carroll
township and to his present home.
Mr. O'Neill was born in Canada East on the 27th of July, 1832, a son of William
and Abigail (Sherman) O'Neill. James O'Neill, his paternal grandfather, was born
in the north of Ireland, but reared in the Protestant faith, and he came as a
British soldier to Canada during his young manhood, and the land there which he
secured from the crown was the home of both him and his sons. James O'Neill
served his full time in the British army. During the early years of his
residence in Canada he had to go to Lake Champlain to mill, a distance of
twenty-four miles from his home and through the dense timber of those early
days. He resided on that farm until his death, and there also the father and two
aunts of the James O'Neill of this review passed away. But the land has since
been sold. William O'Neill was born and reared on that Canada farm, and there he
resided until his death in 1890, more than eighty years of age. He was a
prominent farmer and a much respected citizen. Abigail Sherman, his wife, was
born in Connecticut, probably of English descent, and she was reared in that
state and lived there until her marriage, but she died at the old O'Neill
homestead in Canada East. Both she and her husband were members of the Methodist
Episcopal church. James was one of three children born to William and Abigail
O'Neill and he is the only one living, Henry having died in Montreal and Selina
died in Clinton county, New York.
James O'Neill spent the first twenty years of his live at his birthplace in
Canada, receiving in the meantime but limited school advantages, and coming then
to DeKalb county, Illinois, he worked on farms and at other labor for several
years. He was married there in 1860 to Miss Sarah Smith, born in northern Ohio,
to Enoch Smith, of English descent and who died in Tama county, which had been
his home during the later years of his life. Mrs. O'Neill died in 1872, leaving
four children, as follows: William Enoch, living at College View, near Lincoln,
Nebraska, and a painter by trade; Asa David, engaged in the mercantile business
in the town of Dickey, North Dakota; Sidney, operating the O'Neill homestead in
Carroll township, and he has recently taken up a half section of government land
in Oregon county, Colorado; and Sarah died in infancy. Mr. O'Neill married for
his second wife Mrs. Catherine Carr, born in Carroll county, Illinois, in 1848,
a daughter of Conrad and Regina (Blouch) Hild, early residents of the Prairie
state, but both born in Germany. They came to the United States in their youth,
and they lived and died as farmers in Carroll county, Illinois. Mrs. O'Neill was
reared there, and there she married David Carr, a farmer in Carroll township,
Tama county, Iowa, where he died on the 10th of November 1871, when but
thirty-two years of age. A daughter, Davina Estella, has been born to Mr and Mrs
O'Neill, and she is now the wife of Lewis Henigar, another Carroll township
Mr. O'Neill owns one of the well improved farms of his community, and he was
engaged in general farming there until his retirement. During about fourteen
years he was the secretary of the Tama County Mutual Insurance Company, proving
an efficient officer, and he was also for a time agent for the Town Mutual
Insurance Company of Des Moines. He has always been a Republican in his
political affiliations, and he served eight years in the office of assessor and
has also held other local offices. Since 1875 he has been identified with the
Odd Fellows lodge at Traer, and his son is also a member of the fraternity. Mr.
O'Neill is one of the representative citizens of Tama county.

