Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, Oct 16, 1912
Her Death Occurred at the Home of Her Daughter, Mrs. J.F. Dealy, Friday Evening.
Last week brief mention was made of the serious
illness of Mrs. Catherine O'Toole. She had been about as usual and though
advanced in years, was apparently quite rugged. Monday evening of last week she
was stricken with paralysis while about to sit down to the supper table. She
never regained consciousness. She lingered until Friday evening when she passed
away. The funeral was held Monday morning. Services were conducted at St. Thomas
church, Father McNerney saying a requiem high mass. The burial was in St. John's
cemetery. The pall bearers were T.J. Duffy, M.F. Kerwick, Thomas O'Connor, J.P.
Crowley, M Hester, and E.J. Higgins.
Catherine Toole was born in Louisburg, in the county of Mayo, Ireland, November
1, 1826. She came to America at about the age of 17 and a year later was married
in Pennsylvania to Patrick O'Toole. Mr. and Mrs. O'Toole were residents of
Allamakee county, this state, for some time. Mr. O'Toole died a number of years
ago. Mrs. O'Toole spent the greater part of the past forty years in Humboldt and
Palo Alto counties. During the past eleven years she lived with her daughter,
Mrs. J.F. Dealy, of this city and her son, Dr. C.S. O'Toole, of Vienna, South
Dakota. She arrived in this city from Vienna a couple of months ago to spend the
winter with Mrs. Dealy. Ten children were born to Mr. and Mrs. O'Toole. Six are
living. They are Thomas, James and Mrs. S. Berry of North Dakota, Edward F
O'Toole of Isabel, South Dakota, and Mrs. Dealy of this place.
Mrs. O'Toole enjoyed the privilege of a long, well spent, active, and useful
career. She participated for nearly 90 years in the activities and in many of
the achievements of the greatest centuries in the world's history. She was one
of the pioneer women who toiled zealously and patiently for three score years
and ten to make this, the land of her adoption, the abiding place of the
advantages, comforts, and other blessings enjoyed by the present generation.
Though humble and quiet, she did her part cheerfully and heroically in the great
work that has been accomplished. Providence was kind and generous to her in many
ways, bestowing upon her the blessings of health and strength, though her
declining years brought some of the physical afflictions that the most favored
are, at times, called upon to bear. Mrs. O'Toole was pleasant and humorous and
she was usually disposed to look upon the bright side of affairs. She was loyal
in her friendship. She would cling tenaciously to those in whom she had learned
to place confidence. She was a woman of strong religious faith and she was a
practical member of the church to which she belonged. What a source of
satisfaction and consolation this is to the average mother in her most annoying
and trying hours. The death of Mrs. O'Toole will be generally and sincerly
mourned by the many who knew her and who had learned to esteem her for her high
motives and her praiseworthy deeds. The sympathy of all is extended to the loss
of her who was to them the kindest, the most loving and most dutiful, the best
of mothers.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, 13 Apr 1921
Patrick Hoben Who Settled in Highland Township in 1882
Saturday evening at 10:20 Patrick
Hoben, one of the oldest citizens of our county, passed away at the home of his
son, Austin Hoben, in Highland township with whom he lived for many years. He
was more or less crippled with rheumatism for nearly forty years but he did not
become seriously ill until last Thursday. Having attained the age of 93,
advancing years kept steadily undermining his health and strength and he was
finally forced to yield to the inevitable. The funeral was held yesterday.
Services were conducted in the Catholic church at Ruthven, Father Conley
celebrating the requiem mass. The burial was in the family lot in the parochial
cemetery at that place. A large number of old neighbors and friends were in
attendance. Several from this city were present. The pall bearers were M.J.
Donahue, John Burns, Michael Daily, C.C. Egan, John Bough, and John Joyce.
Mr. Hoben was born at Eriff, near West Port, county of Mayo, Ireland in January,
1828. His age was 93. He was married in his native country to Winnie Hearrity in
1860. Mr. and Mrs. Hoben came to the United States in 1861 and located in
Clinton county, this state. In 1868 they became residents of Boone county and in
1882 settled on a farm in Highland township this county. Their son Michael still
resides on the place. Mr. Hoben is survived by two sons and two daughters. The
sons are Michael and Austin of Highland township and the daughters are Mrs.
Michael Golden of Valley Junction and Mrs. Henry Brash of Deadwood, South
Dakota. Mrs. Hoben died in January 1913.
Like millions of the men and women of his race, Mr. Hoben left sorely depressed
Erin which always had a warm place in his heart's affections, and came to our
great republic, the land of the free and the home of the brave, to enjoy the
privileges, the opportunities and the material comforts that were denied him in
the country of his birth. He was economical and thrifty and he provided
carefully and successfully for the needs of his wife and family. He led a good
life, was esteemed by his neighbors and friends, discharged conscientiously and
faithfully his duties as a citizen and upheld with patriotic ferver the honor of
his state and country. He was warm hearted, friendly and hospitable, and his
associates of pioneer days always took an earnest interest in his health, his
happiness and his welfare. He learned early in life his duties to religion and
he always sought divine assistance when temptations and severe trials came to
him. He lived to a ripe old age. His death will be widely and sincerely mourned.
The sons and daughters have the sympathy of all in their bereavement.
Being researched by: Cathy
Joynt Labath

