History of Boone Co, IA
A Biographical Record of Boone Co, IA
New York and Chicago; The S.J. Clarke Publishing Co: 1902
Mike Kelly is now living a retired life in Ogden. Years of active connection
with business interests, the capable control of his affairs and untiring
energy in the prosecution of his work, led to the acquirement of a handsome
competence, so that he is now enable to rest from his labors. He has resided
in this county for twenty years. He was born in co Kildare, Ireland, on the
8th of April 1835 and is the son of John and Catherine (Owens) Kelly, who
were also natives of the same county. The father followed the occupation of
farming there. In the year 1848 he emigrated with his family to America,
settling in New York where he remained until the fall of 1853., when he went
to Chicago Illinois, and after spending the winter in that city he went to
Boone county, Illinois, where he a engaged in farming for several years. He
afterward returned to New York and from that state removed to Missouri,
where he died at the age of seventy-five years. His wife passed away in
Boone county, Illinois, on the 28th of Feb, 1887. This worthy couple were
the parents of eight children, the eldest being the subject of this review,
John died March 16, 1857, at the age of twenty-one years.; Edward, who
enlisted in a Chicago regiment at the time of the Civil war, was detailed
for service in Virginia, where he mustered out at the close of the
Rebellion. He then enlisted in the United States Regulars and was
at Fort Laramie, Wyoming, while later he was transferred to New Mexico.
Simon has resided in Lincoln Nebraska for thirty years. Patrick died in that
city in the fall of 1900, after having spent a quarter of a century there.
Thomas died at Walker Iowa, in the spring of 1894. Ellen became the wife of
Felix McCune and died in 1897, while her husband and children are still
living in Boone Co, Illinois. James is engaged in mining at Cripple Creek,
Colorado. All received common school educations.
At the age o twenty-one years Mike Kelly started out in life on his own
account. For four years he was employed as a farm had. Then he resolved to
take a home of his own. He was united in marriages to Miss Sarah Horton, a
daughter of Abraham and Lena Horton both of whom were natives of New York.
In 1835 they removed to Boone county, Ill and there engaged in farming for
many years. The mother died in 1867 and the father passed away in this
county about 1885. The home of Mr and Mrs Kelly has been blessed with ten
children: Kate, the wife of William McConley, a farmer residing at Red
Cloud, Nebraska; Mary Elizabeth, the wife of P. Cronin, a traveling salesman
representing a firm of St. Joseph, Mo. Irving in Lawrence , Nebraska: Simon,
who is engaged in mining in the Sierra Nevada mountains; Emma Josephine the
wife of Henry Johnson, a farmer living at Red Cloud, Nebraska; Francis
Edward, who married Sarah Clavey, of Boone county, and follows farming in
Beaver township; John A., who is engaged in the lumber business in
California : James M. a resident farmer of Beaver township; and Sarah Jane,
who resides at home. Those who have passed away are William and Harvey. The
children have all been provided with good educational privileges and two of
the daughters were teachers in this county. Mr. Kelly has firm faith in the
principles of the Democracy and has taken quite an active interest in
politics, keeping well informed on the issues and questions of the day. He
and his family are communicants of the Catholic church of Ogden, and are
actively interested in church work. He has been a very industrious and
successful man, carrying his business operations to a successful conclusion.
He is to-day the owner of a fine farm in Beaver township comprising two
hundred and eighty acres, which is well improved. He settled upon that tract
when there was not a building between his house and Grand Junction, Iowa,
except the section-house on the Chicago & Northwestern railroad. For many
years he carried on farming and as time passed his well tilled fields
brought to him a handsome return for his labor. On the 1st of March, 1898,
he gave over his farm to the supervision of his sons and removed to the
village of Ogden where he has a pleasant home and is now living a retired
life. He is a very prominent citizen and no man is better known throughout
this part of the county than Mike Kelly.