History of Delaware County,
Iowa...Captain John F. Merry, supervising ed. 2
vols. Chicago: S. J. Clarke Pub. Co., 1914
Patrick Behan is living retired in
Ryan, where he is widely known and highly respected. He was born in Ireland,
August 15, 1844, a son of William and Nora (Brazell) Behan, who were also
natives of the Emerald Isle. The family emigrated to the United States in 1855
and made their way to Iowa, settling on a farm in Adams township, in Delaware
county. The father cultivated his land until his demise, which occurred February
13, 1862. His widow survived for many years, dying in 1894. They were the
parents of nine children as follows: Mary, who married James Duggan; Ann,
the widow of Robert Montgomery and a resident of Iowa City; David, who had the
distinction of being the first volunteer soldier to enlist in Adams township and
who passed away in 1912; Ellen, the widow of James McElligott; Nora, who is a
nurse in a hospital at Dubuque; Kate, the deceased wife of Thomas McNulty, her
demise occurring in Oklahoma; Patrick and Morris, twins, the latter of whom is
deceased; and Margaret, the wife of Frank McNulty, of Kansas.
Patrick Behan was a boy of eleven years when his parents brought him to the new
world and he quickly adapted himself to the new conditions of life found here.
He had only a common school education but his native intelligence and sound
judgment have enabled him not only to win financial success but have made it
possible for him to watch with understanding the many changes and diverse
movements in modern life. At the outbreak of the Civil war he enlisted in
Company E, Second Iowa Infantry, and served for a year and a half, during which
time he was with Sherman on the memorable march to the sea. He became the owner
of a good farm in Adams township and devoted his time and energy to its
cultivation until he retired in January, 1914, when he removed to Ryan, there
erecting a commodious residence.
Mr. Behan was married April 20, 1868, to Miss Ann Gannon, a daughter of Patrick
and Mary (Carr) Gannon, both natives of Ireland. In 1855 they brought their
family to the new world and the father carried on agricultural pursuits until
his death, which occurred April 28, 1862. The mother survived for more than two
decades, dying April 28, 1884, on the anniversary of the death of her husband.
To Mr. and Mrs. Behan were born nine children: Mary Ann, who married Michael
Schealy, of Buchanan county, Iowa; Catherine, the wife of John Vinton, of
Nebraska; William, residing in Masonville, this state; Rose, who married John
Cashmann of Minnesota, Margaret, the wife of John Callon, of Winthrop, Iowa;
Elizabeth who married George Vinton, of Nebraska; Hannah, the wife of Thomas
Cummings, of Minnesota; Rev. P.J., pastor of St. Patrick's church at Cedar
Rapids; and John D. who married Lillian McElligott, of Illinois, on the 28th of
January, 1914. John D. Behan is engaged in farming, renting two hundred acres
from his father, five miles west of Ryan, and he owns forty acres of land. In
addition to cultivating his fields he devotes a great deal of attention to
raising and selling high grade stock. All who know Patrick Behan agree that the
case and comfort which he is now enjoying are well merited, as his life was for
many years a very busy one and his activities were guided and directed by
excellent judgment.

A History of Tama County, Iowa
Vol II; Chicago: Lewis Pub. Co., 1910.
Peter Gannon, a prosperous farmer
on section 19, Highland township, was born in McHenry county, Illinois, November
19, 1850, and is a son of Luke and Margaret (Fallon) Gannon, both natives of
Ireland. The former died in 1870, aged fifty-five years, and the latter died in
1885, aged seventy years. Luke Gannon came to the United States at the age of
seventeen, in 1832, and spent sixteen weeks on the ocean, besides being three
times shipwrecked; Margaret Fallon spent thirteen weeks on the ocean, and was
thought to have made a quick passage. Luke Gannon went to Illinois where he
secured employment at Lockport, on the old Illinois canal. Later he entered land
and settled in McHenry county, Illinois, and carried on a farm there until his
death. Of the eight children, seven survive, namely: Catherine, wife of Peter
Minnon, of Chicago; Mary A., unmarried, lives at Crystal Lake, Illinois; James,
a resident of Illinois; Peter; Michael H., of Chicago; Thomas, of South Dakota;
and Margaret Malone, living in Illinois.
Mr. Gannon spent his boyhood on his fathers' farm in McHenry county, Illinois,
where he remained until twenty-four years of age. In 1874 he came to Tama county
with a man for whom he had been working in Illinois, and there was put in charge
of the farm he now occupies, which his employer had purchased. He conducted the
farm on a partnership basis until 1901, when he bought it himself. At the time
he began cultivating and clearing it, the farm consisted of wild land,
unimproved, and Mr. Gannon now has stocked it and made modern improvements, so
that his farm of two hundred and sixty-three acres is now in fine condition. At
one time he owned eighty acres on the southern line of the county, in Highland
township, which he sold. Though his early education was meager, Mr. Gannon has
made the most of his opportunities, and is well posted on the affairs of the
day; he is thoroughly enterprising and energetic, and is one of the leading
citizens of his part of the county. He broke his land from the sod, and has
worked hard all his life, but has lately turned over the farm work to his sons.
He is a Democrat, and has always favored that party; he has served a number of
years as trustee and school officer. He was one of the organizers of the
Citizens' Savings Bank at Gilman, Iowa, in which he holds stock; also one of the
organizers and stockholders of the Farmers' Elevator at Gilman; also part owner
of the opera house at Gilman. He is affiliated with Cyrus Lodge, No. 338,
Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, at Gilman, and with the chapter at
Marshalltown. He and his wife belong to the Knights of Pythias and is a member
of the Mutual Benefit Association of Gilman; and he was a member of the
Congregational church at Gilman. Though interested in public affairs, he is not
an office-seeker, and though elected to the office of township clerk, he would
not qualify.
Mr. Gannon married, October 17, 1888, Florence McClure, born near Legrand,
Marshall county, Iowa, February 20, 1862, and a daughter of James A. and Mary
(Crawford) McClure. Her father died July 4, 1905, aged seventy-five years, and
her mother, who was born July 23, 1835, resides at Gilman, Iowa. They came West
and located at Benton county, Iowa, in 1854; they came as far as Rock Island by
train, and drove the remainder of the journey. In 1855 they came to Marshall
county, and settled near Legrand, where they lived on a farm until 1899, and
then removed to Gilman, where Mr. McClure died. Of their eight children, seven
survive, namely: E.C., of Alliance, Nebraska; Mary, wife of W.H. Vosburg, of
Gilman, Iowa; Byron B., of Marshalltown, Iowa; Lloyd; Frank S., of Gilman;
Alice, wife of E.J. Robb, of Marshalltown, Iowa; and Florence, the fourth child.
Mr. Gannon and his wife have three children, as follows: Fannie A., a school
teacher, of Gilman, Iowa; Raymond H., living at home, and John C., also at home.

