1900 B Directory
Davenport Times
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
Friday, March 9, 1900
Errors in Names and Locations and Any Changes From the Way the Names Appear
in The Times, Including Removals, Must be Reported to the Office or the
Directory Manager in The Times Building Within 48 Hours From This Evening,
as These Names Will go in Book Form Then.
Baasch, Charles, wife Tilllie, lab r 1438 Rockingham rd
Baasch, Miss Dora, wks W & E Goetsch, r 1707 Taney
Baasch, Henry, wife Elizabeth, r 1707 Taney
Baasch, Miss Lena, wks W & E Goetsch, r 1707 Taney
Babbe, Julius, lab bds 212 Scott
Babbe, Wm, wks P G Meyer, r 212 Scott
Babcock, Elias J, wife Isabelle, sec Security Fire Insurance Co 39 Masonic
Temple, r 634 e 14th
Babcock, Frank cond Tri-City Ry Co rms 406 w 2d
Babst, Adolph, wife Edith,glazier, r 1229 Hamilton
Babst, Alfred, glazier, r 1229 Hamilton
Babst, Dora, wid August, r 1229 Hamilton
Bacchus, Charles, wife Lizzie, molder, Metal Wheel Co, r 217 Rock Island
Bacchus, Charles Jr, wks Dav. F & M Co r 217 Rock Island
Bachialupo, Tony, wks Cresent Macaroni Co r 512 e 6th
Bachman, Aaron, lab bds Walker House
Backmann, Adam, wife Sophia, r 1115 w 8th
Backus, Miss Anna F, r 1331 Union
Backus, Frank driller C R I & P r 1331 Union
Backus, George A, lino opr The Republican, r 1331 Union
Backus, James E, mach opr T W McClelland Co r 1331 Union
Backus, Miss Nettie E, r 1331 Union
Backus, Wm H, wife Sarah carp C R I & P r 1331 Union
Backus, Wm H, jr, lab, r 1331 Union
Bacon, Jacob (col) agt, rms 1106 Ripley
Badger, John W, wife Annie bdg h 427 e 6th
Badtram, Henry, clk W Wundram bds 731 w 2d
Bagley, Miss Edna L, tchr r 408 Kirkwood boul
Bagley, Forest G, messgr Postal Tel Co r 408 Kirkwood boul
Bagley, Mrs Louise, r 408 Kirkwood boul
Bahl, Frank, wife CAtharine r 502 Myrtle
Bahl, George, wks P J Stelling Co bds 708 Brady
Bahls, Doris, wid John, r 1943 w 3d
Bahls, Miss Selma r 1943 w 3d
Bahns, Anna wid Herman r 217 Taylor
Bahns, Gustave, molder H J Frank, r 217 Taylor
Bahns, Herman, wife Anna, r 1023 w 3d
Bahns, Otto, wife Dora K, cupola tender H J Frank r 1936 Bowditch
Bahns, Wm, wks H J Frank r 217 Taylor
BAHR (See Also BARR)
Bahr, Elizabeth, wid Frederick, r Blackhawk, nr Oak
Bahr, Fred G, florist, Black Hawk nr Oak r same
Bahr, John F, eng, r Black Hawk nr Oak
Bailey, Miss Agnes E, dressmkr r 1917 Ida av
Bailey, Miss Anna K, r 1917 Ida av
Bailey, Charles N, wks U N Roberts Co rms 733 e 6th
Bailey, Earl, wks Metal Wheel Co bds 427 e 6th
Bailey, Edward r 1917 Ida av
Bailey, Miss Emma C, tchr r 1917 Ida av
Bailey, George W, wks Arsenal r 1917 Ida av
Bailey, H???, wks Metal Wheel Co, r 112 Iowa
Bailey, Joseph J, waiter r 1917 Ida av
Bailey, Miss Katherine B, tchr Sch No 12 r 1917 Ida av
Bailey, Michael, lab r 1917 Ida av
Bailey, Reuben (col) wife Lucy, lab r 320 w 1?th
Bailey, Miss Rose E, tchr Sch No 11, r 1917 Ida av
Baird, Mary, wid Richard, r 1847 w 3d
Baird, Richard, core mkr H J Frank r 1847 w3d
Baker, Alfred, wife Luella, gardener, r Harrison nr city limits.
Baker, Alice P, wid Joseph, r 618 e Laurel
Baker, Miss Bertha wks Dav Pearl B co r 1261 w 4th
Baker, Mrs. Bettie (col) r 550 e 11th
Baker, Charles R, wife Lillian M, dentist, 60 Whitaker bldg r 710 e 4th
Baker, David H, wife Elizabeth M, bottler, 121 Ripley r 1525 Farnam
Baker, Edwin L, stonog Impl Mfg Co r 414 1/2 w 2d
Baker, Ethel K, r 1514 Farnam
Baker, Freelove M, wid Albert, r 1514 Farnam
Baker, Geo, wife Elizabeth, r Park lane nr Brady
Baker, George T, wife Clara mayor (term expires April 1900) and mngr Tri-City
Construction co, 35 Masonic Temple, r 1514 Farnam
Baker, Miss Georgia E, r 1514 Farnam
Baker G Lamont, clk W B Wiley r 208 e 6th
Baker, James (col) bell boy St. James Hotel, r 550 e 11th
Baker, John W, H, wife Julia A, physician 229 Brady r 427 e 14th
Baker, Norman M, r 710 e 14th
Baker, Samuel H, r 1933 Ripley
Baker, Wm (col) wife Rachel, r 2303 Cherry
Baker, Wm (col) wife Frances, porter r 1720 Iowa
Balch, Edwin F, clk S M Reynolds & Coo r 1527 Grand av
Balch, Elizabeth H, wid George r 1527 Grand av
Balcke, Miss Annie r 2340 Eddy
Balcke, Rev Henry G, wife Maria r 2340 Eddy
Balcke, Miss Minnie C, r 916 Vine
Baldwin, Benoni S, wife Mary A, propr Dav Ladder Co 410 Bridge av r 427 Bridge
Baldwin, James R, wife Ella M, tchr High sch, r 303 e 11th
Baldwin, Emma L, wid Nosh, r 1132 Farnam
Ball, Mary F, wid Louis, r 2011 Summit av
Ball, Merl, clk E J Kistenmacher, r 2011 Summit av
Ball, Wm T, pres Tri-City Elec Co r Moline Ill
Ballard, Harry W, clk E S Ballord & Co r 1536 Main
Ballard, John W, supervisor (E S BALLORD & Co) 106 w 2d r 1536 Main
Ballard, Miss M Frances r 1536 Main
Ballard, Stephen (col) cook S H Anderson r rear 124 e 5th
Ballinger, Miss Clara, r 729 1/2 e 6th
Ballinger, Miss Lucinda, r 407 e 6th
Ballord, Miss Bessie, r 226 e Locust
Ballord, E S wife Frances A (E S Ballord & Co) 106 w 2d r 226 e Locust
Ballord, E S & Co (E S Ballord J W Ballard), druggists and proprs Tri-City
Dental Depot 106 w 2d
Ballord, Wallace W (col), wife Mamie porter Dav Bus Men's Assn, r 706 Harrison
Balluff, Albert A, wife Mary M, r 2801 Dubuque
Balluff, Albert L, clk Petersen's Sons r 814 Hennepin
Balluff, August A, wife Josephine, cashier Citizen's Nat Bank 202 w 2d, r 416 w
Balluff, Miss Clara C r 2622 Brady
Balluff, Frank G, wife Matilda G, clk Ficke & Ficke r 1713 Main
Balluff, Henry E clk r 2622 Brady
Balluff, Herbert, wks T Kircher r 814 Hennepin
Balluff, Ignatius T, wife Mary, grocer 1402 w 4th r same
Balluff, John B, wife Anna, police r 1216 Brown
Balluff, Joseph P, stenog Iowa Nat Bank, r 2622 Brady
Balluff, Miss Lucy M, r 2622 Brady
Balluff, Miss Mary A, r 2622 Brady
Balluff, Matilda wid J C r 2622 Brady
Balluff, Walter M, r 416 w 16th
Balschmiter, Edward H, lab r 703 Belle av
Balschmiter, Miss Ella dom 828 Brady
Balschmiter, Wm, wife Mary r 220 Iowa
Balzer, henry wife Minnie lab r 1229 LeClaire
Bammer, Mary, wid John r 528 Kirkwood boul
Banderob, George r 511 w 4th
Banderob, Julius J, wife Christina bkpr Abel Lime & C Co r 1109 w 2d
Bandley, Miss Lillian tchr Oprhan's home r same
Bane, Clark D wife Kate E, lab r 926 w 4th
Banes, C Erskine wife Mary L, mngr to Procuse Co r 11 Lorenzen blk
Bang, Louis, butcher A Stroh 804 w 7th
Bank, Miss Annie M, dom 120 Bridge av
Bank, Fritz, wife Mary, lab r 2020 e Front
Bank, Miss Ida r 2020 e Front
Banks, John (col) lab bds 331 w 10th
Banta, Louis, wife Mary mach Red Jacket mnfg Co r 221 w 6th
Barbee, G.G., clk, Ry M S r St Joseph Mo
Barber, George B, wife Lettie E, salesman Emerson & Fisher Co r 502 Oneida
Barber, Miss Grace M, dom 1201 e Front
Barber, James, H, wife Alvina M, painter, r 1923 Main
Barber, J Edward, packer to Tel Co r 315 e High
Barcelius, Margaret, wid Lorenz r 117 w 6th
Barclay, Rev Wm F, wife Jennie D, pastor Centeral M E ch r 328 e 14th
Bard, Miss Catherine r CC Cook Home
Bard, Richard, r 601 e 15th
Bargelt, Charles, eng St. James Hotel
Barger, Miss Anna S, tchr Sch No 2 r 327 e 11th
Barger, Miss Kate S, r 327 e 11th
Barger, Miss Margaret S, tchr Sch No 2 r 327 e 11th
Bargfeldt, John, bds 219 Western av
Barghold, Henry wife Marle S, cigmkr r 312 w 2d
Bargholtz, Charles, r rear 120 e 2d
Bargholtz, Henry, driver W Claussen r 1722 Agnes lane
Bargholtz, John H, wife Tillie r 802 w 8th
Bargholtz, Augusta H, dressmkr r 1609 Border
Bargholtz, John C, r 1609 Border
Bargholtz, John H, tmstr r 1609 Border
Bargholtz, Julius M, r 1609 Border
Bargholtz, Theodore, wife Ella foreman RI Fuel Co r 800 e Front
Bargmann, Miss Anna F, wks R Krause Co r 1315 w 7th
Bargmann, Miss Dora L, r 1315 w 7th
Bargmann, John H, wife Augusta, contr r 1315 w 7th
Bargmann, Wm P, carp r 1315 w 7th
Barker, George J, see Globe Commercial Agency 9 Masonic Temple r 318 e 10th
Barker, Miss Hattie B, packer Washburn H C Co r 2115 Farnam
Barker, Ingle, wife Frances R, pres Globe Commerical Agency, 9 Masonic Temple r
318 e 19th
Barker, Miss Louise E, r 518 e 10th
Barker, Melissa M, wid Daniel r 2115 Farnam
Barker, Miss Sarah, laundress Buck & C r 2115 Farnam
Barker, Miss Maggie, cigmkr r 515 e 8th
Barker, Orrin G, foreman Newcomb Loom Co r 530 w 5th
Barmettler, Henry, wife Josephine...[can't read rest]
Barmettler, Louis r 315 Harrison
Barna, Herman pres to Mantle Mfg Co 322 Harrison rms 103 Brady
Barner, Miss Minnie dom 1419 w 3d
Barnes, Miss Georgie E, dressmkr, r 1018 e Locust
Barnes, James R, wife Mary C lab r 706 w 16th
Barnes, John H, harnessmkr r 411 Main
Barnes, Louise wid Wm r 706 w 16th
Barnes, Nebrascus H, wife Ella J, wk Arsenal r 1018 e Locust
Barnhouse, Edward, wife Nellie lab r 224 Iowa
Barofsky, Claus, wife Anna r 315 Ripley
Barofsky, Miss Delia r 313 Ripley
Barofsky, Ed, wks H C Dunker & C r 926 Warren
Barofsky, Miss Johanna H, clk C Dannacher, r 313 Ripley
Barofsky, John, bartndr, r 313 Ripley
BARR (See also BAHR)
Barr, Benj, wife Anna r 414 Kirkwood boul
Barr, Hugh, wife Kate (Barr & Co) 330 Brady r Locust se cor Farnam
Barr, Hugh C, r Locust se cor Farnam
Barr, Miss Mary A r 129 w Locust
Barr & Co (Hugh Barr) oysters, 330 Brady
Barraclough, Miss Charlotte A, asst Dr H A Littig r 2310 Harrison
Barraclough, Frank, wife Harriet eng People's Light co r 2302 Harrison
Barraclough, George, wife Sarah A, farmer r 2310 Harrison
Barraclough, George Jr, r 2510 Harrison
Barrett, Annie E, wid J W r 322 w Locust
Barrett, Miss Josephine E, r Gaines nr city limits
Barrette, George M, wife Mattie, cash C M & St P r 1308 w 6th
Barette, John D, wife Margaret, r 1308 w 6th
Barette, Miss Lydia r 1308 w 6th
Barette, Miss Margaret, tchr Sch No 10, r 1308 w 6th
Barris, Miss Amanda G, r 1143 Main
Barris, Rev. Willia H, wife Caroline curator Dav Academy of Nat Sciences r 1143
Barron, James, carp r 520 w 11th
Barron, James F, wife Margaret A (Keating & Barron) 1501 w 8th r same
Barron, John J, painter r 1024 w 7th
Barron, Miss Mary, dom 204 e 8th
Barron, Mary, wid James, r 1024 w 7th
Barron, M Ellen wid Tomas r 520 w 14th
Barron, Peter S, painter r 1024 w 7th
Barron, Thomas P, wife Ellen, painter r 1502 w 8th
Barron, Wm r 1024 w 7th
Barry, Albert, wife Hattie contr r 704 Case
Barstantee, Florence wid F H r 212 Scott
Bartel, Michael, wife Kate, wks C R I & P r 512 e 6th
Bartels, Alvina wid F H r 1701 w 7th
Bartels, Anton M, wife Agnes L, clk Boston Store, r 1429 w 4th
Bartels, Carl, wife Lena, actor r 2436 Harrison
Bartels, Herman wks T W McClelland Co r 2436 Harrison
Bartemeyer, Elizabeth wid Fred r 222 w 15th
Bartemeyer, Fred F, wife Laura, clk F H Bartemeyer & Son r 1416 Harrison
Bartemeyer, Fred H, wife Elizabeth (F H Bartemeyer & Son) 1420 Harrison r
1422 Harrison
Bartemeyer, F H & Son (F H & H H) grocers, 1430 Harrison
Bartemeyer, Herman H,wife Mame (F H Baretemeyer & Son) 1420 Harrison r 1516
Bartemeyer, Miss Kate, r 1422 Harrison
Bartemeyer, Miss May, r 1422 Harrison
Barthel, Otto L B, wife Emma harnessmkr Arsenal r 1520 w Locust
Barton, Miss Eva M, r 328 e Front
Bartruff, Henry S, r 330 e 6th
Barwreck, Charles F E, wife Caroline, painter, r 1443 Leonard
Basmann, Miss Carrie r Grand av n Center av
Basman, Wm C, clk Painter & Dow, r Grand av nr Center av
Bastel, John, wife Mary r 827 w 3d
Bateman, Eugene, property mgr Burtis Opera House, bds Walker House
Bates, Wm (col) wife Lulu, coachman r 418 e 18th
Battisfore, Albert L, r 318 w 9th
Battisfore, Miss Clara A r 318 w 9th
Battisfore, Clarence W, lab r 318 w 9th
Battisfore, Eugene, wife Susan eng r 218 w 9th
Battisfore, John E, fireman r 318 w 9th
Battles, Miss Bessie, cashier The Fair, r Rock Island, Ill.
