Biographical and Historical Record of Greene
and Carroll Counties,
Iowa...Chicago: Lewis Pub. Co., 1887.
Terrence Reynolds, retired farmer, Grand Junction, was born in County
Monaghan, Ireland, October 17, 1823, son of Terrence Reynolds, a native of
the same place, now deceased. He came to America in 1853, locating in Cayuga
County, New York, thence to La Salle County, Illinois, in 1854, and lived on
a farm near Tonica three years. In the spring of 1857 he came to Greene
County and settled in Junction, and has since resided in this county. His
place was near Buttrick's Creek. Thee were but two families north of him on
that creek in Greene County. His milling was done at Des Moines, and he did
most of his trading there. He entered his land in 1855, and it being prairie
land, he commenced farming immediately. He owns three farms, in all about
400 acres, besides property in Grand Junction. He was married August 2,
1856, to Alice Hughs. Four of their five children are living-Mary J.,
Florence, Margaret A., and Charles E., Walter died at the age of two and a
half years. Mrs. Reynolds who was also born in County Monaghan, Ireland,
where she was reared and educated. Her father was a native of Ireland, but
it is not certain what portion of the country. She came to America in 1847
and lived in New York city and in Trenton, New Jersey, over six years. She
then came to LaSalle county, Illinois

Biographical and Historical
Record of Greene and Carroll Counties,
Iowa...Chicago: Lewis Pub. Co., 1887.
Patrick Reynolds, farmer and stock-raiser, section 19, Junction Township,
Greene County ,Iowa, is a native of Ireland, born in County Monahan, a son
of Terrence Reynolds, now deceased. He remained in his natīve country until
manhood, and in the winter of 1851-1852 came to the United States and
located first in Cayuga County ,New York, The next year he went to Genesee
County, and in the fall of 1853, came West as far as Illinois, and worked in
different counties of that State as a farm hand until 1857 when he came to
Iowa and has since called Greene County his home, although for some years he
spent a part of his time in Illinois. When he first came to Iowa wild
animals were numerous and the streams abounded in fish, Mr. Reynolds often
going out in the morning and catching enough fish for breakfast. There was
but one bridge in the county when he came,and neither school-house nor
church. There were but fifteen houses in Jefferson and not a house between
Lizzard Creek and Fort Dodge. Then most of the trading was done at Des
Moines. Mr. Reynolds has been successful and now owns a fine farm of 410
acres and his building improvements are comfortable and commodious. He makes
a specialty of stock-raising, having some of the finest grades of cattle and
hogs. Mr. Reynolds was married October 17 1876, to Mary A Kane, a native of
Lower Canada, daughter of Patrick Kane

From the book "The History of Clinton County Iowa" by L. P. Allen
CASSIDY, farmer, Sec. 31; P.O. De Witt; born in County Monaghan, Ireland, in
1835; his parents, Michael and Catherine Cassidy, came to America in 1848; they
lived one year in St. Louis, then went to Dubuque and lived one year; thence to
Scott Co., for one year; thence to Clinton Co. His father died in 1876; his
mother resides with her son Joseph. The farm now owned by Joseph is a part of
two farms, entered by his father and his brother James, in 1854. James died in
January, 1872. Mr. Cassidy married Betsy Callan, also a native of County
Monaghan. They have four children -- Margaret, Ann, Betsy and James. Mr. Cassidy
has about 500 acres of land; he located on 240 acres of present farm in the fall
of 1865.

From the book "The History of Clinton County Iowa" by L. P. Allen
MATTHEW CARRAHER, farmer, Sec. 22; P.O.
Wheatland; owns ninety-three and one- half acres of land, valued at $35 per
acre; son of Matthew and Alice Carraher; born in Monahan Co., Ireland, Nov. 10,
1841; his mother died when he was about a year old, and father when about 5
years old; when 10 years old, he came to New York City; stopped there about one
year, then went to Connecticut, Middlesex Co.; in 1856, came to Chicago, Ill.;
from there to Davenport, Iowa, in 1857, and to Clinton Co., Iowa, in 1858. In
August, 1862, enlisted in Co. I, of the 26th Iowa V. I.; participated in the
battle of Arkansas Post and siege of Vicksburg; at the latter place he was
wounded, causing his discharge in September, 1863. Married Miss Jane Organ March
4,1864; she was born July 16, 1844, in Harrison Co., Penn.; have eight
children-William J., Joseph P., Elizabeth A., George M., Julia A., Mary J.,
Francis J.. Hattie A.; lost one daughter-Alice. Members Catholic Church;

