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Palo Alto Co, IA USGenWeb Project


Emmetsburg Democrat
Palo Alto Co, IA
15 Jan 1895

Mrs. L.J. MURPHY presented her husband with a bran new girl last Thursday.

The appointment of postmaster UTTER was confirmed by the senate last

Prof. FLOYD makes a trip to Corwath every week where he instructs a band two
nights in the week.

J.E. THOMPSON of Jackson Junction visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. John
HAYMAN of this place.

Mr. and Mrs. John HAND returned from Allamakee county Saturday. P.S. MOLLOY,
Miss HAND, and another Mr. HAND also returned to this city Saturday morning.

J.J. ROBINS is at present in New York city.

T.J. WHITE of the Estherville Democrat spent Friday in this city.

One of Fred WITTE's children of Fairfield township accidentally upset a cup
of boiling ???? the latter part of this week, scalding himself quite badly.

Mr. John MAHAN and Miss Julia DORAN of Walnut township were married at
Assumption church yesterday, Rev. J.J. SMITH officiating.

I.M. WILLIAMS of Ayrshire has sold his stock of groceries to SCANLAN & FAGAN
and will hereafter confine himself exclusively to the harness business.

Wm. REINDERS returned from Milwaukee Saturday morning.

Word reaches us from Mason City that Dr. DONNELLY is enlarging his store and
has a good patronage.

M.D. O'CONNELL of Ft. Dodge is the new district attorney for the northern
district of Iowa.

J.G. GALLAGHER and S.P. CRISMAN have formed a co-partnership and will
conduct a general store at ROBINSON Bros.' old stand. - West Bend Journal.

P.O. REFSELL made a business trip to Omahan last week.

Mr. John PYPER is now clerking in SCOTT & GRIER's store.

A pair of twin girls were born to Mr. and Mrs. P. JOYNT Wednesday.

Saturday James FOY sold seventeen 2-year-old steers that averaged $1,200
pounds each.

Col. ORMSBY and wife returned to New York last Wednesday in response to a
telegram announcing the illness of their daughter.

Emmet BARRINGER will return to his farm near Ruthven and will, in connection
with farming, handle live stock.

T.F. McGOVERN of Whittemore shipped several cars of cattle to Sioux City
last week. Quite a number are shipping westward these times.

A stock company has been formed in Walnut township for the erection of a
farmers' creamery. The creamery will be erected near J. SKOW's farm. This
shows enterprise.

Mrs. Thos. DOYLE of Walnut township returned from Dakota last week where she
had been visiting friends.

T.J. DUFFY moved his family to St. Paul Thursday. A large number of friends
and acquaintances gathered at the depot to see them off.

Palo Alto Reporter
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
March 29, 1895

     Geo. Stratton has returned to this county and intends to work for Al. Hoskins this summer.
    E.E. Hughes is building quite a large barn on his farm north of Cylinder.
    The spelling school, at the Jensvold school house, was well attended and all had a pleasant time. A long program was rendered, but the room was so crowded that they couldn't spell.
    Last Monday evening the Cylinder cyclone relief committee, which was appointed immediately after the cyclone, last fall, met in this place and gave out the following report:

West Bend list.......................................$10.00
J.T. Ashworth's list................................  79.50
Wm. Richardson's list...........................   77.00
G.J. Dryland's list.................................   29.00
Wm. Durant's list.................................    54.45
M.J. Mosness' list................................    53.50
Citizens' meeting at Cylinder..................   75.00
From other sources.............................     35.00
Total.................................................... $413.45
                 WM. RICHARDSON, Chairman
Am't. received from soliciting Com        $413.45
Am't received from other sources              18.98
Total                                                     $462.43
Paid Geo. Kelly...................................   221.21
Paid Wilson Ditch................................   231.21
Paid Mrs. Genzley...............................     10.00
Total...................................................   462.42
                   C. MOSENESS, Chairman.

    Sam McNett has moved onto the old Scott farm, near Lost Island lake.
    Mr. Mean is preparing to erect a dwelling house south of J.E. Mulroneys.
    Dr. Baldwin is talking of selling his farm and hotel property south of the lake.
    C. Knapp and daughters of Swan Lake, visited with Mrs. Pease last Sunday.
    George Washington died at the residence of his mother, east of town, on Friday of last week.
    Mason Underwood returned home from Des Moines, last Saturday night, for to or three weeks of vacation.
    We understand that Geo. Batie will move into his own residence, east of the Lutheran church, in the near future.
    Two gentlemen, by the name of Toland, have moved, with their families, onto farms about four miles southwest of Ruthven.
    Henry Wilcox and Ernest Phoenix went to Fenton, Kossuth county, on Tuesday, to spend a few days with old acquaintances.
    Mr. Green, agent at the Rock Island depot, has been obliged to go away in search of health. L. Shoemaker has taken his place while he is gone.
    J.M. Carpenter and wife returned from Michigan Wednesday morning where they had been to spend the winter with Mr. Carpenter's daughter.
    Mr. Henry Weed, a former resident of this county, has returned from New York, where he has been staying some time with his mother, and has located in Ayrshire. He visited several days in Ruthven, last week  and was also looking for music scholars. Anyone wishing to employ a first class teacher will do well to engage him.

