1900 O Directory
Davenport Times
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
March 23, 1900
Errors in Names and Locations and Any Changes From the Way the Names Appear
in The Times, Including Removals, Must be Reported to the Office or the
Directory Manager in The Times Building Within 48 Hours From This Evening,
as These Names Will go in Book Form Then
O'Brien, Miss Agnes, music tchr r 1746 w 3d
O'Brien, Miss Anna F r 818 Iowa
O'Brien, Miss Annie r 1334 w 6th
O'Brien, Bridget wid James r 914 Petry
O'Brien, Miss Catherine r 1029 w 3d
O'Brien, Miss Catherine r 1310 Harrison
O'Brien, Catherine wid John r 501 e 6th
O'Brien, Charles A wife Christine switchman r 512 Harrison
O'Brien, Christopher wife Mary r 410 e 11th
O'Brien, Cornelius r 1334 w 6th
O'Brien, Cornelius T wife Bridget eng r 1334 w 6th
O'Brien, Daniel F lab r 1738 w 2d
O'Brien, Daniel M clk Io Tel Co r 501 e 6th
O'Brien, Edward, mach Arsenal r 818 Iowa
O'Brien, Miss Elizabeth M r 1713 w 2d
O'Brien, Ellen wid Patrick r 921 w 7th
O'Brien, Miss Ellen C wks N Kuhnen Co r 4029 w 3d
O'Brien, James r 322 e 12th
O'Brien, James J wks Dav F & M Co r 1334 w 6th
O'Brien, John C wife Margaret lab r 1746 w 3d
O'Brien, John H, wife Mary lab r 822 e 12th
O'Brien, John M, blksmith r 1746 w 3d
O'Brien, Joseph r 1738 w 2d
O'Brien, Miss Kate r 1828 w 4th
O'Brien, Miss Margaret H r 818 Iowa
O'Brien, Miss Margaret S wks N Kuhnen Co r 1746 w 3d
O'Brien, Martin D tmstr r 1713 w 2d
O'Brien, Martin P wife Sarah r 1311 Union
O'Brien, Michael D wife Mary r 1713 w 2d
O'Brien, Michael J r 1738 e 2d
O'Brien, Miss Nettie clk Petersen's Sons r 1334 w 6th
O'Brien, Mrs. Nellie wks N Kuhnen Co r 1105 Scott
O'Brien, Peter r 418 Perry
O'Brien, Philip wife Bridget r 1838 w 2d
O'Brien, Thomas wife Bridget lab r 1738 w 2d
O'Brien, Thomas A wife Ella agt Io Mantle Mnfg Co 309 1/2 Perry r 306 e 6th
O'Brien, Thomas M mach opr Metal Wheel Co r 822 w 2d
O'Brien, Wm, wks Impl Mnfg Co bds 324 e 4th
O'Brien, Wm J wife Ida M clk r 412 w 5th
O'Connell, Anthony wife Margaret lab r 615 e 4th
O'Connell, Daniel wife Bridget r 1907 Fulton av
O'Connell, Daniel, jr molder Metal Wheel Co r 1907 Fulton av
O'Connell, John wks Metal Wheel Co r 1907 Fulton av
O'Connell, Miss Katie L dom 2114 Brady
O'Connell, Miss Nellie r 1907 Fulton av
O'Connor, Miss Alice G bkpr to Catholic Messenger r 410 w 5th
O'Connor, Edward J wife Hannah, messgr US Exp Co r 116 w 8th
O'Connor, Miss Eliza A houskpr 1304 Brady
O'Connor, Miss Elizabeth nurse r 415 e Locust
O'Connor, Honore wid Edward r 924 LePage
O'Connor, James wife Mrgaret wks Weyerhaeuser & D r 723 Eastern av
O'Connor, James F wks Arsenal r 410 w 5th
O'Connor, Johanna wid Michael bdg h. r 415 e 4th
O'Connor, John J wife Catherine brakeman r 522 DeSoto
O'Connor, John T wife Alice tmstr r 705 w Locust
O'Connor, John V mach Metal Wheel Co r 410 w 5th
O'Connor, Miss Josie, wks N Kuhnen Co r 415 e 4th
O'Connor, Miss Liza A r 430 w Pleasant
O'Connor, Marcella wid Michael r 410 w 5th
O'Connor, Miss Marcella J clk Mrs. B Fink & Co r 410 w 5th
O'Connor, Margaret wid John r 1101 w Locust
O'Connor, Miss Margaret M wks City Laundry r 1828 e Locust
O'Connor, Mary wid Edward r 1528 e Locust
