"From History of Scott County, Iowa
1882 Chicago: Interstate Publishing Co."
John Molyneaux was born in the county of Kerry, Ireland, June 24, 1827. In 1849
he left the land of his birth for America, and landed at New York City; from
there he went to Dutchess Co., N. Y., where he remained two years, then returned
to New York City, and clerked in a wholesale grocery store there nearly four
years, then went into that business for himself. Two years later he located in
Davenport, Iowa. He remained in Davenport Township engaged in farming nine
years, and in 1857 came to Winfield Township. Since his arrival here he has
bought three farms, the first consisted of 30 acres on section 16, for which he
paid $2,000; the second also contained 80 acres, for which he paid $3,000; the
last contained 40 acres valued at $1,400. Besides these farms he owns 10 acres
of timber land in Clinton County. He was married to Mary Sullivan, Aug. 1, 1853.
She is likewise a native of County Kerry, Ireland, and was born Dec. 25, 1829.
Of 10 children born of this union, eight are living - Margaret, born Oct. 8,
1855, married D. J. Buckly; Henry, born Feb, 4, 1860; John, March 6, 1861;
Michael, Dec. 7, 1862, is a graduate of the Davenport Business College;
Catharine, born July 8, 1864; Ella, March 26, 1867; Daniel, March 25, 1869, and
Julia, March 31, 1871. The family are members of the Catholic church. Mr.
Molyneaux has served his township as trustee five years, and school director,
the same length of time. He has been twice elected justice of the peace, but
failed to serve.

Wolfe's History of Clinton
County, Iowa; Vol 2; B.F. Bowen & Co; Indianapolis, Indiana: 1911
The present review is concerned with the life of a
man whose character and ability are, by reason of his long and honorable
connection with the practice of law, well known to the people of Clinton county
and of the state of Iowa, and whose extensive familiarity with his own county
made him especially fitted to server as editor-in-chief of the history of
Clinton county.
Patrick B. Wolfe was born in Chicago, Illinois, on October 7, 1848, the son of
John R. and Honora (Buckley) Wolfe. John R. Wolfe was born in county Kerry,
Ireland, in 1824, the son of Richard Wolfe, who was the agent having charge of
the property of the Knight of Kerry. He received and excellent education. During
his young manhood he helped to organize the "Young Ireland" party. He
left Ireland in 1848, coming to America, first locating at Ottawa, Illinois.
Here he remained on a farm until 1854, when he moved to Clinton county, Iowa, to
land near Lost Nation, which he had entered the winter before, and lived there
until his death in 1885, becoming one of the largest landholders and most
successful farmers of his township. Mr. Wolfe did not take any great interest in
politics. He was opposed to slavery. In religion he and his entire family were
staunch Catholics, and active workers in the church.
John R. Wolfe was married in Ireland to Honora Buckley. She was a member of a
family prominent in the church and at the bar, Michael Buckley, her brother,
having been the leader of the Belfast bar for many years. The Wolfe family were
also prominent in the church and in law, so that it was natural for the American
descendants to turn to the bar in choice of a profession. Mrs. Wolfe died in
Mr and Mrs Wolfe were the parents of ten children, two of whom died in infancy,
and those who grew to maturity are the following: James, a farmer near Lost
Nation; Patrick B.; Johanna, who is now Sister Scholastica of the Orders of
Sisters of Mercy at Sioux City, Iowa; John, a farmer at Melrose, Monroe county,
Iowa; Maurice, a farmer near Lost Nation; Margaret, now the wife of Dr. D.
Langan, of Clinton; Katherine, the widow of Judge T.D. Fitzgerald, of Montana,
at one time president of the Montana Senate, now living in Clinton; and Richard
B., an attorney at De Witt, Clinton county, Iowa.
Patrick B. Wolfe attended the common schools of Liberty township, Clinton
county, for a time, then spent one year in the Christian Brothers Academy at La
Salle, Illinois. He was a student in the academic department of Iowa State
University for two years, then took a full law course from that institution,
graduating with the degree of Bachelor of Laws in 1870. In January, 1871, he
began the practice of law at De Witt, Clinton county, Iowa, and for a few years
suffered from the proverbial hardships of the young lawyer, but soon came into
an extensive practice. In 1877 he formed a partnership with W.A. Cotton, under
the name of Cotton & Wolfe, which continued until 1888. For four years he
served as attorney for the town of DeWitt, and was a member of the De Witt
school board for fifteen years. In 1885 he was elected to the Iowa Senate, and
served three sessions, resigning from his position in October, 1891, when he was
appointed judge of the district court for the seventh judicial district, holding
his first term of court in November of 1891. He served on the bench until
September 1, 1904, when he resigned to form a partnership in the practice of law
with his son. it is a unique fact that Judge Wolfe has resigned from every
public office which he has held. In 1899 he was nominated for judge of the
supreme court of the state of Iowa, and was defeated by a close margin. He is
again a candidate in 1910. His law office was moved from De Witt to Clinton in
May, 1891, and his residence was transferred in 1893. Mr. Wolfe was a member of
the public library board of the city of Clinton.
Mr. Wolfe was married on May 1, 1878, to Margaret
Connole, the daughter of
Thomas and Hannah (Malone) Connole, who came from Ireland and located in De
Witt. To this union three children were born. John L. Wolfe was born in 1879;
graduated from the Clinton high school; took the classical course at St. Mary's
College in Kansas, graduating with the degree of Bachelor of Arts; too a
post-graduate course in Georgetown University, Washington, D.C., receiving there
his Master of Arts degree, and then took the law course there and received the
degree of Bachelor of Laws. He spent a year in the University of Berlin,
Germany, and in 1904 entered into partnership with his father. He is now serving
on his second term as a representative in the lower house of the Iowa General
Assembly. Mary Wolfe was born on June 27, 1881, and is a graduate of Sinsiniwa
College of Wisconsin, and Trinity College, in Washington, D.C. One child died in

