John and Lucy Hollander, Annie, Jack, and
Matthew about 1901 or 02.
Submitted by Nancy Hicks

John Hollander
Submitted by Nancy
Hicks |

Lucinda and her grandchildren,
children of John and Lucy Hollander about 1907
Submitted by Nancy Hicks |

Lucy Adams Hollander c.
Submitted by Nancy
Hicks |

John and Lucy Adams Hollander
Submitted by Nancy

Inez Booth Adams and daughter, Ella
Submitted by Nancy

Felix Nicholas Hollander, son
of John and Lucy Hollander b.c. 1905-1906
Submitted by Nancy

Jack Hollander, son of John and Lucy,
and Bernard Booth, son of Fred and Edith
Submitted by Nancy Hicks

Don F Booth
Submitted by Nancy

Edith Adams, daughter of John P. Adams
and Inez Booth Adams
Submitted by Nancy Hicks

Bryant and Margaret Booth. He is oldest
son of Fred and Edith, b. Dec. 13, 1888,in Rodman, IA
Submitted by Nancy Hicks

John Adams and Sisters
Submitted by Nancy

Fred Eugene Booth & Edith Davis Booth
Submitted by Nancy

Sons of Fred and Edith Booth. Bernard
Leslie Booth is in the center.
Note: First man's name is WILLIAM, not LIAM
Submitted by Nancy Hicks

Bernard Leslie Booth & Minerva Frances
Submitted by Nancy

Ervin, Gale and Clarence Watkins (sons
of Martin Van Buren, only Gale lived in Palo Alto)
Submitted by Nancy Hicks

Gale, Rita, Leora, Martin and
Vernon Watkins (Rita, Martin and Vernon are children of Gale and Leora)
Submitted by Nancy Hicks |

Ruth, Leora, Merle, Henry Vernon Monk (Leora
and Vernon are children of Merle and Ruth)
Submitted by Nancy

Ruth Henrietta Beams Monk
Submitted by Nancy

Merle Monroe Monk and his shoe shop in
Submitted by Nancy Hicks

Merle Monk & daughter Leora
Submitted by Nancy

Leora & Vernon Monroe Monk
Submitted by Nancy

Gale & Leora Monk Watkins after
Submitted by Nancy

Gale Chezum Watkins
Submitted by Nancy

Ruth Henrietta Beams and Merle Monroe Monk
after wedding
Submitted by Nancy Hicks

Leora Monk, Merle Monk and Gale Watkins
(Merle was the father of Leora, wife of Gale)
Submitted by Nancy Hicks

First Grade Class
Emmetsburg, Iowa
Submitted by Nancy

This picture of the man and baby we can't
identify. The photographer stamp says 'Miss C.M. Johnson Emmetsburg, Iowa'
Submitted by Nancy Hicks

Father Francis X Rosseler - 1903
Submitted by Nancy

Photo probably dated between 1912 and 1914.
Grandma (Minerva Hollander) is 6th from left, 2nd row.
Submitted by Nancy Hicks

Military Card of Bernard
Submitted by Nancy
Hicks |

Bernard L. Booth, b.
2-9-1899 in Rodman to Fred and Edith Booth, attended Emmetsburg Public Schools
and lived there till the war, served in France and Germany, and was wounded at
Soissions. He received a Purple Heart 28 years later as he was reported MIA on
Aug. 28, 1918. He passed away in 1967 at age 68 in Longview, WA.
Bernard (grandpa) is the first
one on left on second row
Submitted by Nancy
Hicks |