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
22 Jan 1913
Mrs. Patrick HOBEN Dead.
Passed Away at Her Home in Highland Township, Saturday Morning.
Mrs. Patrick HOBEN died at the home of her son,
Austin HOBEN, several miles southwest of this city, last Saturday morning after
an illness of some time. The funeral was held Monday. Services were conducted at
the Catholic church at Ruthven by her pastor, Rev. L. CARROLL, of Ayrshire. The
burial was in the Ruthven Catholic cemetery where rests the remains of one of
her sons. There was a large attendance of old friends and neighbors at the
funeral despite the coldness of the day. The pall bearers were M. FLEMING, M.T.
Winifred HEARRITY was born at Lewisburg, in the county of Mayo, Ireland, in
1831. Hence she was 82 years of age. She was married at Glasgow, Scotland,
October 22, 1860, to Patrick HOBEN. Mr. and Mrs. HOBEN came to the United States
in 1861. They came to Iowa in April of that year. They lived for some time in
Boone county. In 1883 they moved to Palo Alto and located on a farm in Highland
township. Owing to their advanced years, they lived with their son, Austin HOBEN,
during the last few seasons. Mr. HOBEN, two sons and three daughters survive.
The sons are Austin and Michael of Highland township. The daughters are Mrs.
Mary VAUGHAN of Emmetsburg, Mrs. Margaret BRASCH of Deadwood, Nebraska, and Mrs.
Sadie GOLDEN of Valley Junction, Iowa.
Mrs. HOBEN was one of the truly devoted, earnest, zealous wives and mothers of
the community in which she lived. She was considerate and active, but quiet and
unassuming. She tried to do, in her own humble way, her duty in her home, in her
church, and in society in general. Her neighbors found her obliging and
hospitable and her friends cordial and loyal. Providence was generous to her,
allowing her the use of a life that was long in years and rich in opportunities
for spiritual development and material achievement. That she made good use of
the blessings that were so generously bestowed on her is the testimony of all
who had an opportunity of judging her motives and her deeds. The Democrat joins
our many citizens in extending sincere sympathy to the aged husband and the
surviving sons and daughters.
Being researched by Cathy
Joynt Labath

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto Co, Iowa
14 Jun 1911
The Funeral Services Were Held on
Last week brief mention was made
to the Democrat of the death of Mrs. Edward RYAN who passed away early Tuesday
morning. The funeral was held Friday. Her son John was absent in Utah and could
not reach home before that time. There was a requiem high mass at Assumption
church Very Rev. J.J. SMITH officiating. The interment was in St. John's
cemetery. There was a large procession. The pall bearers were Owen McNULTY, J.K.
Miss Bridget HESTER was born at Westport, in the county of Mayo, Ireland, June
15, 1849. When she was nine months old her parents moved to Morristown, Canada.
Several years latter they became residents of Butler county, Iowa. She was
married in the Coldwater Catholic church at that place, October 26, 1873, to
Edward RYAN.
Mr. and Mrs. RYAN came to Palo Alto county in April 1878. locating on a farm in
Walnut township. They were thrifty and economical and in a few years had a
beautiful farm home. A few years ago they came to Emmetsburg. They were the
parents of nine children, seven of whom with the husband and father, survive.
They are John P., a railway conductor in Utah, Mrs. Chas McCOY, of this place,
Wm. M., of Oregon, Misses Anna T. and Birdie E., and Edward M. and Thomas J.,
all of whom are present at home.
Mrs. RYAN was an exemplary wife and mother. She was at all times intensely
solicitous for the happiness and welfare of the members of her household. No
effort was too laborious for her when performed for the well being of those who
were bound to her by teh ties that are known to motherhood. Her affectionate
solicitude was fully reciprocated. Seldom is there witnessed that loving
devotion which marked the attitude towards her by those who were the recipients
of her many maternal attentions. She was kind, neighborly and benevolent, and
she was one of the most cheerful and contented of women. Her faith in God's
goodness, generosity and mercy was sublime. She sought to direct her footsteps
through life in accordance with providential light and guidance. She passed away
strongly fortified with the hope that the great Creator would lovingly reward
her for every worthy deed that she had performed and that he would grant
infinite bliss to the sincerely contrite of heart. The Democrat joins our many
citizens in offering sincere sympathy to the grief stricken husband and the
other members of the family.
Being researched by: Cathy
Joynt labath

Emmetsburg Reporter, Thurs.,
March 19, 1936
Mrs. Joe Jackman
Mrs. Joe Jackman died at her home in the
northwest part of Emmetsburg Tuesday afternoon. She had been ill for six months
with cancer. Funeral services will be held at St. Thomas church here tomorrow
(Friday) morning at nine o'clock, with Father McNerney officiating. The
pallbearers are Paul Schaney, P.C. Jackman, Francis Jackman and Charles Spies,
all of Emmetsburg, T. J. Kirby of Sioux City and Robert Laughlin, of Mason City.
Burial will be made in St. John's cemetery. The Foy Funeral Home is in charge.
Miss Mary Jennings was born in Westport, County
Mayo, Ireland, in 1872. Thus she was 64 years of age at the time of death. She
came to America at the age of fourteen, and lived in Massachusetts and later in
Chicago. She was married in Chicago to Mr. Joe Jackman in 1899 and came to live
at Emmetsburg, which since has been her place of residence. She is survived by
her widower, two sons, Dr. Raymond, of Rochester, Minn., and James of Iowa City,
and three daughters, Mrs. T. J. Cullen, of Cylinder, Mrs. Frank Spencer, of
Chicago, and Sister Mary Hilarie, of Des Moines. She is also survived by two
sisters and one brother, who reside in Ireland, and by an aunt, Mrs. Mike
Crowley, of Emmetsburg. One son, William, preceded her in death.
Mrs. Jackman was a devoted Christian, a dutiful
wife and mother and merited a wide circle of friends. She maintained a home
where her family loved to live and where friends liked to call. Her useful life
and great patience during her long illness are now no doubt receiving their
reward. Sincere sympathy is expressed to her sorrowful family.
Being researched by: Kathleen
Frailey Puls