History of Johnson County,
Iowa...from 1836 to 1882; Iowa City, Iowa: 1883
Morris Fitzgerald, farmer and
stock raiser, residing on section five, Graham township, post office Morse; was
born 1809 at county Kerry, Ireland. Came to Quebec, Canada, in 1835- May 4th
– and lived at various places in Canada and the US, traveled considerable in
the Western States, and finally settled in Graham township, Johnson county in
the fall of 1855 and there he has made his home since. He was married in 1854 to
Miss Mary Martin of Illinois. This union is blessed with five children: three
boys and two girls. The family are members of the Roman Catholic church. A
democrat in politics.

The History of Jackson County,
Iowa...Chicago: Western Hist. Co., 1879.
Jeremiah Ryle, farmer, Secs. 26
and 27; P.O. Garry Owen; was born in County Kerry, Ireland. He married in his
native country, Mary Callahan; in 1851, they emigrated to the United States, and
settled where they now live; they have five children- John H., Michael, Ellen,
Eugene, Mary L. Mr. R. owns 240 acres of land, well located, and finely
improved. Politically, he acts with the Democratic party. Himself and family are
members of the Catholic Church. Since his residence in Butler Township, he has
taken an active interest in matters relating to education and religion, and is
an active worker and liberal supporter of those interests.

The History of Jackson County,
Iowa...Chicago: Western Hist. Co., 1879.
James Hickson, farmer and
stock-raiser, Sec. 25; P.O. Otter Creek. Among the enterprising stock-raisers
and farmers of Iowa, Mr. Hickson, of Otter Creek Township, deserves mention; he
was born in County Kerry, Ireland, in 1825; in 1847, he came to America, and
married in Cincinnati, Ohio, Miss Mary Crane; they emigrated to Jackson Co.,
Iowa, in 1854, and settled in the vicinity of where they now reside; they have
eight children- Tobias, Ellen (now Mrs. C. Donovan), Christopher, Mary, James,
Jane, Michael and Bridget. Mr. Hickson's stock farm embraces over 700 acres and
possesses every natural advantage known to Jackson Co.; his dwelling-house is
built of stone, and was completed in 1869; it is three stories high and of
commodious proportions, is handsomely finished, and all the apartments are
tastefully painted and frescoed; his stock barn was completed in the summer of
1878, is built in the shape of an L, total length and width being 142x32 feet;
three stories high; the lower story is stone; the whole building is finely
finished and furnished with every convenience; all together the buildings of Mr.
Hickson are the finest in the eastern portions of Iowa and are standing evidence
of his energy and industry; his good management and excellent judgment in the
stock business has placed him in the front of the stock-raisers of the

