Patrick Francis Nolan, a farmer,
was born in County Mayo,Ireland in 1821 and was the eldest son of William and
Bridget Nolan. When 22 years old, he left Ireland and came to America and
located in New York in 1843. Remained there and in PA and VT fifteen years,
working at the trade of founder and moulder, and in 1859 came west to Iowa and
located in Stapleton Township, Chickasaw County, IA where he lived until 1882,
when he moved to Fredericksburg. He married in 1851, to Elizabeth Armstrong, a
native of Ireland, and had nine children: William, Catherine, James, Francis (my
great grandfather), Alice, Thomas, Stephan, Maria and Peter. He was school
director, road supervisor and town treasurer. The family were members of the
Roman Catholic Church.
Being researched by: Patrick
Joseph Nolan III

From: History of Crawford
County, F. W. Meyers. 2 vols. Chicago: S. J.
Clarke Pub. Co., 1911.
John Joseph McDERMOTT
For twelve years past editor and publisher of The Manilla Times, John Joseph
McDERMOTT has acquired a reputation not only as a clear and convincing
writer but also as one of the substantial and progressive citizens of
Crawford county. He was born at Clinton, Iowa, December 11, 1878, a son of
Anthony and Mary Agnes (HOOK) McDERMOTT, the former of whom was a native of
County Mayo, Ireland, and the latter of Liverpool, England. The father, who
was born July 16, 1852, left home at fourteen years of age and became a
sailor but after arriving at manhood decided to try his fortune in America
and came to Clinton county, Iowa. He was married at Toronto, Iowa, to Mary
Agnes HOOK and took up his residence in Clinton, where he continued until
May, 1893, then locating on a farm two and one-half miles northwest of
Manilla in Nishnabotny township, Crawford county. He removed to Manilla in
1908 and died there August 12, 1910. His beloved wife passed away February
3, 1897. Mr. McDERMOTT gave his support to the democratic party, and being a
staunch friend of education served most acceptably for a number of years as
a member of the school board. He and his wife were devoutly attached to the
Catholic church and in their lives indicated a profound desire to follow the
teachings of the Great Master. The last words of Mr. McDERMOTT were
expressive of his deep sense of the presence of God and his desire to meet
once more with his companion, whose death he had sincerely mourned. Our
subject's grandfather McDERMOTT was a native of Ireland and engaged in
farming. He came to America and died at Clinton, Iowa, at the advanced age
of ninety-seven years. There were eight children in his family, namely:
Michael, Anthony, Patrick, John, Mrs. Owen KINGSLEY, Mrs. James SHERIDAN,
Bridget and Mrs. Thomas RIMMER. This branch of the family is of Scotch-Irish
ancestry. James HOOK, the maternal grandfather, married Kate SIBBONS in
England. They came to America and after living for a short time in Clinton
County, Iowa, removed to Crawford county, settling in Nishnabotny township.
They both died at Manilla well advanced in years, having reared a family of
seven children, namely: James, Mary Agnes, Patrick, Mrs. Kate HALEY, Mrs.
James NORKETT, William and Francis. There were ten children in the family of
Anthony and Mary Agnes McDERMOTT, six of whom grew to maturity: John Joseph;
Kathryn, now of Omaha, Nebraska; George, Anthony, Theresa, and Lillian, all
of Manilla, Iowa.
John Joseph McDERMOTT was reared at Clinton until eighteen years of age and
received his education in the parochial and public schools, also attending
the Clinton Business College. After laying his books aside he learned the
printer's trade and has since devoted his attention principally to that
business. In 1896 he came to Crawford county and for the past twelve years
has been publisher of The Manilla Times, an independent weekly newspaper,
which has many readers in this part of the state. he maintains a well
equipped general job printing establishment for general catalogue and other
lines of work in connection with his paper.
On the 5th of November, 1903, Mr. McDERMOTT was united in marriage to Miss
Marguerite BROCKELSBY, a native of Crawford county and a daughter of W.H.
and Malinda BROCKELSBY. The father was born in England and the mother in
Pennsylvania. They came west and settled in Crawford county and are now
living in Hayes township. There were five children in their family: Richard,
Edward, Winifred, Marguerite and Elsie. Mr and Mrs. McDERMOTT have two
children, Joseph Muril and Francis Clyde.
Mrs. McDERMOTT's success in the management of his paper has been due to his
unswerving loyalty to the section in which he lives and the fairness and
impartiality with which he has treated all subject of public interest. A man
of good judgment and fair discrimination, he has proven a safe adviser, and
his aim at all times has been to promote the general welfare rather than to
advocate any special interest. In religious belief he adheres to the
Catholic church, and socially he is a valued member of the Modern Woodmen of
America and the Commercial Club of Manilla.

History of Delaware County, Iowa...Captain John F. Merry, supervising ed. 2
vols. Chicago: S. J. Clarke Pub. Co., 1914
Michael Barr is the owner of a
rich and productive farm of four hundred acres of land situated on section 24,
Prairie township, this county. He was born in Ireland in February, 1850, a son
of Michael Barr, Sr., who was born in County Mayo, Ireland, on the 4th of March,
1823. He remained on the Emerald isle for nine years after his marriage but in
1854 he and his family emigrated to the United States, locating in Scranton,
Pennsylvania, where they remained until 1869. In the latter year they came to
Delaware county and located first in Honey Creek township but subsequently
removed to Prairie township. Mr. Barr was an excellent farmer and his place was
one of the valuable properties of the county and for so many years he was
actively engaged in its operation. However, a year or so before his death he and
his wife removed to Manchester and made their home with their sons, Robert and
John and their daughter Margaret. On the 25th of July, 1913, Mr. Barr, Sr., was
called from this life at an advanced age of ninety years, four months and
twenty-one days. He was a member of the Episcopal church and practiced his life
the teachings of Christianity. At the time of his death a local paper spoke of
him as retaining "in a remarkable degree the clear mind and keen intellect
with which he was richly endowed by nature." The following characterization
is also quoted from the above mentioned journal. "His word was his bond and
he merited the full confidence of the community which he enjoyed. He was of a
jovial nature and was never happier than when entertaining a friend at his home,
so noted for its hospitality. The close of this useful life brings sorrow to his
friends and family." His wife was in her maidenhood Miss Maria C. McCormick
and was born in County Mayo, Ireland, September 25, 1825. Her marriage to Mr.
Barr occurred in Ireland in 1845 and their married life, which was terminated by
his death in 1913, was one of unusual understanding and mutual trust. She
survived her husband for not quite a year, dying July 22, 1914. While a resident
of Ireland she was a member of the Anglican church but after coming to this
country affiliated herself with the Methodist Episcopal church, in which
organization she was a faithful and efficient worker. Her children were as
follows: John, Allan and Robert, all of Manchester; Michael, of this review;
Margaret and Mrs. Elizabeth Leighton, both residents of Manchester; Minnie and
Mrs. J.M. Seaney, of Barry, Illinois; and James, Carrie and Whilhelmina, all of
whom died in infancy.
Michael Barr of this review
received excellent home training and early learned the most practical methods of
agriculture and since coming to manhood's estate has followed the occupation to
which he was reared. Success has attended his efforts and he now owns four
hundred acres of some of the finest land in the county. His farm is situated on
section 24, Prairie township, and is within seven miles of Manchester, the
county seat. He has devoted a great deal of time and labor to the improvement of
his place and it is not only valuable but attractive in appearance.
Mr. Barr was married on the 8th of
January, 1895, to Miss Clara S. Snyder, a daughter of George W. and Mary S.
(Isbell) Snyder, natives of Pennsylvania and Illinois respectively. The father
was born in 1831 and the mother in 1839 and their marriage was solemnized at
Naperville, Illinois, on the 1st of November, 1857. George W. Snyder was a son
of George and Sarah (Bilman) Snyder, who were natives of Ohio and came to
Illinois when he was a lad of ten years. He was educated in the disctrict and
public schools of his native state. He was reared to agricultural pursuits and
his entire life has been devoted to farming. Following his marriage he resided
at Naperville until 1876, when he removed with his family to this county,
settling near Manchester, upon a farm of one hundred and thirty-three acres upon
which he has since resided. In carrying on his farm work Mr. Snyder proved
himself a practical, progressive man, energy and determination being among his
strong characteristics. He began the development of his farm and with
characteristic energy has continued the work of tilling the soil, his labors
bringing about a marked transformation and improvement in the place. He and his
wife are the oldest living couple in Delaware county, and while Mr. Snyder still
performs the necessary work of the fields, his wife manages the household
affairs. In his political views Mr. Snyder was originally a republican but
because of his deep interest in the temperance question transferred his
allegiance to the prohibition party, which he now supports by his influence and
his ballot. Perhaps the strongest element in his life has been the devotion to
the church and his efforts for reform and progress. For many years he has been a
devoted Christian man, holding membership in the Presbyterian church of
Manchester, in which he has served for an extended period as elder, while for
several years he was superintendent of the Sunday school in Milo township. Mrs.
Snyder has always been in deep sympathy with her husband in this work. She was
but seven years of age when she was left an orphan, nor did she even have a
brother or sister, being thus entirely alone in the world. Largely through her
own efforts she educated herself, taught school for several terms and developed
marked talent as a writer, her contributions to magazines and papers being
highly appreciated. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Snyder were born six children: Flora,
Lisle, and Olive, who passed away in infancy; Clara, the wife of the subject of
this review; Leonard, who died in 1888; and Loren, who passed away November 1,
1909. Mrs. Barr before her marriage taught school for a considerable period and
from 1889 until 1893 was a prominent member of the American Educational Aid
Association, and organization which has accomplished much good by providing
homes for homeless children and providing also for the education of deserving
girls. Her life has been actuated by a spirit of broad humanitarianism that has
reached out in sympathy and helpfulness to many. She is also active in church
work and her efforts and influence in that direction have been of marked value
in promoting the upbuilding of the church and the extension of its influence.
To Mr. and Mrs. Michael Barr have
been born six children, namely: Marion, a graduate of Epworth Seminary; Robert,
a junior in the same school; Loren; Margaret; John; and Leonard. The father is a
democrat in his political belief and fraternally belongs to Lodge No. 165, A.F.
& A.M., of Manchester; Olive Branch Chapter, No. 48, R.A.M.; and Nazareth
Commandery, No. 33, K.T. His honored parents left a name that stood for
incorruptible integrity and honor and Mr. Barr of this review has maintained the
family tradition of probity and righteousness of life, discharging to the full
all obligations devolving upon him.