From the book "The History of Clinton County Iowa" by L. P. Allen
RICHARD HUGHES, farmer, Sec. 3;
P.O. Elwood; son of Michael and Mary Hughes; born July 12, 1827, in County
Kildare, Ireland. In the spring of 1849, emigrated with his parents to the
United States, stopping in Northampton Co., Penn. In the fall of 1851, came to
Cleveland, Ohio, and remained in that vicinity till the spring of 1853, when he
came to LaSalle Co., Ill. In the spring of 1854, came to Clinton Co., Iowa,
entering a part of his present farm from Government, to which he has added until
he now has 473 acres, valued at $40 per acre. Married Miss Esther O'Brien April
18, 1851; she was born in County Kildare, Ireland, in the year 1826; they have
nine children -- Michael, Richard, Ann, Catharine, Ellen, Patrick, Thomas,
William and James; lost one daughter -- Mary. Mr. H. has served as Trustee of
the township several years. Member of Catholic Church; Democrat.
Wolfe's History of Clinton
County, Iowa; Vol 2; B.F. Bowen & Co; Indianapolis, Indiana: 1911
be an efficient and honorable agriculturist in the highly favored section of
eastern Iowa, where the soil responds generously to the hand which cultivates
it, is to be assured of a comfortable home and favorable surroundings. Among the
successful farmers of Clinton county is Richard Hughes, of Berlin township, who
was born on the farm where he now lives, April 9, 1857. His father was Richard
Hughes, and his mother, prior to her marriage, bore the name of Esther O'Brien,
both natives of Ireland. These parents came to the United States in the late
forties, and after spending a year or two in La Salle county, Illinois, moved to
Clinton county, Iowa, and settled on sixty acres of land in Berlin township,
which Mr. Hughes purchased of the government. He bought other land at intervals,
until in due time he became one of the largest owners of real estate in the
county, his holdings at one time amounting to over six hundred acres, all in the
township of Berlin. He was one of the leading farmers in his part of the
country, manifested an active interest in public affairs, and enjoyed the esteem
and the confidence of the people of his community, besides holding worthy
prestige as a public-spirited citizen. He lived an honorable life, which
terminated on September 20, 1901, his wife dying on the 4th day of October,
1907. Richard and Esther Hughes reared a family of ten children; namely:
Michael, of Lyon county, Iowa; Richard, of this review; Anna, who lives in
Plymouth county, this state; Katie, of Berlin township; Patrick, whose home is
in the county of Plymouth; Thomas, who resides in Berlin township, near the
family homestead; William, who lives on the old homestead; James, a resident of
Lost Nation, this county; Mary and Ellen, deceased.
Richard Hughes was reared on the home place in Berling
township and enjoyed such educational advantages as the common schools afforded.
He early decided to be a tiller of the soil, and in 1901 bought eighty acres of
land belonging to the homestead, to which he has added other places from time to
time until he now owns two hundred acres of the farm, on which he has made a
number of valuable improvements. He devotes his attention to general agriculture
and the breeding of fine live stock, his specialties being Norman horses,
Shorthorn cattle, and Poland-China hogs, in the raising of which he has been
remarkably successful, his reputation as a stockman being second to that of no
other man in this part of the state. Financially, he has been exceedingly
fortunate, being among the wealthy and influential farmers of his township, with
a sufficiency of this world's goods at his command to insure an easy and
prosperous future. Like all men with interests of the community at heart, he
takes an active part in public affairs, and has well-grounded convictions
concerning the question of the day, being an uncompromising Democrat in politics
and a leader of his party in the township of Berlin. While zealous in the
defense of his principles, he has never sought or desired office,
notwithstanding which he has served his fellow citizens in various public
capacities and proved true to every trust which they reposed in him.
Religiously, he was reared under the influence of the Roman Catholic church and
has ever remained true to the teachings of the same, belonging at this time to
the congregation of worshipping at Hughes Settlement, of which his wife and
children are members also.
On the 23d day of January, 1883, Mr. Hughes was united in marriage with Margaret
Spain, whose parents, John and Bridget (Quigley) Spain, natives of Canada, came
to Iowa in 1851, and were among the early residents and well-known families of
Clinton county. The following are the names of the children born to Mr and Mrs
Hughes: Esther, wife of Joseph Sullivan; Catherine, Joseph, Ellen, Ignatius,
Marguerite, John and Ligora. Mr. Hughes and his estimable wife have been zealous
in religious and charitable work and their neighbors and friends speak in high
terms of their many sterling qualities of mind and heart. They have a pleasant
home, in which hospitality abounds, and all who cross their threshold are
greeted with a welcome, which delays as long as possible their departure.