History of Pottawattamie
County, Iowa 1882... Chicago: O. L. Baskin & Co., 1883
James Flynn, farmer, P.O. Neola,
was born in County Kerry, Munster, Ireland, May 26, 1827. He is the son of
Michael and Honora (Murphy) Flynn, both natives of Ireland. His father died
while he (subject) was small. His mother and her father before her were born in
the same house as our subject. She died before her son came to America. Our
subject had no advantages for an education. He lived at home until his father
was turned out of house and home while on his sick bed, from which sickness he
never recovered. He was turned out by six policemen and the landlord, Maj.
Daniel Mahoney, of Dunlow, for not paying the rent, which he was unable to do on
account of sickness. At this time our subject was nine years and ten months old.
He was obliged to go out into the world and earn a living for himself and
parents during the year that the father lived. He received 72 cents and his
board for the first three months' work. He labored in this manner for one year.
As he grew older, he received more pay, but the highest he ever commanded in
Ireland was $24 a year. After his parents' death, he helped to send some of his
sisters to the United States. He came himself to this country in 1856. Landed in
New York City and stayed in Brooklyn, N.Y., from September 13, 1856, to March 5,
1857. He then came to Dyersville, Delaware county, this State. He worked tow
weeks at loading cord wood for 75 cents per day, paying $3 per week for board.
He then hired out to Dr. Laird, for $150 per year. He worked for seven months at
this rate of wages; he then worked three months for Judge Dyer at $1.25 per day
and boarded himself. After this, he engaged himself to William Dyer, for four or
five months, at $20 per month. Then he was in a liver stable, in the same town,
receiving $20 per month and board. He then worked as a grader on a railroad, for
six months, at $1.25 per day. After this he burned lime for the use of the
railroad, receiving $3 for a night and a half day, sleeping the other half day.
After this he worked for several years at various occupations. He rented land
and farmed in Jones County, this State, until 1868, when he came to this county,
having traded eighty acres of land in Jones County for 120 acres in this. He now
owns 560 acres, 300 acres of which is under cultivation. Mr. Flynn has made his
farm what it is to-day from out of the raw prairie. He raised large quantities
of grain and also stock. He was married, in Jones County, Iowa, August 23, 1859,
to Julia Buckley, born in County Cork, Ireland, in January 1835; she is the
daughter of Catherine (Reirdon) Buckley, both natives of County Cork, Ireland,
and both died in that country, When Mrs., Flynn was nine years old a lady took
her and kept her for two years, when her uncle hired her at 1 shilling a month.
She worked for him for two years. She then went to London, where she worked for
five years in a private family. For the first three years she received one
shilling a week, after which she was paid 1 shilling 6 pence. Every summer for
three seasons she sent 10 shillings to help support her brother. Notwithstanding
this, she saved enough to visit her home and to come to America. After her
arrival in this country, she worked for a private family, in McHenry County,
Ill. for three years, receiving $1.50 per week, for the first year, and $2 per
week thereafter. She next came to Jones County, this State, where she worked in
a hotel for seven months, at $2 per week. Here she met Mr. Flynn and they were
married. They have had twelve children, all of whom all except one are living-
John, born May 27, 1860; Michael, born November 11, 1861, died in October, 1862;
Honora, born April 11, 1863; Mary E., born July 17, 1864; Catharine, born
September 17, 1865; Julia, born February 13, 1867; Margaret, born March 2, 1868;
James A., born April 28, 1869; Daniel, born July 12, 1871; Anne, born October
20, 1872; Patrick, born May 2, 1874, and Michael J., born February 18, 1876. The
family all belong to the Catholic Church. In politics, Mr. Flynn is an

The History of Linn County,
Iowa...Chicago: Western Hist. Co., 1878
JEREMIAH, farmer, Sec. 21; P.O. Cedar Rapids; owns 208 acres land, probable
value $6,000. Mr. Donohue was born Aug. 15, 1832, in County Kerry, Ireland,
where he was engaged in various occupations until he emigrated to the United
States arriving in New York City Oct. 27, 1854; he went directly to Cayuga Co,
and lived there for about three years, engaged in farm work, and in the Spring
of 1858 he came to Iowa and lived in Cedar Rapids, where he worked as a laborer
for four years; in 1862 he was employed as a tank man by the C. & N. W.R.R.
Co., at Norway Station, in Benton Co., and stayed three years, when he bought
eighty acres of land in Benton Co., and commenced farming; after working his
farm for about two years, he returned to Cedar Rapids and invested in some
property and engaged in keeping boarders, which occupation he followed for a
year; he then engaged to work for the B.C.R. & M. R'y Co., and continued in
their employ for two years; in 1870 he came to Clinton Tp., and settled on the
place where he now resides, March 27 of that year. He was married Dec. 21 or 22,
1857, to Anna, daughter of James and Bridget Waters, of County Roscommon,
Ireland; she was born in 1834; they have four children-Edward, born March 1,
1861; Ellen, Oct 12, 1862; John, Aug. 20, 1866, and Jeremiah, April 12, 1868;
they lost four children in infancy. Mr. Donohue is Republican in politics and is
now serving his fourth term as School Treasurer; he is a Catholic , and his wife
and children are members of the same church.

History of Clayton County,
Iowa. Chicago: Inter-State Pub. Co.: 1882.
Dennis O'Leary, one of the pioneer
settlers of Clayton County, was born in County Kerry, Ireland, in July, 1811,
and was a son of Patrick and Mary (Courtney) O'Leary. He left his native
country in 1847 for the United States, coming via Quebec to St. Louis, Mo.,
where he was employed in a wholesale grocery store for six and a half
years. In 1845 he married Elizabeth O'Sullivan, who was born in Ireland in
1820. To them have been born nine children, five living--John, Dennis,
Daniel, Margaret (now the wife of Daniel Haggerty), and Mary. In 1852, Mr.
O'Leary purchased the land where he now resides, and in 1853 moved his family on
to it. His first cabin was 12 x 16, made of poplar poles, and crooked at
that. They had brought with them some fine furniture from St. Louis, and
among it was some high post bedsteads. His cabin ceiling was either too
low, or the bedposts too long, and he was forced to cut holes through the floor
to make room. Mr. O'Leary owns a fine property and home, and is classed
among the well-to-do farmers of that county. He has owned 412 acres of
beautiful prairie land, a portion of which he has divided among his
children. In politics he is a Democrat, and an ardent worker against all
whisky traffic. He has had some experience in traveling over the wild
prairie, having twice been lost--once was saved by letting his horse have the
rein, and once by his faithful dog, which took him home.