Bauer, Carl F W, priner Der Demokrat rms 402 w 5th
Bauer, Mrs. Catharine, r C C Cook's House
Bauer, Charles D wife Mary lab r 1536 Leonard
Bauer, Christian, lab bds 521 w 2d
Bauer, Ernest, wife Bridget, lab r 808 Case
Bauer, Ernst F W r 1419 w 3d
Bauer, Henry, wife Christiana wks Dav Mall & G Co r 1702 w 7th
Bauer, Miss Johanna, clk Petersen's Sons, r 807 1/2 w 3d
Bauer, John A, wife Lena L, horseshoer, Commercial nr Brady r 114 e 3d
Bauer, John F, wife Catharine lab r ft Fillmore
Bauer, Wm F, r 857 w 3d
Bauerle, Edward C, wks lo Tel Co r 1439 w 3d
Bauerle, Jacob, wife Anna r 1439 w 2d
Bauerle, Miss Kate, clk Petersens' & Sons
Baugh, Ira R,wife Josie, wks H K Newbern r 1921 Main
Baugh, Theodore, barber D G Carr, rms 323 e 2d
Baughman, Katherine wid Geo r 1230 Main
Bauman, George, lab bds 551 w 2d
Baumann, Charles C, tchr High Sch bdg 511 w 6th
Baumann, John, wife Hannah L, carp T W McClelland Co r 830 Ripley
Baumann, John H, wife Addie clk O H. Lharmann r 504 Scott
Baumann, Wm A, harnessmkr Sears-Frizell Co r 313 Perry
Baumbach, Louis F, jeweler M E Mabstedt & Sons r Rock Island Ill
Baumgarten, Emily, wid Wm F, r 1116 w 2d
Baumgartner, Johanna, wid Jacob r 1601 Fulton av
Baumgartner, John C, wife Maggie L, eng Water Co r 540 Esplanade av
Baumgartner, Joseph A, finisher Red Jacket Mnfg Co r 1601 Fulton av
Baurose, Catherine wid F A r 11 1/2 Western av
Baurose, Charles L, wife Anna, r 1215 w 8th
Baurose, Miss Edith, r 114 Western av
Baurose, Fred F, clk A Steffen r 114 Western av
Baurose, Louis, grocer, 732 w 2d r same
Baurose, Miss Matilda, r 114 Western av
Baurose, Wm L, carp r 732 w 2d
Bawden, Benj W, clk Lindsay & Phelps Co r 1405 4th av
Bawden, Edward T, spec agt Greenwich ins co r 1315 4th av
Bawden, Miss Elsie, r Rockingham rd nr sw limits
Bawden, George S, r 402 Kirkwood boul
Bawden, Geo W, wife Jennie E, (Liscner, Bawden & Neal) 24 McManus bldg r 511
Kirkwood boul
Bawden, Henry L, wife Isabelle, physician 5 Franklin bldg, r 402 Kirkwood boul
Bawden, James A, r 402 Kirkwood boul
Bawden, Miss M Elizabeth r 1315 4th av
Bawden, Stephen D, wife M Ella, cashier Dav Nat Bank and Steamship agt, Brady se
cor 3d r 1315 4th av
Bawden, Stephen P, ...Masonic Temple, r 1315 4th av
Bawden, Thomas J, wife Annie B (Bawden & Kurmeier) 224 w 3d r Rockingham rd
nr Bismark
Bawden & Kurmeier (T J Bawden Henry Kurmeier) real est 224 w 3d
Bayles, Miss Lydia wks R Krause & Co r 918 Ripley
Bayles, Miss Maggie A, wks Hadswll & Co r 918 Ripley
Bayles, Mary wid Albert r 918 Ripley
Bayles, Wm A clk Cress Bros r 918 Ripley
Baylis, Mrs. Katherine dressmkr, r H Ryan blk
Baylis, Miss Mable M, r H Ryan blk
Bazar Block Brady se cor Front
Beal, Miss Eva stenog C B & Q r Rock Island Ill
Beals, Miss Eveline r 215 e 12th
Bean, Hugh E (Ryan & Bean) 704 w 2d rms 747 w 2d
Bean, John A wife Bessie E, plumber H C Dunker & Co r 315 e 4th
Bean, Peter A, wife Minnie, switchman, r 729 w 3d
Beane, John T, wife Agnes C contr r 1923 Rock Island
Beane, Miss Mattie B r 1923 Rock Island
Bear, Isaac G, wife Emma B, harnessmkr r 836 Main
Bearmann, Fann...
Beattie, Geo J, wife Julia, cigars 1732 w 4th r same
Beatty, Robt K,wife Mary N, trav agt r 214 Kirkwood boul
Beauchaine, Leo L, eife Maria A, saloon 417 e 2d r same
Beaumont, Edward, wife Elizabeth E, contr r 712 Kirkwood boul
Beaver, Lincoln , wife Elizabeth E, vice pres Riverside Milling Co 810 e Front r
639 e 13th
Bechel, Charles, wife Christiana, lab r 1935 w 2d
Bechtel, George M, wife Martha R, banker 35 Masonic Temple, r 113 Rusholme
Beck, Adare, baker J Rose, rms ???? Eddy
Beck, Albert, plumber Corry & w r Rock Island, Ill
Beck, August J, r 720 Mississippi av
Beck, Miss Caroline r 1322 Franklin
Beck, Charles W, baker C Goettig bds 1101 w 2d
Beck, Christ, wife Dora lab r 623 Christie
Beck, Christ F wife Mary bartndr G Becker r 1806 w 4th
Beck, Claus wife Margaret plasterer r 113 Warren
Beck, Emil E, cig mkr Harkert & Co r 1322 Franklin
Beck, Fred W, wife Mary C r 704 Gaines
Beck, Fritz, r 1322 Franklin
Beck, George A, lather r 113 Warren
Beck, Geo M, cig mkr r 1316 Perry
Beck, Hugo horseshoer, 808 w 2d r 704 Gaines
Beck, John, wife Bridget, fireman Ind Malting Co r Concord nr 1st
Mar 8, 1900
Beck, John, wks J L Zoeckler, bds 620 w Front
Beck, John, wife Kate r 1418 Leonard
Beck, Miss Lillian wks N Kuhnen Co r 1316 Perry
Beck, Miss Lorene bds 316 w 3d
Beck, Louis, wife Emma, tinsmith 1453 Leonard r 1449 Leonard
Beck, Martin, wife Mary E cig mnfr 727 Harrison r 1316 Perry
Beck, Miss Mary dom 803 w 2d
Beck, Mary, wid Adolph r 1322 Franklin
Beck, Miss Minnie r 720 Mississippi av
Beck, Wm r 1625 w 4th
Becker, Mrs Adeline asst Dr A Hageboeck r 215 e 13th
Becker, Miss Alice D r 631 e 7th
Becker, Miss Amelia r 1119 Gaines
Becker, August F, timekpr Weyerhaeuser & D r 733 e 6th
Becker, Miss Bertha asst Pape & Lowry r 1119 Gaines
Becker, Carl bkpr R I Fuel Co r 926 e 7th
Becker, Charles, wife Christina, trav agt r 1119 Gaines
Becker, Christian carp bds 531 w 2d
Becker, Fred W clk Dav Woolen Mills Co's Store r 1119 Gaines
Becker, Fritz H, wife Louise, driver Beiderbecke M Co r 1719 w 7th
Becker, George eng Weyerhaueser & D r 926 e 7th
Becker, Gustav, wife Wilhelmina saloon 101 e 2d r 631 e 7th
Becker, Henry wife Dora r 2326 Grand av
Becker, Henry G tmstr Weyerhaueser & d r 926 e 7th
Becker, Miss Hilda r 703 e Locust
Becker, Jacob wife Belle r 816 w 6th
Becker, Lina wid William r 708 e Locust
Becker, Miss Linnie r 631 e 7th
Becker, Oswald, mining eng r 631 e 7th
Becker, Waldo wife Mray K (Becker & Thuenen) 111 Main r 1751 Grand av
Becker & Thuenen (Waldo Becker Henry Thuenen) ....111 Main
Beckman, John, lab bds 531 w 2d
Beckmann, Albert clk H C C Beckmann r 2102 Summit av
Beckmann, August C r 152...
Beckmann, Bernhard,wife Mary, carp r 923 w 9th
Beckmann, Christian, mach r 1529 Union
Beckmann, Dora A wid Cluaus r 2102 Summit av
Beckmann, Herman C C wife Laura, grocer 2102 Eddy r 2102 Summit av
Beckmann, Miss Ida r 1529 Union
Beckmann, Wm H, horseshoer, P Severin r 1529 Union
Beckstrom, Mrs Annie, wks People's laundry r 701 e 6th
Bedford, Miss Jeanette, wks N Kuhnen Co r Rock Island Ill
Bee Hive Colak & Milliinery Co RR Valfer pres Joe Deutsch vice pres Mrs. M
Deutsch sec and treas. 114 w 2d
Beenck, Charles E, wife Christina painter r 2026 Dixwell
Beenk, Edward wks Dav Cigar Box Co r 105 Warren
Beenk, Emma wid Hans r 717 w 6th
Beenk, Henry r 717 w 6th
Beenk, Henry C, wife Mary lab r 105 Warren
Beenk, Wm H, locksmith H Reinold r 717 w 6th
Beese, August, wife Vinnie pres Dav Mnfg Co r Columbus Grove O.
Beesley, Hedley, wife Jessie pictures 414 Brady r 319 e 5th
Beeson, Henry E, wife Anna J, tel opr Postal Tel Co r 209 Brady
Beguhn, Edward J, clk Globe Com Agency r ??49 w 6th
Beguhn, John, wife Margaret wks ...
