1900 L Directory
Davenport Times
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
March 21, 1900
Errors in Names and Locations and Any Changes From the Way the Names
in The Times, Including Removals, Must be Reported to the Office or the
Directory Manager in The Times Building Within 48 Hours From This Evening,
as These Names Will go in Book Form Then
La Croix, Adolphus, wife Mary A, Sawyer, r 512 e 10th
Ladehoff, Fred, wife Sophia, wks Glucose Co r 1912 Dixwell
Ladenberger, Otto wife Emma teller Dav Savings Bank r 2011 w 2d
Laescke, Louis saloon 232 e Front r same
Lafayette Park, Gaines to Brown and 4th to 5th
Lafferty, Stanley B, wife Nellie K vice-pres Red Jacket Mnfg Co 602 e 3d r
625 e Locust
La France, Miss Bertha wks N Kuhnen Co r 1217 Hamilton
La France, Dora wid Louis r 1217 Hamilton
La France, Miss Rosalie E r 1217 Hamilton
Lafrantz, John M wife Sadie L foreman D R I & N W r 2017 Summit av
Lafrentz, Charles W wife Lillie brakeman r 1803 w 3d
Lafrentz, John J wife Annie M r 1112 w 4th
Lafrenz, Claus H wife Margaret r 921 w 4th
La Frenz, Miss Dora dom 619 Iowa
Lafrenz, Miss Ellen H tchr Sch No 7 r 705 w 2d
Lafrenz, Miss Emillie, dom 408 e 6th
Lafrenz, Miss Emma L tchr Sch No. 12 r 921 w 4th
Lafrenz, Ernst G wife Minnie salesman O Albrecht Co r 717 w 9th
Lafrenz, Helen wid J H r 705 w 2d
Lafrenz, Henry clk P H Koechert r 921 w 4th
Lafrenz, Herman wife Lottie tmstr Schick's Exp r 117 w 2d
Lafrenz, Martin wife Anna M shoemkr 514 w 3d r 1437 w 4th
Lage, Adolph wife Elizabeth, janitor r 826 w 9th
Lage, Catherine, wid Joachim r 1445 w 3d
Lage, Christine wid H.P. r 430 w 16th
Lage, Claus carp r 906 w 14th
Lage, Claus wife Minnie wks Glucose Co r 1503 w 3d
Lage, Eddie bkpr P Lamp Iron Co r 631 Farnum
Lage, Ferd wife Emma wks Glucose Co r 1007 Warren
Lage, Gustav wks Christian Mueller & Sons, r 1117 w 2d
Lage, Henry, wife Emma mach Arsenal r 906 w 14th
Lage, Hugo clk J Harding & Co r 1445 w 3d
Lage, Jochim wife Emma (Peter Lamp Iron Co) 213 w 3d r 631 Farnum.
Lage, Jochim W wife Helena sewing machines 428 w 2d r 1005 Warren
Lage, Miss Julia r 430 w 16th
Lage, Miss Laura r 1445 w 3d
Lage, Miss Louise r 1445 w 3d
Lage, Otto clk German Sav Bank r 1445 w 3d
Lage, Richard, wife Emma wks Glucose Co r 2319 Bowditch
Lage, Rudolph wife Anna lab r 910 w 5th
Lage & Lamp (J Lage Mrs. A. Lamp) proprs Peter Lamp Iron Co 213 w 3d
Lager, Bernard, wife Margaret, cooper H Bremer & Son r 1439 Franklin
Lager, Bernard r 1621 w Locust
Lager, Miss Bertha wks Dav Pearl B Co r 1439 Franklin
Lager, Miss Christine r 1552 Franklin
Lager, Edward, pdddler r 1621 w Locust
Lager, John B wife Anna lab r 1552 Franklin
Lugoni, Christian wife Annie motorman Tri-City Ry co r 215 Warren
LaGrange, Sidney D wife Maggie lab r 1625 Iowa
Lahl, Marie wid Christ r 1224 w 4th
Lahmann, Christ wife Mary A wks Arsenal r 1926 Harrison
Lahrmann, Otto H wife Emily propr Unter den Linden Hotel Restaurant and Bar
431 w 3d r same
Laible, Mrs. Ollie r 1225 Brady
Lain, Charles H tel opr C M & St. P bds 316 e 6th
Lais, George F wife Matilda wks U N Roberts Co r 1002 w 3d
Lakers, Herman printer Der Demokrat r 1211 w 8th
Lamack, Henry wks Glucose Co r 1824 w 3d
La Mar, Fred wife Emma J mach Arsenal r 1109 LeClaire
La Mar, J Roy mach Arsenal r 2037 Main
La Mar, Miss Katherine E tel opr Io Tel Co r 2037 Main
La Mar, Miss Nellie tel opr Io Tel Co r 2037 Main
La Mar, Nelson wife Louisa mach Arsenal r 2037 Main
Lamb, Miss Annie L, r 603 Farnam
Lamb, Miss Elizabeth, wks W. & E. Goetsch, r 725 Hennepin
Lamb, Miss Ellen E, wks City Laundry r 725 Hennepin
Lamb, Harry J, helper Dav. Steam Heating Co r 603 Farnam
Lamb, James, wife Catherine, r 725 Hennepin
Lamb, Joseph P wks L H Diederich sen r 725 Hennepin
Lamb, Mark, wife Josephine r 1213 w 8th
Lamb, Matthew J wife Mary stage carp Burtis opera house, r 603 Farnam
Lamb, Michael wife Margaret plumber Glucose Co r 1816 w 3d
Lamb, R Palmer bds 2114 Brady
Lamb, Wm wife Elsie wks Glucose Co r 1427 w 8th
Lambach, Miss Clara, millliner, Rockingham rd sw cor Bismarck.
Lambach, Fred, wife Amelia M, saloon, Rockingham rd sw cor Bismarck r same
Lambach, Frederick, wife Anna physician and surgeon, room 17 Petersen blk,
307 1/2 Brady, tel 229 r 424 e Locust tel 617
Lambach, Hugo C clk J H Schaefer, rms 1015 Brady
Lambach, Miss Matilda tchr Sch No 10, bds 744 Main
Lambach, Miss Kate wks New Methodist Laundry, r Rock Island Ill.