and Biographical Record of Dubuque, Jones and Clayton Counties
Chicago: Chapman Pub. Co., 1894
prominent stock dealer of Bernard, an influential citizen and well known Trustee
of Prairie Creek Township, Dubuque County, has from his earliest youth been
intimately associated with the local growth and history of both Jackson and
Dubuque Counties and is highly esteemed as an energetic, able and intelligent
man, faithful in official duty and of sterling integrity of character.
Our subject is a native of New York City and was born
April 10, 1850. His parents, John and Johanna (Harrington) Brown, were born in
County Kerry, Ireland, and are yet living, hale and hearty. The father was bred
a farmer in the Old Country and first emigrated to America in 1840. Returning to
Ireland he made but a brief stay in the Emerald Isle and was soon again upon his
way to the United States, where he found ready employment with a
railroad corporation at Norwich, Conn. After a number of years he came to the
west and engaged in sub-contracting, and finally located in Butler Township,
Jackson County, Iowa, where he bought a homestead and farmed for some length of
time. Finally disposing of this property Father Brown purchased land in White
Water, Dubuque County, but for the past six years has lived in Cascade, in the
same county.
The venerable father and mother, now aged respectively
seventy-eight and seventy-four years, came to America rich in youth, ambition
and energy but with very little capital to invest. Today they own five hundred
acres of valuable land and in the evening of their lives enjoy a well earned
competence. Both Mr. and Mrs. John Brown are devoted members of the
Catholic Church and liberally assist in the extension of its good work. Of their
family of nine children, four sons and four daughters yet survive. Our subject,
Edward Brown, was reared upon his father's farm until he was ten years old, and
went a long distance to the rude log schoolhouse where he received a primary
education. He remained with his parents until twenty-seven years of age; he then
began buying stock for William Ryan of Dubuque, and since 1880 has spent
considerable of his time in traveling through the counties of Jackson and
Dubuque, mainly engaged in the stock business for himself. For four years, from
1882, he entered into mercantile pursuits, handling dry goods and merchandise in
Bernard, but although successful in this enterprise he preferred his former
occupation and
returned to stock-buying again, in which he has since profitably continued.
Mr. Brown was married June 21,
1885, to Miss Jane Seery, of Jones County, Iowa, and a daughter of John Seery, a
prominent farmer of Jones County. Our subject and his estimable wife have been
blessed with the birth of one child, a son, Frank, a promising little lad. Mr.
and Mrs. Brown are widely known and command the respect and esteem of a large
circle of
friends. Since arriving at his majority our subject has been closely identified
with many of the leading enterprises of his part of the state, and established a
creamery at Bernard. He has given intelligent and faithful service upon the
grand jury and, in 1891 was elected Trustee of
the township. Financially he has been prospered, and aside from other interests
owns one hundred and sixty acres of valuable land upon section 28, Prairie Creek
Township. Politically Mr. Brown is an ardent Democrat and has ably represented
his constituents at various county and state conventions. A man of independent
thought and action, straightforward in
business transactions and firm in his convictions of right, our subject has won
the confidence and high regard of all who know him; he occupies a position of
influence and is a most important factor in the upward growth of his home
~Submitted by Becky Teubner

