1900 R Directory
Davenport Times
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
Friday, March 27, 1900
Errors in Names and Locations and Any Changes From the Way the Names Appear
in The Times, Including Removals, Must be Reported to the Office or the
Directory Manager in The Times Building Within 48 Hours From This Evening,
as These Names Will go in Book Form Then
RAABE, Christian H, wife Augusta, wks Christian Mueller & Sons, r 816 w
RAABE, Fred T., physician 1239 Marquette r same
RAABE, Henry C, wife Alvina, coachman, r 912 w 8th
RAAP, Frank, wife Anna M, driver M J Eagal Co, r 1946 w 5th
RAAP, Henry, wks B C R & N r 1844 w 5th
RAAP, John, driver Tri-City P & P Co r 1844 w 5th
RAAP, Miss Lizzie, r 1844 w 5th
RAAP, Mary, wid John, r 1844 w 5th
RAAP, Wm, broommkr, r 1844 w 5th
RABE, Henry, wife Mary D, lab r 311 Brown
RABELING, A Margaret, wid John r 1637 Prairie
RACHOW, Miss Emma, bkpr W S Holbrook, r 604 Main
RACSTER, John, wife Mary R, buyer Martin-Woods Co r 1804 Brady
RACSTER, J Morgan, clk Martin-Woods Co r 1804 Brady
RACSTER, Miss Matilda M r 1804 Brady
RADA, Albert, wife Annie, button cutter, r 535 Mississippi av
RADA, Mathias, wife Annie r 616 Christie
RADCLIFFE, wm M, wife Emily L. sec Register Life & Annuity Co, 36 Schmidt
bldg, r 9 Walling Ct
RADEMANN, Dorothea, wid Claus, r 1540 Leonard
RADEMANN, Emma wid Nicholas, r 512 w 15th
RADENHAUSEN, Paul, wife Minnie,chemist, 28 Schmidt bldg and tchr High sch r 1949
w 3d
RAEDEL, C.J. wks Glucose Co bds 313 w 2d
RAFF, Belle, wid F.P. dressmkr, r 414 1/2 w 3d
RAFF, Edwin L, wife Emma C, painter 1205 Grand av r same
RAFF, Catherine M, wid John, r 415 Kirkwood boul
RAFF, Miss Gretrude, clk Boston Store, r 415 Kirkwood boul
RAFF, Miss Mary, artist, r 2033 Farnam
RAHLF, Charles, wife Fredericka, lab r 610 w 5th
RAHLF, Fritz, wife Johanna, wks Metal Wheel Co r 718 w 14th
RAHLFS, Miss Catherine, bds 1029 Ash
RAHN, John, wife Agnes, wks C R I & P r Lincoln av nr Rockingham rd
RAIBLE, Miss Clara M, bkpr J Hoyt, r 1537 w 3d
RAIBLE, Fred R, wks J.L. Zoeckler r 1537 w 3d
RAIBLE, Magdaline wid F J. r 1537 w 3d
RAINBOW, Frank, wife Clara R, trav agt Phoenix-Milling Co r 625 e 14th
RAINS, John P, wife Elizabeth A, fireman Lindsay & Phelps r 2124 Eddy
RAITHEL, Miss Frances, clk Peterson's Sons r Rock Island Ill
RALPH, Wm, wife Martha lab r 1538 Eutaw
RAMBO, Andrew R, r 1108 Perry
RAMBO, Charles F, wife Augusta, carrier, P O R 627 e 15th
RAMIG, John wife Freda, glassctr Glass Co r 328 w 8th
RAMM, Henry, wife Caroline r 310 Warren
RAMM, John P. wife Margaret lab r 725 w 3d
RAMM, Wm C wife Margaret C, police r 1314 Brown
RAMSEY, Alexander G, wife Galland, mach Arsenal r 713 e 13th
RAMSEY, Miss Jennie E, r 1938 Main
RAMSEY, Miss Nellie M, r 1938 Main
RANDALL, Harry r Mercy Hospital
RANDALL, Matthew, lab bds 228 e 5th
RANDOLPH, Caroline, wid Joseph r 918 w 5th
RANDOLPH, Elmer E, wife Agnes r 920 w 5th
RANDOLPH, Miss Lulu r 918 w 5th
RANDOLPH, Miss Pauline, tchr Sch No 12 r 918 w 5th
RANGUE, Louis, bds 2018 e Locust
RANN, Fred r rear 820 w Front
RANN, Fritz wife Louise r 723 w 4th
RANSOM, Mrs. Esther H, r 913 e 13th
RANSOM, George S, wife Annie B, r 10 Linden Flats
RANSOM, Harrison S, wife Lillian D, foreman Egbert F & C r 913 e 13th
RANSOM, Miss Myra, music tchr, r 913 e 15th
RANSOM, Wm S (col) saloon 310 e 2d r 311 e 2d
RANSOW, Augusta wid John r 1332 w 2d
RANSOW, Charles F, wife Julia (C F Ransow & Son) 532 w 3d r 309 Western av
RANSOW, Charles F & Son (Charles F and Charles W) paints, 532 w 3d
RANSOW, Charles W, wife Catherine M, (C F Ransow & Son) 532 w 3d r 530 w 3d
RANSOW, Hugo clk C F Ransow & Son r 530 w 3d