From the book "The History
of Clinton County Iowa" by L. P. Allen (1879)
DOLAN, farmer and stock-raiser; resides in Sec. 12; P.O. Charlotte; born in
County Mayo, Ireland, in 1816. He
married Catharine Murphy, native of same county; he came to the United States in
1848; he lived one and a half years in Rutland Co., Vt.; then removed to
Livingston Co., N. Y., where he lived about three years; he then went to
Illinois; remained one year, and came to Clinton Co. in 1854; purchased part of
his present farm in 1855; has eleven children -- Martin, Thomas, Kate, Mary F.,
Ann I., Sarah E., Michael, Eliza, Theresa, James and Eva Alicelis; has lost
three sons and two daughters. Mr.
Dolan owns about seven hundred acres of land; he is one of the most successful
farmers of Clinton Co.; he came to the county twenty-five years ago, a poor man;
has now several fine farms, well stocked and improved.

From the book "The History
of Clinton County Iowa" by L. P. Allen (1879)
PAT CLARKE, farmer, Sec. 21;
P. O. Elvira; owns 310 acres of land; he was born in County Mayo, Ireland, April
29, 1803, where he was educated; in 1864, he emigrated to this country and
located in Clinton County, Iowa, where he has lived ever since. He married his
first wife, Margaret Rooney, in Ireland, in 1820, and had six children, one only
now living-Mary, wife of James Dolan, of Clinton County. His second wife, Mary
Dolan, he married in Ireland in 1839, and had ten children, eight now
living-Margaret, Ellen, Bridget, Ann, Patrick, Mike, John and Jim all members of
the Roman Catholic Church. He has always been a stanch Democrat. He first
commenced life by dealing in stock in Ireland, and, having some success, he came
to this country and invested his money in lands and located as a farmer in
Clinton County, on the property mentioned above.

Wolfe's History of Clinton County, Iowa; Vol 2; B.F. Bowen & Co;
Indianapolis, Indiana: 1911
Whether the spirit of the times prevailing at the period of a person's birth has
anything to do with his career is a question the biographer will leave to the
psychologists and metaphysicians, yet it is worthy of note here that Thomas C.
Hannaher, a well known and successful grain and flour dealer at Lyons, Iowa, was
born as Macaulay, the great English writer, would have said, "in the brave
days of old," the epoch of the famous "forty-niners," and whether
that had anything to do with it or not, he has been very successful in his life
work and has shown a progressive and courageous spirit in overcoming life's
obstacles. HIs birth occurred at Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, on June 10, 1849, and
he is the son of Patrick and Margaret (O'Conner) Hannaher, both born in County
Mayo, Ireland, the father on January 25, 1813, and the mother in 1823. They grew
to maturity there and were educated in the home schools and married there. In
order to escape the terrors of the famine of 1848 they emigrated to America, and
located in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. They lived there until 1852, and lived for a
short time at St. Charles, Carroll county, Illinois. They came to Lyons, Iowa,
in 1855, and started a general merchandise store on the corner of Fourth and
Main streets when Lyons was a mere hamlet. The father, Patrick Hannaher, was one
of the most important and influential men in the early days of Lyons' history
and did as much, if not more, than any other man in developing the place. He was
looked upon as a leader and was a strong and admirable character and carried the
farming on with credit up to 1861. He was the man who established Main street
and laid it out in its present position, running due east and west. It formerly
angled to the southeast from Sixth street and the position of the old street is
still shown. In 1868 he built the Hannaher block, a three-story brick building,
which was one of the first blocks in Lyons. At that time a three-story brick
building was quite a novelty in this place, but the town grew rapidly and Mr.
Hannaher's wisdom in placing faith in its future was proven. He gave up
merchandising in 1861 and entered the grain business, buying and selling large
quantities of grain which he usually stored in Lyons,- in fact, he became one of
the leading and best known buyers in the Northwest in his day. He built a line
of elevators along the northwest and retired from active business in 1880. He
was highly esteemed by all classes and recognized by all as one of the most
prominent men of Lyons in his day and one of the best friends of that place. His
family consisted of eleven children, named as follows: John died in Dakota;
Thomas C. of this review; Patrick and Mary both died in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania;
Charles, James Edward, Mrs. Dehlia O'Donnell, Margaret; Mary is deceased; Mrs.
Anna Henley; Catherine is a sister of Charity at Lyons, serving under the name
of Sister Augusta.
Thomas C. Hannaher was educated in the public schools of Lyons, Iowa, completing
his education at St. Mary's College, on the lake at Chicago. (This institution
is not now in existence) In 1870 he went into business as a partner with his
father in the grain buying and flour manufacturing business. They owned and
operated large elevators and mills on Front street and they carried on a very
large business. The soon took active charge of the business in 1880, the father
retiring. Thomas C Hannaher was also engaged in buying and shipping live stock.
He has been very successful in whatever he has engaged in and has long been
regarded as one of the leading business men of Lyons. He practically retired
from active business in 1900, but he still looks after his large interests in a
general way and has charge of a thriving grocery store and a flour and grain
Mr. Hannaher is a loyal and prominent Catholic and he organized the Order of
Hibernians in Lyons where he was a young man. At a very early age he began
taking an active part in local politics and when twenty-one years of age he was
elected alderman of Lyons on the Democratic ticket, and he became mayor of the
city at the age of twenty-six, and for a number of years during his active life
he was a prominent figure at all political meetings. He filled the office of
mayor in a manner that reflected much credit upon himself and to the entire
satisfaction of all concerned, irrrespective of party. He did a great deal for
the good of the city and community, carrying forward in a very laudible manner
the commendable work begun by his worthy father.
Mr. Hannaher was married on May 18, 1875, to Martha Jane
Edney, who was born at
Vincennes, Indiana, and who came to Lyons in 1865. Four children have been born
to this union, namely: Thomas E., William John and Leo Patrick; the two latter
are traveling in vaudeville in which they are making a great success all over
the country; Ann B is the daughter.
The Hannaher is one of the most prominent of the Irish Catholic families in
Lyons, and the subject is a man whom it is a delight to meet- clear-headed,
quick-witted, proud of his father's record, as he should be, for he did much for
the people who settled in this community in the early days. He loaned
considerable money, used his influence to bring in capital, and was always
generous and public-spirited. Mr. Hannaher's father was the man who did great
things for the Catholic church, furnishing half the money for a fifty-thousand
dollar building, often furnishing a check for five hundred dollars when things
looked bad. Mrs. Hannaher has also done the same thing.

