1900 H Directory
Davenport Times
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
March 16, 1900
Errors in Names and Locations and Any Changes From the Way the Names Appear
in The Times, Including Removals, Must be Reported to the Office or the
Directory Manager in The Times Building Within 48 Hours From This Evening,
as These Names Will go in Book Form Then
Haack, Claus H, wife Johanna, wks Dav Malt Co r 1120 w 5th
Haagen, Charles wife Kate, r 2304 w 3d
Haak (See also Hauck)
Haak, Ferd, wife Caroline, propr G W Cigar factory 1110 w 7th r 824 Vine
Haak, John wife Mary supt Dav Leaf Tobacco Co r 3 Linden flats
Haak, miss Pauline, r 824 Vine
Haak, Richard wife Selma mngr F Haak r 1109 w 8th
Haak, Miss Thekla A r 824 Vine
Haalk, Gustave wks Boepple Button Co bds 1356 w 2d
Haalk, Reimer,clk R W Haalk, r 819 w 2d
Haas (See also Hass)
Haas, Gottlieb, wife Mamie, butcher Mengel Bros, r 518 Myrtle
Haas, Miss Lillie dom 208 e 11th
Haase, Anton r 1502 Marquette
Haase Bros (Gustave and Wm) liquors, 216 w 3d
Haase, Carl r 1502 Marquette
Haase, Dorothea wid Henry r 1631 w 3d
Haase, Fritz Mclk Haase Bros r 314 1/2 w 3d
Haase, Gustave, wife Lea (Haase Bros) 216 w 3d r 603 w 8th
Haase, Henry J wife Maggie tmstr r Rockingham rd nr Lincoln av
Haase, Herman wife Anna lab r 2101 w 2d
Haase, Miss Lena dom 1021 Main
Haase, Miss Meta dressmkr r 1631 w 3d
Haase, Paul wife Christian wks Woolen Mills r 1502 Marquette
Haase, Wm wife Agnes (Haase Bros) 216 w 2d r 615 w 7th
Haberda, Mrs. Catherine r 118 Mound
Habinck, Bernard r 1623 Eutaw
Habinck, Miss Mary A r 1623 Eutaw
Hach, Miss Adele dressmkr r 1454 Leonard
Hach, Miss Agnes seamstress A J Smith & Son r 1454 Leonard
Hachez, Charles wife Caroline sec Cooper's Union rear 1302 w 5th r 1309 w 8th
Hachez, Henry O wife Sophie foreman H J Witt r 302 w Front
Hachez, Miss Sophia dom 1518 w 4th
Haddix, Elias P wife Eliza J r 521 w 6th
Haddix, Miss Flora B court reporter District Court r 521 w 6th
Hadenfeldt, Conrad messgr W U Tel Co r 1549 Union
Hadenfeldt, George, wife Doris wks P A Reimers r 1549 Union
Hadlich, Wm wks Glucose Co bds 104 Division
Hadsell, James P (Hadsell & Co) 116 Perry r Rock Island Ill.
Hadsell & Co (J P Hadsell) paper box mnfrs 116 Perry
Haessler (See Hasler, also Hassler)
Haessler, Albert wks Crook Bros r 1608 Rockingham rd
Haessler, Herman F wife Mary wks Glucose Co r 1608 Rockingham rd
Haessler, Herman F jr wks Canning Co r 1608 Rockingham rd
Haessler, Otto F, eng Crook Bros r 1608 Rockingham rd
Hafel, Detlef F wife Annie miller r 626 Christie
Hafel, Herman U tmstr r 622 Christie
Hagarty, Miss Elizabeth E tchr Sch No 4 r 521 LePage
Hagarty, Patrick J, wife Mary D (Tri-City Granitoid Co) 19 Whitaker bldg r 921
Hageboeck, Alphona L wife Pauline physician, 23 Schmidt bldg r 600 w 8th
Hageboeck, Anna L wid Gustav r 807 w 3d
Hageboeck, August, engraver 211 1/2 w 2d r same
Hageboeck, Miss Clara r 1017 w 3d
Hageboeck, Henry wife Bertha wks Arsenal r 909 w 3d
Hageboeck, John wife Gertrude r 1017 w 3d
Hageboeck, John jr wife Emma harnessmkr 109 e 3d r same
Hageboeck, Miss Julia r 1017 w 3d
Hagedorn, Christian vice-pres Phoenix Milling Co 105 Western av r 1028 Harrison
Hagedorn, Miss Emma dom 619 e 7th
Hagedorn, Miss Leonora, r 1028 Harrison
Hagemann, Charles A wife Ella barber 2137 1/2 w 3d r 2118 w 3d
Hagemann, Charles J wife Ida city treas 2d fl City Hall (term expires April
1900) r 504 w 14th
Hagemann, Franz wife Johanna carp C R I & P r 2137 w 3d
Hagemann, Harry W wks Metal Wheel Co r 2137 w 3d
Hagemann, Jacob wife Eda carp C R I & P r 2212 Bowditch
Hagemann, John r 129 Division
Hagemann, Kate wid Jacob r 309 Scott
Hagemann, Miss Kate W r 309 Scott
Hagemann, Louis lab r Dixwell nr Howell
Hagemann, Louis C bartndr L Hanemann r 309 Scott
Hagemann, Louis F, wife Meta barber 1459 Rockingham rd r 1412 Rockingham rd
Hagemann, Max wife Christian painter r 1114 w 5th
Hagen, Miss A Marie r 1135 w 14th
Hagen, John wife Dora C r 1301 Brown
Hagen, John F r 2204 w 3d
Hagen, J Henry wife Sophia r 1640 Leonard
Hagey, Jonas wife Annie trav agt Reimers & F Co r 603 e 14th
Hagey, Miss S Etta r 603 e 14th
Haggard, Miss Cora E r 1519 Ripley
Haggard, John C wife Lydia S lab r 1519 Ripley
Haggard, John W wife Mary L carp r 1828 w 4th
Hagge, Miss Adele clk Petersen's Sons, bds 1532 w 3d
Hagge, Adolph clk A W Petersen r 1001 Warren
Hagge, Claus clk H Suhr bds 431 w 2d
Hagge, Hans wife Fredericka r Center nr Indian rd
Hagge, John wife Mary wks Christian Mueller & Sons r Center nr Indian rd
Hagge, Marie wid Adolph r 1001 Warren
Haggins, Mrs Anna (col) r 510 e 11th
Hahn, Charles F painter 2126 Eddy
Hahn, Edward r 408 e 2d
Hahn, Herman wife Bertha trav agt r 714 Gaines
Hahn, Jeremiah F wife Emma E lab r 2126 Eddy
Hahn, Wilhelm lab bds 531 w 2d
Hahn, Wm F wife Theresa r 626 Brown
Hahn, Wm J tmstr r 2126 Eddy
Haight, Glenn H wife Loie, trav agt Dav Leaf Trob Co r 832 w 5th
Haight, Richard J r 1208 4th av
Haight, Wm K sec Dav Woolen Mills Co 1335 e Front r 229 Bridge av
Haine, Christina wid George r 726 w 5th
Haines, Miss Edith clerk Petersen's Sons, r 416 w 15th
Haines, Elmer G wks Arsenal r 640 e 12th
Haines, Miss Emily, tchr Sch No 12 r 416 w 15th
Haines, George wife Mary C blksmth Arsenal r 640 e 12th
Haines, Miss Gertrude, r 416 w 15th
Haines, Miss Lizzie clk Petersen's Sons, r 416 w 15th
Haines, Wm. J, clk B D George, r 416 w 15th
Haire, Miss M Carrie, clk Boston Store, bds 714 w 3d
Haldall, Miss Addie A wks Egbert F & C r 615 Sylvan av
Hale, Wm wife Emlie, foreman Glass Co r 619 w 4th
Haley (See also Healey)
Halgreen, Axel, lab bds 313 w 2d
Hall, Alfred, grocer 118 Iowa r same
Hall, Arthur bell boy Kimball House
Hall, Byron S collr r 320 w 2d
Hall, Mrs. Carrie E r 2108 Scott
Hall, Charles A wife Mary E r 2329 w 4th
Hall, Charles B wife Laura cigmkr F Haak r 730 DeSoto
Hall, Charles E wife Lora H supt to Tel Co r 420 Kirkwood boul
Hall, Charles W wife Lillian L.T. contr r 2004 Bridge av
Hall, Clark M wife Margaret E r 921 w 7th
Hall, Earl wks H A St Onge & Co r 124 w Locust
Hall, Edward A clk G U Tea Co r 2229 w 4th
Hall, Edward h wife Mabel M salesman T Thompson r 328 e 6th
Hall, Edward W tmstr r 2108 Scott
Hall, Miss Ella F tchr Sch No 6 r 921 w 7th
Hall, Ella L wid J B r 622 Main
Hall, Elmer boilermkr Dav Boiler Wks r 118 Iowa
Hall, Miss Emma E wks Reimers & F Co r 2108 Scott
Hall, Frank W wife Laura paperhngr r 220 w 5th
Hall, George E wife Lena plumber R C Clayton r 521 Perry
Hall, Miss Hannah E dressmkr Treffer Co r 2229 w 4th
Hall, Harry J wife Frances Lcash D H Stuhr Grain Co r 1062 Arlington av
Hall, J Clark, lawyer 6 Dittoe bldg r 921 w 7th
Hall, Mrs. Mabel r 528 w 2d
Hall, Miss Martha (col) dom 1123 Ripley
Hall, Martha C wid James r 428 Bridge av
Hall, Mildred A wid Albert r 510 College av
Hall, Miss Minnie L tchr Sch No 6 r 921 w 7th
Hall, Miss M Bessie tchr Sch No 12 r 921 w 7th
Hall, Robert, wife Leah, butcher r 124 w Locust
Hall, Miss Rose L (col) r 546 e 11th
Hall, R Nelson wife Carrie cigmkr r 1023 w 3d
Hall, Miss Sarah r 9 Riverview pl
Hall, Miss Stella dressmkr r 320 w 2d
Hallauer, Edward wife hannah lather r 1538 Prairie
Hallauer, Miss Emma dressmkr r 1019 Gaines
Hallauer, Godfrey clk H H Vogt r 1019 Gaines
Hallauer, Miss Minnie r 1019 Gaines
Hallauer, Nicholas wife Barbara r 1019 Gaines
Haller, Charles wife Kate r 131 w 14th
Haller, Frederick W wife Mary r 1429 Perry
Haller, Miss Ida P r 420 w 3d
Haller, Julius T r 420 w 3d
Haller, Louis wife Margaret vice-pres Dav Savgs Bank r 129 w 11th
Haller, Wm. C wife Anna r 420 w 3d
Halligan, Miss Agnes C r 426 e 11th
Halligan, James A wife Alvina D roaster Washburn H C Co r 1115 LeClaire
Halligan, John F wife Annie contr r 426 e 11th
Halligan, Joseph E mngr The Leader r 725 Perry
Halligan, Miss Mary r 725 Perry
Halligan, Thomas F wife Mary A pres Washburn-Halligan Coffee Co 115 e 2d r 727
Halligan, Wm P wife Nora C pres W P Halligan Co 434 Brady r 905 Farnam
Halligan W P Co, W.P. Halligan pres, coal 434 Brady, 436 Fillmore and 422
Halling, Conrad B clk F Nadler Co r 724 e 6th
Halling, Miss Nellie V r 754 e 6th
Halling, Miss Nettie E clk Boston Store r 754 e 6th
Halling, Paul A wife Augusta tailor 204 e 4th, r 754 e 6th
Halling, Miss Ruth r 754 e 6th
Hallup, Mary wid John r 1702 Monroe
Hallwood Cash Register Co J H Boyd mngr 212 Brady
Halpin, James E wife Mary J rest 227 Perry r 212 e 3d
Halpine, James H wife Sarah F tmstr Tri-City Ry Co r 1608 Bridge av
Halpine, Walter J wife Ida E supt const Tri-City Ry Co r 1608 Bridge av
Haltmeyer, Albert wife Amelia barber 210 Scott r 510 Scott
Hamann, Albert W (Hass & Hamann) 16 Masonic Temple r 1810 Telegraph rd
Hamann, August C wife Mary, tmstr Martin-Woods Co r 1019 w 8th
Hamann, August F r 1019 w 8th
Hamann, Miss Bertha r 1536 w 3d
Hamann, Catherine wid Detlef r 932 w 6th
Hamann, Charles L, wiks Metal Wheel Co r rear 744 w Front
Hamann, Ferd, wife Annie tmstr r 121 Brown
Hamann, Frank r 1940 w 4th
Hamann, Frank F shoes, 412 w 2d r 1536 w 3d
Hamann, Harry J wife Minnie (Hamann & Cassin) 16 Masonic Temple rms 1536 w
Hamann, Henry r 512 w 15th
Hamann, Henry C wife Anna, upholstr F Mehl r 1120 w 7th
Hamann, John wks R Krause Co r 1130 w 7th
Hamann, John F wife Celia r 1536 w 3d
Hamann, John J wife Louisa r 415 Gaines
Hamann, Julius T wife Anna r 904 w 6th
Hamann, Louis, barber H Hartz r 1536 w 3d
Hamann, Marie wid Claus H r 1810 Telegraph rd
Hamann, Max bdg 620 w Front
Hamann, Miss Minnie r 1536 w 3d
Hamann, Sophie wid John r rear 714 w Front
Hamann, Wm r rear 714 w Front
Hamann & Cassin (H J Hamann H J Cassin) collections, 43 Whitaker bldg
Hamdorf, John wife Lizzie confectr r 2317 w 3d
Hamerly, Frank wife Belle bartndr r 406 1/2 e 2d
Hamerly, John wife Mary carp J Stephenson, r rear 422 e 3d
Hamilton Mrs Ann R tchr Sch No 12 r 1019 Brady
Hamilton, Carrie E wid G L r 621 Rock Island
Hamilton, Charles E wife Eva (Tri-City Granitoid Co) 19 Whitaker bldg r 415 w
Hamilton, Miss Emma F dressmkr r 22 Putnam bldg
Hamilton, F Carl wife Stella M musician r 820 w 3d
Hamilton, Homer E wks Arsenal r 621 Rock Island
Hamilton, Owen chf clk Bradstreet Co bds 1524 Rock Island
Hamilton, Reginald L brushmkr Arsenal r 621 Rock Island
Hamilton, Mrs. Ruth M r 621 Rock Island
Hamm, John F wife Alvina driver Van patten & Marks r 1314 Franklin
Hamm, Vena wid J H wks Mrs M Brockmann, r 432 Brady
Hammatt, Edward S wife Carrie R architect 51 Whitaker bldg r 2313 Brady
Hammond, Charles N wife Lora B mach Arsenal r 1216 Harrison
Hammond, Clarence L, r 523 Esplanade av
Hammond, Leander L wife Jennie M motorman Tri-City Ry Co r 523 Esplanade av
Hammond, Martin L wife Laura barber W L Evers r 1524 Perry
Hammond, Mary E wid Benj r 222 e 10th
Hammond, Miss Myrtle, r 523 Esplanade av
Hamp, John wife Anna r 2325 w 2d
Hamp, John jr lab 2325 w 2d
Hampton, Miss Bertha P., r 216 Iowa
Hampton, Miss Cora E r 216 Iowa
Hampton, John V wife Margaret, wks Bett Axle Co r 1037 w 2d
Hampton, Theodore, wife Margaret r 216 Iowa
Hanagan, Miss Maggie r 602 n Depot
Hanagan, Miss Mary wks City Laundry, r 602 n Depot
Hanagan, Mary, wid Darby r 602 n Depot
Hanchett, Gustave, wks A C England & Co r 1024 w 5th
Hand, Erastus A wife Elizabeth J r 2126 Eddy
Handblom, Miss Selma clk N Liepold & Co r Rock Island Ill.
