Palo Alto Co, Iowa USGenWeb Project


Can't see Postmark
One Cent Stamp

Lizzie McNally
Corner Buchanan St.
Red Wing, Minnesota

Erma Ferguson was killed in an auto accident.
Dear Sister-When you come be sure to let me know what day you will arrive. Stop at Garner and I will have Payment ???. Don't be in a hurry home because we are getting along fine.

Postmarked Davenport, 21 Aug 1908
One Cent Stamp

Miss Elizabeth McNally
Emmetsburg, Iowa

Hello Sister
You had ought to see this bridge after dark-it is swell. I hope Pa is better.
Good by, Clem
[Postcard had a picture of Crescent Bridge between Rock Island, Ill. and Davenport, Iowa]

Postmarked Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 24 Dec 1908
One Cent Stamp
Christmas Card

Mr and Mrs Ed McNally & Family
Emmetsburg, Iowa

Ralph Hinkley

Postmarked Curlew, 1909
One Cent Stamp

Miss Elizabeth McNally
Emmetsburg, Ia.
c/o Edd. McNally.

Dear friend Lizzie.
Recd your welcome postal some time ago. Was glad to hear from you. How is Bernette, tell her hello & to write. I would of answered your card before but didn't get any to send. How is Moorse is he as comical as ever. Nellie is O.K. having a delightful time. Ha!Ha! suppose you are going to school. How is Alice K. and Alice McGuire had a postal from A.K. when you see A.M. tell her hello & to answer my card. [Can't read a couple of lines]. How are the rest of the folks? Tell them hello for me.
As ever, Your friend, Alice O'B.

Postmarked Omaha, Neb, 4 Jun 1909
One Cent Stamp

Lizzie McNally
Emmetsburg, Iowa

Hello Sister is school out yet? Did you enjoy yourself the 2nd or 3rd? 2 weeks hard work for me here yet.
Clem/ Same old place

Postmarked Ayrshire, 4 Aug 1909
One Cent Stamp

Mr. Ed McNally
Emmetsburg, Iowa

Dear Mother & Father.
I just got down town today and took advantage to write to you. Am going out to Obriens tonight attended McGuire's Sociable today. Will probably be home Saturday.
Love to all, Lizzie.

Cannot read postmark
One Cent Stamp

Miss Elizabeth McNally
Emmetsburg, Iowa
L.B. 464

Dear Sister,
 I suppose you will have a good time today. Well be good and answer soon. How is everyone? We are all O.K.. Give my regards to all. As Ever.

Postmarked Ayrshire, May 1910
One Cent Stamp

Miss Elizabeth McNally
Emmetsburg, Iowa

Dear Lizzie. How are you after your serious trouble? I hope to see you Saturday if I go to town.
Yours affectionately,
Mary Walsh.

Postmarked Curlew, Jun 1910
One Cent Stamp

Miss Elizabeth McNally
Emmetsburg, Iowa
c/o Edd. McNally

Dear Lizzie.
How are you am fine and dandy how is Nellie and all the rest of the family. How is your mother. I seen Kit Sunday. Excuse this card as this is the only one I have haven't been to town since I came home once on Sunday. I thought I'd send this tell Nel I'll send her one when I get to town. When she sees me home. Best Regards to all. Ever your friend.
A. O'B.

Postmarked Graettinger, 15 Jun 1911
One Cent Stamp

Miss Elizabeth G McNally
Emmetsburg, Iowa

Well Lizzie i am Sorry we cannot be at your big todo today we are all scraching around so good by from Unkle John

Postmarked Caledonia, Minnesota, Oct 4, 1911
One Cent Stamp

Miss Lizzie McNally
Emmetsburg, Iowa

Dear Friend. I will now answer your postal which I got some time ago. I am slow about writing but excuse me. Lizzie I am not at Kennedy any more left there am at Mullaneys and like it fine do you remember that Sunday that we wanted to go to that dance and could not? I can go now all I want. Try to come to Caledonia some time and we will have a good old time.
Love from Delia Elliott c/o Mullanys.

Postmarked Ruthven, Nov 1911
One Cent Stamp

Lizzie McNally
Emmetsburg, Iowa

Dear Lizzie
This card is a little late for I've just returned from Des Moines. I hope your mother is better now.
From your schoolmate, Mary

Postmarked Red Wing, Minnesota, 29 Nov 1911
One Cent Stamp

Miss Elizabeth McNally
Emmetsburg, Iowa Palo Alto Co.