RAPHAEL, Albert, wife Mamie trav agt J H Raphael r 613 Harrison
RAPHAEL, Benj A, wife Julia sec Amazon Vinegar Wks, ft Centennial r 901 Perry
RAPHAEL, Mrs. Bertha r 328 w 5th
RAPHAEL, Charles (Raphael & Co) 312 Harrison r 1416 Main
RAPHAEL, Emil (Raphael & Co) 312 Harrison r 1416 Main
RAPHAEL, Jacob H, wife Johanna, junk 626 Harrison r same
RAPHAEL, Johanna wid Michael r 1416 Main
RAPHAEL, Max, bkpr J H RAphael, 626 Harrison
RAPHAEL, Oscar (McPartland & Raphael) 217 Perry r 1416 Main
RAPHAEL & Co (Emil and Charles Raphael Ferd Wagner) cigmkrs 312 Harrison
RASCHE, Charles wife Christina wks H Kohrs P Co r 1329 Franklin
RASCHE, Henry r 1329 Franklin
RASCHER, Carl O. wife Minnie vice prs Rascher, Schricker & Rascher Hdwe Co
224 w 2d r 319 Scott
RASCHER, Frank wife Dora, pres Rascher, Schricker & Rascher Hdwe Co 224 w 2d
r 319 Scott
RASCHER, Herbert F clk 1st Nat BAnk, r 319 Scott
RASCHER, Otto H, clk Rascher, S & R Hdwe Co r 319 Scott
RASCHER, SCHRICKER & RASCHER HARDWARE CO, F Rascher pres, R.L. Schricker sec
224 w 2d
RASMUSSEN, Miss Matilda dom 1221 Arlington av
RASSFELD, Miss Alvina A r 1413 w 3d
RATH, Miss Agnes W, tchr r 520 Warren
RATH, John bds 1108 w 5th
RATH, Theo H wife Minnie trav agt Dav Malt Co r 520 Warren
RATHBUN, Charles L, wife Margaret N. mach opr Metal Wheel Co r 1501 Bridge av
RATHJE, Miss Martha, dom, 2208 Eddy
RATHJENS, Frederick, mason r 402 Marquette
RATHJENS, Louie, wks Glucose Co, r 402 Marquette
RATHJENS, Peter, wife Amanda C, peddler, r 1446 Eutaw
RATHJENS, Miss Anna, r 1502 w 6th
RATHMANN, Claus, wks Voss Bros. r, 1502 w 6th
RATHMANN, Elizabeth, wid Andreas, r 134 w 15th
RATHMANN, Miss Lena, dressmkr, r 1502 w 6th
RATHMANN, Wm wks U N Roberts Co r 1502 w 6th
RAUCH, Miss Annie, dom 1933 Grand av
RAUERT, Carl rms 1100 w 4th
RAVENHILL, Charles, wks C R I & P bds 427 e 6th
RAVENHILL, John, r 741 e 13th
RAWE, Anna C, wid Tirus, r 622 w Front
RAWE, Carsten, mustard mnfr, 622 w Front r same
RAY, Abraham, r 904 Farnam
RAY, Fred, clk Roddewig S r 860 e 14th
RAY, G. Albert, wife Annie E, foreman C R I & P r 904 Farnam
RAY, Miss Madeline, r 904 Farnam
RAY, Miss Nettie, r 733 e 13th
RAY, Oliver R, wife Louisa R, salesman Riverside M. Co. r 860 e 14th
RAY, Thomas, bds Windsor Hotel
RAYMOND, David L, lineman Io. Tel Co. bds Atlantic Hotel
RAYMOND, Frank R, wife Myrtle, clk Security Fire Ins Co, r 810 Perry
RAYMOND, Michael, bartndr, G F Tank, bds 712 w 2d
RAZEN, Charles G, wif Anna A, coachman, r 1918 Harrison
RAZEN, Nicholas, wife Fredericka, lab. r 218 e 7th
READING, Arthur K, r 511 Bridge av
READING, August, wife Birdie, forman Canning co, r 921 e Locust
READING, Charles K, chf eng Orphans' Home, r 921 e Locust
READING, Emery M, wks Arsenal, r 921 e Locust
READING, John A, wife Mary L, contr, 511 Bridge av r same
READING, Kensyl, r 113 Oneida av
REAGAN, Thomas, printer Io. Catholic Messenger, r 515 w 11th
REAGAN, Thomas M. wife Bridget, wks Arsenal, r 515 w 11th
REAMES, John R, wife Cora E, solcr G U Tea Co r 509 w 17th
REAS, Miss Anna, dom 1121 w 14th
REAVY, Edward, meterman People's Light Co, r 524 w 3d
REAVY, Frank, wif Anna P. bkpr Lamp Iron Co r 524 w 3d
REBEHN, Henry, wife Lizzie C, lab r 2026 Bowditch
REBUER, George, wife Sophie, (G Rebuer & Son) r 712 w 3d
REBUER, George & Son (George & Robert) coal, levee nr Brady
REBUER, Robert, (G Rebuer & Son) r 712 w 3d
RECK, Peter, wife Minnie E, gen foreman Bett Axle Co r 1028 w 3d
RECKFORD, Delos S, wife Catherine, wks C R I & P r 1008 e 14th
RECKFORD, Miss Lusylvia, clk Boston Store, r 1008 e 14th
RECKFORD, Wm H, wife Lavina J, painter, r rear 619 Iowa.
RED JACKET MNFG CO, A.C. Shattuck pres, S B Lafferty, vice-pres and mngr, T.
