Daily Times,
Davenport, Scott, Iowa, Dec 30, 1895
This morning shortly after 10 o'clock occurred the death from old age of one
of Scott county's oldest residents, Michael O'Dea, at his home, 1428 Marquette
Mr. O'Dea was born in County Limerick, Ireland in 1820. Like a good many of his
countrymen he decided to come to America, arriving in this country in 1850 and
settling in Princeton county, Kentucky. In 1855 he again moved coming to Scott
county and engaging in farming near this city. This occupation was followed for
twenty-six years, Mr. O'Dea becoming very prosperous and widely known for his
thrift and good management. In 1881 he decided to give up the active life which
necessarily falls to the lot of the farmer and retired, moving to Davenport for
residence. He purchased a home on Marquette street where he has ever since
To mourn the death of the deceased are his wife, one son, John
O'Dea, a sister,
Mrs. Thomas Barron, and two brothers, Patrick and James O'Dea.
The funeral will be held Thursday morning at 9 o'clock with services in St.
Mary's Church and interment in the adjoining cemetery.

Daily Times,
Davenport, Scott, Iowa, Nov 5, 1895
Last evening at the family residence, 1308 west Seventh street, Mrs. Mary
O'Donnell, an old-time and highly esteemed resident of Davenport, passed from
life to death. For sometime past she had been in feeble health and during the
past few weeks her condition had been exceedingly critical. Everything, however,
that medical skill could devise was done to avert the end, but owing to her
advanced age and the severity of the attack death was the victor in the unequal
battle, and at the hour of midnight she peacefully passed away.
The deceased was a native of County Limerick, Ireland, and was seventy-two years
of age. She came to Davenport forty-three years ago and has lived here
continuously during all those years. A woman of kindly and sympathetic impulses,
she made many warm friends during her long residence in this city and among the
wide circle of her acquaintances her death will be generally regretted. The
deceased is survived by a son and daughter-James O'Donnell and Mrs. Maria
Bennett, both of this city.
The funeral will probably take place Thursday morning, although the arrangements
have not as yet been completed.

Davenport Democrat;
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
March 1, 1901, page 4
Matthew Moore, a resident of this city for over 40 years, died last night at
his residence, 952 Judson street. He was born in County Limerick, Ireland,
n. 1834, came to America in 1851, and made his home in Providence, R. I.,
for seven years, being married thee in 1852. He came to Davenport in 1858
and had been an employe at the Rock Island Arsenal for the past 32 years.
His wife, Mary, and seven children survive him. The latter are Michael and
John Moore, Mrs. P. T. Gainey, Mrs. Joseph Cawley, Mrs. M. W. Martin, and
Maggie More.
The funeral will be held Sunday afternoon at 2 ošclock, with services at the
Sacred Heart cathedral and interment in St. Margueritešs cemetery.
Moore March 4, 1901, page 4
The funeral of the late Matthew Moore took place Sunday afternoon with
requiem mass celebrated by Rev. James Davis, V. G., at Sacred Heart
cathedral, and burial in St. Margueritešs cemetery. The pall bearers were
Martin Mulcrone, James F. Bishop, Richard Carnes, Mark Waters, Frank J.
Bishop and James OšDonnell.
Submitted and Being researched by Michael
R Moore

Daily Times, Davenport,
Scott, Iowa, May 21, 1897
At his home 1454 West Sixth street, at 2 o'clock this morning occurred the
death of Thomas Maloney in the eighty-fourth year of his age. Death was the
result of a complication of diseases against which the great age of the
deceased ill could cope.
Mr. Maloney was a native of County Limerick, Ireland where he was born in
1813. He came to this country in 1858, and just before the beginning of the
Civil War he established himself upon a farm near Long Grove, where he
remained until some years ago, when he entered upon retirement, and removed
to the home in this city in which he passed away.
The deceased is survived by his widow and five children, John,
T.F., James
and Patrick and Mrs. T.F. Meagher of Lenox, Iowa.
The funeral will be held from his late residence on west Sixth street at 8
o'clock tomorrow morning with services at St. Mary's church. Interment will
be made at St. Ann's cemetery in Long Grove, Iowa.