-Monday Dr. Powers received a telegram from Salt Lake City, announcing the death of his brother, at that place. He had been expecting the sad news for several weeks as it was known that he had not long to live.
-Wednesday evening Mrs. Chas. Taylor entertained her Sunday school class of young men. The evening was pleasantly spent in conundrums and in other social games. Refreshment were served and a nice social time enjoyed by all.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto Co, IA
10 Apr 1895

Monday Miss Nellie MEAD commenced a term of school in the Fairville

A sister of Miss Anna HEALY, of Ruthven, arrived from Ireland a few evenings

Miss Hallie WOODS, of Estherville, spent Sunday with Miss Mildred POWERS, of
this city.

Prof. J.C. SANDERS, of Traer, was in this city over Sunday visiting his many
old friends.

J.L. MARTIN and family have returned to town and are occupying their own

Editors FUNK, of Spirit Lake, and JENKINS, of Estherville, were in this city
Sunday afternoon.

Mrs. J. Read CLARK feels very grateful to the person who found her chateline
and kindly left same at the postoffice.

Choice seed flax at $1.75 cash or contract at Osgood, Graettinger, or
SPIES & Son.

Palo Alto Reporter
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
May 10, 1895

The farmers are busy planting corn.
    The lightning killed fiver head of cattle for Ole Govig on the P.O. Petersoe place.
    Jake Thompson's barn was blown down last Friday evening and Cullen's barn was also badly racked.
    M.N. Olson is running out of new corn planters, this season.

    Rev. Bailey held services at the Tod and Doughty school houses last Sunday. The Sunday school at the Doughty will be at ten and the Tod at two o'clock every Sunday, and preaching every two weeks.
    A little girl was born to Mr .and Mrs. Henry Temple on Wednesday, May 1.
    Miss Tollison closed her school Tuesday of this week as her bruises received in the runaway are more serious than she at first thought.

And How it Should be Observed.
    We are to think about the importance of Memorial day and how it differs from other holidays. The lesson it teaches is one of reverence for those who died in defense of this country. It suggests that we should pause in our business and pleasure to "reflect on the consecration of human life to the cause of human liberty." A patriotic and pathetic sentiment. It is not in keeping with the spirit of the day that the day should be given over to revelry- races, athletic matches, picnics and prize shooting. May all citizens join the Post of Grand Army of the Republic in efforts to prevent a desecration of Decoration day:
    "Those silent tents of green
    We deck with fragrant flowers.
    Yours has the suffering been,
    The memory shall be ours.
    When all are gone who marched and countermarched,
    Who left their youth upon the battlefield,
    Who trod the dusty highway, worn and parched,
    And in old age are left without a shield-
    When these are gone then monuments will spring
    Flags will be unfurled and praises ring."

    Everyone is interested in the report of our Memorial stone to the unknown. "Dum facent clamant" (While silent they speak, or cry out) is the inscription thereon.
    Price of stone, $250, cost.....................225.60
    Collected and paid as follows:
    Ballard & Godden donated...................  20.00
    Public schools collected........................  25.82
    Womans' Relief Corps donated............   25.00
    From collections from citizens..............   83.08
    Amount realized from dinners, socials,
         and suppers by the W.R.C..............  56.40

    We hope soon to receive the small sums due. The dedication of the monument, your tribute to the unknown but not forgotten dead heroes of the civil war, Thursday, May 30 at eleven o'clock. Address by Rev. Bagnell.
        MRS. MARIA MCCARTY, Sec.

Palo Alto Reporter
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Aug 1, 1895