Stebbins sec, pump mnfrs, 602 e 3d
REDDY, Julia wid Martin, r 2112 Gaines
REDDY, Miss Julia E, r 2112 Gaines
REDDY, Wm, wife Mary J, wks Arsenal r 417 e 6th
REDFIELD, Robert P, wife Olive B, tchr High Sch r 305 e 15th
REDMAN, Miss Anna, dom 521 w 4th
REDMAN, Wm, bds 136 e 4th
REDMANN, Clara, wid J A r 217 w 6th
REDMANN, Julius A, barber H Peters, r 217 w 6th
REED (See Also REID)
REED, Miss Alice N, r 1047 Arlington av
REED, Charles S, wife Edna J, r 825 Kirkwood boul
REED, Clark E, wife Lizzie M, (H C Dunker & Co) 304 Harrison r 1047
Arlington av
REED, Miss Edna, wks Io. Mantle Mnfg Co, r 832 w 5th
Reedy, John, cash D R I & N W r 808 Switz
Reedy, Joseph wks Weyerhaeuser & C r 829 Case
Reedy, Miss Margaret r 808 Switz
Reedy, Michael wife Catherine eng r 1217 Fulton av
Reedy, Michael wife Ellen lab r 808 Switz
Reedy, Thomas wife Ann lab r 829 Case
Reese Bros (Wm J and P.B) painters rear 1125 w 7th
Reese, Clara wid J F r 1125 w 7th
Reese, Miss Clara r 1125 w 7th
Reese, Frank B wife Theresa (Reese Bros) rear 1125 w 7th r 809 Marquette
Reese, George B wife Dora polisher Arsenal r 1028 e 14th
Reese, Hans F musician r 526 w 5th
Reese, John wks M Schupp r Pine nr w Locust
Reese, John C wife Elizabeth, glazier T W McClelland Co r 817 Marquette
Reese, John F, painter Reese Bros r 1125 w 7th
Reese, Theo R wife Theresa music tchr r 826 w 5th
Reese, Wm J wife Adeline (Reese Bros) rear 1125 w 7th r 1425 w 8th
Reese, Wm J jr, wks Arsenal r 1425 w 8th
Reese, Wm M wife Julia baths 218 e 4th r 419 Kirkwood boul
Reeves, Miss Mary J r 1336 Prairie
Regennitter, Miss A Estella r 1118 Gaines
Regennitter, Miss C Josephine r 1118 Gaines
Regennitter, Diedrich, wife Lena leaf tobacco 714 w 3d r 1118 Gaines
Regennitter, Miss Emma wks Dav Pearl B Co bds 423 Warren
Regennitter, Harry H weev opr McManus bldg r 802 w 5th
Regennitter, Henry wife Tilly r 802 w 5th
Regennitter, John D wife Alvina (D Regennitter's Sons) 127 e Front r 238
Regennitter, Sibylia, wid Diedrich r 238 Ainsworth
Regennitter's D Sons (John D and Wm H) Loose and Baled Hay and Straw, Oats
a Specialty, Front sw cor Perry
Register Life & Annuity Ins Co of Iowa, The, M.L. Marks pres, W M
Radcliffe sec, 26 Schmidt bldg
Regnier, Annie M wid H A r 214 e 15th
Regnier, Edward C (Levy & Regnier) 319 Brady r 214 e 15th
Regnier, Miss Grace E, r 214 e 15th
Rehder, Miss Amanda r 917 w 9th
Rehder, Miss Catherine wks R Krause Co r 1029 w 6th
Rehder, Charles F wife Maggie hostler E A Speth r 614 w 4th
Rehder, Emil wife Anna tinner Rascher, H & R Hdwe Co r 826 Warren
Rehder, Gustave wife Ellen upholstr W S Holbrook r 624 w 9th
Rehder, Henry wife Catherine wks Glucose Co r 913 Warren
Rehder, John cigmkr r 1029 w 6th
Rehder, Margaret wid Claus r 1029 w 6th
Rehder, Martin wife Fredericka lab r Telegraph rd nr Concord
Rehder, Marx, wife Catherine eng P J Stelling & Co r 917 w 9th
Rehling, Miss Amanda A wks Wadsell & Co r 307 Warren
Rehling, Charles F wife Minnie (Rehling & Steinmuller) rear 307 Warren
r 913 w 2d
Rehling, Miss Ida r 307 Warren
Rehling, John H painter r 307 Warren
Rehling, Miss Lina W r 917 w 2d
Rehling, Mary D wid Louis r 307 Warren
Rehling, Silke wid Henry r 917 w 2d
Rehling & Steinmuller (C F Rehling, W Steinmueller) contrs rear 307
Reichenbach, Miss Carrie dom 807 w 3d
Reichenbacher, Bernard bartndr F Lemm r 1901 Rockingham rd
Reichert, Edward M clk Tri-City P & P Co r 1448 Rockingham rd
Reichert, Frank driver r 1448 Rockingham rd
Reichert, Peter tmstr r 1448 Rockingham rd
Reichling, Miss Mary A dom 322 Harrison
REID (See also REED)
Reid, Miss Catherine r 1012 Farnam
Reid, James A wife Anna E physician 306 Brady r 1504 Main
Reid, John T wife Annie P (Reid & Mohr) 209 w 3d r 313 1/2 Western av
Reid, Michael lab r 1012 Farnam
Reid & Mohr (J T Reid, H D Mohr) bkbndrs 209 w 3d
Reiger, Miss Maggie wks F Reimer, bds 531 w 2d
Reikerburg, Eddie bds 228 e 5th
Reilly, Miss Adrienne r 125 Wall
Reilly, Miss Alicia, wks St James Hotel
Reilly, Catherine wid Bernard r 125 Wall
Reilly, Miss Emma S r 125 Wall
Reilly, George B storekepr, Arsenall r 125 Wall
Reimann, Miss Anna M wks Crook Bros r rear 1040 w 3d
Reimann, Catherine wid Jacob r rear 1040 w 3d
Reimann, Gabriel clk Schlosser & Plagmann r 1040 w 3d
Reimann, Henry P wife Theresa mach C R I & P r 1046 Tremont av
Reimer, Alfred, steamftr, r 531 w 2d
Reimer, Miss Alfrieda, milliner A. C England & Co r 531 w 2d
Reimer, Doris, wid Nicholas r 1002 Ash
Reimer, Edward E wife Ida driver T E French r 713 w 6th
Reimer, Miss Emma r 1312 Leonard
Reimer, Fritz wife Emma saloon 531 w 2d r same
Reimer, Miss Hedwig A clk The Fair, r 1312 Leonard
Reimer, Henry (Reimers & Reimer) 309 w 3d r 531 w 2d
Reimer, Joseph T r 713 w 6th
Reimer, Miss Margaret r 1312 Leonard
Reimer, Paul F G driver Adams Exp Co r 1312 Leonard
Reimer, Wm C wife Helen A mach Arsenal r 1312 Leonard
Reimers, Miss Anna r 312 w 3d
Reimers, August, wife Clara pres Reimers & Fernald Co 313 e 2d r River
Reimers, August C wife Edith clk Reimers & Fernald Co r 4 Ryan blk
Reimers, Charles D, Editor and Publisher The Times, 522 e 6th res tel 626.