Past and Present in Allamakee
County, by Ellery M. Hancock. 2 vols. Chicago: S. J. Clarke Pub. Co., 1913.
James Conley owns and operates one
hundred and sixty acres of land in Fairview township, which constitutes one of
the best equipped and most valuable properties in Allamakee county. Mr. Conley
was born near Joliet, Illinois, August 25, 1864, and is the fourth in order of
birth in a family of nine children, born of the marriage of John and Bridget (McCunnon)
Conley, both of whom were natives of County Monaghan, Ireland. The father
emigrated to the new world about 1850 or 1851, and for a time worked in the
mills of Massachusetts. He later continued his journey westward, locating in
Illinois, while in 1865 he came to Allamakee county renting a farm in Fairview
township. He spent the remainder of his life on this farm and became one of the
substantial men of this section of the county. He passed away here on the 28th
of July, 1911, having survived his wife for many years, her death having
occurred in March, 1888. Of their nine children, two survive; James, of this
review; and Anna, the wife of C.A. Spinner, who is engaged in the mercantile
business at Waterville, Allamakee county.
James Conley was reared on the farm which is still his home and he attended the
district schools of Fairview township. He worked for his father, giving him the
benefit of his services until he had reached the age of twenty-four years, when
he rented the homestead and worked independently until his father's demise,
since which time he owns the place, having acquired the same by purchase. The
farm consists of one hundred and sixty acres of fertile land, improved with
modern buildings, including a house and outbuildings, and here Mr. Conley is
engaged in general farming and stock-raising. He follows the most modern and
progressive methods in his work and his labors are bringing to him a substantial
Mr. Conley adheres to the democratic party in national issues but is somewhat
independent in local politics. He has never held nor desired public office,
preferring to devote all of his time to his private business interests. He is a
communicant of the Roman Catholic church at Cherry Mound. Having spent his
entire life in Allamakee county, he is deeply interested in its welfare and in
every movement tending to promote its advancement along agricultural lines. He
has a wide acquaintance here and is respected by all who know him.

History of Dubuque County,
Iowa; Weston A. Goodspeed, ed. by F. T. Oldt and
P. J. Quigley; Chicago: Goodspeed Hist. Assoc. 1911
Michael McEnany, for the past ten
years engaged in the practice of law in Dubuque, was born at Ryan, Delaware
county, Iowa, on January 29, 1863, the son of Patrick and Ann McEnany. The
father is a native of County Monahan, Ireland, and came to the United States in
1853 settling on a farm in Delaware county. By hard work and careful saving of
his money he prospered, and today is the owner of 1,000 acres of fine farm land
which he rents. He is now residing on old home place with his son James, at the
advanced age of eighty-eight years. His wife died in 1902, aged seventy-six, and
was buried in Monti Cemetery. While always interested in public affairs, the
elder McEnany never sought office or was active in politics, preferring to
confine his attention to private business matters. Michael McEnany was primarily
educated in the country schools of his native county, and later entered
Manchester Academy, receiving in 1887 his degree of Bachelor of Philosophy. In
conjunction with the above he also studied law and in 1888 was granted the
degree of Bachelor of Laws. For nine years thereafter he was successfully
engaged in the general practice of his profession at Salt Lake City, Utah. In
1897, during the gold excitement in Alaska, he went north and practiced at
Circle City, and was the attorney in the second case tried in the established
courts there. Owing to adverse conditions he returned to the United States,
located at Dubuque, Iowa, and has here since been actively and successfully
engaged in the general practice of law. Mr. McEnany is a Democrat in politics, a
Catholic in religion and is socially identified with the Owls, Woodmen of the
World and the Catholic Order of Foresters. On April 9, 1912, in Ryan, he was
united in marriage with Miss Anna Clark and four sons and one daughter have been
born to them as follows: Patrick, July 29, 1903; Cyril, August, 1904; John,
Catherine and Francis. The family residence in Dubuque is located at 77 Nevada
street, formerly the home of Bishop Father Carroll and one of the oldest in

Biographical Record and
Portrait Album of Webster and Hamilton Counties, Iowa. Chicago: Lewis
Publishing, 1888.
John S. Lundy, of Colfax Township,
is one of the representative farmers of Webster County. He is a native of Argyle
Township, Washington County, New York, born December 29, 1834, a son of William
and Margaret (Beattie) Lundy. His father was a native of County Monaghan,
Ireland, and came to America in 1801, when about eighteen years of age. He first
settled in Pennsylvania, but subsequently went to Washington County, New York,
where he lived until his death, which occurred in 1853. The mother of our
subject was a native of New York, a member of an old and somewhat prominent
family. He was reared a farmer, and to that occupation he had devoted his life.
He lived in his native country until the spring of 1883, when he disposed of his
farm and came West to Iowa, and settled on his present farm, having previously
obtained the entire section, 26, in exchange for some eastern property. He
afterward bought an additional eighty acres, and now owns 720 acres of Colfax
Township's best land, and is the largest resident landowner in the township. He
has been twice married; first, March 4, 1853, to Maria Beattie, a native of
Washington County, New York, who died August 16, 1873. They had a family of nine
children, only four of whom are living- Anna M., Mary L., Wife of Orrin
McDonnell, of Argyle, New York; William T. and Cora R. In December, 1874, he
married Mrs. Esther A. (McNaughton) Stevens, a native of Salem, New York,
daughter of John and Esther A. (Crary) McNaughton, her father of Scotch and her
mother of Irish descent. Her father is a descendant of a very old family, who
trace their genealogy to the highlands of Scotland, where they were a numerous
and prominent clan, many of them occupying positions of distinction. Mrs.
Lundy's father was a Brigadier-General of the militia of the south half of
Washington County, and served in the war of 1812, receiving as an acknowledgment
of his service 160 acres of land. Mrs. Lundy has one child by her first
marriage- Thaddeus M. Stevens. Since his arrival in Webster County Mr. Lundy has
been a successful man in his business pursuits, and by industry and perseverance
has acquired a competency. He is a supporter of the Democratic party, though not
an enthusiast on the question of party. When in New York State Mr. and Mrs.
Lundy were members of the Presbyterian church, but since coming to Iowa have not
united with any religious denomination. They are moral and exemplary in their
mode of living, kind, genial and obliging alike to stranger and kindred, and by
the daily practice of these virtues have won the respect of the community in
which they live.