Personal Mention

-J.J. Wilson, of Algona, Sundayed in Emmetsburg with his son, H.J. Wilson.
-Clarence Darland came over from Britt Saturday evening and spent Sunday at home.
-Alma Taylor went to Worthing, S.D. Tuesday to spend a short time with an aunt who resides there.
-Mrs. D.W. Burlingame is thinking of going to the Pacific coast to spend the winter, for the benefit of her health.
-W.I. Brannagan Sundayed at his old home in Lawler, Ia. He says that crops look magnificent in that locality.
-Ed Acres, of Decorah, stopped off on his way home from the Chautauqua and made a short visit with relatives here.
-Mrs. Pay, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Harry Gremmels, returned to her home in Sioux Falls on Saturday morning.
-B.C. Shadbolt left Tuesday evening for Chadron, Neb., where he expects to spend a month on his cattle ranch near that place.
-Mrs. S.E. McDonnell left last Thursday for Madison, Wis., where she will spend a month with her mother who resides there.
-Capt. E.J. Hartshorn and M.L. Brown were at Arnold's Park Friday, attending the dedication of the Spirit Lake monument.
-Mr. Geo. Jacobs of West Bend was visiting with C.B. Jacobs the past week. Mr. Jacobs is one of the oldest settlers of this part of the state.
-Capt. P.O. Refsell went to Mason City Monday morning to attend the funeral of Capt. Dean of the Mason City Company, who died last Wednesday.
-Miss Jennie Jones, of Des Moines, arrived Wednesday morning to spend a short time with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs.D.W. Burlingame, of this city.
-H.W. Kent is now staying at Payette, Idaho. When last heard from he was at Salt Lake City, but was about to start for Payette. His health is still improving and he seems to be gaining in strength every day.
-Prof. Hinkley, of Canton, South Dakota, arrived in Emmetsburg Monday evening and spent a day in looking up a residence in which to live. He expects to move here some time during the coming week.

    H.C. Darrah is making some needed repairs around his elevator. J.M. Ritchie is doing the work for him.
     George Morris is at Sioux City taking the Keeley cure. The cure is all right, and we only wish that all who are addicted to the liquor habit would take it and then have the manhood to stand by it.
--The following paragraph appeared in the Fort Dodge Sentinel of April 16th, 1857, which no doubt will be of interest to Palo Alto county at present:
     The members of the Irish settlement in Palo Alto county have received, and doubtless justly merit, the warmest thanks for their generous hospitality shown our party of relief. Everything in their power to do was done, and the world renowned hospitality of the Emerald Isle found in them additional proofs of their well earned reputation.
- The Congregational ladies will give a lawn fete at the residence of Capt. E.J. Hartshorn on the evening of August 6th. Elaborate preparations are being made for the event, and it will undoubtedly be the choice  social affair of the season. Grand illuminations, gipsy camp, Rebecca at the well, hot buttered pop corn, ice cream for 10 cents. Elegant supper for 25 cents. And do not forget that Dolliver, the eloquent Iowan Webster will be present and will speak.
A Clairvoyant
     Mr. Henry Clark, a clairvoyant, of Rochester, Minn., will be at the Union Hotel in Emmetsburg for a month. If you desire to recover lost or stolen property, are disappointed in love, in trouble over money matters, or wish to know your future, you should consult the clairvoyant and dead trance medium. Be sure to call on him.



Palo Alto Reporter
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
September 6, 1895

     Born to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gilbert, August 26, a girl.
     Services next Sunday at the Doughty school house at 11 a.m.
     John Ray is the guest of his sisters, Mrs. R. Spear and Mrs. O. Rogers.

     Mr. and Mrs. George Stoneman attended the "Friends" meeting in Spencer on Thursday of last week.
     Mrs. Coonan's sister from Minneapolis is visiting Mrs. C. this week.
    Mrs. Carpenter, Mrs. Lyman Barringer and Mrs. Anna McNary attended the Old Settler's meeting in Spencer last Monday.
     Mrs. Georgie Harvey has moved into town and now occupies a part of W.W. Barber's residence.
     Minnie Phoenix went to Spencer, Tuesday night, to assist Mrs. Smith in taking care of her son, Stephen, who is very low with typhoid fever.

A Midnight Marauder.
     John Hand had an experience with a midnight marauder, Saturday night, in which he came off victorious, but with a badly swelled hand from contact with the fellow. Some time during the night Mrs. Hand heard a noise and awakened Mr. Hand and told him that someone was trying to enter the house. He got up and started for the door from whence proceeded the noise, but before he got there he came in contact with a fellow crawling on his hands and knees toward a bureau. He pounced upon him like a "hawk upon a June bug" and pummelled him a while then dragged him to the door and told him to get. The fellow was so dazed by the reception that he did not know where to go, but finally considered any place preferable to that particular spot and left. Mr. Hand's promptness in ejecting the miscreant is to be commended.