Reimers, Christ wife Dora lab r 1530 Bowditch
Reimers, Claus H, wife Eliza r 137 Division
Reimers, Claus J wife Rebecca M r 921 w 14th
Reimers, Detlef, lab bds 421 w 3d
Reimers, Edward (Reimers & Reimer) 309 w 3d r 921 w 3d
Reimers, Miss Eliza bkpr P A Reimers, r 312 w 3d
Reimers, Miss Ella r 921 w 3d
Reimers, Miss Ella r 1211 w 5th
Reimers, Miss Emma r 921 w 3d
Reimers, George N clk Glucose Co r 137 Division
Reimers, Hans, wife Louise r 1437 Leonard
Reimers, Henry cornicemkr P A Reimers r 921 w 3d
Reimers, Henry, wife Emma stockdlr, r 1629 Union
Reimers, John, wife Dora carp r 1211 w 5th
Reimers, John, wife Anna clk J Sander, r 321 w 2d
Reimers, John N, wife Clara (J N Reimers & Co) 2021 Ida av and propr J
N Reimers Brig Co r 1104 e High
Reimers, J N Printing Co J N Reimers propr 327 w 3d
Reimers, J N & Co (J N Reimers, W M Schneekloth( specialties, 2021 Ida
Reimers, Miss Kate, waitress E A Speth r 431 w 2d
Reimers, Miss Lena dom 430 1/2 w 3d
Reimers, Miss Lida r 921 w 3d
Reimers, Louise D, wid Reimer r 1417 w 4th
Reimers, Miss Minnie, dom 1008 w 3d
Reimers, Otto, plumber r 921 w 3d
Reimers, Peter, r 1322 w 2d
Reimers, Peter A, wife Catherine, stoves, etc, 312 w 3d r same
Reimers, Rudolph F, wks Glucose Co r 137 Division
Reimers, Miss Sophie, r 921 w 3d
Reimers, Wm D wife Clara S eng Weyerhauser & D, r 123 Cambria
Reimers & Fernald Co, A Reimers pres, W H Wiese sec, whol
confectioners, 213 e 2d
Reimers & Reimer (Edward Reimers, henr yReimer) plumbers 309 w 3d
Reinboldt, Carl O, wife Emma S, wks DRI & NW r 310 Western av
Reinbolt, Miss Maggie waitress Orphans' Home, r same
Reineke, Miss Emma wks Crook Bros r 31 Petersens blk
Reineke, Miss Emma M r 721 Iowa
Reineke, Frank J wife Kate E sawyer Christian Mueller & Sons, r 721
Reineke, Miss Millie r 31 Petersens blk
Reinhold, Herman wife Emma locksmith, 313 Harrison r 325 w 3d
Reinhold, Miss Hilda r 325 w 3d
Reinhold, Miss Meta, dressmkr r 325 w 3d
Reining, Charles bkpr r 1302 Mitchell
Reining, Fred, wife Emma grocer 1302 Mitchell r same
Reinke, Elizabeth wid Henry N r 416 e 9th
Reinke, Peter F wife Mary wks Glucose Co r 818 w 6th
Reinking, Wm, bds 803 w 2d Reis (See also Ries and Rice)
Reis, E Henry, cooper, bds 722 Harrison
Reis, Gustave, cooper E Malchau, bds 722 Harrison
Reis, Henry, jeweler, 305 w 2d r 527 w 8th
Reis, Miss Martha, r 527 w 8th
Reitemeyer, Fred, wife Anna, trav agt A Steffen, r 1419 w 3d
Reith, Miss Ella, wks Dav Pearl B Co r 828 w 9th
Reith, Miss Harriet F, clk r 329 w 3d
Reith, Herman, driver H Korn & Sons, r 829 w 9th
Reith, Mary wid Henry r 329 w 3d
Reith, Wm, wife Mary ckgmkr N Kuhnen Co r 828 w 9th
Reith, Wm jr, clk J Schmidt r 828 w 9th
Rietz, Ferd rms 212 e 3rd
Remey, J T, treas Davenport Gas & Elect Co r Burlington, Io
Remine, Maurice C clk M C Fort, r 720 w 17th
Remington Standard Typewriters, 128 e 3d
Rempke, Miss Kate, com 431 w 3d
Renan, Mary, wid John r 612 Myrtle
Renfro, George E wife Jennie, trav agt r E 604 Brady
Renick, Thomjas wife May painter, bds 408 Main
Renihan, Miss Cecelia A dressmkr r 1138 e Locust
Renihan, Miss Mary r 640 e 13th
Renihan, Matthew, wife Kate F lab r 1138 e Locust
Renihan, Matthew A r 640 e 13th
Renihan, Miss Rachel J r 640 e 13th
Renihan, Rev Richard J prof St Ambrose College r same
Rensch, Wm wks Canning Co r 1934 Main
Renwick, Helen G wid Wm r 645 Tremont av
Renwick, Miss Margaret, r 1429 Brady
Renwick, Miss Rebecca r 1429 Brady
Republican (The), The Republican Co pubs 214 Main
Republican Co (The), S F Smith pres J H Phillips sec pubs 214 Main
Reupke, Charles H, wife Jennie (Martin & Reupke), 228 Main r 2212
Fulton av
Reupke, Miss Ottillie M r 2212 Fulton av
Reupsch, Miss Agnes clk Petersen's Sons r 1220 w 5th
Reupsch, Miss Anna K, stenog J C Gravve, r 1220 w 5th
Reupsch, Henry N wife Anna, carp Glucose Co r 1220 w 5th
Reuter, Fritz, r 512 w 8th
Reuter, Miss Lena, r 1130 w 4th
Reuter, Otto wife Adelia, actor, r 1130 w 4th
Reuter, Miss Willa, r 512 w 8th
Reuter, Wm, wife Anna phys instructor public schools r 512 w 8th
Reynolds, Mrs. Amy, stenog Bradstreet Co r 1308 Harrison
Reynolds, Miss Angela, tchr Orphans' Home r same
Reynolds, Charles H r 42 Schmidt bldg