Begum, Christ wife Dora gardener r Western av nr city limits
Behan, James C, packer, Washburn H C Co r 624 n Depot
Behan, John J, wife Kate, lab r 310 e 9th
Behan, Miss Margaret V, wks Woolen Mills r 624 n Depot
Behan, Michael D, r 624 n Depot
Behan, Thomas, wife Mary A, baggageman C R I & P r 624 n Depot
Behm, August, blacksmith Weyerhaeuser & D, r rear 917 w 2d
Behm, Charles tmstr, R I Fuel Co r rear 917 w 2d
Behm, Geo, lab r 2008 w 5th
Behm, Henry, wife Dora, lab r 2008 w 5th
Behm, Henry, wife Dorothea, r rear 917 w 2d
Behm, Henry A, lab r 2008 w 5th
Behm, John, wife Emma H, wks Glass Co r 628 Cedar
Behm, Miss Louisa, dom r Telegraph rd nr 3d
Behm, Max T, cigr mkr Wm Behm r 1208 w 2d
Behm, Wm, wife Minnie cig mnfr 1208 w 2d r same
Behm, Wm, wks Schroeder & Rohwedder, r 2008 w 5th
Behncke, Miss Bertha r 622 w 8th
Behncke, Frank r 622 w 8th
Behncke, Frank jr, wife Dora, r 622 w 8th
Behncke, Henry J, wks Metal Wheel Co r 622 w 8th
Behncke, John, wife Bridget, mason r 320 e 12th
Behncke, Otto, clk Petersen's Sons, r 622 w 8th
Behncke, Otto C, wks Arsenal rms 109 e 3d
Behning, Miss Emma L, r 1809 Gaines
Behning, Fritz, wife Fredericka, r 209 Division
Behning, F...., wife Emma, lab r 310 Gaines
Behning, Henry, r 209 Division
Behnke, Miss Ella, tchr Sch No 12 r 1913 w 5th
Behnke, Miss Emma, clk Suelan & Lantau, r 1013 w 5th
Behnke, Henry F, wife Johanna gardener, r 1013 w 5th
Behnke, Herman H, carp r 1015 w 5th
Behnke, Miss Ida, dom r 1213 2d av
Behnken, Louis, wks Weyerhaeuser & D, bds 1635 w 4th
Behr, C Henry G, wife Mollie carp r 1425 Marshall
Behrens, Alfred, wife Fannie, grocer 1634 w Locust r same
Behrens, Miss Alvina r 112 Centennial
Behrens, Anna, wid Henry r 1805 Washington
Behrens, Carl A, grocer 1230 Washington r same
Behrens, Carl L, wife Lena C , collr r 716 w 17th
Behrens, Charles, wife Margaret trimmer Gas Co r 912 w 2d
Behrens, Claus, wife Louise S, real estate, 1538 w 3d r same
Behrens, C Louis, r 716 w 17th
Behrens, Detlef, wks Gas Co r 1003 w 5th
Behrens, Miss Emma , r 1924 w 2d
Behrens, Miss Flora, tchr Schools No.s' 4 & 6 r 2210 w 2d
Behrens, Hans A, wife Fredericka, r 530 w 9th
Behrens, Miss Helen M, r 1905 Sycamore
Behrens, Henry, wife Anna, lab r 1617 Union
Behrens, Herman, cigmkr Junge & Oden, r 2210 w 2d
Behrens, Hugo painter bds 1636 w 2d
Behrens, John, wife Mary M, house mover, 1003 w 5th r same
Behrens, Martin, lab r 1645 w 3d
Behrens, Mary, wid Henry r 2210 w 2d
Behrens, Max H, wife Minnie, salesman P.N. Jacobsen jr r 1437 South
Behrens, Otto r 1003 w 5th
Behrens, Peter, wife Cecelia, peddler r 1905 Sycamore
Behrens, Peter N, wife louisa cattle dir r 1924 w 2d
Behrens, Wm, lab bds 431 w 2d
Behrens, Wm, treas Pilot Trans Co 1841 Rockingham rd r 113 Centennial
Behrs, John J, wife Dora C mach opr Metal Wheel Co r 549 Mississippi av
Beiderbecke, Bismark H, wife Agatha J, treas Beiderbecke Miller Co 107 w 2d r
1933 Grand av
Beiderbecke, Charles...pres Beiderbecke Miller Co 107 w 2d and pres Iowa Nat
Bank r 532 w 7th
Beiderbecke Miller Co, Chas Beiderbecke pres, F H Miller vice pres, C T
Beiderbecke sec, B H Beiderbecke treas, wholesale grocers 107 w 2d
Bein, Albert A, wks Sternberg Mnfg Co r 1557 Prairie
Bein, Elizabeth, wid Gustaf r 1508 w 4th
Bein, Emil r 1508 w 4th
Bein, Miss Fanny O, r 1557 Prairie
Bein, Margaret, wid Henry r 1557 Prairie
Bein, Wm L, wife Alvena meat mkt r 1460 w 3d r 1458 w 3d
Beintema, Andrew J, wife Susan (Hanley & Beintema) 228 1/2 e 3d r 728 Case
Beintema, Dick mach R Schlegel r 1850 w 4th
Beintema, Edward, wks Boepple Button Co r 1850 w 4th
Beintema, Miss Elizabeth r 1850 w 4th
Beintema, Henry P, wife Ella lab r 430 e 3d
Beintema, Miss Julia, r 1850 w 4th
Beintema, Miss Kittie, cigmkr r 430 e 3d
Beintema, Levi, wife Maria, r 1850 w 4th
Beisel, Miss Minnie, wks Woolen Mills bds 514 w 11th
Belick, Caspar V, wife Mary E, tmstr Weyerhauser & D, r 1910 Fulton av
Belick...[missing rest]
Belick, Frank S, mach Red Jacket Mnfg Co r 626 Eastern av
Belick, John S, wife Anna J, cigmkr, r 626 Eastern av
Belick, John jr pressman Bell Axle Co r 626 Eastern av
Belick, Joseph H, wife Catherine M, carp Metal Wheel Co r 123 w Locust
Belknap, Maurice wife Iva B, driver Crystal Ice Co r 613 w 4th
Bell, Charles H, r 218 w Locust
Bell, Clarence J, wks Boston Store r 1008 e 12th
Bell, Ennels D, wife Ida M, r 2006 Eddy
Bell, James T (col) wife Elizabeth, coachman r 2110 Cherry
Bell, John, wife Verne, trav agt, bds 714 Ripley
Bell, John F, printer r 622 Main
Bellaghausen, Henry, wife Mary purch agt Bettendorf Axle Co r 1413 Harrison
Bellner, Miss Barbara r 1309 Liberty
Bellner, Frank M, baker r 1309 Liberty
Bellner, Frank, wife Kunigunda r 1309 Liberty
Bellon, George, wire wks 220 Western av r same
Belot, Miss Amy wks Orphan's Home r same
Belter, Miss Emma dom 532 w 8th
Belter, Fritz, wife Anna, harnessmkr 1652 w Locust r same
Belter, Miss Minnie r 141? w Locust
Belter, Otto F, harnessmkr F Beiter r 1652 w Locust
Belter, Wm, clk Sears Frizzell Co r 1652 w Locust
Bemis, Fred P, ins agt Whitaker bldg r 220 College av
Bemis, Wells A, wife Frances M, gen agt Equitable Life Ins Co of Io r 220
College av
Bender, Francisca, wid Adolph r 1921 Sycamore
Be....[unreadable entry]
Bendixen, Miss Agnes, clk Petersen's Sons r 104 Warren
Bendixen, Asmus, wife Emillie wks Dav F & M Co r 1729 w 5th
Bendixen, Henry, wife August A eng Brammer Mfg Co r 1510 w 3d
Bendixen, J Henry wife Hannah supt Bettendorf Axle Co r 106 Warren
Bendixen, Miss Lillie M, wks Stearns Paint Co r 1729 w 5th
Bendixen, Miss Mattie H, r 1729 w 5th
Bendixen, Peter, wife Margaretha, mach Bett Axle Co r 1028 w 3d
Benedict, Almira, wis John r 418 e 15th
Benedict, Geo wks Dav Mnfg Co r 2733 Farnam
Benedict, John, wife Minnie M, sec Dav Mnfg Co 214 w 4th r 418 e 15th
Beneke, Agnes, wid Julius r 323 w 3d
Beneke, Harry clk G Matern r 323 w 2d
B P O E No 298 205 Brady
Bengson, Nels r 220 Iowa
Bengston, Miss Augusta r rear 517 e 10th
Bengston, Mary, wid John r rear 517 e 10th
Benjamin, Henry C ,wife Belle C cigmkr r 820 w 2d
Benke, Otto, harnessmkr Arsenal rms 141 e 3d
Benkert, Charles A, wife Mary trav agt r 608 w 16th
Benker, Miss Maud E r 2129 Ripley
Benkert, Walter L r 2129 Ripley
Benkert, Wm R, wife Kitty r 1912 Main
Bennett, Amariah L, wife Carrie G (W H Bennett & Sons) 1112 e 13th r 1118
Bennett, Charles H, wife Emma r 108 LeClaire
Bennett, Miss Fay, wks Windsor Hotel
Bennett, Frank F, lab r 222 Hildreth
Bennett, Geo H, bkpr T M Sinclair & C r Rock Island Ill
Bennett, Harry, lab r 222 Hildreth
Bennett, Harry D, wife Helen, carp r 225 w 15th
Bennett, James G, r 607 Ripley
Bennett, Jesse L, wife Clara M, mach opr Metal Wheel Co r 2001 Eddy
Bennett, John H, wife Lucretia lab r 222 Hildreth
Bennett, Miss Josephine r 1310 w 7th
Bennett, Miss Lucy r 312 e 11th
Bennett, Maria, wid Patrick F, r 1310 w 7th
Bennett, Marvin, bartndr Hotel Downs ....Schmidt bldg
Bennett, Robert J, wife Mary A, r 607 Ripley
Bennett, Wm E, (W H Bennett & Sons) 112 e 13th r same
Bennett W H & Sons (W H, W E, A L Bennett) contrs 112 e 13th
Bensch, Herman, wife Dora patternmkr Bett Axle Co r 711 w 6th
Benshoof, John F, wife Lavina paper hgr r 2437 Farnam
Benson, Aaron S, carp r 1235 w 7th
Benson, Edward, wife Amanda tmstr r 412 e 3d
Benson, John ,wife Hattie A, lab r 1107 e High
Benson, Joseph F, wife Mabel R ,mach r Farnam nr South av
Benson, Peter, wife Elna C, carp r 742 e 6th
Benson, Peter, wife Sophia, lab r 624 e 13th
Bent, Wm E, wife Sarah A stenog Met life Ins Co r 104 1/2 w 2d
Bentler, John, wife Lena M ,wks Arsenal r 1215 LeClaire
Bentley, Miss Margaret, cash Sweet & Minehan bds 714 Main
Benton, Mrs. Alice matron Dav Outing Club r 2109 Brady
Benton, Richard wife Margaret P, r Rockingham rd nr sw limits
Benton, Wm...[can't read rest of entry]
Bequette, Miss Gertrude, wks Dav Pearl B Co bds 710 Harrison
Bequette, Thomas C, wife Nellie r 521 Harrison
Beranek, Frank J, bkbndr Reid & Mohr, bds 212 Scott
Berenbrink, A P, wks metal Wheel Co r 1533 Union
Berebrink, Peter, wife Josephine wks Metal Wheel Co r 1533 Union
Berg, Bernard, printer Brandt Bros, r 613 w 6th
Berg Bros. (Emil and Frank A) sporting goods, 230 w 3d
Berg, Carl K, wife Isabella H, real est, 52 McCullough bldg, r 111 w 13th
Berg, Charles, wife Annie, harnessmkr Arsenal r 756 e 5th
Berg, Edward C, wife Christina, watchman, r 412 e 3d
Berg, Emil, wife Caroline (Berg Bros) 230 w 3d r 905 Harrison
Berg, Miss Emma R, clk C K Berg r 111 w 13th
Berg, Frank A, (Berg Bros), 230 w 3d r 504 Kirkwood boul
Berg, Harry H, gasftr Dav Steam Heating Co r 504 Kirkwood boul
Berg, Henry, wife Louise, r 504 Kirkwood boul
Berg, Henry P, helper Io. P & H Co r 729 w 3d
Berg, Julius, r 504 Kirkwood boul
Berg, Louis, butcher, C Carstens, bds 2132 Eddy
Berg, Ludwig N H, wife Alma bkpr Otto Albercht Co r 1020 w 14th
Berg, Minnie, wid O K, r 1929 Harrison
Bergdahl, Gottfried, wife Emma M, carp r 934 LePage
Bergdahl, Joseph, tailor Woolen Mills, bds 511 e 6th
Berger, Miss Amanda, dom 731 w 2d
Berger, Amanda, wid P F r 424 w 3d
Berger, Andrew, wife Mary S,.lab r 1100 e High
Berger, Edward F, wife Elise, sec S B & S Shoe Co 301 w 2d r 630 w 6th
Berger, Herman, porter, Dav Turner Hall, rms 417 e 6th
Berger, Mrs. Mary, wks Mrs. S.A. Davis r 212 Brady
Berger, Mary, wid C H, r 522 Marquette
Berger, Oliver P, wife Mellie D, mach Bunker & Marks r 701 Belle av
Berger, Wm, driver H Ewert r 522 Marquette
Bergert, Miss Clara, dom 1?1 w 14th
Bergert, Fritz, wife Catherine livery 523 w 2d r same
Bergert, Herman wks F Bergert, r 523 w 2d
Bergert, John D, r 521 w 2d
Bergert, Miss Laura, dressmkr r 523 w 2d
Bergert, Rudolph, wks F Bergert, r 523 w 2d
Bergert, Theo, wife Rose, wks Arsenal r 508 w 16th
Bergfeld, Miss Clara bdg h 408 Western av
Bergfield, Frizt W, r 408 Western av
Bergfeld, Otto, wife Ella clk E J Kistenmacher r 403 Western av
Berglund, John, tailor bds 805 e 6th
Bergman, Albert, mngr A Bergman Co r 1041 w 4th
Bergman A Co, A Bergman nmgr Law and Collections, Room 3 207 and 209 Brady
Bergren, John, carp bds 511 e 6th
Bergschmidt A Ferd, barber 512 w 2d r 502 w 2d
Bern, John F, wife Louise carp r 216 Fillmore
Berndeen, Peter H, wife Mary, carp r 1740 Eutaw
Berndt, Paul, wife Eliza, mach r 819 Gaines
Bernes, Miss Catherine, r 908 Le Page
Bernhardt, Fred E, wife Katherine M harness mkr Arsenal r 736 e 6th
Berno, Miss Gertrude, bds 230 e Front
Berry, Frank G, wks Dav P & M Co r 1627 w 4th
Berry, L Frank, wife Mary L, genl freight and passenger agt, Davenport, Rock
Island & Northwestern RR 49 McManus bldg bds St. James Hotel
