Past and Present in Allamakee County, by
Ellery M. Hancock. 2 vols. Chicago: S. J. Clarke Pub. Co., 1913.
A valuable farm of one hundred and fifty-one
acres in Linton township pays tribute to the care and skill of William Heffernan,
who is numbered among Allamakee county's progressive agriculturists and most
successful representative of native sons. He was born in this township, February
22, 1855, and is a son of William and Mary (McCormac) Heffernan, the former born
in Waterford, Ireland, in 1832 and the latter in County Fermanagh in 1838. In
his youth the father learned the shoemaking trade and about 1850 emigrated to
America, following this occupation for one year in New York city. He then moved
to Poughkeepsie, in the same state, where his marriage occurred, after which he
and his wife came west, settling in Galena, Illinois. The father followed his
trade in that community until he came to Iowa in 1854, settling on what was
known as the old Rice homestead, where the subject of our review was born. The
parents continued to reside there for one year and then moved to another farm in
Linton township, this property comprising a portion of William Heffernan's
present holdings. The father spent the remainder of his life upon this property,
engaging in farming, and died here December 28, 1903. He had survived his wife
since December 21, 1899. Seven children were born to their union, of whom the
subject of this review is the fourth in order of birth.
William Heffernan acquired his education in the Egan school in district No. 1,
Linton township, and when not engaged with his books assisted his father with
the operation of the homestead, becoming thus familiar with the best and most
practical agricultural methods. When he was twenty-two years of age he left home
and went to Nebraska, where he took up his homestead claim in Custer county
which he held for fourteen years. He did not, however, reside continuously upon
this property, going back and forth for one year and in 1879 walked from Broken
Bow, Custer county, Nebraska, to Cherry Mound, Allamakee county, Iowa, leading a
span of colts, the trip consuming three weeks. During the remainder of his time
he lived on the homestead in Linton township, Iowa, caring for his parents in
their declining years. Eventually he disposed of his property in Nebraska and
bought the old Corcoran homestead in Allamakee county, a property adjoining his
father's farm. He operated this and the family homestead until after the death
of his parents, when he became proprietor of the entire tract. He has since
disposed of some of the land, owing to his impaired health, and owns today one
hundred and fifty-one acres which are ably managed and which he has made one of
the valuable and attractive farms in this locality. Mr. Heffernan engages in
general farming and has extensive stock-raising and dairy interests, all of the
branches of his enterprise being carefully conducted and therefore profitable.
On the 12th of January, 1909, Mr. Heffernan was united in marriage to Miss
Margaret Kelly, who was born in Linton township, February 15, 1857, a daughter
of John and Bridget (Birmingham) Kelly, the former a native of County Galway and
the latter of County Fermanagh, Ireland. Mrs. Heffernan's mother is a descendant
of one of the noted families of Ireland. The Birminghams were of Norman origin
and came to Ireland at the time of the English invasion. The grandfather was a
nobleman but lost his property on account of religious persecution at that time
when Ireland was steeped in internal troubles. John and Bridget Kelly crossed
the Atlantic at about the same time that Mr. Heffernan's parents made the
journey and they settled in Ohio, where for a number of years the father worked
in a hotel. After coming to Linton township, this county, he purchased land and
turned his attention to farming, following this occupation until his retirement.
He and his wife now reside in Linton township. Both are highly respected in
Allamakee county, and all of their living children, four sons and three
daughters, are well-to-do. In their family were nine children, of whom two,
however, died in infancy. Mr. and Mrs. Kelly are widely known for their
generosity, hospitality and kindness which qualities they practice in their old
age as they have done during their entire life. Mr and Mrs Heffernan have an
adopted child which they secured from a Catholic orphan's home in Chicago.
Mr and Mrs. Heffernan are members of the Cherry Mound Roman Catholic church, and
he gives his political allegiance to the democratic party, having served in a
capable and efficient way as a road supervisor. He is a stockholder in the
Waterville Creamery Company and in the Farmers Telephone Company of Paint Creek
township and is a business man of known reliability and worth. Throughout the
township where his entire life had been spent he is well and favorably regarded
and holds the unqualified confidence and esteem of the entire community.

Biographical History and Portrait Gallery of
Scott County...1895; American Biog Publ.
John J. Ryan was born
in Davenport, January 11, 1869, and is the son of Daniel and Julia (Organ) Ryan,
natives of County Waterford, Ireland, who came to America and settled in
Haverstraw, New York. After remaining there a short time the elder Ryan came to
Iowa and became engaged in contract work on railroads.
Judge John J. Ryan obtained his primary education in
Davenport and graduated with honors from St. Ambrose College in 1886. He then
taught school four months, after which he took up the study of law, and being an
earnest and apt student was soon fitted to enter the law department of the State
University at Iowa City. After remaining there one year he returned to Davenport
and studied one year with E.M. Sharon, and in October of 1889 was admitted to
the bar by the Supreme Court, in Des Moines, but not being of age his commission
was withheld until the following January, ten days after he obtained his
majority. He immediately afterward entered in a copartnership with E.M. Sharon,
as junior member of the firm of Sharon & Ryan, their partnership continuing
until February of 1893. He was elected police judge the following April.
Judge Ryan is a member of the Scott County Hibernians,
Division No. 2; also a member of the Carnival Camp No. 1, Woodmen of the World.
He is a Democrat in politics and a Catholic in his church affiliations. He has a
fine library, is in all respects a well equipped lawyer and occupies a leading
position among the younger members of the bar of Scott County.