A Veteran Editor Gone.
     J.H. Warren, one of the veteran newspaper men of northwest Iowa, died at the home of his son, R.B. Warren, at Algona, on Saturday, August 31. Aged 75 years.
     Mr. Warren was born in Erie Co. New York, but at an early age came with his widowed mother to Ohio, and then in early manhood moved to Dodge county, Wisconsin. Later he lived at Arcadia and then at Eau Claire. In Ohio and Wisconsin we are under the impression that he devoted his energies at different times to clearing land, carpenter work, mill building and work in and around the lumber camps and mills. In 1866 the disposition to get to the frontier again seized him, and he built a boat and floated his family and household goods down the Mississippi to Dubuque and from there came overland to Algona. Here he went to work at whatever came to hand, and his son Robert, who had worked for a time in a Wisconsin printing office, went to work for Mr. Read, the then editor, printer and publisher of the only newspaper in Iowa, north of Fort Dodge and west of Mason City. Later Mr. Warren bought the office and by working at his trade and also pushing the office for all there was in it, was soon able to add a Ruggles jobber, and some additional type and the office became self sustaining. In 1869, Mr. Warren was made postmaster at Algona, and succeeded in holding it against the combined efforts of the man with a strong itching for office and a "pull" at Washington, and the efforts of several parties for who personal reasons had become opposed to him, until in an unguarded moment he accepted a second federal position-assessor of internal revenue, which we believe, -when his opponents raised the point that he couldn't hold two federal offices, and he lost the postoffice. The giving him the second office was a trap and it was claimed was suggested by Schuyler Colfax, of Indiana, who was interviewed after all local plans to remove Mr. Warren had failed. A man of Mr. Warren's strong personal type naturally provoked opposition, and in the conduct of his paper he at all times insisted in remaining untrammeled. While possessed of an ordinary degree of charity for erring humanity in general he could not tolerate anything that he took to savor of hypocrisy-but to use his own phrase would "ventilate it" every time. This of course raised opposition and in 1875 resulted in the formation of a syndicate to by him out and the paper passed from his hands. Later he became interested in the townsite of Swan Lake, and moved to Emmet county, where he served one term as a member of the board of supervisors. In 1878, in con with his younger son, E.H. Warren, he established the Journal at West Bend, in this county and carried it on until they were offered a larger field in the Black Hills region of Dakota, first on an evening paper at Rapid City, and later at Spearfish. The immediate cause of Mr. Warren's fatal illness was overexertion in connection with his newspaper work. He was brought to Algona in the hopes that with rest and quiet he would recuperate. But it was not to be. The end had come, and his tired nature sought repose.
     We knew him well-saw his incomings and outgoings-his daily, family life-for a period of four years. He had unbounded faith in his family and made a home not only for them but for his and their friends. He was a rough diamond. Under and unpolished exterior there lay hidden a good true heart and it is with sadness that we bid him this last good-by.

Palo Alto Reporter
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
September 13, 1895

    Board Proceedings
...Ordered that Mrs. Pat Conlon be allowed $8.00 per month as poor relief commencing September 1, 1895, also that Mrs. Emily Crosby and P. Mullen each be allowed $6.00 per month and Mrs. Foley $10.00 per month as poor relief, commencing October 1, 1895, also that the following persons be stricken from the poor list as not being in further need of aid: Mrs. John Conlon, Mrs. Jennie Hanson, Mrs. D.E. Treat, Mr. Hampton, Mrs. Marion Sanford...

Palo Alto Reporter
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
September 27, 1895

Larry Murphy, the Nine-Year-Old Son of L.J. Murphy is Badly Crushed by an Iron Roller

    A shocking accident happened on south Broadway near the Catholic church on Monday afternoon to little Larry Murphy, the nine year old son of L.J. Murphy. Mr. Murphy had use for a road roller near the Catholic church and was hauling a heavy iron roller that weighed 2500 pounds behind his wagon. On the way down Larry got astride the tongue and was riding. When near where he wished to use the roller Mr. Murphy stopped his horses  and Larry took advantage of the pause to place one of his feet on the tongue of the roller to tie his shoe. He was in this tottering position when Mr. Murphy, not noticing him, started the horses and he fell off and the end of the heavy roller passed over one side of his body and head. He was picked up in an unconscious condition and bleeding profusely. He was immediately carried home and Dr. O'Brien called who found upon examination that one rib had been broken and penetrated the lung. His collar bone was fractured and the left side of his head had been crushed in and the bones fractured. He dressed his wounds set the bones in their proper positions. At this writing he is resting quite easy with no fever and although in a critical condition hopes are entertained for his recovery. The great danger is that other complications may set in.
    LATER-The doctor informs us that he will recover.

[Larry Murphy was the son of Lawrence Murphy and Hanna Dunn]

Bruce Root's Hand is Severely Injured by the Explosion of a Shell.

    Last Saturday morning Bruce Root, of Walnut township, met a painful accident. He was on his way home from the Osgood creamery and when going by J.P. Kane's place he came out and asked him if he would go in and shoot a mule for him. He complied with the request and went in with him. He took a shell in his left hand to which he supposed the cap was defective, and was trying to get the cap off when it exploded in his hand tearing and lacerating the flesh in a terrible manner. The bone of one of his fingers was broken and some of the shot and powder struck him under the chin. Dr. Davies was called and dressed the hand for him and at last report it was getting along very nicely.

Wanted a Shave.
    The residence of Joseph Hanson, a brother of Sheriff Hanson who resides in the edge of Clay county a few miles north of Ruthven, was entered by thieves Wednesday, Sept. 18, and burglarized of some of its contents. The thieves took advantage of the absence of the family, who were attending the Ruthven fair, for their work and carried off with them a gold ring, some silver spoons, three jack knives, two pairs of pants and two razors. Thursday the marshal of Ruthven arrested a suspicious character and part of the stolen property was found on his person. Friday the second one was arrested by Sheriff Hanson in Ruthven and he too had some of the stolen goods on him. The two had sold a gold watch the day previous for five dollars which no doubt they had stolen on one of their predatory excursions. They were handed over to the authorities of Clay county to answer for their crime.


