Daily Times, Davenport,
Scott, Iowa, March 22, 1897
Patrick Purcell Falls Into the Shadow Land Before His Own Door
Death came suddenly just as he had long expected, to Patrick Purcell, the
well known citizen and former member of the police force of this city, Saturday night. Mr. Purcell was stricken on the street, but he lived long
enough to be taken to his home, where he died half an hour later.
The deceased had been out to accompany his sister-in-law to her home and was
returning to his home on the crest of Farnam street between Ninth and Tenth
streets. He had just crossed the street from the west side and was passing
the gate of W.P. Halligan's home when he was seen to stagger and fall up
against the gate, which, swinging open under the weight, allowed him to fall
heavily to the brick walk, where he struck on his head, cutting it somewhat.
Friends hastened to his side and found that although he was suffering
greatly, he was able to recognize them. He was assisted to arise, and he
summoned up enough strength to walk to his own home, about 200 feet away,
with the aid of a man supporting him on either side. A half an hour later he
was dead. During the interim between his sudden prostration and his final
decease, Mr. Purcell spoke lightly to his friends, expressing the wish that
he was ready to make the journey over the shadowland, cautioning all those
present to remember him with the suffrages of their prayers. The end came
without apparent pain, or any great sense of physical distress.
The cause of death is supposed to have been heart failure. The deceased had
been under treatment and had a spell of sickness and weakness while on his
way home from the caucuses early in the week. He recovered from it and
thought it nothing serious. On this fatal Saturday evening, however, he
realized his condition, as it evidenced by the conversation recounted above.
He knew that the end would come suddenly and he kept himself constantly
prepared for the worst. He had been growing steadily worse for some time,
the weight of years beginning to tell upon his naturally rugged constitution
for he was over seventy-three years of age.
Deceased was born in Kilkenny, Ireland. He came to Davenport in 1852 and has
made it his home ever since. He was appointed a police officer during the
mayoralty of Hon. Jere Murphy in 1873 and continued as a member of the force
until 1889 when he resigned. Since his retirement from the force he has done
little if any work, having been of a saving disposition all of his life
thereby gathering together enough property to keep him comfortable.
Mr. Purcell was a devout Catholic and an exemplary socialist, being a
constant attendant upon the various offices of the Sacred Heart Cathedral.
He is survived by his second wife, Bridget, and one son,
W.J. Purcell.
The funeral will occur Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock from the late residence
with solemn high mass at Sacred Heart Cathedral. The interment will be made
at St. Marguerite's Cemetery.

Emmetsburg Democrat; Palo Alto Co, IA;
Wednesday, Dec 3, 1919
John Shea, Who Came to Our County in 1857
John Shea,
one of the oldest and best known citizens of our county, passed away at his home
in Nevada township last Thursday. He was ill about 24 hours. He was able to be
about until a few days or so before the final summons. When he became ill
medical assistance was called but it seems there was a rupture of one of the
blood vessels and some time later he became unconscious. He never rallied.
The funeral was held on Monday. There was a large
attendance of friends and old neighbors. Services were conducted in the
Assumption church, Very Rev. P. F. Farrelly officiating. The burial was in the
family lot in St. John's Cemetery. The pall bearers were Joseph, Peter and
Robert Mulroney, Robert Loughlin, J. P. Downs and Thomas Dawson.
John Shea was born at New Ross, in the county of
Kilkenny, Ireland, June 28, 1831. His age was 88. In 1850 he came to the United
States. He lived for some time in Pennsylvania. In 1851 he came to Palo Alto
county. The members of the family were located for several years on a farm
southwest of the Burns bridge but later moved to Nevada township. In April 1862,
Mr. Shea enlisted in the army. He served in the Twenty-Fifth Iowa Infantry for
three years. He was in the memorable battles of Gettysburg, Shiloh and
Chicamauga and towards the close of the war he participated in Sherman's
historic march to the sea. He was never wounded. A brother James was in the
service from Wisconsin. Mr. Shea was united in marriage in this city on May 1,
1873, to Mary Millea, who, with three sons and five daughters survives
him. The sons are w.J., who is at home; J.M. who recently returned from
service in France; and T.E. of Big Timber, Montana. The daughters are Miss
Bridget, who is a trained nurse at Denver, Colorado; Mrs. W.J. Dunphy of Wibaux,
Montana, and Misses Margaret, katherine, and Josephine who are at home. One of
Mr. Sheas's sisters, Mrs. Anastacia Wogan, resides at Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania
and an only bother, Thomas Shea, lives at Ayrshire. Three other brothers,
Robert, William and James, all of this county, died a number of years ago.