Reynolds, Edward clk B B Anderson rms 116 e 3d
Reynolds, Miss Flora E wks J Goos Co r 818 Case
Reynolds, Frank C wife Flora E cigmkr G H Kunz r 818 Case
Reynolds, James W wife Sarah eng Phoenix Milling Co r 735 Cedar
Reynolds, Th??, wife Amy, Am Exp r 1308 Harrison
Reynolds, ?, wife Lulu A, vet dentist, 815 e 14th r same
Reynolds, S Mortimer, wife Mary E (S M Reynolds & Co) 223 Brady r ?14
e 14th
Reynolds S M & Co (S M Reynolds) Hardware wholesale and retail,
Bicycles, etc, 223 Brady
Rhodes, Miss Anna M r 1417 2d av
Rhodes, Mrs. Anabelle r 1045 w 3d
Rhodes, A John, pressman, r 1417 2d av
Rhodes, Miss Estelle, stenog r 132 w 16th
Rhodes, Miss Eunice, dom 1702 Grand av
Rhodes, Frank M wife Nellie M r 402 e 15th
Rhodes, George C trav agt r 1045 w 3d
Rhodes, George W wife Mary, finisher Egbert F & C r 2019 Summit av
Rhodes, Jacob, wife Mary agt rms 118 e 15th
Rhodes, Jane wid J K r 1417 2d av
Rhodes, John R wife Mary I carp r 122 w 16th
Rhodes, Miss Laura J clk N Liepold & Co r 1417 2d av
Rhodes, Louis W distributing clk N Leipold & Co r 1417 2d av
Rhodes, Miss Mary rms 118 e 15th
Rice (See also Reis and Ries)
Rice, Alva wife Ella salesman Lindsay & Phelps Co r 1606 Fulton av
Rice, Miss Bessie M clk The Fair r 1606 Fulton av
Rice, Charles wks Canning Co r 422 Warren
Rice, Miss Claudia B bkpr Stone & Rice r 1223 Perry
Rice, Mrs. Delia A (Stone & Rice) 44 McManus bldg r 1223 Perry
Rice, Miss Emma D r 1035 Arlington av
Rice, Miss Jessie r 1606 Fulton av
Rice, John S wife Delia A supt Calif Perfume Co r 1223 Perry
Rice, Leonard contr r 1035 Arlington av
Rice, Wm S wife Lizzie r 23 Petersen blk
Rich, Maria wid Luke r 514 w 11th
Richard, Maurice, wife Alvena, molder, r 1912 Summit av
Richards, Napoleon B wife Catherine r 1726 Bowditch
Richards, Wm E wife Laura molder Dav F & M Co r 1022 w 3d
Richardson, Alex H, cash Standard Oil Co bds 809 Brady
Richardson, Claud (col) porter J White Art Co r 428 w 16th
Richardson, Miss Edna M dom 419 Onieda av
Richardson, Edward D wife Sophia J wks Arsenal r 1943 Brady
Richardson, Harry (col) r 1106 Ripley
Richardson, Isaac, wife Maggie livery 307 e 2d r 1219 e Locust
Richardson, Jenette, wid David N r 1820 e Front
Richardson, Joseph (col) wife Ruth r 1106 Ripley
Richardson, J B wife Belle B see The Democrat Co, 216 Main r 1802 e
Richardson, J J, wife Emma pres The Democrat Co 216 Main r 120 Spring
Richardson Land & Timber Co J P Phelps pres J J Richardson vice pres M
N Richardson sec and treas 216 Main
Richardson, Mary J, wid George r 1540 Rockingham rd
Richardson, Morris N, wife Stella vice pres The Democrat Co 216 Main, r
1810 e Front
Richardson, Noah (col) wife Alice, porter E Wenzel r 428 w 10th
Richardson, Oliver B r 117 w 15th
Richardson, S Perry, clk Metal Wheel Co r 219 Kirkwood boul
Richardson, Thomas C wife Mary E motorman Tri-City Ry Co r 117 w 15th
Richey, Frank A wife Melvina mach r 634 e 6th
Richey, Miss Ida B wks Egbert F & C r 634 e 6th
Richey, Miss Minnie M, clk r 634 e 6th
Richling, Miss Mary, dom 322 Harrison
Richter, Adolph W, wife Louise, cig mkr F Haak r 1352 South
Richter, Miss Agnes, r 1519 Union
Richter, August P, wife Anna editor Der Demokrat r 1028 e Front
Richter, Charles wife Jennie (T Richter & Sons) 21? w 2d r 1020 Perry
Richter, Edward, furrier T Richter & Sons, r 1025 w 9th
Richter, Miss Elsie r 1025 w 9th
Richter, Miss Frieda clk T Richter & Sons r 1025 w 9th
Richter, Henry, furrier T Tichter & Sons, r 1025 w 9th
Richter, Henry F, wife Ella eng Stuhr Grain Co r 1550 Leonard
Richter, John H wife Catherine r 1519 Union
Richter, Miss Kate r 1028 e Front
Richter, Traugott, wife Wilhelmina (T Richter & Sons) 219 w 2d r 1025
w 9th
Richter T & Sons (Traugott, Wm. & Charles) men's furnishings, 219
w 2d
Richter, Wm, wife Blonding (T Richter & Sons) 212 w 2d r 1204 Gains
Rickel, Alice wid Fremont S bdg h, 216 e 6th
Rickert, Miss Anna, dom 204 Summit
Riddle, John A, wks Tri-City Ry Co rms 213 1/2 Perry
Rider, Arnold V, wife Jane cond C R I & P r 608 e 6th
Rider, George, wife Alice cigmkr Raphael & Co r 514 w 4th
Rider, Juliet wid Platt, r 608 e 6th
Rider, Miss Mae, clk Newcomb Loom Co r 608 e 6th
Rider, S D (S D Rider & Co) r South Bend, Ind.
