1900 K Directory
Davenport Times
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
March 20, 1900
Errors in Names and Locations and Any Changes From the Way the Names
in The Times, Including Removals, Must be Reported to the Office or the
Directory Manager in The Times Building Within 48 Hours From This Evening,
as These Names Will go in Book Form Then
Kaaba Temple Club, 52 Masonic Temple
Kaaba Temple Hall, 52 Masonic Temple
Kaaba Temple Nobles of Mystic Shrine, 52 Masonic Temple
Kaesmann, Miss Annetta r 814 w 8th
Kaesmann, Matilda wid Fred r 814 w 8th
Kaffenberger, Wendel wife Lena wks Metal Wheel Co r 1230 w 5th
Kahl, Andrew shoemkr A A Alm r 516 Harrison
Kahl, Arnold clk E F Guy r 918 w 3d
Kahl, Charles r 4120 Gaston
Kahl, Miss Eugenia r 918 w 3d
Kahl, Fred H wife Christian D shoemkr 1424 Harrison r 1002 Eastern av
Kahl, Miss Freda r 1957 Rockingham rd
Kahl, Miss Frieda, artist r 918 w 3d
Kahl, Hans, wife Kate lab r 1213 w 4th
Kahl, Henry jr r 1120 Gaston
Kahl, Henry F butcher The Fair r 918 w 3d
Kahl, Henry W wife Mary A tmstr r 1120 Gaston
Kahl, John driver r 1120 Gaston
Kahl, John wife Johanna, malster Ind Malting Co r 2235 Marquette
Kahl, John wife Sophia r 918 w 3d
Kahl, John, packer Excelsior Mnfg Co r 1957 Rockingham rd
Kahl, Joseph tmstr r 1120 Gaston
Kahl, Wm wife Bertah tmstr r 2004 Laurel
Kahl, Wm, wife Hannah r 1957 Rockingham rd
Kahl, Wm jr driver r 1957 Rockingham rd
Kahle, Adolph wife Maggie agt r 592 w 2d
KAHLER (See also Koehler and Kohler)
Kahler, Alfred H carrier Leader r 1236 w 4th
Kahler, Miss Amelia bdg h 126 e 4th r same
Kahler, Charles P wife Katie M r 933 Harrison
Kahler, Miss Clara r 422 Marquette
Kahler, Henry wife Julia carp r 422 Marquette
Kahler, Henry D wife Annie wks Dav Malting Co r 1236 w 4th
Kahler, Miss Lillie M r 933 Harrison
Kahler, Louis wife Maggie r 1207 Hamilton
Kahler, Miss Minnie r 422 Marquette
Kahler, Miss Paula wks Hadsell & Co r 422 Marquette
Kahles, Adolph bartndr r 310 w 5th
Kahles, Adolph plumber H C Dunker & Co r 310 w 5th
Kahles, Philip r 310 w 5th
Kahnes, Gustof A wife Augusta lab r 911 w 4th
Kaisen, Christian F wife Sophia carp T W McClelland Co r 816 w 9th
Kaiser, Gustave L wife Nellie J wks Arsenal r 941 LePage
Kamrath, August W wife Wilhelmina barber 806 w 2d r same
Kamrath, Otto wks U N Roberts Co r 806 w 2d
Kamrath, Theo G salesman Petersen's Sons r 806 w 2d
KANE (See also Cain)
Kane, Miss Alice B asst bkpr Washburn H C Co r Rock Island, Ill.
Kane, Charles J bartndr T F Bolton r 1712 w 4th
Kane, Henry lab r 1712 w 4th
Kane, James P fireman D R I & N W r 814 Judson
Kane, Miss Kate M r 814 Judson
Kane, Mrs. Lottie r 1329 w 6th
Kane, Miss Margaret cash H A St Onge & Co r 213 e 9th
Kane, Mary wid Michael r 213 e 9th
Kane, Miss Mary E, r 1712 w 4th
Kane, Owen, r Mercy Hospital
Kane, Thomas wife Mary lab r 1712 w 4th
Kane, Thomas M r 814 Judson
Kane, Wm (col) lab bds 510 e 11th
Kanes, Emma (col) wid Charles r 619 Harrison
Kann, Fritz, wife Mary r 1634 w 2d
Kanngieser, Carl, wks Glucose Co bds 803 w 2d
Kapser, John, bartndr r 1601 Harrison
Karbalseh, Emma, wid Carl A r 904 w 6th
Kardel, Frederick, wife Margaret r 1014 w 3d
Kardel, Henry, wife Catherine r 712 Marquette
Karg, Adam, wife Josephine, blksmith Arsenal r 2215 w 3d
Karg, Miss Minnie S r 2215 w 3d
Karil, August wife Louisa r 1927 Harrison
Karlowa, Paul, wife Amelia supt R Krause Co r 723 Brown
Karman, Wm Lab rms 509 Brady
Karst, Charles W, wife Julia E cig mnfr 207 e 3d r 1029 Arlington av
Karst, Miss Karla E 1029 Arlington av
KARSTENS (See also Carstens)
Karstens, Miss Anna M r 1635 w 4th
Karstens, Detlef, wks Schick's Exp r 502 w 2d
Karstens, Ferd G molder H J Frank r 1635 w 4th
Karstens, Hans F r 1635 w 4th
Karstens, Henry cigars 514 1/2 w 2d r 502 w 2d
Karstens, John F wife Catherine M wks Glucose Co r 1635 w 4th
Karstens, Miss Louisa r 502 w 2d
Karwath, Henry R wife Julia carrier P O r 1118 Ripley
Karwath, Miss Lucilva r 1118 Ripley
Kasch, Miss Emma wks Io Mantle Mnfg Co r 1029 w 2d
Kasch, Henry wife Marie tmstr r 1029 w 2d
Kaschfort, Howard, wife Cleo lab r 218 Iowa
Kasknatt, Frank, porter Hotel Downs.
Kasper, Miss Catherine M r 811 w 3d
Kasper, Frank W wks Arsenal r 811 w 3d
Kasper, Miss Mary F r 811 w 3d
Kassow, George bds 2006 Brady
Kasten, Charles L wife Jennie wks Arsenal r 1622 Rock Island
Kastens, Frank J wife Lena watchman r 221 e 18th
Kastner, Robert, lab r 1722 Sturdevant
Kauffman, Charles B wife Eliza L tmstr Metal Wheel Co, r 122 Western av
Kauffman, Doris M, wid Henry H r 1130 Farnam
Kauffman, Miss Mattie E r 1130 Farnam
Kauffman, Robert H, steamftr, r 1130 Farnam
Kaufmann, Miss Anna, dressmkr Mrs. A Blume r 614 Brown
Kaufmann, Edward wife Tillie, asst cash German Sav Bank, r 916 w 6th
Kaufmann, Fred wife Margaret harnessmkr 320 w 2d r 710 w 6th
Kaufmann, Miss Johanna r 710 w 6th
Kaufmann, John wife Mary A doorkpr District Court r 614 Brown
Kaufmann, John jr wife Lina, teller German Sav Bank r 1023 Harrison
Kaufmann, Julius grocer 331 Harrison, r 614 Brown
Kaufmann, Louis L, harnessmkr F Kaufmann, r 710 w 6th
Kaufmann, Miss Tillie r 614 Brown
Kavanaugh, Michael wks Arsenal bds 114 1/2 e 3d
Kavinsky, Morris, wife Lottoe, peddler, r 1415 Ripley
Kay, Annie wid Daniel r 1311 LeClaire
Kay, France wid John bdg h 731 e 6th
Kay, Miss Mary clk r 1311 LeClaire
Kay, Wm, driver, Phoenix Milling Co bds 531 w 2d
KAYSER (See also Keiser and Kisor)
Kayser, A. Raymond, wife Dorothy, trav agt C E Flick r 837 Kirkwood boul
Kayser, Miss Emilie M clk Boston Store, r 1742 Park av
Kayser, Miss Mary E artist 1742 Park av r same
Kayser, Max F wife Margaret L, sign painter r 1742 Park av
Keagle, Solomon E lawyer 8 Masonic Temple, r 320 w High
Kearney, Anna wid James r 320 e 8th
Kearney, James flagman C R I & P r 601 Farnam
Kearney, Miss Margaret tchr Sch No 2 r 320 e 8th
Kearney, Wm H molder r 320 e 8th
Kearns, Bernard mach r 422 w Pleasant
Kearns, Ellen, wid Bernhard r 422 w Pleasant
Kearns, John H lab r 422 w Pleasant
Kearns, Katie wid Peter r 422 w Pleasant
Kearns, Michael mach r 422 w Pleasant
Keating, Miss Belle r 716 Ripley
Keating, Bernard J wife Lillie (Keating & Barron) 1501 w 8th r
Telegraph rd nr limits.