Mr. Shea was one of the find old gentlemen of Iowa. He
was large, robust and energetic, and he had a manly bearing. He was one of Palo
Alto's best known and most substantial pioneers. When he came to our county he
saw little more than a wilderness of prairie and sky. What a wonderful change he
witnessed before he closed his eyes in death. For 62 years he was an active and
a conscientious worker in the wonderful transformation that was wrought. When
the supremacy of this country's flag was threatened, he sacrificed the
opportunities and the pleasures of youth and did everything within his power to
uphold and defend it. His efforts with those of thousands of others who fought
with him brought victory to our arms. As a husband, he was faithful and devoted;
as a father, he was provident, loving and indulgent; as a neighbor he was
considerate, obliging and helpful; as a citizen he was upright, manly and
law-observing. He never neglected his obligations to his God or to his church.
Until a few months before his death he usually came ten miles to church every
Sunday and was generally present at early Mass. he was well aware of the
pitfalls into which many well meaning people fall and he fortified himself
carefully for life's trying labors. He realized fully the necessity and the
helpfulness of religion in life's temptations and uncertainties and he sought
the guidance and the assistance of Providence in all his undertakings. He prized
good in others and he appreciated friendship and sympathy. He has only
admiration for clean living. Throughout his long, active and eventful life he
toiled diligently and zealously for the happiness and welfare of his home and
the good of religion and society and he died honored and beloved by all who knew
him. To his faithful companion of many decades and to the several highly
esteemed sons and daughters the profound sympathy of hundreds of neighbors and
friends is extended in their hour of sorrow.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, 19 Dec 1923
Located in Nevada Township 57 Years Ago, Reached Ripe Age of 82
Thomas Shea, one of the old residents of our county, died at his home at
Ayrshire at 12:30 Thursday morning. He was more or less of an invalid for a
number of years. His last serious illness was of perhaps three weeks duration.
The funeral was held Saturday. Services were conducted at the Catholic church at
Ayrshire, Rev. E.J. Smith, the pastor, officiating. He spoke feelingly and
instructively of the life of the deceased and the obligation of his relatives
and friends in remembering him in their prayers and offerings. The remains were
brought to this city and interred in St. John's cemetery. The pall bearers were
John Anglum, Thomas Fagan, Michael Daily, Thos. DeBolt, Peter Mulroney and Thos.
Dawson. There was a large attendance of relatives and friends.
Thomas Shea was born near Waterford, in the county of Kilkenny, Ireland, in
1841. When he was ten years old his parents emigrated to the United States and
located near Pittsburg, Pa. In 1866 they came to Palo Alto county. Mr. Shea was
married in June 1879, to Miss Bridget Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Shea settled on a
farm in Nevada township where they resided until 1892 when they moved to
Ayrshire. The death of Mr. Shea is mourned by his wife and their nephew, J.J.
Martin, who made his home with them from the age of two until he reached the
years of manhood.
Mr. Shea was a genial, friendly, warm hearted gentleman. He was devoted to his
family and friends and he was exceptionally hospitable and generous. He led a
worthy life and he passed away consoled by the conviction that eternal rewards
crown the efforts of those who guard carefully every spiritual and temporal
treasure entrusted to them. His death, aside from the sorrow it has brought to
his loved ones, is sincerely regretted by Emmetsburg pioneers who entertained a
very high regard for him. Widespread sympathy is offered to the surviving

Iowa Recorder; Greene, Butler,
Iowa; Mar 15, 1905
In Memoriam
We are this week called upon to record the death of as
grand a man as resided in the state of Iowa. The father of a family as gifted
and noble as the sun shines upon. Such men as Michael Wade, like new stars, only
appear a few in a century.
Michael Wade was born at Kilkerney, Ireland, in 1831.
When a boy he came to this country and in 1858 was united in marriage to Miss
Mary Breen in the state of Vermont. He moved to Charles City, Iowa, in 1868. In
1871 he became a resident of Butler county and for thirty-four years he has
daily added friend to friend until he died honored and respected by every man,
woman and child in the country.
On Saturday, March 11, at 10 o'clock, a.m. the funeral
services were held at the Catholic church in Dougherty and the grand old pioneer
now rest in peace, after a long and eventful life, the pathway of which is
thickly strewn with noble deeds. The world is better for Michael Wade having
lived in it.

Palo Alto Reporter
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Jan 13, 1899
On Sunday morning the
people of Emmetsburg were startled by the intelligence that Mr. James
Fitzgerald, one of the oldest and best known citizens of Emmetsburg, had passed
to the great beyond. The Monday before his death, Mr. Fitzgerald was around
apparently enjoying his usual health, but be contracted a severe cold, which
brought on serious complications, and he quietly passed away on Sunday morning,
after only about three days illness.