and Biographical Record of Dubuque, Jones and Clayton Counties
Chicago: Chapman Pub. Co., 1894
MORRIS O'DAILY. One of the well improved farms of Clayton County is that owned and
occupied by Mr. O'Daily and situated on section 1, of Wagner Township. It
contains all the improvements of a first-class estate, including a neat
residence and substantial barn. The soil, through careful tillage, has been
brought under excellent cultivation, and the land is
subdivided by good fences into fields of convenient size. This place has been
the home of the present owner since the year 1861, when, coming hither, he
purchased eighty acres comprising a portion of the property now owned by him.
The success which has come to Mr. O'Daily is due
entirely to his own exertions, as he was but four years of age when orphaned by
the death of his parents, John and Hanorah O'Daily, natives of the Emerald Isle.
He was also a native of that country, born in County Carry, April 16,
1823. The family having been poor, he had no educational advantages in
youth, and
from early boyhood was obliged to earn his own livelihood. Believing that in the
United States he would find better opportunities than the Old World afforded, he
crossed the Atlantic in 1846, and arriving in New York, was there variously
employed for five years. While living in New York Mr. O'Daily was united in
marriage, in 1852, with Miss Julia Sullivan, like himself a native of Ireland,
her birth having there occurred in 1822. She is the daughter of Daniel and
Helena (Prenderville) Sullivan who died when she was an infant, and therefore
she has little information concerning the genealogy of the family. She was
reared in the home of an uncle, and came to the United States about the same
time as did Mr. O'Daily. The latter was for some years after his marriage
employed at railroading, being thus engaged in Covington, Ky., for one year,
later in Ohio for the same length of time, and afterward in
Pennsylvania for six months. Going thence to Chicago, after a short
sojourn in that city he removed to Boscobel, Wis., where he remained until 1857.
In the latter year Mr. O'Daily came to Iowa and after
residing for three years in McGregor located upon his present estate in the
spring of 1861. His first purchase consisted of eighty acres for which he paid
$2.50 per acre. Afterward he added a forty-acre tract, paying $15 an acre for
it, and twenty years later he bought a similar amount, so that he is now the
of a quarter-section of improved land. While his attention has been given
principally to farm pursuits, he also takes a commendable interest in local
matters, and in politics gives his support to the Democratic party. In religious
belief he is a Catholic, and with his wife holds membership in that church at
Six children came to bless the
union of Mr. and Mrs. O'Daily, of whom two are deceased. The eldest, Hanorah,
who was born in Detroit, Mich., December 11, 1852, was married in 1879 to
Michael Allen, and they reside in Topeka, Kan. Mr. Allen is an engineer on the
Missouri Pacific Railroad, running from Kansas City to St. Joseph, Mo. They have
had five children,
one of whom died at our subject's home, and was buried in Monona. The eldest son
of our subject, John, was born in Detroit, Mich., December 29, 1856, and is now
a railroad conductor with headquarters at Tacoma, Wash. Dandy, whose birth
occurred December 14, 1858, was killed at Brainerd, Minn., December 2, 1887,
having fallen off a car while braking on a train.
Cornelius was born at North McGregor, Iowa, October 6, 1859, and assists his
father in the management of the home farm, Jeremiah, who was born in North
McGregor, Iowa, May 6, 1861, is now in the employ of the Western Union Telegraph
Company at St. Paul, Minn. Morris was born on the home farm in Wagner Township,
August 25, 1863, and died of scarlet fever when eight years of age. None of the
surviving sons are married. The family is highly
esteemed throughout this community, and the children, having been trained in
early life for positions of usefulness in the business world, are now known in
their various communities as honorable and energetic citizens.
~Submitted by Becky Teubner

Harlan, Edgar Rubey. A
Narrative History of the People of Iowa. Vol III. Chicago: American Historical
Society, 1931
p. 241
JEREMIAH F. COSTELLO as a Catholic priest has done all his work in Iowa, where
he is pleasantly remembered in several communities. He is now pastor of Saint
Patrick's Church in Council Bluffs.
Father Costello was born in County Kerry, Ireland, October
21, 1883, seventh among the ten children of Thomas and Mary (O'Connor) Costello.
Both parents were born in Ireland and his mother is still living in that
country. His father, and Irish farmer and contractor, in prosperous
circumstances, died in 1914, the day the great World War started. Of the
children six came to the United States; Rev. William M., president of Root
College of Jacksonville, Illinois; John J., a fire marshal at Chicago; Mrs.
Bradley, wife of a clothing merchant at Hickman, Kentucky; Marie, wife of Daniel
Martin, a hotel man at Carlinville, Illinois; Jeremiah F.; and Michael, a priest
at Granite City, Illinois.
Jeremiah F. Costello was educated in Saint Michael's College
at Listowel, Ireland, and finished his preparation for the priesthood in the All
Hallows Seminary. He was ordained in 1910 and a first assignment of duty came
from Bishop Davis of Davenport, who appointed him assistant at Saint Francis
Church at Council Bluffs, where he remained until 1914. He was then appointed
the first pastor of Mondamin in Harrison County, Iowa, remained there three and
a half years, and from March 1, 1918, to October, 1927, was priest at Audubon,
where his pastorate was marked by the building of a church and parochial
residence. In 1927 he became pastor of Saint Patrick's Church at Council Bluffs,
and has become a leader of a fine congregation, made up of 150 families. The
parish has as substantial church, priest's residence, and is a growing religious
community. Father Costello during the World war was a four-minute speaker. He is
a fourth degree Knight of Columbus.

