"From History of Scott County, Iowa
1882 Chicago: Interstate Publishing Co."
Daniel Carroll, driver for Petersen & Sons, was born in Parsonstown, County
King, Ireland, Nov. 18, 1832. His parents were James and Margaret (Kenney)
Carroll, natives of Ireland. Daniel attended school until he was 16 years old,
then worked on his father's farm until 1847, when he came to America. He worked
in a wholesale store in New York City three years, then came to Davenport, where
he has resided since. He was married in Ireland to Miss Johanna O'Keffe, in
January, 1847. Their union has been blessed with nine children, six living -
Henry, Katy, Mary, Nellie, Fannie and Joseph. Mr. and Mrs. Carroll are members
of the St. Anthony's Parish Church. He is a member of the Catholic Protective
Association, and in politics is a Democrat.

"From History of Scott County, Iowa
1882 Chicago: Interstate Publishing Co."
Robert S. Davis, grocer, 330 Locust street, was born in Golden Grove, Kings Co.,
Ireland, Dec. 26, 1824, and was a son of Thomas and Sarah E. (Mitten) Davis, of
Irish nationality. Robert S. left school when he was 12 years old, and clerked
in a dry goods and grocery store until 1850, when he immigrated to the United
States. He went to Philadelphia, where he was superintendent of one of the piers
belonging to the P. & R. R. R. Co., shipping coal to nearly all parts of the
world. In 1856 he left there and went to Elizabethport, N. J., and engaged in
the same business there two years, then returned to Ireland and engaged in the
grocery business at Bray and at Dalkey. He remained there until 1866, when he
came again to America, and was engaged with the Central R. R. Co. of
Elizabethport, N. J., as car-record clerk five years, then traveled for a
wholesale grocery house in Philadelphia four years, and at the expiration of
that time he came to Davenport, where he has engaged in the grocery business
since. He was married to Mary A. Owens, in Bray, Ireland, Sept. 8, 1862. She was
born in County Carleybridge, Wexford, Ireland. Five children have been born by
this union - Thomas J., Frederic G., Anna L. and William H. Sarah E. died Nov.
29, 1879. Mr. Davis is a Mason and a member of Richmond Lodge, Pa., No. 230, and
was Master of this lodge. He has traveled quite extensively, and has visited all
the principal cities of England, Ireland, Wales and the United States.

History of Johnson County,
Iowa...from 1836 to 1882; Iowa City, Iowa: 1883
Michael Kelley, a farmer and
resident of west Lucas twp, post-office Iowa City; was born on Aug 29, 1825, in
King’s Co, Ireland; came to America and landed in New York, Apr 1, 1852, and
settled in Iowa, Aug 17, 1856, and engaged in farming. He was married in
Cincinnati, Ohio, Aug 15, 1856 to Miss Helen Maloy. The have no children.

The History of Jackson County,
Iowa...Chicago: Western Hist. Co., 1879.
Hon. James Dunne, Sec. 13, P.O.
Otter Creek. Prominent among the leading citizens who have long been identified
with the progress and development of Jackson Co., may be mentioned the subject
of this sketch. He was born in Clonmore, King's County, Ireland, Jan. 21, 1823,
where he had the advantages of a good English education. In 1843,when but 20
years of age, and hearing the glowing reports of the vast resources of the
United States, he emigrated to this country in the same year. The ten years
following in this country, he carried on a trade between New Orleans and one of
the Mexican ports, on his own account, and acquired some property. In 1854, he
removed to Jackson Co., Iowa, and settled in Otter Creek township. Since
then, he has occupied a prominent place in the history of the county; he served
for twenty years as Supervisor of Jackson Co., and has been elected Chairman of
that body a number of terms. In 1870, he was a member of the Thirteenth General
Assembly- a position he filled with credit to himself, honor to the State, and
satisfaction to the citizens. These facts give you but a faint outline of
the public life of Mr. Dunne; they indicate his popularity with the people
and his positions of responsibility and trust; but they afford little clue to
his active and valuable services in the Legislature, and as a member of the
County Board of Supervisors; he has always been foremost in the deliberations of
the latter body, and one of the first to detect and oppose any fraudulent
measures that might be brought before them. In 1859, Mr. Dunne married, in New
Orleans, Miss Mary Dunne; they have five children- Elizabeth M., Mary C., Thomas
J., Joseph F., and James R. Mr. Dunne is a generous, large-hearted, thoroughly
public-spirited man, with no miserly elements in his composition; a man of
excellent merit and social qualities, and he has been very successful in life,
and is now resting content in a beautiful home; his farm is well located, finely
improved and contains 255 acres.