Biographical Record and
Portrait Album of Webster and Hamilton Counties, Iowa. Chicago: Lewis
Publishing, 1888.
William Courtney resides on
section 14, Newark Township, where he settled in 1881. His farm contains 160
acres of good land, on which Mr. Courtney has made all the improvements. He was
born in County Monoghan, Ireland, in 1887, and when nineteen years of age came
to the United States. His mother died when he was quite young, and his father
afterward came to America, leaving his son in his native country for a time with
his grandparents. On coming to America our subject landed in New York, but went
soon after to Ontario, Canada, where he engaged in lumbering three years, and
then went to Saginaw, Michigan. In 1879 he came to Webster County, Iowa, with
the intention of getting himself a home, and that he has been successful is
evidenced by his present surroundings, which he has acquired by industry and
good management. He was married in Grand Haven, Michigan, to Anna Lynch, a
native of County Clare, Ireland. They have five children- Eliza Ann, Mary Jane,
William, Joseph and Mene C. Mr. Courtney is one of the representative farmers of
the township, and is a respected and enterprising citizen. He is especially
interested in the cause of education, and for several years has been a school
director of his township. In politics he is a Democrat and a warm supporter of
the principles of that party.

A Memorial and Biographical record
of Iowa. Chicago: Lewis Pub. Co., 1896
numbered among the most distinguished members of the bar of Iowa, and is now
successfully engaged in law practice in Des Moines as a member of the firm of
Phillips & Brennan. He has also taken a prominent part in political affairs
and has been honored with public office, wherein he has demonstrated his
fidelity to the best interests of the city.
A native of the Emerald Isle, he was born in county
Monaghan, March 12, 1845, and is a son of Owen Brennan, who emigrated with his
family to America about 1850, locating first near Philadelphia and afterward
removing to Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. At length he decided to seek a home in the
West and cast his lot with the settlers of Polk county, Iowa, where his
remaining days were passed. His life labors were ended in 1873, but his wife
still survives and yet makes her home in Des Moines.
Hugh Brennan was a child of only five years when the
family crossed the water to the United States. He was reared in the East, and
having attained his majority he was married in Pittsburg to Miss Jane Burnett, a
lady of Scotch descent. In early life he did not enter professional fields, but
it was his desire to take up the study of law for some years before he was able
to carry out his wishes. He had a family to support, and to prosecute his
studies would require capital which he did not possess. As the years passed,
however, he managed to save something from his earnings secured by manual labor,
and also devoted his leisure hours to the study of law; but it was not until
1874 that he could give his entire time and attention to it.
In that year Mr. Brennan became a student in the law
office of Smith & Bayles, a prominent legal firm of Des Moines. He applied
himself closely to the work, made a thorough study of the standard authorities,
and in February, 1878, was admitted to practice in the courts. Mr. Bayles
withdrew from the firm and Mr. Brennan was associated with his old preceptor,
Mr. Smith, in the regular practice of law for some years. He possesses superior
legal ability, an analytical mind and good powers of oratory. In 1886 he was
appointed to the position of assistant City Solicitor of Des Moines under James
H. Detrick, Esq.; and at once began to make a special study of municipal law,
devoting his whole time and attention to the faithful discharge of the duties of
his office. So efficient and acceptable were his services to the public that he
became the regular nominee on the Republican ticket for City Solicitor in 1890,
and at the election held on the 7th of April of that year he was given a large
majority. This was particularly complimentary to his ability, fidelity, and
personal popularity, as it was the first election of the city officers after the
consolidation of the city and suburban towns which largely increased the
responsibility resting on the City Solicitor. He qualified himself for the
position by his own unaided efforts and by so doing overcame adverse
circumstances which would discourage many another. That he was true to every
trust and capably served and discharged his duties with credit to himself and
satisfaction to his constituents is indicated by the fact that he was re-elected
on the expiration of his first term and continued in that office until April,
On his retirement to private life Mr. Brennan resumed
the general practice of law, forming a partnership with W.W. Phillips, which
still continues. The firm has won a reputation that places it in the foremost
ranks of the profession in Iowa and receives the most liberal and extended
patronage from among the best citizens. Mr. Brennan is recognized as a leading
member of the Republican party and does all in his power to promote its growth
and insure its success.