Harlan, Edgar Rubey. A
Narrative History of the People of Iowa. Vol III. Chicago: American Historical
Society, 1931
p. 279.
been an able leader of the Catholic Church in Iowa for eighteen years, and
several communities have expressed their regard for him not only as a priest but
as a man and citizen. Father O'Sullivan is now a pastor of the Catholic Church
at Guthrie Center.
He was born near Killarney, Ireland, October 13, 1879, son of
Patrick and Julia O'Sullivan. The O'Sullivan family are direct descendants of
the houses of O'Sullivan Beare and McCarty Mor-Earls of Munster. Father
O'Sullivan was educated in St. Brendan's Seminary, Killarney, and in St.
Patrick's College at Carlow, and was ordained to the priesthood in June, 1905.
For several years he was engaged in missionary work as assistant pastor, in
England, and in addition to regular parish duties he was chaplain to the
regiments stationed in Bradford and Pontefract, Yorks. In 1909 he invented and
patented a vibration and wrench proof bolt burr and axle cap for high speed
engines and machines. While in Pontefract, Yorks, he took an active part in the
British general election of 1910, which was conducted on the Irish Home Rule
question; he supported the Liberal candidate, Mr. Handel Booth, who, with the
aid of a unanimous Irish vote, was elected member of parliament for that
borrough, thus increasing the strength of the supporters of the Irish Home Rule
bill, which was subsequently passed.
Father O'Sullivan came to the United States in April, 1911,
being assigned duty in the diocese of Davenport, under Bishop Davis. For a few
months he was chaplain pro tem at St. Joseph's Academy at Des Moines, and was
then given the Sacred Heart Parish at Woodbine, Harrison County. Later he was
made pastor of the congregation of the Sacred Heart at Chariton, Iowa, and form
there was transferred in August, 1923, to the church at Guthrie Center.
Father O'Sullivan is a scholar, possesses a wide knowledge of
men and affairs, and since coming to this country has informed himself
thoroughly on political and social conditions. Under the auspices of the
International Lyceum and Chautauqua Association he has lectured in several
states in America. Some of his subjects were: "Relations of Labor and
Capital," "Conditions of the Laboring Classes and a Living Wage."
He has also frequently written for the press. People of all classes have
entertained for him a high regard, and what the Chariton Leader said of him when
he left Chariton as "being a man of attainments, a scholar, student and
thinker, with a personal following here who will regret to see him leave,"
is typical of the esteem paid him in other communities.
Father O'Sullivan since coming to Guthrie Center has built a
fine new parish rectory at a cost of approximately $12,000. He has been an
active member of the International Lyceum and Chautauqua Association since
1913, and was a member of the Van Ward Club of Chariton form 1917 to 1922, and
is a member of the Guthrie Center Rotary Club.

Harlan, Edgar Rubey. A
Narrative History of the People of Iowa. Vol III. Chicago: American Historical
Society, 1931
p. 379
HON. FRANK. A. O'CONNOR, one of Iowa's ablest
lawyers, is a partner in the prominent Dubuque firm of Hurd, Lenehan, Smith and
O'Connor. In addition to the splendid work that has made his reputation as a
lawyer, Mr. O'Connor has contributed in notable measure to the increasing
vitality and usefulness in the life of the state of the Democratic party
organization. The party has on several occasions paid him honors that are given
only to an outstanding leader.
Mr. O'Connor is a native of northeastern Iowa, and was born
at Independence, Buchanan County, August 2, 1875. His parents, Timothy and Ellen
(Curran) O'Connor, were born in County Kerry, Ireland. His father came to this
country when fourteen years old and his mother was brought before she was two
years old. Timothy O'Connor lived at Galena, Illinois, just before the civil
war. While there he came to know the quiet ex-army officer who was a clerk in
his father's leather store, Ulysses S. Grant. Afterwards, in 1864, Timothy
O'Connor moved to Dubuque and for many years conducted a farm in Dubuque County.
In 1865 he drove a freighting wagon drawn by mules across the western country
carrying supplied to the scattered settlements of mining communities. Two years
after arriving in Dubuque, Timothy O'Connor married, and he and his wife had a
large family of thirteen children, nine sons and four daughters. Timothy
O'Connor died December 8, 1913, and his wife on September 16, 1890.
After the death of his mother, Frank A. O'Connor grew
up in the home of his grandfather, Patrick Curran, at Lawler, and lived there
with his aunt and uncle, James and Hannah Curran. He has never been able to
exhaust his gratitude to these splendid people form whom he derived constant
encouragement in his efforts to make good use of his talents. His education in
the meantime had been derived from the public and parochial schools.
Subsequently he enrolled in the University of Iowa, taking special work in the
Liberal Art School for two years, and for two years was a student in the law
department. He was graduate with the LL. B. degree in 1898. Mr. O'Connor first
practiced at New Hampton, Chickasaw County. He lived there twenty years, and
during that time made a name for himself in county politics, serving for four
years as county attorney.
Mr. O'Connor was a member of the Thirty-third and
Thirty-fourth General Assemblies of Iowa. The work of these notable legislatures
in fully reviewed in the general history volumes. The Thirty-fourth General
Assembly, it will be recalled, was deadlocked during most of the session over
the election of a successor to United States Senator Jonathan P. Dolliver. Gov.
B.F. Carroll has appointed Lafe Young to fill the vacancy caused by the death of
Mr. Dolliver. This struggle in the Legislature marked the climax of the internal
dissensions that had almost wrecked the Republican party of the state. In this
General Assembly the Democrats had thirty-eight members in the House and sixteen
member in the Senate. Mr. O'Connor was the accepted leader of the Democratic
forces, and it was in recognition of that leadership that hte full party
strength in both Houses was given to him as the Democratic candidate for the
United States Senate during several days of the deadlock.
Mr. O'Connor went to Baltimore, Maryland, in 1912, as
delegate at large from Iowa. While some of the Iowa Democrats were pledged to
the nomination of Champ Clark, Mr. O'Connor early recognized the statesmanship
and political availability of Woodrow Wilson, and aided materially in bringing
about the nomination of the New Jersey governor. President Wilson appointed Mr.
O'Connor United States Attorney for the Northern District of Iowa. He held that
office from January, 1914, until January, 1922. He was district attorney during
the World war period, handling with remarkable efficiency and tact the
many complicated cases that arose as result of the war. In addition to his
duties as a federal official he was by appointment of Governor Harding a member
of the State Council of Defense.
Mr. O'Connor removed from New Hampton on July 1, 1918,
to Dubuque, and has since been affiliated with the distinguished law firm of
Hurd, Lenehan, Smith & O'Connor, with offices in the Bank and Insurance
Building. With his ripened powers and long experience in public life he has
continued to be one of the most influential citizens in the state of Iowa in all
matters of public interest and welfare.
Mr. O' Connor is a member and former president of the
Dubuque Chamber of Commerce. He has given his influence and assistance in the
promotion of worthy civic movements. He is a member of the Dubuque County, Iowa
State and American Bar Associations and member of the Alumni Board of the State
He married November 24, 1904, Miss Mary Agnes McNevin.
She was born at Cresco, Iowa, and for a number of years taught school in
Minnesota. They were married at Indianapolis. The three sons of their marriage
are: Gerald F., born September 4, 1905; Charles E. O'Connor, born March 30,
1908; and Francis John O'Connor, born March 29, 1916. Gerald graduated A.B. from
the University of Iowa in 1928, and Charles E. graduated with the A.B. degree in
the class of 1929 from the State University and is now a law student there.