Berry, Mrs Magdaline L, r 2010 Farnam
Berry, Miss Rose, bds 116 Rock Island
Berryhill, Caroline J, wid J H r 627 Brady
Berryhill, Miss Rebecca r 627 Brady
Bertelmann, Wm G, wife Bertha contr 621 w 9th r 829 Gaines
Bertelsen, Miss Elsie, tel opr Io Tel Co r 11 Ryan blk
Bertelsen, Hnrietta, wid Albert r 11 Ryan blk
Bertelsen, Julius C W driver, The Fair, r 11 Ryan blk
Bertram, Miss Adele, r 1510 w 6th
Bertram, Miss Anna M, dressmkr r 1510 w 6th
Bertram, Miss Cora, seamstress, Miss E Huckstaedt, r Jersey Ridge rd nrlimits
Bertram, Ferdinand, wife Kate wks U N Roberts Co r 817 e Front
Bertram, Henry mch opr Metal Wheel Co r Jersey Ridge rd nr limits
Bertram, Theo, mch opr Metal Wheel Co r Jersey Ridge rd nr limits
Berwald, Hornby & Ruhl (John Berwald B H Hornby J H Ruhl) ins agts 19Masonic
Berwald, John, wife Sophia (Berwald, Hornby & Ruhl) 19 Masonic Temple r 718w
Besser, Herman, driller Red Jacket Mnfg Co r 2632 Brady
Best, Adeline J, wid F J C r 226 Howell
Best, Fritz, r 1837 w 5th
Best, Harry, r 226 Howell
Best, Louis J, wife Clara sec and treas Dav F & M Co 1624 w 4th r 619 w 6th
Best, Rudolph r 619 w 6th
Besten, Miss Ella stripper C E Flick r 1711 w 6th
Besten, Ernest, wife Mary r 1711 w 6th
Besten, Miss Stella, wks F Haak r 1711 w 6th
Bethel, Miss Amanda, wks N Kuhnen Co r 104 1/2 w 2d
Bethel, Miss Edith wks N Kuhnen Co r 104 1/2 w 2d
Bethel, George A, wife Sarah A plasterer r 104 1/2 w 2d
Bethel, Oscar E, lab r 104 1/2 w 2d
Bethel, Wm L, brakeman B C R & N r 104 1/2 w 2d
Bethlehem Congregational Church Rev O.T.Douglass jr pastor 421 Warren
Bettendorf Axle Co W P Bettendorf pres J W Bettendorf sec and mngr M
Bettendorf treas Front sw cor Ripley
Bettendorf, Edward C clk Bett Axle Co r 528 Iowa
Bettendorf, Joseph W, wife Elizabeth sec Bettendorf Axle Co Front sw cor Ripley
r 1336 Main
Bettendorf, Miss May E, r 402 e 6th
Bettendorf Metal Wheel Co G W French pres N French vice pres F B Carson sec and
treas Farnam se cor 4th
Bettendorf, Michael, wife Catherine treasurer Bettendorf Axle co Front sw cor
Ripley r 528 Iowa
Bettendorf Patents Co W P Bettendorf pres J W Bettendorf vice pres Henry
Bellinghausen sec and treas Front & Ripley
Bettendorf, Wm P, wife Mary pres Bettendorf Axle Co Front sw cor Ripley and pres
Dav Foundry & Mch Co r 402 e 6th
Betty, Harry B (Littig & Betty) 29 McManus bldg r Harrison st rd nr limits
Betty, James W, wife Anna farmer r Harrison rd nr limits
Betty, Paul A r Harrison st rd nr limits
Betz, John C, trav agt, r 516 w 3d
Betz, Miss Mae, r 516 w 3d
Betz, Miss Olivia, r 516 w 3d
Betz, Phillip, wife Catherine, r 516 w 3d
Beuck, C Henry, wife Margaret, asst city eng. r 525 w 14th
Beuck, Miss Ella L, tchr Sch No 9 r 525 w 14th
Beuck, Gustave O, r 525 w 14th
Beuck, Miss Hanna, r 525 w 14th
Beuck, Miss Paula, r 525 w 14th
Beuse, Henry, wife Ida M, lab r 1814 w 5th
Beverness, Henry, wife Kate, sweeper C R I & P r 1339 Union
Beyer, Albert C, rms 629 w 2d
Beyer, Miss Amelia dom 1612 Terrace av
Beyer, Miss Amelia, dom 1300 Ripley
Beyer, Bernhard, wife Christine, r rear 764 Christie
Beyer, Miss Delia, waitress E A Speth r 431 w 2d
Beyer, Dora S, wid George I, r 1102 w 3d
Beyer, Emil L, wife Pauline, grocer, 1102 w 3d r same
Beyer, Henrietta, wid Wm r 1211 Hamilton
Beyer, John, wks Arsenal r 1626 Ripley
Beyer, John B, wife Minnie lab r rear 764 Christie
Beyer, Lena, wid George, r 1930 North
Beyer, Matilda, wid Herman r 1626 Ripley
Beyer, Minnie B, wid Herman r 113 w 2d
Bichel, Miss :aula, wks Crescent M, Co r 1935 w 2d
Biddings, Edward P, foreman, r 1904 Bowditch
Biddings, Elmira C, wid Reuben r 1904 Bowditch
Biddings, Miss Hattie L, r 1904 Bowditch
Biddison, Mrs. Rose, r 317 Perry
Bieber, Bernard H, r 1009 w 14th
Bieber, Miss Bertha M, r 602 Eastern av
Bieber, Carl H, r 602 Eastern av
Bieber, Miss Etta, clk The Fair, r 602 Eastern av
Bieber, Miss Frances, clk Petersen's Sons r 1009 w 14th
Bieber, George W, weaver, r 602 Eastern av
Bieber, Henry, wife Mary, r 1009 w 14th
Bieber, Herman K, wife Emma, finisher,r 602 Eastern av
Bieberbach, Alfred, musician, r 1313 w 6th
Bieberbach, Wm wife Julia, musician r 1313 w 6th
Biehl, Miss Lucy r 211 w 2d
Biehl, Tony, wife Lulu, mnfr musical insts, 211 w 2d r same
Bielenberg, Miss Minnie, dom 1425 Harrison
Bielenberg, Clara r 310 w 2d
Bierkamp, Gustav clk Petersen's Sons, r 803 w 2d
Biermann, Herman bds 531 w 2d
Biermann, Herman, wife Emma lab r 644 Christie
Bierring, Jeppe, wife Elizabeth city assessor r 1450 Leonard
Bierstadt, Miss Nellie, r 129 Rusholme
Biller, Fred, clk L. Biller, r 1114 w 3d
Biller, Leonard, wife Kate, dry goods, 1114 w 3d r same
Billon, Alfred C, wife Sarah J, r 1305 Brady
Billon, Miss Sophia C, librarian Dav Library Assn r 1305 Brady
Bills, Clara B, wid J C r 1003 Perry
Bills, Edwin C, wife Louise, jeweler T Kircher, r 521 w 17th
Bills, Fred L, wife Bessie, florist 104 w 2d r 2102 Brown
Bills, Harry M, wks F L Bills, r 2038 Gaines
Bills, John, florist F L Bills r 2038 Gaines
Bills, Miss Lottie L r 2038 Gaines
Bills, Thomas L, wife Anna E, grainer, r 2038 Gaines
Binder Bros ( E H Hand and O G W) saloon 514 Harrison
Binder, Charles F, wife Kathryn, steward Plute club r 527 w 16th
Binder, Edward H ,wife Bessie, (Binder Bros) 514 Harrison r 302 w Front
Binder, Miss Mamie wks Dav Cigar Box Co r 509 Western av
Binder, Rose C ,wid Wm, r 509 Western av
Binder, Wm J, wife Christiana, bartndr Binder Bros. r 1545 w 6th
Bindschadel, Elizabeth M, wid Peter r 923 w 8th
Bindschadel, Miss Emilie E, r 923 w 8th
Binegar, Wm V, wife Isabella rms 5 Brady
Binford, Helen, waitress Hotel Downs
Birchard, Charles E, wife Carrie E prin Sch No 5 r 1051 Arlington av
Birchard, Miss Edna, clk Io Tel Co r 1051 Arlington av
Birchard, George R, bkpr W H Snider & Sons r 1051 Arlington av
Birchard, Miss Lillian L, r 1227 Arlington av
Birchard, Samuel C wife Alice H, cond r 1717 Main
Birchard, Wm J, wife Harriette E, lawyer, 5 and 7 Dittoe bldg r 407 w Locust
Bird, Chester A, clk The Republican r 1260 e High
Bird, Harrison, wife Octavia, r 1260 e High
Bird, Miss Mabel D, r 1260 e High
Bird, M Eugene wife Delia G, wks Dav Woolen Mills, r 1032 Bridge av
Bird, Wm F, wife Cora, mach Metal Wheel Co r 402 1/2 w 3d
Birtness, John G, wife Sophie, contr, r Lincoln av nr McKinley
Bisbee, Ansel S, wife Anna M, r 428 e Pleasant
Bischer, Louis L, glazier Glass Co r 2135 Scott
Bischoff, Miss Anna, stenog Crescent Macaroni Co, r 2148 w 2d
Bischoff, Claus, wife Amelia, ral est 208 Harrison r 2148 w 2d
Bischoff, John, wife Anna, eng Ind. Malting Co r 2141 w 4th
Bischoff, John, r 2148 w 2d
Bischoff, Miss Maggie clk Petersen's Sons, r 1532 w 3d
Bischoff, Wm. wife Alvina (R Rohlfs & Co) 208 Harrison r 1426 w 3d
Bischopp, Charles, wife Christena B. wks Tri-City P & P Co r 406 Brown
Bishop, Miss Ellen E, r 821 Brady
Bishop, Miss Estella r 740 Kirkwood boul
Bishop, Frank, wks Arsenal r 821 Case
Bishop, Fred r 821 Case
Bishop, James, fireman Arsenal r 821 Case
Bishop, Mary, wid Jeremiah r 821 Case
Bishop, Mary L, wid S A, r 821 Brady
Bishop, Wm H, wife Winnie police r 740 Kirkwood boul
Bislev (or Bisley), Miss Lettie dom 328 Mississippi av
Bitter, Carl, physician 1312 w 3d r same
Bittermah, Geo M, wife Louise, lineman Io Telephone Co r 1015 Perry
Bixby, Geo. F, eng Reimers & F Co r 207 e 6th
Black, Alfred, r North av e Farnam
Black, George tmstr r North av Farnam
Black, George F, wife Libbie tmstr Harrison nr city limits
Black Hawk Brick Co Henry Stratmann pres F W Garstang sec and treas. office 1540
w 2d yards Bloody Hollow rd nr Telegraph rd
Black Hawk Vineyards Fritz T Schmidt & Sons proprs. Oak nr Eads office 113 e
Black, John M, r 1201 Arlington av
Black, Roy R, trav agt Stearns Paint Mnfg Co r 216 e 2d
Black, Sarah, wid Solomon r 5?? Brady
Black, Wilbert C, wife Eudora trav agt 6 Lorenzen blk
Blackert (or Blackett) , Miss Alice R, r 2226 Grand av
Blackfan, Miss Belle B clk J C Wallace 1003 w 14th
Blackman, Mrs. Ella r 514 e 7th
Blackman, John, buyer H Kohrs Pkg Co bds 127 Mound
Blackman, Miss Lou M r 514 e 7th
Blackman, Smith, clk Dav Savings Bank nr 634 e 6th
Blackwood, Louis D, wife Sarah, agt r 1829 w 5th
Blaine, Alex r 412 Brady
Blaine, Miss ??? r 412 Brady
Blair, Miss Etta (or Ella) r 713 e 14th
Blair, Frank O, harnesmkr Arsenal r 312 e 12th
Blair, Jay H, r ??? w 8th
Blair, Miss Margaret A, r 713 e 14th
Blair, Margaret, wid Andrew r 721 e 13th
Blair, Rose A wid Adam M r 713 e 14th
Blair, Walter , wife Elizabeth pres Carnival City ??? Co 113 e Front r 601 e
Blair, Wm H, r 721 e 13th
Blake, Albert wks Hadswll & Co r 1307 w 3d
Blake, Miss Ma???a, dom 702 Perry
Blakely, Mary wid James, seamstress, r 851 e 14th
Blakemore, Emily A, wid Thomas V r 1525 Grand
Blakemore, Miss Florence S, r 1525 Grand Av
Blakemore, ??? G, wife Clara M dentist rms 8,9,10 Franklin bldg, 316 Brady r 719
e 15th
Blakemore, Wm r 1525 Grand av
Blanch, Miss Susan, dom 803 w 2d
Blanchard, Birt (Lapitz & Blanchard), 321 Brady r 313 e 11th
Blanchard, Miss Blanche M, r 308 Brady
Blanchard, Charles D, molder, r 308 Brady
Blanchard, Frank, wife Lovina, r 217 e 15th
Blanchard, Horace H, wifeDrusella, wks C R I & P r 322 w 2d
Blanchard, Wm ,wife Lucy r 1121 Brady
Blancke, Rev Wm H, wife Mary C pastor St Pauls, Eng Evang Luth Ch r 1412 Main
Blank, Charles, wife Gertrude, lab r 1850 Telegraph rd
Blaser, August, wife Wilhelmina r 1343 w 3d
Blaser, Wm, packer Petersen's Sons r 1343 w 3d
Blatz, Val, Brewing Cos depot 502 w Front
Bleakly, Miss Bessie r 627 Christie
Bleakly, Miss Edna L, r 627 Christie
Bleakly, Sarah wid Thomas r 627 Christie
Bleakly, Miss Sarah E, clk r 627 Christie
Bledsoe, Earl F, wks Knostman & P Furn Co r 908 Harrison
Bledsoe, Joel P, wife Martha lab r 908 Harrison
Bleeker, Joseph waiter rms 304 e 2d
Blenkinsopp, Miss Margaret dom 130 w 6th
Blesse, Diederich wife Caroline, cig mnfr 1326 w 2d r same
Blethroade, james S, broommkr, Lee B & D Co r 414 1/2 w 3d
Blewett, Richard R, salesman T M Sinclair & Co r 122 w 6th
Bley, Miss Henrietta M, music tchr r 1719 w 3d
Bley, Otto, wife Mary r 1719 w 3d
Bliss, John M, wife Mary V candymkr, r 325 Perry
Blixt, Albert r 1307 w 3d
Blixt, Charles, wife Margaret lab r 1307 w 3d
Block, Charles T, wife Kate F, dept mngr T Richter & Sons r 1211 Rock Island
Block, Miss Emma, clk Petersen's Sons r 1211 Rock Island
Block, John C, wife Kate A, feed 1516 LeClaire r 1018 Kent
Block, Louis, wife Coar J, lawyer 213 Main r 1416 Rock Island
Block, Oscar, wife Emma painter r 727 ? 2d
Block, Rebecca V, wid Herman r 1612 Park av
Blockyou, Emanual, molder, bds 803 w 2d
Bloom, Miss Emma, waitress St. James Hotel.