O'Connor, Miss Mary F wks N Kuhnen Co r 415 e 4th
O'Connor, Michael r 1101 w Locust
O'Connor, Michael W wks Arsenal r 928 LePage
O'Connor, Miss Nellie N r 419 w 5th
O'Connor, Stephen, messgr Metal Wheel Co r 430 w Pleasant
O'Connor, Miss Theresa M wks City Laundry r 1528 e Locust
O'Connor, Thomas E wife Kate ckl C R I & P r 1808 w 3d
O'Dea, Edward A pressman Dav Pag & P Co r 210 w 16th
O'Dea, George G r 1333 Prairie
O'Dea, John r 1428 Marquette
O'Dea, John T actor r 210 w 16th
O'Dea, Miss Katherine A clk r 210 w 16th
O'Dea, Miss Maggie wks St. James Hotel
O'Dea, Margaret wid James r 210 w 16th
O'Dea, Mary wid Michael r 1428 Marquette
O'Dea, Matthew clk W U Tel Co r 210 w 16th
O'Dea, Michael, wks C R I & P r 1728 w 3d
O'Dea, Patrick wife Bridget r 1333 Prairie
O'Dea, Peter J broommkr r 210 w 16th
O'Dea, Vincent J clk E A Moetzel r 210 w 16th
O'Donnell, James wife Mary mach opr T W McClelland Co r 1308 w 7th
O'Donnell, John wife Martha fireman Gas Co r 312 e 12th
O'Hara, George, wks Metal Wheel Co r 613 w 4th
O'Hara, James wife Catherine A lab r rear 1210 Brown
O'Hara, Mrs Mary r 613 w 4th
O'Hare, Miss Annie r 1811 Gaines
O'Hare, Charles P eng Petersen's Sons r Rock Island Ill.
O'Hare, James wife Catherine r 1811 Gaines
O'Hearn, John cigmkr Raphael & Co r Rock Island Ill.
O'Hearn, Miss Mamie r 634 Henry
O'Keefe, Mrs Catherine r 813 e 10th
O'Keefe, George lab r 813 e 10th
O'Keefe, John harnessmkr Arsenal r 813 e 10th
O'Keefe, Miss Josie r 813 e 10th
O'Keefe, Miss Mary r 813 e 10th
O'Laughlin, Ellen wid Thomas r 1802 w 4th
O'Laughlin, John lab r 1802 w 4th
O'Laughlin, Miss Julia wks Crescent M Co r 1802 w 4th
O'Laughlin, Miss Maggie wks N Kuhnen Co r 1803 w 4th
O'Laughlin, Miss Mary r 1812 w 4th
O'Laughlin, Miss Sarah V wks City Laundry r 1802 w 4th
O'Laughlin, Thomas lab r 1802 w 4th
O'Leary, Mary wid Michael r 1438 w 6th
O'Meara, Miss Mae r 212 w 6th
O'Meara, Mary wid T J r 212 w 6th
O'Meara, Miss Nellie r 212 w 6th
O'Meara, Thomas wks R C Clayton r 622 e 4th
O'Neill, James wife Sarah lab r 1512 Brady
O'Neill, Sarah J wid Wm r 703 LeClaire
O'Neill, Miss Winnie r 224 Mississippi av
O'Shaughnessy (See also Shaughnessy)
O'Shaughnessy, Edward r 629 Harrison
O'Shaughnessy, Edward J wks C G Hipwell r 1621 Main
O'Shaughnessy, Miss Emma r 422 w 10th
O'Shaughnessy, John wife Mary r 422 w 10th
O'Shaughnessy, Miss Katherine r 629 Harrison
O'Shaughnessy, Miss Loretta r 1621 Main
O'Shaughnessy, Patrick wife Alice lab r 1621 Main
O'Shaughnessy, Peter J timekpr r 629 Harrison
O'Shaughnessy, Stephen timekpr Petersens Sons r 629 Harrison
O'Shaughnessy, Thomas wife Catherine grocer 629 Harrison r same
O'Shaughnessy, Thomas jr ckl T O 'Shaughnessy r 629 Harrison
O'Shaughnessy, Urban painter Mason Crrge Wks r 1621 Main
Oakdale Cemetery, es Eatern av nr limits
Oakdale Cemetery Co. WC. Putnam pres, Charles Francis sec, S.P. Smith treas. 202
w 3d
Oakdale Marble A Granite Works, Parry & Heald proprs. es Western av nr Elm
Oakes, Mary E, wid W.M. r 1204 Farnam
Oakes, Robert, wife Lizzie M wks Metal Wheel Co r 1701 Iowa
Oakes, Samuel, wife Annie M, blksmith Arsenal r 2301 Fulton av
Obenhaus, Frank driver Hadsell & Co r Rock Island, Ill.