-The juvenile band left Tuesday evening for Eagle Grove to participate in the great band contest that took place there.
-Col. Ormsby has been appointed tone of the judges at the oratorical contest of the Ames Agricultural College.
-Will Kirby was up from Emmetsburg shaking hands with his many friends in this town. Will is always a welcome visitor to Armstrong.--Armstrong Journal.
-P.F. Gylling, the main street grocer, has a new add in this issue in which he calls attention to his fancy stock of staple groceries. He has also just put in a new stock of dress goods.
-Some "smart Alecks" are amusing themselves by ringing the M.E. church bell in the middle of the night. This causes considerable annoyance to those who reside close by and they propose to make it warm for the fellow who does it if he is caught.
-Mrs. Laura E. Johnston will have a public sale at her residence in Freedom township, five miles east of Emmetsburg, Friday, Oct. 4, 1895. She offers for sale her entire stock of horses, cattle, farm machinery, and household goods. Sale begins at 12 o'clock.
-At the meeting of the Young People's Guild held last Thursday evening, officers were elected for the next six months. The following were the ones chosen: Pres., Chas. Mueller; vice president, Thos. Burt; secretary, Miss Thurza Watson; treasurer, Miss Agnes Moore and critic, Dr. Jackson.
-The tea given by Mrs. D.W. Burlingame Monday afternoon was a very elaborate one and was attended by more than one hundred of the ladies. The hours for entertaining were from 2 to 4, and during the entire time the ladies were coming and going. It was pronounced by all present to have been a very pleasant affair.
-The Waverly Hotel now shines like a new pin. For the past two months W.J. Tyson, assisted by Chas. Grant, has been hard at work papering and painting it. The work was finished Tuesday and as a result the hotel has been placed in an excellent condition. One has only to examine the work to see that it is first class in every way.
-During the rain storm of Saturday afternoon a barn in the north part of town belonging to Wm. Kane was lifted bodily from its foundation and carried a short distance and badly torn to pieces. Quite a number of trees were also torn up by the roots. Locally the wind seemed to expend its force at this one place as no other damage was done to any of the surrounding buildings.
-Last week the story was current on the street that Alfred Burt had some difficulty in entering the freshman class at the State University at Iowa City. It is a mistake and it is a mystery how the idea got out. Alfred had no trouble whatever in entering the freshman class upon his standing from the school here without any examination.
-Monday was the eleventh birthday of Jackie Simons and it was duly observed by inviting his young friends to spend the evening with him. Nearly sixty responded to the invitation and gathered at his hospitable home and enjoyed a royal time. Refreshments consisting of sandwiches, cocoa, ice cream and cake were served and appreciated as only children can. Mrs. Simons was assisted by the Misses Brooks and Kellar and it is needless to say that the children did not lack for attention.
-A shooting accident occurred in Fern Valley township Wednesday by which John Krogh, of Whittemore, lost his life. He was found dead by N.J. Lowell, Chas. Stahon and C.E. Anderson, who happened to come along some little time after the accident had taken place. Coroner Henry was sent for and the following facts were ascertained: He had gone out hunting alone and in some manner his gun had discharged, the load entering his left side under the arm, producing a wound from which he had bled to death. The remains were taken to Whittemore for burial.
-A case of nuisance was tried before the mayor Tuesday, the complainant being Mrs. Doris, alleging that the yard of Joe Steil, in which he kept hogs and other animals, was offensive. The case engaged the attention of Attorney Cohoon for plaintiff and O'Connor for the defense the greater part of the day. While there is no doubt but what the plaintiff had just grounds for complaint; it was found that the ordinance governing such matters was defective. It provided for a fine, whereas the supreme court says that the only thing that can be done is to compel their removal. This latter, the ordinance does not do.
-The Endeavor society will give an entertainment at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Hinkley this (Friday) evening that will be both pleasing and instructive. A short program of more than usual literary merit will be rendered. Besides this there will be interesting game and amusements. As no entertainment is complete without looking to the epicurean instincts of man oysters will be served from 6:30 until all are served. Supper 25 cents. The proceeds will go into a fund to start a library.

