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From the book "The History of Clinton County Iowa" by L. P. Allen (1879)

THOMAS O'TOOLE, farmer, Sec. 4; P.O. Charlotte; was born in County Wicklow, Ireland, in 1829; his parents, Lawrence and Catherine O'Toole, emigrated to Canada in 1830. He married Sarah McAllister, a native of Ireland; they have had seven children, six of whom are still living -- Margaret, Mary, Lawrence, Thomas, John and James; the other died in infancy. Mr. O'Toole came to Clinton Co. and settled on his present farm in Washington Township, in 1851. His homestead farm contains 280 acres; he also owns a farm of 140 acres in Waterford Township; he is one of the successful farmers of Washington Township; is engaged extensively in stock-raising; makes a specialty of short-horns; has a fine herd of twenty of that excellent breed of cattle.


From the book "The History of Clinton County Iowa" by L. P. Allen (1879)

GEORGE MAHAN, farmer, Sec. 26; P. O. Elvira; owns 567 acres of land; he was born on the 10th of May, 1821, in County Wicklow, Ireland; in 1847, he emigrated to this country and located in Columbiana Co., Ohio, where he remained for two years, when he removed to Clinton Co., Iowa., and located upon the land which he now owns; he has held for several years the offices of Township School Director and Road Supervisor. He married Mary Smith, of Center Township, Iowa, on the 5th of May, 1862, and have five children, one boy and four girls-Roger, Maria, Luella, Minnie and Katie. He and his family are members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, of Elvira. When he landed in America, he was a poor man and had nothing; but, by hard work, has a beautiful homestead and a fortune aggregating from $40,000 to $50,000.


From the book "The History of Clinton County Iowa" by L. P. Allen (1879)

LAWRENCE TIERNEY, farmer, Sec. 6; P.O. Elvira; owns eighty acres of land; he was born in County Wicklow, Ireland, in 1829; in 1854, he emigrated to the United States and located in Clinton Co. where he has lived since; Aug. 12,1861, he enlisted in Co. A, 8th Iowa V. I.; he served his country faithfully till the 20th of April, 1866, when he was honorably discharged at Selma, Ala.; as a soldier, he did gallant service at the battle of Pittsburg Landing, Jackson, Miss., and the siege of Vicksburg. He is a strong Republican, stands ever ready to do service under the flag of the country of his adoption. He married Bridget Welsh, a native of Dublin, Ireland, in Chicago, July 8,1856; had no children; in 1878, he had the misfortune to lose his wife, and he leads his lonely farmer's life at his old home. He was a very poor man when he came to the United States, but, by care, patience, and industry, he has a comfortable homestead and a fortune of about $5,000


Past and Present in Allamakee County, by Ellery M. Hancock. 2 vols. Chicago: S. J. Clarke Pub. Co., 1913.

     One of the most able, active and progressive of Allamakee county's native sons is George Waters, who now owns and operates a fine farm of one hundred and forty acres in Post township and who in partnership with his brother has other extensive holdings in this locality. No one is better known as a successful breeder and shipper of registered cattle and high-grade horses and the business affairs which claim his attention are all well managed and systematically conducted, bringing to him a prosperity which places him among the men of worth and affluence in this section of the state.
     Mr. Waters was born in Ludlow township, this county, on the 21st of August, 1858, and is a son of George and Sophia (Hill) Waters, natives of County Wicklow, Ireland, the former born October 23, 1824, and the latter July 29, 1832. In early life the father was a member of the police force in County Wicklow but in 1854 crossed the Atlantic to America, settling first in Pennsylvania, where for four years he worked in the coal mines. In 1858 he came west to Iowa and purchased a small farm of thirty acres in Ludlow township, Allamakee county, which he improved and cultivated for a number of years. In the spring of 1870 he disposed of that property and removed one mile north in the same township, engaging in farming there until hsi death, which occurred January 4, 1887. His wife survived him some time, dying October 3, 1910. In their family were eleven children, of whom the subject of this review is the third in order of birth.
George Waters acquired his education in the district schools of Ludlow township and from an early age was a practical and able agriculturist, having aided in the operation of the homestead and afterward working at farm labor in the employ of others. When he was about twenty-four years of age he operated a threshing machine throughout his locality and afterward purchased eighty acres of land, which he cultivated and improved for two years. At the end of that time he sold his property and rented is present farm, afterward purchasing this tract of land, upon which he has resided continuously since that time. This comprises one hundred and forty acres and in addition Mr. Waters is a partner with his brother Edward in the ownership of the willow Lawn Stock Farm, a highly improved property of three hundred and forty-nine acres. The brothers are extensively engaged in the cattle and horse business here, breeding registered Hereford cattle, which they ship to all parts of the United States, their principal markets being the central states. They are also part buyers and shippers of horses and both are reliable, enterprising and successful business men, managing capably the important concerns with which they are connected. In addition to his work as a stock-raiser and agriculturist Mr. Waters is also a professional auctioneer and has attained a wide reputation in this field, being frequently called to other states. He is a stockholder in the Farmers Cooperative Company at Postville and in the Citizens State Bank of that city and his activities, extending to many fields, are important as elements in the general advancement.
     On the 13th of December, 1882, Mr. Waters married Miss Eliza Eaton, who was born in Post township on the 13th of December, 1861. She is the daughter of Wells and Mary (Wood) Eaton, natives of Nova Scotia, Canada, the former born March 2, 1822, and the latter April 14, 1825. The father in early life worked at calking vessels in Nova Scotia but in 1845 came to the United States, locating in Walworth county, Wisconsin, where he engaged in farming. he was also a pioneer in Iowa, coming to this state in 1853 and locating upon a farm in Post township, Allamakee county, whereon he continued to reside until his death, which occurred on the 6th of May, 1881. He was one of the leading promoters and organizers of Bethel church, was elected a member of its first board of trustees and served in that position until his death. His wife afterward removed to Postville, where her death occurred May 14, 1904. They were the parents of eleven children, of whom the wife of our subject is the eighth in order of birth. Mr. and Mrs. Waters have two children: Cloy E., who as born April 27, 1894; and Eaton A., born July 29, 1902.
     Mr. Waters is a member of the American Hereford Cattle Breeders Association of Kansas City, Missouri, but beyond this has no fraternal or club affiliations. He is a man of exemplary character and genuine personal worth and his long residence in this part of Iowa has brought him success in business and the respect, confidence and regard of all who are associated with him.


