Daily Times, Davenport,
Scott, Iowa, September 19, 1896
Mrs. Mary Irwin Killian Passes Away Last Night
Born in Roscommon, Ireland, in 1807, She Attained the Age of Eighty-Nine Years-A
Resident of Davenport Since 1842-A Beautiful Life-The Funeral
Last evening at 8:30 o'clock at
the home of her daughter, Mrs. J.T. O'Meara, 212 west Sixth street, occurred the
death of Mrs. Mary Irwin Killian of senility, in the eighty-ninth year of her
age. Her demise is a shock to her host of friends in this city where she has
lived for the past forty-two years. The advent of death was sudden although
anticipated. The deceased, although a hearty and robust old lady, had for the
past several weeks showed evidence of a rapid decline. She went recently to
retire at an unusually early hour, complaining of feeling tired. Shortly after,
eating supper last night the old lady retired to her room. Nothing caused alarm
to her daughter over her early retiring since it had become a usual thing for
Mrs. Killian to go to bed immediately after supper. Along about 8 o'clock one of
the children said that she thought grandma was calling. Her daughter, Mrs.
O'Meara, went into the hall to the foot of the stairs and heard a moan. Hurrying
up the stairs she found her mother in a state of collapse. She lapsed into
unconsciousness and passed away in about twenty minutes. A physician was
summoned immediately and found on arriving that nothing could be done. He
announced that her death was caused by senility and the rapid breaking down of
the tissue attendant upon such great age.
Mary Irwin Killian, relict of the late Daniel Killian, who passed away eleven
years ago, was born in Roscommon county, Ireland on August 15, 1807. As a girl
she was acquainted with the great minds then prominent in Irish affairs, and as
an old lady was wont to tell of the early days of the century, its great men,
the struggles of her race for national freedom and of the great days which
followed the defeats of the last century. She was married to Daniel Killian in
Ireland several years before starting for America.
On her first arrival in the United States she settled at Providence, R.I., where
she remained for three years. In 1842 she came to Davenport, where she has since
resided. Since the death of her husband in 1885 she has made her home with her
daughter, Mrs. J.T. O'Meara, at 212 west Sixth street, where she died.
The deceased was the mother of five children, three of whom survive
William F Orendorff of Gilbert, Mrs. T.M. Flannigan of Williamsburg, Ia., and
Mrs. J.T. O'Meara of this city. A score of grandchildren also survive.
The funeral will probably be held Monday morning at 9 o'clock from the residence
of her daughter, Mrs. J.T. O'Meara, 212 west Sixth street, with funeral services
at St. Anthony's church and interment in St. Marguerite's cemetery.
Daily Leader, Davenport, Scott, Iowa,
Sunday, September 20, 1896
Born in Ireland. She Came to Davenport in 1842 -- She Had Been Ailing for Some
Time But Passes Away Suddenly--
The Funeral To Be Held on Monday.
At the home of her daughter Mrs. T.T.
J. O'Meara, on Friday evening at 8:30 o'clock occurred the sudden death of Mrs.
Mary Irwin Killian of senilits. Her death was a though a shock to her many
friends was not wholly unexpected. Although seemingly hearty and robust for so
old a lady she had for several weeks been rapidly declining. It had been her
custom of late to retire at an early hour complaining of feeling tired. Shortly
after eating supper on Friday evening she retired to her room. Nothing was
thought of her early retiring as it had become a habit with her to go to bed
soon after supper. About 8 o'clock the family thought they heard her calling and
when Mrs. O'Meara went into the hall at the foot of the stairs she heard a moan.
Hurrying up stairs she was horrified to find her mother in a state of collapse.
A physician was immediately summoned but found upon his arrival that the old
lady had passed beyond human aid Mrs. Killian had lapsed into unconsciousness
and in about twenty minutes entered the abode of eternal rest.
Mary Irwin Killian was born in Roscommon county Ireland
August 15, 1807. In her girlhood she was acquainted with the great minds
prominent in Irish affairs and in her old age loved to tell of the men and of
the times of her childhood and Ireland's struggle for national freedom. Her
husband Daniel Killian to whom she was married before leaving Ireland preceded
her into the great unknown eleven years ago. On her arrival in America she first
settled in Providence, R.I. but in 1842 came to Davenport where she has resided
ever since. After the death of her husband in 1885 she made her home with her
daughter Mrs. T.J. O'Meara at 212 West Sixth street and found there a home until
death came to her at the ripe old age of 89 years.
The deceased was the mother of five children of whom
three survive her, Mrs. William F. Orendorff of Gilbert, Mrs. T.M. Flannigan of
Williamsburg, Iowa and Mrs. T.J. O'Meara of this city and a number of grand
children and great grand children also survive her.
The funeral will be held this afternoon at 2 o'clock
from the residence of her daughter 212 West Sixth street with services at St.
Anthony's church and interment in St. Marguerite's cemetery.