Keating, James r Mercy Hospital
Keating, June wid J.W. r 716 Ripley
Keating & Barron (B F Keating, J.F. Barron) painters, 1501 w 8th
Keay, John wife Emma draftsman D R ? & NW bds 408 Main
Keck, John J wife Rebecca J physician 611 Brady r same
Keck, Mrs. Rebecca J physician 611 Brady r same
Keding, Charles F wife Amelia F (Keding Henke & Co) 212 w 4th r
Keding, Henke & Co (C F Keding, F Henke and F Jansen) stairbldrs and
cabinetmkrs, 212 w 4th
Kegan, Miss Catherine r 1502 Marquette
Kegan, Catherine wid Edward r 1502 Marquette
Keegan, Miss Mary A r 1318 w Locust
KEELER (See also Keleher)
Keeler Bros (D E and C A), livery, 307 e 3d
Keeler, Charles A, wife Viola D (Keeler Bros) 207 e 3d r 1029 Brady
Keeler, Daniel E wife Catherine (Keeler Bros) 307 e 3d r 1617 Ripley
Keeler, James F wife Marie lab r 528 w 15th
Keeling, Mrs Dollie S r 121 1/2 Brady
Keely, Wylie H barber C A Englehart bds 220 w 5th
Keenan, Andrew musician rms 217 Perry
Keenan, Fred A bkpr Sears Frizzell Co bds 212 e 6th
Keener, G Elmer agt Singer Mnfg Co r Atlantic Hotel
Keener, Merl E solcr Singer Mnfg Co r Atlantic Hotel
Keever, Miss Alma G r 1223 Tremont av
Keever, W. Harry, wife Martha (Model Steam Laundry) r 619 w 4th
Kehoe, Miss Mabel, cash Kimball House r same
Kelm, August, butcher, r 1927 w 6th
Kelm, Leander A, wks Brammer Mnfg Co r 1927 w 6th
Kelm, Oscar wife Margaret M, cigmkr C F Hanssen r 1927 w 6th
KEISER (See also Kayser and Kisor)
Keiser, Bernardina L wid Bernard r 1829 Sycamore
Keiser, Miss Frances C r 1829 Sycamore
Keiser, Miss Helen V cigmkr P N Jacobsen jr r 1829 Sycamore
Keiser, Henry wks Brammer Mnfg Co bds 531 w 2d
Keiser, Miss Johanna cigmkr C Karst r 1829 Sycamore
KELEHER (See also Keeler)
Keleher, Mary, wid Daniel r 116 w 6th
Kellenberger, Conrad E wife Clara wks Christian Mueller & Sons r 819 w
Keller, Adam, wife Margaret, cigmkr H J Boettger r 1219 w 5th
Keller, Andrew, edgerman Christian Mueller & Sons r 811 w 2d
Keller, Anna wid Michael r 1446 w 7th
Keller, Edmund wks Dav Cigar Box Co r 1219 w 5th
Keller, George B wife Nellie lab r ft Taylor
Keller, Joachim wife Minnie carp r 1202 1/2 w 2d
Keller, John wife Eliza wks Metal Wheel Co r 1419 w 7th
Keller, Miss Margaret r 811 w 2d
Keller, Miss Marie r 1219 w 5th
Keller, Miss Martha dom 2020 Grand av
Keller, Phillip H plumber Corry & W r 1219 w 5th
Keller, Sabina wid Andrew r 811 w 2d
Keller, Wm J bartndr rms 116 Iowa
Kellet, James S wife Laura J broommkr r 1225 Rock Island
Kelley, Agnes, wid Michael B r 605 w 15th
Kelley, Miss Alice S clk Io Tel Co r 221 e 6th
Kelley, Miss Amanda J r 1604 Maine
Kelley, Miss Annie dom 511 e 7th
Kelley, Miss Annie A r 411 e 12th
Kelley, Bridget wid Dennis r 411 e 12th
Kelley, Dennis J r 1107 Iowa
Kelley, Edward H stenog Dav Elec Co R 1333 Fulton av
Kelley, Ellen wid John r 221 e 6th
Kelley, Mrs. Elma r 425 e 6th
Kelley, Miss Flora r 817 e 3d
Kelley, Miss Hattie M cash Silberstein Bros r 817 w 3d
Kelley, Mrs. Honora r 1333 Fulton av
Kelley, John clk T Thompson r 1048 w 3d
Kelley, John A wife Sophia lab 118 Western av
Kelley, John J blksmith r 1213 Ripley
Kelley, John T printer The Times 1107 Iowa
Kelley, John W foreman C M & St. P r 221 e 6th
Kelley, Miss Katherine R, tchr Sch No 5 r 1213 Ripley
Kelley, Miss Lottie r 605 w 15th
Kelley, Margaret wid John r 1235 w 7th
Kelley, Miss Mary r 1213 Ripley
Kelley, Miss Nellie G, tchr Sch No 1 r 1333 Fulton
Kelley, Patrick lab r 1206 4th av
Kelley, Pauline wid W B r 817 w 3d
Kelley, Thomas J, wife Anna M foreman The Times r 411 e 12th
Kelley, Thomas P wife Mary stone ctr r 1048 w 3d
Kelley, W Wade, wks Metal Wheel Co r 425 e 6th
Kelling, Mary E wid J F r Sycarmore nr Gaston
Kelling, Wm H wife Meta farmer r Hickory Grove rd nr limits
Kellogg, C A pressman The Leader rms 612 Brady
Kellogg, Frank H wife Emelia fireman r 1101 Kent
Kellogg, Levi A wife Indiann, wks C R I & P r 1702 Rock Island
Kellogg, Miss Mattie L r 1702 Rock Island
Kelly, Albert, lab r 312 LeClaire
Kelly, Andrew, elect, r 1409 w Locust
Kelly, Arthur E bkpr J F Kelly Co r 640 Tremont av
Kelly, Miss Bessie B stenog Germania Life Insurance Co r 2212 w 4th
Kelly, Miss Charlotte H stenog J F Kelly & Co r 640 Tremont av
Kelly, Daniel C wife Catharine r 1003 e Locust
Kelly, Davenport, wife Clara wks J C Ploehn r rear 211 Brady
Kelly, Edward wife Margaret driver H A St Onge & Co r 829 Marquette
Kelly, E Carroll clk The Famous r 424 e 7th
Kelly, H W printer J White Art Co r Atlantic Hotel
Kelly, James wife Mary A mason r 424 e 7th
Kelly, James C fireman Dav Water Co r 1712 w 4th
Kelly, John wife Mary lab r 2015 Scott
Kelly, John mach opr Brammer Mnfg Co r 1409 w Locust
Kelly, John F, wife Elizabeth M (J F Kelly & Co) 107 Brady r 640
Tremont av
Kelly, John M tel opr r 2312 w 4th
Kelly, Miss Juliet R clk The Famous r 424 e 7th
Kelly, J F & Co (J F and W F Kelly) whol grocers 107 Brady
Kelly, Miss Laura V r 640 Tremont av
Kelly, Mamie M wid G H r 1305 Ripley
Kelly, Margaret wid Daniel r 1030 Western av
Kelly, Miss Mary E r 640 Tremont av
Kelly, Miss Mary R clk The Famous r 424 e 7th
Kelly, Max V wife Mayme E adv mngr The Famous r 1611 Arlington av
Kelly, Merrit J wife Lizzie dentist 212 1/2 w 2d r same
Kelly, Michael F wife Rose blksmith C R I & P r 607 Farnam
Kelly, Richard C trav agt J F Kelly & Co r 640 Tremont av
Kelly Springfield Rubber Tire Co Robert Kercheval pres R L Pettibone vice
pres E B McCormick sec J W Brandon treas, 112 e 4th
Kelly, Susan wid Patrick r 1034 w 7th
Kelly, Miss Susie dom 1312 e Front
Kelly, Thomas flagman C M & St P bds 427 e 6th
Kelly, Thomas wife Ellen lab r 1712 w 4th
Kelly, Thomas lab r 1712 w 4th
Kelly, Thomas E wife Leada, grocer 330 e 2d r same
Kelly, Thomas J wife Henrietta lab r 1702 Mitchell
Kelly, Wm wife Ida M contr r 2212 w 4th
Kelly, Wm F wife Josephine M (J F Kelly & Co) 107 Brady r 2 Arlington
Kelly, Wm V carp r 2212 w 4th
Kelsey, Henry E wife Lillian G harnessmkr Arsenal r 1009 e 15th
Kelting, Fred W wife Mary eng St James Hotel r w 3d nr limits
Kemmerer, John J wife Matilda carp r 1826 Harrison
Kemmerer, Miss Mary R r 1824 Harrison
Kemmerer, Miss Sarah A dressmkr r 1824 Harrison
Kemmerer, Sarah A wid T H r 1824 Harrison
Kemmerer, Theodore H wife Stella S r 1315 Brady
Kemmerer, Wm V r 1826 Harrison
Kempke, Herman cigmkr N Kuhnen Co bds 728 w Front
Kendall, Amos M wife Sarah H mngr Mrs. S H Kendall r 122 e 3d
Kendall, Edwin W wife Alvene A clk Mrs. S H Kendall r 1502 Ripley
Kendall, Fred H wife Caroline trav agt r 1406 Taney
Kendall, Mrs Sarah H rest 122 e 3d r same
Kendall, Theodore F wife Nellie Elder First Seventh Day Adventist ch r
Thompson, Ill.