Lambert, Leander, carp r 1326 Bridge av
Lambrecht, Mrs. Linn, r 706 w 2d
Lames, Henry B wife Emma trav agt R. Krause Co r 734 e 7th
Lamon, Samuel H wife Emma A fireman D R I & N W r 427 e 7th
Lamb [?sic- prob. Lamp], Miss Agnes, clk Petersen's Sons, r 307 Warren
Lamp, Agnes, wid Christian r 915 w 4th
Lamp, Albert bds 212 Scott
Lamp, Mrs. Anna (Peter Lamp Iron Co) 213 w 3d r 918 Farnam
Lamp, Anne, wid Peter r 1703 Border
Lamp, Asmus H wife Lena W vice pres Dav Elev Co 426 Harrison r 1329 Ripley
Lamp, August O pattern mkr r 920 w Front
Lamp, Christina W wid H A r 920 w Front
Lamp, Miss Clara r 1026 w 14th
Lamp, Claus H r 209 Taylor
Lamp, Ed wks Dav Pearl B Co r 307 Warren
Lamp, Mrs. Ella C, cigmkr N Kuhnen Co r 509 Brady
Lamp, Miss Emma M r 920 w Front
Lamp, Henry wife Kate, watchmkr 307 Warren r same
Lamp, Herman A wife Theodora, carp r 517 Harrison
Lamp, Peter, Iron Co Lage & Lamp, proprs, 913 w 3d
Lamp, Theodore, clk Petersen's Sons r 307 Warren
Lampkin, Mrs. M. Isabella, r 317 e 5th
Lamprecht, Henry wife Catherine peddler, r 517 Marquette
Lancaster, J.R. (col) waiter Kimball House
Landborg, Edward A wife Grace horse shoer, H Beck r 311 Western av
Landers, Gilbert A, wife Bernice, trimmer Boston Store, r 316 Kirkwood boul
Landis, Benj F, wife Tillie carp J F Nebergall, r 410 w 9th
Landis, David M wife Margaret, foreman Arsenal r 1710 Farnam
Landt, Miss Emma, dom 1430 Brady
Landt, Miss Nellie, dom, 105 College av
Landuch, Joseph, wife Kate, wks Knostman & P Co r 1015 Ripley
Landuch, Joseph H, driver r 1015 Ripley
Landuch, Miss Margaret J, dressmkr r 1015 Ripley
Landuch, Miss Mary A, dressmkr r 1015 Ripley
Landy, O A bds 313 w 2d
Lane, Annie J, wid James T, r 329 Mississippi av
Lane, Cornelius, wife Lena r 1105 w 2d
Lane, Dick R, r 331 Mississippi av
Lane, Henry F, mach Arsenal r 1518 Iowa
Lane, John, wife Lena, wks Glucose Co. r 621 Spring
Lane, John C wife Lillian mach Arsenal r 214 e 5th
Lane, John W, driver r 621 Spring
Lane, Joseph R, wife Jeanette D (Davison & Lane) 20 Masonic Temple r 331
Mississippi av
Lang, Arthur E, collr Nat Stamp Co r 1018 w 9th
Lang, John, wife Margaret r 1411 LeClaire
Lange, Miss Amelia r 1981 Main.
Davenport Times
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
March 22, 1900
Lange, Carl, wife Anna, lab r 423 Davie
Lange, Caroline, wid Rudolph r 1805 Fulton av
Lange, Claus H, wife Amanda upholstr r 1341 South
Lange, Miss Elizabeth r 1108 w 2d
Lange, Miss Ella r 1805 Fulton av
Lange, Emil, wife Emma sec Io Mantle Mnfg Co 622 Harrison r 1805 Fulton av
Lange, Frank F, barber A. Haltmeyer, r 1308 w 2d
Lange, Fred, stone ctr Dav Stone Co bds 416 Western av
Lange, Hans H wife Anna driver Brammer Mnfg Co r 1549 Leonard
Lange, Henry wife Dorathea wks T.W. McClelland Co r 1108 w 2d
Lange, John, cigmkr r 1327 South
Lange, John C, wife Mary lab r 1931 Main
Lange, John H, wks Brammer Mnfg Co r 1327 South
Langenhagen, Wm W, wife Bird harnessmkr Arsenal rms 114 1/2 e 3d
Langenheim, Ernst, wife Mary cigmkr J Goos Co r 1919 Bridge av
Langenheim, Miss Minnie wks N Kuhnen Co r 1918 Bridge av
Langer, Max R, wife Lily mach Bett Axle Co r 1315 Clay.
Langfeldt, Carl J agt Glucose Sugar Refining Co r 1431 w 4th
Langfeldt, Christ F wife Caroline cooper Excelsior Mnfg Co r 1823 Rockingham
Langfeldt, Edward wife Henrietta wks Schroeder & Rohwedder r 420 Green
Langfeldt, Miss Lena dom 626 Brown
Langfeldt, Wm F, wife Kate shoemkr J Koopmann, r 1849 w 5th
Langhelm, Charles, wife Amelia lab r 424 e 8th
Langhelm, Ella r 424 e 8th
Langhelm, Miss Mabel M wks J. Goos Co r 827 Case
Langhelm, Miss Mary dom 226 Perry
Langhoff, Nicholas wife Catherine r e Locust ne cor Spring
Langmann, Frederick wife Bertha r 2124 w 2d
Langmann, Sophia wid John r 2124 w 2d
Langstrom, John clk H A St Gage & Co r 511 e 6th
Langtimm, Louis CC. wife Theresa fire dept r 1311 w 6th
Langtimm, Louis C C Jr r 1311 w 6th
Langwerth, Miss Annie C, housekpr 929 Bridge av
Langwerth, Miss Emma C wks Woolen Mills, r 1404 n Market.
Lannan, James wife Nellie (Lannan & McCaffrey) 318 e 3d r 2317 Farnam
Lannan, Maria, wid Patrick r 2319 Farnam
Lannan & McCaffrey (J. Lannan, J.P. McCaffrey) monuments, 318 e 3d
Lannon, Michael, lab bds 313 w 2d.
Lantau, Miss Bertha W, seamstress Mrs. E. Numsen, r 810 w 4th
Lantau, Charles wife Emma (Suelau & Lantau) 312 w 2d r 810 w 4th
Lantau, Miss Clara C, dressmkr r 1930 w 6th
Lantau, Hans, wife Ida, shoemkr 530 w 2d r 1930 w 6th
Lantau, Henry wife Hedwig, foreman Metal wheel co r 607 w 15th
Lantau, Theodore wife Bertha foreman Bett Axle Co r 1950 w 6th
Lantau, Wm F r 810 w 4th
Lantry, Jesse wks C R I P ,bds 313 Main
Lapitz, Charles W clk Moesenfelder & K. r 3d fl Franklin bldg.
Lapitz, Joseph E wife Anna M (Lapitz & Blanchard) 321 Brady r 3d fl
Franklin bldg
Lapitz & Blanchard( J E Lapitz, B.H. Blanchard) tailors 331 Brady
Laport, Sade, wid Charles agt r 718 w Front
LaRash, Oliver W wife Dora line opr r 212 1/2 Main
Lardner, James F, wife Nora sec Tri-City Ry Co 234 e 2d r 2 Park pl.
Larkin, Bert B, mach Metal Wheel Co r 646 Tremont av
Larkin, Edward wife Cinnie, molder Metal Wheel Co, r 2118 Fulton av
Larkin, Frank J molder Metal Wheel Co r 646 Tremont av
Larkin, James wife Mary motorman Tri-City Ry Co r 912 w 3d
Larkin, James A, wife Mary F, foreman Metal Wheel Co r 646 Tremont av
Larkin, Peter J, wife Bertha molder Metal Wheel Co, r 646 Tremont av
Larkin, Willard F, wife L. Ellen, carp r 929 LePage
Larkins, Wm H, wife Mary A feed stable rear 120 e 2d r 34 Putnam bldg.
