From "A Glimpse of Iowa in 1846; or , The Emigrant's Guide, and State Directory"
 by J.B. Newhall; Burlington, Iowa; 1846


     It is undoubtedly true that some descriptions of emigrants
will succeed better in a new country than others. Those who
have been accustomed to a country life, and to the labor of a 
farm, are, of course, better fitted to cultivate land and endure 
hardships, at first attendant upon a residence in a frontier
country, than artisans, traders and people whose habits of life
have become somewhat delicate by a long residence in cities
and work-shops. But every individual who, to health and 
vigor of manhood joins perseverance and industry, will ulti-
mately prosper. Mechanics, of all kinds, cannot fail to do
well in Iowa,  for, when not employed in cultivating their
farms, (if they choose to make one,) they will find it quite
easy and convenient to gain a little money by working at
their various trades; they will likewise have the advantage of
being able to improve their dwellings and repair their farming
utensils, without expense. Married persons are generally 
more comfortable, and succeed better, in a frontier country,
than single men; for a wife and family, so far from being a
burden to a western farmer, may always prove a source of pe-
cuniary advantage in the domestic economy of his household,
independently heightening the enjoyments of domestic happi-
ness. Of course the reader will understand that I speak of
country life, and not that of the large towns, where artificial
distinctions and "conventionalisms" have crept in, and, too fre-
quently, destroy that simplicity and frankness of character
which is the charm of social life.
     Many is the wife, whose cheerful countenance now glad-
dens the fireside of the "Iowa farmer," that once beamed brightly
in the gray saloons of the crowded city.   I believe 
every candid traveller will concur in the foregoing views. In
fine, it must be the settler's own fault if he does not enjoy, in
large abundance, every substantial comfort and enjoyment of
life, and rear around his frugal board all the choice blessings of a 
land flowing with "milk and honey."


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