Wolfe's History of Clinton
County, Iowa; Vol 2; B.F. Bowen & Co; Indianapolis, Indiana: 1911
From the beautiful and far-famed
Emerald Isle comes the genial gentleman whose life record is here briefly set
forth; from the clime of the fanciful Thomas Moore and the patriotic Charles
Stewart Parnell; from the land where glisten the waters of Killarney and where
sweeps the placid River Lee. Such men are always desirable citizens, for they
are not only congenial and cheerful in all situations, but also men of action.
John Joseph Logan, who is one of the well known contractors of Clinton, Iowa, is
a fitting type of such citizens. He was born in county Mayo, Ireland, March 22,
1866, and is the son of Martin J. Logan, who was born and reared in Ireland and
who came to America in 1873. He located in Clinton, Iowa, and he sent for his
family in 1875. He had located on a farm near Clinton and later he moved to a
farm in Center township, this county. In 1883, he moved to Clinton and here
worked as a teamster for several years. His death occurred on May 1, 1909. He
was a Democrat and a member of the Catholic church. His family consisted of four
sons and an equal number of daughters, John Joseph, of this review being the
oldest; James, who lived in Carlisle, Iowa, died August 1, 1910; Ann; Mary
married D.C. Manning and lives in Hampshire township, this county; Martin F.;
Margaret married A.J. Nickson, of Aurora, illinois, Dehlia; Hugh B. lives in
John J. Logan was educated in the public schools of Clinton county and a
business college at Clinton, thus becoming well equipped for a business career.
After leaving school, in order to get a start he began working in a sawmill,
continuing some time, and then he was connected with the wagon works of A.B.
Spies, doing millwright work. Then for a few years he followed contracting,
finally forming a partnership with Butler King under the firm name of King &
Logan, succeeding W.J. Cook in business. They did a very satisfactory business
and in 1904 Mr. King died and since that time Mr. Logan has conducted the
business alone and it has had a gradual and substantial growth and has now
assumed very extensive proportions. Mr. Logan understands thoroughly this line
of work and he spares no pains to please his patrons in every detail, and
because of his integrity and business ability he has the confidence and good
will of his patrons.
Politically, Mr. Logan is a Democrat and a member of the Catholic church;
fraternally, he belongs to the Knights of Columbus and the Catholic Order of
Mr. Logan was married on December 30, 1903, to Mary C.
Hendsey, who was born in
Clinton in 1875. Her parents died when she was an infant and she was adopted and
assumed an adopted name. To Mr and Mrs Logan one child has been born, named
Robert James, whose birth occurred on September 21, 1905.

Wolfe's History of Clinton
County, Iowa; Vol 2; B.F. Bowen & Co; Indianapolis, Indiana: 1911
A worthy descendant of an honored
and influential early family of Clinton county and a progressive and well known
citizen of Waterford township is Michael H Hynes, who was born at Lyons, this
county, August 11, 1857, but since he was about ten years old, he has resided on
the farm. He was educated in the common schools at Lyons and in the country,
attending business college, when eighteen years of age, at Clinton. He is the
son of Martin and Bridget (Dolan) Hynes, both natives of County Mayo, Ireland,
he having been born in 1825. Each accompanied their families to America in 1847,
locating in the state of New York where the elder Hynes worked on public works,
Erie railroad work and the navy yard. He married in 1851 and the following year
came to Lyons, Iowa, where he conducted a hotel for several years, until 1868,
during which time he built several good houses, also conducted a hotel and
purchased a farm near Riggs, this county, moving to the same in 1868, remaining
there until the death of his wife in October, 1886. He had prospered and added
to his land until he owned four hundred and eighty acres in two farms, the
family operating both. After his wife died he made his home with his son,
Michael H. of this review. He finally divided his lands among his children, the
subject receiving two hundred acres, and he still resides on this land. He has
added to this until he now has three hundred and eighty acres. The father lived
with the subject from 1893 until his death, on May 18, 1898, having been killed
in a cyclone which almost utterly destroyed a fine farm, but the subject has
since rebuilt all the buildings and added other improvements until his place
today ranks with the best in the township. Twenty-five people were killed in
that storm which devastated this section of the country, fortunately missing
towns and villages. Mr. Hynes had fifty head of cattle and hogs killed, sixteen
head of horses and four hundred fowls. His loss was ten thousand dollars. The
father was a loyal Democrat, but never aspired to public office. He was a very
successful businessman, having come to this country without means, but by hard
work and good management became quite well-to-do. His reputation was that of an
honest, sincere, earnest man who merited the high esteem in which he was held.
His word was as good as the bond of most men. He was a worthy member of the
Catholic church, and he sleeps the sleep of the just in St. Mary's Catholic
Cemetery, by the side of his wife, who also was a splendid character. Six
children were born to them, namely: Thomas never married and he makes his home
with his brother, Michael H., Mary is Mrs. Martin Moran; Michael of this review;
Catherine is the wife of T.J. O'Mara, of Minnesota; Martin died when five years
of age; John F., is farming in this township on the old homestead, he being the
only child born on that place.
Michael H Hynes, of this review, remained under the parental roof during his
young manhood days, and he was married on October 18, 1892. He brought his wife
to the home where he yet resides. He began shipping fat stock to market in 1880,
continuing his vocation for twelve years, having been very successful. He
continued the stock business after his marriage in connection with general
farming. Fro the past twelve years he has been breeding Polled-Angus cattle, and
now has a fine herd of registered thoroughbreds of this famous breed, also has a
large herd of excellent stock cattle which he is feeding. He is also a breeder
of Belgian horses, and owns stock in two imported stallions, which were sired in
Belgium. He has also begun raising Poland-China hogs, and his wife has a flock
of fifteen hundred Plymouth Rock and Black Minorca chickens, also a fine
assortment of ducks, turkey and geese. Mr. Hynes is making a great success both
as a general farmer and a stock man, his fine stock finding a ready market owing
to its superior quality. He assisted in the organization of the Charlotte
Savings Bank and is a stock holder in the same, and when it was re-capitalized
from twenty-five thousand to fifty thousand dollars he was elected a director.
The popularity of this solid and conservative institution is shown by the fact
that its deposits increase daily, the people having the utmost confidence in the
officers and directors.
Politically Mr. Hynes is a loyal Democrat and has filled the office of school
director a number of years, and he has been treasurer of his township for twelve
years. He is chairman of the Democratic committee and has been a candidate to
the county conventions for many years, and was appointed a delegate to the last
state convention, but was unable to attend. He was elected assessor in 1904, and
has served three terms in a very able manner, giving the utmost satisfaction in
all positions of public trust that he has held. He is prominent in local
political affairs and is well qualified to fill almost any position within the
gift of the people.
Mr. Hynes was married at St. Joseph's Catholic church by Father
Sassen, on the
date mentioned above, to Mary Harty, who was born in this county, August 17,
1862, and is the daughter of William and Mary (Gleason) Harty, both born in
county Tipperary, Ireland, the father in 1817 and the mother in 1830. She came
to Canada with her parents in 1832 and there grew to womanhood, and in August,
1853, married William Harty in Canada. Soon afterwards they went to San
Francisco, California, where they remained three years, then returned to Canada
where they stayed a short time, and then came to Lyons, Iowa, and soon brought a
farm of two hundred and forty acres adjoining the present homestead in Waterford
township where they spent the balance of their days, the father dying April 23,
1890. He carried on general farming successfully, also raised stock. He was a
Democrat and a member of the Catholic church, and a man of the very best
reputation. His widow survived until March 10, 1902. She was also a member of
the Catholic church. The following children were born to them: John, born in
October, 1858, remained single and died August 26, 1909; William, born on the
farm, May 6, 1860, died September 15, 1910; he too, had remained single; Mary,
wife of the subject; Catherine married Frank Burke, of Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
Seven children have been born to Mr and Mrs Michael H Hynes: Mary W., born July
22, 1894, is a student in the high school at Lyons; Bridget L., born July 12,
1895, is a student in the high school at Charlotte; Gertrude C., born February
9, 1897, is attending the home school district; Martin J., born October 19,
1898, died March 10, 1899; William T., born November 15, 1899; Michael F., born
September 29, 1901; Hillm E, born May 2, 1904.
In 1868 Michael H. Hynes walked with his father from Lyons to the spot that was
to be the future home of this influential family. Night overtook them within
three miles of the place and they slept in a straw pile. The rest of the family
went to the farm the day before and he and his father drove the livestock. He
often refers to the primitive conditions of those days and how he worked to
assist in starting a new home in a new land, undergoing the usual hardships and
privations, but in due course of time they had a very comfortable home and an
excellent farm, and from that day to this the family has been regarded as one of
the leaders in the community, or in fact this part of the county.

History of Johnson County,
Iowa...from 1836 to 1882; Iowa City, Iowa: 1883
Michael O’Riley, a resident of
Iowa City and a contractor; was born in County Mayo, Ireland; came to America in
1867; landed in New York city; came to Iowa City, 1871. He was married May 27,
1875 to Miss Maggie Kelty of Iowa City; she died July 18, 1876. He is a democrat
in politics, and served on the police force in Iowa City in 1881. He met with a
severe accident in 1881, but has nearly fully recovered and is engaged in
contracting for digging large ditches, draining lands along the Iowa river in
Johnson county; he understands his business and can get plenty of good work
from his men, for he uses them well. He is a member of St. Patrick’s
Catholic Church of Iowa City.