Portrait and Biographical Album, Wapello County, Iowa,
published by Chapman Brothers, Chicago, 1887
PATRICK H. RIORDAN, the subject of this
biographical notice, and a resident of Ottumwa, was born near the town of
Killarny, County Kerry, Ireland, Dec. 13, 1844. His parents emigrated to the
United States in December, 1853, and took up their residence at North Adams,
Mass. There young Riordan attended the public schools and in early life
displayed a zeal for the acquisition of useful knowledge, reading by
candlelight, after the labors of the day were ended, such works as the local
libraries afforded.
Early in life our subject became a hand in the woolen
factory of S. Blackington, of North Adams. He continued to labor in this manner
until rebel shot and shell had been thundered against Sumter, when, although but
sixteen years of age at the time, he at once determined that as soon as
practicable he would shoulder his musket in defense of the country he adopted.
About a month after the battle of Bull Run our subject carried his resolution
into effect and bidding adieu to mother and father, and receiving their
blessing, he left the old home, paid his own transportation to New York, and on
the 12th of September, 1861, enlisted as a private soldier in the Union Army,
and was assigned to the 63d New York Infantry. He participated in the battles of
Yorktown, Fair Oaks, and the seven days' battle before Richmond and was
conspicuous for his gallantry at the battle of Antietam. After the latter battle
he was promoted Second Lieutenant, and subsequently commanded his company until
after the battle of Fredericksburg, in which last engagement, while leading his
men in a charge upon the enemy, he was struck by a bullet from the enemy's gun,
which disabled him, and in consequence of which he received an honorable
discharge and was breveted Captain of the United States Volunteers. The wound
which he received while in the army was in his left shoulder, and after his
discharge he returned home to Massachusetts, where he worked at mill work until
During the year last named Mr. Riordan came to
this State and attended State University, from which he graduated in 1875, in
the law department. He was admitted to practice in the courts of Iowa during
that year, and in April, 1881, was admitted to practice in all the United States
courts. He resided in Dubuque for two years, when he came to Ottumwa, where he
has continued in practice until the present time. Mr. Riordan has always
cherished a deep and affectionate love for his mother land, and is heartily in
sympathy with any cause that is calculated to strike the fetters from the
oppressed people of his native home. He is President of the Ottumwa Land League,
and in the last five years has through his own exertions collected and forwarded
$650, through the liberality of the citizens of Ottumwa, to the oppressed people
of the Emerald Isle. In an article published in Congressman Finnerty's paper, of
Chicago, the Congressman says: "Capt. P.E. Riordan, of Ottumwa, a gallant
ex-officer of Gen. Meagher's famous Irish Brigade of the army of the Potomac,
has been nominated for the office of Representative in the Iowa Legislature. We
don't know which party the Captain belongs to, nor do we care. Any
Irish-American soldier who charged up the heights of Fredericksburg with Meagher,
is deserving of the vote of any decent American citizen of whatever party."
Mr. Riordan received the Democratic nomination for Representative, in September,
1885. and polled 2,880 votes. His opponent received 2,985.
Capt. Riordan received a beautiful sword from the
citizens of North Adams, Mass., for gallant and meritorious conduct while
fighting in defense of his country. It was received on the 14th of February,
1863. On the Captain's leaving Dubuque for Ottumwa, appropriate resolutions were
passed by the Land League of which he was a member, regretting that his business
called him to another part of the State, and he was elected an honorary member
of the League.