History of Delaware County,
Iowa...Captain John F. Merry, supervising ed. 2
vols. Chicago: S. J. Clarke Pub. Co., 1914
William Scanlan, who died in 1909,
at the age of sixty-three years, was actively and successfully identified with
agricultural pursuits in Delaware county for four decades, owning and operating
a farm of eighty-four acres on section 36, Coffins Grove township. His birth
occurred in Ireland on the 22d of December, 1846, his parents being William and
Sarah (Mills) Scanlan, of whom more extended mention is made on another page of
this work in connection with Luke Scanlan, a brother of our subject.
In 1869, when about twenty-three years of age, William Scanlan crossed the
Atlantic to the United States and made his way direct to Delaware county, Iowa,
subsequently settling on a farm here. He was married in Manchester and operated
a rented farm during the next seven years. On the expiration of that period,
however, he purchased a tract of eighty-four acres on section 36, Coffins Grove
township, where he carried on agricultural pursuits successfully throughout the
remainder of his life. The property is now in possession of his widow and
returns to her a gratifying annual income.
As a companion and helpmate on the journey of life Mr. Scanlan chose Miss
Isabella Anderson, a native of Pennsylvania and a daughter of Christopher and
Margaret Anderson, both of whom were born in Ireland. They emigrated to America
in 1852 and located first in Pennsylvania, while in 1857 they took up their
abode on a farm in Prairie township, Delaware county, Iowa. Subsequently they
removed to Nebraska and in that state spent the remainder of their lives. To Mr
and Mrs Scanlan were born nine children, five of whom are still living, namely:
Artazena, who is engaged in teaching school; William L.; Retta; Christina M.;
and Howard A.
Mr. Scanlan died June 16, 1909, and was laid to rest in the Oakland
cemetery. With his family he attended the services of the Methodist Episcopal
church, and in all the relations of life he exemplified the highest principles.
His widow, who still survives, has now been a resident of Delaware county for
fifty-seven years and enjoys an extensive and favorable acquaintance within its

The History of Clinton County
Iowa" by L. P. Allen (1879)
REV. E. J. McLAUGHLIN, Pastor of St. Mary's
Catholic Church; is a native of Ireland, and came with his parents, in infancy,
to America; they came to Dubuque, Iowa; he was brought up and received part of
his education there, then went East and entered the seminary of "Our Lady
of Angels," at Suspension Bridge, Niagara Falls; he then entered Notre Dame
University, at South Bend, Ind., and graduated, taking the degree of A. B.; he
completed his theological studies at St. Francis Seminary, near Milwaukee, Wis;
he was ordained Priest by Bishop Hennessey, at the Cathedral in Dubuque, May 26,
1878; his first charge was at Sigourney, where he remained only a short time,
and upon the death of his brother, Rev. P. V. McLaughlin, he was appointed to
succeed him in the Pastorate of St. Mary's Catholic Church, Clinton, Jan. 17,