Handel, Henry wife Mary fireman Glucose Co r 1125 w 6th
Handley (See also Hanley)
Handley, Fred C (Handley & Beintema) 228 1/2 e 3d r 2040 Iowa
Handley, Miss Jessie R r 2040 Iowa
Handley, Miss Mary r 320 e 8th
Handley, Thomas wife Jane A r 1403 Marshall.
Handley, Wm. J wife Harriet E blksmith r 2040 Iowa
Handley & Beintema (F C Handley, A J Beintema) barbers, 228 1/2 e 3d
Hanemann, Charles wife Helen lab r 2018 Le Claire
Hanemann, Miss Dorothy r 2104 w 3d
Hanemann, Dorothy C wid Christ J r Rockingham rd nr Bismark
Hanemann, Henry J F nurse Mercy Hospital
Hanemann, Henry wife Margaret farmer r Rockingham rd nr Bismark.
Hanemann, Lew wife Annie saloon 210 N Main r 2104 w 3d
Hanemann, Louis clk M A Koch r 2108 LeClaire
Hanemann, Wm molder r Rockingham nr Bismark
Hanks, Miss Birdie cigmkr F Hank, r 515 e 8th
Hanks, Charles r 515 e 8th
Hanks, John wife Jennie butcher r 515 e 8th
Hanley (See also Handley)
Hanley, Daniel R wife Laura A eng r 529 Brady
Hanley, James A wife Ida B lawyer 2 Whitaker bldg r 27 Walling ct
Hanley Patrick, wife Catherine r 634 e 13th
Hanlon, John J wife Florence saloon 2030 Rockingham rd r same
Hanna, Fred M wife Florence L bkpr r 1723 Rock Island
Hanna, Susan wid H H r Mercy Hospital
Hannemann, Henry wife Dora finisher Mason Crrge Wks r 313 Scott
Hannemann, Miss Meta, r 313 Scott
Hanner, Allen sawyer bds 621 e 6th
Hansen, Andrew wks Arsenal r 743 Belle av
Hansen, Miss Anna bkpr W P Halligan Co r 2046 w 3d
Hansen, Miss Anna r 408 w 3d
Hansen, Miss Anna dom 905 Harrison
Hansen, Miss Catherine H r 1523 w Locust
Hansen, Charles J r 1522 w Locust
Hansen, Chris ruler Egbert F & C bds 1048 Arlington av
Hansen, Christian wife Helen fire dept r 2005 Bowditch
Hansen, Claus W wife Emily wks U N Roberts Co r 1617 w 7th
Hansen, Miss Dora A dressmkr Mrs A Blume r 402 w 2d
Hansen, Miss Eleanor wks Dav Pearl B Co r 1522 w Locust
Hansen, Miss Eugenie r 1716 Bowditch
Hansen, Frank lab bds 512 Harrison
Hansen, Fred wife Emma carp Koltzaur & Meyers r 1825 w 5th
Hansen, George carp r 2306 Bowditch
Hansen, George wife Lizzie A lab r 2341 Fulton av
Hansen, Gustave wife Anna r 1616 Sturdevant
Hansen, Hans wife Anna lab r 2218 Rockingham rd
Hansen, Hans wife Christina r 432 w 7th
Hansen, Hans wife Clara lab r Telegraph rd nr Hickory
Hansen, Hans wife Mary driver r 1605 Prairie
Hansen, Harald I wife Margaret saloon Telegraph rd nr Indian rd r same
Hansen, Henry lab bds 731 w 3d
Hansen, Henry wife Louisa C foreman Glucose Co r 1910 w 2d
Hansen, Henry C wife Sarah r 2046 w 2d
Hansen, Henry D wife Minnie r 1522 w 7th
Hansen, Jacob H wife Lilla wks U N Roberts Co r 1028 e Locust
Hansen, Jens wife Eleanor office fixtures 212 w 4th r 1522 w Locust
Hansen, Jens J wife Annie tmstr r 1318 w 2d
Hansen, Mrs Johanna G midwife r 1612 w 2d
Hansen, John carp r Howell nr Bowditch
Hansen, John lab bds 1122 w 2d
Hansen, John lab r 2310 w 2d
Hansen, John G wife Maude marble ctr Schricker Rodler Co r 1012 w 2d
Hansen, Miss Katherine M r 1716 Bowditch
Hansen, Lorenz wife Catherine lab r 2308 Bowditch
Hansen, Louise wid Hans J r 1611 Mitchell
Hansen, Margaret wid Peter r 630 vine
Hansen, Mrs Margarete boarding house, 406-408 w 3d
Hansen, Martin B ckl H A Emets r 408 w 3d
Hansen, Miss Mary E r 2046 w 3d
Hansen, Miss Matilda dom 1055 Arlington av
Hansen, Neil wife Augusta painter r rear 910 w Front
Hansen, Nicholas wife Margaret lab r 117 Brown
Hansen, Oscar F r 408 w 3d
Hansen, Peter packer A Steffen rms 419 Harrison
Hansen, Thomas wife Sophia clk Lamp Iron Co r 1210 w 4th
Hansen, Miss Winnie A dom 208 Bridge av
Hanson, Andrew wks Arsenal bds 742 Belle av
Hanson, Miss Christena wks F Haak r 430 Marquette
Hanson, Hans H painter Newcomb Loom Co r 430 Marquette
Hanson, Herman finisher Knostman & P Furn Co r 709 e 6th
Hanson, James wife Anna E wks Tri-City Ry r 813 Iowa
Hanson, John nanitor 517 Perry
Hanson, John lab r 430 Marquette.
Hanson, John H, wife Annie M shoe mkr 430 Marquette r same
Hanson, Ole wife Carrie driller C R I & P r 820 Le Claire
Hanssen, Alfred trav agt C F Hanssen, r 505 w 9th
Hanssen, Arnold cigmkr C F Hanssen r 505 w 9th
Hanssen, Miss Alma L stenog L Hanssen's Sons, r 727 w 7th
Hanssen, Bernard C wife Alice S vice-pres Louis Hanssen's Sons, 213 w 2d r 2317
Hanssen, Charles r 830 Marquette
Hanssen, Claus F wife Mary cigmnfr 417 w 4th r 505 w 9th
Hanssen, Claus W wife Annie grocer 830 w 4th r same
Hanssen, Miss Dora r 727 w 7th
Hanssen, Miss Emma wks Dav Pearl B Co r 1637 Taney.
Hanssen, Gustav A wife Lillie, architect 51 Schmidt bldg r 124 Rusholme.
Hanssen, Miss Helen r 727 w 7th
Hanssen, Jacob wife Johanna, lab r 1637 Taney.
Hanssen, Louis harnessmkr F Kaufmann r 1637 Taney
Hanssen, Louis wife Mary r 727 w 7th
Hanssen, Louis Jr wife Paula pres Luis Hanssen's Sons 213 w 2d r 504 w 7th
Hanssen, Louis J wife Catherine propr Liberty House r 731 w 2d
Hannssen, Wm r 505 w 9th
Hanssen, Wm bds rear 1905 w 5th
Hanssen's Louis Sons. L Hanssen jr pres and treas, C E Hanssen sec, B C Hanssen
vice pres, Hardware, Seeds, and Building Paper 213-215 w 2d
Hant, John lab bds 213 Brown
Hapke, Miss Elsie music tchr r 1517 Perry
Happ, Henry C wife Bertha mach Dav F & M Co r 1526 Iowa
Happe, Wm C wife Victoria contr r 2146 w 5th
Happold, Miss Kate dom 1790 Main
Harbach, Miss Minnie r 405 w 2d
Harbeck, Adolph E wife Mary clk H A St Onge & Co r 720 w 5th
Harbeck, Miss Bertha r 1204 w 2d
Harbeck, Claus wife Lena porter Sieg Iron Co r 1204 w 2d
Harbeck, Emil bucher J M Hieber r 529 w 3d
Harbeck, Miss Frances r 925 w 7th
Harbeck, Gustav driver r 1204 2d
Harbeck, Hans wife Hannah trav agt Sickels Preston & Nutting Co r 925 w 7th
Harbeck, Henry wife Emma saloon 1132 w 2d r same
Harbeck, Henry jr wife Minnie musician r 1141 w 2d
Harbeck, Louis cigmkr A Fersch r 1132 w 2d
Harbeck, Max wife Wilhelmina (Tri City Roller Mills) 414 Harrison r 529 w 3d
Harbeck, Oscar R clk Sickels Preston & Nutting Co r 925 w 7th
Harbeck, Otto miller Tri-City Roller Mills 112 Harrison
Harbeck & Petersen, proprs Tri-City Roller Mills 112 Harrison
Hard, Charles C wks Dav Pearl B Co r 1605 w 2d
Hard, Henrietta C wife C J r 1605 w 2d
Harderich, Margaret wid John C r 1375 Sturdevant
Hardens, Miss Alma dom 1219 Brady
Harders, Christ wife Sarah driver r 2121 Sycamore.
Harding, Miss Alice, r 1915 Rockingham rd
Harding, George (col) waiter Kimball House
Harding, Harold wife Carrie, salesman r 1702 Main
Harding, John wks S T Doyle bds 2808 Brady
Harding, John (John Harding & Co) 228 Brady rms 414 1/2 w 3d
Harding, John & Co (John Harding H A Emeis) druggists, 228 Brady
Hardman, James E , reporter The Times, rms 73? e 1?th
Hardsberg, Miss Kate, dom 1719 Farnam
Hare, Edward waiter S B Anderson rms 634 e 6th
Harfat, Diedrich J, draftsman G A Hanssen r 430 1/2 w 3d
Harfat, Meta wid John r 430 1/2 w 3d
Hargens, Miss Alma r 101 Warren
Hargens, Hans, wife Johanna salesman H Sindt r 101 Warren
Hargens, Miss Olga r 101 Warren
Harker, George wife Josephine, wks Canning Co r 1937 w 4th
Harkert, Adolph cigmkr Harkert & Co r 913 Vine
Harkert, Carl wks Christian Mueller & Sons r 1113 w 4th
Harkert, Hans wife Hulda (Harkert & Co) 922 w 2d r 913 Vine
Harkert, John wife Minnie tmstr r 1113 w 4th
Harkert, Otto trav agt Raphael Co r Rock Island, Ill.
Harkert, Richard r 913 Vine
Harkert, Theo. wks Seiffert & Wiese L Co r 1113 w 4th
Harkert & Co (Hans Harkert) cigmkr 922 w 2d
Harloff, Benj F wife Lena r 1301 w 3d
Harloff, Theodore wife Augusta C packer Lorenzen Co r 1204 w 3d
Harlow, Miss Laura seamstress r 550 College av
Harlow, Nancy wid D H r 550 College av
Harman, Frank W bartndr r 1601 Harrison
Harman, Miss Kate L r 1601 Harrison
Harman, Louis J wife Ada F butcher E C Goenne r 1201 Harrison
Harman, Theo wife Caroline saloon 1601 Harrison r same
Harmon, James wks REimers & Reimer r 1707 w 2d
Harmon, Lloyd H r Locust nr Broadway
Harmon, Margaret A wid Harvey r Locust nr Broadway
Harmon, Mortimer L lab r 1707 w 2d
Harms, Miss Ella S H r 518 Christie
Harms, Miss Emma D A r 518 Christie
Harms, Henry r 1107 w 3d
Harms, John P F, wks Lindsay & Phelps r 518 Christie
Harms, John S shoemkr 1415 Union r same
Harms, Mrs Mary cook G Becker r 101 e 2d
Harms, Wm J A r 518 Christie
March 17, 1900
Harned, Roland H, vice-pres Harned & Von Maur, 223 w 2d r Peoria, Ill.
Harned & Von Maur (inc), C J Von Maur pres R H Harned vice-pres H W Von Mur
sec and treas proprs Boston Store 223 w 2d
Harp, Miss F Mae r 129 Wall
Harp, Wm, wife Emma oysters 226 e 3d r 129 Wall
Harper House, Harper House proprs 1822 to 1888 2d av Rock Island, Ill.