Personal Mention.
-Albert Schrimer was reported quite sick at the fore part of the week.
-Mrs. Dr. Thomas was quite sick the fore part of the week from a bad cold.
-Mrs. Alta Turner left Tuesday for a three weeks' visit at her former home at Odebolt.
-Mr. Geo. Sturtevant of Scotch Grove, is visiting his son, J.M. Sturtevant of this city.
-Mrs. Margaret Acers has returned to her home in this city after an absence of nearly four months.
-Miss Maud Palmer was confined to the house for several days of the past week by a sore eye.
-Mrs. W.L. Fitkins visited with her sister, Mrs. Kelly of Cylinder, the first of the week. She was accompanied by her brother.
-Will Fife, of Chicago, arrived in Emmetsburg Wednesday forenoon to spend a few days with his parents west of town.
-E.J. Hartshorn went to Ft. Dodge Tuesday night to attend a meeting of the Tenth district Republican League held there Wednesday.
-Mrs. P.J. Illingsworth returned home Saturday from Iowa City where she has been spending the past three months with her son, Frank Illingsworth.
-Miss Alice Palmer is visiting with her sister at Buda, Ill. She was called there a couple of weeks ago by the illness of her sister, who has since recovered.
-W.H. Wilcox of Curlew was attending to business in Emmetsburg Tuesday. He is agent for a new kind of wire fence that has the merit of being effective and durable.
-Mrs. Bowden and Adele, mother and daughter of W.J. Bowden, sailed from Londonderry on the America Sept. 20th. They will spend some time among relatives at Newark, New Jersey, and Detroit, Mich., before returning home. They are expected the middle of October.
-W.H. Harris, of Linn county, was the guest of E.J. Hartshorn Monday. He and Mr. Hartshorn were old acquaintances in Vermont nearly forty years ago and had not seen each other since. Mr. Harris settled in Iowa thirty-six years ago. He aw on his way to Emmett county to visit a son who resides there.

Wanted a girl to do general housework at Mrs. J.S. Knapp's.
Abstracts of title made for Palo Alto county lands. First-class work.
W.J. BOWDEN, First National bank building.
Dr. J.W. Quinn
Has decided to be in his office every Sunday, only, until further notice. Eyes examined free.
Miss Phifer,
After a three months' post-graduate course in Chicago, is again in Emmetsburg and ready to take pupils in voice culture, piano, organ, harmony, theory and musical history. With Mrs. Briggs.
Office Closed.
Having again accepted a position as instructor in the dental department of the state university at Iowa City, my office will be closed until March, 1896.
Shropshire Sheep.
I have a few registered Shropshire bucks for sale at a bargain. Weighing from 100 to 150 pounds. Address C.L. Hinkley, Alexandria, S.D. or call on J.H. Hinkley, Emmetsburg.
Public Sale.
    J.P. Alexander will offer at public sale at his residence a few miles from Curlew his entire farming outfit, consisting of horses, cattle, hogs, farming machinery, household goods, etc. The sale will commence at 10 a.m. and lunch will be served at noon. Terms-all sums of $10 and under will be cash, and all sums over $10 twelve months' credit will be given on note with approved security; 4 per cent off for cash.
A Depew Notice.
    We desire to inform our patrons that we have concluded to discontinue the credit system, and that after Oct. 1st all goods sold by us will be for cash or in exchange for produce. By making this change we will be enabled to sell cheaper and we believe to give better satisfaction. Give us a call and we will show you we mean business.
Depew, Iowa.


Palo Alto Reporter
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Friday, November 8, 1895