Bloom, Robert L, wife Ellen C, agt r 762 Mississippi av
Bloom, Wm C, lineman Io Telephone Co r 313 Perry
Bloome, Wm A, wife Mary J, gasmkr Gas Co r 512 e 9th
Bloomquist, Miss Amanda, dom 124 College av
Bluedorn, Carl F, wife Mina r 1308 w 2d
Bluedorn, Ewald O, painter r 1308 w 2d
Bluhm, Miss Caroline A, r 232 w Locust
Bluhm, Charles F, wife Bertha U D police, r 232 w Locust
Bluhm, Charles T, wife Kate, lab r 605 w 17th
Bluhm, Chris F, clk P J Paulsen r 232 w Locust
Bluhm, Grover, clk N Leipold & Co r 232 w Locust
Bluhm, Henry fireman C O D Lndry, r 605 w 17th
Blume, Mrs Anna, dressmkr r 208 w 2d
Blume, Henry wife Anna r 308 w 2d
Blunck, August F, wife Louise, mason r 1028 w 2d
Blunck, Frank T, wife Minnie treas Am Preservers Co 68 McManus bldg r 624 w 5th
Blunck, Frank T jr wife Clara, bkpr Phoenix Milling Co r 308 e 4th
Blunck, Gus, wks D Heechen r 1028 w 2d
Blunck, Herman W, r 624 w 5th
Blunck, Max, driver Washburn H C Co r 1028 w 2d
Blunck, Miss Olga, r 624 w 5th
Blunk, Detlef, wife Mina r 1701 w 7th
Blunk, Miss Ella wks Day Pearl B Co r 1136 w 13th
Blunk, Rose, wid Wm J, r 1136 w 13th
Blunt, Harrison ,wife Lyda F, physician, r 2022 Brady
Board, Chauncey E, tel opr H J Toher & Co r 2022 Brady
Board of Education, W C Hayward pres J D McCollister sec Jens Lorenzen treas
J B Young supt Main nw cor 6th
Board of Health, 2nd Floor City Hall
Board of Public Works, 2d Floor City Hall
Board of Supervisors, 2d Floor Court House
Boat, Frank G, wife Jenny, broommkr Lee B & D Co r 720 w Front
Bock, Miss Anna r 519 Ainsworth
Bock, Charles W, wife Olga carp r 1441 w 3d
Bock, Fred, wife Mary eng H Kohrs Pkg Co r 1819 Bowditch
Bock, Fritz H, wife Gena, well driller r 1803 Telegraph rd
Bock, Henry C wife Minnie carp r 220 Ainsworth
Bock, Henry F, wife Annie carp r 220 Ainsworth
Bock, Miss Lena r 1803 Telegraph rd
Bock, Miss Selmar r 232 Ainsworth
Bock, Wm candymkr r 1819 Bowditch
Bockentien, John H, wife Margaret hostler H C R & N r 1046 w 2d
Bockmann, August C, wife Katie wks Metal Wheel Co r 1525 Eutaw
Bockstahler, John, lab bds 731 w 2d
Bode, Frank ,wife Maggie r 1026 Rockingham rd
Bode, Henry F, wife Annie H, barber 1645 w 3d r same
Bode, Louis C broommkr Lee B & D Co bds Windsor Hotel
Boeck, August butcher r 831 w 8th
Boeck, Ferd, baker r 831 w 8th
Boeck, George H, r 831 w 8th
Boeck, Henry wife Katherine r 831 w 8th
Boeck, Miss Lulu, r 831 w 8th
Boeckelmann, Gustav, wife Louisa tinsmith 1613 Harrison r same
Boege, Herman rms 402 w 2d
Boeh, John H, wife Annie E r 2104 Fulton av
Boehl, Chirs F, coachman r 2109 Eddy
Boehl, Miss Emilie r 730 Brown
Boehl, Frederick, tmstr C Kuehl r 2109 Eddy
Boehl, Joachim, wife Sophia, carp r 730 Brown
Boehl, John, wife Ida C lab r 2109 Eddy
Boehl, Max, wks Runge & Petersen, bds 831 w 3d
Boehler, Gustavus G, janitor The Warner, bds 501 e 6th
Boehme, Otto, wife Clara L, car repr C R I & P r 1906 w 2d
Boehme, Robert C, wife Clara mach opr Metal Wheel Co r 926 Warren
Boentin, Christ rms 402 w 2d
Boepple Button Co JF Boepple pres. C K Nebling sec, 1229 w 5th
Boepple J Fred, wife Elizabeth pres Boepple Button Co 1229 w 5th r 1418 Marshall
Boepple, Miss Minnie r 1413 Marshall
Boerm, Miss Anna r 1423 Leonard
Boerm, Anna, wid Hans, r 1423 Leonard
Boerm, Herman, janitor German Savings Bank r 1423 Leonard
Boes, Frederick, wife Martha, physician, 1921 w 3d r same
Boetger, Max, miller r 220 Howell
Boetger, Wm A, wife Catherine propr Dithmarscher Rye Mills, 224 Howell, r 220
Boetscher, Cestin, tailor r 45 Putnam bldg
Boetscher, Ernest, lab r 45 Putnam bldg
Boettcher, Adam, wife Louisa, wks Knostman & P furn co r 719 Belle av
Boettcher, Charles, fireman Walter Co r 719 Belle av
Boettcher, F Wm ,wife Mary B, contr r 1928 Eddy
Boettcher, Herman F W, wife Barbara, blksmth Arsenal r 1105 Brown
Boettcher, Miss Otillie M, wks Woolen Mills r 719 Belle av
Boettger, Edward, wife Augusta, cig mnfr 1408 South r same
Boettger, Miss Elsie, r 1408 South
Boettger, Hans C, wife Julia r 1639 Taney
Boettger H Julius wife Dorette, cig mnfr 1643 Taney r same
Bohnhof, Christ ,wife Lena carp r 1938 w 3d
Bohnhof, Christina, wid Fritz r 1720 Bowditch
Bohnhof, Ernest, brushmkr Arsenal r 1938 w 3d
Bohnhof, Fritz, r 1720 Bowditch
Bohnhof, Henry r 1720 Bowditch
Bohnhof, Wm plumber r 1938 w 3d
Bohnhof, Miss Amelia dom 1343 w 2d
Bohnseck J Frederick , wife Julia bartndr O Janssen r 1115 Hamilton
Boies, Margaret V wid Morse, pres M V Boies Co 318 Perry r 604 Kirkwood
Boies, M V Co Mrs MV Boies pres P J Murphy vice-pres M E Bowling sec and treas
undertakers, 318 Perry
Boiler, John H, wife Mirian B. elect Tri-City Ry Co r 16 Riverview pl
Boje, Cornelius, wife Catherine, r 424 Brown
Boje, John D, wife Louise, lab r 815 w 4th
Boldt, Miss Anna, r 713 w 7th
Boldt, Fritz, wife Johanna stonectr, r Indian rd nr Hickory
Boldt, Henry horseshoer P Severin bds 1211 w 6th
Boldt, Henry, wife Sophia, r 1916 Summit av
Boldt, John, wife Louise, painter 713 w 7th r same
Boldt, Margaret, wid Wm r 1346 Union
Boldt, Miss Minnie wks Dav. Button Co bds 1211 w 6th
Boldt, Otto r 713 w 7th
Boldt, Wm lab r 1916 Summit av
Boldt, Wm candymkr Mrs. B Herbat r 1346 Union
Bolinger, Miss Birdie M, tchr Sch No 11, r 327 e 11th
Bolinger, Charles R, wks Egbert F & C r 327 e 11th
Boll, Charles L, wife Christina, fireman, Bremer & Son, r 115 Centennial
Boll, Henry C, lab r 732 Marquette
Bolland, Grace, wid Thomas r 1205 Hamilton
Bolling, Miss Emma, wks Dav Pearl B Co r Fishertown
Bolling, Jacob, horseshoer, B H Leese, r Fishertown
Bolling, John, lab Fishertown
Bolling, Reimer, wife Mary lab r Fishertown
Bollinger, Albert L, wife Emily D pres Sieg Iron Co 129 w 3d r 304 e 8th
Bollinger, James W, wife Mary G district judge Court House, r 506 e Locust
Bollow, Charles, (19th Reg USA) r 1106 w 2d
Bollow, Emma, wid E C C r rear 1106 w 2d
Bolmer, David wife Emma wks G B Bolmer r 2115 Brown
Bolmer, Miss Dollie r 2127 Brown
Bolmer, George mach Ebi & Neuman r 2127 Brown
Bolmer, George B wife Margaret contr r 2127 Brown
Bolmer, John wks G B Bolmer r 2127 Brown
Bolmer Wm wife Annie lab r 908 Judson
Bolte, Christian J, wife Charlotte collarmkr r 1539 w 2d
Bolte, Edward L, wife Emma D, ive pres Iowa Plumbing & Heating Co 411 w 2d r
912 Harrison
Bolte, Frank, wife Augusta lab r Telegraph rd nr Hickory
Bolte, Minnie wid Wm r 814 w 6th
Bolte, Robert J, wife Minnie (Falk & Bolte) 408 w 2d r same
Bolte, Rudolph r 814 w 6th
Bolte, Miss Selma, clk W C Bolte r 814 w 6th
Bolte, Wm C, wife Elfrieda, confectr 424 Brady r 1211 Ripley
Bolton, Thomas F, saloon, 832 w 2d r same
Boltz, Adolph, wks Canning Co r Rockingham rd nr Lincoln av
Boltz, Anna M wid John r 1354 Franklin
Boltz, Herman, wife Eda r Rockingham rd
Boltz, Marx, wife Kate, lab r 1546 w Locust
Bondholz, Chris, wife Anna lab r 1338 South
Bondholz, Otto, wife Emma r 1610 Union
Bonham, "Tip" wks C Haskins r 117 w 4th
Bonieger, Emil, tmstr, r 513 Eastern av
Bonieger, Peter, cab mkr, r 513 Eastern av
Bonitz, August cigmkr C F Hanssen, r 1538 Eutaw
Bonitz, August jr, r 1538 Eutaw
Bonnitz, Miss Matilda, dom 506 w 7th
Bonner, Wm H, wife Sadie, driver r 716 Main
Bonta, Edgar O, wife Nannie I., shirt mnfr, 414 w 13th r same
Boock, Charles F, butcher, r 310 Western av
Boock, Charles I, wife Arigena, lab 1320 w 6th
Boock, Miss Emma L, r 310 Western av
Boock, Fred, bds 803 w 2d
Boock, Mrs. Louise, r 310 Western av
Booth, Millie A, wid Jonathan, r 2027 Rock Island.
Boozer, Miss Johanna, r 1329 4th av
Borcherdt, Edward, wife Natalie, printer, 209 e 3d r 2 Walling ct
Borcherdt, Miss Olga r 2 Walling ct
Borchers, Cluas D, lab r 2310 Fulton av
Borchers, John, wife Della, lab r 623 Judson
Borchers, Tonines D, wife Johanna r 2310 Fulton av
Border, Samuel, patternmkr Red Jacket Mnfg Co r 131 w 16th
Bormann, Herman, painter r 321 Brown
Bormann, Wm wife Etta r 321 Brown
Born, Fred, carp Bett Axle Co r Gilbert
Bornhoeft, Miss Carrie r 1318 w 3d
Bornhoeft, Henry wife Elizabeth shoe mkr r 1318 w 3d
Bornhoeft, Henry jr mach r 1318 w 3d
Bornhold, Miss Betty, dom 310 w 2d
Bornholdt, Miss Emma, dom 517 w 7th
Bornholdt, Henry P, wife Lillie blk smith r 509 Spring
Bornholdt, Howard G, r 509 Spring
Bornholdt, Miss Olive E r 509 Spring
Bornhop, John wife Amalie lab r 1614 Liberty
Borowsky, Herman wife Caroline wks Metal Wheel Co r 708 Harrison
Borrell, Fred, paperhngr, r 1013 Kent
Borrell, Joseph, wife Margaret, stone ctr r 1013 Kent
Bosch, Adolph, wife Phillipina, r 2108 Harrison
Bosch, Carl G, pres Bosch-Ryan Grain Co 15 Ryan blk rms 1919 Farnam
Bosch, Miss Leonora E, r 2108 Harrison
Bosch-Ryan Grain Co C G Bosch pres. C E Griffith vice-pres H J Parker sec and
treas rms 15, Ryan blk
Bosholm, Wm wife Lena r 1?? Warren
Bostedt, Fritz, porter Lorenzen Crockery Co rms 402 w 2d
Boston Store, Harned & Von Maur (inc) proprs, dept store 223 w 2d
Boswell, Walter T, wife Gertrude, printer r 921 w 3d
Bosworth, Fred, wife Kate, clk Ry M.S rms 706 Brady
Bothfur, Fred H, wife Lena broom mnfr 2703 Fair av r same
Boudinot, Allen R r 2114 Farnam
Boudinot, Miss Elsie C clk Newcomb Loom Co r 2150 Farnam
Boudinot, Harry E r 2114 Farnam
Boudinot, Howard S, wife L Frankie (Helmick & Boudinot) 214 1/2 Brady r 2128
Boudinot, H Raymond wife Ella J rope mnfr High nw cor Farnam r 2114 Farnam
Boudinot, Miss Nellie M r 2150 Farnam
Boudinot, Reuben H wife Lena E rope mkr r 2150 Farnam
Boughnou, Charles H r 1340 w 7th
Boughnou, Henry wife Lucy flagman r 1714 Sturdevant
Boughton, Oscar W wife Rose A barber r 423 e 6th
Bourrassa, Mrs. Georgianna, r 227 w 14th
Bowdoin, James S wife Giselle L com'l agt C M & St P r 130 e 12th
Bowen, Asa C. tel opr C M & St P. r 216 e 6th
Bowen, Foster H., watchmkr T Kircher, rms 309 Harrison
Bowers, Miss Emily r 1025 w 9th
Bowers, Miss Lulu r 1025 w 9th
Bowersox, Miss Esther clk The Fair r 1327 4th av
Bowersox, Hugo G, clk Washburn H C Co r 1327 4th av
Bowersox, James, wife Ellise r 1327 4th av
Bowersox, J Leo r 1327 4th av
Bowersox, Miss Lillian A clk r 1327 4th av
Bowling, George D, wife Almeda A harnessmkr r 1701 Farnam
Bowling, John M agt r 1701 Farnam
Bowling, Mary, wid Michael r 504 e 7th
Bowling, Merton E wife Mary E, sec M V Boise Co 318 Perry r same
Bowling, Patrick J, trav agt, Petersen's Sons r 504 e 7th
Bowling, Wm tmstr E Severin, bds 313 Main
Bowman, Andrew W, physician 214 1/2 Brady, r same Long Distance Tel 512
Bowman, Miss Carrie dom 302 Bridge av
Bowman, Edward S ,wife Evelyn S, Physician and Surgeon, 348 Brady, r same Long
Distance Tel 512
Bowman, Harold G, r 1938 Main
Bowman, Lee W, trav agt Chas Naeckel & Sons, r St. James Hotel
Bowman, Miss Marion r 425 w 2d
Bowman, Miss Mary r 430 1/2 w 2d
Bowman, Peter, bds 1934 Ripley
Bowman, Wm. harnessmkr Arsenal, rms 313 1/2 Perry
Boy, Mrs. Annie, dressmkr r 118 Western av
Boy Bros. (H.N. and Louis) saloon, 1053 w 3d
Boy Henry N (Boy Bros) 1053 w 3d r same
Boy, Louis, (Boy Bros) 1053 w 3d r same
Boyd, Miss Elizabeth wks N Kuhnen Co r 701 Ripley
Boyd, Miss Estelle r 409 e 14th
Boyd, Fred U, wife Grace E polisher, r 301 w 2d
Boyd, Miss Helen, seamstress, r 701 Ripley
Boyd, James H wife Fannie mngr Hallwood Cash Register Co r 414 e 6th
Boyd, Samuel F wife Catherine L gen agt pass dept C R I & P r 409 e 14th
Boyd, Thomas wife Helen eng r 701 Ripley
Boydston, Delos R, wife Jennie contractor 317 Rock Island r 219 e 10th
Boydston, Ernest L, pressman, r 219 e 10th
Boydston, Miss Stella J wks Egbert F & C r 219 e 10th
Boydston, Wm K, eng r 219 e 10th
Boyle, Benj wks T W McClelland Co rms 318 w Front
Boyle, Con wife Mary cook Mrs. S A Davis r 221 Brady
Boyle, Mrs. Ellen rms 318 w Front
Boyle, Frank r 1213 w 2d
Boyle, George W wks Bett Axle Co r 1213 w 2d
Boyle, James, flagman bds 1503 w 3d
Boyle, James J mach opr Metal Wheel Co r 703 LeClaire
Boyle, Mry J wid J R r 1228 Tremont av
Boyle, Peter A wife Jessie A r 1228 Tremont av
Boyle, Miss Rose L, r 1213 w 2d
Boyler, Charles W ,wife Louise, mach H E Kuhner r 1211 Grand av
Boyler, Frank W horseshoer, P J McNerney, r 1702 Monroe
Boyler, Miss Kate wks St James Hotel.
Boyler, Miss Lou M matron, Orphan's Home r same
Boyler, Mrs. Mary F, r 1702 Monroe
Boynton, Eugene W wife Lucy M civ eng r 7 Walling ct
Boynton, George W r 7 Walling ct
Braack, August J P. wife Mella, wks Glucose Co r 1407 w 4th
Brace, Judith wid Layton r 310 Ripley
Bracelin, Miss Frances, r 126 e 15th
Bracelin, Frank J r 126 e 15th
Bracelin, John R, mailing clk P O r 126 e 15th
Bracelin, Patrick M wife Susan T physician, 104 1/2 w 4th r 126 e 15th
Bracelin, Wm E clk C V Chase r 126 e 15th
Bracher, Fred, lab r 1219 1/2 w 2d
Bracher, Jacob wife Fredericka mason r 1219 1/2 w 2d
Brachtel, Charles A wife Della ins agt r 1819 w 3d
Bracker, Henry wife Maria watchman r 1910 w 5th
Bradford, Elmer O printer Painter & Dow, r 1524 e Locust
Bradford, Frank H wife Minnie V r 1327 Fulton av
Bradford, James E civ eng bds Windsor Hotel
Bradford, Miss Lillie M, r 1524 e Locust
Bradford, Merle A r 1524 e Locust
Bradford, Sylvia J wid Zachariah r 1524 e Locust
Bradley, Miss Rena, laundress St. Luke's hospital
Bradish, Charles E, trav agt Kelly Rubber Tire Co r Omaha Neb.