Harper, Miss Mary A r 1221 Arlington av
Harper, Wm C cigmkr bds 220 Ripley
Harper, Wm H bds 518 Main
Harrigan, Dennis J mach opr Metal Wheel Co r 224 e 17th
Harrigan, John lather r 224 e 17th
Harrigan, Miss Josie A, cigmkr O Albrecht Co r 224 e 17th
Harrigan, Wm wife Mary r 224 e 17th
Harrington, Miss Alice B r 1042 w 3d
Harrington, Frank wks Arsenal r 2425 Farnam
Harrington, George A wife Emma fireman Brammer Mnfg Co r 822 w 3d
Harrington, James (col) wife Emma E porter C R I & P r 1921 Ida av
Harrington, John wife Ellen marble polisher r 618 Colorado
Harrington, Joseph J blksmith r 2425 Farnam
Harrington, Miss Margaret r 618 Colorado
Harrington, Miss Margaret J r 2425 Farnam
Harrington, Michael wife Catherine marble polisher r 2426 Farnam
Harrington, Thomas J lab r 1042 w 3d
Harrington, Wm L wife Matilda wks Dav. Steam Heating Co r 824 w 3d
Harris, Miss Clara H r 1207 Tremont av
Harris, Elizabeth J wid Josiah r 1331 Carey av
Harris, Frank B paperhngr r 217 e 10th
Harris, Miss Myrtle clk The Famous r 217 e 10th
Harris, Samuel wife Augusta M foreman C R I & P r 1207 Tremont av
Harris, Wm E wife Julia woodwkr Mason Crgo Wks r 206 w 5th
Harris, Wm H (col) wife Mary F lab r 319 w 10th
Harrison, Charles E wife Lucy E pharmacist J H Harrison r 501 Bridge av
Harrison, Charles E reporter The Leader, r 501 Bridge av
Harrison, Charles N wife Caroline Register Life Annuity Ins Co r 428 Davie
Harrison, Miss Cora S stenog W H Spider & Son r 1711 Grand av
Harrison, Edward R clk C M & St P r 1711 Grand av
Harrison, Miss Frances E r 1711 Grand av
Harrison, George r 518 e 10th
Harrison, Geo R brushmkr Arsenal r 428 Davie
Harrison, Jacob H wife Frances e propr Harrison's Pharmacy 312 Brady r 1711
Grand av
Harrison, James F wife Margaret A Dav agt Sickels, Preston & Nutting Co r
902 Farnam
Harrison, Miss Julia Anna r 1711 Grand av
Harrison, J Hugh r 501 Bridge av
Harrison, Miss Kate r 732 Rock Island
Harrison, Lee (or Leo) S wife ??? supt Glucose Co bds Kimball House
Harrison, Miss Lydia stenog Sickels, Preston & Nutting Co r 732 Rock Island
Harrison, Mrs Mary F 518 e 10th
Harrison, Miss Mary E register ckl P O r 1711 Grand av
Harrison, Miss Mayme music tchr r 732 Rock Island
Harrison, Michael bartndr Hotel Downs
Harrison, Murray M r Kimball House
Harrison, Miss Sarah H r 1711 Grand av
Harrison, Thomas wife Anna clk r 732 Rock Island
Harrison, Ward student r Kimball House
Harrison, Wm C clk J H Harrison r 1711 Grand av
Harrison, Wm. H (Gorman & Harrison) 301 Perry r same
Harrison's Pharmacy J H Harrison Propr 312 Brady tel 229
Harsch, Emanuel wife Christine C r 1323 Marquette
Harsch, Miss Lena S r 1323 Marquette
Harson, Burt clk rms 733 e 6th
Hart, Ann wid John r 2223 Cherry
Hart, Charles E trav agt r 715 Iowa
Hart, Edward wife Catherine wks C R I & P r 827 Iowa
Hart, Eugene O r rear 1006 E Front
Hart, James H wks Bett Axle Co r Harrison nr city limits
Hart, John T wife Cora B fireman Dav. Water Co r 804 w 15th
Hart, Leedon (col) wife Kate, r 2320 Grand av
Hart, Michael wife Bertha M wks C R I & P r 523 Esplanade av
Hart, Owen r rear 1006 e Front
Hart, Patterson F wife Cecil W motorman Tri-City Ry Co r 226 w 16th
Hart, Wm A wife Minnie bartndr r 513 Perry
Hart, Wm H (col) lab bds 636 e Laurel
Harte, Joseph H barber r 412 e 8th
Harte, Miss Julia B stenog, r 122 e 17th
Harte, Miss Lyle M r 412 e 8th
Harte, Mrs Mary E nurse r 122 e 11th
Harte, Mary E wid James r 412 e 8th
Harte, Ralph E wks Metal Wheel Co r 122 e 11th
Harte, Miss Sadie G r 412 e 8th
Harte, Samuel L clk The Fair r 122 e 11th
Harte, Wm J wife Mary E upholstr 122 e 11th r same
Harter, Frank wife Jennie mngr Tri-City Furn Repair Co 108 Brown r 806 w Front
Hartfields, Abraham wife Annie peddler r 613 w 4th
Hartig, Charles wife Mary wks Arsenal r 619 e 4th
Hartjens, Harry B trav agt r 1604 Arlington av
Hartkop, Miss Elsie clk Petersen's Sons r 717 Warren
Hartkop, Fred A wife Elizabeth r 717 Warren
Hartkop, Henry coffee roaster Van Patten & Marks r 717 Warren
Hartkop, Wm wife Helen, driller r 822 w 8th
Hartley, Bridget wid Wm r 742 w High
Hartley, Henry clk Walker House r same
Hartley, Wm painter r 742 w High
Hartman, Adam wife Theresa confctr 730 Hennepin r same
Hartman, Miss Emma F r 1209 Arlington av
Hartman, John R wife Mary M inventor r 1226 LeClaire
Hartman, Joseph lab r 1103 e Locust
Hartman, Miss Julia asst Dr J R Kulp r Rock Island Ill.
Hartman, J Roy stenog Io Tel Co r 1209 Arlington av
Hartman, Miss Martha C r 522 Summit
Hartman, Mrs Mary r Mercy hospital
Hartman, Mary J wid Daniel r 1209 Arlington av
Hartman, Miss Sallie A housekpr St Katharine's hall r same
Hartmann, Alban A wks U N Roberts Co r 715 Marquette
Hartmann, Alphonse N carp r 715 Marquette
Hartmann, Anis painter C R I & P bds 552 Summit
Hartmann, Miss Anna C dressmkr r 415 Warren
Hartmann, Miss Clara M dom 741 Brady
Hartmann, Claus wife Lucy L lab r 803 Esplanade av
Hartmann, Eva wid Hans r 415 Warren
Hartmann, Hans wife Martha sawyer r 552 Summit
Hartmann, Henry D wife Matilda M lab r 535 Esplanade av
Hartmann, Severin wife Martha r 715 Marquette
Hartmann, Severin jr wife Ida cooper Glucose co r Rockingham rd nr Bismark
Hartmann, Wm F wife Hannah trav agt r 9 Linden flats
Hartness, Bertram B salesman Weyerhaeuser & D bds 731 e 6th
Hartson, Laura A wid Alfred r 221 e 10th
Hartsook, Amon J agt bds 2426 Grand av
Hartsook, Daniel lab r 2426 Grand av
Hartsook, Miss Harrie N r 2426 Grand av
Hartsook, Lloyd N lab r 2426 Grand av
Hartung, Albert wife Louise bartndr r 2214 Eddy
Hartung, Charles W wife Julia musician r 1528 South
Hartung, Edward wife Augusta cigmkr H Sindt r 718 DeSoto
Hartung, Frank F wife Anna cigmkr C E Flick r 1425 Prairie
Hartung, Henry wife Emma bartndr I E Mallette r 409 Western av
Hartwig, Albert wife Caroline undertaker and embalmer 426 w 2d r same
Hartwig, Mrs Caroline, propr Western House, r same
Hartwig, Charles watchman Schuetzen Park, r same
Hartwig, Miss Emma r 426 w 2d
Hartwig, Julius A wife Theresa undertaker A Hartwig r 308 Scott
Hartwig, Wm r 426 w 2d
Hartigsen, Christ wife Mary janitor St Ambrose College r 928 Farnam
Hartz, Adolph wife Bertha butcher Tri-City P & P Co r 516 DeSoto
Hartz, Miss Anna r 1220 w 7th
Hartz, August wks Arsenal r 1328 w 6th
Hartz, Charles clk Petersen's Sons r 1328 w 6th
Hartz, Charlotte widow Christian r 1328 w 6th
Hartz, Mrs Emma vice-press O Albrecht Co 306 w 2d r 717 w 8th
Hartz, Henry D wife Sophia r 1230 w 7th
Hartz, Herman wife Maggie barber 12 Masonic Temple r 729 w 3d
Hartz, Jacob wife Emma wks Christian Mueller & Sons r 1502 Sturdevant
Hartz, John H wife Amelia C r 1803 Washington
Hartz, Otto tmstr Tri-City P & P Co bds 431 w 2d
Hartz, Peter farmer r w Locust nr limits
Hartz, Miss Paula r 717 w 8th
Hartz, Theo wife Emma sec O Albrecht Co 306 w 2d r 717 w 8th
Hasch, Miss Alvina r 1608 w 6th
Hasch, Miss Bertha wks Stearns Paint Co r 1608 w 6th
Hasch, Miss Delia wks Goos & Co r 1608 w 6th
Hasch, Fred wife Lena r 1222 w 7th
Hasch, Jacob, wife Helen lab r 1608 w 6th
Hasch, John L wife Annie clk Martin-Woods Co r 821 w 15th
Hasch, Louis wife Catherine lino opr The Times r 1511 w 7th
Hasch, Miss Malane r 1118 w 2d
Hasch, Miss Minnie r 1118 w 2d
Hasch, Peter wife Anna (Ehlers & Hasch) 328 Harrison r 1118 w 2d
Hasch, Theodore wks Martin-Woods Co r 1118 w 2d
Hasch, Miss Tillie wks Dav Pearl B Co r 1118 w 2d
Hasenfuss, Miss Elizabeth r 512 w 8th
Haskell, Thomas A architect rms 222 e 3d
Haskin, Charles wife Alice M livery 117 w 4th r 104 w 18th
Haskin, Miss Edna C r 104 w 8th
Haskin, Henry wife Mary salesman Lindsay & Phelps r 601 Belle av
Haskin, H LeRoy collr r 601 Belle av
Hasler, Henry wife Susanna r 406 w 6th
Hasler, Julius C teller Dav Nat Bank r 1435 w 3d
Hass (See also Haas)
Hass, Albert H clk Dav Cigar Box Co r 620 w 4th
Hass, Angel wid Frederick r 1618 Leonard
Hass, Anna wid C H r 1134 w 2d
Hass, Miss Anna H dressmkr r 521 w 4th
Hass, August carp r 1001 w 3d
Hass, Carl B wife Emma cond Tri-City Ry Co r 1034 w 9th
Hass, Carl F wife Winnie M (Hass & Hamann) 16 Masonic Temple r 932 w 8th
Hass, Carl M B r 627 w 2d
Hass, Charles wife Augusta wks Seifert & Wiese L Co r 914 w 2d
Hass, Miss Clara wks Woolen Mills r 1134 w 2d
Hass, Dora wid Detlef r 424 Alma av
Hass, Miss Dorothea r 1541 w 3d
Hass, Miss Ella dressmkr Mrs A Blume r 621 Harrison
Hass, Emil H wife Marie wks Arsenal r 703 Harrison
Hass, Miss Emma dressmkr r 1134 w 2d
Hass, Frank wks Model Laundry r 619 w 4th
Hass, Frank wife Amelia lab r Lincoln av nr Rockingham rd
Hass, Fred wife Matilda mach opr Metal Wheel Co r 1541 w 3d
Hass, Henry mustard mnfr 620 w 4th r same
Hass, Henry police r 1004 w 2d
Hass, Henry B wife Ettie clk Boston Store r 502 w 17th
Hass, Henry wife Ida shoemkr 621 Harrison r same
Hass, Henry W wife Amelia wks H Kohrs P Co r 1823 w 8th
Hass, Miss Jennie wks N Kuhnen Co r 1010 Western av
Hass, John H wife Emma E cashier Scott Co Savings Bank Brady nw cor 3d and sec
Walsh Construction Co r 1011 Main
Hass, Julius wife Mamie carp r 1001 w 3d
Hass, Lena wid August r 1001 w 3d
Hass, Louis wife Emma carp r 1536 Rockingham rd
Hass, Mrs Mary cigmkr O Albrecht Co r 1010 Western av
Hass, Ray H wks Lee B & D Co r 703 Harrison
Hass, Miss Thekla r 914 w 2d
Hass, Thomas F wife Carrie V H r 1101 w 13th
Hass, Walter wife Hannah carp r 611 Harrison
Hass & Hamann (C F Hass A W Hamann) lawyers 16 Masonic Temple
Hassel, John M wife Maggie A 1505 Rockingham rd
Hasselmann, Karl wife Laura (Hasselmann & Co) 316 w 2d r 1335 Gaines
Hasselmann & Co (Karl Hasselman, Bruno Zoeckler) blank books, 316 w 2d
Hassett, Miss Amanda D clk Petersen's Sons, r 123 Cambria
Hassett, James M wife Ida M foreman r 720 Belle av
Hassett, Miss Margaret B wks Woolen Mills r 1930 Eddy
Hassett, Martin wife Josephine mach Glucose Co r 726 Division
Hassett, Miss Mary clk Petersen's Sons r 1930 Eddy
Hassett, Patrick, r 1930 Eddy
Hassett, Patrick J wife Johanna C eng C M & St P r 512 e 8th
Hassler (See Hasler also Haessler)
