Palo Alto Reporter
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Friday, January 17, 1896
Chas. H. Ferguson, our genial lumberman, was in
Minneapolis last week, looking into the mysteries of the lumber business.
Chas. Stebbins, who had his hand hurt Christmas night, in the
northwestern railroad, will now have to have the little finger removed.
J.J. Watson, president of the Graettinger Savings Bank, was
in the city Monday evening on business connected with the bank.
John Dooley, the bridge builder of Emmetsburg, is putting the
finishing touches on the new bridge.
Monday evening a petition was circulated requesting the city
council to deprive A. Weinholzer of his license to run a saloon in the
incorporated town of Graettinger. A large number of names were attached to it
and when presented to the city council, after a stormy debate, it was tabled. It
would be a blessing if our town had no saloon. ---Graettinger Times.
James Higgins has several new milch cows for sale. Enquire at
the meat market.
James Higgins Meat Market.
I have on hand constantly a fine line of
Fresh Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal.
Sausages, Bacon, Smoked-meat,
Sugar-Cured Hams, Spiced Roll, Etc.
Will pay Cash for Corn Fed Cattle.
Poultry, Sheep, Hogs, Hides and Tallow.
Broadway, Emmetsburg.
Cylinder Advertisements
-Stop at the Hughes House, when in Cylinder.
-J.W. Woodbridge, Physician and Surgeon, Office in Drug Store. All
calls-day or night-promptly attended.
-Kelly Bros. Dealers in General Merchandise. Everything You Want.
-R.E. Richardson, Jeweler. Watches, Clocks and a full Line of Jewelry, Holiday
-The Drug Store. Dr. J.W. Woodbridge, prop. Full lines of Drugs, Patent
Medicines, Etc. By your School Books of me. I sell the California Fruit Cigar.
-Thompson 7 Olesen, the Leading Grocers, Dealers in General Merchandise. Give us
a Call..
Curlew Advertisements.
-H.C. Wiley, General Merchandise! Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, etc.
Okoboji Flour.
-W.W. Ahrens & Co. General Merchants! Give the New Firm a Call.
-The H.L. Jenkins Lumber Co. Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Posts, Brick and all
Building Material. Full stock of Doors, Sash, Mouldings. C.S. Ferguson.
-Fisk's Elevator. Highest Prices Paid for All Kinds of Grain & Flax Seed.
Curlew, Iowa.
-Fisk House. Melvin Fisk, Proprietor. Good Livery in Connection.
-Zaner & Keppler, Shelf and Heavy Hardware! Jewel and Elmhurst Stoves.
-S.W. Tressler, Restaurant! Board by Day or Week.
Emmetsburg Democrat, Jan. 29, 1896:
Monday Evening's meeting of the Emmetsburg Business Men's Association was a
large and enthusiastic one. The G.A.R. hall, in which the meeting was held, was
jammed, nearly every firm in the city being represented. The reports of the
several committees appointed were acted upon and many matters pertaining to the
general necessities of our city introduced and discussed. The creamery question
was among the numerous ones discussed and the executive committee was empowered
to name committees to assist them in their work of preparation and to take such
steps as the situation warrants.
In affecting a permanent organization, the following named officers were
chosen: President, A.W. Utter; vice-presidents, H.C. Shadbolt and H.W. Beebe;
corresponding secretary P.V. Nolan; financial secretary, J.H. Hinkley;
treasurer, W.I. Branagan; executive committee, J.F. Neary, W.J. O'Brien, and
W.E.G. Saunders. These, with the president and treasurer, shall constitute the
board of directors.
The work of the organization is already under headway and it remains with our
business men to plan, arrange, and labor with heart and hand to push Emmetsburg
forward and maintain her proud position as a leader among northwest Iowa cities.
Palo Alto Reporter
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Friday, February 14, 1896
Peter Higgins and wife of Dyersville arrived here Monday
evening in order to be present at the marriage of Joseph Higgins and Miss Mary
McCormick Tuesday morning.
Palo Alto Reporter
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Friday, May 15, 1896
Have to Move Their Barns
B.C.R. & N. people are surveying their right of way from Davenport to
Watertown and wherever they find any buildings on land that belongs to them,
they promptly serve notice upon them to vacate. Their survey through Emmetsburg
has created a little excitement among property owners along their right of way,
as it has found several parties with buildings on grounds claimed by them. The
barn of J.S. Knapp is partially on their ground, and their survey runs through
the center of the barn on the old Carr place. The chicken house belonging to H.B.