Emmetsburg Democrat;
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa; 11 Dec 1912
Was a Pioneer of Allamakee County, Located in Booth Township, This County,
26 Years Ago.
Patrick Maguire died at the home of his son, John T. Maguire, of Ayrshire
last Wednesday after an illness of three weeks. His ailment was stomach
trouble brought on by old age. The funeral took place Friday. Services were
held at the Sacred Heart church, Father Carroll celebrating a requiem high
mass. The burial was in the parochial cemetery. There was a large attendance
at the funeral. The pall bearers were P.Duffy, J.P. Fitzpatrick, Daniel
O'Brien, Daniel Sherlock, J.W. Johnston, and J.J. Brown.
Mr. Maguire was born in the county of Limerick, Ireland, January 22, 1830.
Hence he had almost completed his 83rd year. He left his native country when
19 years of age and came to the United States, landing in New York in
October, 1849. Soon after he went to Oxford, Connecticut, where he worked on
a farm for some time. September 13, 1851,he was married at Arsonia,
Connecticut to Miss Mary O'Reagan of that place. They located on a farm at
Pisgah Hill, Connecticut where they remained until 1855, when they moved to
Union City township, Allamakee county, Iowa. They lived eight years on a
farm, which was located in the valley of the Little Iowa river. It was
eighteen miles to the nearest market. In 1863 they sold out and bought a
farm four miles north of Lansing. In 1883 they moved to French Creek
township, that county and in March, 1866, they came to Palo Alto. They
settled in Booth township. In 1894 Mrs. Maguire's health failed and they
subsequently made their home with their son, John T. Maguire. Mrs. Maguire
passed away eleven years ago. Mr. Maguire was a staunch member of the
Catholic church and died fully fortified by the blessings it gives to
departing souls. He is survived by his two sons, John T. and B.L. [Brian
Lewis] Maguire and his three daughters, Mesdames Joseph Kibby [Margaret
Julia], M.[Michael] Carrigan [Mary], and Peter Waldron [Alice]. Mr. and Mrs.
Maguire were the parents of twelve children, seven of whom are dead. There
are 55 grandchildren, 40 of whom were at the funeral.
Mr. Maguire was among the hardy, rugged pioneers of eastern Iowa. He came to
Allamakee county when the country was comparatively wild. Advantages were
few and personal comforts such as we enjoy at the present time were
practically unknown. But he was a man of strong faith in the possibilities
of our republic and our state and he toiled energetically and patiently and
he succeeded in winning his way to the front among the successful farmers of
his community. When his sons and daughters reached the ages of maturity he
came to this county in order that they might have the advantages that a new
and developing country would offer to them. That he acted wisely is fully
shown by the success that they have attained as substantial and useful
citizens of our county. Mr. Maguire was a man of enobling purposes. In his
conversations with others, he showed that he was a keen observer and a
close, studious reader and that he had a proper regard for the motives and
the convictions of all. He was self-willed and he was tenacious in his
adherence to his ideals and to his purposes. He had the highest
consideration for all that contributes to make the pure, hospitable, happy
home and his life was in harmony with his professions. He lived to a ripe
old age and he had the satisfaction of knowing that he had been generously
rewarded for his many earnest and laborious efforts to do justice to his
station in life and to make the members of his family worthy of the respect
and confidence of society. The writer knew Mr. Maguire intimately for many
years and had the most sincere regard for his candor, his integrity and his
native ability. It is with genuine sorrow that we learn of his death.