Hassler, Miss Amelia J wks Lee B & D Co r 1535 Rockingham rd
Hassler, Miss Lena P r 1535 Rockingham rd
Hassler, Miss Theresa M wks Boepple Button Co r 1535 Rockingham rd
Hasson, Arthur W wife Grace wks Impl Mnfg Co r 508 Farnam
Hasson, Edward R wife Louisa B printer Democrat r 2028 Harrison
Hasson, Miss Flora A music tchr r 1319 Ripley
Hasson, Mrs. Grace cigmkr Raphael & Co bds 322 Rock Island
Hasson, Harry A printer, r 1319 Ripley
Hasson, Harry M r 508 Farnam
Hasson, James M wife Rose A printer r 508 Farnam
Hasson, John W wife Margaret foreman Democrat r 1319 Ripley
Hasson, Julius wife Anna mach opr Metal Wheel Co bds 731 w 2d
Hasson, Louis wife Clara lab r 628 Marquette
Hasson, Miss May E tel opr Io Tel Co r 1319 Ripley
Hastings, Harry photog rms 1321 Brady
Hastings, Nellie wid Frank dom 1016 Fremont av
Hastings, Wm wife Deborah harness mkr Sears-Frizzell Co r 611 w 2d
Hatch, Lawson W wife Minnie R mngr Io Tel Co r 1728 Park av
Hatcher, Edward (col) lab r 617 Bridge av
Hathaway, Arthur D trav agt Amazon Vinegar Wks r 1427 LeClaire
Hathaway, Miss Nettie A tchr Sch No ?? r 715 e 15th
Hathaway, Mrs. Nettie F r 715 e 15th
Hathaway, Miss Rose M r 1427 LeClaire
Hathaway, Wm W artist r 1830 Summit av
Hauck (See also Haak)
Hauck, Frank J metal wkr C G Hipwell, rms 502 Brady
Hauck, Rudolph H wife Mary E bkpr A Steffen r 1628 Ripley
Hauer (See also Heuer)
Hauer, Louisa M wid Gottfried, r 303 Harrison
Hauer, Matthias wife Johanna carp r 307 Fillmore
Haugh, Cornelius wife Bridget stonectr r 1724 w 4th
Haugh, Cornelius jr lab r 1724 w 4th
Haugh, Dennis wife Bridget lab r 427 Davie
Haugh, Miss Gertrude, dom 1423 Perry
Haugh, Granville C wife Mary S photog 205 1/2 Main r 1214 w 4th
Haugh, James F clk P Haugh r 812 Rock Island
Haugh, John wks Dav F & M Co r 1724 w 4th
Haugh, Miss Catherine B wks F Haak, r 1724 w 4th
Haugh, Miss Maggie A r 1724 w 4th
Haugh, Martin lab r 1724 w 4th
Haugh, Miss Mary r 229 e 6th
Haugh, Miss Mary A r 812 Rock Island
Haugh, Miss Mary M wks F Haak r 1724 w 4th
Haugh, Patrick wife Julia grocer 229 e 6th r 812 Rockingham
Hauk, Miss Ethel waitress Walker House r same
Haupt, Appolonia wid Henry r Harrison nr city limits
Haupt, Christiana wid Peter r 1430 Leonard
Hauschild, Christiana wid Detlef r 705 w 2d
Hauschild, Rudolph C bartndr C F Frohboese bds 220 Green
Hauschildt, Adolph wife Doris saloon 310 Harrison r same
Hauschildt, Carl bartndr A Hauschildt r 310 Harrison
Hauschildt, John C wife Emma carp r 1018 w 2d
Hause, George jr wife Emma lab r Elm ne cor Broadway
Hausser, Herman wife Augusta musician r 820 Warren
Havalatka, Wenzel wife Magdalena watchman Woolen Mills r 517 College av
Havens, George T wife Annie M pres Havens & Brockmann Coffee Co 416 Harrison
r 1315 Farnam
Havens, Henry A wife Mary J salesman r 737 w 17th
Havens, Miss Pearl L r 1315 Farnam
Havens S Sanford r 727 w 17th
Havens & Brockmann Coffee Co G T Havens pres and mngr, John Brockmann jr
vice pres, Albert Brockmann sec and treas, 416 Harrison
Hawk, Walter lab r 308 Brady
Hawkeye Elevator Co The, D H Stuhrs pres, J H Hall vice pres and sec, E W Stuhr
treas 26 Masonic Temple
Hawkins, George H (col) wife Eunice bartndr W S Ransom r 319 e 2d
Hawkinson, Andrew wife Maggie cutter T McCulloughs Sons r 224 e 9th
Hawley, Alzina R wid Albert nurse r 1023 e 14th
Hawley, Henry M wife Mary supt People's Light Co ?16 Brady r 1229 Rock Island
Hawthore, Miss Addie bds 106 Rock Island
Hawthore, Miss ? bds ??? Rock Island
Hay, Wm. J., wife Alice A. butcher The Fair, r e Locust nr city limits.
Hayek, Wenell, wife Mary, button cutter r 529 Mississippi av
Hayes, Albert G driver Buck & Co r 622 e 6th
Hayes, Emory B trav agt Sieg Iron Co bds St. James Hotel
Hayes, James S wife Mary A r Middle rd nr city limits
Hayes, James cigars 309 Brady r 622 e 6th
Hayes, Lurette G wife Angela latch mnfr 1009 Victor r same
Hayes, Miss Mary E r 622 e 6th
Hayes, Richard R clk J T Hayes r 622 e 6th
Hayford, Clyde H butcher Robeson & Sons r 619 e Locust
Hayford, F Leslie r 619 e Locust
Hayford, Miss Kate r 619 e Locust
Hayford, Miss Maud B r 619 e Locust
Hayward, Bert W wife Claire r 420 Mississippi av
Hayward, Miss Ellen r 202 Bridge av
Hayward, Eugene B wife Ellen E pres Eagle Lumber Co 17 Masonic Temple, r 202
Bridge av
Hayward, Roy S r 420 Mississippi av
Hayward Timber Co G W Cable pres. E.B Hayward sec and treas. 17 Masonic Temple
Hayward, Verner E r 420 Mississippi av
Hayward, Wm C wife Della M sec Riverside Milling Co r 420 Mississippi av
Hayward, Wm J r 146 Bridge av
Hazel, Percy bds 324 e 4th
Head, F. A., vice pres Implement Mnfg Co 512 e 4th r Rock Island, Ill.
Headquarters Fire Department, P M Gilloley chief 117 Perry
Heald, Miss Clara seamsress r 1526 Bridge av
Heald, Levi S wife Emma (Parry & Heald) Eastern av nr Elm r 1524 Bridge av
Healey, Matthew J wife Augusta wks Dav Water Co r 1920 Summit av
Healey, Michael wife Anna wks Bett Axle Co r 1732 Eola
Healey, Mrs Nellie r 316 e Front
Healey, Thomas M wife Ella foreman Dav Water Co r 510 w 17th
Health Officer, C N Jessen 2d fl City Hall
Healless, Geo E wife Elizabeth packer r 1813 w 5th
Healy, Mrs. Belle wks F haak rms 220 w 6th
Healy, Miss C Leola wks F haak r 220 w 6th
Healy, W H trav agt Bett Axle Co r Des Moines, Io.
Heaney, Charles r 423 e 9th
Heaney, John wks Arsenal r 423 e 9th
Heaney, Philip wife Ellen wks Arsenal r 423 e 9th
Hearn, Richard M wife Ella E mach r 427 e 7th
Hearn, Charles B lab r 806 e Locust
Hearn, Miss Emma milliner bds 714 Main
Hearn, George C lab r 806 e Locust
Hearn, Miss Ida B r 806 e Locust
Hearn, Mary J wid James r 806 e Locust
Hearn, Wm contr r 1730 Park av
Hearn, Wm L wife Mary D steamftr Cory & W r 224 w 14th
Heaton, Miss Alice cigmkr Raphael Co r 818 Main
Hebbel, Charles wife Minnie wks Glucose Co r Telegraph rd nr Rose Hill lane.
Hebbel, Henry wife Josie collmkr r Telegraph rd nr Rose Hill lane
Hebbel, Lena wid Claus r Telegraph rd nr Rose Hill lane
Hebbeln, Henry, wife Josie, collarmkr, r Telegraph rd nr Rose Hill lane
Hebbeln, Lena wid Claus r TElegraph rd nr Rose Hill lane
Hebbeln Bros (C H and H J) Button Mnfrs, rear 1302 w 6th
Hebbeln, Elizabeth wid Jacob r 321 Western av
Hebbeln, Hans J (Hebbeln Bros) rear 1302 w 6th r ??9 w 2d
Hebbeln, Henry wks Dav Mnfg Co r 1904 Marquette
Hebbeln, Jacob wife Clara musician r 321 Western av
Hebbeln, John, wife Dora C mach r 1421 Marquette
Hebbeln, John wife Emma tmstr r 1904 Marquette
Hebbeln, Rudolph wife Anna carpet weaver 1601 Washington r 1628 Union
Hebbeln, Rudolph, painter bds 1302 w 6th
Hebbeln, Wm wife Minnie painter r 1503 Union
Heberer, George wife Emma J molder, 822 Main
Hebert, Joseph L wife Mary r 128 Kirkwood boul
Heckel, Miss Cordie B r 10 Putnam bldg
Heden, August N wife Caroline harnessmkr Arsenal r 1430 Bridge av
Heden, Miss Emma tchr Sch No 4, 1430 Bridge av
Heden, Philip E painter C R I & P r 1430 Bridge av
Hederman, David wife Kate r 1816 w 4th
Heeb, Frank wife Dora painter C R I & P r 410 Brown
Heede, Miss Carrie K, r 1439 Marshall
Heede, Miss Emma r 1439 Marshall
Heede, Miss Lillie M r 1439 Marshall
Heeney, Ann wid Michael r 417 w 8th
Heeney, Miss Bridget wks N Kuhnen Co r 417 w 8th
Heeney, Conrad M r 1616 Prospect lane
Heeney, Miss Elizabeth cigmkr Raphael Co r 417 w 8th
Heeney, John J stone ctr r 2116 Ripley
Heeney, John M r 417 w 8th
Heeney, Miss Margaret A r 2116 Ripley
Heeney, Miss Mary F r 2126 Ripley
Heeney, Miss Mary M, wks Woolen Mills, r 1616 Prospect lane
Heeney, Michael M wife Emma M capt Hose Co No 2 r 1616 Prospect lane
Heeney, Miss Nellie J r 417 w 8th
Heeney, Thomas F wife Bridget r 2116 Ripley
Heeney, W bell boy Kimball House r same
Heesch, Miss Cara seamstress Mrs. P Rohde r 713 w 4th
Heesch, Henry hostler rms 402 w 2d
Heesch, Wm wife Mary E clk Petersen's Sons r 703 w 4th
Heesch, Wm F clk Sickels, Preston & Nutting Co r 713 w 4th
Heesch's Hall, Adolph Buesing propr 703 w 3d
Heeschen, Miss Bertha dom 314 e 3d
Heeschen, Conrad M r 913 w 6th
Heeschen, Diederich wife Catherine tailor 307 Brady r 913 w 6th
Heeschen, Henry lab r 705 w High
Heffel?nger, Sophie R wid Jacob r 1606 Brady
Hefferon, Michael r 812 Case
Heffron, Joseph, wife Annie eng Red Jacket Mnfg Co r 714 w 14th
Hefner, Miss Mollie r 312 LeClaire
Hegenberger, Edward, wife Julia C wks Glucose Co r 908 w 3d
Hegenberger, George, wife May, carriagemkr, 311 3d r same
Hegenberger, Miss Grace May, r 1306 w 3d
Hegenberger, Wm, blksmith G Hegenberger, r 313 w 3d
Hehnke, Miss Kate, dom r 2916 Harrison
Hehnke, Peter J wife Sophia wks Metal Wheel Co r 1501 w 6th
Heick, Alfred r 811 Ripley
Heick, Miss Alvina, wks Reimers & f Co r 811 Ripley
Heick, Henry wife Matilda, finisher Voss Bros. r 811 Ripley
Heick, Henry jr pressman Bett Axle Co r 811 Ripley
Heick, Wm J wife Mary trav agt r 424 w 2d
Heidenriech, Caroline wid Jacob r 1314 w 8th
Heidenriech, Miss Minnie r 1314 w 8th
Heidt, Charles, wks Glucose Co r Rockingham rd nr limits.
Helm, Ernestina wid Charles r 1411 Prairie
Helm, Eugene L clk H Helm r 726 w 5th
Helm, Ferd driver r 1513 Leonard
Helm, Fred R bkpr H Helm r 726 w 5th
Helm, George clk rms 226 Perry
Helm, Henry furniture 323 w 2d r 326 w 5th
Heingertner, Phillip wife Hattie cutter Jones Bros Co r 405 Belle
Heinsfurter, Henry H wife Fannie clothing r 430 1/2 w 3d
Heinz, Miss Alice m r 920 w 7th
Heinz, Miss Caorline C r 1130 w 5th
Heinz, Miss Flora H r 920 w 7th
Heinz, Fred wife Wilhelmina (Heinz & Fisher) 218 1/2 Harrison and pres
Farmers & Mechanics Sav bank r 920 w 7th
Heinz, John wife Emma clk Heinz & Fisher and U S Gauger, 218 Harrison r same
Heinz, John wife Mary r 509 1/2 Warren
Heinz, Margaret wid Bonaventure, r 1130 w 5th
Heinz, Nicholas J baker R Fabricus jr r 509 1/2 Western av
Heinz, Miss Zella F r 920 w 7th
Heinz & Fisher, (Fred Heinz L M Fisher) lawyers and loans 218 1/2 Harrison
Heinzan, August lab r 2218 Rockingham rd
Heisel, Mrs Anna wks R Krause Co r Rock Island, Ill.
Heitahrend, Miss Zayda clk Boston Store r Rock Island Ill.