History of
Dubuque County, Iowa; Weston A. Goodspeed, ed. by F. T. Oldt and P. J. Quigley;
Chicago: Goodspeed Hist. Assoc. 1911
James J. Duffy, agent for the
Illinois Central Railway at Dyersville since 1909, as born at Omaha, Nebraska,
August 20, 1878, and is the son of Michael and Margaret Duffy. The father was a
native of County Kings, Ireland, and came to America in 1859, locating at Xenia,
Ohio, where he followed farming. He was also a railroad contractor, and after
locating at Omaha, Nebraska, followed that business for thirty years. He is at
present engaged in farming near Council Bluffs, Iowa. James J. Duffy attended
the public and parochial schools of his native city until fourteen years old,
then completed his studies with courses in the Omaha and Iowa Business colleges,
graduating from the latter in 1898. He then became connected with the Illinois
Central Railway Company as station agent at Masonville, Iowa, where he remained
six years, succeeding which he was for two years located at Ryan. In 1909
he was transferred to Dyersville, Iowa, and has here been since located. Mr.
Duffy is a Democrat in his political views, a Catholic in religion, and is a
member of the Knights of Columbus. He was married at Masonville, Iowa, September
6, 1905, to Miss Loretta Barry, and one daughter, Catherine was born to them on
February 25, 1908. Mrs. Duffy is the daughter of William and Catherine Barry,
natives of Dubuque county, Iowa, and at present engaged in farming near

Biographical Souvenir of the
Counties of Delaware and Buchanan... F. A. Battey & Co., 1890.
J. J.
LINDSAY, M. D. A community should be prouder of its native
than its adopted citizens, and, as a rule, it is. There is a reason for
this. The adopted citizen stands in the same relation to his community that
an adopted child does to a foster parent, while the native-born is like the
parent's own. And large-minded and generous-hearted as one may be, he
always finds that there is for him an interest, an amount of sympathy and a
certain tender solicitude clustering about the child of his own flesh and
blood that he finds nowhere else. The relations are reciprocal and the
feelings of the respect and tenderness mutual. Hence, the countless bursts
of patriotic eloquence which fills all speech and literature, and is
perpetuated in endless song.
The subject of this sketch, a
practicing physician of Manchester,
Delaware county, resides within a short distance of where his eyes first
saw the light of this world. He was born in Elk township, this county. He
is "to the manner born," if that phrase has any significance severed
its feudal origin. He came into this world July 24, 1858. He is a son of
one of the comparatively early settlers of the county. His father, John
Lindsay, moved into this locality in 1849 and settled in Elk township. He
came from New York City to this county, but was a native of Ireland. He was
in early years a carder and spinner, and found employment first in England,
having gone there when a boy, and afterwards in this country, working in
woolen-mills. He was an industrious, capable workman, and pursued his
calling with a diligence and faithfulness that marked him as an honest man.
His health giving way under the incessant toil and amidst the insalubrious
and unscientific conditions of the factories where he was a wage-worker
fifty years ago, brought him West in search of other employment, and he, in
consequence, became a citizen of Delaware county. He spent his declining
years on a farm and gave to his family, and through them to his adopted
county, the results of his best efforts with his remaining energies in the
shape of a comfortable but unpretentious farm home. He died in this county
April, 1872, at the age of fifty-two.
Dr. Lindsay's mother, Mary
Bailey Lindsay, who is still living in
this county, is a native also of Ireland, having been born, as was the
father, in the County of Kings. They were married in Delaware county, Iowa.
She shared his fortunes to the date of his death, bearing him a faithful
and affectionate companionship. These, John and Mary Bailey Lindsay, were
the parents of ten children-Benjamin, Thomas, Jane, John, Henry, Mary,
Lizzie, Samuel, George and Maggie.
The fourth of these and the
subject of this notice was reared on
the farm, being trained to the habits of industry and usefulness common to
farm life. He received an ordinary common-school training, and finished
with a literary and scientific course at Lenox Collegiate Institute, at
Hopkinton, this county. He subsequently attended Bailie's Commercial
College, at Dubuque, from which he graduated in August, 1879. In the spring
of 1880 he began reading medicine under Drs. Bradley & Sherman, of
Manchester, and when prepared for lectures took a first course in the
medical department of the state university at Iowa City and finished at
Bellevue Hospital Medical College, of New York City, graduating in March,
1883. His course of reading was exhaustive, his preparation thorough. It
covered the general ground gone over by all students, and, in addition
thereto, private courses in chemistry, toxicology and physical diagnosis.
He located at once to the practice, beginning at Greeley in this county.
Barring the difficulties and embarrassments which almost of necessity
attend the first steps of the young physician, he made an auspicious
beginning, and his affairs steadily prospered. He was successfully engaged
in the practice at Greeley till June, 1888, when, with a desire of
extending his sphere of usefulness and widening his field of observation
and experience, he moved to Manchester, opening an office and entering upon
the practice there. He has resided in Manchester since. He has given his
time wholly to his profession since beginning it and has met with good
success. His change of location involved some falling off in his business,
as a change always does; but this was only temporary, and has been more
than compensated for by the increased opportunities which the change
otherwise has brought about.
Every member of a free
commonwealth is expected to bear arms in
defense of public safety when occasion demands, and every citizen must
consent to fill public office when called thereto by his fellow-citizens.
Dr. Lindsay is as devoid of ambition for popular applause as any living
man, yet when called on he discharges his duties to the community in which
he lives with a zeal no less earnest and an exactitude no less faithful
than he brings to bear in his attentions to his own personal affairs. He
has served Delaware county as coroner three years, being appointed to fill
an unexpired term of another and twice elected, failing, however, to
qualify on his last election.
In October, 1887, Dr. Lindsay
married, the lady whom he took to
wife being Miss Ella L. Cole, of Colesburg, this county, a native of the
county and a daughter of one of the oldest settlers of the county, Thomas
Cole. Dr. and Mrs. Lindsay have a pleasant home in Manchester and large
circle of friends in whose society they find not the least of the
enjoyments of this life. They are both members of the Methodist church and
zealous in all church work. The doctor belongs also to the
fraternity and the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and he takes much
interest in these societies, giving them not only in their secret workings
his earnest support, but yielding to their broader plans and more
philanthropic purposes the loyalty of a sincere and humane nature.
Submitted by--Becky Teubner

