Tippecanoe Township, Henry Co., Iowa


Town 71, Range 7.
Post Office-Rome



Armstrong, N.E.      Daugherty, Thos., Jr.    Lazenby, M.I.
Alender, G.W.        Daughtery, John          Lee, P.D.
Arthur, Chas.        Dollner, P.A.            Long, Harvey
Armstrong, T.N.      Elliott, N.O.            Lupton, S.F.
Blythe, J.H.         Elliott, John            Lee, Joshua
Brown, Bery          Edwards, W.G.            Lupton, J.A.
Bright, J.N.         Freeman, Elizabeth       Lawrence, Geo. Sr
Bright, B.F.         Frazier, Alonson         Lusk, Wm. Estate
Baker, J.C.          Fowler, John             Lee, Joseph
Bausman, B.F.        Fairchild, Jane          McNealy, Geo.
Bausman, I.          Ford, Leroy              Mabus, Charles
Burson, Samuel       Ford, Sam                Maddock, A.L.
Baldwin, B.E.        Harshbarger, G.F.        Montgomery, J.R.
Bell, R.A.           Hobbs, John W.           Miller, N.P.
Brownell, Wm.        Harshbarger, W.A.        Mosier, G.W.
Barnes,Geo.          Hobson, J.W.             Mansfield, W.R.
Barnes, Chas.        Housel, C.A.             Millard, Thos.
Bonnifield, Frank    Holly, B.F.              McMurren, Layton
Curl, Jacob          Holly, A.V.              Nicholson, John
Corsbie, J.M.        Hockett, Elam            Newburg, Alfred
Cook, John S.        Holly, S.W.              Nau, Luke
Collins, J.H.        Higgins, Chas.           Nau, Frank
Claire, L.L.         Headland, August         Nau, Catherine
Church, Alvin        Kinney, F.J.             Nichols, C.M.
Caulk, Madison       Ketcham, L.              Neice, T.A.
Caulk, Wm. B.        Lee, L.N.                Oldt, H.N.
Dickey, J.B.         Leas, J.W.               Oldt, C.B.
Devall, Allison      Long, B.F.               O'Laughlin, James
Dougherty, Martin    Luzadder, B.J.           Perine, Emma
Peterson, Eric       Stone, John              Wright, G.W.
Parker, J.H.         Saint, Henry             Winslow, Anna
Packingham, Wm.      Turner, Zeph             Weil, John
Rhodes, Milton       Trueblood, Mary H.       Wright, Elmer
Rainey, David        Trueblood, J.R.          Wood, John
Rogers, J.H.         Taylor, G.W.             Willeford, Robert
Septer, Daniel       Trueblood, Foster        White, H.A.
Septer, Harry        Trueblood, Melvin        White, Wallace
Scott, E.B.          Tull, C.J.               Welch, Rachel
Sammons, J.H.        Upton, Henry             Welch, M.A.
Scott, E.E.          Van Doren, Newton        Welch, P.A.
Smith, Milton        Van Doren, J.L.          Williams, Frank
Spray, S.R.          Willeford, Birdine       Walker, A.T.
Sriver, W.H.         Wimer, John              Yakle, Ann Eliza
Stokes, F.           Wright, Jacob            Yakle, Luke