Bradish Horace E, trav agt, Kelly Rubber Tire Co r Omaha Neb
Bradstreet Co The, H T Denison supt. mercantile agency, 103 e 3d
Brady, Miss Carrie E r 1102 e Front
Brady, Edwin W wife L. Frances r 1102 e Front
Brady, Miss Ella F r 1102 e Front
Brady, Howard, rms 104 w 4th
Brady, James, wife Alicia supt of bridges and buildings C R I & P r 1025
Brady, John J, wife Mary lab r 1016 w 5th
Brady, Joseph T, r 1025 Harrison
Brady, J T printer, Democrat, r 1016 w 5th
Brady, Miss Mabel E clk Petersen's Sons, 1025 Harrison
Brady, Miss Margaret r 1211 w 7th
Brady, Philip A, wife Elizabeth, lab r 1214 w 7th
Braet, Miss Louise, wks N Kuhnen Co r Rock Island Ill.
Bragg, Fred, plumber R C Cayton bds 1512 w 7th
Bragonnier, Curtis E r Telegraph rd nr 4th
Bragonnier, David J, wife Maud, collr, r Telegraph rd nr 4th
Brahm, Michael, shoemkr, r 1014 Grand av
Brahms, B Christopher, Confectr and News Depot 428 w 3d r same
Brahms, Peter M wife Margaret, trav agt r 511 w 4th
Brainard, Ernest D, wife Josephine B mach Arsenal r 627 e 6th
Brainard, Frank L, wife Winifred, mach Arsenal r 825 Case.
Braisted, Edward E wife Daisy H wkr Arsenal r 1129 Farnam
Braithwaite, Wm r 1408 Farnam
Braithwaite, Miss Jennie r 1408 Farnam
Braithwaite, Miss Sarah r 1408 Farnam
Brammann, Adolph, wife Christina E L. brewer Ind Malt Co r 1453 Rockingham rd
Brammann, Gustav wife Augusta brewer Ind. Malt Co r Telegraph rd nr Indian rd
Brammann, Miss Helen clk Boston Store, r 1451 w Locust
Brammann, Nicoline wid Jacob r 1451 w Locust
Brammann, Otto, clk Boston Store, r 1451 w Locust.
Brammer, Detlef, wife Mary r 1711 w 3d
Brammer, Henry mach Excelsior Mnfg Co r 1405 w 4th
Brammer, Henry F wife Ida propr Excelsior Mnfg Co 1801 Rockingham rd r 1406 w
Brammer, H F Mnfg Co H U Braunlich pres Bernard Krohn vice-pres, O H Schrum sec
Otto Clausen treas and mngr box mkrs 1441 Rockingham rd
Brammer, Laura r 1711 w 3d
Brammer, Minnie r 1711 w 3d
Branch, Fred F trav agt J Lorenzen Co r Elgion, Io.
Brand, Wm jeweler, M E Nabstedt & Sons bds 115 Harrison
Brandenburg, Miss Lena r 831 Kirkwood boul
Brandenburg, Rudolph wife Christina, grocer 1043 w 2d r same
Brandon, Miss Jennie W treas Kelly Rubber Tire Co r 166 Bridge av
Brands, J X, wife Florence, mngr The Republican, bds St. James Hotel.
Brandt, Miss Agnes, dom 1308 Main
Brandt, Alfred, marblectr Schricker-Rodler Co r 814 w 2d
Brandt, Andrew F painter r 907 w 2d
Brandt, Arhend F H wife Anna lab r 907 w 2d
Brandt, Miss Bertha r 814 w 2d
Brandt Bros. (Henry & Fred) Photographers 119 w 2d
Brandt, Catherine wid Egert r 1503 Ripley
Brandt, Christian H, wid J P, r 1535 w 3d
Brandt, Miss Clara r 1418 Arlington av
Brandt, Conrad, wife Ernestine, r 1418 Arlington av
Brandt, Miss Della A stenog Glucose Co r 1506 w 3d
Brandt, Miss Emma r 1418 Arlington
Brandt, Fred (Brandt Bros) 119 w 2d r Avoca, Ill.
Brandt, George, bds 2014 Farnam
Brandt, George W, r 1426 Rockingham rd
Brandt, Miss Hattie r 1506 w 3d
Brandt, Henry wife Martha (Brandt Bros) 119 w 2d r 802 w 8th
Brandt, Henry W, wife Minnie (Schroeder & ???) 1401 w 2d r 1506 w 3d
Brandt, Herman, r 824 w 2d
BRANDT, Jacob, wife Wilhelmina,broom mnfr, 917 w 3d r same
BRANDT, Jacob M, wife Mary E, cooper Standard Oil Co, r 2322 Bowditch
BRANDT, John J. clk Cit. Nat Bank, r. 1535 w 3d
BRANDT Juergen F, wife Mary, saloon, 324 w 2d r same
BRANDT, Julius, r 1206 Washigton
BRANDT, Julius, mach P D Quirk, r 1506 w 3d
BRANDT, Louis H agt C P & W r 1506 w 3d
BRANDT, Miss Marie C cas Sickels, Preston & Nutting Co, r 1535 w 3d
BRANDT, Miss Mary, clk The Fair, r. 709 w 2d
BRANDT,Paul, music Tchr, r 1124 w 3d
BRANDT, Miss Pauline H. clk Sickels, Preston & Nutting Co r 1535 w 3d
BRANDT, Peter, wife Hannah, lab r 518 Gaines
BRANDT, Miss Sophia, dom 1003 Arlington av
BRANDT, Miss Sophia M. dressmaker, r 907 w 3d
BRANDT, Wiebke, wid Joachim, r 209 Taylor
BRANDT, Wm r 1206 Washington
BRANDT, Wm P r 1535 w 3d
BRANDT & TECHENTIN, (Christian BRANDT Fred TECHENTIN) wagon mkrs, 816 w 2d
BRANIGAN,Clifford G r 414 e Pleasant
BRANIGAN,Miss Gretrude G r 414 e Pleasant
BRANIGAN, Gordon C contr, r 414 e Pleasant
BRASCH, Charles,wife Lillian C clk W B Wiley, r 2118 Marquette
BRASCH, Frank, wife Tony, butcher W B Wiley r 1511 Gaston
BRASCH, henry F, wife Lizzie, contr, rr 324 w 16th
BRASCH, Sophia, wid August r 1511 Gaston
BRATKO, John, wife Margaret contr r 1333 w 4th
BRAUCH Anna C wid Hans J r 718 w 7th
BRAUCH, Catherine, wid Henry, r 1647 Union
BRAUCH, Ferd, wife Alvina, tinnner r 502 Scott
BRAUCH, John C, wife Minnie, hdwe, 414 w 2d r same
BRAUCH, John H. wife Catherine r 624 w Front
BRAUN (See also BROWN)
BRAUN, Miss Anna r 2023 w 3d
BRAUN, Carl, wife Amelia (C & H BRAUN) 329 w 3d, r 2023 w 3d
BRAUN, C & H (Carl & Hugo) dentists, 329 w 3d
BRAUN, Fred, wife Marguerite, butcher, r 1541 Rockingham rd
BRAUN, Hugo, wife Hannah (C & H BRAUN) 329 w 3d r 2023 w 3d
BRAUN, Mrs. Matilda r 1112 w 6th
BRAUNLICH, Miss Freda, tchr Sch No. 5 r. 732 w 5th
BRAUNLICH, Henry U. wife Emilie, pres H.F. Brammer Mnfg Co. 1441 Rockingham
rd and physician, 1040 w 4th r same
BRAUNLICH, Hugo G, wife Elisa, music tchr, r 732 w 5th
BRAUNLICH, Hugo G jr, wife Louise, druggist, 510 Harrison r 732 w 5th
BRAUNLICH, Miss Milly r 732 w 5th
BRAYTON, Benj B, wife Eliza W. asst City eng C R I & P r 1112 Perry
BREDENBECK, Mrs. Bertha, r 1402 w 4th
BREDENBECK, Miss Minnie, seamstress W. Schake r 1402 w 4th
BREDFELDT, Fritz, wife Lena, wks Brammer Mnfg Co r 1622 Rockingham rd
BREDFELDT, Henry, wife Mary, cooper 1912 Rockingham Rd r same
BREDFELDT, Miss Minnie, wks Dav. Vinegar Wks r 1538 w 6th
BREDFELDT, Wm F, wife Dora, cooper, r 1538 w 6th
BREDOW, Frank, wife Bertha M, chf elect Gas Co r 925 Farnam
BREDOW, John F, wife Bertha, reas to Mantle Mnfg Co 322 Harrison r 822 Gaines
BREEDE, John W, wife Dora, mngr H Thode r 512 Ripley
BREEDE, Louis W., bkpr, Dav Canning & Mnfg Co. bds 1725 w 3d
BREHMEG, Miss Carrie r 1325 w 3d
BREHMER, Christina, wid Martin, r. Telegraph rd nr Rose Hill Lane
BREHMER, Edward, wife Bertha, mach Ind Malting Co. r. Indian rd nr Hickory
BREHMER, Miss Emma, tailoress Drebing Co. r 1325 w 3d
BREHMER, Julius C. wife Minnie C r Camp McClelland nr River rd
BREHMER Peter J. wife Christina, r 1325 w 3d
BREHMER Wm M, wife Augusta, barber 818 w 3d
BREIDENBACH, Michael, wife Anna, agt r 1012 Scott
BREIDENBROSS, Richard wife Mary, weaver, 905 w 2d r same
BREMER, Bertha, wid Julius (Stahmer & Bretterly) 1353 w 3d r same
BREMER, Miss Carrie r 1206 w 3d
BREMER, Henry Jr., wife Ida (H BREMER & Son) & Propr Abel Lime &
Cement Co.1841 Rockingham rd r 113 Centennial
BREMER H & Son (Henry BREMER jr) cooperage, 1841 Rockingham rd
BREMER, Louis W, wife Sophia F, cig mkr, r 1440 Leonard
BREMER, Margaret, wid Gustave, r 602 w 15th
BREMER, Margaret, wid Henry, r 1306 w 3d
BREMMER Detlef, wife Mary, r 1711 w 3d
BREMMER, Miss Etta, r 4 Bloody Hollow rd
BREMMER, Miss Laura, r 1711 w 3d
BREMMER, Miss Minnie r. 1711 w 3d
BRENDEL, James C., wife Clara, brakeman D R I & N W r 503 e 9th
BRENNAN, Ann, wid Luke, r 411 Oneida av
BRENNAN, Miss Catherine C. r 411 Oneida av
BRENNAN, Edward J, wife Lillie, tel opr C R I & P r. 928 LaFayette
BRENNAN, Miss Frances J, milliner The Famous, r. 411 Oneida av
BRENNAN James, wife Mary, bridge tender Gov. bridge r 1120 Iowa
BRENNAN, James P. clk The Fair, r 1120 Iowa
BRENNAN, Luke A wife Amelia mac Arsenal r 411 Oneida av
BRENNAN, Miss Mary A dressmkr r 402 e 12th
BRENNAN, Miss Nellie A. clk N Liepold & Co, r 1120 Iowa
BRENNAN, Miss Nora, dressmkr, rm 5 Ryan blk, r. Rock Island Ill.
BRENNAN, Wm. E, wife Margaret, stone ctr. r 216 Iowa
BRENWALDER, Jacob, wife Mary carp. r. 1214 w 6th
BRESNAHAN, Albert, wife Maude, filer r. 219 w. 14th
BRESNEHAN, Mary, wid Cornelius r 2020 Fulton av
BRETSCHER, Edward r 629 Main
BRETSCHER, Frank, clk Silberstein Bros. r. 629 Main
BRETSCHER Louis, clk M A Moore r 629 Main
BRETSCHER Robert, wife Dora (Bretscher, & Fulscher) 508 w 2d
BREUNIG, Louisa, wid Wendel, r. 104 1/2 w 2d
BREWBAKER, Harry J, wife Rosabelle, fire dept r. 1325 Carey av
BREWER, Josiah M., wife Frances, wks Metal Wheel Co, r. 208 Mound
BREYER, Paul J., lab. r. 924 Ripley.
BRICELAND, G W, wks Canning Co, 228 W Front
BRICELAND, Harry C, wife Nellie N., cash Adams Exp Co, r 716 w 16th
BRIDEWELL (City Prison) 5th ne cor Main
BRIDGES, Oscar F, trav agt, Raphael & Co, bds Kimball House
BRIEGEL, Martin, mason, bds 706 e 10th
BRIEGEL, Theo, wife Minnie, mach A Wahle, r 415 Western Av
BRIESS, Fritz, cooper Amazon Vinegar Co, r 1721 w 3d
BRIGGS, Miss Addie A, r 2005 Rock Island
BRIGGS, Elverdo, wife Addie, clk, r. 1228 LeClaire
BRIGGS, George, driver Model Laundry r 2005 Rock Island
BRIGGS, J Edmund, tinner C R I & P, r. 2005 Rock Island
BRIGHT, Ben F, (col) wife Elizabeth. walter, r 1023 Ripley
BRILES, Arthur, wks Metal Wheel Co. rms 313 1/2 Perry
BRINCKEN, Adolph L. r 625 Harrison
BRINCKEN, Fred W., helper Dav. Steam Heating Co, r 625 Harrison
BRINKMANN, Miss Alvina, tailoress A Geerts, r. 1332 Marquette
BRINKMANN, Miss Della, r 1332 Marquette
BRINKMANN, Frank R, wife Mry, contr, 1618 South
BRINKMANN, Henry, cab mkr, 1332 Marquette, r. same
BRINKMANN, Robert E, wife Mary, wks Canning Co, r. 1633 Prairie
BRITT, James, glazier, r 618 w 9th
BRITT, John, wife Margaret, foreman Flick & Johnson Const Co, r 422 Division
BRITT, kate wid Wm rest 425 Brady r same
BRITT, Thomas r 618 w 9th
BRIX, August R, wife Dora, wks H. Kohrs Pkg Co, r 1415 Eutaw
BRIX, Ernst, wife Dora, contr. 1522 Leonard r same
BROCKETT, C. Gilbert, wife Matilda clk Petersen's Sons, r 2035 Grand av
BROCKMAN, Catherine M. ,wid F C, r 215 W 6th
BROCKMAN, Henry, wife Christiana (H Brockman & Co) 204 e 2d, r 720 w 5th
BROCKMAN, Henry jr, wife Ella, clk Havens & B Coffee Co, r 716 w 5th
BROCKMAN, Henry & Co (H Brockman, C H Klenzel ) com mers 204 e 2d
BROCKMAN, John C H, musician r 215 w 6th
BROCKMAN, Wm lab bds 324 w Front
BROCKMANN, Albert, wife Tillie, sec Havens & Brockmann Coffee Co, 416
Harrison, r. 317 Marquette
BROCKMANN, Charles, r rear 1007 w 5th
BROCKMANN, Lilza, wid J C F, r 818 w 5th
BROCKMANN, Emil, mngr Mrs. M BROCKMANN, r 432 Brady
BROCKMANN, Fred, tmstr Lorenzen Crock Co, r rear 1007 w 5th
BROCKMANN, John, carp, rms 414 1/2 w 2d
BROCKMANN, John jr, wife Matilda, vice pres Havens & Brockmann Coffee Co and
bkpr German Savings Bank r 1100 w 4th
BROCKMANN, John D, wife hansine, vice pres Register Life and Annuity ins Co,
r 1043 w 5th
BROCKMANN, Margaret, wid Charles cigars, 432 Brady res same
BROCKMANN, Miss Minnie, clk H Korn & Sons, r 818 w 5th
BROCKMANN, Sophia, wid John r rear 1007 w 5th
BRODENE, Oscar L, wife Elfreda, carp. r 518 e 9th
BRODERS, Caroline, wid Juergen F, r 923 w 9th
BROENDEL, Jochim, wife Johanna, r 912 Warren
BROKSIECK Henry, wife Dora, carp r 2139 w 4th
BRONNER, Miss Anna B, tchr Sch No. 12 r 627 Gaines
BRONNER, John, wife Phillipina C, sec Sieg Iron Co 127 w 3d r. 627 Gaines
BRONNER John C sec R. Krause Co 117 w 2d r. 627 Gaines
BROOKS, Augustin J, wife Katherine printer Egbert F & C r 326 e 12th
BROOKS, Mrs. Etta r 117 e 4th.