Larson, John, rms 625 Brady
Larson, Louis, bds 742 Belle av
Larson, Peter lab bds 219 Western av
Larson, Rasmus packer Sickels Preston & Nutting Co r Gilbert
LaRue, Miss Rachel A dressmkr 3 Franklin bldg r Harrison nr city limits
LaRue, Wm E, wks Tri-City Ry Co r Harrison nr city limits
Laschanzky, Miss Emma r 2124 w 2d
Lachanzky, Henry A barber 1120 w 3d bds 2124 w 2d
Lasher, Charles trav agt bds 737 e 14th
Lasher, Francis books 54 McCullough bldg r same
Lass, Louis wife Dora wks Glucose Co r 1915 w 6th
Latendorf, Claus H wife Dora wks Metal Wheel Co r 619 w 14th
Latham, Wm H waiter A H Ruebsam, rms 414 Main
Lathrop, Charles P wife Margaret A (Tri-City Carriage Wks) r 2136 Grand av
Latzer, Joseph carp Arsenal r 815 Alma av
Latzer, Julius helper I P & Co r 815 Alma av
Latzer, Miss Margaret r 815 Alma av
Latzer, Sylvester wife Anna mach Arsenal r 1119 w 3d
Lau, Miss Elizabeth M retoucher r 127 w 14th
Lau, Miss Margaret W r 127 w 4th
Lauch, Fred, mason r 901 w 3d
Lauer, Agnes A wid P J r 2014 Laurel
Lauer, Edward S r 2014 Laurel
Lauer, John C wife Eva dentist 115 e 3d r same
Lauer, Samuel P wife Lula M.A. mason r 2014 Laurel.
Lauffer, George G druggist 2046 w 3d r 2111 w 3d
Laughlin, Miss Virginia, r 426 w 5th
Lautrup, Carl, wks Dav Pearl B Co, bds 1043 w 5th
Lautrup, Peter, wife Meta, rav agt r 1904 w 2d
Laux, Miss Flora clk Petersen’s Sons r 1115 w 6th
Laux, Harry P, switchman r 1115 w 6th
Laux, Miss Mamie, cash Peterson’s Sons r 112 e 15th
Laux, Valentine, wife Elizabeth r 1115 w 6th
Lavender, Mrs. , stenog U N Roberts Co r 1317 2nd av
Lavender, Wm J, mach Arsenal bds Hotel Downs
La Venture, Miss Margaret B, tchr Sch No 5 r. 107 Rusholme
La Venture, Wm, wife Mary G, chf clk C R I & P r 415 e 14th
Lavernz, Albert, packer Hinrichs crockery co r 929 w 5th
Lavernz, Walter H, wife Annie trav agt Hinrichs Crockery Co r 929 w 5th
Lavery, Ellen, wid Wm r 1313 w 6th
Lavery, Wm H, wife Kate messgr U S Exp Co r 1828 w 2d
Lawhead, Edmund M, wife Emma r 418 Spring
Lawler, Daniel, switchman, C M & St. P, r. Rock Island, Ill.
Lawlor, Wm M lab bds 607 w 2d
Lawrence, John, wife Minnie, tmstr r 1024 w 3d
Lawson, Annie, wid O.F. r 512 e 6th
Lawson, Carl C, trav agt R G Dun & Co rms 220 w 6th
Lawson, Miss Clara A r 412 w 9th
Lawson, James S, wife Elizabeth A harnessmkr r 412 w 9th
Lawson, Joseph wks Arsenal r 412 w 9th
Lawton, Edward J r 909 Vine
Lawton, Horace, wks Arsenal r 909 Vine
Lawton, Maurice wife Ellen r 909 Vine
Layden, John j wife Mary boilermkr Dav Boiler Wks r 515 College av
Layden, Thomas F wife Rose M mach Arsenal r 830 Kirkwood boul
Layne, Nathaniel agt r 19 Dillon bldg
Layton, Thomas lab bds 218 e 2d
Leach, Wm wife Addie tinner r 1427 Harrison
Leader, Miss Pauline physician Mercy Hospital r same
Leader Publishing Co, J E Halligan sec and mngr 113 e 2d
Leahy, Miss Grace A stenog The Leader r 211 e 10th
Leahy, , John F, mach Arsenal r 314 e 10th
Leahy, Joseph N, mach Arsenal r 314 e 10th
Leahy, Miss Kate A r 311 e 10th
Leahy, Mary wid Martin r 311 e 10th
Leamer, George W wife Elizabeth r 734 e 14th
Lears, Henry r 1013 w 2d
Leary, Mrs. Mary B r 320 w 18th
Leber, Edward J carp r 207 Warren
Leckband, aus H wife Georgie, driver r 1209 w 6th
LeClaire, Antoine, r 610 e 8th
LeClaire, Antoine J, wife Sarah, pilot r 610 e 8th
LeClaire, David L, r 610 e 8th
LeClaire, Joseph A ins 8 Masonic Temple, r 1027 Brady
LeClaire, Miss Lillie G r 1900 Telegraph rd
LeClaire, Louis A wife Martha clk L.A. LeClaire jr & Co r 1900 Telegraph rd
LeClaire, Louis A jr (L A LeClaire jr & Co) 1 Petersen blk r 1900 Telegraph rd
LeClaire, Miss Marguerite L.D. Tchr Sch No 9 r 1900 Telegraph rd
LeClaire, Miss Marie M tchr Sch No 10 r 1900 Telegraph rd
LeClaire, Miss Mary r 610 e 8th
LeClaire, Sarah M wid David r 217 e 14th
LeClaire Stone Co (H Abel mngr) 1841 Rockingham rd
LeClaire, Wm H wife Frieda janitor r 1129 LeClaire
LeClare, Eleanor E w James r ws Eastern av nr Orphan’s Home
Leder, Herman wife Catherine musician r 1438 w 3d
Lee, Miss Beatrice wks F Haak r 1426 w 6th
Lee Broom & Duster Co C R Lee pres C Gude sec, 116 e Front
Lee, Charles J wife Christian plater Dav Mnfg Co r 1126 Brady
Lee, Clinton R pres Lee Broom & Duster Co, r Lincoln Neb
Lee, Miss Edna dom 626 Perry
Lee, Miss Eleanor M r 426 e 6th
Lee, Emmett J lab bds 127 Mound
Lee, Fred C clk The Fair r Rock Island Ill.