Heitman, George clk Germania House
Heitman, Henry N wife Anna r 1020 Harrison
Heitzman, Albert printer Iowa Reform r 613 DeSoto
Helbig, Fred clk O Helbig r 329 e 4th
Helbig, George W clk O Helbig r 329 e 4th
Helbig, Miss Louisa cah O Helbig r 329 e 4th
Helbig, Otto wife Caroline meatmkt 329 e 4th r same
Helfrich, George lab r 2003 Bowditch
Helfrich, John wife Anna driver Tri-City P & P Co r 2003 Bowditch
Helfrich, John wks Weyerhauser & D bds 409 w 3d
Helfrich, Miss Mary r 2012 w 2d
Hell, Claus wife Catherine r 705 w 6th
Hell, John jr wife Margaret contr 1724 w 7th r same
Hell, Wm A wife Annie contr r 1219 1/2 w 2d
Heller, Wm., lab r 1538 South
Hellerich, Miss Dora clk Hinrichs Crockery Co r 621 w 14th
Hellerich, John N wife Kate r 621 w 14th
Hellerich, Miss Matilda tchr Sch No 3 r 631 w 14th
Hellerich, Miss Mattie r 621 w 14th
Helmel, Wm wife Mary saloon 1816 Rockingham rd r same
Helmer, Arthur C clk Ry M S rms 1031 Brady
Helmer, Orlando H clk Ry M S rms 1031 Brady
Helmick, John M wife Mary E (Helmick & Boudinot) 214 1/2 Brady and H S
Referee in Bankruptcy 1702 Farnam
Helmick & Boudinot (J M Helmick H S Boudinot) lawyers, 214 1/2 Brady
Helmig, Henry J mach Bett Axle Co r 402 e 6th
Helmley, George wife Maggie M harnessmkr r 825 e Front
Hemmingberg, Gust F wife Selma A shoemkr 225 e 4th r same
Hemmingberg, G Edward trimmer Mason Crrge Wks r 225 e 4th
Hempel, Detlef wife Marie r 327 Fillmore
Hempel, Frank driver H Kohrs P Co 327 Fillmore
Hempern, Miss Mary wks N Kuhnen Co r 1723 Agnes lane
Hemphill, James A cigmkr F Haak r 220 w 5th
Hemsworth, Abraham r 2019 Farnam
Hemsworth, Julia A wid Abraham r 618 e Laurel
Hendele, Bernard wife Caroline wks Arsenal r Jersey Ridge rd nr Elm
Hender, Alfred B, wife Louie, r 1212 Perry
Hender, Miss Amy Y r 1221 Tremont
Hender, Walter wife Sarah r 1212 Perry
Hender, Walter E wife Anna E tinner W H Hender r 1211 Grand av
Hender, Wm H wife Margaret B stoves 219 Brady r 1221 Tremont av
Henderson, Charles E printer r 403 Brady
Henderson, Clarence E wife Louise, wks Arsenal r 916 w 8th
Henderson, Miss Elizabeth (col) r rear 731 Harrison
Henderson, Frank M wife Sarah K watchman Soldiers Orphans' Home r 839 e 15th
Henderson, Fred lab r 311 Ripley
Henecke, Miss Marie D dom 712 w 2d
Henehan, Miss Anna E tchr r 804 w 14th
Henehan, Edward O r 804 w 14th
Henehan, Miss Ella wks R Krause Co r 918 Ripley
Henehan, John J r 804 w 14th
Henehan, Miss Kate M clk The Fair r 801 w 14th
Henehan, Miss Louise W tchr r 804 w 14th
Henehan, Miss Mary E, tchr r 804 w 14th
Henehan, Patrick J wife Catherine A carp r 804 w 14th
Heningbaum, Adolph sec Dav Furn & Capt Co 326 Brady r 2 Linden Flats
Heningbaum, Elizabeth wid Adolph r 2 Linden Flats
Heningbaum, Fred C wife Laura L vice pres Dav Furn & Cpt Co 326 Brady r 2
Linden Flats
Heningbaum, Miss Louise r 2 Linden Flats
Heningbaum, Wm J wife Lydia treas Dav Furn & Cpt Co 326 Brady r 1720 Perry
Henke, Frank wife Bertha L (Ke?ing, Henke & Co) 212 w 4th r 1330 Franklin
Henke, Henry cigmkr L Miller bds 330 Division
Henkel, Herman T wife Clara wks Glucose Co r 1319 w 7th
Henkel, Hugo r 1319 w 7th
Henkel, Max wife Ida A brewmaster Ind Malting Co r 2012 w 2d
Hen Lee Laundry, 411 Brady r same
Henley ( see also Handley and Hanley)
Henley, Hadley M wife Ella Y lawyer 30 Masonic Temple r 311 Kirkwood boul
Henley, Jesse L wife Sarah B r 1505 Rock Island
Henley, Miss Nellie r 311 Kirkwood boul
Henne, Frank wife Augusta J wks Metal Wheel Co r 2633 Brady
Hennegan, Michael E wks Metal Wheel Co bds 418 e 8th
Hennessy, Miss Mary, wks St. James Hotel
Hennessy, Patrick, wife Elizabeth, lab r 1132 w 3d
Hennessy, Wm J lab r 1132 w 3d
Hennessey, W Patrick, wife Hannah horse dealer rear 213 Perry r 1332 LeClaire
Henning, Euphemia, wid Michael r 1324 w 7th
Henning, Michael wks F Mengel r 1324 w 7th
Henninger, B Frank wife Kate driver r 2802 Dubuque rd
Henninger, Charles A wks F A ?? r 2802 Dubuque rd
Henninger, Harry F wks C Dunn??? r 2802 Dubuque rd
Henninger, Sarah J wid Andrew r 686 w 14th
Hennings, Miss Adelia r 2238 Fulton av
Hennings, August lab r 1503 w 7th
Hennings, Gustav clk C Kuehl r 2238 Fulton av
Hennings, Henry wife Dora bkpr r 2238 Fulton av
Hennings, Henry wife Christiana, contr r 1502 w 7th
Hennings, Henry jr carp r 1502 w 7th
Hennings, Henry P clk F Dadler Co r 2238 Fulton av
Hennings, Jacob mach opr Metal Wheel Co r 1502 w 7th
Hennings, Miss Marie r 610 w 2d
Henningsen, Christ carp C R I & P bds 408 Main
Henningsen, John waiter Dav Turner Hall club r 501 w 3d
Henry, Albert W upholstr A J Smith & Son r Rock Island Ill.
Henry, Miss Anna M dressmkr r 1524 Rock Island
Henry, Fannie, wid Frank dressmkr r 317 w 4th
Henry, Frank T wife Jennie I cond Tri City Ry Co r 24 Ryan blk
Henry, Fred W lab r 110 w 18th
Henry, John (col) wife Maggie lab r 2112 Cherry
Henry, Joseph F wife Helen M agt r 110 w 18th
Henry, Miss Mae C r 317 w 4th
Henry, Miss Mary T r 110 w 18th
Henry, Wm plasterer r 509 Brady
Hensch, Emil H carp r Hancock av nr Lincoln av
Hensch, Henry wife Emma grocer Hancock av nr Lincoln av r same
Hensche, Charles r 1744 w 6th
Hensche, Mary wid Charles r 215 Green
Henschen, D Henry foreman Wayerhauser & D r Hickory Grove rd nr Duck Creek
Henschen, Ferd A wife Amelia L lab r 1344 w Locust
Henselmann, Fred jr driver r 1116 Marquette
Henselmann, Fred, wife Mary A r 1116 Marquette
Hensen, Miss Christiana, tchr Sch No 5 r 910 w 3d
Hensen, Daniel r 22 1/2 Brown
Hensen, Elizabeth wid Frederick r ??? w 2d
Hensen, Miss Elizabeth C r 910 w 3d
Hensen, John wife Sophia lab r 323 Brown
Hensler, Gebhardt wife Kualkunda, carp r 722 Hennepin
Hensler, Michael F wife Ida C millwright Phoenix Milling Co r 219 w 12th
Hensler, Miss Theresa wks Dav Perl B Co r 722 Hennepin
Hensley, Wm wife Birdie cond B C B & N bds 207 w 2d
Henthern, Patricia wid C S nurse r 3d ft Franklin bldg
Hentzelmann, Miss Elsie r 1102 w Front
Hentzelmann, John wife Caroline M (Dav Ice Co) 1102 w Front r same
Hentzelmann, Miss Laura tel opr Io Tel Co r 1102 w Front
Monday, March 19, 1900
Hentzelmann & Albrecht, (J Hentzelmann N Albrecht) proprs Dav Ice Co main
office 1053 w 3d branch office Washington and Leonard.
Henzen, George F wife Bartha barber 1004 w 2d r same
Henzen, Hans wife Legrand r 414 Brown
Henzen, Henry, wife Minnie, tmstr Walsh Const Co r rear 617 w 9th
Henzen, Wm L wife Bessie C painter 414 Brown r same
Hepburn, Hawley S, wife Amelia sec Eagle Lumber Co 17 Masonic Temple r 216
Bridge av
Hepburn, Miss Mabelle, r 216 Bridge av.
Hepler, Miss Nettie milliner A C England & Co r Rock Island, Ill.
Herbrand, Louis city editor Der Demokrat r 403 w 5th
Herbat, Mrs. Bertha confctr 210 Brady r same
HERD (See also HURD)
Herd, Miss Alma C r 417 Rock Island
Herd, Charles p wks C R I & P r 417 Rock Island
Hergenhelmer, Mrs. Elander, housekpr Kimball House, r same.
Herlehy, Miss Jennie wks T Richter & Sons r 1401 Clay
Herlehy, Miss Julia, clk Boston Store, r 1401 Clay
Herlehy, Miss Margaret wks R Krause Co r 1739 w 4th
Herlehy, Thomas wife Anna eng r 1401 Clay
Herman, Adolph wife Rose (Herman & Bro) 106 e 2d r 1315 Ripley
Herman, Frieda wid Joseph r 327 Fillmore
Herman, Julius clk E S Ballord & Co r 1815 Ripley
Herman, Louis clk G E Habbell r 1315 Ripley
Herman, Miss Naomi, r 1526 Main
Herman, Samuel wife Kate (Herman & Bro) 106 e 2d r 1526 Main
Herman, Wm wks U N Roberts Co r 317 e Front
Herman & Bro (Adolph & Samuel) whol cigars 106 e 2d
Hermann, John wife Kate C saloon 701 w 4th r same
Herold, John F wife Anna M trav agt r 322 Fillmore
Herrick, Miss Clara retoucher T I Wales r Rock Island, Ill.
Herring, Wm C wife Annie M r 1907 Bowditch
Herrmann, Miss Carolne r 1814 Spruce
Herrmann, C Albert wks Arsenal r 1814 Spruce
Herrmann, Dominque tailor T McCullough & Sons r 515 e 9th
Herrmann, George wife Isabelle clk The Why r 324 e 10th
Herrmann, Paul wife Dora blksmth Metal Wheel Co r 1844 Spruce
Herrmann, Richard E wife Margaret clk Petersen's Sons, r 1044 w 2d
Herrold, Edward wife Agnes saloon 308 e Front r 201 e 2d
Herrold, John r 308 e Front
Herron, Grace wid Joseph r Dubuque rd nr limits
Herryman, Alelada, wid George r 212 e 9th
Herzberg, Miss Anna wks Dav Pearl B Co r 1904 w 4th
Herzberg, Detlef wife Mary carp r 1922 Dixwell.
Herrzberg, Fred butcher r 1904 w 4th
Herzberg, Henry foreman The Leader r 424 Alma av
Herzberg, John C wife Elizabeth A janitor Sch No 5 r 424 Alma av
Herzberg, Wm wife Antje, pipeftr Glucose Co r 1904 w 4th
Herzog, Henry F, wife Amanda mach Dav Steam Heating Co r 914 w 14th
Herzog, Sherman r 914 w 14th
Herzog, Thies wife Ida J foreman r 1440 Union
Hesen, Mrs. Elmer dressmkr r 218 1/2 w 2d
Hesen, Leonard wks Lee B & D Co r 218 1/2 w 2d
HESS (See also HAAS, HASSE, and HASS)
Hess, Hannah wid J C r Locust nr Belle av
Hess, Miss Mary M r Locust nr Belle av
Hess, Michael P, wife Anna foreman Christian Mueller & Sons, r 1417 w 8th
Hess, Rachel H, wid Peter r 768 e 13th
Hesse, Valentine F, wife Hattie tmstr R I Fuel Co r 606 w 15th.
Hetzel, Charles L wife Annie clk Board of Public Works, r 2228 w 3d
Hetzel, Miss Cora r 2228 w 3d
Hetzel, Miss Emma r 2228 w 3d
Hetzel, Frank A sec Tri City P & P Co ft Centennial bds 714 Main.
Hetzel, Wm, bkpr Ind Malting Co r 2228 w 3d
HEUCK (See also HOECK and HOUCK)
Heuck, Adolph, wife Emma wks Christian Mueller & Sons r 1530 Leonard
Hueck, Caroline wid Christ r 2018 w 3d
Hueck, Christ H, bkpr Dav. Produce Co r 2018 w 3d
Hueck, Miss Dorothy clk Boston Store 632 Gaines
Hueck, Ernest, special delivery messgr P O r 2018 w 3d
Hueck, Miss Helen H r 2018 w 3d
Hueck, Henry C wife Marie eng Riverside M co r 623 Gaines
Hueck, John wks Dav Vinegar Wks bds 1522 w 3d
Hueck, Magdaline wid Hans r 513 Warren
Hueck, Miss Margaret M clk The Fair r 2018 w 3d
Hueck, Miss Marie r 623 Gaines
Hueck, Miss Minnie L clk S D Ryder & Co r 623 Gaines
Hueck, Wm C H wife Clara propr Dav Produce Co 109 Brady r 604 w 5th
HEUER (See also HAUER)
Heuer, August wife Anna wks U N Roberts Co r 818 w Front
Heuer, Augusta wid Charles r 627 w 2d
Heuer, Claus wife Catherine r 1541 Franklin
Heuer, Henry wife Catherine wks U N Roberts Co r 1428 Rockingham rd
Heuer, Henry wife Amelia r 2113 Summit av
Heuer, John A r 2113 Summit av
Heuer, John J wife Lena M dairy r Locust nr Tangen's lane
Heuer, Louis H wks Arsenal r 2113 Summit av
Heuer, Minnie wid Henry r 1428 Rockingham rd
Heuer, Robert H wife Mary E fireman Arsenal r 82? Belle av
Heuer, Wm Dep county treas 2d fl Court House r 1423 Rockingham rd
Heuttmann, Carl wks Weyerhauser & D r rear 1106 w 2d
Heuttmann, Wm, wife Dora r rear 1106 w 2d
Hewes, Francis wid Wm r 808 w Locust
Hewig, Adolph r 826 w 5th
Hewins, S P (Stothers & Hewins) Rooms 56, 57, 58 McManus bldg.