Armstrong, Stringer      Allender, E.A.          Barton, Eli Estate
Ambrose, John Estate     Arthur, Sarah E.        Beers, Sarah & Reuben
Almond, Granville        Bonnifield, G.          Barns, Ford
Arnold, Fred             Berry, C.               Bausman, Isaac
Baldwin, Lemuel          Frazier, M.M.           Lawrence, Geo. Jr.
Berry, Samuel            Faucett, I.J.           Lawrence, Geo. Sr.
Barton, T.H.             Fisher, R.R.            Lee, Martin
Beck, John               Frazier, Edward H.      Luzader, Jacob
Brown, John R.           Farr, Leonard           Lee, Isaac F.
Brown, Phineas L.        Frazier, A.G.           Lusk, Jasper
Bell, J.D. & R.          Freeman, Chas.          Lusk, James
Blythe, G.W.             Faulkner, A.W.          Lupton, S.E.
Bonnifield, Allan        Grant, Preston          McBride, John H.
Beaber, Jacob            Glover, John            McMurren, Robert Estate
Bright, Abner            Gibson, I.T.            McMurren, Naomi
Barnes, Ford Jr.         Gustafson, Carl         Montgomery, John
Barton, W.H.             Gilmore, Lilburn Estate Melcher, Peter
Brown, hannah            Graham, S.W.S.          Maxwell, Chas. Estate
Baker, Patrick           Gilmore, Catherine      Milner, C.W.
Barton, Chas. T.         Hobbs, Nathaniel        Macy, Seth Estate
Crawford, G.W.           Hart, Michael           Maddock, Wm. P. Estate
Cavinee, Oliver          Headland, Fred          Mills, S. Aaron
Collins, John            Harshbarger, J.H.       Mabeus, August
Crane, Sam'l R.          Harshbarger, F.M.       Mills, David
Cooper, Wm. Estate       Hockett, John M.        Maxwell, E.J.
Church, Wm.              Hobson, Edwin           Metcalf, John
Caviness, John           Holliday, Wm.           Maddock, Henry
Crane, Chas.             Harper, John            Mills, Margret A.
Coburn, Ellen            Hodson, Jas. L.         Miller, Joseph S.
Coburn, James L.         Hart, Jas. B.           McNeely, Elizabeth
Curl, David              Harmison, C.E.          McNeely, Flavius
Cook, Payton W.          Hobbs, Elizabeth        Niece, Morgan Estate
Co. K & N.W. RR          Higgins, Levi           Nau, Mary E.
Co. C.B. & Q. RR         Hobson, Peter           Nichols, Wm.
Carver, Jonathan         Housel, Charlotte       Nicholson, Wm.
Caviness, Jefferson      Hass, Wm.               Nau, Balser
Caulk, Nancy             Hollowell, John         Norman, T.J.
Durk, Levi & Co          Headland, Annie         Newburg, John
Davis, Eliza A.          Headland, John          O'Laughlin, Peter
Davis, Wm.               Housel, Lafayette       Osler, Sophia
Davis, Wm. (Ills.)       Hoefner, Daniel         Osler, Frank
Daughterty, Thos.        Hanes, Harlan D.        O'Connor, John
Dollner, Simon           Harshbarger, J.F.       Oldt, John
Doan, Mahlon             Hummel, Dennis          Oldt, Virginia
Doan, M.H.               Hanson, Geo.            Oldt, Wm.
Dollner, Walter          Jay, Asbury             Ogg, E.F.
Doan, J.W.               Jay, Asbury & Simeon    Oakland Milling Co.
Deal, Jas. I.            Jackson, W.H.           Perine, Peter Estate
Doan, Perry A.           Kinney, David Estate    Parcells, M.M.
Dutton, Geo.             Ketcham, L & Bros.      Parker, M.J.
Deal, Edward B.          Kirkhart, Jacob         Parkins, Rhoda
Elliott, Wm. A.          Laird, G.W.             Paxton, Mathias
Edwards, B.F.            Lee, Jonathan           Rainey, David
Elliott, Nathan O.       Lazenby, E. & B.J.      Rhodes, Eliza G.
Fairchilds, Jas.         Lazenby, Milissa        Rogers, Rebecca
Foley, T.M.              Lewis, Mary S.          Rhodes, J.W.
Freeman, Warren          Lamm, Albert            Scott, Maria
Foreman, Jno. & Anna     Lee, Joseph             Scott, Wm. Estate
Foreman, Elizabeth D.    Lowen, Thos.            Seaman, Robert Estate
Smith, Milton            Trueblood, Alfred       Willeford, J.D.
Scott, Philip            Trueblood, Dorson       Wright, Susan
Sanstrom, Chas.          Trueblood, W.D.         Wright, Mary J.
Siveter, Thos.           Trueblood, Lydia B.     Winslow, Mary
Spray, Wm. F.            Tilford, Joseph         Wood, Wm.
Sieberger, H.            Tyner, E.P.             Winslowe, Annie
Short, Joseph            Trueblood, Nathan       Wilson, Payton
Stringer, J.P.           Trueblood, Joshua EstateWhite, Edward
Smith, S.B.              Tyner, Geo. W.          Wehrle, John
Stout, Oscar             Trueblood, Henry        Wright, Wm. Estate
Sanderson, Ellen         Van Doren, M.J.         Wimer, Marion
Sammons, Thos.           Virden, Ross            Whiting, J.H., et al
Smith, A.J. & Sons       White, J.E. & W.N.      Wood, J.W. & J.A.
Taylor, T.J. & P.A.      White, Genius           Wise, J.B.
Tull, John               Walker, Isaac           Wehrle, John & Edwin
Terrell, Christopher     Welch, Manly Estate     Yakle, Fred
Thompson, Alonzo B.      Welch, Merritt Estate   Yakle, Balser
Trueblood, Stanford      Waters, Edward          Young, Emmett C.

Palo Alto County, Iowa USGenWeb Project Scott County, Iowa USGenWeb Project Celtic Cousins A Little Bit of Ireland The Irish in Iowa Joynt/Joint Family Chronicles Other Family Ties