Lee, Miss Inez, r 312 e Fron
Lee, Jesse R wife Nora G r 724 e 6th
Lee, Martin G, wife Mary propr Io Broom C & S House, r 906 e 13th
Lee, Mary wid Timothy r 1426 w 6th
Lee, Rev Ned D wife Ella M supt People’s Union Mission, r 426 e 6th
Lee, Will G wife Nannie J, mngr to Broom C & B House r 906 e 13th
Leech, Miss Belle waitress Hotel Downs
Leemhuls, Artur G, jeweler Stark & Ruser, r 805 w 2d
Leemhuls, Bernhard P, baker Leemhuls Bros, r 805 w 2d
Leemhuls Bros (C A and R H) Bakery, 805 w 2d
Leemhuls, Gustav A (Leemhuls Bros) 805 w 2d r same
Leemhuls, Henry H, wife Christi E athletic tchr r 714 w 3d
Leemhuls, Rudolph H wife Louise (Leemhuls Bros) 805 w 2d r same
Leese, Benjamin H, wife Emma, horseshoer, 732 w 3d r 2102 w 2d
Leese, John, wife Christena, wks Brammer Mnfg Co r 118 Mound
Leese, Miss Laura, dom 718 Western av
Leese, Miss Matilda dom 532 w 6th
Leese, Peter H wife Annie wks Glucose Co r 1219 ½ w 2d
Lehmbeck, Hans, wife Catherine peddler r 1722 Sturdevant
Lehmbeck, Peter N, wife Helene r 210 Filmore
Lehmbeck, Wm J, wife Elizabeth mngr Union Pearl Button Co r 811Alma av
Lehr, George lab bds 431 w 2d
Lehr, Joseph, driver bds 731 w 2d
Leinbaugh, James T wife Kate O, rest 105 w 5th r same
Leisner Clas Clara A, tchr Sch No 5 r 217 Warren
Leisner, Eliza, wid Josias r 217 Warren
Leisner, Miss Emilie tchr Sch No 8 r 217 Warren
Leisner, Miss Rose E r 217 Warren
Leland, Miss Alma dressmkr r 1624 Iowa
Leland, Miss Elizabeth, dressmkr r 1624 Iowa
Lelander, Charles wife Catherine r 303 e 2d
Leijeberg, Anton W wife Hilda, shoemkr Linda & D Shoe Co r 1340 w 4th
Lelonek, August wife Louisa oiler Bett Axle Co r 1527 w 4th
Lembke, F Henry wife Mary tarp r 1018 w 14th
Lembke, Julius harnessmkr Arsenal r 1018 w 14th
Lembke, Miss Tillie F bkpr Herman & Bro r 1018 w 14th
Lembreht, Catherine wid Christ r 516 w 15th
Lembrecht, Theo H wife Emma jeweler T .Kircher, r 514 w 15th
Lemburg, Miss Agnes Lclk Bee Hive, r 1010 w 5th
Lemburg, Miss Augusta wks Dav Cigar Box Co r 1010 w 5th
Lemburg, Carl H wife Augusta wks Dav Cigar Box Co r 1010 w 5th
Lemburg, Charles F wife Catherine wks Beiderbecke M Co r 1010 w 5th
Lemburg, Miss Dora wks Dav Cigar Box Co r 618 Myrtle
Lemburg, Harder, wife Catherine wks Weyerhauser & D r 1417 South
Lemburg, Henry wife Dora mach opr Brammer Mnfg Co r 106 Warren
Lemburg, Herman D molder Metal Wheel Co r 618 Myrtle
Lemburg, Herman J wife Amelia tmstr r 910 w 3d
Lemburg, H Fred wife Alvina (Moeller Bros) 621 w 2d r 1317 w 3d
Lemburg, Margaret A wid Wm r 618 Myrtle
Lemburg, Miss Meta wks Dav Cigar Box Co r 618 Myrtle
Lemburg, Miss Minnie, forewoman Dav Cigar Box Co r 618 Myrtle
Lemcke, August wife Emma fireman metal Wheel Co1135 w 7th
Lemm, Frederick, wife Louise saloon 1901 Rockingham rd r same
Lemm, Herman J wife Dora printer Der Demokrat r 1045 w 2d
Lemme, Edward r 527 w 8th
Lemme, George (col) wife Mary J, tmstr r 640 e 10th
Lemme, George jr (col) r 640 e 10th
Lemme, John R (col) wife Daisy porter C R I & P, r 434 Brady
Lemon, Edgar J, trav agt r 10 Lorenzen blk
Lemon, Thomas J wife Irene trav agt r 10 Lorenzen blk
Lemp, W.J. Brewing Co.’s Depot, 302 w Front
Lenaghan, Frank J, wife Mary F, contr r 1405 Gaston
Lenau, John J, solcr Singer Mnfg Co r Atlantic Hotel.
Lend-a-Hand Club. Dr. Jennie McCowen pres. Carrie Warwick rec sec. Mrs. A.K. Glaspell treas, 211 Brady
Lennon, Patrick janitor McCullogh bldg r 313 e 10th
Lennon, Miss Winifred dom 927 Farnam
Lenox, Frank H, barber r 519 w 11th
Lenox, Harry S, clk r 519 w 11th
Lenox, Miss Josie A r 519 w 11th
Lenox, Margaret, wid Henry r 519 w 11th
Lenox, Miss Naomi G r 519 w 11th
Leonard, Anna M wid C M prin Dav Cooking Sch r 403 Brady
Leonard, Bernard W tmstr r rear 417 ½ Harrison
Leonard Bros. (T.F. and J.L.) grocers, 428 Brady
Leonard, Miss Celia r 221 e 7th
Leonard, Daniel C insp Arsenal r 221 e 7th
Leonard, Miss Edith r 403 Brady
Leonard, Edward H, mach Arsenal r 221 e 7th
Leonard, Miss Eliza wks N Khunen Co r 830 LeClaire
Leonard, Harvey J, bkpr H A Morrow r 609 w 17th
Leonard, James, wife Nellie, saloon, 431 e 4th r same
Leonard, James L (Leonard Bros) 428 Brady r 221 e 7th
Leonard, James M, mason r 728 Hennepin
Leonard, Laurel, wife Minnie wks Glucose Co r 2301 Bowditch