History of Iowa County, James G. Dinwiddie. Volume 2. Chicago:
S. J. Clarke Pub. Co., 1915
J.F. Kirby was born in Iowa county, Iowa, October
22, 1872. His father was Patrick Kirby of County Kerry, and his mother Bridget
Kirby, nee Power, of County Kilkenny, Ireland. The father came to America in
1849, and the mother in 1851. They were married in Brooklyn, New York, in 1860,
and immediately went to live in Lyons, Wayne county, New York. They continued to
reside in Wayne county until 1866, when they moved to Cleveland, Ohio. In 1867
they came to Iowa in search of good, cheap land. The family took up temporary
residence in Davenport in order to give the father an opportunity to look about
the state for a satisfactory location. The same year Patrick Kirby came to Iowa
county and purchased a farm in Sumner township which is still owned by J.F.
Kirby and his sister, Mary T. Moynihan. Two years later the family moved to this
farm and made it their home until Mr. Kirby's death in 1894. Later Mrs. Kirby
removed to Marengo, Iowa, where she resided until her death in 1906.
When Patrick Kirby bought his Iowa farm there was but
one house between it and the then village of Marengo, a distance of eight and a
quarter miles. It was among scenes like this that J.F. Kirby spent his early
years. He says he can still remember sitting on the doorstep of the little
prairie home in the early summer evenings listening to the dismal howling of the
wolves among the hazelbrush on the prairie hills. He says his mother, to her
dying day, delighted to tell of spring in early Iowa, with its green rolling
prairies, its hillsides banked deep with wild flowers, and the air heavy with
their stimulating fragrance.
J.F. Kirby received his early training in the public
schools, supplemented by such studies as he was able to pursue between days of
farm work. In the fall of 1898, after a year's preparation in the Iowa City
Academy, he entered the State University of Iowa, from which he received three
degrees, Ph. B., in 1902, LL. B 1904, and A.M. 1906. In 1906 he opened a law
office in Williamsburg, Iowa, where he is still engaged in the practice of law.
He served four years as county attorney for Iowa county, after which he decided
to quit politics, except so far as a private citizen should take an active
interest in the affairs of his state and country. He has a wide acquaintance
over the state, and it is said of him that once he makes a friend he keeps him.
Fortune has been kind to him, both financially and in his law practice. He says
he appreciates most, however, the fact that he has retained, through his years
of practice, his old neighbors in Iowa county as his friends and clients.
While attending the State University of Iowa, Mr. Kirby
met Miss Elizabeth Schichtl of Algona, Iowa, who was also a student of the
university, to whom he was married in 1910 in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Mrs. Kirby is
of German extraction. Her father, Joseph Schichtl, was a native of the kingdom
of Bavaria, and her mother, whose maiden name was Mary Fuhrmann, was born in the
state of Wisconsin, but her parents came from the province of Treves (Trier) on
the Moselle.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Kirby are members of the Catholic
church. Mr. Kirby is a member of the Knights of Columbus, and of the Benevolent
Protective Order of Elks.

A Memorial and Biographical record of Iowa. Chicago: Lewis
Pub. Co., 1896
EDWARD O'NEILL, manufacturer
of cigars at Stuart, was born in county Kerry, Ireland, December 15, 1854, a son
of Michael and Abbie O'Neill. The family came to the United States in 1868,
locating in Keokuk, Iowa. The father followed stone-cutting and farming in
Ireland, but after coming to this country old age compelled his retirement from
active business pursuits, and his death occurred at Eddyville, this State, in
1873, and at the age of about seventy-five years. The mother still resides in
that city. They were the parents of eleven children, namely: Daniel, in the
employ of the British government as a civil engineer in the East Indies; John,
who served as Lieutenant in the regular army when seventeen years of age, died
at Newport Barracks, Kentucky, in 1869; Patrick, whose residence is unknown;
Michael, engaged in railroad work in Ottumwa; James, deceased in Eddyville,
Iowa; Eugene, engaged in railroad work in that city; Maurice, a fireman by
occupation, was killed in a railroad wreck at Ottumwa; Kate, wife of Patrick
O'Connell, of Dallas county, Nebraska; Edward, the subject of this sketch; Ella,
deceased; and Maurice, who was killed during his childhood.
Edward O'Neill, our subject, was employed as a brakeman
on the railroad for about eighteen months, after which he learned the trade of
cigar-making in Eddyville, and later traveled and worked at that occupation in
various States. In September, 1878, he came to Stuart, entering the employ of C.
Rathman, and served as his foreman until he engaged in business for himself, in
1878. He now employs from five to eight men.
Mr. O'Neill was married in 1881, to Eugenie Martin, a
native of Holmes county, Ohio, and a daughter of August Martin, who was killed
in the Civil war. Four children have been born to this union, namely: Eugene,
Edwin, Maurice and Mary. Mr. O'Neill is independent in his political views and
is a member of the Roman Catholic Church.