Oberg, Charles wife Cecelie eng Glucose Co r 133 Division
Oberhaus, George wks Christian Mueller & Sons, r Muscatine Io.
Oberhoff, Miss Meta wks Van Patten & Marks r 229 Brown
Oberholtzer, Ernest C r 126 e 6th
Oberholtzer, Rose, wid Henry r 136 e 6th
Oberstaller, Herman H wife Julia lab r 2107 Fulton av
Ocheltree, James tmstr r 1226 Sturdevant
Ochs, Miss Emma r 729 w 6th
Ochs, John Sons. (Louis A and Joseph) real estate, 126 Main
Ochs, Louis A, wife Estella L (John Ochs Sons) 126 Main r 208 e 11th
Ochs, Joseph, wife Sarah (John Ochs Sons) 126 Main r 1209 Brady
Ochs, Max E, rea lest 30 Schmidt bldg r Schmidt House
Ockershausen, George F wife Sophia mixer Roddewig r 1302 w 7th
Ockershausen, Henry E wife Minnie clk Cit Nat Bank r 1235 w 8th
Oddy, Harry motorman Tri-City Ry bds 220 w 5th
Oden, Carl fireman C R I & P r 904 w 2d
Oden, Miss Dalay, cash C B & Q rms 1019 Perry
Oden, Miss Emma wks Dav. Cigar Box Co r 1453 w 4th
Oden, Miss Kate wks Dav Cigar Box Co r 1453 w 4th
Oden, Wm (Junge & Oden) 702 w 2d bds 420 Green
Odgers, Miss Ella E r 331 e Locust
Odgers, John H wife Mahala C ins agt r 331 e Locust
Oehler, Adolph wife Emma wks Lindsay & Phelps r 1812 North
Oelerich, Herman C wife Anna contr r 122 Rockingham
Oelerich, Herman C jr carp r 122 Rockingham
Oelerich, Miss Maggie wks F Reimer bds 531 w 2d
Oelerich, Peter H r 810 w 3d
Oelkers, Theodore jr wife Selma saloon 101 e 2d and rest 202 Brady r 14 Lorenzen
Oelkers, Wilhelmina wid Theo r 618 Gaines
Oeimann, Fritz wife Christina, tailor The Hub r 612 w Front
Offermann, Adolph wife Laura (Offermann & Schilling) 208 Fillmore r 1402
Rockingham rd
Offerman, Charles J wife Eva helper Ind Malting Co r Indian rd nr Telegraph rd
Offerman, Miss Dora r Indian rd nr Telegraph rd
Offermann, Herman wife Mary A eng Dav Malt & G Co r 1502 w 7th
Offermann, John wife Dorathea r 1420 Rockingham rd
Offermann, Louis wife Amelia wks Glucose Co r 104 Rockingham
Offermann & Schilling (Adolph Offerman Alvin Schilling) horse shoers 208
Ogden, John B wife Kate agt r 705 e 6th
Ohde, Frank wife Frances mach opr Metal Wheel Co r 2153 w 2d
Ohde, Henry T, wife Emma wks Canning Co r 2004 Dixwell
Ohge, Louis fireman Weyerhaeuser & D r Rock Island Ill.
Ohge, Miss Mamie wks R Krause Co r Rock Island Ill.