Rider, S D & Co (S D Rider, H I Lonsdale) 5c and 10c store, 212 w 2d
Rieche, Albert shoemkr 311 Scott r 313 Scott
Rieche, Amalie, wid Theodore, r 313 Scott
Rieche, Miss Clara, dressmkr Mrs. C.C. Ruell, r 318 Scott
Rieche, Otto wife Christina F clk German Sav Bank r 323 w 5th
Rieck, Albert F, wife Clara gardener r Farnam se cor North av
Rieck, Miss Elsie D, bkpr Boepple Button Co r 717 w 3d
Rieck, ? wife Agnes tailor 224 Harrison r 717 w 3d
Rieck, Theo, wife Minnie bartndr F G Freund, 1503 Union
Riecke, Henry A, wife Emelia, butcher F Mengel, r 915 Gaines
Riedmann, John, tinner Schebler Bros r Pine nr Telegraph rd
Riedmann, Michael wife Dorothy wks Glucose Co r Pine nr Telegraph rd
Riedmann, Miss Pauline wks Boepple Button Co r Pine nr Telegraph rd
Riefe, C H Louis, wife Sophia r 1302 Brown
Riehle, Carrie wid Matthias r 1831 w 3d
Riehle, Louis, wks Glucose Co r 1831 w 3d
Riehle, Miss Theresa clk Petersen Sons, r 1831 w 3d
Riekenberg, Fredericka, wid F W r 68 Putnam bldg
Riekenberg, Louis A, r 68 Putnam bldg
Riepe, Adelbert wife Julie druggist 403 w 2d r 130 w 15th
Riepe, Carl, wife Martha, painter Bott Axle Co r 1305 w 6th
Riepe, Ewald, wife Lizzie r Howell and Hickory Grove rd
Ries (See also Reis and Rice)
Ries, Anton, wife Catherine, packer Reimers & f Co r 1446 w 7th
Ries, Charles r 1446 w 7th
Ries, Miss Cristena r 1446 w 7th
Ries, Frank mach opr Metal Wheel Co r 1446 w 7th
Ries, George A wks Bett Axle Co r 1446 w 7th
Ries, John H wife Alma mach opr Metal Wheel Co r 1703 w 2d
Ries, Joseph wife Carolina wks Glucose Co r 1533 Rockingham rd
Ries, Miss Nettie dom 626 Harrison
Riessen, Henry r 824 w Front
Riessen, Paul F wife Josephine clk Petersen's Sons r 804 LeClaire
Rigby, Miss Bessie C r 806 Perry
Rigby, Eugene T wife Mahala A dentist 205 Brady r 806 Perry
Rigby, Miss Lois M stenog r 806 Perry
Rigby, Walter E wife Berdena J civ eng r 1417 Ripley
Rigby, Wm wife Lettie M r 1928 Main
Rigby, Wm E cutter C R I & P r 1928 Main
Riley, W Stewart wife Nettie L dpt mngr Io Produce Co r 1628 Brady
Rimaldo, Miss Alice retoucher J White Art Co r D 414 e 6th
Rindler, August F r 710 w 5th
Rindler, August G L wife Margaret physician 710 w 5th r same
Rininsland, Miss Mary G wks City Laundry bds 747 Belle av
Riordan, Daniel wife Johanna r 1023 LeClaire
Riordan, Miss Margaret T r 1023 LeClaire
Risler, Miss Myrtle, wks Boepple Button Co r 720 DeSoto
Risler, Wm C wife Melvina carp D R Boydston, r 720 DeSoto
Risley, Absalom S wife Ada trav agt O Albrecht Co r 531 w 16th
Risley, Miss Edith F clk Arsenal r 606 e 15th
Risley, Harry J wife Olive E insp Arsenal r 2017 LeClaire
Risley, Miss Jessie tchr r 606 e 15th
Risley, John P wife Frances E trav agt Roddewig S r 606 e 15th
Risley, Miss Linnie L tchr Sch No 8 r 606 e 15th
Risley, Robert wks Tri-City P & P Co r 606 e 15th
Rissmann, Miss Annie dom 1210 w 2d
Ristan, Anna wid George r 1034 w 2d
Ristan, Miss Margaret, actress r 1034 w 2d
Ritter, Wm wife Wilhelmina, propr West St. Paul House, 803 w 2d r same
Ritter, Wm. J, wife Caroline, saloon 801 w 2d r 716 w 2d
Ritsa, Herman a, wife Mary, tmstr McCoen & Co r 1419 Ripley
Riverside Milling Co J B Phelps pres W C Hayward sec 810 e Front
Rix, Hans, wife Anna, janitor Whitaker bldg r 1616 w 2d
ROACH (See also Roche)
Roach, Miss Bridget A r 725 LeClaire
Roach, Catherine M wid James r 725 LeClaire
Roach, Michael V lab r 725 LeClaire
Robb, Miss Florence stenog T Richter & Sons r Rock Island Ill.