Leonard, Miss Louise A, tchr SCh No 6 r 609 w 17th
Leonard, Mary E wid Nathaniel r 616 e Laurel
Leonard, Miss Mary P, r Rockingham rd nr Bismark
Leonard, Miss Nellie E r 620 Iowa
Leonard, Roland D wife Niobe r 1123 Ripley
Leonard, Samuel F wife Annie mason r 609 w 17th
Leonard, Thomas r 221 e 7th
Leonard, Thomas F (Leonard Bros) 428 Brady r 221 e 7th
Leonardy, John P (Co K 4th Minn USA) r 143 Division
Leonardy, Miss Mamie, r 143 Division
Leonardy, Philip, wife Clara, billiards 310 w 2d r 143 Division
Leonardy, Miss Mary, matron Orphans’ Home, r same
Leonhard, Miss Mary, matron Orphans’ home, r same
Lepper, Adolph C, wife Lena S. street commr, 2d flr City Hall r 121 Howell
Lepper, Charles, carp, r 121 Howell
Lepper, Christ, wife Clara, contr r 1843 w 5th
Lepper, Fred D.C. Cigmkr W & E Goetsch r 121 Howell
Leoske, Wm D wife Mary C mach C R I & P r 515 e 6th
Lerch, August wks C R I & P r 308 e 4th
Lerch, August J, wife Helen stoves 120 w 3d r 218 w 5th
Lerch, Fred W wife Regina r 208 e 4th
Lerch, Gustav C wife Mamie L clk C M & St P r 118 w 2d
Lercch, Joseph J wife Carrie M ice 1435 Rockingham rd, r same
Lerch, Miss Meta r 218 w 5th
Lerch, Oscar bkpr A J Lerch r 218 w 5th
Lerch, Wm F wife Emma foreman Dav P B & P Factory r 3 Petersen blk
Lerchen, Amelia, wid Charles r 1123 Brady
Lerchen, Miss Edith A r 2022 Brady
Leslie, Miss Ada L (col) r 605 North
Leslie, Frank wife Jennie, Circulator The Times, r 2029 Harrison
Lesser, Miss Florence, music tchr r 516 w 3rd
Lesser. Monroe (Nichols & Lesser) 320 e 3d r 516 w 3d
Lesser, Pincus trav agt r 516 w 3d
Lesser, Sigmund, wife Henrietta physician 516 w 3d r same
Lester, Mrs. Caroline r 213 ½ Perry
Lester, Edward, coachman, 620 Iowa
Letts, F Dickinson, Attorney Probate Law and Titles, 31 McManus bldg rms 1308 Perry
Letzredt, Edward A wife Anna R wks Bett Axle Co r 1304 Ripley
Leuchtenburg, George W wife Meta wks A J Lerch r 1542 w 8th
Leuenhagen, Gustav wks J L Zoeckler, r Rockingham rd a limits
Leuenhagen, Wm wife Anna r Rockingham rd a limits
Levsen, John wife Mary wks Christian Mueller & Sons r 1716 w 4th
Levsen, Ludwig A T. wife Flora M salesman Roddewig S r 1923 Harrison
Levy, Abe (Levy & Regnier) 319 Brady r 228 w 12th
Levy, Meyer wife Hattie r 328 w 12th
Lew, Frank J, wife Nellie T, lino opr The Times r 416 e 11th
Lew, James W wife Annie driver Schick’s Exp r 409 e 12th
Lew, Thomas, wife Catherine wks Christian Mueller & Sons r 710 e 10th
Lewis, Mrs. Addie r 1030 e 15th
Lewis, Miss Alice A wks Woolen Mills r 810 Mississippi av
Lewis, Andrew J (col) bds 911 Gaines
Lewis, Charles R (col) cook, rms 920 Harrison
Lewis, Charles N wife Lorena E salesman T W McClelland Co r 1919 LeClaire
Lewis, Clarence L r 518 e 8th
Lewis, Edward A wife Vie, mach r 219 ½ Harrison
Lewis, Edward W, vice pres and mgr Lewis Roofing Co r Rock Island Ill.
Lewis Fire Proofing Co, F J Lewis pres cor 3d and Main main office 2325 ½ 3d av Rock Island Ill.
Lewis, Frank J, wife Alberta E, pres Lewis Roofing Co r 1308 Main
Lewis F J Mnfg Co, F J Lewis pres cor 3d and Main main office 2325 ½ w 3d av Rock Island Ill
Lewis, Harry J, wks Arsenal r 810 Mississippi av
Lewis, J Henry mach H E Kuhner bds 838 e 15th
Lewis, Lee R wife Annie L eng Gas Co r 1630 LeClaire
Lewis, Miss Nannie A tailoress L H Reick, r 810 Mississippi av
Lewis Roofing Co (The), F J Lewis pres, E W Lewis vice-pres and mngr, cor 3d and Main, main office 2325 ½ 3d av Rock Island
Lewis, Samuel, wife Annie lab r 810 Mississippi av
Lewis, Thomas B, wife Ella E lab r 518 e 8th
Lewis, Thomas C wife Emily O trav agt r 738 e 15th
Ley, Wm bkpr Marquette 3d Vein Coal Co rms 915 Perry
Leyda, George W insp Io Tel Co r Rock Island Ill.
Libby, Miss Alice r 1428 Carey av
Libby, Miss Eleanor M cash J Duggleby r 1428 Carey av
Libby, Nellie wid Charles r 1428 Carey av
Liberty House, L J Hanssen, propr 731 w 2d
Library Building, Brady sw cor 6th
Library Hall, Brady sw cor 6th
Lichty, Miss Ida wks St James Hotel
Lieber, Annie wid Joseph r 128 Wall.
Lieber, Joseph F, wife Cecelia, foreman CRI & P, r 124 Wall.
Lielburg, Miss jennie, dom 146 Bridge av
Lienan, Miss Dora r C C Cook's Home
Lienbardt Bros (J F and Chas), saloon, 220 Rock Island.