Nov. 27, 1911
Dear Niece-
I received your picture and it was very nice. I hope you will come and see us soon. From aunt Mary. Cor 6th & Buchanan str

Postmarked Cylinder, Dec 14, 1911
One Cent Stamp

Miss Elizabeth McNally
Rodman, Iowa c/o Joe Wollner

Graettinger, Dec 12, 1911
How are you? Why don't you ever write. Got the new stove up this week. Well write soon to your old friend,

Postmarked Ruthven, 15 Dec 1911
One Cent Stamp

Miss Elizabeth McNally
Emmetsburg, Iowa

Ruthven, Iowa
Dec 15, 1911
Dear Friend- Received your card and surprised to hear from you but I suppose you were shock to hear I left your neighborhood so sudden. Yes I was glad to get Rome but feel like coming back now. I suppose you are busy getting ready for Xmas. How is your mother feeling now? Best wishes for a Merry Xmas.
Loretta Nolan

Postmarked Houston, Minnesota, 22 Dec 1911
One Cent Stamp

Miss Elizabeth McNally
Emmetsburgh, Iowa

Dear Niece
Rec'd your letter a few days ago sorry to hear your mother was not feeling very well. Hope she is better I am going to write her soon. We all join with love and best wishes for a Merry Christmas to one and all.
Mrs. C.P. McCormick

Postmarked St. Louis, Missouri, 23 Dec 1911
One Cent Stamp

Miss Lizzie McNally
Emmetsburg, Iowa

Wishing you a Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year.
Your friend, Nellie Neville

Postmarked Clinton, Dec 29, 1911
One Cent Stamp

Miss Elizabeth McNally
Emmetsburg, Iowa

Clinton, Iowa
Dec, 28, 1911
My dear Elizabeth,
It was sweet to be remembered. I judge by the postmark on your card that you are in Rodman- a "school ma'am" I suppose. How do you like it. No doubt you are glad you have not to go through the ordeal of last year. May you be prosperous and happy during the coming New Year is the wish of
Your sincere friend,
Sister M. Leonella

Postmarked Davenport, 1912
One Cent Stamp

Miss Lizzie McNally
Emmetsburg, Iowa

Dear Cousin. We arrived here at Mercy all O.K. We are both on special know with two men. Bessie is on special also with a lady. Kibbie is over at St. Elizabeths with the insane woman. She likes it just fine. I will write later. Ashamed that I didn't write before.

Postmarked Ayrshire, Feb 1912
One Cent Stamp

Miss Lizzie McNally
Rodman, Iowa
c/o Joe Wollner

Feb. 18, 1912
Dear Friend:-
Got home about six last night F.M. and I walked all around that large city. First time I saw that east side school. How is your mother. Hope she is better.
Mary Walsh

Postmarked Emmetsburg, Feb 13, 1912
One Cent Stamp

Miss Lizzie McNally
Rodman, Iowa
c/o Joe Woolner

Dear Lizzie,
I received your card last week. Was sorry to hear your mother was sick. I hope she is better. Tell her I will send that pattern some day this week. How is Maurice? Ans soon.Your friend,
Alice O'B.

Postmarked Rodman, 22 Mar 1912
One Cent Stamp

Miss Elizabeth McNally
Emmetsburg, Iowa

"Hello Teacher, Please may I speak for a few minutes." And teacher scowls. But I'm going to speak anyhow. How was today for a snow storm? Reminds one of the ???. I'm just over the effects of Paddy's day. Are you? I suppose you ate frosted cookies.
From Kate M.

Postmarked Ruthven, 1 Apr 1912
One Cent Stamp

Miss Lizzie McNally
Emmetsburg, Iowa

Ruthven, Iowa
Mar 31, 1912
Dear Lizzie,
Received your card but I did not get over to E'burg the 17th but expect to go some time soon. Hope you can come and see me some time this summer when you haven't anything to do. Write soon.
Loretta Nolan

Postmarked Davenport, 6 Apr 1912
One Cent Stamp

Miss Lizzie McNally
Emmetsburg, Iowa

Dear Cousin.
Received your card. Many thanks. Am glad to know your mother is improved. Wishing you all a Happy Easter. We are both fine and dandy.
With love from Katherine [Kane?]

Postmarked Davenport, 6 Apr 1912
One Cent Stamp

Miss Lizabeth McNally
Emmetsburg, Iowa

Dear Cousin, your photos was received. Thank you dear. We havent had any taken yet seems we never get time. When we don't be working we have to study. I think your picture pretty good. I am on special with a lady she is very bad, Temp runs to 105. Still she keeps on. Happy Easter. Your loving cousin Alice.

Postmarked Houston, Minnesota, 9 Apr 1912
One Cent Stamp

Miss Elizabeth McNally
Emmetsburg, Iowa

Well how are you We were glad to hear your mother is on the gain those Postals of you girls and Maurice were fine would be pleased to get Burnette picture wish ??? would take one of your Papa and Ma and send me one I will write you a letter soon.
With love and best wishes. Mrs. C.P. McCormick

Postmarked 15 Apr 1912
One Cent Stamp

Miss Elizabeth McNally
Emmetsburg, Iowa

Dear Classmate-
Well I believe we met in E'burg Sat night but our visit was short & sweet. Why don't you blow across the river sometime & see me? I'm sure there's enough of wind. This is the second week of my last month & I pretty glad.
From ???