Gue, B.F. Biographies
and Portraits of the Progressive Men of Iowa. Des Moines: Conaway & Shaw
Publishers, 1899.
Jordan, Richard Francis, is a leading citizen, successful lawyer and influential
democrat of Boone county. He was born in Queensburg township, Warren
county, N. Y., not far from Glen's Falls, March 19, 1856. His parents were John
and Ann Connelley Jordan. The father was a farmer in easy circumstances, who
retired from active life in 1889. Both Father and Mother Jordan were natives of Ireland,
coming to this country in early youth. It is understood in the family that his
people originally came from Holland, as soldiers under William of Orange in one
of his campaigns in Ireland, and that they settled
in the city of Waterford, Ireland, and eventually
became as children to the manor born. Mr. and Mrs. Jordan were married at Glen's
Falls, N. Y., January 25, 1855. They lived in Dixon, Ill., from 1856 to 1866,
and in April of the latter year drove overland from that place to Boone county,
Iowa, where they purchased a farm in Colfax township, which continued to be the
family home until 1889. Richard attended the city schools of Dixon, Ill., until
he was 10 years of age, and after that attended the country district schools of
Boone county until he was 17 years of age. In March, 1874, he entered the State
Agricultural college at Ames in the regular course as freshman, and continued
there until November, 1877, when he graduated with the degree of bachelor of
science. He stood second in the markings of his class and was selected as one of
the ten to participate in the graduating exercises. While in college he was a
member of the Bachelors' Debating society, and in general took an active
interest in all college class matters while there. During his vacations and for
a short time after graduating he taught country schools. In August, 1878, he
entered the Iowa Law school at Des Moines, which was a department of the Simpson
Centenary college. There he completed the course in the study of law, receiving
the degree of bachelor of law, and was admitted to practice in the supreme court
of Iowa, June 9, 1879. During the time he was in law school he also read law in
the office of Miller & Godfrey, in Des Moines. He has always been a student,
keeping abreast of the times, keeping himself posted in all the new changes in
the laws of our country and in the decisions of the supreme court. He has been
successful and has advanced in his profession by simply sticking to his work,
giving his best efforts to his profession and treating all with whom he deals in
a fair and honorable manner–a firm believer in the old proverb: “Honesty is
the best policy.”

Mount Pleasant News
Mount Pleasant, Henry co., Iowa
May 18, 1948
Of James K. Clark and his colorful career some
space must be given. "Jim"
Clark, as he was affectionately known, was an Irishman. His face was the
map of County Kilarney. His lips had kissed the Blarney stone, and his heart
as sentimental as the rhymes of Thomas Moore. Mr. Clark was born in
Waterford, Ireland, in 1846. He was educated in Dublin and came to this
country in 1863, landing in New York City, where he remained until 1866 when
he moved to Chicago and was there when the great fire of 1871 swept over
that city. Mr. Clark losing about all he possessed. Leaving Chicago
Clark moved to Iok (?), Kansas, entering the boot and shoe business, and a
year later moved to Topeka. Soon back to Chicago, where under the firm
of Reed & Clark, a wholesale business of footwear was established.
financial disaster overtook the firm in 1874, and Mr. Clark moved to Mt.
Pleasant where he again entered the boot and shoe business. However, in
1880 he entered the newspaper business with R.C. Brown in publishing the
Herald. After his disposal of his newspaper interests Mr. Clark entered
grocery business, and old timers well remember his grocery on North Main at
the corner where the college gymnasium stands. Mr. Clark delivered his
groceries with a one horse rig, and he called his store the "One Horse
Grocery." While in Kansas Mr. Clark was elected to the lower house of
Kansas legislature, and later, in 1875, he was nominated by the Greenback
party of Iowa as its candidate for lieutenant governor.