"The Daily
Nonpareil" Council Bluffs, Iowa, Tuesday, July 5, 1887, page 6:
"Crushed by His Own Engine"
"Last night a fatal accident occurred in
the "Q" yards near the K. C., St. J. & C. B. round house. Barney
Donehue, an engineer who has been in the employ of the C., B. & Q. company
in this city for the past eighteen years, went down to the yards to relieve the
day man, and was in the act of climbing upon his engine, No. 836, when his foot
slipped and he fell beneath the wheel. His right arm was cut off and the wheels
of the tender passed over the middle of his body, cutting him almost in twain.
The deceased was a sober, industrious man, and by his industry had accumulated
considerable money which was invested in real estate. He was about 55 years of
age and leaves a wife and five children, two boys and three girls, to mourn his
demise. The remains were removed to the undertaking establishment of Morgan,
Keller & Co., and an inquest will be held at 8:30 o'clock this morning. The
funeral will probably occur tomorrow, and will doubtless be attended by a very
large circle of friends.
"The Daily Nonpareil" Council
Bluffs, Iowa, Thursday, July 7, 1887, page 8:
In Memoriam. The funeral of the late
Bartholomew Donahue, who was accidentally killed by falling beneath the wheels
of his engine in the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy yards in this city, on
Monday evening last, took place yesterday afternoon from the family residence. A
large number of friends and acquaintances assembled at the hour named to pay
their last respects and show by their presence their appreciation of the worth
and character of the deceased, whom they had known during the past sixteen years
as a good citizen and one of the most careful and trustworthy engineers in the
employ of the Burlington road. The funeral services were conducted under the
auspices of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, division 183, of Omaha, of
which Mr. Donahue was an honored and respected member. The following are the
names of those present: M. W. Bunham chief engineer; Wm. Clawson, first
assistant engineer; Joe Hay, second assistant engineer; M. Denan, third
assistant engineer; J. M. Byers, guide; E. R. Fonda, chaplain; Mark Murphy, 183;
M. Burk, 112; Thos. Barnes, 112; John Chapman, 107; Mat Perre, 183. The pall
bearers were as follows: Chas. E. Taylor, director 183; Ed Pierce, director 107;
Jas. Burns, director 183; Wm. Wilson, director 183; Cass Libold, director 183;
Charles Gunn, director 112.
Upon the casket was a beautiful floral pillow,
which was the tribute of the fraternity to the memory of their deceased brother.
The pillow bore the following: "B.L.E., 185," tastefully woven in
floral character of plain yet chaste design. Upon the conclusion of the services
the remains were conveyed to the Catholic cemetery on Walnut hill and laid in
their final resting place. The funeral cortege was a most imposing one, and
consisted of nine-four carriages, which were preceded by the 5th regiment band
in full uniform. Bartholomew Donahue was born in County Rothcommon, Ireland, in
1838, and was consequently 49 years of age. He came to Council Bluffs in 1871
and has resided here continuously ever since, and has been steadily in the
employ of the company in whose service he died. He leaves a wife and five
children-two boys and three girls to mourn his sudden and untimely death. Mrs.
Donahue is completely prostrated by the unexpected and terrible visitation, and
she finds it almost impossible to bear up under the burden of sorrow which was
so unexpectedly place upon her. So great was the darkness of her grief that she
fainted several times and finally had to be carried from the grave apparently
lifeless. The intensity of her sorrow touched every heart, and make each life
throb a token of sympathy, while every breath bore from the lips of all present
a silent prayer that a sustaining strength might be given her to walk safely
through the gloomy shadows which fell so darkly over her pathway.
Mr. Donahue's long service as a locomotive
engineer had never been marred by an injury in the slightest degree to any
person and it was one of the constant anxieties of his daily life that no
accident to life or limb should be directly or indirectly connected with his
service. Only a short time ago he said to an acquaintance, "I never have
hurt so much as the end of a man's little finger and it is my daily prayer that
I never shall." Such was the character of the deceased in the discharge of
the dangerous duties of his calling and the fate which crushed him beneath the
wheels of his own engine through a misstep hastily made in returning from an
errand of mercy in carrying to his home Mr. Turney, who had been struck by and
seriously injured by the engine hauling the fast mail through the yards of the
Kansas City road seems, indeed, most cruel and it is hard to view it in any
other light.
Being Researched by: Marsha