James Fitzgerald was born in the county Kilkenny, Ireland,
June 7, 1820, consequently he had passed his seventy-eighth birthday, when he
was summoned thence. He studied for the priesthood in one of the schools of his
native country, but upon the completion of his education, he changed his mind,
and decided to enter upon a business career. In conformity of this idea, he
emigrated from his native country to Australia and was engaged in business
there. After a stay of five years in Australia, he decided to come to America,
where he arrived in 1869, and settled in the old town of Emmetsburg, purchasing
the only store that was then in the place. Here he entered upon a very
successful mercantile business. When the Milwaukee road was built, and the new
town located, Mr. Fitzgerald moved his building over and conducted the business
until 1887, when he retired.
As a business man he was quite successful, and accumulated
considerable property. In those early days, when the country was sparsely
settled, and times were hard, and money and crops scarce, and grass-hoppers
plenty, Mr. Fitzgerald proved a blessing to many a poor man, for he carried them
on his books for a number of years, and trusted them with the necessities of
life, when it looked extremely doubtful whether they would be able to recompense
him. Many of the old settlers can testify that he proved a friend in time of
need. Shortly after coming to Emmetsburg, in 1869, he was united in marriage to
Miss Theodosia Warren, who survives him. No children were born to them, and Mr.
Fitzgerald has no near blood relation that survive him. His surviving relatives
in this section are his three nephews, M.F. Kerwick, J.F. and Wm. Nolan, and his
niece, Mrs. Washington, who resides near Ruthven.
The funeral took place from the Catholic church on Tuesday
morning, at 9:30 o'clock A requiem high mass was celebrated by Rev. J.J. Smith
and the body laid to rest in St. John's cemetery.
[James Fitzgerald and Theodosia Warren adopted
Honora Finn -adopted name Annie Fitzgerald- after the death of her mother,
Honora Joynt Finn at her birth.]

Palo Alto Reporter
Palo Alto County, Iowa
Friday, August 24, 1894
John Millea Passes Away Saturday.
Death has again
invaded the ranks of the early settlers of Palo Alto and bade Mr. John Millea to
answer to his summons on the other shore.
Early last spring Mr. Millea had a severe attack of the
grippe from which he never completely recovered. It finally became complicated
with other difficulties which resulted in his demise last Saturday evening.
Mr. Millea was born in the County Kilkenny, Ireland, in the
year 1819, and emigrated and settled in Illinois sometime during the year 1854.
He remained but three years in Illinois when he removed to the vicinity of
Marengo, Iowa, where he continued to reside until 1868, when he came to Palo
Alto county and settled on a farm a few miles north of this city.
Mr. Millea was a man who was universally respected and was
noted for his strict honesty in all business transactions.
The funeral service took place in the Catholic church Monday,
at 10 o'clock, conducted by Rev. J.J. Smith. The procession which followed the
remains to the cemetery was one of the longest that has ever occurred in this

Palo Alto Reporter
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Friday, May 15, 1896
Mrs. Ellen Tobin, wife of
Thos. Tobin, died at their home in this city, Monday evening, at 10 o'clock. The
cause of her death was heart failure. For years she had been ailing, and for
eight or ten years she and Mr. Tobin have spent the winters in California for
the benefit of her health. They spent last winter there as usual in various
places in California and returned to this city, Monday, April 11. The first day
after getting home Mrs. Tobin was out of doors, but the next day she did not
feel well and gradually grew worse until death summoned her hence, Monday
Mrs. Tobin's maiden name was
Ellen Laughlin and she was born in the county Kilkenny, Ireland, in the year
1841, consequently was 54 years old at the time of her demise. In 1847 she came
to this country with her father and the balance of the family and settled for
short time in Massachusetts, but subsequently moved to Illinois, where they
resided for about four years. In 1856 the family moved to Palo Alto, being among
the very first settlers of the county, and of course shared with others the
privations and hardships incident to pioneer life. In 1860 she was married to
Mr. Tobin, the ceremony taking place in Ft. Dodge. The young couple started life
together on the farm in Nevada township, but in 1893 Mr. Tobin entered the
mercantile business in the old town of Emmetsburg, and when the present town was
started moved his business over to its present location, thus making them
residents of this city since its beginning.