Source: "The 1901
Biographical Record of Clinton Co., Iowa, Illustrated" published: Chicago :
S. J. Clarke Pub. Co., 1901.
Edward Welsh, deceased, was for
many years one of the leading farmers and most highly respected citizens of
Washington township. He was born in Kings county, Ireland, on Christmas day,
1827, and was a son of Edward and Lizzie (Coogan) Welsh, the former also a
native of Kings and the latter of County West Meath. Throughout life the father
followed farming on the Emerald Isle, and died there in 1851, while his wife
passed away in 1866. They had a family of ten children, including Edward, of
this review; Lizzie, who married John Quarter, and both died in Ireland; Mary,
who wedded Edward Cunningham, and both are now deceased; Rosie, who married a
Mr. Keevy, and both died in Connecticut; Katie, who died in Ireland; David, who
died at the age of twenty-one years; and Thomas, who married Catherine Dempsey
and came to America, where he died in 1871, his wife in 1860. The other members
of the family remained in Ireland, and little is known of them.
In 1852 our subject crossed the
Atlantic on an English sailing vessel, the St. George, which was seven weeks in
making the voyage, during which time there were two very severe storms. On
landing in New York, Mr. Welsh was met by his brother James, who had come to the
United States in 1850. For two years he worked as a stone-mason in New York and
then went to Dixon, Illinois, where he was employed as a farm hand for seven
years. In 1858 he came to Clinton county, Iowa, and purchased eighty acres of
land at thirty dollars per acre, it being a government claim owned by Paddy
Flynn. With an ox team Mr. Welsh drove to Maquoketa, where he got his deed made
out. At that time there were no houses between his place and Lyons, and the
country round about was all wild prairie. Returning to Illinois, Mr. Welsh
engaged in farming on rented land until 1861, when he erected a small house upon
his farm in this county and located thereon. He broke the land with ox teams and
soon had the place under a high state of cultivation. Prospering in his new
home, he added to his landed possessions until at the time of his death he had
three hundred and sixty acres, to which his widow and son have since added a
tract of one hundred and twenty acres on section six, Washington township, while
the original farm is on sections seventeen and eighteen. Mr. Welsh died October
4, 1898, honored and respected by all who knew him, and was buried in St. Mary’s
Catholic cemetery. He was a devout member of the Catholic church of Deep Creek
township, and was a stanch supporter of the Democratic party and its principles.
On the 15th of July, 1866, in
Center Grove, Mr. Welsh was married by Rev. Father Scallon to Miss Catherine
Reed, who was born in Queens county, Ireland, march 17, 1846, and was fifteen
years of age when she came to America with her parents, John and Mary (Mahar)
Reed, also natives of Queens county. They located in Center Grove, this state,
where Mr. Reed bought one hundred and twenty acres of land, to which the family
subsequently added two hundred and forty acres. He died September 10, 1896, aged
eighty-four years, and his wife departed this life September 11, 1900, aged
ninety. They were members of St. Patrick’s Catholic church, and most estimable
people. Of their six children Mrs. Welsh is the eldest; Thomas, the second in
order of birth, died at the age of thirty years; William married Lizzie Manyon
and resides near Lexington, Dawson county, Nebraska; John married Maggie Bulger
and makes his home in Center Grove, Iowa; Mary wedded John Snyder and died in
Center Grove, June 18, 1900; and Richard died at the age of twenty-two years.
The children born to Mr. and
Mrs. Welsh were as follows: Edward, who is mentioned below; Thomas, who lives
near Delmar; John and Richard, both at home with their mother; Mary, who is
keeping house for her brother Thomas; James, who is also with Thomas; and
Michael, Frank and Charles, who are all with their mother; William is deceased.
Edward Welsh, Jr., was born in
this county, April 19, 1867, and attended the district schools near his home
until fifteen years of age. During the following five years he assisted his
father in the cultivation of the farm. He was married in the Deep Creek Catholic
church, February 15, 1896, by Rev. Peter O’Dodd, to Miss Maggie Cleary, who
was born on the 24th of August, 1864, and is a daughter of Patrick C. Cleary.
After his marriage Edward
Welsh, Jr., commenced farming on his own account, and operated rented land until
the fall of 1900, when he purchased one hundred and twenty acres on section
seventeen, Washington township, on which he has made a number of useful
improvements. He raises a high grade of stock for market, and in business
affairs is meeting with well-deserved success. Religiously he is a member of St.
Mary’s Catholic church at Deep Creek township, and is a young man highly
respected and esteemed by all who know him.
Submitted by James