Possessing a pleasing personality, with a manner which inspires confidence, Mr.
Hughes is one of the most popular citizens of his community, a fact made
apparent by his faculty of winning and retaining warm personal relationships.

From the book "The History of Clinton County Iowa" by L. P. Allen
JAMES CUMMINGS, farmer, Sec. 2; P.O. De Witt;
born in County Kildare, Ireland, near Dublin, about 1827; he came to America
with his parents in 1850; he went to Baltimore, Md.; remained about six months;
then went to Pittsburgh; remained one year; then came to Clinton Co., and
purchased his present farm; returned to Pittsburgh; settled on his farm the next
spring. He married Ellen Dunn; they have one child -- Margaret; has eighty acres
of land.

Past and Present in Allamakee
County, by Ellery M. Hancock. 2 vols. Chicago: S. J. Clarke Pub. Co., 1913.
J.F. Corrigan is one of the influential and
prosperous residents of Taylor township, Allamakee county, owing five hundred
and forty acres of land, which constitutes one of the model farms of this
section of Iowa. He was born on the farm of which he is now the owner, February
7, 1860, a son of James and Bridget (Fagan) Corrigan, both of whom were natives
of Ireland, the latter born in County Kildare. The father acquired his education
in his native land and there remained to the age of seventeen years, when,
believing that he might enjoy better business opportunities in the new world, he
accordingly set sail for America. Landing in New York, he there sought work and
for eight years was employed by the proprietor of a hotel and livery barn. At
the end of that time he worked his way farther west and for two years was
employed at farm work in Ohio. In the meantime he had married and in 1851 he
came with his family to Allamakee county, Iowa, locating on eighty acres of wild
land on section 21, Taylor township. On this he built a log house, which is
still standing, and he at once set about to clear his land and prepare it for
the plow. He lived here in true pioneer style and endured all the hardships
incident to the establishment of a home in a new country. As time passed and he
prospered in his undertakings he purchased an additional tract of eighty acres,
one hundred and sixty acres then being included within the boundaries of his
place. Mr. and Mrs Corrigan reared two sons and two daughters: Thomas, who died
in 1873; Mary, the widow of J.J. Fitzgerald, of Harper's Ferry; Katie, who was a
Catholic nun, but is now deceased; and J.F. of this review. The father was a
democrat and held the offices of township trustee and justice of the peace,
while for twenty-seven years he served as secretary of the school board.
J.F. Corrigan was educated in the district school near his father's home. He was
early trained to habits of industry and economy, which have proved of great
benefit to him in his later life. It was on the home farm that he acquired his
knowledge of agricultural pursuits, for he assisted his father in the work of
the fields throughout the period of his youth and early manhood, and at his
father's death he inherited the old homestead, to which he has since added,
until his possessions now comprise five hundred and forty acres of finely
improved land. His land is fertile and each year yields abundant harvests as a
reward for the care and labor that Mr. Corrigan has bestowed upon it. He has
erected a good house and outbuildings for the shelter of his grain and stock and
altogether it is one of the model farms of Taylor township, for he takes a just
pride in keeping everything about the place in good repair.
Mr. Corrigan established a home of his own by his marriage in 1891 to Miss Mary
Hart, who was born in County Caven, Ireland. They have become the parents of
nine children but only seven survive. They are James, Katie, Glenn, Mary,
William, Donald and Dorothea. The eldest, Thomas, died in infancy; and John, the
eighth in order of birth, is also deceased.
Mr. Corrigan has supported the candidates of the republican party since age
conferred upon him the right of franchise. He has served on the school board for
twelve years, but otherwise has not held public office. He is a communicant of
the Catholic church. He has always been a hard-working man and has enjoyed the
best of health, never having been ill a day in his life. He truly deserves the
success that is today his, for it has come to him through honest dealing coupled
with sound judgment and good business sense.