-Local Markets- Hogs $2.00 to $3.00, Oats 11c, Barley 16 to 18, Flax 65 to 71, Butter 19, Eggs 14
-The Cosmopolitan saloon has voluntarily closed its doors.
-Alex Peddie is out of town this week, looking after business interests in the east, particularly in Boston, Mass.
-S.W. Ballard has been absent this week superintending the placing of a $1,000 monumental stone in the Forest City, Ia., cemetery.
-We noticed Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wolfgang, of Whittemore, upon our streets Tuesday. Presumably visiting with Mr. W.'s parents.
-Carl Prouty and wife are rejoicing over a little girl that came into their house Monday morning. It is the first girl and Carl seems highly elated over it.
-Frank Warnke has adorned the front of his blacksmith shop with a very nice sign. It shows up well and nobody will now pass by without knowing who holds forth there.
-The Emmetsburg steam laundry was closed down for repairs the first of the week. The laundry is now equipped with a new ten-horse power boiler and other new machinery.
-Andrew Foy has his new furniture store in nice shape and is fast getting in a large stock of goods. He has his work shop in the upper story and J.O. Holman does the work for him.
-Several cases of scarletina were reported the past week. Those who had it were Ethel Burlingame and Gertie and Phoebe Robins. Each place was quarantined and so far there has been no new cases reported. All three parents are getting along nicely.
-The approaching marriage of Frank King and Miss Catherine Conway of Osgood was announced in church last Sunday. The ceremony is expected to take place about the 19th of the present month.
-At its last meeting the council discussed the matter of opening Broadway, across the lake bed to a connection with the Martin road north of Alex Peddie's place. A communication was received indicating that the city will be called on for $3000 damages on account of the Justice accident.
-Tuesday morning the nuptials of Mr. Andrew Foy and Miss Julia Morrissey was celebrated at the Catholic church, Rev. Father Smith officiating. Mr. Foy is one of our well known business men,  formerly with P. Joyce, but now embarked in the mercantile business for himself in his handsome new building on Main street. Miss Morrissey is well known both in society and at home. She is the adopted daughter of Thos. Tobin. The REPORTER extends its best wishes. May their lives be like the meadow brook, overflowing through pleasant scenes, ever reflecting the sunshine of God, ever with a current of rippling mirth or pleasure.
-The Frank E. Long Co. carry as a special feature, Prof. Hanson, the mesmerist and mind reader, who will give a free exhibition on the streets Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Do not fail to see it.
-Every woman and child should know that Anti-Washboard Soap is the best bar of white soap sold. Send us 25 wrappers and get a beautiful picture. Buy the soap of Smith & Benda or P.F. Gylling.
-Chas. W. Hicks, whom makes his home with W.H. Little, of Westport, recently received notice from the pension department that his pension had been cut from twelve to eight dollars per month. Charley good naturedly remarked that some one had to pay for the fishing business and guessed he would have to take his medicine.-- Lake Park News.
-Comrade John Kane accompanied by his wife drove over from their home near Emmetsburg, Saturday, to visit their old and highly esteemed friends, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hemphill. The writer in company with Comrade Shipman had a pleasant interview with the comrade on the evening of his arrival. He is one of the most enthusiastic republicans we have had the good fortune to come across for many a day. He said: "When my countrymen wonder that I, being an Irishman, should vote the republican ticket, I can give them good reasons for doing so, while not one of them can furnish even a good excuse for being a democrat." A logical lecture in a few words.--Milford Mail
-The M.E.Church at Curlew was dedicated Sunday, Nov. 3. Rev. Jesse Cole of Cherokee, former presiding elder, had charge of the service. The amount necessary to raise in order to dedicate was $433. At 10 a.m. the people commenced to arrive at the church and at 10:45 the room was filled at which hour Bro. Cole opened the meeting, preaching a powerful sermon from 1st Cor. 3:9. "We are laborers together with God." After the sermon he made a brief statement of the cost of church and amount needed to free it from debt. The people responded liberally and in a short time $527 was pledged and building was dedicated, and now we rejoice, having a nice building 28x42 nicely furnished and free from debt. The building cost $1,575. The lots which were given by Christy Bros. are valued at $125 making a total of $1,720. To the good people of Emmetsburg we tender our heartfelt thanks for their liberal donation toward the erection of this church. And to our Heavenly Father we give all the glory.      Yours Respectfully,   J.A. ELLIS, Pastor.

Personal Mention.

-W.J. Bowden, abstracts of title, conveyancing and farm loans. First National Bank building.
-Dan Kelly came over from Britt Saturday evening and stayed over until Tuesday morning in order to vote.
-Mrs. Dunkelberger returned to Rock Rapids early in the week, her sister, Maggie Farley, being out of immediate danger.
-M.L. Linderman left Tuesday evening for Chicago in order to lay in a stock of furniture for his new house. He expects to be gone several days.
-A Mr. Wheeler of Albion, arrived Thursday to visit his cousin, Miss Rhetta Long, but she was at Marshalltown and he did not get to see her.
-Mrs. Wm. Harrison was quite sick the latter part of the week. She suffered from some sort of a nervous trouble. At last reports she was getting along nicely.
-Chas. Skewis and wife came over Saturday evening and spent Sunday in this city at the Waverly. Charlie is a cousin of Mr. Foot. They left Monday morning for their home at Inwood, Iowa.
-A Mr. Tidrick of Ringold county, visited with his son-in-law, A.W. McCreary several days of the past week. He has paid several visits to this part of the state and is much pleased with the country.
-Miss Rhetta Long and Anna Blair returned Monday from Marshalltown where they had been as delegates to the state convention of the Epworth League. They report a large and enthusiastic gathering of leagures and an exceedingly profitable meeting.
-Dr. Jackson will meet those who wish to begin the study of German or those who wish to continue the study of advanced German in Dr. Davies' office Tuesday evening, Nov. 12th at 7:30 o'clock. All who desire to take up the study of German should be on hand promptly at that time to begin the work.
-J.H. Lougee, of Plymouth, New Hampshire, was visiting with Capt. E. J. Hartshorn Saturday. He was a member of his company during the rebellion and being in Nebraska, he came around this way to see him. They had a pleasant visit, recounting old times and renewing old memories. Mr. Lougee carries on his face the marks of the battle of the Wilderness, that was caused by a broken shell striking him. It makes an ugly scar.