From the Palo Alto Tribune,
Wed. March 20, 1935:
Mrs. Myles McNally
Mrs. Myles McNally died at her home in the Fourth ward Thursday, March 14, after
a serious illness of a few days, though she had been ailing for a long time.
Funeral services were conducted at the Assumption church at 9:30 Saturday
morning. The Very T.J. Finnegan officiated and celebrated a requiem high mass.
The pallbearers were all nephews of the deceased. They were Will McNally, Rob
McNally, Paul Kerber, Pat Doerning, Ervin Joynt and Charles Kane. Burial was in
St. John's cemetery.
Miss Maria Kane was born in County Mayo, Ireland, September 8, 1844. The family
came to America in 1848 and located at Oconomowoc, Wis. In 1873 they came to
Iowa and Palo Alto county, where she has resided constantly since.
She united in marriage with Miles McNally at Oconomowoc on January 27, 1868.
Eight children were born to this union. Two sons and one daughter, preceded
their parents in death. The surviving children are Mrs. Michael M Maher of
Hastings, Neb., Mrs. Larry Murphy of Bonesteel, S.Dak., Mrs. Art Beaudry of St.
Cloud, Minn., Mrs. Dick McNally and W.T. McNally of this city. All were present
at the funeral. Mrs. McNally also leaves one brother, Martin Kane of Ayrshire to
mourn her departure. Her husband died six years ago.
Mrs. McNally was a woman of fine character. She was humble, earnest and sincere.
She was a good christian and a devout Catholic. Always devoted to her home, she
was ever a true wife and a splendid mother.
It was a half century ago or more since she came to this county. In those days
luxuries were unknown., but trials and hardships were plenty. She bore her part
bravely and was never known to complain of her lot. At that time the family
lived on a farm west of this city. The children were taught lessons of industry
and economy.
Mrs. McNally's unselfish nature was always evident. She was charitable in word
and deed, and kindly acts upon her part were noted everywhere. She lived a long
and useful life, and met every duty with a pleasant willingness. Such lives as
hers, humble though they may be, are a benediction to those about them.
The writer knew Mrs. McNally well for many years and admired her for her true
To the children and other relatives who survive her the Tribune extends sincere
Being researched by: Cathy
Joynt Labath

From the Emmetsburg Democrat,
Aug 30, 1899:
Mrs. Hester, Sr., Dead
Yesterday morning Mrs. Nappy [Happy] Hester, mother of Michael and
P.J. Hester,
died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. James Nally. She had been sick about a
week. Her death was largely the result of old age, as she was in her 75th year.
The funeral takes place to-morrow. The procession will leave Mr. Nally's at 8:30
and will arrive at the Church of the Assumption at 10:30. The services will be
conducted by Father Costello. The interment will be in St. John's cemetery.
Nappy [Happy] Durkin was born at Louisburg, the county of Mayo, Ireland in 1824.
She grew to womanhood in her native country where she was married in 1844 to Mr.
Hester. They left Ireland in 1851 and came to Quebec. Later they moved to
Ogdensburg, N.Y., and subsequently to Winchester, Ontario. About thirty-five
years ago they moved to Iowa and settled near Greene, Butler county. Ther her
husband died fifteen years ago. The following year she came to Emmetsburg and
continued to reside here until last spring when she went to Emmetsburg township
to live with her son and daughters. The surviving members of the family consist
of four sons-Michael, P.J., John and William-and three daughters-Mrs. George
Lummery, Mrs. Edward Ryan and Mrs. James Nally. All are widely and favorably
known and rank among the most thrifty and prosperous people of this community.
The deceased was a good, quiet Christian woman. Her aim was to lead an exemplary
life and to devote herself to the domestic and religious obligations of true
womanhood. Though those who, in their earlier years knew her as the patient,
kind and deeply solicitous mother, have long since grown to maturity and have
drifted out into the world of care and responsibility, they ever remembered her
affectionately and did everything possible to add cheer and comfort to her
declining years. The memory of her long and useful career and he many sacrifices
will be long preserved by them as a priceless heritage.
Being researched by: Cathy
Joynt Labath