Past and Present in Allamakee
County, by Ellery M. Hancock. 2 vols. Chicago: S. J. Clarke Pub. Co., 1913.
Fairview township numbers among
its most prosperous and progressive farmers and stock-raisers Richard Kielty,
who owns one hundred and twenty acres of the old homestead, upon which his
father settled in early times, and a half interest in a forty acre timber tract
in the vicinity. He was born in Clayton county, near his present home, November
20, 1862, and is a son of Patrick and Catherine (Geraghty) Kielty, natives of
County Mayo, Ireland, the former born in May, 1817, and the mother about five
years later. The father crossed the Atlantic in 1852 and landed in New Orleans,
whence he moved to Kentucky, then to Ohio and then to Virginia. He married soon
after his arrival and in 1855 moved with his wife to Iowa, settling in Clayton
county, where for a time he engaged in farming in the employ of others. In 1865
he purchased land of his own and upon it resided for eleven years after which he
moved to Fairview township, Allamakee county, and bought the farm upon which the
subject of this review now resides. He operated this for a number of years,
steadily carrying forward the work of its improvement until a few months before
his death, which occurred in September, 1907. He was very prominent in local
affairs, having held various township offices, the duties of which he discharged
in a capable and conscientious way. His wife survives him and still resides upon
the old homestead. She and her husband became the parents of eight children,
five of whom are living.
Richard Kielty acquired his education in the public schools of his native
township and in those of Fairview township, this county, whither he removed with
his parents in his boyhood. He grew up on the homestead and in his youth aided
in its operation, gaining a practical knowledge of the best agricultural
methods. When he was about thirty years of age he and his brother John rented
the home farm, operating it together until 1907, when they purchased the estate
and divided it, Mr. Kielty of this review receiving as his share the one hundred
twenty acres which he still owns. He has also a half interest in a forty acre
timber tract, which he owns in conjunction with his brother. He engages in
general farming and stock-raising, and his interests being carefully and
practically conducted, have proven profitable, so that he is today numbered
among the substantial and representative agriculturists of this vicinity. He is
a stockholder in the Monona Creamery and in the Farmer's Commission Company of
Monona and his ability is recognized and respected in business circles.
On the 29th of July, 1907, Mr. Kielty was united in marriage to Miss Theresa
Schofield, who was born in Linton township, Allamakee county, November 6, 1874,
a daughter of Peter and Ellen (Joyce) Schofield. Mr. and Mrs. Kielty have become
the parents of two children: John Richard, who was born May 14, 1908; and Ellen
Catherine, born June 15, 1910.
Mr. Kielty is a devout member of the Roman Catholic church and is a democrat in
his political beliefs, having served for two consecutive terms as township
assessor. His fraternal relations are with the Modern Woodmen of America. He has
resided in this part of Allamakee county ever since boyhood and has become
widely and favorably known. For a number of years he has been influentially
associated with business and agricultural interests here and is a man whose high
moral character and unquestioned integrity merit the respect and confidence of
his neighbors and friends.

Past and Present in Allamakee
County, by Ellery M. Hancock. 2 vols. Chicago: S. J. Clarke Pub. Co., 1913.
As superintendent of the Allamakee
county farm Oliver A. Dixon has gained the commendation of his fellow citizens,
for his efforts in behalf of those who have come under his care during his
incumbency in office have been of a character to awaken public appreciation and
regard. He was born in Winneshiek county, May 15, 1865, and is a son of William
J. Dixon, a native of County Mayo, Ireland. As a young man the father crossed
the Atlantic and located in Massachuesetts, working at anything which would
bring him income. He married in that state Miss Celia Curran, also a native of
Ireland, and they moved west to Iowa, settling in Winneshiek county, where Mr.
Dixon purchased land and opened up a farm. Three of their children were born in
that section, but they later sold their property there and in 1869 moved to
Allamakee county, buying two hundred and forty acres in Hanover township. They
continued to make their home upon that farm for several years, the mother dying
in 1877. The father later made his home with his daughter, with whom he now
resides, having reached the advanced age of ninety-six.
Oliver A. Dixon was reared upon his father's farm and accompanied his parents to
Allamakee county. From his early childhood he assisted with the work of the
homestead and after reaching maturity took entire charge, remaining as manager
until 1903. In that year he moved to California and located in San Bernardino,
where for one year he was employed by a gas company, remaining a resident of
that city for four years. Returning to Iowa in 1907, he made his home in Waukon
and soon after ward was appointed superintendent of the county farm, assuming
his duties in the same year. In that institution Allamakee county cares for both
its poor and its insane and the home now has thirty-five inmates, all of whom
are under Mr. Dixon's care. With the help of his wife and another married couple
he operates the farm, the products of which in 1911 netted the county over
twenty-two hundred dollars. The property comprises two hundred and forty-nine
acres and under Mr. Dixon's management has been greatly improved, the home
having been remodeled and repaired, a number of the water towers and a hose
house erected, a silo built and cement walks laid wherever needed. Mr. Dixon is
proving himself competent in the performance of the duties that have devolved
upon him in connection with this position and the institution under his
direction is being conducted in a manner which wins him the commendation of all
concerned. He is carrying on its affairs in a most businesslike way, following
the methods most approved in the conduct of public institutions of this
character, and at all times he has an eye for the comfort and well-being of the
inmates, a fact which makes him a popular official.
Mr. Dixon married in Hanover township Miss Kathryn Sullivan, a native of
Layfayette township, Allamakee county. She acquired her education in the public
schools of her native section, in the Lansing high school and later in a
commercial college at Waukon. After her graduation she taught in the public
schools of Allamakee county for several years. Since her husband has has charge
of the county farm she has proven an able, energetic and efficient assistant and
much credit for the good management and excellent condition of the institution
is due her. Mr. and Mrs. Dixon have three children: May and Kathryn, who were
born in San Bernardino, California; and Frances, a native of LaCrosse,
Wisconsin. The family are members of the Catholic church of Lycurgus and Mr.
Dixon is affiliated with the Catholic Order of Foresters. His political
allegiance is given to the democratic party but he has never sought office and
aside from his present position has never been connected with public life. In
private relations he has been actuated by the principles which govern honorable
and upright manhood and the same high ideals have ever been manifest in his
dealings with those with whom he has been connected in an official capacity.

Emmetsburg Democrat, Palo Alto
Co, Iowa; Christmas Souvenir: 1895
The Christmas number of the
Democrat would be incomplete without a brief biographical sketch of Patrick
Joyce, the vice-president of the Brown Land and Loan Co. one of the first
citizens of four city- a gentleman who yields to none in the earnestness of his
devotion to interests of society, education, religion, and everything that our
citizens as a body appreciate and idolize. He was born at Louisburg County Mayo,
Ireland, November 16, 1839. He attended school for a short time in his native
country. There was little hope for an ambitious young man in the land he lived,
so he fixed his heart and hopes on fair Columbia. He reached Liverpool May 13,
1857, and New York City, on the 13th of the following July. Soon after he went
to New York, remaining a year. In 1863 he became a resident of Lansing, Iowa,
where he was engaged in business for several years. In 1871 he came to this
county and settled in the old town. He moved to the new town in September, 1874,
locating his business where his large brick block is situated. In 1884 he was
elected mayor and he served as a member of the city council for ten years during
the early history of our present city. As a merchant he was highly successful
and he enjoyed an extensive patronage. In 1890 he erected the large, three story
brick building, which bears his name and which is the pride of Emmetsburg. Last
June, owing to failing health, he was forced to retire from business.
Mr. Joyce was married to Miss Mary Ellen O'Meara, of Lansing, Iowa, June 21,
1868. They have two exemplary sons-William, who is cashier of the Iowa Savings
Bank, and Joseph, who is attending St. Mary's Academy. Mr. Joyce has for several
years been county delegate of the Ancient Order of Hibernians, in the foundation
of which organization he took a prominent part. He has always taken an active
interest in political affairs, although he has never sought a political
position. He is a man of strong convictions, of sincerity, and of loyal
friendship. The Democrat has always found him a staunch, helpful friend, and it
is indebted to him for aiding to arrange the dates and collect facts concerning
the early history of our town and county. Emmetsburg is deeply indebted to
Patrick Joyce for its material and general development and he has retired from
business cares with the confidence and good wishes of all who know him.