Postville Review; Postville,
Allamakee Co. Iowa; July 19, 1890
Mary, wife of Michael FLEMING, of Grand Meadow, after an illness of 3 years
duration on July 9, 1890, aged seventy-three years. Deceased was born in
Limerick, Ireland and when yet a child emigrated with other members of the
family to America, making her home first in New York, where upon growing to
womanhood she was united in marriage to Michael FLEMING, who survives her.
Mr. FLEMING gradually came westward with his family, arriving in Chicago in
1848, making that his home until '56 when he again went west and settled
upon his present farm four miles south of Postville. Those were the times
of the early pioneer and Mr. and Mrs. FLEMING have lived to see many changes
in peoples and country as they were among the earliest settlers in this
locality. The union was blessed with 10 children, 8 of whom survive the
mother and many of whom are located in Clayton Co. The sons, Thomas and
B.C., being well known in this vicinity.
Transcribed by S.F.

Palo Alto Reporter, March 21,
An Aged Citizen Gone
On Monday of this week the people of Great Oak township were called upon
to mourn the loss of one of their old and respected citizens, Mr. Patrick
Malloy, who expired Monday evening at six o'clock. Mr. Malloy has been
in feeble health for nearly two years, but about ten days previous to his
demise, the infirmities of age began to press heavily upon him and he succumbed
to them.
Patrick Malloy Sr., was born in Limerick, Ireland, in the year 1813,
he had arrived at the advanced age of 88. He came to this country in the
year 1840, and settled at Louisville, Ky., where he was afterward married.
Shortly after his marriage Mr. Malloy and wife moved to Alamakee county,
Iowa, and settled on a farm. Here they continued to reside until 1880,
when they came to Palo Alto county and settled on a farm in Great Oak township.
Here in June, 1884, Mrs. Malloy died.
Mr. Malloy was an honest, upright and conscientious citizen. He was always
willing to do acts of kindness and his neighbors held him in high esteem.
He was a successful farmer and was in very comfortable circumstances. He
leaves two sons Patrick and William Malloy, and two daughters, Mrs. Chris
Conlon, and Miss Ellen Malloy, to mourn his loss.
The funeral took place Wednesday morning at ten o'clock from Assumption
church, and the remains interred in St. John's cemetery.
Submitted by Kathleen
Frailey Puls

Iowa Recorder
Greene, Butler, Iowa
August 15, 1906
At the home of his daughter, Mrs. M. Hester, in
Emmetsburg, Iowa, on Wednesday, August 8th, 1906, occurred the death of Mr. Wm.
O'Brien, at the advanced age of almost 85 years.
The deceased was born in County Limmerick, Ireland, and
came to this country when only nineteen years of age, leaving his parents to
make a home for himself in America. He landed in New York City, where he
remained until his marriage to Miss Anna Pratt. Immediately after the young
people moved to Wisconsin, remaining there for ten years and then coming to
Butler county. He lived until about ten years ago, when he went to make his home
with his daughter.
Mr. O'Brien was the father of seven children, three
daughters with the wife and mother preceding him to the great beyond. Three
daughters and one son survive him: Mrs. Mary Hester, Emmetsburg; Mrs. Libbie
Marlow, Allison; Mrs. Nora Laughlin, Pipestone, Minn., and John O'Brien, Greene.
The remains were brought here Friday afternoon and
taken to St. Mary's church, where Father Sheehy conducted impressive services.
Interment was made in the Catholic cemetery south of town by the side of his
The church was well filled with the neighbors and old
friends of the deceased and the following intimate friends of the family acted
as pallbearers: John Downing, Matt Higgins, M. McEniry, James Grady, B. Ramker
and S.A. Clarke.

Chief Reporter; Dallas Co, IA; March 8, 1900
Archbishop Hennessey
died at his home in Dubuque on the 4th, after an illness which had extended over
a period of several weeks. Archbishop Hennessey was born in the county of
Limerick, Ireland, in 1824, and came to the United States when a mere boy. He
was educated in St. Luke's University, completing his course in two seminaries,
and came to Dubuque, Iowa where after a successful term in charge of a parish he
was consecrated bishop September 13, 1866. He was elevated to the archepiscopal
dignity September 17, 1893, and was the ruler of the bishopries centering in
Davenport, Dubuque, Omaha, Lincoln and Cheyenne, beyond whom the only appeal was
to Rome. Archbishop Hennessey had thus been a bishop for thirty-four years, and
in all his career there was no appeal from his decision. When he was created
bishop there were but twenty-seven priests in Iowa, and when he died as
archbishop there were 293 priests in the archdiocese alone, besides 120 in the
Davenport diocese, which was divided from the Dubuque diocese in 1881. There are
now in his diocese two academies and fifty in the archdiocese, 120 parochial
schools, with an enrollment of 15,000, an orphanage, and industrial and reform
school and two other charitable institutions.