Mrs. Tobin was an exemplary
woman in many respects. She was quiet and ladylike in her demeanor, always
striving to live a conscientious christian life, being a devout member of the
Catholic church. She was loved and respected by all who knew her, and her deeds
of charity and kindness were proverbial to all but were hampered by failing
health. Her death is a severe blow to Mr. Tobin as it deprives him of the
companionship of one so dear to him and leaves him to travel down life's pathway
along. She also leaves two brothers, Messrs. Lot and John Laughlin, to mourn her
loss. The funeral took place Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock from the Catholic
church, where solemn requiem high mass was celebrated, Rev. J.J. Smith celebrant
assisted by Fathers Costello, Kelly and Carroll. In his remarks Father Smith
took occasion to commend Mrs. Tobin for her deeds of love and charity, and said
that the beautiful altar in the church dedicated to the blessed Virgin Mary, was
the gift of her hand, and that while she had lived she requested him to refrain
from making it known to the congregation. At the close of the solemn service the
body was laid in its final resting place in St. John's cemetery.

Subject: Obituary of Michael Hickey father of
Judge James Hickey
By Matt O'Dell - July 2004, after some 20 years of family research.
o·bit·u·ar·y. A published notice of a death, sometimes with a brief
biography of the deceased.
According to McCarthy - P. 90 of his History of Palo Alto Co., the first issue
of the Democrat (Palo Alto's first newspaper) was published Dec. 4, 1869. P. 8,
"Not a single copy of the old Democrat was found." Thus, it would be
fruitless to search for an obit of old Mike Hickey, who died in 1867.With that
as background we feel justified in "publishing" an obituary for our
maternal Great Great Grandfather, Michael Hickey.
From the old, yellowed & crumbling, James Hickey family bible we found a
page that recorded - Michael Hickey died January 10, 1867.
Folklore has it that Michael arrived in Iowa driving a mixed team of an oxen(cow?)
and a horse pulling a wagon, possibly through Iowa City. He was buried at Great
Oak on the banks of the Des Moines, along with two of his grandchildren: Mary
Ann and James. Graves were never found. He was counted in the James Hickey
household, Federal census of 1860 - age 72.
Here is that 1860 census:
5 236 142 Hickey James 30 M Farmer 300 300 Ireland
6 236 142 Hickey Margaret 22 F Ireland
7 236 142 Hickey Margaret 3 F Iowa [ Matt's Note: First white child born in Palo
Alto Co., Ia ]
8 236 142 Hickey Michael 2 M Iowa
9 236 142 Hickey John W 2/12 M Iowa
10 236 142 Hickey Michael 72 M Farmer 1,200 Ireland X
James Hickey, his bro. Dan, and sisters Honora & Bridget, arrived NY July
15, 1850 aboard the sailing ship - St. George out of Liverpool, we have two
independent sources which record our Hickey's on this voyage; the ship's
manifest, and from The Famine Immigrants volumes.
At his death old Michael would have been 79 years old. There was no priest yet
resident in Palo Alto county, thus, we expect that his son James, who had
attended St. Kieran's seminary in County Kilkenny as a lad, familiar with
funeral services, conducted a brief burial service. Margaret Hogan, wife of
James, was known to "lay-out the dead" - and that honor no
doubt went to her. A simple Irish wake followed in the Hickey log cabin. A team
of horses and wagon provided for the short route to the ancient Indian burial
hill, only a couple of hundred feet to the south of the Hickey Great Oak cabin.
Foundations of Hickey cabin still exist on the river bluff. Many of the healthy
pioneer members of the Irish "patch" attended the simple ceremony.
Margaret, known as "the good woman" by the local itinerant Sioux
Indians - for her handouts to those same Indians, would have provided a lunch
and refreshments, in her humble log cabin, for the mourners. No grave marker for
Michael's grave has ever been found.Family tradition holds that Old Mike was
buried south of the Jas. Hickey Great Oak homestead, atop the Indian cemetery
hill (Burns Bridge area) [West side of Des Moines R. crossing on the road to
Great Oak twsp. and Ayrshire.] He died before there was a cemetery or an
Assumption parish in Palo Alto Co. Two of his grandchildren were buried there
after him - the infants Mary Ann 1868-69, and James 1869-70. According to
McCarty-ibid, P. 70, in 1859 Michael Hickey was appointed as clerk of the court
of Palo Alto county by his son Judge James Hickey. We have copies of pages in
Book One of Palo Alto records verifying this, as well.
Our ancestor, Michael Hickey, was counted at the James Hickey homestead in the
1860 census, as age 72. Thus we place his birth, in Ireland, c. 1788, possibly
in Shaefield Townland near Gowran, County Kilkenny, as that is the address of
the birth of his children: *
*Daniel b. 1821 [ who became a priest in Pennsylvania ],
*Honora, b. 1823, m. John Sweeney in W. Virginia,
*James, b. 1826, who became the first judge of Palo Alto co., Ia.
*Bridget, b. 1829, who married Tom Cahill and lived in Fort Dodge, Ia.