Biographical History of
Pottawattamie County: Lewis Pub. Co., 1891.
Martin Hughes is a native of
County Mayo, Ireland. He was born October 15, 1836, son of John and Mary (Welch)
Hughes. When a lad he was sent to England, and in 1854 he crossed the Atlantic
to America, locating in Upper Canada, where he remained eight months. Then he
came to Iowa, and, after spending two years in Des Moines, in the fall of 1856
he took up his abode in Council Bluffs, where he has since continued to reside.
He began to learn his trade, that of a mason, while in England, which he
completed in very detail after coming to this country. In 1868 he formed a
partnership with the Wickham Bros., with whom he was associated a number of
years. He also turned his attention to agricultural pursuits, as he owned a farm
of 500 acres in Lewis Township, the most of which he disposed of.
Mr. Hughes owns a brick-yard on North Eighth street, the output being about
3,500,000 brick annually and the average number of men employed being
sixty-five. Some of the principal buildings erected by him are the Merriam
block, Sapp building, Episcopal Church, Brown building, the Third street and
Pierce street school buildings, besides many fine structures in Omaha. He is one
of the oldest contractors and builders in the city, and has been one of the most
successful. He has an elegant brick residence, No. 903 Third street, which was
erected in 1888, at a cost of some $25,000, and is one of the finest homes in
the city. He owns a valuable block on the corner of Broadway and Park avenue,
also a block on Main street, in which his son is engaged in business, gents'
furnishing goods. Besides the buildings already mentioned Mr. Hughes owns
thirteen resident properties. All this property is the result of his own
industry and skillful management. He is eminently a self-made man, as he had
comparatively nothing when he came to this city.
Mr. Hughes was married in 1858, to Miss Mary Wickham, who was born in County
Leitrim, Ireland, March 23, 1837, the daughter of Patrick and Celia (Prior)
Wickham. The eleven children born to them are as follows: Ida, wife of Charles
Fox, a resident of Council Bluffs; George, a member of the firm of Hughes &
Son, Council Bluffs; Thomas, engaged in the mercantile business, above referred
to; John J., the third son, is now a junior member of the firm of Martin Hughes
& Sons, and is a late graduate of St. Benedict's College, Atchison, Kansas,
and Celia, Mamie and Martin at home. All the above mentioned have had a thorough
collegiate education, all having graduated except the youngest. Four of their
children are deceased: James, John, Mary and James. The family are members of
the Catholic Church, and in his political views Mr. Hughes is a Democrat.
The firm of Martin Hughes & Son was formed in 1881. They do an annual
business of some $300,000 and their average monthly payroll is about $6,000.
George F. Hughes is a practical mechanic, having learned his trade under his
father. He now assumes the management of the business. The son follows his
father in political views as well as in trade. He is a member of the Catholic
Mutual Benefit Association and carries $5,000 insurance. His father has an
insurance of $20,000.

From: History of Crawford
County, F. W. Meyers. 2 vols. Chicago: S. J.
Clarke Pub. Co., 1911.
The life record of
P.E.C. Lally is
an excellent illustration of what may be accomplished when ambition and
determination point the way. He has never feared to venture where favoring
opportunity had lead the way nor has he failed to use any means whereby he might
develop and strengthen his native powers and talents. In this way he has become
well qualified as a lawyer and today occupies a prominent position at the
Crawford county bar.
He was born in County Mayo, Ireland, June 8, 1856. The genealogy of the Lally
family can be traced for five hundred years in Ireland. John Lally, the paternal
grandfather, a native of that country, devoted his life to farming but died at
an early age, his death resulting from an accident. He had wedded Mary Hester
and they had become the parents of nine children, six sons and three daughters,
Peter, Thaddeus, John, Patrick, Thomas, Frank, Mary, Ellen and Kitty. All of
these children with the exception of Peter, Thaddeus and Thomas came early to
America and settled in different parts of the country. One of the sons, John,
was killed by a rebel sympathizer at Covington, Kentucky, at the outbreak of the
Civil war.
Peter Lally, a member of this family and the father of
P.E.C. Lally, was born in
Ireland and devoted his life to general farming. He was married in his native
country to Nancy Corcoran, whose parents were farming people of County Mayo,
Ireland. Mrs. Lally died on the Emerald isle in 1876, when about sixty years of
age, and in 1881 Peter Lally crossed the Atlantic to America and made his home
with his son Patrick in Vail and later in Denison, Iowa. His death occurred when
he had reached the age of seventy-nine years. Both he and his wife were members
of the Catholic church. Their family numbered four sons and two daughters: John,
who died in Chicago; Sarah, the wife of Henry O'Neill, of County Mayo, Ireland;
Michael, a resident of Manchester, England, who was superintendent of the street
car system there for twenty years; Patrick E.C., of this review; Frank, who died
in New York city; and Mary, who died in infancy.
P.E. C. Lally spent his youthful days upon his father's farm in County Mayo,
Ireland, to the age of eighteen years and during that period attended the
country schools in the acquirement of his education. He afterward began clerking
in Westport, Ireland, and later in Newport. In 1874 he sailed for America,
attracted by the tales which he heard concerning opportunities here offered. He
did not bring with him any false ideas, however, that wealth should be had for
the asking but realized that diligence and determination are the forces which
will swing open the portals of success. For a short time he lived in Chicago and
then removed to DeKalb county, Illinois, after which he worked upon a farm and
engaged in teaching school. In 1877 he came to Iowa, settling in Greene county,
where he was employed at farm labor and on the railroad. He also taught school
and with ambition to direct his efforts into professional channels took up the
study of law under the direction of Hon. J.J. Russell, who directed his reading
until his admission to the bar in 1880. He then located the practice in Vail,
where he remained until his removal to Denison in 1887. Here he practiced alone
until 1889, when he formed a partnership with Judge Conner, and since that time
they have been associates in law practice under the style of Conner & Lally.
This is one of the strongest law firms of the city and its position is indicated
in the liberal clientage accorded them. Mr. Lally has proved himself a strong
and able advocate and safe counselor. He prepares his cases with diligence and
care, and in the presentation of his arguments his deductions follow with
logical sequence.
On the 1st of September, 1880, Mr. Lally was united in marriage to Miss Kittie
Hughes, a daughter of Frank and Margaret (McGrath) Mungon Hughes, of Greene
county, Iowa. This marriage has been blessed with eleven children. Margaret E.,
the eldest, is the wife of Clem M. Mahan, residing on a ranch near Kansas City,
Missouri, and they have two children, Catherine Claudine and Addis Clement.
Thomas A.E. is practicing law in Spokane, Washington, as a member of the firm of
Cannon, Ferris, Swan and Lally. Frank H. is now a senior in the Creighton
Medical School. Genevieve A. is the wife of Dr. P.J. Brannan, of Dennison, and
has two children, Joseph Lally and Robert King Brannan. Beatrice is a graduate
of the musical department of Drake University and of the musical department of
Denison College. Blanid Marie and Inez Clare are pursuing a classical course in
Mount St. Joseph College at Dubuque and both are graduates of the Denison high
school. Rachel, Mary Alexes, O'Connell Lincoln and Patricia Katharine are all at
home. The eldest son is a graduate of Denison College, of the University of
Notre Dame and of the law department of Harvard University.
Mr. and Mrs. Lally hold membership in the Catholic church, in the faith of which
they are rearing their family. Mr. Lally is a fourth degree member of the
Knights of Columbus and his son Thomas is a member of the same order, and both
are members of the Catholic Who's Who in America. Mr. Lally likewise belongs to
the American-Irish Historical Society. He occupies an eminent position as a
representative of the Crawford county bar, is an eloquent pleader and strong in
argument. His friend at different times have urged him to become candidate for
district judge, but he has always refused. His political allegiance was
originally given to the democratic party, and upon its ticket he was elected
county attorney, filling the office for two terms. He is now and advocate of
republican principles, however, he stands at all times a firm supporter of his
honest convictions. He belongs to the library board and is ever a recognized
supporter of measures and movements for the general good. He is an influential
member of the Knights of Columbus and a popular speaker at their gatherings. His
social qualities, his keen intellect and his genuine worth make him a favorite
wherever he is known, and he had long since established himself as a
representative and valued citizen of Denison, seeking at all times the public
good rather than personal advancement.

The History of Marshall County,
Iowa; Chicago: Western Hist. Co., 1878
Martin, farmer Sec. 36; P.O. Marshalltown; born County Mayo, Ireland in 1823;
came to New Brunswick, New Jersey in 1850; moved to Pennsylvania in 1854;
returned to New Brunswick in 1856; thence to Lee county, Ill. in 1860; to
Clinton county, Iowa, in fall of same year and to this county in 1864. Married
Miss Alice McCaffrey in 1857; she was born in the garden spot of the world,
County Monaghan, Ireland in 1823; their children are Mary, born Oct. 6, 1852;
Katherine, born Nov. 16, 1860; Martin, born Nov. 18, 1861. Are members of the
Catholic Church. He owns 120 acres of land, valued at $35 per acre; his
son-in-law, William O'Brien, has 5 children-Alice, born Oct. 31, 1868; Mary,
born Nov. 22, 1871; Maggie, born Sept. 16, 1873; Anne, born Oct. 23, 1875;
Agnes, born Oct. 3, 1877.