Ohl, Charles wks Arsenal bds Hotel Downs
Ohl, Claus wife Catherine lab r 1902 Summit av
Ohlandt, Andrew wife Mary M wks Weyerhaeuser & D r 1612 w 6th
Ohlandt, Fritz r 1612 w 6th
Ohlekopf, Henry wife Cecelia mach Arsenal r 1441 South
Ohlers, Miss Minnie dom 1401 w 7th
Ohlsen (See Oldsen, Olsen and Olson)
Ohlsen, Herman wks Knostman & P Furn Co r 716 Belle av
Ohlsen, John H M wife Dorothea wks Knostman & P Furn Co r 716 Belle av
Ohlsen, Nicholas L, wife Emma wiper C M & St P r 906 w Front
Ohm, John F wife Margaret carp r 920 Vine
Ohm, Max H, wife Emma M C carp r 1322 Liberty
Ohrt, Edward bds 628 1/2 Myrtle
Ohrt, Johanna M, wid Wm D r 1321 Mitchell
Ohrt, Miss Marie dom 116 e 6th
Ohrt, Otto, drive The Fair r 1321 Mitchell
Ohrt, Miss Selma, wks H H Cheney r 1321 Mitchell
Okarberg, Olof cabmkr Knostman & P Furn Co rms 709 e 6th
Old & New, Rev. A.M. Judy editor 828 Brady
Olden, Fred W wife Kittie harnessmkr, Arsenal r rm B. Ryan blk
Oldenburg, George E, wife Emma trav agt r 1032 w 3d
Oldsen (See also Ohlsen, Olsen and Olson)
Oldsen, Hans N, wife Margaret lab r 1505 Franklin.
Oldsen, Henry wife Sophia, watchman r 1601 w 4th
Oldsen, Hugo clk r 1601 w 4th
Oldsen, Miss Ida M r 1601 w 4th
Oldsen, John wife Annie C wks Glucose Co r 917 w 4th
Oldsen, Nicholas K, wife Caroline, driver r 507 DeSoto
Olligachlager, Emil A clk r 319 Rock Island
Olligachlager, Msr. Mary wks T Richter & Sons r 319 Rock Island
Olm, Dora wid Frederick r River rd nr Eddy
Olm, Ernest O, wife Clara mach opr Metal Wheel Co r 7?6 Belle av
Olsen (See also Ohlson, Oldsen and Olson)
Olsen, Miss Ada, r 618 Iowa
Olsen, Miss Christine, cook F Reimer bds 531 w 2d
Olsen, Miss Ella J wks Woolen Mills r 624 Belle av
Olsen, Miss Johana F, r 624 Belle av
Olsen, John wks Christian Mueller & Sons r 1428 Sturdevant
Olsen, Matilda, wid John r 624 Belle av
Olsen, Peter lab r 1423 Sturdevant
Olshausen, Walter A G wife Edith civ eng r 520 w 3d
Olson (See also Ohlsen, Oldsen and Olsen)
Olson, Miss Carrie O, clk Petersen & Sons r 318 w 6th
Olson, Emil, wife Lillie mach Arsenal r 318 w 6th
Olson, Miss Emma wks St. Katherine's Hall r same
Olson, Miss Hannah dom 136 Bridge av
Olson, Pierre wife Carrie tailor Lindblom & Westling r Rock Island Ill.