BROOKS, Fred W, clk Leonard Bros r 326 e 12th
BROOKS, George, wks Arsenal,r room O Ryan blk
BROOKS, Lucian E, clk Dav F & M Co bds 1429 w 4th.
BROOKS, Miss Mary, dom 2319 Park av
BROOMHALL, Miss Sadie, clk Boston Store, r Rock Island Ill
BROPHY, Bridget, wid Michael, r. 320 e 2d
BROPHY, Martin, stone ctr, r. 320 e 2d
BROTT, Mrs. Addie, Dressmkr, r. 319 Gaines
BROTT, Ambrose E, wife Addie, r 319 Gaines
BROWN (see also BRAUN)
BROWN, Andrew, r 518 e 7th
BROWN, Arthur N. cash N W Mut Life Ins Co, bds 828 Brady
BROWN, Augustus M, clk Arsenal, r 306 e 8th
BROWN, Benjamin F, r. 306 e 8th
BROWN, Miss Bessie, r 416 e 3d
BROWN, Carl J, wks Lee B & D Co r 1709 w 6th
BROWN, Caroline, wid Samuel, r 1618 Park av
BROWN, Charles A., bkpr Marquette 3d Vein Coal Co, rms 915 Perry
BROWN, Charles C, clk r 306 e 8th
BROWN, Charles S, wife Elizabeth trav agt r 814 Belle av
BROWN, Charles W mach opr Metal Wheel Co, r 814 Belle av
BROWN, Chester, wife Margaret, trav agt. Amazon Vinegar Wks, r 1025 Brady
BROWN, Clarence P., real est, 110 1/2 e 3d r. Gilbert
BROWN, Clement (col) porter Sweet & Minehan, r 618 Harrison
BROWN, Cornelius J, wife Lydia M, chf clk Arsenal, r 396 e 8th
BROWN, David J, wife Helen V, clk Washburn H C Co, r. Rock Island, Ill
BROWN, Edwin, wife Belle, mach Arsenal, r 612 n Depot
BROWN, Mrs. Ernestine, r. 1516 Rock Island
BROWN, Fred H, pres US Life Assn, 43 McManus bldg, r. Chicago
BROWN, Geo, wife Mary A, janitor High sch, r 810 Rock Island
BROWN, George W, wife Anna A, express, 115 w 3d, r 421 e 7th
BROWN, Harry, wife Louise, paper hngr, r 111 w 7th
BROWN, Harvey B, wks Arsenal, r 1515 Ripley
BROWN, Henry, wife Catherine guard Gov Bridge, r 1709 w 6th
BROWN, James, wife Julia, baggageman D R I & N W r 1812 w 3d
BROWN, Miss Jennie, bds 330 e Front
BROWN, John A, carp. r Locust new cor Jersey Ridge rd
BROWN, Miss Julia A, r 121 e 6th
BROWN, Lee W, wife Lena, wks D R I & N W r 324 w 2d
BROWN, Lester, foreman C R I & P r 1816 w 4th
BROWN, Levi B, wife Belle, com mer, 114 Perry, r 428 Judson
BROWN, Lewis J, real est, r 333 e 14th
BROWN, Luella J, wid M.J. tchr Sch No 4 r. 1803 Harrison
BROWN, Mabel A, r 1025 Brady
BROWN, Manily T, wife Susie H, r. 1708 Grand av
BROWN, Miss Martha, r 1816 w 4th
BROWN, Miss Mary, bdg h, 1524 Rock Island, r same
BROWN, Mary, wid August, r Locust nw cor Jersey Ridge rd
BROWN, Miss Minnie B, r. Locust nw cor Jersey Ridge rd
BROWN, Nelson, wife Mary E, r 421 w 10th
BROWN, Miss Ora A, clk to Tel Co r 1725 Park av
BROWN, Mrs Phoebe, r 514 e 7th
BROWN, Samuel M, stenog to Tel Co, bds 1608 Park av
BROWN, Samuel R, wife Elizabeth L, harnessmkr, r 1518 Ripley
BROWN, Shuyler ,r 1518 Ripley
BROWN, Thomas, lab, r 1810 w 3d
BROWN, Thomas B, clk U.S. Life Assn. r 414 1/2 w 3d
BROWN, Wm, wif Annie lab, r 415 e 3d
BROWN, Wm (col) wife Mary, lab r 2325 Farnam
BROWN, Wm A, wife Nora R, bkpr McCormick H M Co, r 1206 Perry
BROWN, Wm W, wife Emma E, watchman gov bridger 1725 Park av
BROWNLEE, John C, wife Mary A, r 202 e 15th
BROWNLEE, Miss Lue Ella r 202 e 15th
BROWNLEE, John E, wife Adella, bkpr Ist nat Bank, r 824 e 14th
BROWNLIE, Agnes, wid Andrew, r 1411 LeClaire
BROWNRIGG, Rev. Thomas H, asst pastor Sacred Heart Cathedral, r 422 e 10th
BRUCE, Mrs Mary A. r 114 1/2 e 15th
BRUCE, Phillip J, wife Nora asst supt Prudential Ins Co r 322 e 15th
BRUCHMAN, August F, wife Mary, lessee Schuetzen Park, r. same
BRUCHMAN, John, porter Dav. Turner Hall Club, r 501 w 3d
BRUCHMANN, Peter C., wife Louisa, driver r 615 Jersey Ridge rd
BRUECKMANN, Carl, wife Martha, engraver H Peetz, r 214 w 16th
BRUECKMANN, Rev. Henry r 214 w 16th
BRUECKMANN, Otto, mach Sternberg Mnfg Co, r 1440 Union
BRUEGGE, Catherine, wid John, r. 310 Harrison
BRUEGGE, Frederick r. 632 w 3d
BRUEGGE, Harry, barber J Hinrichsen, r 628 w 3d
BRUEGGE, Juergen H. wife Wiebke, r. 628 w 3d
BRUEGGE, Paunne, wid John, r 632 w 3d
BRUEGGEMANN, George, wks Crescent M Co. r 1025 w 5th
BRUEGGEMANN, Miss Mary A, wks Crescent M Co. r 1025 w 5th
BRUEGGEMANN, John, wife Dora, lab r 2046 Bowditch
BRUEGEMANN, John P., wife Julia L. lab r 813 Judson
BRUENSING, Henry J, wife Rose, agt, r 1445 South
BRUGMAN, John J, r 607 w 16th
BRUGMAN, Mary T, wid J.A. r 607 w 16th
BRUGMAN, Wm J, pressman Dav Bag & P Co r 607 w 16th
BRUGMAN, Miss Amelia, dom 1314 Scott
BRUGMANN, George, wife Emma r 1212 w 2d
BRUHA, Alois C & E Ruhl r 826 w 3d
BRUHA, Anthony clk city treas office r 826 w 3d
BRUHA, Miss Helen packer Washburn H C Co r 826 w 3d
BRUHA, John, wife Maggie, tailor r 826 w 3d
BRUHA, John jr (45 inf USA) r 826 w 3d
BRUHA, Joseph, finisher Brammer Mnfg Co r 826 w 3d
BRUHA, Miss Mary r 826 w 3d
BRUHA, Miss Theresa r 826 w 3d
BRUHN, Bettie wid Wm H, r 1926 w 4th
BRUHN, Christian, wife Emma, butcher Tri-City P & P Co r 615 Ainsworth
BRUHN, Claus J, wife Dorothy, carp. r 1703 w 6th
BRUHN, Claus T, wife Mary, lab, r 1512 w Locust
BRUHN, Ernest E, wife Marguerite, wks F. Maehr, r 1926 w 4th
BRUHN, George C, wife Margaret, wks J.L. Zoeckler, r 1114 w 5th
BRUHN, Henry F., wife Wilhelmina, lab r 913 w 3d
BRUHN, John, wife Dora, saloon, 323 e 2d r same
BRUHN, John, wife Rose, r 914 Warren
BRUHN, John D. r 645 Christie
BRUHN, Rudolph L, wks U N Roberts Co, r 1926 w 4th
BRUHN, Wm F, wife Annie I, instr r 645 Christie
BRUHN, Wm H, jr wks U N Roberts Co, r 1926 w 4th
BRUMM, Cluas, wife Amanda, lab. r 1820 w 3d.
BRUMM, John, wife Anna, carp J. Hansen, r. 1742 Washington
BRUNDAGE, Joseph, wife Viola,forman to Tel Co, r 2119 Main
BRUNER, Miss Julia A, r 408 Main
BRUNING, Alphona, bkpr, r. 508 Scott
BRUNING, August B.H., clk A Steffen r. 322 Marquette
BRUNING, Miss Clara C, r 322 Marquette
BRUNING, C George, wife Bertha, baker, r 332 Marquette
BRUNING, Frank C, wief Mary, grocer 430 w 3d r same
BRUNING, Miss hannah C, wks Union Pearl B Co r 322 Marquette
BRUNING, Herman H, wife Mary, gardener, r 1642 Prairie
BRUNING, John r 1642 Prairie
BRUNING, Miss Ludovica, music tchr, r 508 Scott
BRUNING, Miss Martha C H, r 322 Marquette
BRUNING, Minna, wid Ludwig, tchr Sch No 5, r. 508 Scott
BRUNING, Miss Selma, music tchr, r. 508 Scott
BRUNING, Wm F, wife Augusta W, flagman, r 1132 w 14th
BRUNNING, John, lab r 1642 Sturdevant
BRUNOLD, Threse, wid Chris, r. 1014 Grand av
BRUNS, Adolph, painter r 829 w 3d
BRUS, Chas H, wife Mary, lab r 1655 Sturdevant
BRUSCH, Wm, coachman r Oak nr Black Hawk
BRUTUS, Charles F, wife Hannah, mach. r 1104 Iowa
BRYAN, Miss Alice stenog A Bergman Co. r 826 e 15th
BRYAN, Miss Eleanor E, stenog N W Mut Life Ins Co, r 826 e 15th
BRYAN, Miss Gertrude W, r 826 e 15th
BRYAN, Miss Mary E, dressmkr, r 826 e 15th
BRYANT, Harry G, wife Fannie r 58 McCullough bldg.
BRYSON, Annie , wid Myron, r 1106 w 3d
BRYSON, John J, molder Metal Wheel Co r 1106 w 3d
BRYSON, Lon, wife Valeria M, county Recorder 2d floor Court House, r 822 e
BRYSON, Miss Mary E, r 1106 w 3d
BRYSON, Miss Pearl, r. 822 e 10th
BRYSON, Wallace J, butter, 106 w 4th bds 212 e 6th
BRYSON, Wm P, wife May E, trav agt r 835 Kirkwood boul
BUBLITZ, Gustav, waiter, r 218 e 2d
BUCHANAN, Frank E, clk W U Tel Co, r 806 w Front
BUCHANAN, Miss Gertrude, r 806 w Front
BUCHANAN, Harry T, wife Lottie r 913 w 3d
BUCHANAN, Robert L, peddler, r 806 w Front
BUCHLEY, Charles, bartndr, rms 116 Iowa
BUCK, Miss Adeline, r. 506 w 8th
BUCK, Edward, clerk, r 723 Perry
BUCK, Mrs. Effie M, r 7, 317 Perry
BUCK, George B, wife Cora B, wks Impl Mnfg Co, r. 312 Bridge av
BUCK, James K, wife Rebecca M., (Buck & Co), 213 e 3d, r same
BUCK, John C, wife Amanda, lab r 721 w 2d
BUCK, John W, wife Katherine, hadw 311 w 2d, r 506 w 8th
BUCK, Julia, wid Edward, r 723 Perry
BUCK, Nicholas J, wife Katherine, wks Arsenal r 816 Le Claire
BUCK, Wm C F, wife Meta, turner Brammer Mnfg Co, r 1560 South
BUCK & Co (J K Buck) proprs Electric Steam Laundry, 213 e 3d
BUCKINGHAM, Charles G, wife Lulu B, wks H K Newbern, r 424 Le Claire
BUCKINGHAM, Edgar H, wife Amelia, lab r 232 Ainsworth
BUCKINGHAM, Isaac R, wife Emma, trav agt, r 1919 Perry
BUCKLEY, John, wife Catherine, grocer 615 Harrison r. same
BUCKLEY, John H, wife Ruth M, missionary, r. 1830 Summit av
BUCKLEY, Justin C, messgr W.U. Tel Co. r 1830 Summit av
BUCKLEY, Miss Marie O, bkpr, r 1830 Summit av
BUCKLEY, Miss Ruth M, r 1830 Summit av
BUCKLEY, Thomas J, clk J BUCKLEY, r 615 Harrison
BUCKLEY, Wm F, collr Gas Co, r 615 Harrison
BUCKLEY, Wm J, lab, r 1830 Summit av
BUCKNER, Louis (col), wife Nannie, porter Boston Store, r 911 Gaines
BUEGE, Ferd J, wife Caroline, janitor, r 604 Brady
BUEGE, Miss Laura, r 604 Brady
BUEGE, Miss Mattie, dressmkr, Mrs. A. Blume, r. Gilbert
BUEGGE, John H, wife Maggie, carp. r. 1512 w 4th
BUEMANN, Emil, lab, r Indian rd nr Telegraph rd
BUEMANN, Fritz H, wife Emma, lab r Indian rd nr Telegraph rd
BUENGA, Carl, wife Alma, clk C A Behrens, r 1230 Washington
BUERGEL, Miss Amy M, tchr Sch No 7, r 1440 w 4th
BUERGEL, Miss Clara J, bkpr Gas co, r 1440 w 4th
BUERGEL, Miss Ella C, r 1440 w 4th
BUERGEL, Herman A, wife Catherine A, pigeon dealer, 1440 w 4th r same
BUERGEL, Julia, wid Wm, r 1230 w 5th
BUERGER [prob. should be BUERGEL], Alice, dom. Walker House
BUERGER, [prob. should be BUERGEL] Pearl, dom Walker House
BUERGERT, Wm, tailor, Woolen Mills, bds 313 w 2d.