History of Tama County, Iowa;
Springfield, Ill.: Union Pub. Co., 1883.
In 1859,
Thomas Cummings, in company with his four sons, became a settler of Buckingham
township, coming from Pennsylvania. The father, and son Anthony, lived here
until the time they died, and two sons, Martin and John are still residents of
the township. They were prominent factors in the development of this vicinity,
and sketches of each are here presented.
Thomas Cummings, deceased, was born in county Mayo,
Ireland, in 1794. He was married in 1821 to Miss Mary Caffery, also a native of
county Mayo. They were blessed with seven children, six of whom grew to manhood.
The wife and mother died in Ireland, in 1848. In 1852, Mr. Cummings joined three
of his sons who had come to America some years previous. He settled in Luzerne
county, Pennsylvania, where he lived until 1859, then came in company with his
sons, to Tama county, Iowa. He settled in Buckingham township and there lived
until his death, which occurred in December of 1866.
His eldest son, Anthony Cummings, deceased, was born in
county Mayo, Ireland, April 27, 1822. His education was partially acquired in
the public school, and afterwards completed by six terms at a select school in
his native parish. In 1848, he emigrated to America. The ship landed him at
Quebec and he remained in Canada until August of the following year, when he
crossed over to the United States, and located in Luzerne county, Pennsylvania.
There he was employed by a Pennsylvania coal company as weigh master. In 1850,
he sent sufficient money to Ireland to enable two of his brothers to join him in
America; two years later, the three sent back money that their father and two
remaining brothers might cross the ocean. In 1850, Anthony's employers opened a
union store and selected him to take charge of it. His marriage with Miss Ann
Neiry occurred in 1851. During 1859, in company with his father and three
brothers, he came to Iowa for the purpose of making a permanent home. They
settled in Tama county, buying land on sections eleven and fourteen, of
Buckingham township. Until 1860, they all lived together in a log house, on
section eleven. However, during that year, they erected a frame house on the
same section, and into it his father and two brothers moved. The subject of this
sketch continued to live in the pioneer log cabin until 1861, when he removed
into a frame house which he had built on section 14. Three years later he
erected another frame house on the same section, to which he made additions and
in which his widow now lives. Of his family, there are nine children living:
Thomas, Mary A., Rose D., Francis, John, Kate, Eunice, Albert and Lizzie. His
widow owns five hundred acres of land, all of which is under improvement. Mr.
Cummings enjoyed the confidence and respect of his community and held several
offices of trust in the township. He died at his home in Buckingham township,
Tama county, on the 16th of April, 1883. Mass was celebrated by Rev. Father
O'Brien, in the Catholic Church at Lincoln, Black Hawk county, this State. The
funeral sermon was preached by Rev. Scallan, of Waterloo. The deceased was a
member of the church at Lincoln, and was buried in the Catholic cemetery at that
Martin Cummings, son of Thomas Cummings, was born in
county Mayo, Ireland, in 1830, and was there raised to agricultural pursuits. In
1852, Mr. Cummings came to America, landing at new York city on the 4th of July.
He went from there to Luzerne county, Pennsylvania, where he was engaged in
mining one year; then went to Illinois, where he was employed laying track on
the Rock Island railroad and later on the C.A. & St. L. railroad. In 1855,
he started for California. He left New York city march 5, went by way of the
Isthmus of Panama and arrived in San Francisco on the 28th day of the same
month. He followed mining in California until November, 1858; then returned to
New York; thence to Luzerne county, Pennsylvania, where he remained until
January, 1859. At this time he came to Tama county, Iowa, with his father and
brothers and located land in Buckingham township, where he now lives on a finely
improved farm. Mr. Cummings was married, in 1865,to Miss Jane Eagan, who has
borne him eight children: Mary J., Catharine E., Thomas, Rosa A., Margaret,
Elizabeth, John J. and James M.
John Cummings, fourth son of Thomas Cummings, was born
in Ireland, March 4, 1853. Mr. Cummings made his home in his native country
until 1850, when he came to America and joined his brother Anthony in Luzerne
county, Pennsylvania, where he engaged in mining near Scranton. Here he remained
until 1854, when he went to Illinois and engaged in laying railroad iron near
Joliet. In the spring of 1855, Mr. Cummings went to New York city, from whence
he started to California by way of the Isthmus. There he followed mining until
the fall of 1858, when he returned to the Eastern States. In 1859, in company
with his brothers, he came West and located land in Buckingham township, Tama
county, Iowa, on sections 11 and 14. He now lives on section 11 and like his
brothers has been very successful as a farmer, owning four hundred acres of
improved land. Mr. Cummings was married, in 1870, to Miss Hannah Barrett, a
native of Ireland. They have been blessed with seven children: Mary, Ann, Ellen,
Barbara, Kate, Thomas and Eunice.

Historical and Biographical
Record of Black Hawk County, Iowa. Chicago: Inter-State Pub. Co., 1886.
McNally, residing on section 1, Lincoln Township, where he has made his home for
over twenty years, was born in County Mayo, Ireland, August 27, 1838, a son of
John and Eliza (Dennis) McNally, the father being of Scotch descent. His boyhood
days were spent on a farm in his native country and after reaching manhood he
engaged in business on his own account. July 1, 1863, he was married to Miss
Sarah Burke, a native of the same county as her husband, born in April, 1840.
Ten children have been born to them, of whom seven are yet living-Joseph,
George, John, Lizzie, Hervia, Freddie and Mabel. Thomas, Albert and Maria are
deceased. Mr. McNally left Ireland with his family in January, 1865, and toward
the close of the same month landed in New York City. He came at once to Black
Hawk County, Iowa, and for two years farmed on rented lands in Union Township.
In 1867 he bought eighty acres of his present farm on section 1, Lincoln
Township, which he immediately began to improve. He is a prosperous and
energetic farmer, being ranked among the best in the neighborhood. He began life
in Black Hawk County with only a few dollars, but by his untiring industry and
frugality, together with his good judgment, he has acquired a fine property, his
farm containing 200 acres which is mostly devoted to stock-raising and dairying.
Mr. and Mrs. McNally and their eldest son are members of the Baptist church. In
politics Mr. McNally affiliates with the Republican party. He is possessed of a
wonderfully retentive mind and in Biblical knowledge he perhaps excels any man
in the community in which he resides. He takes an active interest in educational
matters and is giving his children the best of school advantages. His eldest
son, Joseph, is at present attending the State Normal School at Cedar Falls.

Historical and Biographical
Record of Black Hawk County, Iowa. Chicago: Inter-State Pub. Co., 1886.
Robert H.
McNally was born in County Mayo, Ireland, January 4, 1849. In 1865 his parents,
John and Eliza (Dennis) McNally. left their old home in Ireland and with their
four children embarked for America landing at Quebec. They at once proceeded to
Cedar Falls, Black Hawk County, Iowa, where they had relatives, and there made
their home for a short time. The father bought land in Union Township, where he
settled, but he did not live to enjoy his home, his death occurring in 1866, at
the age of sixty-two years. His widow survived till March 5, 1883, dying at the
home of her son John, in Black Hawk County, aged seventy-four years. Of their
children, John lives in Palo Alto County, Iowa; Peter resides in Lincoln
Township; a daughter, Mrs. Maria Fuller, resides in Clay County, Iowa, and our
subject. Their daughter, Mrs. Lizzie Coughlin, remained in Ireland, where she
still lives. Our subject commenced life for himself at that age of sixteen
years, and for three years worked as a farm hand. He then farmed for himself on
rented land for a few years, and in 1875 he purchased his present farm of 160
acres on section 10, Lincoln Township, where he is devoting his attention to
stock and dairy farming. October 4, 1882, he was married to Miss Ida J.
Thompson, who was born in McDonough County, Illinois, November 8, 1862, a
daughter of W.P. Thompson, of Lincoln Township. This union has been blessed with
one daughter-Dora Irene. Mr. McNally is one of the active and enterprising
citizens of Lincoln Township, and during his residence here has won the respect
and confidence of all who come in contact with him. He has filled most of the
offices of trust and responsibility in his township, serving in all with
satisfaction to his constituents. In politics he affiliates with the Republican
party. Both he and his wife are members of the Baptist church.

The History of Jackson County,
Iowa...Chicago: Western Hist. Co., 1879.
Riley, farmer, Sec. 26, P.O. Preston; was born in the county of Mayo, in
Ireland, in 1812, and was an infant when his parents emigrated to the United
States; on the 15th day of November, 1864, he emigrated to Jackson Co., Iowa,
and has lived there ever since. He married Catherine Strong, a native of
Ireland, in Jefferson Co., N.Y., on the 19th day of May, 1844, and had fourteen
children, nine of whom are living-Kate, Annie, Mary, Margaret, Rosa (the
afflicted), Ellen, Johanna, William Henry and Terressa Jeanie; his deceased
children are Maggie, Thomas Mathew, Edward William, Patrick Edward and Joseph.
He is a stanch Democrat in politics; he is a Roman Catholic in religion. He had
but a limited capital when he first came to Iowa, and now he has a beautiful
homestead and a fortune of from $25,000 to $30,000; owns 170 acres of land, also
one town lot and dwelling in the town of Preston.