Lienhard, Chas. wife Maud (Leinhardt Bros) 220 Rock Island r same
Leinhardt, Joseph F (Leinhardt Bros) 220 Rock Island r same
Liepold, Nathan wife Carrie (N Liepold & Co) 230 w 2d r 1315 Perry
Liepold N & Co (N. Liepold) dept store 230 w 2d
Light, Gustav wife Lulu wks Amazon Vinegar Wks r Rockingham rd nr Rockingham
Like, Miss Laura L r 615 e 15th
Like, Miss Lena M clk Petersen's Sons r 823 w 4th
Like, Martin S, wife Martha J trav agt Dav Bag & P Co r 615 e 15th
Lillenberg, Albert, tailor r 615 e 7th
Lillenberg, Edward R wife Matilda A wks Woolen Mills r 615 e 7th
Lilliard, Harvey (col) porter Carson & Schlegel, r 415 1/2 Harrison
Lillie, Charles M tchr High Sch bds 828 Brady
Lillie, James P agt Welsbach G L Co r 224 w 6th
Lillis, Miss Rose dom 616 e 6th
Lillis, Wm M sec Washburn H C Co 115 e 2d r 1228 Perry
Lincoln County Land Co T A Murphy sec and treas 49 Whitaker bldg and 126
Lind, Frank lab rms 205 e 2d
Lind, Peter H wife Dora driver Van Patten & Marks r 1332 w Locust
Lind, Thomas h wife Caroline motorman r 314 w 3d
Lindblom, Andrew wife Ida W (Lindblom & Westling) 110 e 3d r 723 e 6th
Lindblom, Andrew J wife Tillie, shoemkr A A Alm r 1035 e 15th
Lindblom, Charles J helper Mason Crrge Wks r 1035 e 15th
Lindblom & Westling (Andrew Lindblom, A. N. Westling) tailors 110 e 3d
Linde, George F, wife Cynthia M pres Linde & Darling Shoe Co G.F. Linde
pres W A Darling sec and treas 1234 w 2d
Lindemann, Emil A lab bds 731 w 2d
Lindemann, Henry bds 521 w 2d
Lindemann, Otto F carp r rear 614 n Front
Linden Flats, 219-229 Scott
Linderman, Rufus, wife Nancy r 226 Perry
Lindgren, John carp rms 805 e 6th
Lindgron, John, wife Bertha driver r 1138 w 2d
Lindholm, Miss Annie C M dressmkr r 747 e 6th
Lindholm, Charles L, wife Mary C tailor 316 Perry r 747 e 6th
Lindholm, Miss Hilma J r 747 e 6th
Lindholm, Niels, cooper bds 1844 Bowditch
Lindholm, Miss Nora I r 747 e 6th
Lindholm, Otto M wife Annie M, tailor C L Lindholm, r 709 e 6th
Lindley, Clarence T, wife Cora T, physician 12 Dittoe bldg r 1504 Brady
Lindley, Mrs Cora T, tchr Sch No 9 r 1504 Brady
Lindley, James A clk Boston Store r 1031 LeClaire
Lindley, Julia wid James r 1031 LeClaire
Lindquist, Miss Alma rms 1019 Lafayette
Lindsay, Alex wife Clara mach Dav F & M.C. r 2118 w 5th
Lindsay, Charles S, r 322 e 10th
Lindsay, George F, clk Lindsay & Phelps Co r 211 College av
Lindsay, Mrs Harriet r C C Cook's Home
Lindsay, James E wife Mary H pres Lindsay & Phelps Co 501 e 3d r 211
College av
Lindsay Land & Lumber Co J E Lindsay pres J B Phelps sec and treas, 501
e 3d
Lindsay, Ralph E wife Margaret R vice pres Republican Co r 224 Summit
Lindsay, Wm wife Amanda blksmith Metal Wheel Co r 2011 Bowditch
Lindsay & Phelps Co J E Lindsay pres J B Phelps sec and treas, lumber,
501 e 3d mill 2119 Eddy
Lindsey, Joseph wife Susan lineman Tri-City Ry Co r 406 w 2d
Linehan, Catherine, wid Michael r 1018 Western av
Linehan, John T wife Mary tmstr r 1018 Western av
Lingafelt, Leas R wife Bessie M, pres M J Eagal Co 225 Brady r 633 e 14th
Link, John wks Glucose Co r 110 Rockingham
Link, John jr wife Lizzie wks Glucose Co r 110 Rockingham
Linke, Henry P r 615 Christie
Linke, Wm P wife Annie wks Lindsay & Phelps r 615 Christie
Lippincott, Joseph A bds 2230 Eddy
Lipsins / Lipsius, Charles wife Mamie driver Ind Malting Co r 1803 w 3d
Lipsins / Lipsius, Henry brewer Ind Matling co bds 2032 Bowditch
Lipsins / Lipsius, H, mach opr Metal Wheel Co bds 1037 Ash
Lischer, Bawden & Neal, (Julius Lischer, G W Bawden, F W Neal) Lawyers
24 McManus bldg.
Lischer, Edward, treas H Lischer Printing Co 207 w 3d r 721 Western av
Lischer, Fred A, wife Bertha sec H Lischer Printing Co 207 w 3d, r
1332 Brady
Lischer, Henry pres H Lischer Printing Co 207 w 3d r 624 w 6th
Lischer H Printing Co, H Lischer pres F A Lischer sec, pubs, 207 w 3d
Lischer, Julius, wife Hedwig (Lischer, Bawden & Neal) 24 McManus bldg
and county attorney r 721 Western av
Lischer, Oscar vice pres H Lischer Printing Co 207 w 3d r 624 w 6th
Littig, Adam, wife Annie cond Tri-City Ry Co r 204 w 16th
Littig, Augustus N wife Mary C r 2018 Main
Littig, A LeRoy, clk r 204 w 16th
Littig, Eugene F painter Mason Crrge Wks r Rock Island, Ill.
Littig, Harry E cash Tri-Ctity Ry Co r 204 w 16th
Littig, Henry A, dentist, 301 Brady r same
Littig, John wife Louise r 230 Kirkwood boul
Littig, Miss Lillie M milliner, r 204 w 16th
Littig, Victor L, (Littig & Betty), 29 McManus bldg r 230 Kirkwood boul
Littig, Wm T r 230 Kirkwood boul
Littig & Betty (V L Littig, H B Betty) lawyers, room 29 McManus bldg
Little, Miss Eliza R matron Orphan's Home, r same
Litty, Wm F, wife Amanda W H wks Dav Pearl B Co r 804 w 17th
Lloyd, Miss Bessie bds 332 e Front
Lloyd, Mary wid Charles r 312 Scott
Lloyd, Richard C stonectr Dav Stone Co bds 324 e 4th
Lloyd, Wm H wife Susan E stonectr r 604 w Front
Lock, Rufus, wife Mary F, r 404 w High
Lock, Thomas, wife Elizabeth r 1815 Rock Island
Lockwood, Miss Cora, dom 127 w 13th
Logan, Barton C wife Amelia printer r 1433 Harrison
Logan, Frank L, r 834 e 15th
Logan, James E wks Metal Wheel Co r 620 n Depot
Logan, Miss Kate wks Jones Bros Co r 620 n Depot
Logan, Lizzie wid J C r 227 w 15th
Logan, Miss Maggie A r 620 n Depot
Logan, Miss Nettie (col) dom 834 Main
Logan, Samuel helper C R I & P r 834 e 15th
Logan, Timothy wks Metal Wheel Co r 620 n Depot
Logan, Wm C wife Eliza O tmstr r 834 e 15th
Logan, Miss Winetta r 834 e 15th
Loges, John lab bds 431 w 2d
Logge, Edward wks H A St Onge & Co r 1349 Franklin
Lohmueller, Anton wife Mary foreman Metal Wheel Co r 1727 e 8th
Lohmueller, John wife Kate wks Dav Malt Co r 331 w 4th
Lohmueller, John jr wife Cklare A wks Weyerhaeuser & D r 1307 w 4th
Lohmueller, Miss Lena r 1331 w 4th
Lohse, Miss Emma M r 822 e 15th
Lohse, Fred H r 822 e 15th
Lohse, Herman C, clk Metal Wheel Co r 822 e 15th
Lohse, Jacob wife Pauline fish, 728 w 3d r same
Lohse, John F wife Mary r 822 e 15th
Lolhi, Frank wife Catherine harnessmkr Knueppel & Ott r 1716 Bowditch
Long, Alex A wife Dora trimmer Gas Co r 620 Rock Island
Long, Anna H wid James r 1014 e 13th
Long, Charles E r 620 e 14th
Long, Charles W wife Freelove r 619 e 14th
Long, Edwin F, wife Lillie J, r 620 e 14th
Long, Fred A r 620 e 14th
Lonsdale, Herbert L (S D Rider & Co) r Quincy, Ill.