From the Palo Alto Tribune
Jan. 24, 1929
Citizen Soldier Takes His Leave at Age of 87
Myles McNally Now Numbered With Those of Great
Beyond. Died Wednesday.
Myles McNally died at his home in the Fourth
ward Wednesday evening , January 16, after a prolonged illness. Funeral services
were conducted at the Assumption church at 9:30 Saturday morning. Very Rev. J.G.
Murtagh conducted the service and celebrated a solemn requiem high mass assisted
by Father McNerney and Father Dunn.
It was a military funeral. Rev. William Veit of Estherville, a chaplain in the
World war, preached the sermon. The regular pall bearers were Clem and Maurice
McNally, Robert and William McNally and Charles and Edward Kane, all nephews of
Mr. McNally. The honorary pallbearers were Legion boys-Sarsfield and Joe Deneen,
Jack Higley, Phil Bough, Glenn Brown and Melvin Hand.
Myles McNally was born in the County Mayo, Ireland in 1842. He came to America
in 1861, when only a lad of 19 years. He enlisted in the Union army shortly
after coming to the United States and served until the Civil War closed.
His record as a soldier was that of a man unafraid-brave,true, and patriotic,
ready and willing to suffer hardship and danger and to die, if need be, for the
cause which he believed to be worth the sacrifice.
After the war closed he established his home in Wisconsin. On January 27, 1868,
he united in marriage with Miss Maria Kane at Mapleton, in that state.
Mr. McNally came to Palo Alto county in 1871 and settled in Emmetsburg township.
His wife came in 1873. Eight children, three sons and five daughters were born
to them. Two sons and one daughter preceded their father in death. The family
grew up in Emmetsburg township.
Mr. McNally was one of the public spirited citizens of the county. He was
interested in the schools and in all public affairs. He sreved as a member of
the Board of Supervisors for nine years and was regarded as one of the alert
businessmen on the board.
The writer remembers one time when Mr. McNally was the only democrat in the
county to withstand the ravages of the political battle put up by the
republicans. He won, was elected, and qualified-one lone democrat among his
friends- the enemies (politically).
He was successful and was able to provide his home with all necessities and many
luxuries. He was a reader and kept himself well informed upon all public
matters. There was probably no man in the county better known than he. His name
was familiar to almost everyone.
He was a member of the Henry Dillon Post, G.A.R., and the last member of the
post to survive.
To have lived four score and seven years; to have raised a family of children to
honest and honorable manhood and womanhood; to have served his country on the
battlefield and in peaceful pursuits; to have borne the burdens of a pioneer; to
have, through it all, acquired a goodly share of wealth; to have provided the
best things for the home; to have enjoyed these with his family. and withal
never to have wavered in the Christian faith or to have doubted the integrity of
his adopted country, is a record of which few men can boast. Yet it is a record
made by Myles McNally and one that he has left in the memory of his family and
of his friends.
Being researched by: Cathy
Joynt Labath

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto Co, Iowa
Wednesday, July 2, 1913
It is with a feeling of profound regret that we announce the death of Mrs.
Patrick Weir, which occurred very suddenly at the farm home northwest of this
town Monday afternoon at three o'clock p.m. Mrs. Weir had apparently been in her
usual good physical condition and was up and about with the other members of her
family until half an hour before her death. The first intimation her people had
of her being sick was when she complained of feeling poorly and so rapid was her
decline that in half an hour she was cold in death. The probable cause of her
death was heart failure.
The funeral was held at 10:30 o'clock today from the Catholic church in
Whittemore and the remains laid to rest in the cemetery northwest of town. Rev.
Father Dullard, pastor of the church, celebrated a requiem mass and preached a
fitting sermon on the occasion.
Bridget Grady was born November 10, 1864 [Note error-probably c. 1844]in
Ballahanus, county Mayo, Ireland. Her parents died when she was a child and she
came to the United States, landing in New York in 1859. She remained in the east
a couple of years and in 1861 came west and settled in Peotone, Illinois. At
this place on June 7, 1864, she was united in marriage to Patrick Weir, who
survives her. To this happy union nine children were born, eight sons and one
daughter: Michael C. of Whittemore, Thomas H., who died in infancy, John M. of
Mason City, James F. Peterson, Patrick E and George A and William M who reside
at home, Julia who died in 1903 and Thomas who died in infancy in 1880.
Mr and Mrs. Weir made their home on the farm all their married life. They farmed
near Peotone, illinois, until 1891 when they moved to Palo Alto county and began
building up their present beautiful home where, with her family and loving
consort, she lived a happy and contented life until death claimed her. In the
death of Mrs. Weir the community loses a truly good woman and her family loses
its most valued member, a kind and loving mother. She lived a good Christian
life and was devoted in a remarkable way to her family, her neighbors and to her
church. Under her hospitable management the Weir home was one in which neighbors
and friends always found a hearty welcome and only those who had the pleasure of
being a guest at her home can fully appreciate how sadly that home will miss the
lovely little mother with her cheery smile and hearty greeting. Her life was a
busy and useful one and we sincerely hope and trust that her sleep may be a
peaceful one. May her soul rest in peace.
The following relatives from a distance were in attendance at the funeral:
James Weir and wife of Peterson, John Weir and wife of Chicago, and Mamie Weir
of Chicago.--Whittemore Champion.