Nicholas also stood on railroad land, but he has taken it down and removed it.
The others have also received notice to move their buildings.
The New Church
plans and specifications for the new Congregational church came Wednesday, and
are now in the hands of the building committee. The plans are admirably drawn
and the church will be modern in every particular. The ground dimensions will be
74 x 55 and the building will be made of a cream colored brick with brown stone
trimmings. The main entrance to the building will be from the south and over the
entrance there will be a balcony which will be utilized for a mother's room. The
auditorium will be located in the east and north part of the building and will
be 39 x 45 feet, and have a seating capacity of about 300. The west part of the
church will be divided into various rooms, which can all be thrown into the main
room whenever it is so desired. Here will be the pastor's study, a kitchen,
class rooms, a lecture room and a ladies' parlor. The basement will contain two
furnaces and heating apparatus to heat the building by hot air. The church, as
planned, is modern in style and will contain every convenience as well as
beautiful architecture.
Court Proceedings.
last case of this term was that of Watson vs. Bannon in the foreclosure of a
mortgage. Bannon set up defense that he had not agreed to assume the mortgage
but Watson had a written contract signed by Bannon to the contrary. The decision
was rendered in favor of Watson. Court adjourned, Friday afternoon.
Monday morning Mrs. O'Meara received a telegram containing
the sad intelligence of the death of her sister, Mrs. James Elliott, who resides
at Stillwater, Minn. Mrs. Elliott died Sunday night of heart disease from which
she had been a sufferer for some time. Owing to the serious condition of Mr. P.
Joyce she was unable to attend the funeral.
From the Emmetsburg Democrat, May 20, 1896:
The Emmetsburg Delegation to the A.O.H. Convention
Emmetsburg is represented in large numbers at the Hibernian State convention
and reunion at Dubuque, and also at teh Democratic State convention. Monday
evening the special chair car, in possession of the happy party, left at 5:45,
over the Milwaukee line, and will not return until tomorrow morning. The party
numbered 43. Six young ladies, who during the past two years took party in the
17th of March exercises, were invited to accept the courtesies of the division
and enjoy a free excursion. They cheerfully accepted. They are Misses Anna
Duffy, Lizzie Jones, Mollie Rutledge, Mollie Coonan and Mary Carroll. The A.O.H.
convention was held yesterday and the reunion takes place today. The division
has been planning to contest for some of the state honors, and if the writer is
not mistaken, the boys will come home victorious. J.L. Martin will have a hand
in the oratorical flights of the convention, and Robert Shea, T.J. Duffy and M.F.
Kerwick will see that the dignity of the delegation will be upheld.
The car is a neat one and it was handsomely and appropriately decorated. The
Democrat wishes the excursionists a pleasant and profitable trip. Those who went
P.J. Murphy
T.J. Duffy
W.J. O'Brien
P.V. Nolan
M.F. Kerwick
P.H. Hand
Ed McNally
John Murray
Jas. McCoy
Ed McEvoy
Charles Nolan
Jas. Cahill
M.T. McEvoy
M.F. Brennan
John Joyce
David Joynt
Lot Laughlin
Mollie Coonan
Bridget Carroll
Mrs. Duffy
Miss T. Werbel
John P. Wagner
Geo. Steil
J.L. Martin
John McNally
M.I. Murphy
J.F. Neary
W.I. Branagan
John Moncrief
Dan Galligher
E.J. Doyle
Jas. P. Jennings
Thos. O'Connor
Frank Darris
Michael Joynt
H. Dudgeon
P.C. Neary
A.J. Fay
Mollie Rutledge
Anna Duffy
Lizzie Jones
John Buchacker
Emmetsburg Democrat, June 3, 1896:
Terry Walsh is painting his residence.
W.T. Krieger has put in a neat soda fountain.
P. Hester has painted his fine residence. It looks handsome.
Ice cream, milk shake and all kinds of good things at Kreiger's.
M.N. Nolan was down from Estherville Sunday and Monday.
Miss Anna Healy, of Ruthven, spent Sunday with Emmetsburg friends.
Mrs. Abbey, of Mitchell, S.D., is visiting her nieces, the Misses Robins, of
this city.
The Misses Beyseker, of Austin, Minnesota, are visiting their sister, Mrs.
Shelby, of this city.
Josie, Loretto, and Cornelius Nolan of Ruthven, visited little friends in
Emmetsburg over Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. H.B. Richards were up from Mallard Friday evening and attended
the hop and the Waverly Hall.