Robb, Robert T rms 708 Brady
Robberts, L Grant wife Alice C bkpr Beiderbecke M Co r 1736 Grand av
Robbins, Walter M clk N Kuhnen Co r Rock Island Ill.
Roberts, Alex (col) wife Ollie, porter Kimball House r 512 Rock Island
Roberts, D Jeremiah wks Metal Wheel Co rms 116 e 3d
Roberts, Edward cook J E Halpin r 322 Iowa
Roberts, Edward C, wife Nellie B treas U N Roberts Co Case cor Federal r
1330 Perry
Roberts, Miss Hattie (col) wks Kimball House r 116 1/2 w 2d
Roberts, Horace G wife Dorothy L, vice-pres U N Roberts Co Case cor
Federal r 14 Oak Lane
Roberts, Jess (col) wife Harriet porter r 322 1/2 e 4th
Roberts, Julia A wid Uriah N r 308 e 14th
Roberts, Richard W wife Mary mngr Economy Tea Co 1124 w 2d r same
Roberts U N Co (The) U Roreback pres, A L Gartside sec, E C Roberts treas,
sash, doors and blinds, Case cor Federal
Roberts, Wayman (col) (Pitts & Roberts) 122 e 5th r same
Robertson, Charles M wife Pearl P, occulist 17 Whitaker bldg r 324 College
Robertson, James B wife Mary L, mngr Vanalstine, Gordon & Co r 521
Robertson, Miss Marion r 1526 Ripley
Robertson, Wm R, wife Lillie wks U N Roberts Co r 1309 Perry
Robeson, Charles E wife Agnes C (E D Robeson & Sons) 426 Brady r 725 e
Robeson, Miss Edna, r 420 w 8th
Robeson, Edward D wife Sarah (E D Robeson & Sons) 426 Brady r 618 Main
Robeson, Edward W wife Marion (E D Robeson & Sons) 426 Brady r 420 w
Robeson E D & Sons (E D, H C, J P, L F, E W, W L, C E, H A) meat mkts
426 Brady, 422 w 2d and 1330 Fulton av
Robeson, Harry C (E D Robeson & Sons) 426 Brady r McCausland Io
Robeson, Howard A, wife Mattie J (E D Robeson & Sons) 426 Brady r 309
Robeson, James P, wife Inez J (E D Robeson & Sons) 426 Brady bds 625 e
Robeson, Levi F wife Ellen (E D Robeson & Sons) 422 w 2d r 1159 Grand
Robeson, Wm C wife Rhoda A (E D Robeson & Sons) 426 Brady r 1119 Brady
Robinson, Miss Alice F tchr r 737 e 14th
Robinson, Carrie M wid Frank r 737 e 14th
Robinson, Catherine A wid J D r 1912 Main
Robinson, Frank (col) wife Lula, lab r 1111 Scott
Robinson, John F propr Union Pearl Button Co rear 811 Alma av r Omaha, Neb
Robinson, Mrs. Lulu, dom 124 w 12th
Robinson, Walter B wife Laura lab r 1612 Eutaw
Robinson, Wm E wife Gertie wks Tri-City Ry r 713 e 10th
Robson, Sumner G wife Clara L wks D R I & N W r 820 w 3d
Rochau, Chris, tailor C Stolley, bds 408 w 3d
Rochau, Fred A pres German Mut Fire Ins Co 304 w 2d r 2033 Ripley
Rochau, Miss Minnie r 2033 Ripley
ROCHE (See also Roach)
Roche, Charles F, wife Helen auditor D R I & N W 4th fl McManus bldg r
839 Ripley
Roche, Gus, wife Willie r 2, 219 e 4th
Rochell, Theo J, wife Ella (Gallagher & Rochell) 1529 Harrison r 1418
Rock Island Arsenal s end of Government Bridge
Rock Island Arsenal Bridge ft LeClaire
Rock Island Davenport Ferry Co wharf ft Main
Rock Island Fuel Co H C McConnell pres W Hubers sec 300 e Front
Rock Island Steam Dye Works, Walter Yerbury propr 2108 3d av Rock Island
Rock Island & Peoria Ry, E G Spaulding, pass and ticket agt 301 Brady
freight depot 115 e Front
Rockencamp, Miss Medena M rms 1100 w 4th
Roddewig, Albert wife Dorothy painter C R I & P r 2126 w 5th
Roddewig, Miss Bertha E tchr Sch No 7 r 1928 Brady
Roddewig, Miss Elizabeth r 2123 Scott
Roddewig, Ernest, wife Ricka, trav agt Ferd Roddewig Sons r 1928 Brady
Roddewig, Ernest C wife Estelle A E salesman Petersen's Sons r 129
Roddewig, Ferd jr wife Annie (Ferd Roddewig Sons (Peter E and Ferd jr)
wholesale liquors 409 Harrison
Roddewig, Ferd Sons (Peter E and Ferd jr) wholesale liquors, 409 Harrison
Roddewig, Harry, bkpr Seiffert & Weise L Co r 411 Harrison
Roddewig, Hugo R barber r 2133 Scott
Roddewig, Julius F r 2123 Scott
Roddewig, Miss Lina r 411 Harrison