Team Stolen
     Peter Haberger, a farmer who resides one-half mile south of West Bend, had a team of black horses stolen from his barn last Friday evening. He put it in as usual in the evening, but Saturday the team, harness, and buggy were gone. Sheriff Hanson was notified Saturday and a reward of $50 was offered by Mr. Harberger for the recovery of the outfit and the arrest of the thief. As yet no clue to the thief has been obtained.

Palo Alto Reporter
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Friday, Nov. 29, 1895

    Michael Bourke of Highland township was before the insane commissioners Monday and adjudged insane. He was taken to Independence Tuesday by Sheriff Hanson. He did not want to go and created quite a stir at the depot by resisting. He was finally got on the train by the assistance of several who stood by.

Palo Alto Reporter
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
December 13, 1895

     Years ago when the country was new and money was scarcer still, there were many primitive habitations upon the prairie. A few of them yet survive the advent of railroads and Michigan lumber. In Rush Lake township I found an old time prairie dugout. The owner of the place has a farm of between 200 and 300 acres and there are large barns and granaries upon the hill into the side of which he has dug out his home. The sides and fronts are banked up with dirt, and the whole is surmounted with a car roof. Here the family have lived for a number of years. In east Freedom we saw a dos house put up this spring by some young men who were breaking sod and caring for a crop of flax upon a new farm there. They used a wooden frame, however, merely banking the sods against it. a sod house in Rush Lake township, near Archie Johnson's, was abandoned but a few years ago. Here the sods from the "breaking" was carefully piled up to the height desired, then a frame plate fastened on top by long wooden pins driven into the sods and a shingle roof raised upon it. With a large knife the sods were sheared away square and smooth and inside coated with a thick layer of plaster. Nice and warm, undoubtedly.

Palo Alto Reporter
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Friday, December 27, 1895

Mrs. Martin Laughlin Dead.
    Mrs. Martin Laughlin died at her home with her son, Lot Laughlin, in Walnut township, Friday morning at 2 o'clock. She was only sick about a week, and the greater cause of her demise was old age. She was born in the County Kilkenny, Ireland, over ninety-one years ago. Of her ninety-one years of life, nearly forty years were spent in Palo Alto county, she and her husband having been among those who came to this county in the year 1836 from Elgin, Ill. If the struggle of pioneer life tries the heroism of man, how much more does it try the heroism of women, whose tender hearts are more easily touched by the solitude and privation incident to such a life. In the struggle with cold, poor crops, and poorer markets of those early days, Mrs. Laughlin bore her part heroically and proved herself a veritable mother in Israel. Those who remember those early days also remember the many deeds of love and kindness which Mrs. Laughlin showered upon all with whom she came in contact. Her husband, Martin Laughlin preceded her to the other shore several years ago and now she too has gone to that rest beyond this world of care and trouble. The funeral services took place Saturday morning at 10 o'clock from the Catholic church of this city, the services being conducted by Rev. Father Smith. The remains were followed to the grave by a very large concourse of friends who took this means to pay their last sad tribute of respect to one whom they had loved and respected in life.

-Miss Nellie Walker, of Algona, died at a hospital in Chicago, whither she had gone for medical treatment, last Saturday afternoon at 5 o'clock.

Civil Point.
    Mr. Tumbleson from Havelock visited with the McKenzie family last Saturday. Miss Jennie McClelland is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Brunnemer in Emmetsburg.
    Charles Grover, from Terrell, is visiting with his brothers, Will and Robert Grover.

    Mr. Crumrine has sold his farm and has taken three fine horses as part payment. He has rented a farm for next year.
    Mr. John Shaver is picking corn for Mr. Paugh.
    Mr. Walter Lowe has traded his living barn in Manson for a brick house.
    Mr. Shervy has sold his farm and will move to Story county next spring.
    Mr. Nivison of Jack creek shipped a car load of fine sheep Monday. He will ship another car next week.

    Mrs. E.B. Brook of Emmetsburg paid a visit to friends in this vicinity on Saturday last. She took the train Sunday evening for Cedar Rapids where she will make her future home.
    Mr. L. Minkler of Algona was in town a short time last week, the guest of his brother, Geo. Minkler.
    Rev. Gardner preached his farewell sermon at this place on Sunday last, as he is about to go to another appointment. The best wishes of the people will go with him to his new field of labor.
    Two hunting parties have been organized with Fred Fenn and Ed. Sammons as leaders, for a Christmas hunting contest. The understanding is that the party bringing the least game pays for supper for both parties. Supper will be served at DeBoldt's restaurant.

-Smith and Kellar, the managers of Music Hall, take great pleasure in announcing an engagement with America's greatest actresses, Miss Jane Coombs, who will appear on Saturday evening, Dec. 21st, at Music Hall in her wonderful creation of Lady Deadlock and Hortense in Charles Dickens' masterpiece, Bleak House, supported by her superb company. The performance will begin with the famous balcony scene from Romeo and Juliet. Reserved seats on sale Thursday, Dec. at C.A. Smith's. Prices 75, 50 and 35 cents.

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