The History of Clinton County
Iowa" by L. P. Allen (1879)
REV. P. V. McLAUGHLIN, deceased, Pastor of St.
Mary's Catholic Church; was a native of Ireland, and came with his parents to
America, when only 9 years of age; they came to Dubuque; he received his
education at Bardstown, Ky., and then entered St. Vincent Seminary, at Cape
Girardeau, Mo., and completed his theological studies at St. Francis Seminary,
near Milwaukee; he was appointed Pastor of St. Mary's Catholic Church, Clinton,
in May, 1867; he labored acceptably and successfully in the interests of the
church and schools; founded the Temperance Society of the church, and was
greatly beloved by his people; he died Jan. 16, 1879, and was buried in the

The History of Clinton County
Iowa" by L. P. Allen (1879)
MULLANY, attorney at law, Opera House block; was born in Ireland, April 1, 1847;
his parents came to America when he was very young, and located at La Salle,
Ill.; when he was ten years of age, his parents came to Dubuque, Iowa, in 1857,
where he was brought up; he received his education there and in New York; he
studied law in Dubuque, and was admitted to the bar in 1872; he practiced law
there until February, 1876, when he came to Clinton, and since then has
practiced his profession here. He married Miss Aggie C. Murphy, from Chicago,
May 3, 1877; they have one son-Robert E., born July 21, 1878.

The History of Clinton County
Iowa" by L. P. Allen (1879)
WM. O'DONNELL, section boss on the
C. & N. W. R. R. residence on Tenth avenue, west of Third street; is a
native of Ireland, and was bon in 1819; he grew up to manhood there, and
emigrated to America in 1849; he came to Chicago and entered the employ of Col.
Smith, on the Galena & Chicago Union R. R., in 1851; he was section boss and
had charge of the track at Cottage Hill, Elgin, Belvidere, Cherry Valley; he
came to Clinton in 1856, and is the oldest employee on this division of the
road; he is one of the early settlers of Clinton, coming the next year after the
town started. Mr. O'Donnell has been a member of the City Council for twelve
years, and is also a member of the School Board. He married Winnifred Leahy, a
native of Ireland, in 1849; they have five children -- William H., David J.,
Mary, Winnie, and Joseph H.; they attend the Catholic Church.

The History of Clinton County
Iowa" by L. P. Allen (1879)
MARTIN WHITE, foreman in charge of
loading cars at W. J. Young & Co.'s mills; is a native of Ireland, and was
born Dec. 15, 1829; he emigrated to America in 1853; he came to Iowa and located
in Clinton, in 1857; there was very little here when he came; he has been
connected with the mills, in the employ of Mr. Young, for a long time, and has
lived here twenty-two years; he holds the office of City Alderman, and is
serving his fourth year; he is President of the Roman Catholic Total Abstinence
Society, and has been officially connected with the Society for five years. He
married Miss Judith Reddan, a native of Ireland, in 1852; they have eight
children; he and his family attend the Catholic Church.

History of Delaware County,
Iowa...Captain John F. Merry, supervising ed. 2 vols. Chicago: S. J. Clarke Pub.
Co., 1914
The grim reaper death is always busy gathering his harvest here and there
first in one home and then in another. When C.M. Odell of Elk township was
called to his final rest the community in which he lived lost a
representative citizen, his associates a faithful friend and his family a
devoted husband and father. He was born in Elk township, April 27, 1855
was a son of John and Mary Odell.
Upon the old homestead farm C.M. Odell was reared, remaining there up to the
time of his marriage, which was celebrated in 1881, Miss Mary Kennedy
becoming his wife. Three children were born of that union, of whom two died
in infancy, while the surviving daughter, Clara, is now hte wife of C.W.
Lash a resident of North Dakota. The wife and mother passed away and in 1887
Mr Odell married again, his second union being with Miss Elizabeth Kennedy,
a daughter of Cornelius and Mary (Lindsay) Kennedy, both of whom were
natives of Ireland. In 1854 they came to the United States and established
their home in Elk township, this county, among the pioneer settlers. There
was little indication that Delaware county would ever become the thickly
populated and prosperous region which it is today, for at that time the work
of civilization had hardly penetrated into the region and much of the land
was still in possession of the government. Mr. Kennedy entered a claim and
thereon built a log cabin which the family occupied for several years.
Later, however, he improved the place with fine buildings and continued the
further development of his farm until with his wife he removed to South
Dakota, where they spent their remaining days. In their family were fourteen
children, of whom eight still survive.
Mr and Mrs Odell became the parents of two sons and a daughter. John K., the
eldest, born April 27, 1888, is still at home with his mother and operates
the farm. He is a graduate of the Greeley high school and attended Lenox
College one year. Edith M., born February 2, 1892, was graduated from the
State Normal School at San Diego, California, and is now a teacher in
Greeley, Iowa. Benjamin, born October 7, 1899, is attending the high school
in Greeley.
Mr. Odell led a busy life and as the result of his energy, presistency of
purpose and careful management he became the owner of two hundred and ninety
acres of rich and valuable land on section 21, Elk township, on which he
placed many improvements. There he lived until his death, which occurred
March 14, 1909, when he was laid to rest in Grandview cemetery, leaving a
widow and four children to mourn his loss. He did not seek to figure
prominently in any public connection, being content to concentrate his
energies upon his business affairs and to faithfully perform the duties
which each day brought. His sterling worth, however, was widely recognized
and deep regret was felt at his passing.