Kendig, Lynn J wife Hattie E painter r 1110 Gaines
Kendig Mabel wid Harry dressmkr r 911 w 2d
Kendig, Samuel C painter r 1110 Gaines
Kennedy, Miss Anna cook Orphans' Home r same
Kennedy, Charles wife Eliza r 520 e 9th
Kennedy, Miss Ellen r 905 w 8th
Kennedy, George (col) wife Belle lab r 513 Western av
Kennedy, James lab r 1314 w 6th
Kennedy, John wife Kate lab r 537 Bridge av
Kennedy, John F wife Anna I carp r 223 w Pleasant
Kennedy, Miss Julia (Geisser & Co) r 528 e 9th
Kennedy, Mary wid Thomas r Mercy Hospital
Kennedy, Michael T wife Annie B solcr r 1515 Bridge av
Kennedy, Miss M A cash People's Light Co r Rock Island, Ill.
Kennedy, Miss Nellie E r 511 e High
Kennedy, Patrick wife Margaret lab r 1314 w 6th
Kennedy, Patrick M wife Josephine lab r 1324 w 6th
Kennedy, Sarah wid Alex r 1324 Harrison
Kennedy, Miss Theresa R dressmkr r 511 e High
Kennedy, Thomas E wife Mary r 511 e High
Kennedy, Thomas P wife Genevieve clk The Fair r 130 w 16th
Kennedy, Wm lab bds 1102 w Front
Kennedy, Wm J M wife Julia lather r 1324 Harrison
KENNEY (See also Kinney)
Kenney, Terrance F wife Margaret pres Davenport Stone Co 211 Perry r 1026
w 2d
Kennicutt, Ira O driver Smith Bros & Burdick Co r 207 e 6th
Kenower, Henry H wife Mary M r 414 1/2 w 3d
Kent, Hattie C wid C H r 1320 Harrison
Keppe, Charles wife Minnie r 404 w 16th
Keppy, Henry wife Mary meatmkt 628 e 12th r 1327 Harrison
Keppy, Herman wife Sarah butcher H Keppy r 1327 Harrison
Keppy, Miss Theresa M clk S D Ryder & Co r 1327 Harrison
Kercheval, Robert wife Nellie P pres Kelly Springfield Rubber Tire Co 112
e 4th r 839 Brady
Kerker, Arthur J, r 1327 Perry
Kerker Block, formerly Fulton, 317 Perry
Kerker, Earl, r 315 e 12th
Kerker, George W, wife Magdalene, grocer, 207 w 2d r 1327 Perry
Kerker, Harry L, clk G W Kerker, r 1327 Perry
Kerker, Henry W, wife Ella L, r 315 e 12th
Kerker, Jules H bkpr Smith Bros & Burdick Co r 1327 Perry
Kerker, Leo F, wife Mary M clk 1st Nat Bank r 424 w 8th
Kerker, Leroy, helper W F Worth & Co r 315 e 12th
Kerker, Wm H wife Annie, tmstr r 634 e 12th
KERR (See also Carr)
Kerr, Mrs. Eliza nurse r 2015 LeClaire
Kerr, Henry lab r 415 e 10th
Kerr, Henry wife Julia A plasterer r 1619 Ripley
Kerr, Philip, wife Annie mach opr Metal Wheel Co, r 415 e 10th
Kerrrigan, Miss Bessie A, tchr r 1218 Scott.
Kerrigan, Miss Ella J r 1218 Scott
Kerrigan, Frank X r 1218 Scott
Kerrigan, James, wife Catherine roadmaster, r 1621 LeClaire
Kerrigan, John P, wife Mary J clk Petersen's Sons, r 1218 Scott
Kerrigan, Joseph, r 708 w 17th
Kerrigan, Miss Margaret dressmkr r 1621 LeClaire
Kerrigan, Miss Mary S r 708 w 17th
Kerrigan, Michael wife Cecelia plasterer r 708 w 17th
Kershaw, Fred, lab rms 118 Western av
Kessler, Charles wife Annie blksmith r 207 Warren
Kessler, Frank, wife Mary guard Gov bridge, r 1143 w 3d
Kessler, wm wife Mary r 1426 w 6th
Kestenmacher, Dorothy M wid James r 703 Belle av
Ketelsen, Carl W wks Glucose Co r 1435 Marshall
Ketelsen, Miss Clara M.S. dressmkr r 313 w 10th
Ketelsen, Emil J.H. wks Glucose Co r 1435 Marshall
Ketelsen, Miss Emma M packer Washburn H C Co r 1435 Marshall
Ketelsen, Henry J C wks Dav Malt Co r 313 w 10th
Ketelsen, Ketel, wife Katherine r 313 w 10th
Ketelsen, Peter, wife Emma wks Brammer Mnfg Co r 1435 Marshall
Ketelsen, Wm F wks Brammer Mnfg Co r 1435 Marshall
Kettelsen, Bernard, wife Elizabeth, mach opr Metal Wheel Co r 617 w 9th
Kettelsen, Miss Carrie wks N Kuhnen Co r 1322 Concord
Kettelsen, Herman wks Woolen Mills r 1322 Leonard
Kettelsen, Lizzie wis Henry r 1322 Leonard
Kettlar, Henry wks F T Schmidt & Sons r Oak nr Eads
Kevlin, Miss Gertrude r 611 w 15th
Kevlin, Mary wid James C r 611 w 15th
Kevlin, Miss M Theresa r 611 w 15th
Keys, Wm wife Tillie eng r 1201 w 2d
Kibbey, George W wife Annie L tmstr Standard Oil Co r 644 e 6th
Kibby, Mrs Jane r 644 e 6th
Kibler, Edward H, wife Ora, mach opr Metal Wheel Co r 729 1/2 e 6th
Kibler, Joseph R wife Maud M mach opr Metal Wheel Co r 713 e 6th
Kleckbush, Detlef, wife Mary lab r 907 w 4th
Kleckbush, Edward H carp r 907 w 4th
Kiefer, Mrs. Gertrude, r 1412 Rockingham rd
Kieffert, Victor wife Genevieve, fireman Glucose Co r 2139 w 3d
Kieffert, Victor jr clk A & P Tea Co r 2139 w 3d
Kieffert, Wm A painter Tri-City Crrge Wks r 2139 w 2d
Kiel (See also Kuehl)
Kiel, Gus, tel opr W U Tel Co r Moline, Ill.
Kiel, Wm E, wife Mary A r 1328 Leonard
Klene, Albert wife Louise, bkpr F Haak, r 1321 w 8th
Kier, Jeremiah H, wife Anna, confectr, 329 Western av r same
Kiernan, Peter, wife Louise, mason r 1018 w 5th
Kiesbuy, Otto, butcher H.F. Gosch, r 2047 w 3d
Kiessig, Herman F wife Jennie, tailor J C Freese r rear 324 w 9th
Kiester, Josephine M wid D M Physician flat B, Cora Lee Roy bldg, 602
Brady r same.
Killeen, Ann, wid Patrick r 1304 w 7th
Killeen, Miss Mary E r 1304 w 7th
Killey, Arthur M, r 302 Harrison
Killian, Adolph W sorter Weyerhaeuser & D bds 324 w 11th
Killian, Miss Alma F collr Mossman & Vollmer Co r 309 Ripley
Killian, Miss Bertha r 309 Ripley
Killian, John, pressman r 1323 Harrison
Killian, John M wife Emelia, painter r 309 Ripley
Killian, Miss Lottie clk H A St Onge & Co r 309 Ripley
Killion, John, wife Margaret, lab r 1008 Main
Killion, Michael E wife Agnes, printer E Borcherdt r 935 Le Page
Killion, Otto W bds 324 w 11th
Kimball, Abel r A 602 Brady
Kimball, Miss Alice C r A 602 Brady
Kimball, Claude E wife Verna M foreman Democrat r 2 Winthrop av
Kimball House, H W Sommers propr 4th ne cor Perry
Kimball House Bar, Kimball House
Kimball House, Sample Rooms 116 1/2 w 2d
Kimball, Ida M C wid Elmer J clk r 716 w 17th
Kimball, Miss Isabelle, r A 602 Brady
Kimball, Miss Julia B r A 602 Brady
Kimball, Phereby, wid Joseph r 518 w 11th
Kimball, Wm H cly engr r I 606 Brady
Kimble, Mrs. Carrie bldg h, 517 Perry r same
Kincaid, Charles wife Alice wks Impl Mnfg Co r 1327 Fulton av
Kindelon, Patgrick J wife Margaret lab r 1005 Gaines
Kindle, Adolph, wife Mary B pump fitter Red Jacket Mnfg Co r 1315 Le
Kindle, F Joseph, r 1128 w 4th
Kindle, Joseph wife Caroline contr r 1128 w 4th
Kindred, Joseph, cigmkr H Sindt, r Rock Island Ill.