Boils and pimples are due to impure blood. Remove them by making the blood
pure with Hood's Sarsaparilla.
Thomas O'Connor, of Walnut, is building an addition to his residence. Times
are not hard in his section of the county.
Emmetsburg Democrat, June 16, 1896:
J.E. Scott was on the sick list several days last week.
George Morse has his old position in the Higgins Meat Market.
Mrs. Crose has been on the sick list.
"Pathfinder" at Kreiger's.
The diptheria is still doing deadly work at Dickinson and Clay counties.
Palo Alto Reporter
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Friday, July 17, 1896
-Mike Kane's new bus arrived Tuesday and now he has the satisfaction
of having the finest bus in this part of the state.
-Mrs. Steven Murphy died at her home in this city Monday morning. The funeral
was held Tuesday morning and the remains laid to rest in the Catholic cemetery.
Palo Alto Reporter
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Friday, Oct 16, 1896
Mr. Frank Hand and Miss Mary Conlon, both of Great Oak were
united in matrimony Monday morning in the Catholic church of this city. The
ceremony was performed Rev. J.J. Smith. The bride was attended by Miss Lizzie
Hand and the groom by Mr. James Conlon. The ceremony was witnessed by quite a
large number of friend of the contracting parties.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Conlon, parents of the bride, made a
wedding feast which was attended by a large number of friends of the young
couple, an enjoyable time had by all.
Mr. and Mrs. Hand are among the best people of Great Oak.
Chas. McCormick and L. Steuhmer spent several days of last
month in southern Minnesota hunting. They came home Wednesday with five geese as
proof of their marksmanship.
Palo Alto Reporter
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Friday, Dec. 4, 1896
Accidentally Shot.
Last Saturday a sad accident took place a few miles from
Rodman by which C. McCain lost his life. He was engaged by M.L. Fritz to help
press some hay and was on his way to the press when the accident occurred.
McCain started ???? in advance of the others and thinking he might run across
some game while going out, he took his gun along. The balance of the crowd
coming to where they were to work found McCain missing, and suspecting something
wrong, Mr. David Sloan went in search of him. He soon came to where McCain had
crawled through the wire fence and just beyond he came upon a pool of blood on
the ground and close by lay the dead body of McCain. It is supposed that while
crawling through the fence the fun was accidentally discharged, the contents
entering his body close to the heart. Death must have come in a very few
minutes, and it is doubtless from the nature of the wound who whether he hardly
realized what had hurt him. The funeral took place Monday. Mr. McCain was a
son-in-law of David Sloan and leaves a wife and two children to mourn his
untimely end.
- Speaking of the monument lately erected by Messrs. Mugan & Fay, of this
city, at the grave of Mr. P. Joyce, the Chicago Reporter, a journal devoted to
the marble trade says: "The monument is a sarcophogus design and the die is
the largest block of marble in Palo Alto Co., or within a radius of 200 miles of
the place. Mr. Joyce was one of the land-marks of northern Iowa and has been
connected with the business and social affairs of Emmetsburg since 1874. He has
served as mayor, member of the city council and several offices of trust. The
large three story brick building cor. Main and Broadway is a sample of the
enterprise with which he was filled."
Palo Alto Reporter
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Friday, Dec. 25, 1896
- William L. Collins was taken before the insane commissioners, Monday, and
declared to be of unsound mind. The same evening Sheriff Hanson and Will Hester
started with him for Independence to place him in the asylum, when at Waterloo
he broke away from them and ran as fast as he could with both men after him. The
direction he ran was toward the river and as it was dark the first thing that
they know they were on the bank of the river. They were running so fast that
they could not stop and all three took a leap of ten foot to the ice below.
Collins landed safe and sound and immediately picked himself up and started
across the ice with Sheriff Hanson who had also escaped without serious injury
close after him. Hester was no so fortunate as he struck on a fence that had
been placed at the edge of the water and toppling over struck with his face on
the ice below. He was very badly bruised and it will be some time before he gets
over the shaking up he got. Hanson captured Collins after he had run eight or
ten rods and he was just on time for a short distance ahead the river was open
and Collins was headed straight for it. Collins was taken the balance of the
journey without any trouble.
-Miss Edith Adron, of Cherokee, will sing in the M.E. church next Sunday
morning and evening. Miss Adron is a talented musician and fine singer and for
several years has sang in the leading church of Sioux City.