History of Delaware County,
Iowa...Captain John F. Merry, supervising ed. 2 vols. Chicago: S. J. Clarke Pub.
Co., 1914
A deep feeling of sadness spread
throughout the village of Ryan and Adams township, when it was announced that
W.P. Hurley had passed from this life but while those who knew him remain his
memory will be cherished, not so much on account of the splendid success which
he achieved in business as because of his life of helpfulness, of good cheer, of
broad sympathy, and his deep interest in and labors for the benefit of his
fellowmen. Mr. Hurley was a native son of Delaware county, born March 13, 1857,
a son of Cornelius and Jane (Gannon) Hurley, both born in the Emerald isle. They
came to the United States in the early '50s and located in Delaware county when
this region was new and undeveloped. Here the father engaged in farming and bore
his full share in transforming this section into the prosperous region it is
today. The mother died at the age of fifty-two years, and the father, surviving
for many years, was called to his rest when he had reached the age of seventy.
W.P. Hurley was reared on the homestead and was early assigned the tasks of the
farm lad, his increasing strength and years being accompanied by larger and more
important responsibilities. After reaching years of maturity he engaged in
farming on his own account, but eventually abandoned this pursuit to engage in
the implement business in Ryan. The work of the farm, however, appealed more
strongly to him and at the end of three years he returned once more to farm
work. He accumulated a valuable property and at the time of his death left to
his family three hundred and twenty acres located three miles west of Ryan in
Adams township.
Mr. Hurley was married on the 21st of June, 1899, to Miss Clara Thillen, a
daughter of Fred and Mary (Clemens) Thillen, who were natives of Germany, the
place of their nativity being Lutjenburg. For many years the father followed
farming after emigrating to this country, but he is now living retired in
Dubuque county. Five children were born of the marriage of Mr and Mrs. Hurley,
but the fourth in order of birth, Richard, died in infancy. Those living are
William F., Mary J., Cornelius J., and Agnes M.
Mr Hurley passed to his final reward, December 31, 1909, at a time when it
seemed he was merely in the prime of his life, for he was but fifty-two years of
age. HIs remains lie buried in Monti cemetery. He was a communicant of the
Catholic church, in the faith of which he died. His energy was at the service of
his community, and he was called by the people to fill his positions, serving as
school treasurer and as assessor of Adams township. In daily life he was genial
and affable. His purposes were kindly, his sympathy unbounded and all who knew
him intimately felt honored by his friendship.
1878 Delaware Co., IA History
"Hurley Cornelius, Farmer;
Sec. 16; P. O. Tower Hill; owns 320 acres worth
$8,000; born in Ireland in 1823; came to America in 1853, and to this
county in 1856. Married Jane Gannan Jan. 28, 1856; she was born in Ireland
in April, 1836; their children are --- Wm. P., born March 13, 1857; Francis
E., Oct 3, 1858; Cornelius, Aug 10., 1860; Mary J., May 1(?), 1867; Julia,
April 24, 1869, and Edward, July 29, 1877."
Submitted by Becky