The Boone County Democrat,
Friday, April 7th, 1911
Dies at Advanced Age
Terence McDermott., for a number of years a resident of a Angus, Iowa, died
at the home of his son, Andrew, at Iroquois South Dakota, on Wednesday,
evening, March 29, at the advanced age of eighty-seven years. The deceased
was born in County Mayo, Ireland. When a young man came to Canada and made
that his home for a number of years. There he was united in marriage to
Mary Herron. In 1850, who with seven sons and one daughter, survive.
1865 they came to Iowa and settled in Tame County, where they resided for
years. Early in the 80's they removed to Angus, this county, and made
home until the decline of that town. For the past eighteen or twenty years
Eagle Grove has been his home with the exception of short visits to his
children. The funeral was held on Saturday morning at 10 o'clock from the
Catholic Church in Eagle Grove. Rev. Father O'Brien officiating, and the
remains laid to rest in the cemetery at that place. All of the children
many other relatives were present at the funeral and six of the same acted
as pall bearers. The children who survive are William J. of Eagle Grove,
Mrs. Michael Feeley and T. W. of Des Moines, Matt of Minneapolis, John of
Pierre, South Dakota, Thomas of Woodbine, Iowa. Andrew of Iroquois, South
Dakota and Edmund of Ishpeming, Michigan. Two sons and one daughter,
Richard, Patrick and Mary are dead. Besides the eight living children, he
is survived by Forty-Seven grandchildren and nine great grandchildren. The
deceased was a man of fine qualities of character and remained in strong
mental and physical condition up to a short time before his death.
Here is an article on Terrence and his family - as you can see, many of his
sons worked on the railroad.
Chicago and North Western Railway, Chicago, May 20, 1948 (Newsletter)
It is a great pleasure to pay tribute in this issue to a most remarkable
family and we believe it to be outstanding in the number of members who
worked for the Company and achieved great distinction in their line of work.
All were engaged intrack work, and four of the brothers became
The father of this remarkable family was Terrence McDermott who
came to
America about 1840 and settled in Canada. Later married Mary Herron and
came to the U.S. in 1865, buying a farm near Tama, Iowa. After residing on
the farm for several years, Mr. McDermott engaged in the business of grading
and building railroads for both the C&NW and CMStP&P. Six of his
sons were
employed in track work on our railroad as follows:
William J., the oldest, employed as track laborer in 1883, became
roadmaster in 1891 on Northern Iowa Division, retired account poor health in
1917 and passed on in 1919.
Patrick F., employed as foreman on track work 1891 and in various jobs on
the Northern Iowa Div., until 1904 when he passed on.
John M., began as track laborer in 1886, made roadmaster in 1908 and
retired on Dec. 31, 1937 at Butler, Wis., where he is still living.
Thomas H., employed as track laborer in May 1888 on Northern Iowa Div.,
various kinds of jobs until January 1, 1921, when he was made roadmaster on
the Dakota Div., where he remained until his retirement on Jan. 1, 1941.
Still living in Redfield, South Dakota.
Andrew J., employed as section laborer in 1890. Held various jobs
track work until his retirement april 1, 1938. Deceased in 1943
Edmund M., employed as track laborer in 1894. worked at various
until November 19, 1909 when he was made roadmaster on the Peninsula Div. at
Escanaba, Mich., later transferred to the Dak. Div. at Huron, south Dakota,
where he served as roadmaster until his retirement Dec. 31, 1942. Still
living at Huron.
Miss Evelyn McDermott, daughter of John M., entered service in 1917 as
road master's clerk and is still employed in that capacity at Milwaukee,
Bernard F., son of Thomas H., employed as section laborer in 1922,
transferred to roadmaster's clerk, served in the armed service during the
last war, and is now assistant roadmaster on the Iowa Div. at Clinton, Iowa.
Miss Alice McDermott (now Mrs. George Wagner) daughter of Edmund M., was
employed by our Company from may 1929 to August 1941, as clerk to the
roadmaster and superintendent at Huron, South Dakota.
Miss Eileen McDermott, daughter of Edmund M., employed Jan. 21, 1936 as
roadmaster's clerk and is now employed as roadmaster's clerk and clerk to
Supervisor of B&B, Huron, South Dakota.
Five of thge above are members of our Association; Bernard F., John M.,
Thomas H., Edmund M., and Evelyn J.
You will note four of these brothers became roadmasters and now the son
one is an assistant roadmaster.
Can any other family beat this record?
Being researched by John
Feeley, Jr.

J Kelly
Emmetsburg Democrat; Palo Alto
Co, Iowa; October 10, 1917
He Retired, Said His Prayers and
Soon Passed Away
Patrick J Kelly, Formerly of Emmetsburg, Laid to Rest at Graettinger on
Patrick J Kelly, a former resident
of Emmetsburg, died at the home of his son, John Kelly of Jamestown, N.D., last
Thursday afternoon. he was ill for a week or ten days but later he rallied and
was able to be about. A short time before his death he went to bed, folded his
hands, said his prayers, and quietly passed away. He did not appear to be ill or
to suffer any pain.
The remains were brought to Graettinger for burial. The funeral was held at that
place at 9 o'clock Saturday forenoon. Services were conducted by Father Kelly.
The burial was in St. Jacob's cemetery. The pall bearers were J.J. Mahan, P.J.
McCarty, J.P. Conway, M.L. Murphy, P. Bannon and E.J. Bradley.
Mr. Kelly was born in the county of Mayo, Ireland, October 15, 1829. Hence he
was rounding out his eighty-eighth year. He came to the United States at the age
of twenty-one. He was employed in Pennsylvania for three years, after which he
moved to Youngstown, Ohio, where he worked for the roller mills. He located in
Fayette county, this state, forty-three years ago, where he engaged in farming.
In 1891 he moved to this county, buying a quarter section farm near Graettinger.
He lived with his son John in this city for a couple of years. A year ago last
March he moved to Jamestown with his son. Mr. Kelly was married at Youngstown,
Ohio, in 1858. The maiden name of Mrs. Kelly has not been learned. She
died at Graettinger in June, 1901. Mr. and Mrs. Kelly were the parents of seven
sons and five daughters. Nine are living. The sons are J.J. of Greattinger,
Will, Michael and Thomas of Omaha, and John, Patrick and Martin of Jamestown,
North Dakota. The daughters are Mrs. J.H. Millea of Emmetsburg, Mrs. Margaret
Haley of Fayette county and Mrs. William Kelly of Fort Dodge. A daughter, Miss
Anna, was buried in St. John's cemetery of this place eight years ago.
Mr. Kelly was not very well known to our local citizens, though he resided in
our community for a couple of years. He was a plain, sensible, practical,
inoffensive, old gentleman. He lead a clean, edifying life. he made a record as
a citizen of which the members of his creditable family may justly feel proud.
No one questioned his motives or doubted his loyalty to his modest ideals. He
understood well his duties as a Christian and as a member of the community and
he was very careful not to neglect them. The several neighborhoods in which he
resided are deeply indebted to him for his laudable efforts and the wholesome
influence of his helpful example. The several sons and daughters who mourn his
death have the sincere sympathy of our numerous citizens.