History of Pottawattamie
County, Iowa 1882... Chicago: O. L. Baskin & Co., 1883
J.W. Connor, farmer,
P.O. Wheeler's Grove, born in Middlebury, summit Co., Ohio, July 11, 1847, son
of Thomas and Elizabeth (Thompson) Connor; he, born in County Kildare, Ireland
in 1810; came to America in 1842, settling in the Western Reserve, Ohio, where
he followed his avocation of woolen manufacturing, moving to Iowa in 1854, and
settling on the farm where he now lives in this township, having retired from
active business; she, born in Yorkshire, England, in 1809, came to America in
1843, just one year later than her husband; is still living, and is the mother
of three children, subject being the oldest son. Subject received a limited
common school education; he is a fine conversationalist, being well read, very
public-spirited, encouraging any enterprise which is for the public good, and
commenced life as a farmer, working on his father's farm for several years after
his marriage, generally controlling its affairs, but now he owns a farm of 110
acres adjoining the old homestead, keeping him happily near his aged parents.
Subject is a Republican, thought not a noisy politician; and married Miss Laura
Peckenpaugh in this county on October 1, 1871, born in Warren County, Ill., on
July 8, 1850, daughter of Louis B. and Aurilla (Sellers) Peckenpaugh, he, born
in Crawford County, Ind., on August 6, 1826, emigrated to this State about 1854,
settlted at or near Logan, Harrison County, this State, where he lived until his
death, which occurred December 6, 1856, leaving a wife and four small children,
which were cast upon the charity of the world; she, born in Crawford County,
Ind., May 19, 1826, is still living in this county. Mr. and Mrs. Connor have two
bright girls, viz., Minnie, born August 22, 1872; and Kate, born August 21,
1874. Subject's farm is pleasantly located, being five and a half miles
southeast of Macedonia, and two miles southwest of Wheeler's Grove Post Office,
just east of Farm Creek, the principal steam running through the township; has
forty-five acres of very beautiful, healthy grove of natural young timber,
consisting of hickory, oak, walnut, elm and ash. The farm cost about $1,500 and
is now valued at about $4,000.

Portrait and Biographical Album
of Jackson County, Iowa. Chicago: Chapman Brothers, 1889
R. FARRELL, Attorney at Law, of Bellevue, Iowa, is a native of this county,
having been born Aug. 3, 1860. he is a son of Patrick and Elizabeth Farrell,
residents of Bellevue Township. His father is a native of County Kildare,
Ireland, and his mother of Pennsylvania. Patrick Farrell is one of the earliest
settlers of Bellevue Township, and is said to have come here some time in the
Our subject has been reared to manhood in this county,
where he received his preliminary education in the public schools. When twenty
years of age he began to attend the Valparaiso Normal School at Valparaiso,
Ind., and took the four years' classical course, being graduated in 1883. When
sixteen years old he began teaching in the district school, and taught about
three years.
In 1883 Mr. Farrell began the study of law in Bellevue
with D.A. Wynkoop, now of Maquoketa, with whom he studied about four years, and
with whom he was connected in his office. He was admitted to the bar June 26,
1884, and began business for himself in 1886, and has been in practice since
that time. He has served two terms as Justice of the Peace, which office he
filled satisfactorily.
Our subject was united in marriage, Feb. 16, 1887, with
Ida M. Whiteley, daughter of William and Elizabeth Whiteley, of West Covington,
Ky. To them was given one child, Russell G., born July 13, 1888. Mr. Farrell is
a Democrat in politics and is at the present writing, Secretary of that lodge.
He is also a member of the K. of P., and is meeting with success in every line
undertaken by him.
Patrick Farrell, the father of our subject, took up 160
acres of Government land in Bellevue Township, and settled on it while it was
yet without improvements. He has added to this until he now has 280 acres of
valuable land. He met with and overcame the usual hardships in getting a start
in the western country, and is one of the oldest pioneers of the county. Our
subject is a Democrat in politics, and has always led in any attempt to promote
the welfare of the township and society. He is a rising young lawyer, and has
before him a bright future.