Kindt, Miss Caroline r 415 Perry
Kindt, Charles T wife Nellie (Chamberlin, Kindt & Co) 415 Perry r same
Kindt, Mary wid Frederick r 1524 w 7th
King, Albert N, wife Minnie O, insp Io Tel Co r 308 e 6th
King, Ann, wid Thomas, r 1449 w 7th
King, Miss Clara M, dom 2808 Brady
King, Edward B, wife Caroline L, wks Arsenal, r 950 LePage
King, Miss Ellen r rear 213 Rock Island
King, George W, wife Martha eng Metal Wheel Co r 922 Harrison
King, Herman G, wife Nora, mach Arsenal r 1532 w 4th
King, Hugh G, helper Dav Steam Heating Co r 922 Harrison
King, Jeremiah, lab r Rockingham rd nr Lincoln av
King, Josephine wid Jeremiah r 510 e 7th
King, Leonard J wife Laura mason r 1117 Scott
King, Louis driver S T Doyle bds 2808 Brady
King, Mary A wid Martin M r 824 Main
King, Miss Mary E r 510 e 7th
King, Michael pressman Bett Axle Co r 1449 w 7th
King, Miss Myrtle K wks Washburn H C Co r 922 Harrison
King, Thomas J wife Augusta, wks Metal Wheel Co r 823 w 3d
King, Walter (col) bell boy St. James Hotel
Kinnavey, Miss Annie C, r 926 Judson
Kinnavey, Catherine wid Martin r 926 Judson
Kinnavey, Cecelia wid Patrick r 224 Tremont av
Kinnavey, James J wife Margaret boilermaker C R I & P r 766 Case
Kinnavey, Martin S finisher Knostman & P Furn Co r 926 Judson
Kinneman, Miss Dorothea C r 1619 w 4th
Kinneman, John W clk Io Nat Bank r 1619 w 4th
Kinneman, Theodore G, wife Augusta C wks Weyerhaeuser & D, r 1619 w
Kinney (See Also Kenney)
Kinney, Bartholomew K, wife Sarah lab r 311 e 7th
Kinney, Gillian wid D F bds 708 Brady
Kinney, J T E wks Bett Axle Co r 1529 w 3d
Kinney, Margaret C wid R H r 15 Riverview pl
Kinney, Michael wife Norah, lab r 1529 w 3d
Kinsley, Miss May, wks F Haak r 905 w 8th
Kinzie, Miss Julia dressmkr Miss K L Conwell r Rock Island Ill.
Kipe, Miss Elsie wks Crescent M Co r 817 LeClaire
Kipe, Miss Emma V wks Crescent M Co r 817 LeClaire
Kipe, Mrs Jennie r 817 LeClaire
Kipe, Samuel J clk W B Wkley, r 817 LeClaire
Kipp, Frank, trav agt R Krause Co r Rock Island Ill.
Kipp, John, wife Maggie S, carp r 2024 w 5th
Kipp, Wm, wife Louise lab r 1628 w 3d
Kircher, Miss Otie, with T. Kircher, r 1017 Main
Kircher, Mrs. Tillie, jeweler 102 w 2d r 1017 Main
Kirchhofer, Ferdinand, wife Thekla, confectr 624 w 3d r same
Kirk, Anna M, wd John, r 424 w 2d
Kirk, Bill, wife Nora T, horseshoer, 211 Rock Island r 1217 e Locust
Kirk, Miss Ellen, laundress Buck & Co r 1612 Western av
Kirk, Joseph W, horseshoer, B Kirk, r 1217 e Locust
Kirk, Margaret wid Thomas r 1012 Western av
Kirk, Mary A wid James r 513 Perry
Kirk, Matthew T wife Mary M baggageman C R I & P, r 646 e 6th
Kirkman, Miss Anna C r 420 e 11th
Kirkman, Francis wife Mary A lab r 420 e 11th
Kirkman, Miss Gertrude E tchr r 420 e 11th
Kirkman, Miss Mary E clk N Liepold & Co r 420 e 11th
Kirkman, Michael J wife Elizabeth M timekeeper 329 e 11th
Kirkpatrick, Jane C wid Samuel r 607 e 14th
Kirton, Isaac J wife Alice A cement finisher r 620 e 13th
Kirwan, Johanna wid John r 1107 Hamilton
Kirwan, John painter r 1107 Hamilton
Kirwan, Miss Mary wks F Haak r 1107 Hamilton
Kirwan, Michael J wks Christian Mueller & Sons, r 1107 Hamilton
Kiser (See also Kayser and Keiser)
Kiser, Miss Frances E r 1104 Perry
Kiser, Miss Jennette L r 1104 Perry
Kiser, Oscar wife Jeanette L broker 7 Masonic Temple r 1104 Perry
Kistenmacher, Miss Amelia r 1120 w 3d
Kistenmacher, Benj wife Elisabeth clk Schroeder & Brandt r 1403 w 3d
Kistenmacher, Emil J wife Agnes druggist 307 w 2d r 716 w 3d
Kistenmacher, Henry H wife Mary K r 2128 w 2d
Kistenmacher, Mary C wid C W r 222 Ainsworth
Kistenmacher, Miss Meta r 2128 w 2d
Kistenmacher, Wm wife Mary r 226 Ainsworth
Kistenmacher, Theo C bkpr Seiffert & Wiese r 716 w 3d
Kistenmacher, Wm r 1052 w 2d
Kittleson, John, cook St. James Hotel
Kitz, Frederick N, lab r 1608 w 4th
Kivlin, John H wife Mary barber r 805 e Front
Kivlin, Mary wid Michael r 805 e Front
Kjellman, Henry A wife Helen shoemkr 304 e 3d r 736 e 9th
Klahn, Edward wife Dora clk Rascher S & R Hdwe Co r 1026 w 2d
Klare, Adolph, wife Minnie, foreman Glucose Co r 2046 w 2d
Klattenhoff, Miss Anna M, clk Petersen's Sons r Moline Ill.
Klauer, Andrew N, wife Margaret, foreman Washburn H C Co r 2121 w 5th
Klauer, Frank J wife Therese, tinner W H Hender, r 1115 w 7th
Klauer, Frank W wife Kate L, finisher A J Smith & Son r 2006 w 4th
Klauer, Miss Henrietta r 812 w 2d
Klauer, Henry J wife Mabel trav agt R Krause Co r 219 w 4th
Klauer, Michael N clk Silberstein Bros, r 812 w 2d
Klauer, Tracie wid Michael r 812 w 2d
Klaus, John, ice, 234 Howell r same.
Klaus, Katherine, wid Louis r 1811 Summit av
Klaus, Miss Theresa dom 211 College av
Klausch, Paul B musician, bds 120 w Front
Klehn, Jacob W wks Glucose Co bds 104 Division
Klein, Alex r 2001 w 3d
Klein, Miss Amanda clk W P Halligan Co r 2001 w 3d
Klein, Charles C mach Dav F & M Co r 2001 w 3d
Klien, Miss Dora, r 812 w Front
Klein, Gus, cook Kmmball House.