Margaret Hickey - a lassie listed on the St. George manifest - no further record
*This data is from 1820's baptismal records of Assumption church, Gowran, County
Kilkenny, Ireland, per the Kilkenny Historical Society, personally collected in
Kilkenny by Matt O'Dell in1989.
Their mother, Michael's wife, was listed as "Peg" and "Mag"
Her date of death and burial place have never been discovered. She may have
perished in the Great Irish Potato Famine.
We have a copy of Mike's naturalization record in Palo Alto Co., Ia, May 29,
1863, and of course, assuming a five year requirement before naturalization, we
guesstimate that old Mike arrived in the USA c. 1858.
Michael's eldest son, Daniel, was attending St. Kieran's seminary in Kilkenny
Town prior to the Hickey emigration. About 1849, Daniel had been contacted by
the first Bishop of Pittsburg, Bishop O'Connor, to come to Pittsburg and become
a priest. The future Judge James Hickey also attended St. Kieran's as a
"day boy" in 1836-37. We obtained copies of school
records from St. Kieran's for both James and Daniel Hickey in 1989.
Family folklore tells us that Michael called a family meeting and stated: If Dan
goes to Amerikee we'll all go to Amerikee. Old Michael would have been about 62
years old at the time. Rather old for an emigration to a new land. We eventually
found a record in The Famine Immigrants, Lists of Irish Immigrants Arriving at
the Port of New York, 1846-1851. We found that Michael's children: Daniel,
Honora, James, and Bridget Hickey arrived in the Port of New York, July 15,
1850, aboard the sailing ship St. George out of Liverpool. We had no luck
finding a ship's passenger record of the father - M., Mike, or Michael - Hickey
in the age he would have been (born c. 1878).
From Grifiths's Valuations, 1850, we find one Michael Hickey with farmland and
buildings in Shaefield North and South, a total of some 52 acres He may have
stayed behind in 1850 in Ireland, when his children came to America, to finalize
property interests in Sheafield Townland, near to Gowran. This is the same
Shaefield Townland listed on baptism records, above.
Another folktale is that old Mike, with very
likely a train ride from the East behind him, after crossing the new bridge
across the Mississippi at Davenport, took a cow(oxen) and horse team with a
wagon from Iowa City to Emmetsburg.
We suspect that old Michael had visited the grave of Father Dan in W. Penna.,
and visited his married daughter Honora Sweeney] in West Virginia enroute to
Iowa, and also stopped over in Ft. Dodge to visit his married daughter Bridget
[Cahill] before proceeding on to his sons homestead in Palo Alto county.
In the spring of 1857, the spring of the Spirit
Lake Massacre, James Hickey selected his 160 acre homestead just below and
across the Des Moines river from the Irish "Patch". That original
homestead was situate: SW 1/4 of Sec. 35, T96N x R33W, Emmetsburg twsp, and was
issued under President U.S. Grant.
From a crumbling page of the old Hickey bible
we were able to salvage a bit of data. The date of Michaels's death - Jan 10,
1867, in Palo Alto co., as well as the date of death of his eldest son, the
priest Daniel, October 05, 1854, in West Alexander, Washington Co., PA.
After an extensive search, with the help of
Notre Dame archives, we uncovered the record of the only priest named Daniel
Hickey in that time frame - it was that of our Father Dan. A large gravestone
marks the priest's resting place. Grandfather Michael lived to a ripe old age
and saw his children after they arrived in America, and had also lived to see
some of the offspring of his son Judge James, born of Margaret Hogan, in the log
cabin, ferry station, stage stop, and Great Oak postoffice near the Des Moines
river at the site of that Great Oak. They were Margaret, Michael, John William,
Daniel, Teresa, Bridget, and Alice. There were to be seven more siblings, but
old Michael died before they could be born. You see Judge James and Margaret
were doing their best to populate Palo Alto county. -
Matt O'Dell, grandson of John William

Newspaper Probably Emmetsburg Democrat
May 18,1914
James Hickey Dead
In our last issue we made mention of the death of
James Hickey, one of the pioneers of Palo Alto county, but lack of time and
space forbid our making further comment upon the life of this worthy old
gentleman. Mr. Hickey had been enfeebled with age for many years. For several
days before his death the family realized that the end was fast approaching.
On Monday evening, May 18, he passed away. Funeral services were conducted at
St. Thomas Church by Rev. M. McNerney on Wednesday morning and the remains
tenderly laid away for final rest in St. John cemetery. The pall bearers were
J.J. Mahan, C.T. Nolan, P.C. Neary, M.F. Coonan, J.P. Conway and Alex Cullen.