Heyer, Max mngr Dav Meat Co bds 422 Warren
Heywood, Louisa (col) wid Mathew r rear 409 Gaines
Hibbard, Miss Mary M clk Petersen's Sons bds St. James Hotel.
Hibernian Building 421-423 Brady
Hibernian hall, 421-423 Brady
Hibernian Hall Association, J Quinn pres, T F Halligan vice pres, J F Volz sec,
F Sharon treas 421 Brady
Hickey Bros (W A and D J jr), newsdealers 128 e 3d
Hickey, Dennis J wife Sarah C salesman J Hoyt r 529 Perry
Hickey, Dennis J jr, (Hickey Bros) 128 e 3d r 529 Perry
Hickey, James I, harnessmkr Arsenal rms 127 1/2 e 3d
Hickey, James wife Christie D clk J S Wylie r 742 e 15th
Hickey, Miss Mary H r 529 Perry
Hickey, Miss May A clk r 2030 Main
Hickey, Michael clk Ry M S rms 810 Perry
Hickey, Oliver J wks U N Roberts Co r 742 e 15th
Hickey, Wm A (Hickey Bros) 128 e 3d r 529 Perry.
Hickman, Emmor wife Edith r 320 e 14th
Hicks, Miss Edna r 808 e 14th
Hicks, Mary J wid Joseph r 1749 Bridge av
Hicks, Miss Maud M wks Woolen Mills r 607 Farnam
Hicks, Wm H wife Harriet E r 808 e 14th
Hieber, John M meatmkt 1838 Rockingham rd r same
Hieber, Miss Lillian r 1838 Rockingham rd
Hiegel, Frank A wife Margaret C bkpr Schmidt Bros. r 1433 w 4th
Hiesch, Anna wid Claus r 1608 Leonard
Hiesch, Claus wks Arsenal r 1608 Leonard
Hiett, Frank M painter r 415 e 12th
Higbee, George H pres Davenport Gas & Elect Co LeClaire se cor 3d r
Burlington, Ia.
Higgins, Miss Ada M cigmkr r 705 w 4th
Higgins, Miss Alice S wks N Kuhnen Co r 705 w 4th
Higgins, Frank r 430 e 7th
Higgins, Henry W wife Rose E cond C M & St. P r 927 Farnam
Higgins, Ira wife Anna driver Tri-City Const Co r 1218 w 7th
Higgins, James H wife Anna S paper cleaner 795 w 4th r same
Higgins, John F wife Anna cond C M & St. P r 430 e 7th
High, Alfred C fire dept r 2826 Dubuque
High Bros (C C and S B) contrs 2826 Dubuque
High, Charles C (High Bros), 2826 Dubuque r same
High, Edward L, carp C E Osborn r 2826 Dubuque
High, Miss Emma J r 2826 Dubuque
High, Harry J, wife Marie V baliff District Court r 614 Main
High, John wife Sarah J city scavenger 2d fl City Hall, r 2826 Dubuque
High School, W D Wells, prin 7th to 8th and Rock Island to Iowa.
High, Stephen B (High Bros) 2826 Dubuque r same
Highley, Jacob C wife Amanda r 727 Kirkwood boul
Highley, Miss Lillie M r 727 Kirkwood boul
Higley, Vernon wife Nellie E mach Arsenal r 1511 Ripley
Hilbert, Jacob wife Minnie r 812 Warren
Hilbert, Mary R wid David r 1317 Harrison
Hild, George wife Alice trav agt Chas Neckel & Sons r Rock Island, Ill.
Hild, Miss Ida A wks Robt Krause Co r 1025 w 2d
Hild, Ignatz wife Veronica salesman Scars-Frizzell Co r 1025 w 2d
Hild, John G eng r 1020 w 2d
Hildebrand, Miss Dorothy F wks Woolen Mills r 1816 Fulton av
Hildebrand, Eddie F r 1816 Fulton av
Hildebrand, Miss Emma r 1816 Fulton av
Hildebrand, Frank tmstr r 1816 Fulton av
Hildebrand, Fredericka wid Fred r 1816 Fulton av
Hildebrand, Herman F r 1816 Fulton av
Hildebrand, Miss Lena wks Woolen Mills r 1816 Fulton av
Hildebrand, Louis tmstr r 1816 Fulton av
Hildebrandt, Charles lab r 1st nr Concord
Hildebrandt, David wife Lizzie lab r 1st nr Concord
Hildebrandt, Gustav lab r 1st nr Concord
Hildebrandt, Herman lab r 1st nr Concord
Hildebrandt, Wm lab r 1st nr Concord
Hileman, Miss Addressa, r 735 e 14th
Hileman, John O wife Emma r 1930 Brady
Hileman, Samuel wife Mary A r 735 e 14th
Hill, Alva A bds 712 w 2d
Hill, A D trav agt bds Hotel Downs
Hill, Miss Bessie, r 229 Perry
Hill, Charles r 724 w 8th
Hill, Charles C (col) (C C Hill Co) 106 e 5th r same
Hill, Charles C (col) musician r 110 e 5th
Hill, C C and Co (C C Hill & W B Hill) rest 106 e 5th
Hill, Jacob H r 1716 Sturdevant
Hill, John (col) barber 104 e 5th rms1106 Ripley
Hill, Miss Laura r 724 w 8th
Hill, Leslie L wife Ada L, carp r 824 w 4th
Hill, Miss Lillian A music tchr r 1017 Brady
Hill, Lydia A wid Caton r 230 Perry
Hill, Margaret A wid Thomas A r 2226 Grand av
Hill, Miss Mary r 1933 Grand av
Hill, Miss Mary A r 2226 Grand av
Hill, Otto clk 1st Nat Bank r 321 Scott
Hill, Miss Paula r 321 Scott
Hill, Richard W physician 7 Whittaker bldg r same
Hill, Sarah wid G W matron House of Detention, 126 w 5th
Hill, Wood B (col), wife Annie C (C C Hill & Co) 106 e 5th r 110 e 5th
Hill, W S brakeman B C R & N rms 306 Brady
Hilles, Miss Mary A matron Soldiers' Orphans' Home r same
Hills, Henry H wife Frances D r 822 Brady
Himmel, Fritz J W wife Johanna r 1724 Agnes lane
Hinckley, Charles F wife Eva M motorman Tri-City Ry Co r 1226 Brady
Hinckley, Winfield O clk The Fair r 1226 Brady
Hine, Miss Maggie dom 127 1/2 e 3d
HINES (See also HYNES)
Hines, Miss Catherine A clk r 1025 e Locust
Hines, Charles W wife Julia E painter r 1025 e Locust
Hines, Christopher L paperhngr r 1025 e Locust
Hines, C Robert, wife Ellen painter Arsenal r 1813 Harrison
Hines, Daniel P blksmith r 1025 e Locust
Hines, George r 702 w 14th
Hines, John H painter r 1025 e Locust
Hines, Joseph painter r 1025 e Locust
Hines, Miss Margaret E r 1025 e Locust
Hines, Miss Nellie dom 224 e 14th
Hines, Patrick wife Hanora motorman Tri-City Ry Co r 2721 Fair av
Hink, Henry J wife Margaret r 2112 w 2d
Hinnekamp, John harnessmkr Kneuppel & Ott bds 705 e 6th
Hinrichs Adolph I wife Alma musician r 1203 w 2d
Hinrichs, Christian wid G H r 1211 w 8th
Hinrichs Crockery Co E A Hinrichs pres G F Cornelssen vice-pres G I pres
Hinrichs Crockery Co 217 w 2d r 3 Douglas ct.
Hinrichs, Edward A wife Katharine pres Hinrichs Crockery Co 217-217 1/2 w 2d r 3
Douglas ct
Hinrichs, Gerhard H wife Alice cash Germania Life Ins Co r 113 e 7th
Hinrichs, Gerhardine wid Bernahrd r 620 w 3d
Hinrichs, Jacob, wife Anna C r 1509 w 6th
Hinrichs, John G (Wolters & Hinrichs), 727 Marquette r same
Hinrichs, Miss Minnie dom 811 w 7th
Hinrichsen, Bernhard wife Louise M wks Bett Axle Wks r 1235 w 6th
Hinrichsen, Christian, wife Gunda roofer r 2117 Main
Hinrichsen, George H C wife Elizabeth A M r 1120 w 3d
Hinrichsen, Ida wid J C M r 744 Main
Hinrichsen, Jens wife Dora lab r 937 w 5th
Hinrichsen, John wife Annie barber 306 w 2d r 524 w 15th
Hinrichsen, Miss Martha A hair dresser r 744 Main
Hinrichsen, Miss Matilda S nurse r 744 Main
Hinsch, Miss Frances r 541 College av
Hinsch, Maurice C clk Securtiy Fire Ins Co r 541 College av
Hinsch, Paul H wife Emma spec agt Security Fire Ins Co r 541 College av
Hinselman, Henry A wife Sophia livery 1125 w 2d r same
Hintz, Henry wife Mary wks Glucose Co r 102 Division
Hintz, Miss Lena r 102 Division
Hintz, Louis wks Glucose Co r 102 Division
Hintze, Gustav wife Maggie r Middle rd nr Jersey Ridge rd
Hinz, John wife Amanda carp r 1022 w 2d
Hinz, Louis C wife Catherine r 835 Harrison
Hinz, Wm coachman 510 w 6th
Hipwell, Charles G roofer 735 Harrison rms 1302 Main
Hirschl, Miss Ella M r 725 Farnam
Hirschl, Felix wife Mary E bkpr Farmers & Mechanics Savings Bank r 725
Hirschl, Samuel W r 725 Farnam
Hirt, Martin r 815 w 9th
Hirt, Miss Mary r 815 w 9th
Hirtzel, Edward P wife Margaret wks Canning Co r 1335 w 3d
Hitchcock, Albert C wife Estella carp r 222 w 9th
Hitchcock, Fred A wife Minnie B constable 226 w 3d r 2015 Harrison
Hitchcock, Mrs Lydia S r 2004 Iowa
Hitchcock, Mary wid James r 1113 Brady
Hitchcock, Wm H wife Minetta carp r 1034 e 14th
Hite, Wm wife Ella carp r 1921 Scott
Hoag, Gifford J wks Io Tel Co bds Windsor Hotel.
Hoagg, Andrew D, wife Annie M trav agt r 15 Walling Ct
Hobbs, Abbie wid Moses r 415 e 7th
Hobbs, Anna wid George r 2020 Fulton av
Hobbs, Charles C bkpr A Tredick r 415 e 7th
Hobbs, Oliver E wks Metal Wheel Co r 2020 Fulton av
Hobbs, Wm M wife Emma supt C R I & P r 127 w 13th
Hobbs, Wm M jr, stenog C R I & P r 127 w 13th
Hobson Theatre, McPartland & Raphael proprs. 247 Perry.
Hoch, Carl wife Sophia lab r 1907 Rockingham rd.
Hockenhauser, Gustave wife Emma wks Glucose Co r 932 w 6th
Hodges, Charles E wife Mary A wks Arsenal r 1036 e 15th
Hodges, Edward F wife Anna wks Arsenal r 604 Division.
Hodges, Miss Helen C r 1036 e 15th
Hodges, Miss Minnie A bkpr M J Eagal Co r 604 Division.
Hodges, Miss Naomi E r 1036 e 15th
Hodgin, Herman C cook A H Reubaam rms 214 e 5th
Hodgson, Mrs. annie agt r 423 e 6th
Hodgson, Richard J waiter rms 225 Perry
HOECK (See also HUECK and HOUCK)
Hoeck, Herman D wife Augusta C shoemkr Stahmer & Bremer, r 1216 Mitchell.
Hoeck, John D H wife Emma L cigmkr Puck & Gruhl r 224 Marquette.
Hoefer, John wife Helena carp r 2116 w 5th
Hoefflin, Nathan wife Emma R line opr The Times r 1124 w 2d
Hoeffle, Henry C physician F Franklin bldg bds 908 Perry.
Hoeft, Edward clk Petersen's Sons bds 1236 w 8th
Hoeft, Henry wife Louisa mustard dlr r 2032 w 3d
Hoeft, Henry jr clk F Jacker r 2032 w 3d
Hoeft, John tinner 2124 Eddy r 2032 w 3d
Hoeft, Miss Minnie r 2032 w 3d
Hoehn, Miss Emma r 1314 Brady
Hoehn, George F, asst cash 1 Nat Bank r 1314 Brady
Hoehn, John H r 522 Warren
Hoehn, John L, wife Louisa carp r 2236 w 3d
Hoehn, Miss Lizzie r 522 Warren
Hoehn, Sophia wid Albert r 1314 Brady
Hoehn, W Sherman wife Ada sign paitner 340 Perry r 110 w 5th
Hoelmer, Fred wife Emma dept mngr R Krause Co r 1442 w 6th
Hoelmer, Harry wife Louise painter r 1531 w 3d
Hoelmer, John wife Kate lab r 1315 w 4th
Hoepfner, Gustavus physician 430 1/2 w 3d r same
Hoepner, Miss Christina r 1615 Ripley
Hoepner, Christina wid J H r 1615 Ripley
Hoepner, Miss Ida E r 540 Mississippi av
Hoepner, Peter wks Glucose Co bds 2032 Bowditch
Hoeppner, Miss Anna K r 1611 w 7th
Hoeppner, Charles F wks Dav F & M Co r 1611 w 7th
Hoeppner, Miss Dora r 1611 w 7th
Hoeppner, Herman J painter r 1611 w 7th
Hoeppner, John F W wife Louise J lab r 327 Harris
Hoeppner, John H wife Louise lab r 1611 w 7th
Hoeppner, John J wks U N Roberts Co r 1611 w 7th
Hoeppner, Louis J, fireman Masonic Temple r 1611 w 7th
Hoeppner, Miss Minnie F r 327 Harris
Hoeppner, Miss Wilhelmena dom 2215 w 2d
Hoersch, Miss Anna C r 1010 w 7th
Hoersch, Miss Bertha r 1010 w 7th
Hoersch, Miss Emma r 1010 w 7th
Hoersch, Mary wid J J r 1010 w 7th
Hoersch, Wm wife Amelia lawyer 118 1/2 w 3d r 402 w 7th
Hofeditz, Henry W wife Mabel B painter r 2624 Farnam
Hoff, Marion A wife Millie M lab r 1027 e 14th
Hoffman, Miss Anna M r 1923 w 4th
Hoffman, Miss Emma r 1923 w 4th
Hoffman, E John r rear 221 Brown
Hoffman, Louis A wife Johanna carp r 1724 Monroe.