Palo Alto Reporter
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Friday, Jan. 29, 1897
Death of John McCoy
Mr. McCoy, one of the old and respected residents of this
county died at his home in Great Oak township, a few miles south of this city,
Wednesday morning at 6 o'clock. For a number of years he has been ailing with
rheumatism and some spinal trouble and for the last year he has been confined to
his bed. The deceased was born in Limerick, Ireland, March 6, 1839, and was 57
years old and ten months at the time of his decease. At the age of six years he
came with his parents and settled in the central part of the state of New York.
Here he grew to manhood and in the early sixties when his country called her
sons to fight her battles, he enlisted in the 147 New York infantry, and for 14
months saw active service. While at the front he was taken with the typhoid
fever, and was sent north to recuperate and subsequently received his discharge.
After the war he and family lived for a short time in the state of Michigan, but
in 1867, he came to Palo Alto county and settled on what he called his old
homestead in the western part of Great Oak township. About nine years ago he
disposed of this and bought the place where he resided at the time of his death.
Mr. McCoy was married at Oswego, N.Y., to Miss Ann Devine, and to them has been
born four sons and five daughters all of whom with the exceptions of Mrs. P.F.
O'Brien who resides in this city, were at home.
Mr. McCoy was an honest, industrious man and ever sought to
deal uprightly with his fellow men. He was highly respected and his death was
deeply regretted by all who knew him. His wife and children have the sympathy of
all in their sad bereavement. The funeral will take place from Assumption church
this morning (Friday) at 10:30 o'clock and will be conducted by Rev. J.J. Smith.

Davenport Daily Republican; Davenport, Scott
Co, IA; Apr 6, 1902
Mrs. Maria Smith
passed away peacefully at 6:10 Saturday afternoon at her home, 324 East Fourth
street, at the age of 81 years. She suffered a stroke of paralysis a week ago
last Tuesday and was unable on account of the infirmities of age to survive the
shock. She was the widow of the late James Smith and was born at Limerick,
Ireland, July 25, 1820. She had lived in Davenport since 1856. The surviving
children are four sons and four daughters, Robert Smith of Chicago, John T.
Smith of Kansas City, George Smith of Minneapolis, and Albert J Smith of
Davenport, Emma M., Lucy S. and Effie M. at home and Mrs. Pierce Burke, also
residing in this city. Robert F. and John T. Smith arrived in the city
The funeral will be held Monday morning at 9 o'clock at
St. Anthony's church, with interment at St. Mary's cemetery.

Davenport Daily Tribune; Davenport, Scott
Co, IA; March 11, 1891
morning at 6 o'clock occurred the death of Mrs. Patrick Hassett, aged 54 years.
Her death was most sudden and unexpected. She has been in ill health for some
time, but yesterday morning she felt better than usual and arose about 5 o'clock
and talked with her daughter for a while, and then returned to her room and
knelt beside her bed as if in prayer. It was while in this position that the
angel of death summoned her soul from its earthly tenement of clay to the
brighter home beyond.
Mrs. Hassett was born in Kilkee, Limerick county,
Ireland, in 1837. In 1857 she came to America and soon arrived in Davenport
where in 1860 she was united in marriage with Patrick Hassett who with five
children survives her.