James Hickey was born in 1827 at Gorman, county
Kilkenny, Ireland. When a young man he came to America and located at
Philadelphia. In February of the year 1855 he was united in marriage with Miss
Margaret Hogan. The following year they came to Iowa.
They located on a homestead in Great Oak township
about three miles south and west of Emmetsburg in September, 1856. Here Mr.
Hickey kept a country post office for the accommodation of the early settlers.
Two years later he was elected county judge, the first Palo Alto county had
had. In 1864 he was elected clerk of the courts. With A. Hood of Fr. Dodge he
was selected to make the first government survey of this and the four
adjoining counties. He was a capable and conscientious man and hence he was
natrually selected by the people to represent them in matters where efficient
and honest service was required. From Great Oak, the Hickey family moved to
Vernon township where they subsequently made their home and where Mr. and Mrs.
Hickey resided up to the time of his death.
Fourteen children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Hickey,
eleven of whom survive their father. Their daughters are Mrs. Patrick McNally
and Mrs. Anthony Ruddy of this city, Mrs. L.E. Conway and Mrs. H.E. Fergeson
of Vernon township, Mrs. E.J. Sinclair of lavoy, Alberta, and Miss Alice
Hickey who remained at home with her parents. The sons are Michael of Wyoming,
John, Daniel, and Thomas who live in Vernon township and P.J. Hickey of
Oelwein, Iowa. The three children who died when young were Mathew, James and
Mary. Mrs Patrick McNally who still resides here was the first white child
born in Palo Alto county.
The deceased was one of the most prominent figures
among the earlier history of this county. His name is a familiar one, not only
to the people of this county but throughout the whole of northwest Iowa. He
was a strong character and enjoyed the unbounded respect of all who knew him.
His sense of honor, honesty, and uprightness was keen and always active and
his dealings never made him and enemy. For the opinions of others he had the
highest respect and as a citizen his entire life might well be taken as a
model. In his active years he was public spirited in all things and was always
one of the first to be called upon and counselled in matters pertaining to the
public welfare all feeling that he was broad enough to view every question
aside from any sordid or selfish personal interests, and his confidence was
frequently evidenced by the positions of public honor and trust that were
accorded to him. He was a faithful, consistent, and conscientious member and
supporter of the faith of his ancestors the Catholic church and a devout and
sincere christian. He was a man of generous impulses and never forgot the ways
of the early settler. The stranger, even though a beggar, never failed to find
food and shelter if he sought it at his hands. The writer knew Mr. Hickey well
and regarded him as a warm personal friend and today can recall many, many
kind words and helpful acts for which we are personally indebted to him. He
lived to the good old ripe age of 87 years, yet his wife and children would
fain have him remain longer and though his death was timely they will miss
him. To them we extend sincere sympathy and especially to the aged wife whose
remaining days will be sad indeed. Mr Hickey lived nobly and died peacefully.
Few of us will live so long or so well. May he rest in peace.

Ottumwa Daily Courier
Ottumwa, Mahaska, Iowa
March 2, 1903
Edward Grace Passed Away Late Saturday Afternoon.
The death of Edward Grace occurred at his residence,
1016 East Second street, Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock, at the advanced age of
80 years. The deceased was born in County Kilkenny Ireland, in May, 1822, and
came to this county when he was 21 years of age. He resided at Mt. Zion for
twenty-nine years, where he was engaged as section foreman on the Rock Island.
Twelve years ago he moved to this city and has since resided here. He is
survived by three children, Miss Anna Grace, who resides in this city, and
Thomas and Patrick Grace of Boston, Mass.
The funeral services were held this morning at 9
o'clock at the Sacred Heart Catholic church, Rev. Father James Foley, pastor of
the church, conducting the services. The remains were interred in the Calvary
cemetery. The following were the pall bearers: James Beatty, M. Morrissey, Peter
Maloney, Thos. Vaughn, Wm. Maloney, M. Hines.

Davenport Daily Republican
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
Dec 11, 1900
The death of Michael
Cody, aged 76, occurred at the home of his son early yesterday morning. He was
born in Kilkenny, Ireland, and came to this country in 1852, first settling in
Massachusetts. Ten years ago he came to this city. He is survived by four
children, John and Mary of this city; Mrs. Maggie Willey of Chicago and Mrs.
Strasia Penn of Joplin, Mo. The funeral will be held Wednesday morning, with
services at the Sacred Heart Cathedral at 9 o'clock. Interment will be made in
St. Marguerite's cemetery.

September 14, 1910
Mr. Patrick Brennan Expires After Four Weeks'
Illness".--Patrick Brennan, a pioneer resident of Dubuque county, died at
residence, 331 Julien avenue, Tuesday afternoon at 5:30 o'clock, after an
illness of four weeks.