Hearrity Radigan
Emmetsburg Democrat; Palo Alto
Co, Iowa; Wednesday, June 29, 1921
Mrs. P.R. Radigan, One of Splendid Old Ladies of Our County.
Patrick Radigan, who was seriously ill for ten weeks, passed away Monday morning
at 3 o'clock at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Nicholas Geelan, of Ruthven.
Owing to her advanced years, her condition was practically hopeless. The funeral
was held this morning. Services were conducted at the Sacred Heart church at
Ruthven, the pastor, Father Conloy, officiating. The burial was in Calvary
cemetery. The pall bearers were M.Fleming, M.T. Washington, T.J. Brennan, J.F.
Nolan, Chas. Metz and James Torpey. There were a large number of relatives,
neighbors and old friends in attendance.
Sarah Hearrity was born at Eeiff, county Mayo, Ireland,
in 1831. Her age was ninety. When quite young she left Ireland and went to
Scotland where she lived for fourteen years. She came to the United States in
1867, arriving at Clinton, Iowa. On February 8, 1869, she was united in marriage
to Patrick Radigan. Mr. and Mrs. Radigan lived at Fort Dodge for a short time.
They located on a farm in Highland township in 1871. They became prosperous and
in 1893 they bought a home in Ruthven where they subsequently resided. Mrs.
Radigan is survived by her aged husband, one daughter, Mrs. Nicholas Geelan, and
six grandchildren. Two daughters...[line missing]...typical Irish wives and
mothers of Iowa. She had the keen, native with, the genuine humor and the warm
hospitality of the women of her race. She was kind, neighborly, and charitable
and her neighbors were her loyal friends during her fifty years residence in our
county. She was quiet, unassuming, God-fearing and God-serving and she could not
entertain any ill will towards anyone. She appreciated more than words can
express the priceless blessings of liberty and opportunity that were offered her
in this the land of her adoption and she gave hearty support to community,
county and state undertakings. A few years ago Mr. Radigan lost his eyesight.
This added greatly to her cares but she was more than ready to bear her
increased responsibilities cheerfully month after month and year after year
until failing health prevented her from continuing her labors of love and duty.
The happy, cheerful disposition of Mrs. Radigan was a benediction to the
community in which she resided and her influence for good will prove beneficial
to all among whom she lived and toiled. Her death will be widely and sincerely
mourned. Mrs. Radigan, Mrs. Geelan, the only daughter, and the other relatives
have the sincere sympathy of all in their bereavement.

Nashua Reporter
Nashua, Chickasaw, Iowa
Jan 31, 1924
A Pioneer Mother Called
On Thursday, January 24, 1924, Mrs. James O'Connor, a
pioneer settler of Frederika, was called to a better beyond in the ninety-first
year of her age. She was about to partake of her supper when death called her.
Miss Mary Costello was born in Mayo county, Ireland, on
March 17, 1833. When a girl she emigrated with her parents to America and
located in Cleveland, Ohio. At the age of 19 years she was united in marriage to
James O'Connor. In 1864 the couple settled near Frederika, Iowa. Thirteen
children were born to this family. Nine of them are dead, but four sons survive,
namely: James of Idaho, John, near Republic, Thomas of Montana and Robert of
The funeral services were conducted by Rev. B.A.
Erdland at the home of her son Robert, and the remains were laid to rest in the
old cemetery west of Frederika.