Portrait and
Biographical Record of Dubuque, Jones and Clayton Counties
Chicago: Chapman Pub. Co., 1894
THOMAS KELEHER, who is now living a retired life in the enjoyment of a well earned
competency and is a resident of Elkader, is a son of the Emerald Isle, coming of
one of those enterprising Irish families who have accomplished so much in the
development and upbuilding of Clayton County. He is one of the honored pioneers
of these parts, having settled within the limits of the county in 1855.
The birth of our subject occurred in Waterford County,
Ireland, in 1833, and of that country his father, Tobias, was also a native. The
family removed to America in 1848, when Thomas Keleher was a lad of fifteen
years, and their first location was in New York City. The father's death
occurred in Clayton County, His wife bore the maiden name of Catherine Mulvey,
and both parents were adherents of the Catholic Church, Mrs. Keleher died in
Clayton County.
Thomas Keleher came to Clayton County in 1855 and soon
after settled on a farm in Boardman Township, where he engaged in agricultural
pursuits, improving and greatly increasing the value of his property. For about
thirty-five years he continued to operate his farm, which is one of the most
desirable in the township and which is still in the possession of our subject.
The place comprises two hundred and forty acres of good land, which is improved
with fences, desirable residence, barns and outbuildings. In 1891 Mr. Keleher
retired from the active and arduous duties pertaining to running a farm and
since that time has been a resident of the city. In 1860 our subject was united
in marriage with Miss Mary Direen, who
departed this life on January 19, 1878, leaving four sons and one daughter, who
in order of birth are as follows: William, Jeremiah, Frank, Edward and Anna.
Thomas Keleher married his present wife in 1881. Prior to this her name was Anna
Roach, and by this union one son and three daughters have been born, namely:
John, Mary, Stella and Chloe. The parents are zealous workers in the Catholic
Church, in the faith of which they are rearing their children and they are also
giving them the benefits of a good education. Thomas Keleher, who is favorably
known in Clayton County, has actively participated in its improvement; he has
also been industrious and enterprising, attending strictly to his own affairs,
By these means he has succeeded in acquiring ample means for providing himself
and family with the necessities of life. Commencing at the bottom round of
the ladder he worked upward step by step, and by persevering energy and well
directed efforts acquired his large and valuable property. In regard to
his polities he is a Democrat, using his influence and voting for the support of
that party.
--Contributed by Becky Teubner

A Memorial and Biographical record of Iowa. Chicago: Lewis
Pub. Co., 1896
editor of the Iowa Daily Capital, Des Moines, Iowa, is a gentleman who has had a
broad experience in the journalistic field.
He was born in New York city, in the year 1833, and is
a son of William and Margaret (Chambers) Fleming, both natives of Ireland, the
father born in Waterford and the mother in county Fermanagh. Four sons and one
daughter composed their family, and of this number two are now living: William
H. and David D., the latter a resident of West Des Moines. William Fleming, the
father of our subject, was by occupation a printer. He came to America about
1815 and settled in New York city where he was married and where he passed the
rest of his life. He died there July 26, 1845, at the age of about forty-three
years. His wife survived him till May 26, 1874, when she died in Des Moines. She
was an Episcopalian. Grandfather Fleming was a Scotchman, was a sea captain for
many years, lived to an advanced age and died in New York city. He and his wife
were the parents of three sons and two daughters. Of the maternal grandfather of
our subject, John Chambers, be it recorded that he was a native of the Emerald
Isle, was a farmer by occupation, and emigrated to America and located in New
York city as the war of 1812 was beginning, being on the ocean when the war was
declared. In this conflict he was for a short time participant.
William H. Fleming, whose name introduces this article,
was reared in New York and received his early training partly in a private
school, but mostly in Public School No. 7 of that city. At the age of fourteen
he became an apprentice to the trade of printer in the office of John A. Gray,
and subsequently he was in the employ of John F. Trow, who was connected with
the city directory work for some years. After seven years spent with Mr. Trow,
young Fleming came West, stopping first at Davenport, Scott county, Iowa, where
he accepted a position in the office of Luse & Coles. He remained in Scott
county eleven years. Within that time he published a paper at Le Claire, Iowa,
for three years. For one year he was city editor of the Davenport Gazette. Later
he was clerk in the office of the Adjutant-General of the State, and while in
that position moved to Clinton. In January, 1867, he became a Deputy Secretary
of State under General Ed Wright, which position he held two years and three
months, when he was tendered the position of private secretary to Governor
Merrill, and continued in that office through successive terms until January,
1882, serving under Merrill, Carpenter, Kirkwood, Newbold and Gear. In 1882 he
was invited by Captain Hull to find and compile the Federal census of Iowa and
all the enumerations from 1836 until 1880, which he accomplished in a period of
eighteen months. In 1883 Mr. Fleming purchased and interest in the Iowa Weekly
Capital, and on the 1st of September of that year started the Daily Capital, but
in January of the following year disposed of his interest in this publication,
and for some time thereafter was variously employed. In the campaign of 1884 he
served as secretary of the State Republican Central Committee. In 1885 he was
acting deputy Auditor of State. During the following three or four years he was
engaged in journalistic work, and in 1890-92 was secretary of the Iowa Building
& Loan Association. In 1893 we find him serving as clerk of the commission
which revised the revenue laws of the State. For a number of years, in
connection with other employment, he has been more or less engaged in
journalistic work, writing for numerous publications, and, as above stated, is
now serving as associate editor of the Iowa Daily Capital.
Mr. Fleming has for years been deeply interested in
temperance work, has been a member of the Order of Good Templars thirty-six
years, and has been honored with official position in the organization, serving
five years as Grand Treasurer, and also filling the office of Grand Chief
Templar. He is also a member of the Ancient Order of United Workmen, in which he
has served officially in the Grand Lodge. His religious views are those advanced
by the Universalists.