Wolfe's History of Clinton
County, Iowa; Vol 2; B.F. Bowen & Co; Indianapolis, Indiana: 1911
Like most young men, the one of whom we are now
writing has not passed through enough of life to make his history long, for his
record must of necessity be more in the future than in the past. But he has
shown the mettle that is in him and is now in a very responsible position in a
manufacturing establishment. He is well known among the business men of the city
and has a very promising future. He is of Irish descent, one of that race which
will not be downed, and which seems especially fitted for positions of command
and management, showing clearly in his activities the value of that blood which
fills his veins.
Charles F. Hooks was born in Clinton, Iowa, October 26, 1884, the son of Patrick
and Katherine (Killagan) Hooks. His parents were born in Ireland, and very early
came to America, locating in Clinton, where his father was engaged in the lumber
business for many years, having a large and prosperous business. Patrick Hooks
has given the most of his life to his business and now is living a retired life
in Clinton. He has many friends and is spending his old age in peace, quiet and
honor. Of his thirteen children, twelve are living and doing well in the world.
Charles Hooks attended the Clinton public schools and St. Mary's parochial
school, being graduated in the latter. For some time he worked at various
things, but in 1905 entered the employ of the Clinton Spring Bed Company, a
leading manufacturing establishment of the city. In 1909, this was reorganized
and he was made vice-president of the Clinton Furniture Company, a position
which he now holds and has efficiently filled.
In politics, Mr. Hooks is a Democrat, and he is a member of the Catholic church.
He is a member of the Catholic Order of Foresters, of the Knights of Columbus,
and of the Iowa Catholic Total Abstinence Society. He has a high reputation in
Clinton for business sagacity and acumen, and has many friends, especially among
the younger element. He is unmarried.
The Clinton Furniture Company is a prosperous organization with a large and
increasing output, and much of its prosperity is due to the good management of
Mr. Hooks.

History of Delaware County, Iowa...Captain John
F. Merry, supervising ed. 2 vols. Chicago: S. J. Clarke Pub. Co., 1914
Charles A. Swindell resides on a
farm of one hundred and twenty acres situated on section 7, Adams township, and
also owns a half interest in a three hundred and twenty acre tract in that
township. He was born in the township where he still lives, on the 22d of
February, 1856, a son of William and Isabelle (Carrothers) Swindell, both born
on the Emerald Isle. In the early '50s they emigrated to the United States and
located in Philadelphia, where their marriage occurred. For two years they
resided in that city, but in 1854 came west, as they had heard much of the
superior advantages to be found in this section of the country, and settled in
Delaware county. They resided on a farm in Adams township and the father became
a well known agriculturist. Of the children born to them seven survive: Charles
A.; William B., who lives in Minatare, Nebraska; Anthony, who lives in Adams
township; Fannie, who married John Scanlan and resides in Prairie township;
Mary, the wife of William Swindal of Poweshiek county, Iowa; John, who lives in
Dillon, Kansas; and Elizabeth, the wife of Henry Johnston, a resident of Coggon,
Iowa. Marguerite married Henry Johnson and passed away in Poweshiek county in
1897; and Margaret died in infancy. The father was called to his reward in 1892
and was survived for ten years by his widow, her demise occurring in 1902.
Charles A Swindell was early trained in the work of plowing, planting and
harvesting and in the care of live stock, and since starting out in life on his
own account has continued to farm. He owns one hundred and twenty acres of fine
land on section 7, Adams township, where he resides, and also has a half
interest in three hundred and twenty acres in that township, situated five and a
half miles west of Ryan and one mile north of Robinson. He devotes the greater
part of his time and attention to the raising of full blooded Guernsey cattle
and Duroc Jersey hogs and finds this phase of agriculture highly profitable.
Mr. Swindell was married on the 4th of May, 1881, to Miss Ida Liepsner, a
daughter of Charles and Ida (Schmeider) Liepsner, both natives of Germany who
emigrated to the United States and settled in New York state in the early '50s.
Her father was superintendent of a powder manufactory conducted under the name
of the Smith & Rand Company. Mrs. Swindell had two brothers, Charles is a
resident of Las Vegas, New Mexico; and Fred died when thirty-five years of age.
By a former marriage to Miss Frances Schmeider, the father had six children,
three of whom survive, namely: Benjamin, a resident of Philadelphia; Herman, who
lives in Kansas City; and Fannie, also a resident of Kansas City. Mr. Liepsner
died in 1893 and his second widow followed him to the Great Beyond in 1894. To
Mr and Mrs Swindell has been born a son, Charles W., whose birth occurred in
1885 and who is at home with his parents, assisting in the work of the farm.
Mr. Swindell is a republican and for a number of years has ably filled the town
office of township trustee. Fraternally he belongs to the Royal Arcanum. He has
won a gratifying measure of prosperity and has also contributed in no small
degree to the development of the county along the line of stock-raising, and he
is one of the best known and highly esteemed agriculturists in his locality. |