Past and Present in Allamakee County, by Ellery M. Hancock. 2 vols. Chicago: S. J. Clarke Pub. Co., 1913.

     A native of Allamakee county, Samuel Waters was born in Ludlow township on June 27, 1873, and has devoted practically all of his active life to agricultural pursuits, now owning a valuable farm of one hundred and twenty acres near Postville. His parents were Samuel and Catherine (Lyons) Waters, the former a native of County Wicklow, Ireland, where he was born on May 26, 1833, and the latter born not far from Dayton, in Montgomery county, Ohio, on August 6, 1845. When sixteen years of age the father came with his parents to the new world, the family making settlement at Pittsburg. Samuel Waters had already worked in the lead mines of Ireland and took up similar work near Pittsburg, continuing so until 1852, when he came west to Iowa and purchased land from the government in Ludlow township. For thirty years he resided thereon, bringing it to a high state of cultivation, and then made removal to Clayton county, having put his old homestead into pasture. There he operated a farm of several hundred acres until 1891, when he returned to the homestead, where he remained for another seventeen years active in its cultivation, when he went to Frankville, Winneshiek county, where he now lives retired. The mother passed away on February 7, 1910. Mr. Waters, Sr., had been previously married to Miss Anna Overholt, by whom he had four children. Of the second marriage eight children were born.
     In the acquirement of his education Samuel Waters attended district school for three terms in Ludlow township and subsequently the district schools of Clayton county. He remained at home until about twenty years of age, when he hired rented land in Ludlow township, successfully cultivating it for two years, and then removed to Emmet county, Iowa, where for ten years he rented, returning at the end of that time in order to assist his father for two years with his work on the old homestead. He then bought one hundred and twenty acres of land where he now lives. The farm was but partially improved at that time but he has since brought it to a high state of productivity, has erected a modern and comfortable residence, a substantially built barn and other necessary buildings which greatly increase the value of the property. He engages in general farming and in addition to his holdings rents eighty acres, which he also operates. He is a stockholder in the Farmers Cooperative Store at Postville and also in the Cooperative Creamery.
     On March 13, 1895, Mr. Waters married Miss Jennie Hughes, who was born near Red Cloud, Nebraska, on November 21, 1873, her parents being Frank and Emily (Early) Hughes. The father is a native of Indiana and the mother was born in Post township, this county. Mr. Hughes always followed agricultural pursuits, coming from Indiana to this county and later removing to Nebraska. About 1890 he proceeded to Oklahoma, where he took up government land, retaining his Nebraska land, and he now lives at Hartwell, Arkansas, still active in his occupation. The mother passed away in 1884. In the family of Mr. and Mrs. Hughes were three children, of whom Mrs. Waters is the oldest. Mr. and Mrs. Waters have one daughter, Clara Catherine, born August 6, 1902. The religious faith of Mr. Waters is that of the United Brethren church and he is helpful in its work and expansion. Politically he is independent, giving his support of the best men available without considering party affiliations. However he inclines toward the prohibition party, taking a firm stand upon matters which concern the liquor question. While he has attained success, he has been a factor for good in his community and has contributed towards the upbuilding of moral and intellectual standards as well as to agricultural development.