Klein, Herman, waiter, Dav. Turner Hall Club, r 501 w 3d
Klein, Miss Johanna r 2001 w 3d
Klein, Miss Laura, clk W P Halligan Co r 2001 w 3d
Klein, Rebecca wid H A r 812 w Front
Klein, Theodore, wife Mary, pipeftr Glucose Co r 1801 w 4th
Kleinfelder, Jacob B wife Johannah F mach r 2029 Rock Island
Kleinfelder, Mrs .Mary bds Atlantic Hotel
Kleinschmidt, Frank, wife Annie E harnessmkr Arsenal r 1312 Farnam
Klemmons, Hugo, wks H J Witt r 302 w Front
Klemp, Wm wks Weyer & D r Gilbert
Klenze, Charles H wife Anna, (H Brockman & Co) 204 e 2d r 714 w 6th
Klenze, John E druggist, 432 w 3d r same
Kletty, Miss Anna F tchr Sch No 11 r 718 w 17th
Kletty, Henry A wife Fredericka C r 718 w 17th
Klinck, Fredericka, wid John r 322 Oak
Klinck, Wm J clk J H Schuett, r 322 Oak
Klindt, George, wife Julie sec Dav Malting Co 1223 w 3d r 942 Marquette
Klindt, Henry clk J Lorenzen Co bds 314 Ripley
Klindt, J Wm wife Carrie shoemkr Falk & Bolte r 1119 w 3d
Klindt, David R wife Elizabeth r 724 Case
Kline, David W, car insp C R I & P, r 724 Case
Kline, David H, wife Elizabeth r 724 Case
Kline, Miss Lillie, r 724 Case
Klinefelter, Mrs. Frances, dom 1324 Main
Klingbiel, Otto, wife Emma florist C Dannacher, r 2704 Dubuque
Klingenberg, Anna, wid Henry r 112 Western av
Klingberg, Henry wks Christian Mueller & Sons, r 112 Western av
Klinkradt, Adolph, wife Edith, glazier r 1229 Hamilton
Klinkradt, Albert wks Christian Mueller & Sons, r 1229 Hamilton
Klookmann, Henry, wife Regina, eng Glucose Co r 638 Cedar
Kloppenburg, Miss Anna, dom 133 w 13th
Kloppenburg, Miss Emma wks Woolen Mills, r 830 Warren
Kloppenburg, George S, wife Emma driver Schick's Exp. r 707 w 4th
Kloppenburg, Louis C wife Alvina printer Egbert F & C r 817 w 15th
Kloppenburg, Margaret wid Marx, r 830 Warren
Kloppenburg, Mary, wid john, r 1308 w 2d
Kloppenburg, Max, wks Bell Axle Co r 830 Warren
Kloppenburg, Peter, grocer 1601 w Locust r same.
Klotz, Wm, farmer, Soldiers Orphan's Home, r same.
Klouda, Anthony, wife Anna, wks Arsenal r same
Klouda, Charles, wks Metal Wheel Co r 834 Switz
Klouda, Edward G mach Red Jacket Mnfg Co r 834 Switz
Klouda, Frank J, wife Mary E, mach opr Metal Wheel Co r 636 LeClaire
Klouda, Miss Mary V r 834 Switz
Kluess, Frederick W, wife Sophia cooper Glucose Co r 1833 w 3d
Kluess, Miss Helen R clk Petersen's Sons r 1833 w 3d
Kluess, Miss Luisa H clk Petersen's Sons r 1833 w 3d
Klug, Miss Elfrieda H r 608 w 6th
Klug, Fredericka, wid Otto r 608 w 6th
Klug, Miss Lily r 608 w 6th
Klug, Otto jr r 608 w 6th
Knaack, August, wife Wilhelmina, eng Metal Wheel Co r 2203 w 3d
Knaack, August jr, mach opr Metal Wheel Co r 2203 w 3d
Knaack, Herman R, wife Mary, (C.H.R. Knaack & Co) 508 w 3d r same
Knaack, H R & Co (H R Knaack), cheese 508 w 3d
Knaack, Wm, mach opr Metal Wheel Co r 2303 w 3d
Knappe, Charles F ,wife Annie bkpr Knueppel & Ott, r 131 Cambria.
Knapper, Hannah, wid Henry r 422 e 11th
Knapper, Henry C wife Bridget A, horrseshoer W R Armil, r 728 Rock Island
Knauss, Harry W, wife Annie L, bkpr Impl Mnfg Co r 2014 Iowa.
Kneeland, Miss jennie E r 26 Petersen blk.
Kneese, Edward M wife Mildred, mason r 1907 Gaines
Knogendorf, Miss Bertha F, wks F Haak, r 1331 Franklin.
Knogendorf, Mrs. Fredericka, r 1331 Franklin.
Knell, Charlotte C, wid C.C. dressmkr 51 McManus bldg, r 219 w 15th
Knepper, George, cigmkr C F Hanssen, bds 518 Main
Kniegge, Conrad C wife Clara C cigmkr C F Hanssen, r 1602 South.
Knierer, Frank, wife Josephine C trav agt Standard Oil Co r S Riverview
Knighton, Fannie, wid Samuel r 613 e 14th
Knighton, Samuel, wife Mary, trav agt Phoenix Milling Co r 613 e 14th
Kniphals, Albert, wks Christian Mueller & Sons, r 214 Warren
Kniphals, Henry, wife Catherine, r 214 Warren
Kniphals, Miss Lena, r 1022 w 3d
Kniphals, Rudolph, helper Glass Co r 214 Warren
Kniphals, Wm, barber C A Englehart, r 214 Warren
Knoblauch, Joseph, wife Anna, tmstr r Rose Hill lane n Telegraph rd
Knocke, Catherine wid Adolph, r 1112 w 6th
Knocke, Louis E wife May G cash Register Life & Annuity Co r 1 Walling
Knoepfel, Gerhardt T, wife Ida M, baker, r 1342 1/2 w 4th
Knostman, Amelia M wid G. H. r 520 Eastern av
Knostman, Miss Annie C r 1335 2d av
Knostman, George H clk J Duggleby r 520 Eastern av
Knostman, Gerhard F wife Mary, county overseer of poor, ground fl Court
House, r 519 Summit
Knostman, George W, wife Minnie S see Knostman & Petersen Furn Co 1325
e Front r 220 Bridge av
Knostman, John F wife Catherine E press Knostman & Petersen Furn Co
1325 e Front r 1335 2d av
Knostman, John W, clk J Duggleby, r 520 Eastern av
Knostman, Robert E clk J Duggleby r 520 Eastern av
Knostman & Petersen Furniture Co, J F Knostman pres, A Peterson vice
pres, G W Knostman sec, W E Petersen treas, 1325 e Front
Knothe, Miss Olga wks St James Hotel
Knott, Henry wife Lena, butcher E D Robenson & Sons r 615 w 9th
Knouse, James H clk Bradstreet Co r 2222 Western av
Knouse, Miss Mamie A r 2222 Western av
Knouse, Martin wife Susan farmer r 2222 Western av
Knouse, Miss Maud E r 526 e Locust
Knouse, Raymond B painter r 526 e Locust
Knouse, Wm D wife Mattie J painter 526 e Locust r same
Knudson, Miss Emma dem 1108 Brady
Knueppel, Miss Amelia, wks Dav Pearl B Co r 1204 w 3d
Knueppel, August H, wife Amelia (Knueppel & Ott) 308 w 2d r same
Kneuppel & Ott, harness mkrs, 308 w 2d
Knuth, Detlef wife Minnie ,wks Knostman & P Furn Co r Mound nr Locust.
Knuth, Miss Dorathea wks F Haak r 721 Gaines
Knuth, Henry r 721 Gaines
Knuth, Henry J r wks Mound nr Locust
Knuth, John F wife Wilhelmina cl H H Vogt r Concord nr 2d
Knuth, Otto clk Boston Store r 721 Gaines
Knuth, Peter lab bds 803 w 2d
Knuth, Peter C wife Catharine wks Metal Wheel Co r 721 Gaines
Knuth, T Henry wife Marguerite E lab r 764 Christie
Knuth, Wm C wrks Mound nr Locust
Knutsen, Thomas wife Lizzie mach opr Brammer Mnfg Co r 528 w 2d
Knutson, Miss Hilda, dom 1102 e Front
Knutzen, Juergen R bds 531 w 2d
Kober, Christian r 1504 Rock Island
Koberg, Charles J wife Catherine carp r 1515 Leonard
Koberg, Herman, student bds 212 Scott
Koberg, Miss Matilda dom 912 Perry
Koberg, Miss Meta N dom 1330 Perry
Kobs, Oscar G wife Emma bicycle supplies 117 w 3d r Gilbert
Koch, Adloph, wife Mary, cab mkr r 953 Judson
Koch, Adolph F wife Catherine C sec Jens Lorenzen Crockery Co 225 w 3d r
924 w 14th
Koch, Miss Agnes r rear 1401 Rockingham rd
Koch, Alex, agt r 312 w 2d
Koch, Miss Amanda dom 1711 LeClaire
Koch, Miss Amelia, r 1328 3d av
Koch, Miss Anna r 2220 w 2d
Koch, Miss Anna E wks Hadsell & Co r 114 Brown
Koch, Arnold r 1513 w 7th
Koch, Miss Bertha wks Dav Cigar Box Co r 1513 w 7th
Koch, Christian T, wife Agatha lab r Mound
Koch, Charles wife Caroline wks Metal Wheel Co r Telegraph rd nr Indian rd
March 21, 1900
Koch, Christian wife Henrietta bill ? r 421 Western av
Koch, Christian wife Emma C carp Bett Axle Co r 1214 Brown
Koch, Claus H wife Catherine r 1513 w 7th
Koch, Detlef H shoemkr 2128 Eddy r same
Koch, Edward, lab r 1230 w 4th
Koch, Miss Emma dom 1201 Harrison
Koch, Miss Emma r 1513 w 7th
Koch, Ernest wife Helenda lab r 2113 Cherry
Koch, Ernest C wife Malinda O hostler, r 2112 Grand av
Koch, Francis J wife Marie T druggist, 1801 Fulton av r 1905 Fulton av
Koch, Frank J, wife Catherine finisher Dav Furn & Carpt Co r 930 1/2 w
Koch, Miss Frieda S dom 203 Bridge av
Koch, Gottlieb wife Louise patternmkr r 114 Brown
Koch, Gustave H wife Jessie lawyer 9 Masonic Temple r 1027 Main
Koch, Henry wife Mary A lab r 1230 w 4th
Koch, Henry F wife Louisa r 223 w 1?th
Koch, Hugo V timekpr r 212 w 2d
Koch, John wife Emma tmstr r 409 w 3d?