The deceased was born March 17, 1834 in the County
Kilkenny, Ireland, and
came to America when a young man, settling in Jackson county fifty three years
ago, and later coming to Dubuque county. Fifty-two years ago he was united in
marriage to Alice Walsh (sic), who died three years ago. He followed farming for
half a century and six years ago retired and had since made his home in Dubuque.
He is survived by three daughters and one son, Mrs. Dan Lynch, residing in this
county; Mrs. Wm. Shortel, Margaret and Michael, all of this city.
The funeral will be held Thursday morning at 9 o'clock to the Cathedral and
the burial will be at St. Joseph's.

Mrs. Patrick Brennan Passes to Great Beyond Saturday Morning In This
City".--Another of Dubuque county's pioneers has answered the final summons
joined the great army which has preceded her in death, Mrs. Patrick Brennan
having passed away at her family residence, 26 South Bluff Street, at 7:30 a.m.
Friday after an illness of a few weeks' duration.
Mrs. Brennan, whose maiden name was Miss Alice Welsh (sic), was born in
Kilkenny, Ireland, seventy-eight years ago. Fifty -two years ago she came to
Dubuque county and settled in Washington township, where she married Patrick
Brennan shortly after her arrival here. A few years ago the aged couple retired
from farm life and moved to this city, where the declining days of the
beautiful life of Mrs. Brennan was spent in preparation for the life which she
has entered upon. She was a devout Catholic all her life, and was a member of
the Cathedral parish since coming to this city.
Besides her husband Mrs Brennan is survived by five children, Mrs. Wm. Shortell
and Mrs. Dan Lynch of Washington township, and Michael, Thomas and Margaret of
this city; also one brother, Ed Welsh of Missouri Valley, and one sister, Mrs.
Mary Nash, of this city.
The funeral will be held Sunday morning at 8 o'clock to the Cathedral and the
burial will be made at St. Joseph's.

Davenport Daily Leader; Davenport,
Scott, Iowa; November 29, 1893
Death of a Respected Resident of Davenport for Fifty-Three Years.
All of the old settlers of this city and county as well as those of a later
day, will hear with regret the announcement of the death of Walter Kelly, an
old and respected resident of Davenport, which took place at 9:50 o'clock
Wednesday morning at his residence Iowa street. Mr. Kelly came here in 1840,
fifty-three years ago, so that he belonged to the original
"pioneer," who include all those who settled in this locality
before Dec. 31, 1840. His death therefore is the snapping of another link of
the living chain that joins Davenport's past and present together.
In 1840, when Mr. Kelly came to this city, it
numbered only about 500 inhabitants and Scott county about 2,500. Chicago
was five days distant and it took thirteen days to get from here to New
York. Iowa was then a territory having been cut off from Wisconsin only two
years previous, and it did not become a state for six years after Mr. Kelly
settled in this community. These few items will show to Davenporters of the
present generation the state of affairs then existing in this part of Iowa.
The deceased pioneer was born in Kilkenny, Ireland,
on June 29, 1814, so that the time of his demise he was aged 79 years, 4
months and 23 days. He came to this country in September, 1835, the same
fall that Antoine LeClaire, Col. George Davenport and six others met and
decided to lay out a town site for Davenport. Mr. Kelly had two brothers
living in Detroit, one being a Catholic priest, Rev. Patrick Kelly, and the
other named Michael. He accordingly went to Detroit, where he remained for
three years, there learning his trade as a moulder. After this he went to
Chicago, where he worked at his trade for two years, thence coming in 1840
to Davenport, where he had been preceded for a couple of years by two other
brothers, James and Thomas, whose presence in this city determined his
coming here.
Mr. Kelly engaged in such occupations as Davenport
afforded in those early days, for a dozen years, part of the time working in
the packing house of Burrows & Prettyman. In 1852 he entered into
partnership with a namesake, though no relative, Bartholomew Kelly, under
the firm name of B. & W. Kelly. The firm conducted a general business,
handling various lines of goods, and their store was one of the most
extensive and handsomely equipped in the state. It occupied what old
settlers knew as the Bazaar block, corner of Front and Brady streets,
directly south of the present wholesale house of J.F. Kelly & Co.
In 1857 the firm of B. & W. Kelly was dissolved
and Walter Kelly and James Roche entered another, which lasted for a short
time, however, Mr. Roche retiring, and Mr. Kelly continuing the business as
sole proprietor. In 1884 Mr. Kelly retired from business. He had accumulated
by his industry and energy an honorable competence and the last decade of
his life was thus one of well-deserved leisure and contentment.