Portrait and
Biographical Record of Dubuque, Jones and Clayton Counties
Chicago: Chapman Pub. Co., 1894
JAMES SWEENEY. Many pleasant homes may be seen
throughout Dubuque County and some are of more than ordinary beauty, either in
architectural design or surroundings. Among those in Dubuque Township that are
commodious and set in the midst of broad fields is the farm owned and occupied
by Mr. Sweeney, which comprises one hundred and sixty acres.
The tract is well located and bears the improvements usually made by a man who
desires to keep up with the times and surround himself with the conveniences of
rural life. Honest and persistent effort on his part has been
crowned by success, and to-day he ranks among the prosperous citizens of
the township, The parents of our subject, Miles and Mary (Flynn) Sweeney, lived
and died in Ireland, where the father was superintendent of a landlord's estate
during the greater part of his life. They were honest and industrious
people, and reared a family of twelve children. James was born in County Mayo,
July 20,1820, and spent the years of youth and early manhood in the land of his
birth, having no educational advantages. In 1849 he crossed the ocean and after
a voyage of five weeks between Liverpool and New York landed in the latter city.
From there he went to Geneva, N. Y., where for five years he was employed by the
month. In September, 1856, Mr. Sweeney
married Miss Margaret Kevins, who was born near her husband's native home. They
have been the parents of twelve children, of whom ten are living, as follows:
Mary, Miles, Anna, Sarah, William, James, Robert, Charles, Lizzie and Lucy.
After his marriage Mr. Sweeney settled in the vicinity of his present home. In
1859 he began to operate a rented farm, upon which he
engaged in tilling the soil for ten years. He then purchased one hundred and
sixty acres comprising his present homestead. At the time of purchase this was
almost wholly unimproved, and its present neat appearance is due to the energy
of the owner, who has erected all the buildings, planted the trees and
transformed the property into one of the most attractive homes of the county.
The principles of the
Democratic party receive the hearty and loyal support of Mr. Sweeney, who,
however, has been too much engrossed in his personal affairs to take an active
part in public matters. As a citizen he has been active in every way and has
given liberally to churches and schools, especially to the Catholic Church, of
which he is a member. He had
no one to help him start in life, but was obliged to make his way in the world
as best he could. That he has succeeded in his worthy enterprises is shown by a
glance at his fine estate.
--Contributed by Becky Teubner

Edgar Rubey. A Narrative History of the People of Iowa. Vol III. Chicago:
American Historical Society, 1931
p. 314
THOMAS A. MORAN, physician
and surgeon, is practicing his profession in his native town of Melrose, Monroe
County, and that community recognizes its debt to him not only as a professional
man, a skilled and earnest worker, but as a citizen with a wholesome interest in
the community as a whole and every family group therein.
Doctor Moran was born at Melrose October 18, 1876, son of
Anthony and Bridget (McCaffery) Moran. His parents were born in County Mayo,
Ireland, and were married in Pennsylvania, and in the early 1870s came to Monroe
County, Iowa, living on a farm. His father died in January, 1909, and his mother
in December, 1916. Doctor Moran was a country boy in Iowa, attended country
schools, but looked beyond the horizon of farm life to a professional career. As
one step in his progress he attended what was then a very fine educational
institution, the old Stanberry Normal School at Stanberry, Missouri. Later he
entered the School of Pharmacy of Highland Park College of Des Moines, where he
was graduated in 1902. His knowledge of pharmacy was valuable to him in
different ways while completing his medical education. In 1907 he was graduated
from Barnes Medical School in Saint Louis, and had one year of interne
experience and training in the woman's department of the City Hospital of Saint
With this training completed Doctor Moran returned to Melrose
and entered into association with his life long friend, Dr. Michael F. Riordan,
in June, 1908. Some of his first readings in medicine had been under the
direction of Dr. Riordan, and he has always felt deeply indebted to him for his
loyal encouragement and help. For a number of years Doctor Moran has had more
than a local reputation as a specialist in eye, nose and throat diseases. He has
kept himself up-to-date by post-graduate work in the Chicago Poly-clinic,
Chicago Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Hospital, and Chicago Post Graduate School. He
is secretary of the Monroe County Medical Society, member of the Iowa State
Medical Association and a fellow of the American Medical Association.
Doctor Moran has for twenty years been a member of the
Melrose Board of Education, and during seventeen years of this time has been
president. He is affiliated with the Knights of Columbus. During the World war
he volunteered but being the only doctor at Melrose the Government kept him
there, where he was able to serve his country to a greater advantage than in the
field. He prizes the badge of voluntary war service bestowed upon him by the
Government. He enrolled in the Volunteer Medical Service Corps October 14, 1918.
Doctor Moran married in June, 1909, Miss Margaret Cummins, of
Lucas County, Iowa, daughter of James and Johanna (Geary) Cummins. Her father
was born near Dublin, Ireland and died in Iowa in 1915, and her mother passed
away in 1925. The four children of Doctor and Mrs. Moran are: Walter, now a
student in the Junior College at Albia; Mary, who graduated from the Melrose
High School in 1929; and Thomas Jr., and John A. Doctor and Mrs. Moran have a
splendid home among the hills of Melrose, overlooking magnificent scenery in the
country round about.

Harlan, Edgar Rubey. A
Narrative History of the People of Iowa. Vol IV. Chicago: American Historical
Society, 1931
p. 91
M.D. A physician of more than ordinary skill, widely-known throughout Blackhawk
County, Dr. Thomas F. Thornton is a leading member of the medical profession of
Waterloo. He was born on a farm in Lincoln Township, Blackhawk County, Iowa, a
son of Thomas Thornton and a grandson of a native of Ireland, whose entire life
was spent on that island. After his death his widow, grandmother of Doctor
Thornton, moved with her children to Glasgow, Scotland.
The father of Doctor Thornton, Thomas Thornton, was born in
County Mayo, Ireland, but accompanied his mother to Glasgow, and he and his
brother William were the only members of the family to come to the United
States. William Thornton settled in Wisconsin, but is now deceased, although his
son and daughter survive him. From the time he was seven years old until 1861,
Thomas Thornton lived at Glasgow, and in the latter year came to the United
States and went into the lumbering industry in the vicinity of Green Bay,
Wisconsin. After ten years of hard work in the labor camps, during which period
he saved his money, in 1871 he came to Blackhawk County and bought a tract of
land from the Government for $1.25 an acre, a few acres of which were broken.
Returning to Wisconsin he spent the winter in that state, and then, in 1872,
came back to his claim, arriving in the spring. On it he erected a small farm
house that was occupied by the family for thirty years. He also planted all the
fine large trees that now beautify the place, as there were not trees there at
the time. The first home has been replaced with one much more commodious. All of
the necessary farm buildings have been erected; the machinery is modern and well
cared for and the 200 acre farm is one of the best-improved and productive
properties in the county. At the time Thomas Thornton came to Blackhawk County
this section was but sparsely settled, although Waterloo was a thriving village.
Wild game was plentiful, but there were difficulties in getting in commodities;
there were but few improvements, and it took faith to venture into a region
where so much remained to be done before living was comfortable. The mother of
Doctor Thornton was Miss Hannah C. Hagerty before her marriage, and she was born
at Clumet, Michigan, a daughter of Dennis Hagerty, of Irish Ancestry, and an
early settler of Michigan. During the war between the states Mr. Hagerty served
in the Union army, and following his honorable discharge from the army at the
close of the war he settled in Texas, and there died of yellow fever when only
thirty-nine years old. His wife was a member of the Kelly family, and she
survived him many years, dying in 1914, at the age of eighty-seven years. Mr.
and Mrs. Thornton had twelve children born to them, and all of them were living
in 1930.
When the Thorntons came to Blackhawk County the development
at Waterloo was mainly along the west side of the river, and it was considered a
great treat by the children to be permitted to ride into town with their father.
Doctor Thornton first attended the rural schools of Lincoln Township and later
the Iowa State College, Cedar Falls. Still later he entered the Creighton School
of Pharmacy, Omaha, Nebraska, and was graduated therefrom in 1909, after which
he entered the medical department of Creighton College, and was graduated
therefrom in 1913, with the degree of Doctor of Medicine. From the summer of
1912 until the fall of 1913 he served as an interene at Saint Joseph's Hospital,
Omaha, after which he came to Waterloo, where he has since remained, building up
a very large and valuable practice. At different times he has done post-graduate
work in he best hospitals of Boston, New York City, Philadelphia, and Chicago,
and is one of the best surgeons in Waterloo.
In the year 1915 Doctor Thornton married Miss Veronica M.
Finley, daughter of John C and Maria (Denning) Finley, farmers at Ferryville,
Wisconsin. Mrs. Thornton was born at Ferryville, Wisconsin, and they have four
children: Thomas F., born April 24, 1916; John F., born September 30, 1917; R.
Joseph, born March 12, 1920; and Maurita, born April 5, 1924. By a former
marriage Doctor Thornton has two other children: Edna Marie, born March 29,
1910, is a member of the Foreign Mission Sisters of St. Dominic of Maryknoll,
New York, and is now known as Sister Miriam Thomas. The work of this order is
among the oriental countries, such as China, Japan, Korea, Philippines, Hawaii,
and also missions on our own Pacific coast for oriental immigrants. Sister
Miriam Thomas is now in training for this type of service and will be ready for
foreign duty in January, 1932. The other child of Doctor Thornton is T. Eugene,
who is in the class of 1934 at Columbia College, Dubuque. Doctor Thornton and
his family belong to the Sacred Heart Catholic Church, and he is a member of the
Knights of Columbus, B.P.O. Elks and Kiwanis Club, of which he is a past
president and in 1923 was delegate to the National Convention at Atlanta,
Georgia. He also belongs to the Blackhawk County Medical Society, of which he is
also a past president; the Iowa State Medical Society, of which he was chairman
of the Surgical Section in 1929, and the American Medical Association of which
he has for the past few years been a delegate to the House of Delegates and is
a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons. In 1929, Doctor Thornton
took with him as partner, his cousin, Dr. John W. Thornton, a graduate of Rush
Medical College and interne of Cook County Hospital. He is a son of Dr. John H.
Thornton, deceased, formerly of Lansing, Iowa.
In the pursuit of his honorable professional career Doctor
Thornton has gained a strong position by the ability with which he has accepted
and discharged his responsibilities, and while he has made a steady progress in
the peaceful accumulation of the fruits of his vocation, he has established
himself in the confidence and hearts of the people of Waterloo, and few men
stand any higher in popular esteem than he.