Postmarked Des Moines, 18 May 1912
One Cent Stamp

Miss Lizzie McNally
Emmetsburg, Iowa
c/o Ed McNally

Des Moines
May 17-12
Dear Friend
Was very sorry to hear of your mother's death. I suppose you are at home now. Write soon. As ever your friend.
Miss Grace

Postmarked Rodman, 30 May 1912
One Cent Stamp

Miss Elizabeth McNally
Emmetsburg, Iowa

Dear Friend.
I thought I would scribble a few lines. Have you that shirt ironed yet. I suppose you are celebrating today. I maybe in town next week to the bazaar and I hope to see you.
From Kate M.

Postmarked Ruthven, 25 Jun 1912
Stamp Missing

Miss Elizabeth McNally
Emmetsburg, Iowa

Ruthven, Iowa
June 24, 1912
Dear Friend: Arrived home O.K. after that big trip. What are you doing these [days] to keep yourself busy? Say Hello to Bernette for me. Write soon.
Love A.W. Nolan

Postmarked Davenport, July 1912
One Cent Stamp

Miss Lizzie McNally
Emmetsburg, Iowa

Dear Niece, How are you my eyes are fine. Did you see Miss Dickinson from here I suppose she told you how her eye was getting along slow but sure. Are you celebrating today. Will you please, go to Nell ?????? and pay my dues for May & June and I will do something for you. How is every one love to all, your loving Aunt Sarah.

Postmarked New Hampton, 9 Jul 1912
One Cent Stamp

Miss Lizzie McNally
Red Wing, Minn.
Cor. 7 & Buchanan St

New Hampton
July 2, 1912

Dear Friend:
I received your card to-day and was surprised to hear of you being in Red Wing. We had a swell auto ride the last two nights. We are going to Lawler to-morrow. Your friend, Josephine.

Postmarked New Hampton, 3 Aug ???
One Cent Stamp

Miss Lizzie McNally
Emmetsburg, Iowa

Dear Lizzie,
Arrived safe but didn't see the girls yet as they are out in the country. Say hello to Bernette for me.

Postmarked Caledonia, Minnesota, ? Aug 1912
One Cent Stamp

Miss Lizzie McNally
Emmetsburg, Iowa

Dear Coz,
Got your card and her goes an ans The Threshers were here two days you ought to have been here and there are dances galore. Did you learn the Hop Waltz yet? So long. Ans soon. Connil.

Postmarked Marengo, 7 Aug 1912
One Cent Stamp

Miss Lizzie McNally
Emmetsburg, Iowa

Dear Sister
I suppose you are at the piano half the time. Write to me c/o J.M. Dowers.

Postmarked Ruthven, 20 Aug1912
One Cent Stamp

Miss Elizabeth McNally
Emmetsburg, Iowa

Aug 20, 1912
Dear Friend
Well Lizzie how is the world using you? Did you get over last Thursday yet after that big auto ride? Come over this week if your can. Write soon. Loretta.

Postmarked Caledonia, Minnesota, 14 Sep 1912
One Cent Stamp

Miss Lizzie McNally
Emmetsburg, Iowa

Caledonia. Dear Cousin,
Why don't you write? Am sure you owe me a letter. Been threshing since . We just got thru yesterday had 2400 bushels of grain. Good Bye. Write Soon.

Postmarked Garner, 18 Oct 1912
One Cent Stamp

Miss Lizzie McNally
Emmetsburg, Iowa

Dear Sister-
Did you find ck I left on the table last week? Did father leave for Montana yet? When does he expect to return.
Your bro, Ray.

Postmarked Nov 1912
One Cent Stamp

Miss Elizabeth McNally
Emmetsburg, Iowa

Nov 12, 1912
Dear Friend,
I am not sure whether I owe you a card or not. If I do here it comes. When are you coming over to see me. Maybe I am going out to California next month or ??? for the winter. Hope to see you if I go away I might possibly get over. Write soon. Loretta N. (probably Nolan)

Postmarked Iowa City, 7 Jan 1913
One Cent Stamp

Miss Elizabeth McNally
Emmetsburg, Iowa

Dear Friend
How is Elizabeth? I am back here again and wish vacation hadn't been so short and sweet. Hurry up and write. I meant to see you that Mon. but didn't reach the city until six or after. Just go to classes so will close.
From "Cooky" Kate

Postmarked Sexton, 17 Nov 1913
One Cent Stamp

Miss Elizabeth McNally
802 S 10 (or 16) St
Estherville, Iowa

Hello Kid
Say you don't want to wear that picture out. say tell Miss Swartz that one of my pals is Writing to her so I won't. But tell her that I thank her for her card say your Bunch ought to have your picture taken together and send me one.  I hope Miss. Swartz will not have any hard feeling against me.
Nellie (or Nettie) ?ralda

Postmarked Davenport, Apr 1914
One Cent Stamp

Miss Burnette McNally
Emmetsburg, Iowa

Dear Burnette. How are you enjoying life I suppose fine. How are you getting along with your life book I am slow but sure. How did you spend Holy Week. I spent it real good. Wishing you all a Happy Easter.
Alice K.


Palo Alto County, Iowa USGenWeb Project Scott County, Iowa Genealogy Celtic Cousins A Little Bit of Ireland The Irish in Iowa Joynt/Joint Family Chronicles Other Family Ties