Mr. Kelly was married Feb. 5, 1845, to Miss Mary
McNamara, the ceremony being performed by the reverend Father John A.
Pelamourges at St. Anthony's church. Mrs. Kelly survives the partner of her
wedded life for almost half a century. The children who also survive are
John F. and William F. Kelly, the members of the wholesale house of J.F.
Kelly & Co., Thos. E. Kelly and Mrs. E.T. Rohm, of this city, and Mrs.
J.S. Stiles and Mrs. E.W. Gale of Chicago.
Mr. Kelly was a quiet and unassuming citizen and
though his claims on the community entitled him to political honors, he did
not seek them. He consented only once to stand for an office, being elected
alderman for the Fifth ward in 1862, serving two years during the mayoralty
of Hon. Geo. W. French. Mr. Kelly's venture proved uniformly lucrative, so
that from a financial standpoint his business career was crowned with
success. Furthermore in his sons and daughters he leaves behind him a legacy
of honored and influential members of society.
The funeral took place Saturday with services at
St. Anthony's church at 9 o'clock. Interment was in St. Marguerite's

Davenport Democrat and Leader
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
Thursday Evening, May 6, 1926
Pioneer County Resident and Beloved Woman is Called Suddenly.
Mrs. Mary Doyle Tobin, aged 63 years, a resident of
the Long Grove community over four decades, died at 4 o'clock this morning in
the family home, two miles west of Long Grove after an illness of only a few
The news of Mrs. Tobin's death was unexpected and
came as a shock to the many friends and acquaintances of the family in the
Mrs. Tobin was born in Graigue, county
Ireland, May 15, 1863 and came to this country when a young woman, the family
settling on a farm near Long Grove where her life was spent. Her husband,
Matthew J. Tobin, preceded her in death Jan. 11, 1911, a pioneer of Scott and
one of the extensive landholders of the county.
Surviving are four sons, Martin, Thomas, John and
Arthur, four stepchildren, R.J. of Erie, Penn., Mrs. Laurence McMahon of
Calamus, Mrs. J.J. Kevlin, Davenport and Mrs. W.B. Bergert, Long Grove. A
sister, Miss Margaret Doyle of Minneapolis and two brothers, Morgan J. and
Maurice R. Doyle, of Ireland, and two grandchildren also survive.
Mrs. Tobin was a devout Catholic and for many years
had been a zealous and untiring member of St. Ann's church near Long Grove.
She had been a Christian mother, a faithful friend, and beloved in the
Funeral services will be held Saturday morning at 8
o'clock from the home to St. Ann's church where the requiem high mass will be
sung at 9 o'clock. Burial will be in St. Ann's cemetery.

Davenport Leader; Davenport, Scott, Iowa; February 11, 1895
At 9:55 last evening occurred the death of Mr. Pat J.
Purcell, at the family home, 112 West Sixth street, at the age of 69 years.
The deceased was well known in Davenport having resided here for over
thirty-nine years, and following the occupation of a railway engineer. He was
born at Thomastown, Kilkenny, Ireland. Besides his wife he leaves six children
to mourn his
loss, J.A., W.L., Mrs. E. Collins, Catherine, Josephine, all residing in
Davenport and Annie now of St. Louis. He was highly respected and his many
friends and acquaintances will sincerely sympathize with the family in their
The funeral occurs tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock from
St. Anthony's church the interment being at St. Marguerite's church.
THE NONPAREIL; Council Bluffs, Iowa.; April 2, 1914.
--"The Death of Pat Maher. Citizen of Imogene. Had Lived There Many
In the death of Patrick Maher this community lost one
of the earliest settlers.He had a large circle of relatives and acquaintances
and was held in the highest esteem as a citizen and friend.
Although Mr. Maher had been in poor health for
several years, his recent illness was brief. He was down town Tuesday but took
seriously ill that night and passed away at 5:30 Friday morning.
He was born in Kilkenny county, Ireland on April 8,
1855 and came to America when but a mere lad of 14. His first residence was in
Jackson county, Iowa. Thirty five years ago this spring, Mr. Maher came to
this vicinity and lived on his farm 3 1/2 miles north of here until three
years ago when the family moved to town.
He leaves a widow, one son Jerry Maher; three
daughters: Mrs. Michael Martin, Mary and Anna Maher; a brother Thomas Maher
and many relatives and friends. Mr. Maher was of a sunny disposition and the
high regard in which he was held was evidenced by the large number who came to
the funeral services. Funeral services were held Sunday morning in St.
Patrick's Church, conducted by the Rev. Father Hayes.
Those from out of town who attended the services were
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Lynch of Orient; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Doyle of South Omaha; Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Doyle and family of Omaha; and Patrick Kilmartin and son of