History of Counties of Woodbury and Plymouth, Iowa; Will L. Clark, et al.;  Chicago: A. Warner & Co., 1890-91

Charles Burns, farmer, P.O. Le Mars, was born in Connarragh, county Wicklow, Ireland, May 29, 1832, a son of Harry and Ann (O'Neal) Burns. His grandfather was Thomas Burns, also of County Wicklow. In 1841 he immigrated with his parents to Canada, shortly after to Ohio, and later to Pennsylvania, where his father died. Of eleven children, Charles was the eldest. He received a very limited education, never attending school in this country. He has been engaged quite extensively in railroad building; helped lay the tracks from Pittsburgh to Steubenville; was section foreman for two years, and traveled as such, south, building levees and ditching. He was afterward employed as a farm laborer in Illinois. In 1867 he took up a homestead in section thirty-two, America township, where he now lives. He has added 100 acres to his domain and follows general farming. Mr. Burns was married in 1865 to Ann Toole, a native of the same place as himself. Their first born child, Maggie, died at the age of twenty-one, and the fifth, Mary, when two years old; the living are William, Lizzie, James, Charles and Mary. Mr. Burns is a member of St. James Roman Catholic church, Le Mars, and has always been a democrat.


History of Tama County, Iowa; Springfield, Ill.: Union Pub. Co., 1883.

     John F. Redmond was born in Wicklow county, Ireland, November 29, 1834. He came to America in 1857 and first located in Ulster county, New York, but soon after came to Ogle county, Ill., and resided there until 1865, when he came west to Benton county, Iowa, where he settled on a farm two miles west of Dysart. In 1878, he came to Clark township where he now owns a fine farm of 160 acres adjoining the village of Dysart. In 1870 he was married to Miss Catherine Skiffington, a native of Ireland. Their children are John P. and Joanna E.


Biographical and Historical Record of Ringgold and Union Counties...Chicago: Lewis Pub. Co., 1887.

Rev. S. Smith, farmer, section 2, Monroe Township, was born November 10, 1816, in County Wicklow, Delganey, Parish of Shehana, Ireland, son of William and Henrietta (Sergent) Smith, who were the parents of eight children. When he was three years of age his father came to Canada, and died two years later. Mr. Smith was then taken to Franklin county, New York, where his early life was spent at farm labor. Two years of this time he was in a grog shop, poisoning and dealing out liquor by the glass. He obtained his education by hard study at home, at night by the light of the fire, attending school only three months in his life. He was married December 20, 1838, to Miss Mary Lampher, born in St. Lawrence County, New York, who died in 1873. He united with the Methodist Episcopal church in 1836, and afterward united with the Methodist Protestant church. He was licensed to preach in 1841, and in 1844 he removed to Ohio where he preached the gospel as a circuit rider. In 1849 he removed to Sangamon County, Illinois, where he resided seven years, engaged in the cause of his Master , traveling over the northern part of the State. In 1857 he came to Buchanan County, Iowa, where he did much hard work in the cause of Christianity. In 1876 he came to Ringgold  County, and settled in Monroe Township, where he has since resided. He has a farm of eighty acres in a good state of cultivation and well improved, a comfortable house, an orchard of 120 trees, native stock, and everything about the premises looks cozy and home-like. In November, 1875, he was married to Mrs. Sarah Nelson, a lady of more than ordinary intelligence, who was a widow with five children- Charles W., Clara, Effie, Nettie, and Katie. Mr. Smith has preached the gospel about thirty years, and has been able to do a great deal of work in his Master's cause. His specialty is "the defense of truth against false doctrines." He has always taken an active interest in anything pertaining to the cause of religion and education, and is a zealous worker in the cause of temperance. His theological studying was done mainly on horseback.


Portrait and Biographical Album, Henry County, Iowa; Acme Publishing Company, Chicago, 1888, p. 524

     Thomas Jones, a retired railroad man, and a resident of Mt. Pleasant since 1862, was born in County Wicklow, near Dublin, Ireland, Feb. 15, 1833, and is the son of James and Mary (Keough) Jones. He emigrated from Ireland to America in 1851, and located in New Jersey, where he served his time at the millwright trade. In 1856 he came to Iowa, and engaged in railroad work with the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad Company. He was employed in bridge-building from Burlington to what is now known as Gladstone, Ill. He worked at first as an employe, but soon began taking contracts and continued in that way, sometimes working for wages, and sometimes on contract, till 1886, when he retired from active duty. His connection with the company continued without interruption for a period of thirty-one years. During all these years he never had an accident resulting from his work, and proved himself a capable and faithful man in whatever duty he undertook. He has probably built more bridges than any other man in the company's employ, and it is only fair to Mr. Jones to say that this assertion is not based on any information given by him.
     Mr. Jones was married, in the autumn of 1862, to Miss Kate Mackinson, daughter of John and Mary Mackinson. Mrs. Jones was born in County Cavan, Ireland, and emigrated to America in 1852. They have five children, one son and four daughters - Mary A., Theressa V, Ettie E., James C. and Kate L. Mr. and Mrs. Jones are members of the Catholic Church. Mr. Jones is a Democrat in politics. He came to this country in very limited circumstances, and unaided and without influence, beyond that of intelligence, persevering industry, and a thorough knowledge of his business, he has acquired a fine property, consisting of three city lots and a fine residence, situated on one of the finest streets in the city, and twelve lots situated in the northwestern part of the city.


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