Biographical History of
Shelby and Audubon Counties, Iowa. Chicago: W. S. Dunbar, 1889.
THOMAS Cosgrove, a
farmer and stock raiser of Washington Township, has been identified with the
interests of Shelby County, Iowa, since 1875. He was born in the County Mayo,
half baronet of Erris, Ireland, July 25, 1928, and is the son of James and Mary
(Robinson) Cosgrove. They were the parents of ten children, all deceased, except
Thomas. In 1847 he left Ireland and went over to England, remaining there until
1849, when he went to the Isle of Wight. There he remained until 1851, when he
crossed the sea in the service of the British army, under Colonel Lochair. He
was stationed at Halifax, and in 1852 he went to Boston and entered the United
States service in Company G, Third Artillery, commanded by Major Robert
Anderson, at Fort Sumter. On account of disability he was discharged July 19,
1863. From Boston he went to St. Louis the same year, and worked at his trade in
a foundry for three and a half years. For several years after that he was
engaged in running a stationary engine. He left St. Louis in 1863 because he did
not wish to join the Southern army, and came to Clinton County, Iowa, engaging
in farming and keeping a grocery store. In 1875 he came to Shelby County, as
before stated. His first investment in the county was in eighty acres of wild
land. He owns at the present day 240 acres, all under cultivation. He carries on
general farming, and devotes some time to raising special grades of live-stock.
Politically Mr. Cosgrove casts his vote with the Republicans. He has served his
township as road supervisor and as school director. He was married in 1856 to
Miss Mary W. McAndrews, daughter of Antony and Mary (Burk) McAndrews. The
wedding occurred in St. Louis. Mrs. Cosgrove was born in Ireland in 1834. They
have had born to them eleven children; two of them died in St. Louis when
children, and were buried there. James, a promising young man, died in Shelby
County, Iowa, at the age of twenty-nine years. Those living are- Sarah, wife of
Michael McAndrews, James, a promising young man, died in Shelby County, Iowa, at
the age of twenty-nine years. Those living are-Sarah, wife of Michael McAndrews;
Margaret, Ross, wife of Michael Nash; Mary, wife of Patrick Grady; Bridget,
Antony, Dominick and Catherine.

A Memorial and Biographical record of Iowa. Chicago: Lewis
Pub. Co., 1896
WILLIAM MORAN, who is now living retired in one of the finest homes of
central Iowa, well deserves representation among the leading citizens of Dallas
county. He is one of the honored sons of Erin, having been born on the 12th of
July, 1861, in county Mayo, Ireland, which was also the birthplace of his
parents, William and Mary (Moran) Moran. In May, 1867, the family bade adieu to
the Emerald Isle and sailed for the United States, coming direct to Dallas
county, Iowa, and locating on the farm which is now the home of our subject. The
father purchased 160 acres of wild land, which he at once began to clear and
improve, making it a valuable property. His death occurred when past the age of
eighty years, and his wife is still living, at the age of seventy. In their
family were five children, three of whom survive, namely: William and Mary, who
reside on the old homestead; and Mrs. Bridget Tiernan, a widow living in Des
Our subject and his sister, Mary, together with their
aged mother, live on the old homestead which was left to the children. The
paternal grandparents, John and Mary (Doyle) Moran, were both natives of county
Mayo, Ireland, and there spent their entire lives. The maternal grandparents,
William and Catherine (Donahue) Moran, were also natives of that locality, and,
though bearing the same name as the paternal grandparents, were no relation.
William Moran died in his native land, after which his widow came to America and
passed away in Dallas county, Iowa, at the age of eighty-five.
The gentleman whose name heads this review was only six
years of age when the family arrived in the United States. In the usual manner
of farmer lads he spent the days of his boyhood, and in the district schools of
the neighborhood acquired his education. The old homestead comprises 1200 acres
of rich and arable land, being one of the most valuable properties in this
section of the State. Mr. Moran has always been identified with agricultural
pursuits, but does not engage in the active cultivation of his land, devoting
his energies only to its superintendence. In 1895 he and his sister Mary had
erected on the old homestead probably the finest farm house in central Iowa. It
is a commodious modern structure and in a style of architecture is a combination
of the Queen Anne and French villa style. It was designed by Mr. Moran and would
do credit to any professional architect. This handsome structure is beautifully
and tastefully furnished throughout, the parlor furniture being of solid
mahogany, inlaid with mother of pearl. It is supplied with all the comforts and
conveniences that go to make life worth the living, and is the abode of one of
the most prominent families of Dallas county.
Mr. Moran and his sister are devout and honored members
of the Catholic church, and in politics he is a Democrat.

A Memorial and Biographical record of Iowa. Chicago: Lewis
Pub. Co., 1896
MARTIN O'MALLEY was for many years one of the prominent and representative
agriculturists of Dallas county, Iowa, but is now practically living a retired
life at his beautiful home in Bouton, where he is surrounded by many warm
friends and acquaintances.
He is a native of the Emerald Isle, born in County
Mayo, on the 10th of November, 1834, and is a son of John and Ann (Dolan)
O'Malley, whose births occurred in the same county. The parents, on coming to
the New World in 1864, located in Iowa, and in Dallas county the father died at
the very advanced age of ninety years, and the mother at the age of seventy
To agricultural pursuits our subject has devoted his
entire life, having been reared to that occupation. At the age of twenty-two
years he wedded Julia Basquill, who was also born in County Mayo, Ireland, and
is a daughter of John and Bridget (Carrigan) Basquill, who spent their entire
lives there. Mrs. O'Malley is one of a family of seven children, all but one of
whom are still living. After his marriage our subject still continued to carry
on farming in his native land until 1863, when he came to the United States,
leaving Westport, Ireland, for Liverpool, where he took passage for New York. He
came direct to Clinton county, Iowa, where he arrived without funds, and was
obliged to borrow $5 in order to obtain some working clothes and other
necessaries, but by persistent energy and untiring perseverance he has worked
his way upward until he now ranks among the prominent and well-to-do
agriculturists of Dallas county. After a four-years residence in Clinton county,
he arrived in Dallas county, in 1867, where he purchased forty acres of land, on
which he built a small frame shanty, 12x24 feet. For five years that dwelling
served as his home, when he erected a more commodious structure and there
continued to reside until 1804 since which time he has lived in his
beautiful home in Bouton where he is surrounded by all the comforts and many of
the luxuries of life. To his original tract of forty acres, Mr. O'Malley added
from time to time until he now owns 700 acres of as fine land as is to be found
anywhere in the State.
No citizen in the community stands higher in the
estimation of his fellow men than does our subject, who with his son John takes
an active part in public affairs. At the age of twenty-one the latter was
elected Township Assessor, in which office he served for six years, and is now
filling the position of Postmaster of Bouton, where he conducts a large store in
connection with buying grain. The other children of the family are Mary; Eliza,
who is married and has one child; James, who is married and has one child;
Bernard, who is married and has one child; and George and Julia, who are still
at their parental home. The family are very prominent in social circles
and have the confidence and high regard of all who know them.