Historical and Biographical
Record of Black Hawk County, Iowa. Chicago: Inter-State Pub. Co., 1886.
Thomas Loonan, one of the leading
agriculturists of Black Hawk County, residing on section 25, Black Hawk
Township, was born in Kings County, Ireland, April 4, 1833, a son of Hugh and
Mary Loonan, both of whom died in Ireland. Mr. Loonan immigrated to America at
the age of nineteen years, landing at New York City, May 15, 1852. He proceeded
at once to Chester County, Pennsylvania, where he was engaged in farm labor
about three years. He then located in Winnebago County, Illinois, and was
married in that county July 17, 1858, to Miss Catherine Glenny. She was born in
County Sligo, Ireland, February 1, 1839, a daughter of James and Maria
(Armstrong) Glenny. Her father died in Ireland in May, 1885, aged seventy years
and her mother still lives in Ireland. Mr. and Mrs. Loonan have seven
children-Frank, married Emma Neiher,and resides on part of his father's farm;
James was married February 3, 1886, to Lizzie Vaughn; Hubert and Mae Bell,
students at Tillford Academy at Vinton; Thomas E., Harry G and Nellie V., at
home. Mr. Loonan continued farming on rented land in Winnebago County till
September, 1864, when he settled on his present farm, owning at that time 160
acres. He was very successful in his farming pursuits and rapidly acquired
property and now ranks among the prosperous farmers of this county. He now owns
965 acres of choice land in one body, where he resides, and an eighty-acre farm
in another part of the township. In the early years of his residence here he
raised large quantities of grain, but at present is extensively engaged in
raising cattle, horses and hogs. He also buys largely, fitting the stock for the
market. Mr. and Mrs. Loonan are classed among the best citizens of their
township, and none have had more to do with the development and building up of
this county than themselves. In politics MR. Loonan is identified with the
Democratic party.