Newspaper Name and Date Not Given
Mrs Mary Duggan,of Marengo,died here last Sunday,in
her 102nd year..She was not only the oldest person in
Iowa County,but one of the oldest if not the oldest in
the State. It is known that she was born in Ireland in
1794 and with her husband came to this country in 1853
and to Marengo in 1870.She raised a family of four
children,three of whom are living, and there are 23
grandchildren.Thomas Duggan her husband,died in 1890
and Mrs Duggan has since resided with her daughter,Mrs
J.N.May.A son Thomas resides in Davenport and a
daughter,Mrs Mary McNally of Exira,Iowa.
The deceased was beloved by all who knew her in her
long lifetime,and the funeral yesterday at
St/Patrick's of which she was a faithful member was
largely attended.
Mrs Mary McNally,of Exira,Iowa and Mrs Margaret
Duggan,of Davenport were here to attend the funeral...
Has Lived A Hundred Years.
A short sketch of the Life of Mrs Mary
(Oates)Duggan,Marengo's Centenarian.......
At the time of the taking of the last census of Iowa
there were in the state fifteen persons who had
attained the age of one hundred years and upwards.One
of this number, Mrs Mary Duggan resided in this city
and The Democrat Publishes below a short sketch of her
life.The portrait published in the connection is a
very good likeness and is reproduced from her latest
The subject of this sketch,Mrs Mary Duggan, was born
in the county Roscommon,near the town of Athlone born
in the year 1794..she quite distinctly remembers some
incidents of the Irish Rebellion,which occurred in
1798 and lasted until 1800.she went to school during
the stirring time of the wars of Napoleon,when all
Europe was agitated with the conquests of the "Little
Corporal".Reared amid the scenery of the Emerald
Isle.and near the lovely Lough Ree, she aquired that
robust health and strong constitution which has
enabled her to almost reach the gates of the 20th
century.Surviving the famine years of Ireland ,she and
her husband emigrated to New York City in 1853,where
she resided until 1861,when she moved with her family
to Davenport,Iowa where she remained until 1870,when
they removed to Marengo,where she still resides.She is
still quite vigorous in the body and mind,walks
several blocks and attends church quite frequently.She
raised a family of four children,Thomas
Michael,Catherine and Mary,three of whom are still
living,There are 23 grandchildren now living.Having
seen so many political dangers and also all the great
mechanicals of the 19th century, may her life be
spared until she enters the threshold of the
twentieth.Her husband Thomas Duggan,died in
December,1890..She now lives with her daughter
Being Researched by Kay

Davenport Democrat; Davenport,
Scott, Iowa; Sep 4, 1925
Resident of Davenport for Over 70 Years Dies at the Age of 90
Stephen O'Connor, a pioneer resident of Davenport,
having resided here
for over 70 years, died at his home, 430 West Pleasant street, at 6 o'clock
Thursday evening. His death terminated an illness of the past two weeks,
altho he had been ailing for some time.
Mr. O'Connor was born in County Roscommon, Ireland, on
Dec. 20, 1834,
having reached the age of 90 years. He came to America when 15 years of age
and had been a resident her for over 70 years. In spite of his advanced
years Mr. O'Connor was a good conversationalist and his genial kindly
disposition made for him a host of friends which he kept during his life
time. For over 30 years he was employed at the French & Hecht company.
The deceased was united in marriage in 1858 to Miss
Mary Heeney in the
old St. Margaret's church, which now is known as Sacred Heart cathedral. His
wife died 43 years ago.
Surviving are one son, John J. O'Connor and two
daughters, Elizabeth A.
O'Connor and Mrs. Ellen Priest, all of Davenport. He is also survived by 18
grandchildren and six great grandchildren.
The funeral will be held from the late residence, 430
West Pleasant
street, at 9 a.m. Saturday to St. Anthony's church at 9:45 a.m. Interment
will be in St. Marguerite's cemetery.