Ruthven Free Press; Ruthven, Palo Alto,
Iowa; December 30, 1931
A Well Known Pioneer Passes Away at the Age of 85 Years
John H. Brown, well-known resident and an early
settler of Palo Alto county, passed away at his home in Ruthven on Monday
forenoon of this week after a short illness due to the infirmities of old age.
John Hayes Brown was born in Limerick county, Ireland,
on July 9, 1846, and died at Ruthven, Iowa, on December 28, 1931, at the age of
85 years, 5 months and 19 days. He was the son of Patrick Brown and Mary Hayes
On June 23, 1867, he was married to Miss Jane Donahue.
The wedding took place at Limerick, Ireland, and later the young couple came to
this country where they settled at Clinton, Iowa, in 1866 and the family lived
there until 1884 when they purchased a farm northeast of Ruthven where one of
the sons, W.H. Brown now lives, and resided there until 1910 when they retired
from active life and moved to Ruthven where they continued to make their home
for the remainder of their lives. Mrs. Brown passed away on January 7, 1921.
Mr. and Mrs. Brown were the parents of eight children,
two of whom preceded their parents in death.
Mr. Brown is survived by six children: Mrs. Nora
Crowley of Madison, Wisconsin, James R. Brown of Graettinger, Iowa, John Brown,
William Brown, Mrs. T.J. Brennan and Miss Mary Brown of Ruthven. He is also
survived by nineteen grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren.
The funeral services were held at the Sacred Heart
Catholic church in Ruthven this Wednesday morning at 9:30 o'clock with Rev. Leo
McEvoy conducting the funeral services, and burial took place in Calvary
cemetery at this place. The pallbearers were: John Brown, William Brown, James
Brown, William Brennan, William Sullivan and Frank Sullivan.
Mr. Brown was one of the most respected citizens of the
community. He was a hard worker, a careful planner, and a very conservative
citizen, whose decisions carried considerable weight and gave him a prominent
position in the business affairs of his locality. He always took great pleasure
and comfort in his home and he provided most liberally for the comfort of his
wife and his family.
The sympathy of the entire community is extended to the
members of the family and the relatives in their bereavement.

Algona Kossuth County Advance; Algona, Iowa;
September 1, 1959
Whittemore - A long time Whittemore pioneer, Thomas
Carmody, 94, died Thursday afternoon at St. Ann hospital at Algona where he was
a patient 22 months.
Mr. Carmody was born May 21, 1865, near Ottumwa, to
Thomas Carmody and Ellen Boland of the parish of Kilmurry and Capamore, County
Limerick, Ireland.
His father worked on construction of railroads shortly
after coming to the United States and young "Tom" knew no other life
until his parents settled on a farm in Great Oak township, Palo Alto county,
about six miles southwest of Emmetsburg.
When 12 years old, Tom was hired by a railroad
contractor to carry water to a gang on the construction of the Danville, Olney
and Ohio river railroad, at Westfield, Ill.
He had a yoke made such as the Hollander people of
Pella now use in carrying water to scrub streets in preparation for the
The yoke is placed over the shoulder with a pail of
water hanging on a hook attached to the yoke by a short rope on each end of the
yoke so that two pails of water was carried easily.
For this service Tom received 50 cents per day of ten
hours which was big money in those days for a 12-year-old. His father was
employed by the contractor.
At 14, Tom drove a team of mules hitched to a drag
scraper, wheel scraper or wagon with dump boards, as the character of the
grading required, and continued at this work until he was 17 years old when his
parents settled on the farm in Palo Alto County.
The last work he did on the railroad was when the then
called Des Moines and Fort Dodge railroad was completed to Ruthven in October,
He lived on the farm for five years but farm life was
too lonely for him and he worked for a grain, coal and live stock dealer, the
late Thomas J. Duffy, Emmetsburg. He as with Mr. Duffy for five years after
which he located in Cylinder in the grain and livestock business on his own
In 1892 he became manager of the Farmers Elevator Co.
in Whittemore. He was the first manager of the company and this was the second
farmer's elevator organized in Iowa.
After four years he became cashier of the Whittemore
State Bank and was an officer and director of this bank 31 years.
He was also secretary of the Farmers elevator for 17
years and secretary of the Whittemore creamery 20 years. He was a member of the
town council 10 years, and in 1924 was elected mayor and served 12 years.
From 1916 to 1920 he was postmaster in Whittemore and
later was assistant postmaster under the late John S. Culen for 10 years, and
two years as assistant to Mrs. George J. Elbert when he retired from active
May 17, 1893, he was married to Susie Neu, of
Caledonia, Minn., at St. Peter's Catholic church in Caledonia. After a brief
honeymoon they came to Whittemore to live. Four children were born: Margaret
Mary, who died in infancy; Mrs. H.C. (Genevieve) Hargreaves, Omaha; Edmund
Francis, died in 1944; and George W. Carmody, Clinton.
His wife, six grandchildren and nine great
grandchildren, and one sister, Nellie Carmody, Chicago, also survive.
Funeral services were held Monday at 10 a.m. in St.
Michael's Catholic church with Hyink funeral home in charge. The Rev. Robert
Boyle, a relative of Chicago, said the requiem mass.
Among out of town relatives from a distance attending
the funeral were Rev. Robt. Boyle, Nellie Carmody and Mrs. Wm. O'Leary, Chicago;
Rose Hahn, St. Louis; the George Carmody family, Clinton; and Mrs. Dorothy
Carmody, Des Moines.