Koch, John wks Dav Pearl B Co r 1130 w 2d
Koch, John C, sorter Weyerhaeuser & D r 2128 Eddy
Koch, Julius wife Helen furrier 212 w 2d r same
Koch, Miss Kate laundress Duck & Co r 1518 w 7th
Koch, Louis r 1120 w 2d
Koch, Miss Mary E r 1230 w 7th
Koch, Mathias H shoes 114 e 3d r 1228 3d av
Koch, Otto H wks Weyerhaeuser & D bds 1214 Brown
Koch, Otto S r 1228 3d av
Koch, Paul r 225 w 2d
Koch, Peter T wife Agnes r 620 w 7th
Koch, Peter T wife Catherine r 2220 w 2d
Koch, Simon wife Elizabeth r 1328 3d av
Koch, Theo P, wife Anna clk U S Exp Co r 2108 Grand av
Koch, Wm F wife Maria carp Glucose Co r 914 w 8th
Koch, Wm F jr printer Democrat r 914 w 8th
Koch's Building 114 1/2 e 3d
Kock, Fred W wife Wilhelmina carp r 919 Warren
Kock, Herman carp r 919 Warren
Kodt, John H r 821 w 2d
Koechert, Paul H wife Clara druggist 418 w 2d r 513 w 4th
Koeger, Miss Emma dom 808 Brady
KOEHLER (See also Kahler and Kohler.)
Koehler, Alb ert, lab rms 118 Western av
Koehler, August, wife Margaret 1323 w 7th
Koehler, Miss Ellen, clk The Fair, 1323 w 7th
Koehler, Frank J, wife Anna driver Beiderbecke M Co r 1608 Leonard
Koehler, Miss Helen dom 218 Kirkwood boul
Koehler, Henry wife Ottillia, vice pres Dav Paving U & T. Co 409
Harrison, r 817 w 7th
Koehler, Jacob, wife Emma clk Beiderbecke M Co r 723 w 3d
Koehler, Oscar C wife Matilda, pres Dav Malting Co, 1223 w 2d
Koehnke, Hugo T, wks Dav Pearl B Co r 1385 w 2d
Koehnke, Theo H wife Laura L, harnessmkr, 1337 w 3d r 1885 w 3d
Koehnke, Mrs. Wilhelmina r 1885 w 3d
??? Louis, wife Catherine r 1320 Marquette
???, Jacob bds 803 w 2d
Koenig, Charles H r 1810 Telegraph rd
Koenig, Miss Clara r 804 w 17th
Koenig, Miss Emma r 1810 Telegraph rd
Koenig, Jacob M wife Catherine proter, Sieg Iron Co r 1006 Warren
Koenig, John clk Petersen & Sons r 1006 Warren
Koenig, Miss Pauline, r 1810 Telegraph rd
Koenig, Wm helper Mason Crrge Wks r 1008 Warren
Koenigsaecker, George agt r 1027 Ash
Koenigsaecker, Louis E wks Knueppel & Ott r 1027 Ash
Koep, Hans J wife Dora, grocer 916 w 3d r 914 w 3d
Koep, Wm clk G W Kerker, r 914 w 3d
Koepke, Claus musician r 1315 Border
Koepke, Ernest wife Adelia cigmkr Harkert & Co bds 416 Western av
Koepke, Fritz wife Anna woodwkr Sternberg Mnfg Co r 1315 Border
Koepke, George wks Iow aReform r 1315 Border
Koepke, Miss Hannah wks Jones Bros Co r 1635 w Locust
Koepke, Miss Henrietta wks Jones Bros Co r 1635 w Locust
Koepke, Hugo carp bds 416 Western av
Koepke, John C wife Emma carp J F nebergall r 1218 w 5th
Koepke, Julius, carp bds 731 w 2d
Koepke, Miss Theresa, waitress Windsor Hotel
Koester, Anthony J r 1436 Main
Koester, Christ wife Adelia tinner r 1201 w 3d
Koester, Gustav A wife Mary A r 1436 Main
Koester, John H wife Margaret millwright, Weyerhaeuser & D, r 512 Alma
Koester, John J wks Weyerhaeuser & D r 512 Alma av
Koester, Lena wid J.N.H. r 1347 w 3d
Koester's Farmers Hotel, P G Meyer, propr, 212 Scott
Kogionis, Stephen (Davenport Fruit Co) 332 Brady r 330 1/2 Brady
Kohl, Frederick lab r rear 2102 Summit av
Kohl, Henry C sec Eureka Paste Machine Co 54 McManus bldg, bds 828 Brady
Kohl, Margaret wid Charles r 1740 Eola
Kohl, Thomas, painter Bett Axle Co 1740 Eola
Kohl, Wm, wife Margaet, foreman Dav Elev Co r 1453 w 6th
Kohle, Miss Bertha L r 1626 Harrison
Kohle, John C wife Louisa H grocer 1528 Harrison, r 1626 Harrison
Kohle, Miss Lillie r 1626 Harrison
Kohle, Rosa, wid Carl r 1707 Harrison
KOHLER (See also Kahler and Koehler)
Kohler, John, wife Christina lab r 1531 Eutaw
Kohlsaat, Miss Clara L r 917 w 4th
Kohlsaat, Ernest H, wife Catherine C contr r 2802 Hancock av
Kohlsaat, Henry E wife Annie wks Glucose Co r 917 w 4th
Kohn, Charles wife Margaret wks Christian Mueller & Sons, r 1723
Kohn, Fred M wks Metal Wheel Co bds 1007 w 5th
Kohn, Henry P wife Helen F painter 1116 Brown r same
Kohn, Jacob wife Josephine wks C M & St P r 1412 w 8th
Kohn, Louis wife Ronie (Mosenfelder & Kohn) 115 w 2d r Rock Island
Kohn, Max, wife Julia trav agt Ferd Roddewig Sons, r 133 w 13th
Kohn, Rosewell, wife Laura E contr 1354 2nd av r same
Kohrs, Miss Bertha, r 1343 w 2d
Kohrs, Conrad C wife Anna M (H Kohrs Packing Co) rear 1343 w 2d r 1347 w
Kohrs, Frank (H Kohrs Packing Co) r 1343 w 2d
Kohrs, Henry wife Johanna (H Kohrs Packing Co) r 1343 w 2d
Kohrs, Henry jr wife Minnie (H Kohrs Packing Co) rear 1343 w 2d r 1322 w
Kohrs, Henry Packing Co (Henry, Henry jr, Conrad C, John H and Frank Kohrs,
Wm Frey, W. H. Gehrmann) rear 1343 w 2d
Kohrs, John H wife Hulda (H Kohrs Packing Co) rear 1343 w 2d r 1849 w 2d
Kohrs, Miss Mary r 1343 w 2d
Kolbelk, Christian P cook r 331 e 3d
Kolberg, Miss Minnie dom 1902 Grand av
Kolbig, Mrs Anna r 1451 w 4th
Kolbig, Miss Lena r 1451 w 4th
Kolk, Fred, cigmkr C F Hanssen r 1412 w 7th
Kolk, Henry wife Alvina trav agt S W Pierce r 1412 w 7th
Koll, Wulf wife Henrietta W P mach opr Brammer Mnfg Co r 1340 South
Kollmetz, Juergen, wife Johanna r 416 Marquette
Kolterman, Herman, wife Rosalie r 2235 w 3d
Koltzan, Henry wife Minnie (Koltan & Myers) 823 Warren r Telegraph rd
nw cor Concord
Koltzan, Jochim, wife Mary tmstr Weyerhaeuser & D r 1710 Mitchell
Koltzan, Julius H wife Dora carp r 1023 w 2d
Koltzan & Myers ( H Koltzan, W E Myers) contrs 323 Warren
Konkright, Frank W wife Harriet L barber 2107 Eddy r 732 w 15th
Konratt, Anton P wife Catherine M r 1416 w 8th
Kontagians, George clk N Vorgius, r 324 w 2d
Koopman, Detlef H wife Christiane, wks Metal Wheel Co r 1037 Ash
Koopmann, Miss Bertha dom 214 Harrison
Koopman, Jochim, wife Elise shoemkr 124 Harrison, r 2006 Bowditch
Koops, Frederick, wks Arsenal bds 518 Rock Island
Koops, Fritz coachman 532 w 7th
Koos, Mrs. Augusta housekpr 1113 w 8th
Koos, Ernst wks Dav Steam Heating Co r 1649 Liberty
Koos, Gustav G F wife Laura H blksmith, 334 Marquette r 402 Marquette
Koos, Harry wife Matilda wks Christian Mueller & Sons, r 2303 Bowditch