Olson, Swan wife Betty motorman Tri City Ry Co r 729 e 6th
Olsson, Jacob wife Roselia grocer 1420 Gaines
Olsson, Miss Ida I r 1420 Gaines
Omelley, Mrs. Ddlia r 320 e 2d
Onions, Wm molder Dav F & F Co bds 1503 w 2d
Opper, Miss Susana M r 1138 w 2d
Oppie, John W cook J E Underhill rms 215 w 6th
Orendorff, Wm J wife Josei M carp r Arlington av nr North av
Organ, Edward r 631 Federal
Organ, Miss Pennie wks Kuhnen Gas Co r 631 Federal
Organ, John W wife Bridget fireman Gas Co r 631 Federal
Organ, Miss Margaret J cigmkr r 631 Federal
Orme, Frederick wife Mary E, lab r 936 Spring
Ormsby, Miss D may wkd R Krause Co r 905 w 2d
Ormsby, Mrs Mary A wks R Krause Co r 905 w 2d
Ormsby, Miss Mattie wks Boepple Button Co r 905 w 2d
Orphan's Home (Iowa Soldier's Home and Home for Indigent Children) M T Gass supt
Eastern av nr limits
Orr, Mary F wid John r 1414 Fulton av
Orrendorff, Mrs. ClaraC r 1809 Harrison
Orris, George wife Lou wks U N Roberts Co r 322 LeClaire
Orris, Ormel tmstr r 322 LeClaire
Orth, Miss Amelia r 2132 Eddy
Orth, Charles I wife Elizabeth saloon 2132 Eddy r same
Orth, Miss Ella H r 2132 Eddy
Orth, Henry H wife Martha trav agt r 1042 w 3d
Orth, Miss Hermine L r 916 Vine
Orth, John C bartndr C L Orth r 2132 Eddy
Orth, Louis H wife Dora wks J L Zoeckler r 1719 w 2d
Orth, Wm, wks Canning Co r 1041 w 3d
Osbar, hans wife Mary contr r 523 Mound
Osborn, Allison, wife Kate D, agt r 516 e 7th
Osborn, Charles E,wife Elizabeth contr 1215 Harrison r Scott nr city limits
Osborn, George H, wife Sarah A, foreman D R I & N W r Rock Island Ill.
Osborn, George L, wife Hattie T, sec Hinrichs Crockery Co. 217 w 2d r 1203 Rock
Osborn, George N, wife Maggie lab r rear 2120 Gaines
Osborn, Henry H, r Scott nr city limits
Osborn, James wife Elizabeth agt Diamond Jo Line Steamers, r 113 e Front
Osborn, J. Thaddeus, r 516 e 7th
Osborn, Miss May bkpr Kimball House r 516 e 7th
Osborn, Nelson L, wife Harriet r 108 e Pleasant
Osborn, Robert wife Marietta grocer 216 e 10th r same
Osborn, Robert P, r 113 e Front
Osborn, Sophia C wid Sylvester r 706 Case
Osborn, Wm, helper H K Newbern, bds 118 w 16th
Osborn, Wm, H, wife Maud clk r 216 e 10th
Osborne, Harry wks C B & Q r Rock Island Ill.
Osborne, Sarah A wid R J r 116 e 6th
Osendorff, Miss Agnes wks Jones Bros Co r Gilbert
Osler, Thomas F wife Emily r 2004 Ripley
Oslund L John wife Annie L millhand C R I & P r 805 e 6th
Osnebruegge, Julius wife Johannes, wks Glucose Co r 1549 w 8th
Ostrom, Charles wife Mattie r 2301 Farnam
Ostrom, Frank C janitor 1803 Summit av
Ostrom, John H wife Jeannette r 1317 Warren
Ostrom, John H jr, tmstr r 1317 Warren
Oswald, Miss Edith r 1132 Scott
Otto, Adolph, r 1504 Rockingham rd
Ott, Miss Alvina r 1315 Rockingham rd
Ott, August, motorman Tri-City Ry Co bds 431 w 2d
Ott, Miss Annie r 1510 Rockingham rd
Ott Bros., (H.R. and Rudolph) grocers, 1462 Rockingham rd
Ott, Catherine, wid George r 511 w 5th
Ott, Charles H, lab r 1510 Rockingham rd
Ott, Conrad, wks Glucose Co r 1504 Rockingham rd
Ott, Edward wife Anna lab r Rockingham rd nr Lincoln av
Ott, Edward wife Doris lab r 1413 Marquette
Ott, Miss Ella r 1510 Rockingham rd
Ott, Miss Etta r 511 w 6th
Ott, Frank W, wife Maggie A, asst mngr R Krause Co r 703 Iowa