Davenport Democrat; Davenport, Scott, Iowa; Friday, August
18, 1922
Resided on a Farm Near Long Grove for 25 Years Until 1918
Following a brief illness Mrs. Ella
Tyner, nee Mitchell, 1120 Jersey Ridge road, died at Mercy hospital, Davenport,
at 7:45 this morning. For 25 years she and her husband resided on a farm near
Long Grove until their retirement from farming in 1918.
She was born in Cappamore, county Limerick, Ireland,
May 2, 1867, and came to America in 1882. In 1892 she was married at Omaha to
George W. Tyner, the couple thereafter removing to Long Grove. After their
retirement from the farm in 1918, they came to Davenport to live.
Surviving are her husband, George W. Tyner, three sons,
John W., Robert T., and George W., jr, all of Davenport and a sister, Miss
Louisa Mitchell of Ireland.
The body was removed to the Ebert funeral home, whence
it will be taken to the Davenport residence Saturday afternoon.
The funeral will be held at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon
at the home, 1120 Jersey Ridge road, Rev. Brandenburg officiating, and interment
will be in Oakdale cemetery.

Davenport Democrat; Davenport, Scott, Iowa; Monday, September
7, 1925
Mrs. Johanna Lynch Succumbs; Unconscious Since Wednesday
Mrs. Johanna Lynch, 633 East Fourteenth
street, Davenport, a resident of Davenport for the past 60 years, died at Mercy
hospital this morning at 6 o'clock, following a stroke which she suffered on
Wednesday of last week. She was removed to the hospital, and was unconscious
until her death this morning.
Mrs. Lynch was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs.
Patrick Nagle, and was born in Limerick, Ireland, about 70 years ago. When a
child she came to the United States with her parents, first settling at Gambil,
Ill., and shortly following in Davenport. Her husband, Jeremiah Lynch, preceded
her in death on April 4, 1904.
The deceased was a mother to ten children, six of whom
are still living. They are Mrs. Frank Kelly of Dennison, Texas; Mrs. Harry Pfabe
of Davenport; Mrs. George Ford of Stoughton, Wis; Mrs. Joe Carmichael of Des
Moines; John Lynch of Provincetown, R.I., and William Lynch of Davenport. Eight
grandchildren also survive.
The body will be removed to the home of her daughter,
Mrs. Harry Pfabe, 204 East Dennison avenue, this afternoon for funeral services
to be held at 8:30 a.m. Wednesday with requiem mass at 9 o'clock at Sacred Heart
cathedral, of which the deceased was a member. Interment will be made in St.
Marguerite's cemetery.