Lonskey, Albert wife Laura, wks H Kohrs P Co r 1414 w 6th
Lonsky, Fred, wife Henrietta lab r 1307 w 3d
Looges, Henry, driver Economy C & C Co bds 1122 w 2d
Looges, John driver r 431 w 2d
Loo?e, Wm, porter Hotel Downs
Loppe, Charles H, wife Katherine r 2144 w 2d
Loppe, Herman wife Caroline wks Glucose Co r 2222 Bowditch
Lorch, Lorenz, bartndr A H Stortenbecker, bds 1550 Rockingham rd
Lorch, Miss Mollie dom 712 w 2d
Lord, Miss Pearl H r 1043 Tremont av
Lorensen, John, lab r 919 Eastern av
Lorensen, Peter, wife Johanna r 919 Eastern av
Lorenz, Miss Anna T, r 1430 Leonard
Lorenz, B. Jacob, wife Margaret A wks Glucose Co r 1430 Leonard
Lorenz, Charles wks R Krause Co bds 120 w Front
Lorenz, Christ wife Christena, wks Bett Axle Co r 407 w 3d
Lorenz, Emil wife Cecelia carp r 2048 Bowditch
Lorenz, Fritz, r 628 Christie
Lorenz, Gustav wife Emma c Carp r Telegraph rd nr Rose Hill lake
Lorenz, Henry wks Metal Wheel Co r 709 w 3d
Lorenz, Henry F C wife Margaret wks Arsenal r 709 w 3d
Lorenz, Henry O, mach opr Metal Wheel Co r 906 Gaines
Lorenz, Louis wks Bett Axle Co r 709 w 3d
Lorenz, Wm G, wife Catherine carp r 906 GAines
Lorenzen, Andreas P C wife Fredericke, saloon 502 w 3d r same
Lorenzen Block, 225 w 3d and 225 Harrison
Lorenzen, Miss Caroline C r 228 w 15th
Lorenzen, Miss Else, r 629 w 6th
Lorenzen, Heinig, bds 120 w Front
Lorenzen, Henry wife Susie saloon 120 w Front r same
Lorenzen, Henry, wife Julia wks Arsenal r 1601 w 7th
Lorenzen, Miss Herle, r 629 w 6th
Lorenzen, Miss Hilda, r 629 w 6th
Lorenzen, Jens wife Agnes pres Jens Lorenzen Crockery Co 225 w 3d r 629 w
Lorenzen, Jens Crocker Co, Jens Lorenzen pres A P Koch sec 225 w 3d r 629 w
Lorenzen, John G, wife Catherine A tmstr r 2101 Gaines
Lorenzen, John H wife Christina S, cigmkr F Haak, r 418 Warren
Lorenzen, Miss Laura r 629 w 6th
Lorenzen, Miss Marie r 629 w 6th
Lorenzen, Miss Marie M tchr Sch No 8 r 228 w 15th
Lorenzen, Paul J, bkpr J Lorenzen Co r 629 w 6th
Lorenzen, Peter, wife Maria fire dept r 2049 Bowditch
Lorig, Alice E wid Mathias r 529 Main
Loring, Miss B Nettie r 529 Main
Lorrain, Ernest, wife Emily K, stone ctr r 1933 Scott
Lorrain, Ernest J, wife Ida M clk G W Kerker, r 432 w 15th
Lorraine, Camille, mach Arsenal r 323 e 5th
Lorraine, Emil bds 408 Western av
Lorriane, Emil wife Alice stonectr r 323 e 5th
Lorraine, Miss Leah r 323 e 5th
Lorraine, Miss Matilda, dressmkr r 323 e 5th
Lorssen, Christ C wife Mary M tmstr r 1814 Eddy
Lorssen, George wife Johanna tmstr r 1047 w 2d
Lorssen, Miss Johanna F wks Woolen Mills r 1814 Eddy
Lorton, Miss Bessie tel opr Io Tel Co r 307 Harrison
Lorton, Miss Caroline D clk r 513 Perry
Lorton, Frank A r 901 w Locust
Lorton, George wife Louise M r 307 Harrison
Lorton, Samuel wife Eugenia (Davenport Nursery) r Locust nr Jersey Ridge rd
Lorton, Miss Stella M tel opr Io Tel Co r 307 Harrison
Lorton, Stephen wife Mary C stock dlr r 901 w Locust
Lorton, Wm B, clk C M & St P r Masonic Temple
Lorton, Winchester, wife Lydia horse buyer r 513 Perry
Lotspeich, Charles D janitor, Masonic Temple r same
Lotspeich, Sarah wid S P r Masonic Temple
Lott, Mrs .Emma r 710 Harrison
Lott, Miss Gertrude r 710 Harrison
Lott, Thomas E clk A M Diedrick rms 207 Brady
Loucks, Davis W wife Josephine wks Metal Wheel Co r 1331 Carey av
Loughlin, Miss Bridget A r 1106 Gaston
Loughlin, Mary wid Michael r 1106 Gaston
Loughlin, Miss Mary M, dressmkr r 1106 Gaston
Loughlin, Norman D wife Anna M, paper hngr J W Spink r 1229 Rock Island
Loughlin, Thomas lab r 1106 Gaston
Loughlin, Willet H wife Anna paper hngr r 2022 Rock Island
Loughran, Hugh A, wife Della E wks Arsenal r 734 e 6th
Loughran, Joseph wife Mary carp r 830 Farnam
Louison, Anna M, wid Milton N, housekpr Sycamore nr Gaston
Love, Edward lineman Io Tel Co rms 3131 Perry
Loving, Benj, wife Anna B, driver r rear 1403 Rockingham rd
Loving, Miss Bertha r 1403 Rockingham rd
Loving, Frank wife Nellie carp r McKinley nr Lincoln av
Loving, James wife Ellen, driver r 1403 Rockingham rd
Loving, Ora, driver r 1403 Rockingham rd
Loving, Wm E wife Anna tmstr r 1133 w 3d
Lowstech, Alex E wks F L Bills, r 2102 Brown
Lowe, David bds 2017 Le Claire
Lowell, Miss Hattie r 322 e Front
Lowenstein, Fred, wks Central Park r e Locust nr Spring
Lowrey, Miss Almira bds 1209 Arlington av
Lowry, Mrs Lydia r C C Cook's home
Lowry, Wm D (Pape & Lowry) 25 McManus bldg r 1304 Brady
Lubick, Miss Dora r rear 1022 w 5th
Lubick, John D wife Christina wks Brammer Mnfg Co r rear 1022 w 5th
Lubick, Miss Sophia r rear 1022 w 5th
Lucas, James A, wife Minnie A lab r 2112 Fulton av
Lucas, Levi H wife Sarah J wks Metal Wheel Co r River rd nr Eddy
Lucht, Miss Adele wks J Goos Co r 419 Davie
Lucht, Miss Agnes r 1323 w 4th
Lucht, Amanda retoucher G Dahms r 419 Davie
Lucht, Emil wife Theresa fire dept r 1221 w 3d