Koos, Henry J wife Mary carp r 1649 Liberty
Koos, Matilda wid H C notions 619 w 2d r same
Koos, Minnie wid Henry M dressmkr 212 w 5th
Koos, Peter wife Henrietta shoemkr r 1653 Liberty
Koos, Sophia wid Carl r 722 De Soto
Koos, Wm driver r 722 De Soto
Koppes, Michael wife Minnie cigmkr F Haak, r 1608 w 8th
Korn, Miss Bertha H clk H Korn & sons 319 Harrison r 321 Harrison
Korn, Charles H wife hulda (H Korn & sons) 319 Harrison r same
Korn, G Herman wife Helen, maltster Ind Malt Co r 1421 w 7th
Korn, Harry H wife Annie (H Korn & Sons) 319 Harrison r same
Korn, Henry wife Elizabeth (H Korn & Sons) 319 Harrison r 735 w 11th
Korn H & Sons (Henry C H and H H) bakery 319 Harrison
Korn, John H clk H Korn & sons r 319 Harrison
Korn, Otto H r 225 w 11th
Kortum, George H wife Emma wks J L Zoeckler r 1706 w 7th
Kortum, Henry cooper r 1459 w 6th
Kortum, Magdalene, wid Henry r 1459 w 6th
Kortum, Miss Paulina wks Woolen Mills r 1459 w 6th
Kortum, Wm wife Meta cigmkr F Haak r 1459 w 6th
Kortzau [or Kortzan], Henry wife Minnie contr r Telegraph rd nr Concord
Kosgard, Miss Emily wks N Kuhnen Co r 425 e 4th
Kosgard, John L wife Maggie driver E D Robeson & Sons r 411 Brady
Kosgard, Lawrence tmstr r 425 e 4th
Kosgard, Miss Lenora wks N Kuhnen Co r 425 e 4th
Kosgard, Margaret D wid Louis r 425 e 4th
Kosgard, Miss Neoline, wks N Khunen Co r 425 e 4th
Koss, Miss Matilda dom 1027 Main
Kostens, Henry wks Kimball House r same
Kough, James H, wife Emma trav agt S M Reynolds r Idle Hour
Krabbenhoeft, Gus, wife Emma sec Dav Cigar Box Co 527 w 2d r 933 Harrison
Krabbenhoeft, Lisette wid J H r 518 w 4th
Krabbenhoeft, Theo F, wife Emma pres Dav. Cigar Box C o 527 w 2d r 933
Krack, Miss Antoinette, dom C C Cook's Home
Krack, Dora wid Henry r 517 Marquette
Krack, Miss Emma r 2214 Bowditch
Krack, Henry wife Johanna r 2214 Bowditch
Krack, Miss Lulu r 2214 Bowditch
Krack, Wm, wks Glucose Co r 2214 Bowditch
Kracke, Miss Eda W r 2417 LeClaire
Kracke, Frank H wife Mary r 2417 LeClaire
Kracke, Roy S r 2417 LeClaire
Kracht, Miss Anna wks Dav Pearl b Co r Howell nr Dixwell
Kracht, Hans wife Dora M tmstr r Howell nr Dixwell
Kraege, Miss Addie F r 1512 Gaston
Kraege, John C r 1512 Gaston
Kraege, John F wife Marie, gardener, r 1512 Gaston
Kraft, August C wife Helen L mason r 717 w Locust
Kraftmaer, Eva wid Albert r 912 w 8th
Kraftmeyer, Miss Amanda dom 27 Walling ct
Kraftmyer, Emma wks N Kuhnen Co r rear 1204 Scott
Kraftmyer, Ferdinand wks Knostman & P Furn Co r rear 1204 Scott
Kretschmar, Emil F (Kretschmar & Rogge) 726 Harrison r same
Kretschmar & Rogge (E F Kretschmar, E W Rogge) meat mkt 726 Harrison
Kreul Dwight G, Physician and Surgeon, 205 w 3d tel 8994 r 215 w 4th
Kreutzfeldt, Henry wife Anna r 1333 w 7th
Krida, Albert r 508 Mississippi av
Kroeger, August P jr, wife Helena, carp C E Osborn, r 1253 South
Kroeger, Miss Bertha, cook E A Speth r 431 w 2d
Kroeger, Charles mach impl Mnfg Co r Hickory Grove rd nr Locust
Kroeger, Charles J wife Clara carp r 804 w 9th
Kroeger, Miss Dora dom 319 Harrison
Kroeger, Ernst W wks Boston Store r 1520 w 4th
Kroeger, Frank C wife Anna asst cash Cit Nat Bank r Hickory Grove rd and
Kroeger, Fritz r 221 Taylor
Kroeger, John wife Catherine W contr r 807 w 4th
Kroeger, John H, wife Wilhelmina cigmkr F Hank r 1520 w 4th
Kroeger, Miss Lillian wks N Kuhnen Co r 806 w 9th
Kroeger, Mary, wid Charles r 806 w 9th
Kroeger, Nicholas wife Lena wks Arsenal r 218 LeClaire
Kroeger, Wm wife Nettie carp r 59 Putnam bldg.
Kroeger, Wm jr driver Robeson & Sons r 59 Putnam bldg
Kroeger, Wm H wife Emma E printer Dr Demokrat r 708 Hennepin.
Krogmann, Hans wife Lizzie r Howell and Hickory Grove rd
Krohn, Bernard wife Margaret vic-pres H.F. Brammer Mnfg Co 1441 Rockingham
rd r 1008 Charlotte
Krohn, Miss Clara r 1008 Charlotte
Krohn, Miss Emma wks Model Laundry r 625 w 4th
Krohn, Gustave, wife Dora pres Cooper's Union rear 1302 w 5th r 1124 w 5th
Krohn, Henry wife Elizabeth dyer A Sebelien r 625 w 4th
Krohn, Hugo R teller Scott Co Sav Bank r 1008 Charlotte
Krohn, John wife Lizzie, fireman Glucose Co r Center nr Indian rd
Krohn, Julius mach Ebl & Neuman r 1124 w 5th
Krohne, Mary wid Henry r 1801 w 3d
Krombeck, Fritz r rear 1019 w 3d
Krone, Christian, wife Dorothy r 901 Gaines
Kropp, Caspar wife Amanda wks Glucose Co r 1724 Bowditch
Krotz, Frank wife Lou saloon 318 e Front r same
KROUSE (See also Krause)
Krouse, J Edwin see Dav Pearl Button Co 821 w 2d r 1705 Grand av
Krouse, Miss Lou A r 1705 Grand av
Krouse, Margaret J wid George r 1705 Grand av
Krowel, Katherine wid Conrad r 110 e 2d
Kroy, Catherine wid Claus r 802 Mississippi av
Kroy, Frederick wife Annie lab r 802 Mississippi av
Kroy, John F wife Marie W pres Woodruff Kroy Co 201 Le Claire r 1701 Rock
Kruetfeldt, Henry F A wife Ann wks Dav Pearl B Co r 1202 w 5th
KRUEGER (See also Kroeger)
Krueger, Carl S sorter Weyerhaeuser & D, r 309 Brown
Krueger, Claus wife Anna r 1162 w 14th
Krueger, Miss Dora r 309 Brown
Krueger, Henry W driver Schick's Exp r 309 Brown
Kruetzfeldt, Henry wife Doris r 1603 Union
Krumholz, Alfred wks Bett Axle Co r 1329 w 3d
Krumholz, Miss Helen P clk N Liepold & Co r 1603 w 3d
Krumholz, Miss Martha r 1603 w 3d
Krumholz, Paul jeweler M E Nabstedt & Sons r 1603 w 3d
Krumholz, Pauline F, wid J F r 1603 w 3d
Kruse, Miss Alvina r 1207 w 6th
Kruse, Charles wks T W McClelland Co r 1111 w 3d
Kruse, Christ, bds 212 Scott
Kruse, Miss Christina r Bismarck nr Indian rd
Kruse, Christopher r Bismarck nr Indian rd
Kruse, Claus D wife Agnes trav agt Petersen's Sons r 807 w 3d
Kruse, C wid Hans r Lincoln av nr Hancock av
Kruse, Miss Emma r Lincoln av nr Hancock av
Kruse, Ferd F wife Anna wks P J Stelling & Co r 814 w Locust
Kruse, Fred wife Louisa (Kruse & Petersen) 310 w 2d r 518 w 5th
Kruse, Fred C wife Margaret lab r 1212 w 3d
Kruse, George wife Minnie, farmer, r 2 Bloody Hollow rd