Hoffman, Miss Minnie R r 1724 Monroe.
Hoffman, Samuel wife Lizzie r 1923 w 4th
Hoffmann, Andrew wife Anna P fisherman r Fishertown.
Hoffmann, Andrew wks Dav Malt Co r 1308 w 4th
Hoffmann, Anna M wid Max r 403 w 5th
Hoffmann, Miss Celia r Fishertown
Hoffmann, Charles wife Dora wks Goucose Co r 1718 w 3d
Hoffmann, Christ wife Mollie gardener r Fishtertown
Hoffmann, Miss Clara dressmkr r 1110 Harrison
Hoffmann, Emelie C wid E F r 824 w 9th
Hoffmann, Frank wife Clara pressman Bett Axle Co r 1226 w 6th
Hoffmann, Frank wks Arsenal r 830 DeSoto
Hoffmann, George wks Christian Mueller & Sons r 1308 w 4th
Hoffmann, George O, wife Minnie vice pres Schricker Rodler Co 329 w 2d r 120
Hoffmann, Henry wife Catherine tailor r 1410 w 4th
Hoffmann, Henry wife Marie r 1308 w 4th
Hoffmann, Henry F wife Bertha driver r 1715 w 2d
Hoffmann, Henry R wife Dora gardener r Fishertown
Hoffmann, John wife Anna wks Dav Malt Co r 1211 e 6th
Hoffmann, John V grocer 510 w 2d r same
Hoffmann, Miss Julida wks F Nadler Co r 1110 Harrison
Hoffmann, Julius plumber H Sontag r 1410 w 4th
Hoffmann, Miss Lizzie M clk J V Hoffmann r 510 w 2d
Hoffmann, Louis r 1308 w 4th
Hoffmann, Miss Margaret dressmkr r 1110 Harrison
Hoffmann, Martha E wid J V r 510 w 2d
Hoffmann, Paul A wife Anna cigmkr F Haak r 1412 Rockingham rd
Hoffmann, Rudolph H wife Ida S eng Tri-City P & P Co r Rockingham rd nr
Lincoln av
Hoffmann, Theodore printer Der Demokrat rms 304 w 3d
Hofmeister, Adolph wife Matilda carrier r 1101 w Locust
Hofmeister, Miss Lena wks Dav. Pearl B. Co r 1101 w Locust
Hofmeister, Theodore farmer r 1104 w Locust
Hogan, Edward wife Mamie yard master D R I & N W r 1042 w 3d
Hogan, John wife Gertrude farmer r 2100 Gaines
Hogan, Miss Lillie S dom 119 w 16th
Hogan, Miss Madge E dom 1116 Harrison.
Hogan, Miss Maggie M dom 1926 Farnam
Hogan, Michael tmstr Walsh Const Co bds 530 Division
Hogan, Wm T wife Nettie barber J J Feeney r 311 Ripley.
Hogan, Miss Winnie, dom 228 e 11th
Hogenkamp, Bernard carp J E Mahan r 332 Brady
Hogenkamp, Miss Sophie C dressmkr r 1414 Harrison
Hogenkamp, Wm C wife Tillie wks U N Roberts Co r 824 w 15th
Hohnsbeen, Miss Bertha L r 521 Howell
Hohnsbeen, Miss Elizabeth C r 521 Howell
Hohnsbeen, Emil barber H Hartz r 813 w 2d
Hohnsbeen, Henry eng Boepple Button Co r 521 Howell
Hohnsbeen, John W wife Catherine M (Hohnsbeen & Arp) 2002 w 4th r same
Hohnsbeen, Julius C cigmkr F Haak r 813 w 2d
Hohnsbeen, Mrs Lena r 521 Howell
Hohnsbeen, Louis wife Maggie mngr Coopers' Union r 1816 w 5th
Hohnsbeen, Louise wid Detlof r 813 w 2d
Hohnsbeen, Miss Minnie dressmkr r 521 Howell
Hohnsbeen & Arp (J Hohnsbeen, J Arp) grocers 2002 w 4th
Holsjugton, Harry wife Maud L mach Arsenal r 1109 LeClaire.
Holbrook, Annie M wid E.W. r 2030 Farnam
Holbrook, Clyde A clk Martin-Woods Co r 1745 Grand av
Holbrook, Wm S wife Julia M furniture 105 e 2d r 1328 4th av
Holck, A Marie wid Herman N r 1030 w 5th
Holck, Miss Matilda wks R Krause Co r 1030 w 5th
Holcomb, John H wife Anna com'l agt D R I & N W rms 509 w Locust.
Holden, Miss Carrie r Indian rd nr Prospect
Holden, Edward wife Linda lab r Indian rd nr Prospect
Holden, Lemuel lab r Indian rd nr Prospect.
Holden, Wm lab r Indian rd nr Prospect
Holdt, Chris wks Metal Wheel Co r 120 Mound.
Holdt, Miss Dora C wks F Haak r 120 Mound
Holdt, John wks Canning Co r 120 Mound
Holl, Henry bartndr L Holl. r 102 Brady
Holl, Leonard, saloon, 102 Brady r same
Holland, Thomas W wks Canning Co r 312 e 3d
Hollander, August student, rms 115 Centennial.
Holliday, Lawrence M supply agt Io Tel Co r 2038 w 2d
Holliday, Milton H wife Almira F costable 417 1/2 w 4th r 2033 w 3d
Holling, John wife Mary r 1235 Harrison
Hollingsworth, Marion A wife Ellen C fireman r 525 Harrison.
Hollis, Samuel E wife Minnie E grocer 701 w 14th r same.
Hollmer, Chas., lab bds 212 Scott
Hollmer, Hans, wife Claudine tmstr r 1026 w 3d
Holloway, George S (col) lab r 312 w 10th
Holm, Caroline wid Theodore r 214 e 5th
Holm, Frank G, wife Emma W clk Petersen's Sons r 1120 w 4th
Holm, Henry wife Maria wks Metal Wheel Co r 1120 w 4th
Holm, Johanna wid Henry r 103 w 2d
Holm, J N Wm wife Mary painter r 1116 w 2d
Holm, Miss Louise J r 214 e 5th
Holm, Miss Selma dressmkr r 403 w 2d
Holman, Charles H blksmith C R I & P bds 1048 Arlington av
Holmes, Alfred C painter r 311 e 7th
Holmes, Miss Clara M r 1015 e 13th
Holmes, Miss Cora F stenog W A Bemis r 1323 Ripley
Holmes, Edward D pressman r 1323 Ripley
Holmes, Frank C wife Fannie M cook A H Rucheam r 311 e 7th
Holmes, Jesse A las agt r 1323 Ripley
Holmes, Joseph wife Ella carp r 1323 Ripley
Holmes, Miss Lutie R retoucher C H Allen r 1323 Ripley
Holmes, Margaret W wid W H r 1015 e 13th
Holmes, Mrs May housekpr L Martens r 226 Perry
Holmes, Mina J wid David r 310 Ripley
Holmes, Ray E driver The Fair r 226 Perry
Holmes, Robert B printer Mossman & Vollmer Co r 1323 Ripley
Holmes, Thomas wife Mary supt Glucose Co r Telegraph rd nr Hickory
Holmyard, Walter J wife Caroline M agt Sinclair & Co r 1018 Charlotte
Holoubek, Miss Annie R cigmkr F Haak r 807 LePage
Holoubek, Charles F plumber r 807 LePage
Holoubek, John wife Rose A r 807 LePage
Holoubek, John J, cigmkr r 807 LePage
Holoubek, Miss Mary r 807 LePage
Holoubek, Victor ? opr Boston Store r 807 LePage
Holsappie, Albina wid E.T. r 1939 Rock Island
Holsappie, Marcellus G r 1939 Rock Island
Holst, Eliza wid John r 534 Jersey Ridge rd
Holst, Gust lab bds 431 w 2d
Holst, Henry bdg h 218 e 2d r same
Holst, Henry C R wife Clara carp r 629 Spring
Holst, John A coachman r 534 Jersey Ridge rd
Holst, Peter D r 2116 Fulton av
Holst, Salina wid John r 2015 LeClaire
Holtam, Frank P r 2136 Ripley
Holtam, Joseph B wife Agnes foreman Tri-City Ry Co r 2136 Ripley
Holtam, Joseph B jr, wife Mary J lab r 2034 Ripley
Holtam, Miss Maria M r 2136 Ripley
Holtman, Peter wife kate lab r 318 Rock Island
Holy Family Cemetery (R.C.) Slough rd nr limits.
Holy Family Church, Rev L J Enright, pastor, Laurel cor Eutaw
Holy Family School Eutaw nr Laurel.
Holmbreck, Alphonse, wife Annie M, shoes 214 Brady r 1025 Perry
Hombrecht, Miss Lucy M, r 1026 Perry.
Homes Building Loan & Savings Assn. W.P. Halligan pres F H Bartemeyer
vice-pres J E Driscoll sec, S L Ely treas, 402 Brady
Home Savings & Trust Co, Ames Bros, mngrs 43 Schmidt bldg.
Homeyer, E Walter, florist Central Park rms 1512 Harrison
Hondel, Joseph N cigmkr F Haak, r 822 w 5th
Honegger, Catherine wid Casper r 1032 w 5th
Hood, Bert, mach opr Arsenal rms 111 e 3d
Hook, Miss Marie, actress, rms 213 Ripley.
Hook & Ladder Co No 1, J C Plening, capt 231 Scott
Hooley, John E, wife Adelaide mach r 1625 Rock Island
Hooley, Thomas carp, r 2004 Farnam.
Hoop, Hans bds 1424 w Locust
Hooper, Miss Kate V tchr Sch No 2 r 701 e 14th
Hooper, Thomas N, wife Lucretia A vice-pres Dav. Water Co 116 w 3d r 704 e 14th
Hoover, Kittie, wid L B r 107 Main
Hoover, Stephen W, wife Florence eng r 612 Brady
Hope, Miss Cora M dressmkr Mrs. E Schnoor r 1213 w 8th
Hopkins, Miss Alice nurse St Luke's hospital.
Hopkins, Silas (col) lab r 2026 e Locust.
Hopp, Dora, waitress E A Speth, r 431 w 2d
Hopper, Miss Mary, clk Petersen's Sons, r 1025 Scott
Hopper, Michael r 1025 Scott
Horan, James, wife Margaret A lab r 511 e 7th
Horan, Patrick, r Mercy Hospital.
Horan, Patrick, wife Mary saloon 217 w 3d r same.
Horn, Andrew C, wife Alvina C painter, 1317 Marquette r same.
Horn, Dena, wid Frederick, r 1004 1/2 w 3d
Hornback, Miss Margaret clk Boston Store, r 623 w ?th.
Hornback, Miss Virginia, r 438 w 8th.
Hornby, Alice, wid John r 1024 e 13th
Hornby, Ben H (Berwald, Hornby & Ruhl) 19 Masonic Temple r 1024 e 13th
Hornby, John A pin Sch No 7 r 1024 e 13th
Horne, Daniel B wife Minnie livery r 215 w 3d r same.
Horne, Mrs Ellis bkpr Berwald , Hornby & Ruhl r 312 Western av.
Horne, George H eng r 329 w 3d
Horne, G Nathaniel, wife Minnie mach C R I & P r 315 w 3d
Horne, J eng C P & W r Rock Island Ill.
Horst, Miss Alma B r 220 Gaines.
Horst, August wks Glucose Co bds 531 w 2d
Horst, Miss Emily C r 226 Gaines.
Horst, Henry wife Theresa trav agt r 1222 Scott.
Horst, Ida wid Claus r 1222 Scott.
Horst, Miss Lulu wks R Krause Co r 604 w Front.
Horst, Miss Wilma r 604 w Front.
Horstkamp, M asst supt Metropolitan Life Ins Co r 220 w 5th
Horstmann, Claus r 2119 w 5th
Horstmann, Hans C wife Christine r 1414 w 7th
Horton, Albert G r 612 w 16th
Horton, Miss Grace L stenog Newcomb Loom Co r 613 w 16th
Horton, Russell A, clk H A St Onge & Co r 612 w 16th
Hose Co. No.1, James N Quinn capt, 117 Perry.
Hose Co. No 2, Michael Heeney, capt, 730 w 2d.
Hose Co. No 3, J.W. Houghlon, capt, 1231 Harrison.
Hose Co. No 4, Peter Deager, capt, 1502 Fulton av
Hose Co. No. 5, Gustav Feers, capt, Rockingham rd ne cor Division.
Hose Co. No. 6, Christian Thiessen, capt, 1414 Marquette.
Hoskins, Evans H (col) wife Hattia, porter C R I & P, r 424 Brady.
Hostetler, Eugene F, wife Ella mach Arsenal r 312 e 14th.
Hostetler, John B, wife Maggie L, photog supplies and pres J White Art Co, 320
Brady, r 1605 Arlington av.
Hostetler, Mrs. Maggie L sec J White Art Co 320 Brady, r 1605 Arlington av.
Hostetler, Roger H clk J White Art Co r 522 e 6th.
Hotel Alemannia, F Martens propr, 130 w Front.
Hotel Downs, Gorman & Harrison proprs, 301 Perry.
Hotel Downs Bar, 305 Perry.
Hotel Downs Billiard Hall, 303 Perry.
Hotel Linden, W Houar propr, 205 e 2d.