and Biographical Record of Dubuque, Jones and Clayton Counties
Chicago: Chapman Pub. Co., 1894
F. CUNNINGHAM of Farley, Taylor Township, Dubuque County, was for many years
engaged in railroading, and is now living on his beautiful two hundred and
forty-acre farm, adjacent to the village. Mr. Cunningham was born in King's
County, Ireland, in 1834, and resided in his native land
until he had reached the age of eighteen years when he emigrated to America. He
first located at Johnstown, Pa., where he resided until 1858, being engaged in
work for the railroad. In the last mentioned year he came to Dubuque County,
locating in Farley. He had secured contracts to build
the Dubuque Southwestern Railroad which he completed and afterward became
roadmaster, superintending the construction of bridges and buildings. He
remained with this firm until 1879, when he engaged with the Chicago,
Northwestern Railroad, for whom he contracted and built fully fifteen
hundred miles of road in Illinois, Iowa, Dakota, Nebraska and Wyoming, He
continued actively engaged with that company until the year 1888, when he
In 1860 Mr. Cunningham was joined in the bonds of
matrimony with Clara Andrews of Jones County, Iowa, by whom he had had four
children, all of whom are still living. Fred L., Frank, Annie M., wife of
Nicholas F. Mathews, of Dubuque and Joseph. The eldest son, Fred, became a
partner with his father in the contracts which the latter took during the last
years he was in business, and in the summer of 1892 became superintendent for
all the track-laying on the World's Fair grounds, in Chicago. After the death
of Mrs. Cunningham, our subject married Miss Catherine H. Fitzgerald, of Farley.
They are the parents of seven children, only three of whom are living: Mary,
Kittie and Fitz R.
When our subject came to
America, a brother, John, accompanied him. The latter is a resident of Chicago
at the present time. His two sisters, Maria and Ann, live in Des Moines, the
former being the wife of John Fleming, and his youngest sister, Kate, is now
deceased. Politically, Mr. Cunningham is a stanch Democrat, and has served for
one term as Supervisor of Dubuque County, being one of three officials in
that capacity. Since January, 1892, he has served as a Chairman of the
Board. Religiously, our subject is a member of the Roman Catholic Church.
~ Submitted by Becky Teubner

Biographical and Historical
Record of Ringgold and Union Counties...Chicago: Lewis Pub. Co., 1887.
James Mooney, farmer and
stock-raiser, New Hope Township, residing on section 16, is a native of Ireland,
born in King's County, February 6, 1844, a son of Thomas Mooney, who is also an
Irishman by birth. The family came to the United States in 1853 and settled in
La Salle County, Illinois. In 1859 they removed to Hillsdale, Michigan, and in
the fall of 1870 came to Union County, the father being now a resident of Afton.
James Mooney was about nine years of age when he was brought by his parents to
La Salle County, Illinois, and there he spent his youth on the home farm. He
enlisted in the war of the Rebellion in Company F, One Hundred and Fourth
Illinois Infantry to serve three years. He took part with his regiment in the
battles of Hartsville, Tennessee, Stone River, Chickamaugua, Atlanta and others
of minor importance. He was wounded in the left hip near Atlanta August 7, 1863,
and now draws a pension. Mr. Mooney came to Union County the same time as his
father, and has since made his home in New Hope Township, where he has a good
farm of 160 acres. Mr. Mooney was married December 12, 1872, to Miss Clarissa
Cosner, daughter of Henry Cosner, of Pleasant Township, Union County. Mr. Mooney
is a member of the Grand Army of the Republic. He never seeks official
positions, preferring to devote his entire attention to his farm, and by his
industrious habits and genial disposition he has gained the respect of the
entire community in which he resides.

Biographical and Historical
Record of Ringgold and Union Counties...Chicago: Lewis Pub. Co., 1887.
James F.
McCormack, attorney and notary public at Creston, has been a resident of this
city since 1872, and was the first practicing attorney of Creston. He was born
at Tullamona, Kings County, Ireland, in October, 1829. He was educated at Bahan
College, Kings County, and at St. Andrew's College, Scotland; he also attended
Eton College, England. He studied law at the Temple in London, and was at one
time a member of Parliament from the borough of Stockport. Mr. McCormack was an
Irish patriot of 1848, and was tried with Thomas Francis Mahan, William
Smith O'Brien and others, for high treason, and sentenced to be hanged,
quartered and beheaded; but the sentence was commuted to transportation for life
to Van Dieman's Land. After about a year he, with two others, McMahan and
Thompson, made their escape to America on a French vessel. McMahan afterward
became a General in the Union army in the war of the Rebellion. He was drowned
in the Missouri River near Fort Benton. Thompson died several years before the
war. After coming to America Mr. McCormack was engaged in various occupations
for several years. In 1863 he began the study of law at Ogdensburg, New York.
His previous education greatly facilitated his studies, and he was admitted to
the bar in 1864 in Syracuse, the same State. He has been in constant practice
ever since that time. He came to Iowa in 1872, locating at Creston as before
stated, and was admitted at Afton, May 4, of that year, Judge James W. McDill,
presiding. The following year he went to Kansas for the benefit of his health.
He located at Topeka and was admitted by the Hon. John T. Morton, and was at the
same time admitted to practice in the United States courts. After an absence of
a year he returned to Creston and was admitted to the United States Court at Des
Moines, March 9, 1882. He was married in Scotland to Miss Ann Quinn, a native of
King's County, Ireland. They have no surviving children. Mr. McCormack was a
Democrat for several years, but is now a Republican, and did good work for
Blaine in 1884. In religion he is a Roman Catholic.