Palo Alto Reporter; Emmetsburg,
Palo Alto, Iowa; May 29, 1896
morning, at 9:25 o'clock Mr. Patrick Joyce passed to his eternal home. For weeks
he has hovered on the border land of eternity and when the call came he quietly
passed to the other shore. We presume that the real cause of his sickness dates
back to the time when he erected the brick block which bears his name. During
the erection of the building he overexerted himself and since that time
his health gradually declined. Last June he quit active business and in the
early fall he went to Excelsior Springs, Mo., for his health, but received
little or no benefit from the trip. After his return home his decline was
gradual but sure.
Mr. Joyce was born at Louisbourg, in the county of
Mayo, Ireland, Nov. 16, 1839, and had he lived until his next birthday he would
have been 57 years of age. At the age of eighteen years he determined to leave
his native land and seek his fortune in America. Accordingly he proceeded to
Liverpool and set sail, reaching New York City July 13, 1857, after a voyage of
two months. A short time after landing he went to Kentucky, where he resided
four years, but returned to New York in 1862 and remained another year. In 1863
he moved to Lansing, Ia., where for several years he was engaged in business. In
1871 he came to Palo Alto county and entered upon a business career at the old
town. In the fall of 1874 he moved his business over to the new town and by
close attention to business soon built up a large and lucrative trade. In 1890
he erected the large three story brick on the site of his old store, and
continued doing business in it until last June, when he retired from active
Mr. Joyce was married to Miss Ellen O'Meara at Lansing,
June 21, 1868, and to them has been born four children-two sons, William and
Joseph who survive him and two daughters who preceded him to the better land.
Mr. Joyce was a man who always took an active interest
in everything that tended to advance the welfare of Emmetsburg and her citizens,
and was always willing to lend a helping hand in every good cause. He served a
number of years on the city council and was chosen mayor in 1884. He was
strictly honorable in all his dealings with his fellow men, and sought the same
integrity in others that he himself possessed. In his death Emmetsburg loses a
respected and honored citizen, the community, a kind, neighbor; and the church,
an earnest, prayerful citizen.
The home life of Mr. Joyce was certainly an ideal one,
and it was always open to his many friends. His hospitality knew no bounds, and
on many an occasion his home was open to the young people, and they always found
a hearty welcome from him. His death is a hard blow to his faithful and loving
wife and to his two sons who are called upon to mourn the loss of a fond parent.
The funeral took place Monday morning and was the
largest one ever held in the county, there being over 200 teams in the
procession. It left the residence at 10 o'clock and was headed by carriages
containing 24 of the prominent citizens, who acted as honorary pall bearers.
These were followed by the city council and then the A.O.H. in a body, who acted
as a guard of honor. The sad procession solemnly wended its way to Assumption
church where the services were held. Here in the presence of the large assembly
solemn requiem high mass was celebrated, Rev. J.J. Smith as celebrant, assisted
by Fathers McInery, Kelly and Costello. The sermon was delivered by Father
Carroll, of Ruthven, in a very impressive manner. After the church services the
people sadly followed the remains to the cemetery where all that was mortal of
Patrick Joyce was laid to rest.

Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Oct 19, 1894
Terrence McDonnell Dead
On Saturday afternoon, the sad intelligence was
announced that Terrence McDonnell was dead. He had been ailing for several
months, but like most men of stirring, active nature did not relinquish his
business cares until he was forced to do so by order of his physician. He was
confined to his bed about two weeks, and passed quietly away on Saturday,
October 13 at 1:00 p.m.
The deceased was born in Mayo county, Ireland, January
29, 1846 and when but a lad of 15 left his native land and came to the united
States to make his future home. In 1871 he came to this county and at once
became identified with it interests. He was a shrewd business manager and
accumulated considerable wealth his property interests being roughly estimated
at $40,000. He was also interested in the political affairs of the county and
was twice chosen to fill the responsible position of sheriff of the county.
The funeral services took place from the Catholic
church on Tuesday at 10 o’clock, a.m. The service was conducted by Father
Costello who pronounced the solemn service that consigned all that was mortal of
Terrence McDonnell to the grave.

Perry Daily Chief; Perry,
Dallas Co., Iowa; April 19, 1921
Had Lived for Over Half a Century in the Vicinity of Perry.
Mrs. Martin O'Malley, pioneer Dallas county woman who
has been a resident of this community for the past 56 years, passed away shortly
before noon today at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J.E. Donahoe, 1502 Warford
Her death was due to a general breakdown and the
infirmity of age, and followed an illness which became serious on New Years'
Day. She has been in failing health for a number of years, and for the past ten
years has made her home with Mrs. Donahoe, where every care and attention was
lavished upon her.
The funeral services will be held at nine o'clock
Thursday morning at St. Patrick's Catholic church, and will be conducted by Rev.
Father James Cleary. Burial will be at Violet Hill cemetery.
The death of Mrs. O'Malley takes from the community one
of the real pioneers, a woman whose long life was devoted to the upbringing of
her family and the development of a country where hardships and privations were
the lot of all. In the work she did her share willingly and gladly and there are
many today who will learn with deep regret that she has been called home.
Julia Basquil was born in County Mayo, Ireland, on June
31, 1835, and her youth and early womanhood was spent in that country. She was
married there to Martin O'Malley and three of their nine children in the family
were born in that country. In 1863 Mr. and Mrs. O'Malley came to America,
joining relatives of the former at Clinton, Iowa. They resided there for two
years and then came to Dallas county. For many years they were engaged in
farming in the community east of Perry, finally moving to Perry and taking up
their residence on Fourth street. Mr. O'Malley passed away six years ago. Of the
nine children born to Mr. and Mrs. O'Malley, two daughters died in infancy, one
daughter, Mrs. Mary Mahoney, passed away 24 years ago, and one son, J.F.
O'Malley, was killed four years ago when his car was struck by a Milwaukee
passenger train at the Fifth street crossing. The surviving children are John P.
O'Malley of Des Moines; Mrs. John Flanagan, Bernard and Geo. O'Malley and Mrs.
J.E. Donahoe. There are fifteen grandchildren and three sisters, Mrs. Catherine
Doyle of Chicago and two who reside in the old country. John P. O'Malley is ill
at the Mercy hospital in Des Moines.
Although the death of the estimable old lady was not
unexpected, it comes as a great loss to the relatives and close friends and the
sympathy of hundreds goes to the family today.