Lucht, Frederick wife Lena lab r 419 Davie
Lucht, Hans F r 513 Brown
Lucht, Juergen, wife Mary A r 915 w 5th
Lucht, Julius tchr High Sch r 915 w 5th
Lucht, Louis molder H j Frank r 419 Davie
Lucht, Miss Minnie M dom 1920 Main
Lucht, Walter r 913 w 5th
Lucht, Wm, driver bds 620 w Front
Ludewig, Catherine wid Jacob r 1401 South
Ludewig, John wks Metal Wheel Co r 1401 South
Ludwig, Margaret, wid Frank r 232 w 5th
Ludwig, Matthew wife Emelia A r 1541 w 4th
Ludwig, Wm clk Ferd Roddewig Sons, r 332 w 5th
Ludwigsen, John, wife Kate wks Glucose Co r 922 Hennepin
Luebbe, Miss Bertha r 304 w 3d
Luebbe, John wife Christina r 204 w 3d
Luebbe, Peter D wife Elizabeth wks Christian Mueller & Sons r 830 w 8th
Luedemann, Jacob wife Katherine shoemaker Suclau & Lantau r Hickory nr
Telegraph rd
Luedemann, Miss Mary r Hickory nr Telegraph rd
Lueders, Miss Dora r 326 w 9th
Lueders, Miss Dorothy M dressmkr Miss R La Rue r 1934 Bridge av
Lueders, Henry wife Margaret lab r 118 Mound
Lueders, Henry S, wife Hannah carriage mnfr 308 e 2d r 1934 Bridge av
Lueders, Hugo F wks Reimers & F r 118 Mound
Lueders, Miss Mary r 326 w 9th
Luehmann, Miss Bertha cash S D Rider & Co r 726 Harrison
Luehr, Emil wife Tinie, r rear 624 w Front
Lueschen, Catherine M wid John D r 1317 w 6th
Lueschen, John wife Margaret meat mkt 1630 Washington r 1628 Washington
Lueth, Ernest A wife Lena foreman r 1031 w 2d
Lueth, John wife Luisa lab r Fishertown
Lueth, Theo lab r Fishertown
Luethgens, A Charles H mixer Glucose Co r Rockingham rd nr Lincoln av
Luethje, Christian wife Catherine wiper C M & St P r 110 Warren
Luethje, Edward F, wife Agnes foreman Sears Frizzell Co r 1234 Washington
Luetje, Ben, clk Petersen's Sons, 522 w 8th
Luetje, Miss Clara, housekpr, 527 w 8th
Luetje, C H Wm, wife Fredericka, salesman Petersen's Sons r 532 w ?th
Luetje, Miss Elsie, clk r 1127 w 14th
Luetje, John wife Mary driver H J Witt r 1027 w 2d
Luetje, John, tinner r 1027 w 2d
Luetje, John T wife Elsie M tailor W Schake r 1421 w 4th
Luetje, Louis mach Sternberg Mnfg Co r 1027 w 3d
Luett, Miss Dora r 222 Ainsworth
Luett, Edward H wife Louisa salesman Seiffert & Wiese L Co r Oak nr
Telegraph rd
Luett, Marie wid John r 1235 w 6th
Luke, James W wife Jane wks Woolen Mills r 1428 Carey av
Lull, Albert M, wife Florence bds 408 Main
Luman, Ulysses G bds 519 Main
Lumsden, Miss Eleanor M tchr r 1411 Fulton av
Lumsden, Ellen M wid A J r 1411 Fulton av
Lumsden, Miss Emma L asst bkpr Washburn H C Co r 1411 Fulton av
Lumsden, Fred W bicycle rpr S M Reynolds & Co r 1411 Fulton av
Lumsden, Miss Lucy A r 1411 Fulton av
Lumsden, Miss Margaret E clk Petersen's Sons r 1411 Fulton av
Lund, Miss Annie K r 817 e 10th
Lund, John C wife Ada I wks Dav Pearl B Co r 1613 w 2d
Lund, Peter, wife Anna carp r 817 e 10th
Lund, Thomas M wks D R I & N W bds 220 Gaines
Lundburg, Charles E, wife Lillie foreman Flick & Johnson Constr Co r 626
Lundburg, Miss Ellen dom 216 Bridge av
Lundstedt, Charles A wife Minnie wks Knostman & P Furn Co r 428 Spring
Lundstedt, Peter wks Knostman & P Furn Co r 428 Spring
Lundstrom, August wife Hannah tailor r 541 e 6th
Lundvall, John V wife Augusta porter Boston Store r 1539 w 2d
Lush, Edwin wife Sidnie A tmstr r 417 e 4th
Lusk, Harry C wife Alice E mngr P I Earle r D 604 Brady
Lyden, John wks Reimers & F Co r 1634 Harrison
Lyden, Patrick E wife Jane A plasterer r 1634 Harrison
Lyden, Thomas J wife Annie, blksmith Impl Mnfg Co r 1329 Brown
Lyden, Walter F wks The Pamona r 1634 Harrison
Lydon, John F wife Margaret C real est 209 Brady r 14 Walling ct
Lynch, Catherine wid John r 326 e 9th
Lynch, Daniel lab bds 1102 w Front
Lynch, Daniel lab r 1801 w 3d
Lynch, Jeremiah lab bds 1102 w Front
Lynch, Jeremiah E wife Johanna watchman Impl Mnfg Co r 743 e 6th
Lynch, John wife Emily foreman Dav Nursery r Locust & Jersey Ridge rd
Lynch, John bds 1102 w Front
Lynch, Miss Josie wks Lee B & D Co r 743 e 6th
Lynch, Miss Lizzie seamstress Mrs. P Rohde r 226 e 9th
Lynch, Lorenzo lab r 1801 w 3d
Lynch, Miss Louise r 326 e 9th
Lynch, Martha wid Edward r 907 w 3d
Lynch, Miss Mary wks F Haak r 2128 Ripley
Lynch, Michael wife Margaret A wks Metal Wheel Co r 326 1/2 e 9th
Lynch, Thomas wife Mary tmstr C R I & P r 1801 w 3d
Lynch, Thomas jr flagman r 1801 w 3d
Lynch, Wm H wife Lillian A salesman Sinclair & co r 851 e 14th
Lynum, Miss Annie, dressmkr r 410 e 11th
Lyons, John J bartndr J Leonard r 322 e 12th
Lyons, John W wife Nellie lab r 2111 Fulton av
L:yons, Miss Josephine G r 1311 Prairie
Lyons, Julia wid Matthew r 322 e 12th
Lyons, Miss Lottie r 226 e Front
Lyons, Luke A wks Metal Wheel Co r 322 e 12th
Lyons, Mary wid John W r 1311 Prairie
Lyons, Michael W wife Mary A driver A Tredick r 930 Scott
Lyons, Patrick wks A Tredick r 1311 Prairie
Lyons, Miss Theresa A r 322 e 12th
Lyter, John M wife Lois r 1202 Brady