Daily Times; Davenport,
Scott, Iowa; Thurs. Evening, June 24, 1897
At his home, 1304 West Seventh
street at 8:15 o'clock last evening occurred
the death of Patrick KILLEEN, a veteran drayman, from a complication of
ailments, in the sixty-eighth year of his life.
The deceased was born in County Roscommon, Ireland and came to this country
and city fifty years ago where he has since resided. He is survived by his
widow and one daughter, Mary.
The funeral will take place tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock from the late
residence 1304 west Seventh street with funeral services at St. Mary's
church and interment in St. Mary's cemetery.

Iowa Recorder; Greene,
Butler, Iowa; Mar 22, 1905
In Memoriam
Died, at his home, near Greene, Iowa, March 17, 1905,
Thomas Hanley, in the 70th year of his age.
The above brief notice
comes with a weight of sorrow into the hearts and homes of hundreds who for many
long years have known Thomas Hanley and whose warm hand has pressed there own in
days of trouble and in days of cheer. He was a genial, warm-hearted man who made
friends of all with whom he came in contact. In the early days, when all our
pioneers were equally poor, the needy found in him a friend and brother.
Thomas Hanley was born August 8, 1835, at Roscommon,
Ireland. His parents died while deceased was yet a child and at seven years of
age the little boy came to America and made his home with devoted sisters at
Oshkosh, Wisconsin. In his Wisconsin home he grew to manhood and engaged in the
lumber business. In 1868 he came to Butler County and was married to Miss Mary
Higgins, who survives him. To this happy union ten children have been born, all
of whom reside at home. As the deceased drew near to the end of life's journey,
and the dew of death gathered upon his brow, a noble wife and ten devoted
children surrounded his cot. While it was doubtless sad for him to leave so
large and gifted a family, yet he had made few if any mistakes in life, had been
a true husband and kind father, and with a husband's and father's blessing, and
with no duty to man or God unperformed, he could close his eyes in peaceful
rest, and thus ended the life of this grand and good old pioneer.
For many months he had been a great sufferer and it has
long been known that he was slowly but surely nearing the Valley of death. All
that a devoted family could do was done, but to no avail and the battle is o'er
and death is crowned victor.
His death has called forth the warmest feelings of
regret of more than ordinary character. There are too few Thomas Hanley's in
this old world. All who were intimately acquainted with him knew him to be a man
in the highest sense. His friends were made for him by his real character. He
was a man in the highest sense of all the word implies. As husband, father,
neighbor, friend and citizen, Thomas Hanley was as near without a fault as human
nature can get.
He leaves to his ever devoted wife and large family, a
beautiful home and broad acres of rich land which he has accumulated by honest
toil, but better than all this he leaves them a name for all that is honorable
and good. The funeral was held at St. Mary's church Monday, March 20, at 10:30,
and this large and commodious church was filled with those who desired to pay a
last tribute of respect to one they had long known and honored. One could but
notice among the large audience were many from a distance who had traveled longs
miles to show a mark of honor to the silent sleeper in casket. The floral
decorations were profuse and beautiful. The Catholic Order of Foresters
contributed a cross of the most beautiful and fragrant roses, while other
friends came laden with earths choicest bloom. Father Sheehy paid a fitting
tribute to the memory of the deceased after which the body was tenderly conveyed
to the funeral car and a long procession of mourning relatives and friends
followed to the Silent City where was consigned to the grave all that was
mortal of Thomas Hanley.
The pall bearers were men who had known him and been
close friends for a quarter of a century, and their eyes moistened as they
lowered their old pioneer friend into his last resting place. The Pall bearers
consisted of J.E. Downing, John O'Brien, Thomas Grady, B. Ramker, J.W. Williams
and John Anderson.
Around the new grave was the aged wife and ten
children, namely: Matt, Anna, Albert, Nellie, Sarah, Walter, Emmett, Joseph,
Grace and Mercy. To this large and gifted family the Recorder unites with the
entire community in extending warmest sympathy and would remind them that the
separation is only temporary. So at the tomb, surrounded by his family let us
drop the curtain and not think of our friend as dead, but in peaceful sleep.