Kruse, Hans, harnessmkr r Rockingham nr Dixwell
Kruse, Hans wife Ida D r 1311 Brown
Kruse, Henry wife hannah blksmth R F. Johannsen r 1628 w Locust
Kruse, John wife Carolina r Rockingham nr Dixwell
Kruse, John wife Sophia r 1111 w 3d
Kruse, John jr wks Christian Mueller & Sons, r 1111 w 3d
Kruse, Louis wife Catherine wks Christian Mueller & Sons r 713 w Front
Kruse, Magdaline, wid August r 513 Warren
Kruse, Peter wife Anna tmstr Dav Water Co r 1919 North
Kruse, Richard r 518 w 5th
Kruse, Wiebke, wid Fred r 1630 w Locust
Kruse, Wm, painter r 1111 w 3d
Kruse & Petersen (Fred Kruse, Thoo Petersen) dry goods 340 w 2d
Kruezberger, Ferd, butcher r 202 e 5th
Kuchel, Frederick O barber W M Brehmer bds 902 w 3d
Kuchel, Henry C wife Wilhelmine wks Schroeder & Rohwedder r 605 Myrtle
Kuchel, Miss Laura S dom 711 w 2d
Kuchel, Miss Sophia dom 2004 Summit av
Kuebel, Charles E wife Catherine baker r 723 w 2d
KUEHL (See also Kiel)
Kuehl, Miss Alma, r 416 Western av
Kuehl, Annie, wid George r 415 Western av
Kuehl, Augusta wid Charles r 2146 w 4th
Kuehl, Christ wife Mary, grocer 129 Mound r 2004 Summit av
Kuehl, Christ jr wife Tracy produce 1201 Harrison r same
Kuehl, Christian bds 1130 w 2d
Kuehl, Claus M wife Sophia saloon 1228 w 3d r same
Kuehl, Miss Dora L dressmkr r 2146 w 4th
Kuehl, Edmund H wife Alberta clk The Fair r 1035 e Locust
Kuehl, Miss Emma A dressmkr r 2146 w 4th
Kuehl, Fred, wife Dora mngr Dav Turner Hall Club r 501 w 3d
Kuehl, George wife Augusta wks Gas Co r 1106 e 13th
Kuehl, Gustav wife Emma driver H J Witt r 106 Harrison
Kuehl, Gustav J wife Minnie trav agt r 2012 Brady
Kuehl, Harry C lab r Fishertown
Kuehl, Henry A, clk A Diehn r 2146 w 4th
Kuehl, Henry A wife Carrie dep sheriff 2d fl Court House r 428 Ripley
Kuehl, Henry A wife Lena lab r 1626 Leonard
Kuehl, Jasper wife Mary r 1932 Brady
Kuehl, John bkpr Dav Leaf Tob Co r 416 Western av
Kuehl, Louis H bkpr C Kuehl r 2004 Summit av
Kuehl, Miss Mary S r 1440 Leonard
Kuehl, Otto wife Emma salesman Martin Woods Co r 515 Spring
Kuehl, Otto F mach Bett Axle Co r 1440 Leonard
Kuehl, Miss Preciosa, wks N Kuhnen Co r 1818 w 2d
Kuehl, Theodore, trav agt r 1932 Brady
Kuehl, Thorwald, porter S Herd r 219 Western av
Kuehl, Mrs. Tillie bdg h r 219 Western av
Kuehl, Wm waiter Dav Turner Hall Club r 501 w 3d
Kuehl, Wm E wife Melvina E salesman N Kuhnen Co r Dubuque rd nr South av
Kuehl's Hall, A Mueller prop 127 Mound
Kuehicke, Adolph clk F Jacker r 2147 w 3d
Kuehnicke, Gustave stoves 1347 w 3d r same
Kuehnicke, Herman wife Sophia, stoves 728 w 2d r 521 w 8th
Kuehnicke, Otto r 521 w 8th
Kuelper, Miss Amelia dressmkr r 1414 w 3d
Kuelper, Frederick W r 1414 w 3d
Kuelper, Fritz wife Catherine r 1611 w 4th
Kuelper, Harry r 1414 w 3d
Kuelper, Louis A lab r 626 w Front
Kuelper, Sophia wid Henry r 1114 w 3d
Kuemmerle, Harry wks J J Gimbel r 1118 w 7th
Kuemmerle, Jacob J wife Catehrine wks Arsenal r 1118 w 7th
Kuemmerle, Miss Lydia wks R Krause Co r 1118 w 7th
Kuestner, Wm shoemaker 718 Harrison r same
Kuhlmann, Henry wife Lena A lab r 530 Cedar
Kuhlmann, John C wife Cecelia lab r rear 915 Vine
Kuhlmann, Peter r 530 Cedar
Kuhnen, Miss Alton L r 702 Perry
Kuhnen, Miss Esther A r 702 Perry
Kuhnen, Miss Mary r 702 Perry
Kuhnen, Michael wife Frances wks N Kuhnen Co r 1221 Washington
Kuhnen, Nicholas pres N Kuhnend Co 131 e 2d r 839 Brady
Kuhnen, Nicholas Co The Nicholas Kuhnen pres T O Swiney sec cigr mnfrs 131
e 2d and retail Kimaball House
Kuhner, Arthur W mach H E Kuhner, bds 838 e 15th
Kuhner, Herman E wife Rose propr East Davenport Machine & Novelty
Works 202 Mound r 838 e 15th
Kuhpahl, Miss Anna S (A C England & Co) 318 w 2d r same
Kuhr, Bernard P wife Mary A jeweler M E Nabstedt & Sons r 2004 Main
Kuhr, Francis X wks Metal Wheel Co r 228 w 6th
Kuhr, Margaret wid Bernhard r 228 w 6th
Kuhr, Miss Theresa clk Boston Store r 228 w 6th
Kuhrdt, Charles wife Christena D tmstr r 1107 w 5th
Kula, Miss Mary, seamstress, r 1612 Brady
Kulp, John H wife Mary E (Kulp & Kulp), 48 Schmidt bldg rms ?12 Brady
Kulp, Oliver W (Kulp & Kulp) 48 Schmidt bldg
Kummerfeldt, Miss Emma r 1604 Leonard
Kummerfeldt, Henry wife Mina cigmkr W & E Goetsch r 1122 w 4th
Kummerfeldt, Henry, wife Cecelia r 1604 Leonard
Kunder, Catherine wid Claus r 144? Leonard
Kunkel, Miss Amelia M r 1807 Brady
Kunkel, Balthaar, wife Helena wks Metal Wheel Co r 711 Marquette
Kunkel, Edward M vice pres Tri-City Electric Co 405 Brady r 1607 Brady
Kunkel, Fred H trav agt Sickels Preston & Nutting Co r 1607 Brady
Kunkel, Miss Louise r 1607 Brady
Kunkel, Martin wife Mary hdwe 331 w 2d r 1607 Brady
Kunkel, Walter J r 1607 Brady
Kunz, Charles H wife Mamie clk Bett Axle Co r 320 Marquette
Kunz, Frank B wife Emma clk Petersen's Sons r 225 e 14th
Kunz, George H wife Sarah E grocer 1016 e Front r same
Kunz, Henry r 1236 w 7th
Kunz, Joseph L blksmth Newcomb Loom Co r 1226 w 7th
Kunz, Rufus wid F E r 1236 w 7th
Kunze, Herman wife Lena wks Rothchild Grain Co r 1924 Dixwell
Kupper, Henry tmstr bds 731 w 2d
Kupper, Wm wife Lulu Grocer 1008 w 6th r same
Kurmeier, Miss Clara r 513 Scott
Kurmeier, Henry wife Elizabeth (Bawden & Kurmeier) 224 w 3d r 513
Kurop, Christ wife Minnie K blksmth r 317 Brown
Kurop, Ferd wife Catherine wks Bett Axle Co r 1008 w 2d
Kurtenacker, C Edward clk Pittsburgh Glass Co r 1229 w 6th
Kurtenacker, John wife Eva r 1229 w 6th
Kurtenacker, John jr r 1229 w 6th
Kurth, Albert wife Anna porter J Hill r 1208 w 6th
Kurtz, Edgar M mailing clk P O r 2012 Iowa
Kurtz, Golt, wife Lucy J trav agt r 2012 Iowa
Kurtz, Louise wid Wm r 915 Judson
Kyar, John C wife Ellen wks Christian Mueller & Sons r 1710 w 8th
Kyle, Charles wife Ethel bartndr T Kyle r 12, 317 Perry
Kyle, John bartndr T Kyle r 130 e 5th
Kyle, J Ellwood r 1207 Gaines
Kyle, Mrs. Lillie r 12, 317 Perry
Kyle, Margaret wid James r 130 e 5th
Kyle, Thomas wife Emma saloon 130 e 5th r same.