Davenport Daily Republican;
Davenport, Scott Co., Iowa; July 8, 1900
James Harkins, One of the Early Residents of Clinton County, Has Passed Away.
One of the best known citizens of Clinton county died
last week in the person of James Harkins. He was 89 years old and was one of the
pioneer residents of that county. For many years he made his home at Dewitt. He
is survived by his aged wife, one son and three daughters. He was born in County
Mayo, Ireland, where he lived until 1841 when he came to America, locating in
Lowell, Mass. In 1850 he came to Clinton county, in which he had since made his

Davenport Weekly Leader;
Davenport, Scott Co., Iowa; November 21, 1899
Mrs. Maggie Cosgrove of this city has received word
from Ireland of the funeral of her brother, John A. Nolan, whose demise
occasioned great regret in Belmullet and vicinity where he was mourned by the
entire population who held him in the highest regard. Mr. Nolan had gone to
Dublin for treatment for conjunctivitis of the eyes, and while there contracted
pneumonia, which led to his death. The sad tidings created general sorrow in
Erris, on the day the remains arrived from Dublin, the whole town suspended
business and joined in the funeral. Solemn requiem Mass was celebrated by Right
Rev. M.J. Hewson, deacon Rev. Quin; subdeacons, Revs. Munelly, Hale, Hegarty,
O'Reilly and Kearney.
The chief mourners were Miss C. Nolan, sister, Miss
O'Dowd, Ballina; Mrs. Thos. O'Reilly, Carn house; Mrs. Cleary, Mrs. O'Boyle and
P. Corcoran, Esq, Castlebar.
The deceased had held many positions of responsibility
of trust and for 23 years had acted in the capacity of relieving officer for the
Belmullet Union. Since the inspection of the congested districts. Mr. Nolan had
acted as their agent, and his work covered Mayo, Galway and Donegal, where he
accomplished great good for the suffering peasantry. His works of mercy will
live long in their greatful recollection. His works will follow him.

Emmetsburg Democrat; Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa; Wednesday,
January 20, 1904
Mrs. John McDonnough Dead.
Mrs. John McDonnough, one of the oldest residents of Emmetsburg township, died last Thursday evening after an illness of some duration. The funeral was held Saturday forenoon and was largely attended. The services were conducted at Assumption church and the remains were laid to rest in St. John’s cemetery.
Winnie Loftus was born in Louisburg, in the county of Mayo, Ireland. She came to America when a young woman. She was married in the east to John
McDonnough. Mr. McDonnough followed railroading for several years, after which they settled in Dakota county, Minnesota. About 1869 they came to Palo Alto county. Mr. McDonnough died
shortly after coming here. Mrs. McDonnough and the children subsequently lived on a farm several miles west of this city where they made a good home and prospered. The survivors are three sons and one daughter. Thomas, Charles and Miss Katie still reside on the old homestead and another son, John, lives in some of the western states. The deceased was perhaps 85 years of age and until a short time before her death she was a vigorous, hearty, well preserved old lady.
Those who knew Mrs. McDonnough intimately entertained only the highest regard for her. She was warm hearted and cheerful and gave constant, devoted and motherly attention to her home and family. The success her sons and daughters have attained and the terms of praise in which their names are mentioned by all who knew them speak more for the purpose and deeds of the wife and mother who has just passed to her eternal reward than can be fully expressed in a brief obituary notice.
The sympathy of the entire neighborhood is extended to the sorrowing relatives.

Emmetsburg Democrat; Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa; Wednesday,
February 24, 1904
William Derrig is Dead.
After an illness of some duration, Mr. William Derrig died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Sara McDonnell, of this city, Saturday evening. He had not been strong for a year or more, though he retained unimpaired his mental facilities until the last, notwithstanding the fact that he was 84 years of age. His remains were taken to Spring Green, Wisconsin, Monday evening for interment. Services were conducted at St. Patrick’s church at
Loretto, a short distance from Spring Green, Tuesday, after which the burial took place in the parochial cemetery. Mrs. McDonnell and Miss Sadie attended the funeral.
The deceased was a native of Kelogue, Mayo county, Ireland. In 1847 he came to the United States and located at Carbondale, Pennsylvania, where he was married January 2, 1852, to Bridget Ryan. Shortly after their marriage they moved to Madison, Wisconsin, where they lived for four years., when they moved to Sauk county, subsequently living on a farm near Spring Green. Seven years ago last October Mrs. Derrig died an in September, 1899, Mr. Derrig came to this city to spend his remaining years with his daughter, Mrs. McDonnell. There are four sons and two daughters living. John lives in Idaho. Matthew lives at Rosebud, South Dakota, William in Oregon and Charles at the old home in Wisconsin. Besides Mrs. McDonnell, there is one other sister, Mrs.
Fargen, who resides near Flandreau, South Dakota.
The deceased was a quiet, unassuming, and most exemplary old Irish gentleman. His long and eventful career was spent in the performance of the duties of the worthy son, the devoted husband, the provident parent, the charitable, upright Christian citizen. The lives of his sons and daughters bear unmistakable evidence of that attention, care, and zeal which only the worthy and painstaking parent can exercise. The memory of the life and deeds of him who has just passed away will be long and tenderly cherished by the surviving members of the family as well as by all others who has an opportunity of profiting by his well spent life.