Waterloo Sunday Courier
Waterloo, Black Hawk, Iowa
March 9, 1950
Mrs. Mary Kelley of Manchester is Dead at Age 90.
(Courier Special Service)
Manchester, Ia.- Funeral services are in charge of the
Shelly funeral home
here for Mrs. Mary Leonard Kelley, 90, one of the oldest members of St. Mary's
church here and a resident of Manchester for over 46 years, who died at her home
here Wednesday following a few days' illness. Rev. Fr. Vincent T. Hoverman will
officiate. Burial will be in Calvary cemetery at Ryan.
Mary, daughter of the late Thomas and Sarah (Jacken)
Leonard, was born May
18, 1859, in Roscommon, Ireland. She received her schooling there and came to
New York City at the age of 18 and after a year's residence there came to
Independence, Ia., and later to Manchester. She was married at Independence Oct.
29, 1878, to the late Michael Kelley, who died Sept. 6, 1906.
The home was made in Manchester, where Mrs. Kelley was
a member of St.
Mary's church of the Rosary society, and a charter member of the American Legion
auxiliary. She made her home with her daughter, Eva, and her son, Ambrose.
Surviving Mrs. Kelley are the following children, Mrs.
Lena Abbott,
Dubuque; Miss Eva Kelley, Ambrose and Leo Kelley, all of Manchester; Mrs.
Lillian Pennick and Mrs. Edwin King, both of Des Moines; Albert Kelley, of Los
Angeles, Cal; and Berniece Kelley, also of Des Moines.
Other survivors include 20 grandchildren, 36 great
grandchildren, and eight
great great grandchildren.
One son, Ed, and two daughters also preceded Mrs.
Kelley in death.

Palo Alto Reporter; Emmetsburg,
Iowa; March 29, 1895
Coin Dead
Patrick Coin died, at the home of his daughter, Mrs.
Joseph Peterman, at Lisbon, N. Dak., Saturday, March 23 at 4:00 a.m.
His illness was of short duration, he having been able
to walk down town but four days previous to his demise. The cause of his death
was pneumonia, and he being such an aged man, his system could not long resist
such a disease.
Mr. Coin was born in the County of Roscommon, Ireland,
in the year 1802, consequently had reached the ripe age of 93 when Death
summoned him hence. He subsequently emigrated to this county and at different
periods of his life lived in New Orleans, St. Louis and in the state of
Wisconsin. He came to this county in the early seventies and resided here until
last fall, when failing health and old age made it necessary for him to go to
Lisbon, N. Dak. to reside with his daughter, Mrs. Joseph Peterman, in order that
she might tend his declining years. Her loving task was of short duration for in
five short months he had passed from the burdens and cares of this life.
His remains arrived here Tuesday evening and the
funeral obsequies took place Wednesday morning at 10:00 o'clock from the
Catholic church, Rev. Father Costello conducting the services.
His remains were brought here by Mrs. Peterman, and his
son Charles came up from St. Louis, and brother and sister together performed
the last sad rites to him who had sheltered and protected in their youthful

Davenport Daily Leader,
Davenport, Scott, Iowa, Friday, Feb. 3, 1899
6 o'clock Thursday evening at family home 1214 Scott street occurred the death
of Mrs. Elizabeth Dolan at the age of 66 years. Deceased was born in Roscommon,
Ireland and came to this state 44 years ago.
She is survived by her husband John Dolan, four sons,
J.J. Dolan of San Francisco, J.F. Dolan of St. Joseph, Mo., W.H. Dolan at home
and two daughters Miss M.E. Dolan at home and Sister Mary De Sailes of lincoln,
Ill. She is also survived by three sisters, Miss Susan O'Connor of this city,
Mrs. Ellen Kerrigan of Adair, Mrs. A. Byrne of Des Moines, and one brother,
Stephen O'Connor of this city. Deceased has been ailing since September last and
her death was not unexpected.
The funeral will be held Sunday afternoon from the
residence with services at St. Anthony's church at 2 o'clock. Interment will be
at St. Marguerite's cemetery.

Des Moines Leader, Des Moines,
Polk, Iowa, Sunday, Feb. 23, 1902
At his home, 219 East Fifth street, February 21, after a long illness, Andrew
Murray, aged 75 years.
Mr. Murray was born in the county Roscommon, Ireland,
in 1826. He came to Des Moines in 1845 and has lived at his present residence
since that time. He was highly esteemed by all who knew him. He leaves at wife
and one son, Andrew J.
The funeral will be held from the Church of the Visitation on
Monday at 8 a.m. Interment at St. Ambrose cemetery.