- The Rock Island Railroad Company has virtually told its employes that no
drinking will be allowed while in its service. In its new book of instructions
to the men it says: "Employes found intoxicated or known to be habitual
users of liquor, will be discharged from the service." They are also
prohibited from frequenting gambling houses or using opium or other narcotics
under penalty of losing their positions. These instructions apply to section
hands as well as train dispatchers.
-Born to Mr. and Mrs. E. Apland, of Vernon township, on December 18th, a son.
The REPORTER extends its congratulations.
-Mr. and Mrs. E.B. Westfalls of Independence township, are rejoicing over a
little boy that came to live with them December 18, 1896.
-Mr. Emil Brullman and Miss Lena Habegger, both of West Bend, were united in
marriage last Thursday by Justice Crose of this city.
-The forty dollar fur coat, raffled off at Kaufman Brothers, last Friday night,
was won by H.C. Shadbolt. Seventeen was the lucky number that won it.
-Cards are out announcing the approaching nuptials of Mr. O.W. Hodgkinson and
Miss Mabel Bateman, both of this city. This happy event will take place in the
M.E. church, Wednesday evening, December 30th, 1896.
-Murphy, the thug who knocked down Joel Campbell at Ayrshire a couple of weeks
ago, without provocation, is still at large, although a reward has been offered
for his arrest. Mr. Campbell is regaining his strength and will soon be able to
be out again.
-The Foresters of St. Charles Court at their annual meeting held last week
selected the following officers for the ensuing year. Chief Ranger, C.J. Berger;
Vice-Chief Ranger, John J. Steil; Cor. Sec., John Moncrief; Financial Sec.,
Thomas O'Conner; Treas., A.J. Fay; Senior Conductor, J.J. Deneen; Junior
Conductor, W.P. Kane; Sentinel, John McDonald and Trustees, W.J. O'Brien, N.M.
Flannagan and John McCarty.
-The officers of the Masonic Lodge R.A.M. were installed at their meeting
Thursday night, December 17th, 1896, for the ensuing year. They are as follows:
M.E.H., J.C. Davies; M.E.R., Matthew Grier; M.E.S., F.S. Appleman; C.C.H., P.O.
Refsell; P.S., H.C. Shadbolt; R.A.C., T.E. Burt; G.M. 3rd vail, E. Burt; G.M. 2d
vail, J.L. Walker; G.M. 1st vail; H.K. Flom; treasurer, J.H. Carmichael and
secretary, W.T. Jackson.
-The marriage of J.T. Lancaster of Sioux City and Miss Hilma S. Eckland, of
Curlew, took place in the Baptist parsonage at Rutland, Ia., Wednesday evening,
December 16th, at 7:30 o'clock. The ceremony was performed by Rev. F.E. Day in
the presence of forty invited guests. After the ceremony an elegant wedding
supper was served by Rev. and Mrs. Day who entertained the bridal party and the
guests invited in honor of the occasion, in a royal manner. The happy couple
were the recipients of many useful and beautiful presents. Mr. and Mrs.
Lancaster will make their home in Sioux City. The REPORTER joins their many Palo
Alto friends in wishing the young couple a happy and prosperous married life.
Miss Maude Bliven arrived home from Cornell College Saturday
afternoon to spend the holidays.
C.R.H. Duncan came in from Inwood, Saturday night, to spend
his two weeks' vacation at home.
Little Joe Peddie has been very sick with with the pneumonia
but at this writing he is reported to be getting better.
Miss Vesta Hinkley has arrived home from Rockford where she
has been attending school.
Harry Beach came down from Sioux Falls Tuesday to attend the
nuptials of his sister Edith and to spend Christmas.
A.H. Kellar and wife and Lowell went to Chicago, Wednesday
evening, to spend Christmas with relative in that city.
P. Sullivan of Fargo, South Dakota, visited Tuesday with John
Dooley. He is prominent in railroad circles of the northwest.
S.R. Speer of West Vernon, was in Emmetsburg Wednesday for
the first time in nearly two months. He has just recovered from a long siege of
the typhoid fever.
Mrs. Stoneman of St. Paul is spending the holidays with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. McCune at their home in Ruthven.
A Peculiar Accident.
A peculiar accident took place at the residence of Dr.
Jackson, Wednesday evening. The drum of the cooking stove which was in one of
the rooms upstairs burst with a report like a small cannon and tearing the drum
and stove pipe into pieces and also knocking off some of the plastering of the
room. Mrs. Jackson was getting supper at the stove by the force of the explosion
and her hair on one side of her head slightly singed by the blaze which shot
from the stove. Of course the explosion was caused by accumulated gas but just
why gas should accumulate in the drum is hard to determine.