Houar (See also Hauer and Heuer)
Houar, James H r 106 e 2d
Houar, Miss Louisa M dressmkr r 106 e 2d
Houar, Mary wid Wm r 104 e 2d
Houar, Wm wife Mary propr Hotel Linden and second hand store, 203 e 2d r same.
Houck (See also Heuck and Hoeck)
Houck, Clarence wife Kathleen trimmer Mason Crrge Wks r 1220 w 6th
Houghton, Chris, painter Bett Axle Co r Harrison nr city limits.
Houghton, Miss Elizabeth E tel opr Io Tel Co r Harrison nr city limits.
Houghton, James R wife Fannie, collr, r 1?14 w 3d.
Houghton, James W wife Clara B capt Hose Co No 3 r Harrison nr City limits.
Houghton, J Richard wks Dav Pearl B Co r Harrison nr city limits.
Houghton, Mrs. Rachael, r Harrison nr city limits.
Houghton, Wm G wife Sadie, painter r 735 e 15th.
Hourigan, Daniel, nurseryman, r 1924 Eddy.
Hourigan, James fire dept r 1924 Eddy.
Hourigan, Jeremiah D ,wife Mary lab r 1924 Eddy.
Hourigan, John J wife Emma M agt r 332 Belle av.
Hourigan, Lawrence lab r 1924 Eddy.
Hourigan, Mathew A wife Lida barber, 132 Mound r 824 Belle av.
House, Carl C r Pleasant nr Mound.
House, Edward, wife Emma wks Knostman & P Furn Co r 830 Belle av.
House, John C wife Emma D r Pleasant nr Mound.
House of Detention, Mrs. Sarah Hill, matron, 5th ne cor Main.
Houser, Isaac, wife Emily r Boradway nr Elm.
Housman, Harry B, clk Union Savings Bank r 2227 w 3d.
Housman, Henry J, wife Jacoba G, soler W H Snider & Son r 2227 w 3d
Housman, Wm J, r 2227 w 3d.
Houston, General (col) wife Sarah chiropodist, 1?06 North r same.
Houston, Henry V wife Eugenia M trav agt r 804 e 14th
Hovey, Mrs. Josie r 320 e Front
Hovey, Wm. W., wife Naomi J, saloon.
Howard, Albert A clk Ry M.S. rms 810 Perry.
Howard, Albert M wife Nellie A barber r 11 Linden flats.
Howard, Miss Clarice L stenog, r 818 e 15th.
Howard, Edward (col) lab r 412 e 13th
Howard, Miss Luetta, matron Soldiers' and Orphans' home, r same.
Howard, Malrena, wid J W r 818 e 15th
Howard, Milton (col) wife Lena lab r 413 e 13th
Howard, Owen wks Roddewig S bds 228 e 5th
Howard, Russell M elect r 818 e 15th
Howard, Warren C (col) cook Mrs. M Partner r 413 e 13th
Howe, Frank cigmkr Raphael & Co bds 410 Main.
Howe, James C adv 35 McCullough bldg r 424 e 6th
Howe, James M wife Emma W clk H & St Cage & Co r 424 e 6th
Howe, Miss Mary W r 424 e 6th
Howell, Miss Belle r 416 e 2d
Howell, Harriet wid Morris r Center av e Grand av
Howell, John D wife Ida, dairy 2733 Brady r same
Howell, Joseph A r Center av e Grand av
Hoyer, Arthur r 1601 w Locust
Hoyer, Richard O clk Wahle Bros r 418 w 3d
Hoyt, Miss Carrie B r 1202 Arlington av
Hoyt, John pianos 111 w 3d r 19 Petersen blk
Hoyt, Robert T wife Mary E optician 1317 3d av r same
Hoyt, Miss Ruth A r 1202 Arlington av
Hoyt, Rev Samuel R J wife Mary E r 1202 Arlington av
Hromatko, Miss Emma tchr Sch No 12 r 1919Eddy
Hromatko, Katherine wid John r 1919 Eddy
Hub The, Sol Moritz propr, clothing, 121 w 2d
Hubbard, Albert G wife Mary E, lab r 913 w 14th
Hubbard, Miss Emma D clk Petersen's Sons, r 913 w 14th
Hubbard, Frank clk Silberstein Bros, r 913 w 14th
Hubbard, Miss Jennie M clk r 913 w 14th
Hubbard, Margaret V wid J W r 714 Main
Hubbard, Richard W wife Minnie plumber Corry & W r 120 1/2 w 16th
Hubbell, Charles H wife Emilie M police magistrate, ground fl City Hall and
lawyer 128 Main r 721 w 7th
Hubbell, George E wife Mary C lawyer 118 w 3d r 619 Iowa
Hubbell, George E jr painter r 619 Iowa
Huber, Albert clk W Hoersch r Rock Island Ill.
Huber, Frank wife Mary police r 1101 w 5th
Huber, John wife Alvine r 327 Brown
Huber, Miss Josephine r 1101 w 5th
Huber, Louis wife Christina, butcher, r 1735 w 3d
Hubers, Henry W r 624 Scott
Hubers, Otto C r 624 Scott
Hubers, Wm wife Clara sec R I Fuel Co 800 e Front r 624 Scott
Hubly, Charles C r 118 w 15th
Hubly, Miss Eleanor A tchr r 118 w 15th
Hubly, Worden A painter r 118 w 15th
Huckstaedt, Miss Emma A tchr r 118 w 15th
Huckstaedt, Ernst M wife Catherine, grocer 1354 Leonard r same
Huckstaedt, George M clk Falk & Bolte r 1354 Leonard
Hudson, Lemuel wife Kate r 108 LeClaire
Hudson, Mrs .Magnolia (col) r rear 124 e 5th
Hudson, Samuel L wife Helen D butcher r 1820 Summit av
Hudson, Wm mach opr Metal Wheel Co bds 750 e 6th
Huebinger, Miss Anne K r 324 w 8th
Huebinger, Henry H clk M Huebinger r 324 w 8th
Huebinger, Melchoir map pub 321 w 3d r 324 w 8th
Huebotter, Henry L wife Kate pres Dav Furn & Cpt Co 329 Brady r 907 Perry
Huenger, Albert, wife Margaret, propr Sherman House 629 w 2d r same
Huenger, J H Wm r 1126 Brown
Huey, Miss Bessie R tchr Sch No 6 r 1920 Tremont av
Huey, Miss Effie M tchr Sch No 9 r 1920 Tremont av
Huey, Miss Flossie r 1920 Tremont av
Huey, Joseph S wife Gertrude W r 1920 Tremont av
Huey, Miss Rose dressmkr Treffer Co r 414 e 9th
Huge, Charles H wks Metal Wheel Co r 203 w 3d
Huggins, Harry D wife Nellie salesman Martin-Woods Co r 1919 w 4th
Hughes (See Also Hewes)
Hughes, Elias E wife Ida M gen mngr D R I & N W 4th fl McManus bldg r 1604
Arlington av
Hughes, Frank r 512 e Pleasant
Hughes, James plasterer rms 116 e 3d
Hughes, John W, wife Alice ropemkr Arsenal r 512 e Pleasant
Hughes, Mrs. Mamie (col) r 723 Harrison
Hughes, Wm bds Windsor Hotel.
Huisinga, Jacob H wks Excelsior Mnfg Co r 1936 Bowditch.
Huisinga, O J wife Mary cooper r 1976 Bowditch
Hulet, Miss Clara F r 430 Brady
Hulet, Clark F driver Metropolitan Bakery r 430 Brady
Hull, Charles S wife Sarah A printer r 522 Rock Island
Hull, Frank wife Ana F wks Glucose Co r 702 Pine
Hull, F G line opr The Republican bds Hotel Downs.
Hull, Mrs Mattie r 328 e 14th
Hullinger, Ira W wife Ida C r 1717 Park av
Hulsbrink, Miss Lizzie clk Petersen's Sons r Rock Island Ill.
Hulslander, Wm wife Wealthy second hand store, 206 e 2d r same
Hultene, Charles wife Mary wks C R I & P r 746 Case
Humberstone A J mach Canning Co r Hotel Downs.
Hume, Hal, wife Edith wks J Hoyt rms 315 e 4th
Hummel, Charles F wife Melvina J gardener r Dubuque rd nr limits.
Hummel, Harry trav agt r 424 w 8th
Hummel, Louise wid George r 424 w 8th
Hummel, W Peter clk M J Eagal Co r 424 w 8th
Humphrey, Miss Henrietta r 1719 Brady
Humphrey, Harry C (col) wife Rebecca, cook, r 1128 Ripley
Humphrey, John J wife Persia r 1719 Brady
Humphrey, Mary E (col) r 1128 Ripley
Humphrey, W Wallace custodian Dav Safety Deposit Co r 1719 Brady
Hundermarck, Miss Inez E clk Petersen's Sons rms 813 w 2d
Hunt, Allen T wife Lizzie carp r 324 w 11th
Hunt Bros. (C L and L E) photogs. 118 e 2d
Hunt, Miss Carrie nurse Morbonia hospital r same
Hunt, Chester L wife Deborah (Hunt Bros) 118 e 2d r same
Hunt, Henry wks H A St Onge & Co r 324 w 11th
Hunt, Levi E (Hunt Bros) 118 e 2d r same
Hunt, Miss Martha E wks Jones Bros Co r 737 e 15th
Hunt, ???? F, physician, ?11 w 3d r same
Hunter, George tailor W H Webb r 1435 Harrison
Hunter, Robert tmstr r 312 w 9th
Hunter, Wm fireman bds 524 w 5th
Hunter, Wm W r 628 Kirkwood boul.
Huntley, De Witt C wife Hattie E janitor Sch No 2 r 728 w 15th
Huntley, Raymond D r 732 w 15th
Huntoon, John G wife Ada C supt Tri City Ry Co 224 e 2d r Rock Island, Ill.
Huot, Adolph J wife Annie C carp r 814 Rock Island.
Huot, Edward A bkbndr Reid & Mohr r 814 Rock Island.
Huot, Emil P wife Sadie E fireman C R I & P r 418 e 9th
Huot, Miss Emily J chf opr Io Tel Co r 422 e 9th
Huot, Miss Eugenie T student r 422 e 9th
Huot, Francis M wife Margaret m wks Arsenal r 422 e 9th
Huot, Frank J B wife Catherine A reporter The Times r 1835 w 3d
Huot, George F pressman Bett Axle Co r 422 e 9th
Huot, Joseph A wife Mary A clk A Hembrecht r 421 e 10th
Huot, Miss Lena A tel opr Io Tel Co r 422 e 9th
Huot, Miss Lottie C r 422 e 9th
Huot, L Victor pressman Egbert F & C r 814 Rock Island
Huot, Miss Mary L r 422 e 9th
Huot, Paul C bkbndr Reid & Mohr r 814 Rock Island
Huot, Victor wife Mary A r 914 Le Claire.
HURD (See also HERD)
Hurd, Adelia wid Marshall L r 113 Oneida av
Hurd, Miss Ella R r 113 Oneida av
Hurlburt, George, fireman Gas Co r 334 w Front
Hurley, Miss Annie, seamstress, r 418 e 8th
Hurley, Miss Ella r 418 e 8th
Hurley, James P wife Catherine wks Io Tel Co r 418 e 8th
Hurley, Miss Mary B wks Crescent M Co r 418 e 8th
Hurley, Patrick J wks Boepple Button Co r 418 e 8th
Hurley, Mrs Sarah wks R Krause Co r 1727 w 5th
Hurley, Wm J packer Io Tel Co r 418 e 8th
Hurto, Frank agt rms 525 Brady
Hurto, John wife Kate r 328 e 3d
Hurto, Mylo W clk Io Tel Co r 1230 Rock Island
Hurto, Norvin stenog D R I & N W r 1230 Rock Island
Hurto, Samuel H wife Marietta W r 1230 Rock Island
Huschke, Miss Amanda U r 1617 Prospect Lane
Huschke, Bernhard A wife Barbara r 1617 Prospect Lane
Huschke, Miss Caroline F r 1617 Prospect Lane
Huschke, Miss Clara r 1617 Prospect Lane
Husmann, Hans r 718 Brown
Husmann, Reimer, wife Dora baker H Korn & Sons r 718 Brown
Huss, Anna wid Hans r 907 w 3d
Huss, Christian H wife Anna (C H Huss & Son) 604 w 3d r same
Huss, C H & Son (C H and H), shoes 904 w 3d
Huss, Henry, wife Dora M (H C Huss & Son) 904 w 3d r 1116 w 4th
Huss, Rudolph r 907 w 3d
Hussman, Bernard, clk Wolters & Hinrichs, bds 727 Marquette
Husted, James E lab r 917 LeClaire
Husted, Lyman M boilermkr Dav Boiler Wks, r 917 LeClaire
Husted, Sarah wid Lyuman r 917 LeClaire
Hutchings, James stenog Marquette 3d Vela Coal Co r Rock Island, Ill.
Hutchinson, Ernest, wife Aymee, mngr National Stamp Co r 1018 w 9th
Hutchinson, Miss Lizzie H printer Dav Bag & P Co South av nr Brady
Hutchinson, Miss Nettie, matron Soldiers' Orphans' Home, r same
Huttman, John F C wife Autusta painter r 1318 w Locust
Hyatt, Miss Melissa, wks Jones liros Co r 518 w 11th
Hyatt, Stephen M wife Eva wks Metal Wheel Co r 516 w 11th
Hyde, Dana B r 1215 Arlington av
Hyde, Emma R wid Andrew J r 1215 Arlington av
Hyde, Miss Jean C r 1215 Arlington av
Hyland, Frank lab r 751 Eslpanade av
Hynes, Ann E wid Michael r 209 Iowa
Hynes, Miss Annie r 1401 Brady
Hynes, Michael wife Lavinia butcher Tri-City P & P Co r Lincoln av nr
Rockingham rd
Hynes, John wife Mabel (Hynes A Co) 303 w 3d r 420 w Locust
Hynes, Miss Nellie dom 234 e 14th
Hynes, Walter wife Edna (Hynes & Co) 303 w 3d r Rock Island, Ill.
Hynes & Co (Walter and John Hynes), bicycles, 303 w 3d.