BUESING, Adolph, wife Ida, grocer, 701 w 3d r same
BUESING, Bena J, r 701 w 3d
BUESING, Edward, wife Alvina, carp. 421 Alma av
BUESING, Frank F, clk A Buesing r 701 w 3d
BUFFINGTON, Miss Mary F, prin St. Katherine's Hall, r same
BUGISLAUS, Charles H, wife Ludovica, salesman A Steffen, r 830 Ripley
BUHLER, Wm, wife Mary, lab r 106 Warren
BUHMANN, Theo J wks Mueller & Sons r 634 Sylvan av
BUHRER, Jacob wife Eliza carp T.W. McLelland Co r 1337 Border
BUILDER'S SAND & GRAVEL Co, P.T. WALSH, pres, Henry STRATMANN, vice pres.,
W.O. SCHMIDT sec., F.G. RODLER, treas. Levee nr Main
BULANDER, Chas., cabmkr, Dav Show Case Wks, bds 509 Brady
BULLACK, Claude J agt, r 132 w 16th
BULMER, Mrs. Naomi L, r C.C. Cook's Home
BULSTERBAUM, Elizabeth, wid. Herman confectr, 908 w 3d r same
BULSTERBAUM, Gustav, finisher, r 908 w 3d
BULSTERBAUM, Miss Hulda A, r 908 w 3d
BULTHAUPT, Miss Annie, dom 427 e 6th
BULTHAUPT, Frederick, wife Mary, horse shoer r 222 Iowa
BULTHAUPT, John, cigmkr A Fersch, r 222 Iowa
BUNCE, T Daniel, wife Elizabeth janitor, r 126 e 11th
BUNDERSEN, Peter lab, r 70 Putnam bldg.
BUNDSCHUH, Miss Bella, dressmkr, r 319 e 14th
BUNGE, Rev. Paul J, wife Margaret, pastor 1st German Evan Luth Ch, r 621 w 8th
BUNKER, Melville, wife Emma J (Bunker & Marks) 219 e 3d r same
BUNKER & MARKS (M BUNKER C.R. MARKS), Stair Builders, Bank and Office
Fixtures, etc. 219 e 3d
BUNTZEN, Miss Amelia, dom 1436 Main
BUNTZEN, Miss Emma, dom 1228 Perry
BUNTZEN, Juergen, wife Lena, r 1217 w 5th
BURCH, Miss Addie E, r 2110 Brady
BURCH, Caroline C, wid Ira, r 744 e 13th
BURCH, Curtis, r 744 e 13th
BURCH, Henry, wife Delila, flagman, r 230 w 15th
BURCH, Miss Hettie r 744 e 13th
BURCH, Martin W, wife Julia E, nurse r 2110 Brady
BURCHARD, John H, wife Clara J, bdg h 408 Main r same
BURDA, Miss Amy, dressmkr, r. 1835 w 3d
BURDA, George, wks Dav. F. & M. Co, bds 1503 w 3d
BURDA, Joseph, wife Ernestine, butcher r 1927 Eddy
BURDEN, Wallace, motorman, Tri-City Ry Co, rms 406 w 2d
BURDICK, Anthony, wife Alvira, pres Smith Bros & Burdick Co 119 e 14th
and pres 1st Nat. and Dav. Savings Banks r 105 College av
BURDICK, Norman, wife Mary E, treas Smith Bros & Burdick Co, 119 e 4th r 210
Mississippi av
BURDORFF, Miss Pauline, r 1329 Marquette
BURDORFF, Peter, r 1329 Marquettte
BURGARD, Samuel, insp Arsenal, rms 110 1/2 e 3d
BURGAUER, Herman, wife Theresa, butcher, r 1133 w 7th
BURGEN, John, janitor 228 e 5th
BURGESS, Miss Mabel, dom 211 Mississippi av
BURGETT, Orr, r 1201 Arlington av
BURK, George, wife Mamie M, driver r 33 Ryan blk
BURK, Mrs. Mamie M wks J Goos Co r 33 Ryan blk
BURK, Mary R, wid James P, r 509 Brady
BURK, Miss Nannie M, wks W & E Goettsch r 509 Brady
BURK, Thomas, wks Arsenal, rms 512 Perry
BURKE, Annie wid Edward r 826 Case
BURKE, Miss Annie F, r Oakdale Cemetery
BURKE, David D, wife Emma C supt. Prudential Ins Co, bds 701 Iowa
BURKE, Edward W, wife Johanna, wks Weyerhaeuser & D, r 801 e 6th
BURKE, Eddie, wks Knostman & P Furn Co, r 952 Judson
BURKE, Mrs. Emma C, cash Prudential Ins Co r 701 Iowa
BURKE, F Oscar r 801 e 6th
BURKE, George C, wife Lorena U.S. stock examiner, r 2009 Rock Island
BURKE, George M, plumber W.F. Worth & Co, r 952 Judson
BURKE, Henry J, lab r 2120 Marquette
BURKE, John, janitor 611 Brady
BURKE, John B, asst storekprt C.R.I & P. r 1608 w 4th
BURKE, John H, horseshoer, J.T. Burke, r 2136 Washington
BURKE, Joseph T, wife Ellen, horseshoer, 315 Main, r 2136 Washington
BURKE, Margaret, wid Michael, r 818 Swits.
BURKE, Miss Mary C, wks N. Kuhnen Co r. Oakdale Cemetery
BURKE, Miss Mary E, r. 2136 Washington
BURKE, Miss Mary G, dressmkr, r 826 Case
BURKE, Mary M, wid Martin, r 1608 w 4th
BURKE, Miss Matilda, dressmkr, r 801 e 6th
BURKE, Matthew T, r 952 Judson
BURKE, Michael, wks Arsenal, r 813 Swits
BURKE, Michael, r. 2120 Marquette
BURKE, Michael E, wife Mary A, r Oakdale Cemetery
BURKE, Michael J, painter, r 826 Case
BURKE, Miss Minnie E, wks Jones Bros Co, r 2136 Washington
BURKE, Pierce, wks Arsenal, rms 220 e 3d
BURKE, Thomas J, sexton, Oakdale cemetery, r. same
BURKE, Thomas J., wks Metal Wheel Co r 421 e 4th
BURKE, Wm. H., lino opr The Times, r. 1608 w 4th
BURKHOLDER, Ezra, wife Katherine, propr Dav Granitold Co, 205 Brady r 2014
BURKLAND, Miss Lina, dom 14 Oak lane
BURKLAND, Walter, wife Clara A, clk Smith Bros & Burdick Co, r 1643 LeClaire
BURKS, Miss Mattie (col) r 124 e 5th
BURLEIGH, Albert E, wife Josie A, cond Tri-City Ry Co r 418 w 3d
BURLEIGH, Eliza, wid Spencer, r 319 e 5th
UNDERDONK, freight and ticket agt, freight and passenger depot Front & Brady
BURLOCK, Julia W, wid F.F. clk H.A. St Onge & Co r 3d fl Franklin Bldg
BURMEISTER, Miss Annie, dom 1356 w 2d
BURMEISTER, Charles, wife Eda, wks J L Zoeckler r 2020 w 5th
BURMEISTER, Charles, wife Margaret, r 319 Harris
BURMEISTER, Charles C, wife Alvine, well-driller, r 1424 Sturdevant
BURMEISTER, Christ, wife Cecelia, meat mkt, 1354 w 3d r same
BURMEISTER, Christ B, wife Lena M, r 2406 Arlington av
BURMEISTER, Christian, wife Louise lab r 1432 Rockingham rd
BURMEISTER, Claus, wife Eugenie, lab r 1140 w 2d
BURMEISTER, Edward, wife Meta E, wks Glucose Co, r 1545 w 4th
BURMEISTER, Miss Elsie, r 1140 w 2d
BURMEISTER, Henry E, wife Alice, hostler, r 1339 4th av
BURMEISTER, John, wife Bertha, carp C R I & P r 2203 w 3d
BURMEISTER, John J, wife Clara, wks Dav Malt & G Co, r 1319 w 6th
BURMEISTER, Julius E, auditor Iowa Nat Bank, r 2131 w 3d
BURMEISTER, Miss Laura, r 1354 w 3d
BURMEISTER, Miss Lizzie, wks R Krause Co, r 1219 Hamilton
BURMEISTER, Louis, trav agt, Tri-City P & P Co r 1432 Rockingham rd
BURMEISTER, Martin, wife Cora, meat mkt, 1401 w 7th r same
BURMEISTER, Miss Mary, dressmkr, r 1219 Hamilton
BURMEISTER, Mary, wid Ernst, r 2131 w 3d
BURMEISTER, Miss Minnie S, r 1432 Rockingham rd
BURMEISTER, Rudolph, butcher C Burmeister, r 1354 w 3d
BURMEISTER, Wm wks J L Zoeckler, r 1432 Rockingham rd
BURNETTE, Miss Janavee, bds 106 Rock Island
BURNS, Anna, wid Patrick r 1031 Kent
BURNS, Edward r 110 1/2 e 3d
BURNS, Miss Etta, r 828 Harrison
BURNS, Frank P., wife Lillie, moldre Arsenal, r 828 Harrison
BURNS, George C, waiter A H Ruebsam, r 521 Brady
BURNS, James, wife Bridget, r 1826 w 3d
BURNS, James B, wife Elizabeth I, harnessmkr Arsenal, r 2 Petersen blk
BURNS, James W, agt T Richter & Sons, r 313 Ripley
BURNS, John, farmer, r 512 e High
BURNS, Miss Mary, wks N Kuhnen Co, r 617 e 4th
BURNS, Murta, wife Ellen, flagman, r 617 e 4th
BURNS, Rose, cigmkr, r 818 Main
BURNS, Walter M. plumber, r 1826 w 3d
BURNS, Wm wife Mattie, eng r 5 Petersen blk
BURNSIDE, Mrs. Elizabeth, r 1938 Ripley
BURR, Capt George W Ordnance dept, r R I Arsenal
BURR, John, tel opr B C R & N rms 217 e 6th
BURRAGE, Edwin A, wife Hattie, bkpr D H Stuhr Grain co r 713 w 4th
BURRAGE, Miss Maud E, r 713 w 4th
BURRESS, Charles P, wife Mollie, tmstr, r 1037 w 3d
BURRIS, Albert, wife Anna L, r 812 w 17th
BURRIS, Berta, r 812 w 17th
BURRIS, Miss Janet A, r 812 w 17th
BURRIS, Thomas, wife Johanna A, r 1517 Ripley
BURRISS, George H, wife Mary E, broommkr, r 1623 1/2 Harrison
BURRITT, Carl W, wif Nellie B, artist r 803 e 15th
BURROW, Miss Rose, stenog Security Fire Ins Co, r Rock Island Ill.
BURROWS, Miss Anna M, r 1035 Brady
BURROWS, David A, feed 303 o 3d r 1035 Brady
BURROWS, Miss Ida M, prin Ida Institute, r 1035 Brady
BURROWS, Joanna G, wid E.G. r 218 Kirkwood boul
BURROWS, Park T, (Claussen & Burrows) 205 w 3d, r 218 Kirkwood boul
BURROWS, Miss Zelina, dom 1112 Perry
BURSON, Bernard, wife Tillie wks Metal WheelCo, r 1908 w 6th
BURT, Chauncey I, pres Implement Mnfg Co r Kimball House
BURTIS, George H, painter bds 207 w 6th
BURTIS OPERA HOUSE. Chamberlin, Kindt & Co Proprs 415 Perry
BURTOFT, George, wife Elizabeth, r 1119 w 7th
BURTON, Miss Mary E, tchr Orphan's Home, r same
BUSCH (See also BUSH)
BUSCH, Emma, wid Diedrich, r 2340 Eddy
BUSCH, Frederick, student bds 228 e 5th
BUSCH, John, r 1436 Clay
BUSCH, Theo H, wife Marie, r 436 w 8th
BUSEY, Jacob (col) wife Wilhelmina, janitor Library bldg r 618 Harrison
BUSEY, Thomas J (col) cook, r 616 Eastern av
BUSH (See also BUSCH)
BUSH, Alex (col) porter L. Eckhardt, r 2229 Cherry
BUSH, Arthur G, wife Eunice C (Ely & Bush) 221 1/2 Brady and U S
Commissioner, r 740 e 15th
BUSH, Magreta, wid Jacob, r 628 w 3d
BUSH, Moses (col), wife Julia, lab r 2325 Farnham
BUSH, Richard (col) wife Eliza E, lab r 2229 Cherry
BUSH, Wm H, tmstr Weyerhaeuser & D r 514 Christie
BUSHNELL, Horace C, r Farnam nw cor South av
BUSSEY, Eugene W, wife Hettie M, carp rms 1127 Ripley
BUSTER, Joseph, wife Mary, carp r 620 e 10th
BUTCHER, Miss Nannie, matron Orphans' Home r same
BUTENSCHOEN, George, r 1336 w 7th
BUTENSCHOEN Jochim D, wife Blanche tmstr r 1336 w 7th
BUTHMANN, Miss Anna M, dom r 2046 w 2d
BUTNUH, Miss Bertha, tchr Sch No 10 bds 511 w 6th
BUTTERFIELD, Morris W, broker, rms 521 e 15th
BUTTERWORTH I N wife Susan J, treas Tri-City Electric Co r 7 Linden Flats
BYER, Miss Clara , dom 407 w Locust
BYERS, Albert bds 803 w 2d
BYERS, Miss Eulu, r 322 e 4th
BYINGTON, Junius C, clk C Prinz, r 1127 w 14th
BYINGTON, Romaine K, r 1113 Brady
Byington, Woodford C metal wkr Newbern & Co r 1113 Brady
Bylander, Geo G ,wife Minnie, employment agency 218 e 2d r same
Byrne, Edward, fireman Metal Wheel Co bds 324 e 4th.