Ott, Fred C, wife Caroline (Kneuppel & Ott) 308 w 2d r 1325 Vine
Ott, Fritz wife Dora r 1023 w 3d
Ott, Gretchen, wid Henry r 1703 Border
Ott, Gustav mason bds 531 w 2d
Ott, Henry wife Johanna flour 701 w 2d r 1504 Rockingham rd
Ott, Herman R. (Ott Bros.) 1402 Rockingham rd r same
Ott, Johannes wks Martin Woods Co bds 431 w 2d
Ott, John wife Louise C wks Glucose Co r 1523 w 4th
Ott, Miss Kate dom 1310 4th av
Ott, Louis J wife Emma trav agt Havens & B Coffee Co r 1001 w 3d
Ott, Margaret wid Wm r 1462 Rockingham rd
Ott, Miss Minnie dom 129 w 11th
Ott, Miss Minnie dom 828 Brady
Ott, Peter bds 712 w 2d
Ott, Rudolph (Ott Bros.) 1462 Rockingham rd r same
Otten, M Angela wid John G r 906 w 5th
Otten, Bernard J lab r 1433 South
Otten, Miss Catherine r w Division nr South
Otten, Miss Frances wks Dav Pearl B Co r w Division nr South
Otten, Frank G, wife Margaret mason r 1406 Sturdevant
Otten, John, mason r 1423 South
Otten, John H wife Mary E (Otten & Pohlmann) w Division nr South r same
Otten, Louis B wife Anna cooper Coopers Union r 1829 Spruce
Otten, Mary J wid John B r 1433 South
Otten, Peter B wife Mary mason r 829 Marquette
Otten & Pohlmann (J H Otten F B Pohlmann) brick mnfrs w Division nr South
Ottensen, Otto wks Metal Wheel Co bds 203 Mound
Ottesen, Peter L, wife Julia milliner 222 w 2d r same
Otto, Amelia W wid Wm dressmkr r rear 1037 w 3d
Otto, Anna c wid John A r 1116 w 5th
Otto, Charles A wife Kate porter J C David r 1205 Gaines
Otto, Ernst wife Hermeni, propr Otto's Orchestra, 1136 w 3d r 723 w 6th
Otto, Frederick A wife Margaret music tchr r 628 w 3d
Otto, Henry (20th Regt U S A) r 1348 Leonard
Otto, Henry W wife Fredericka, shoemkr, 1348 Leonard r same
Otto, Miss Marguerite wks N Kuhnen Co r Rock Island Ill.
Otto, P T Walter, wife Mina mach opr Arsenal r 745 Cedar
Otto, Miss Sophia J W wks T Richter & Sons r 1348 Leonard
Otto, Wm H wife Christiana musician r 722 w 3d
Otto's Orchestra and Military Band, P F Petersen mngr, 1136 w 3d
Ovens, Fred, wife Lena wks Brammer Mnfg Co r Telegraph rd nr Rose Hill lane
Ovens, George W lab r 1418 w 4th
Ovens, Herman J wife Minnie carp C R I & P r 1922 w 5th
Ovens, Jacob wife Maggie carp C R I & P r 1922 w 5th
Ovens, Margaret wid Peter r 1418 w 4th
Ovens, Wm stockkpr C R I & P r 1922 w 5th
Ovens, Wm J wife Elizabeth (Schirmer & Ovens) 321 Harrison r 119 e 11th
Over, Charles B, stenog McCormick H M Co bds 212 e 6th
Overdieck, Albert r South av nr Grand av
Overdieck, Eliza wid Gustav V r South av nr Grand av
Overhoff, Hugo H messgr W U Tel Co r 220 Brown
Overhoff, Otto F L wife Hedwig wks Christian Mueller & Sons, r 220 Brown
Overhoff, Miss Meta r 220 Brown
Overstaller, Miss Stella A r 2107 Fulton av
Owen, Charles wife Sarah lab r 2024 e Front
Owen, Charles A bds 209 e 9th
Owen, C asst sec D R I & NW r Chicago
Owens, Dora wid Charles r 519 Ainsworth
Owens, George, wks Boepple Button Co r 1416 w 4th
Owens, Hugh wife Louisa driver r 2331 w 2d
Owens, James wife Jane lab r 2335 w 2d
Owens, John wife Emma driver r 2334 w 2d
Owens, Joseph E wife Kate helper C R I & P r 1617 w 2d
Owens, Miss Meta wks Amazon Vinegar Wks r 2335 w 2d
Owens, Miss Nellie M r 805 e 6th
Owens, Samuel lab r 2335 w 2d
Owens, Wm J wife Mary r rear 1219 1/2 w 3d.