Roddewig, Louis E clk W M Chamberlin r 2123 Scott
Roddewig, Miss Meta r 1928 Brady
Roddewig, Paul wife Christine cash Roddewig Schmidt Factory r 128 w 7th
Roddewig, Peter E wife Minnie (Ferd Roddewig Sons) 409 Harrison r 411
Roddewig, Roy W clk Io Tel Co r 2123 Scott
Roddewig-Schmidt Factory Oswald Schmidt mngr cracker mnfrs 328 e 4th
Rodler, Edward, wife Ida F, barber, 112 w 3d r 118 Warren
Rodler, Ferdinand G, wife Christina, pres Schricker Rodler Cd 331 w 3d r
329 w 3d
Rodler, J C Ferd, wife Johanna, r 917 w 6th
Rodler, Margaret, wid Traugott, r 224 Gaines
Rodler, Theo, r 224 Gaines
Rodler, Wm, glazier r 224 Gaines
Roe, Albert A wife Belle, police r 118 e 15th
Roe, Miss Grace, waitress Julia Dillon r 316 w 5th
Roeder, Miss Carrie C r 1129 w 5th
Roeder, Miss Emma wks F Haak r 1129 w 5th
Roeder, Miss Ida, cigmkr r 1129 w 5th
Roeder, Miss Minnie, wks Boepple Button Co r 1129 w 5th
Roeder, Miss Wahle L r 1129 w 5th
Roege, Miss Irma G bkpr N Kuhnen Co r 2018 Ripley
Roege, Max, wife Mary E r 2018 Ripley
Roege, Walter O clk W B Wiley r 2018 Ripley
Roehl, Paul, wife Emelia, turner Knostman & P Furn Co r 918 w 19th
Roehrs, Herman, butcher A Reuffel, bds 823 w 4th
Roennfeldt, Wm F, wife Tillie sorter Weyerhaeuser & D, r 1723 w 2d
Roes, Bernard, wife Anna G r w Locust nr limits
Roeschmann, Christian F r 1501 Union
Roeschmann, C Fred, wife Anna cigmkr r 1501 Union
Roeschmann, Miss Emma r 2106 Eddy
Roeschmann, Henry, wife Anna, lab r 1523 Catawba
Roeschmann, John H, wife Wilhelmina, saloon 2106 Eddy r same
Rogers, David H, wife Delilah T watchman r 1729 Rockingham rd
Rogers, Fred T driver U S Exp Co r 118 w 14th
Rogers, Miss Harriet r 222 e 12th
Rogers, H Fred, wife Maggie carp r 118 w 14th
Rogers, Lida, wid Joseph r 608 Tremont
Rogers, Miss Lucy cash Gas Co r 608 Tremont av
Rogers, Marion (col) wife Mary lab r 805 Ripley
Rogers, O.C., wife Mary B, physician 104 1/2 w 2d r 322 Fillmore
Rogge, Ado, r 726 Harrison
Rogge, Henry wife Margaret r 736 Harrison
Rogge, Miss Ida E r 726 Harrison
Rogge, Leo W (Kretschmar & Rogge) 726 Harrison bds same
Rogge, Lorenz, sec German Mut Fire Ins Co 304 w 2d bds 1236 w 8th
Rogge, Miss Lucy R r 726 Harrison
Rohde, Albert E, r 502 Brady
Rohde, Carl A r 502 Brady
Rohde, Carl F r 1417 Sturdevant
Rohde, Edward C butcher Robeson & Sons, bds 919 Warren
Rohde, Frederick W wife Minnie mason r 1417 Sturdevant
Rohde, George, wife Mary saloon 502 Brady r same
Rohde, Henry wife Marie r 926 Myrtle
Rohde, Herman, driver Bretscher & Fulscher, r 307 w 2d
Rohde, Miss Martha A wks F Haak r 1417 Sturdevant
Rohe, John H wife katie r 1450 w Locust
Rohlf, August H, wife Mary E wks Glucose Co r 2120 w 5th
Rohlf, Burt, wks Canning Co r 2120 w 5th
Rohlff, Gustav wife Rebecca L wks Christian Mueller & sons, r 324
Rohlff, Hugo, clk P Feddersen & Co r 420 w 2d
Rohlfs, Mathias J r 2220 w 3d
Rohlfs, Rudolph, wife Emma (R Rohlfs & co) 208 Harrison r 1946 w 3d
Rohlfs R & Co (Rudolph Rohlfs, Wm Bischoff) ins agts 208 Harrison
Rohlk, Joseph J r 826 w 15th
Rohm, Albert C, r Harrison nr Duck Creek
Rohm, C Percy, wife Bessie E clk Red Jacket Mnfg Co r 1131 Gaines
Rohm, Elizabeth T wid David r 1017 Tremont av
Rohm, Frank wife Christina trav agt r 1107 Gaines
Rohm, Frank jr r 1107 Gaines
Rohm, Miss Grace E r 1107 Gaines
Rohm, Harry D tel opr C R I & P r 1017 Tremont av
Rohm, Henry r 1103 Gaines
Rohm, Miss Jennie r 1107 Gaines
Rohm, Walter F r 1047 Tremont av
Rohn, John, glazier r 605 1/2 w 2d
Rohn, Rudolph wks U N Roberts Co r 605 1/2 w 2d
Rohrbaugh, James M wife Florence, civ eng r 802 w 8th
Rohrberg, Miss Amelia r 1009 w 7th
Rohrberg, Dora wid John H r 1009 w 7th
Rohrberg, Kate wid John N r 618 Vine
Rohrberg, Louis, painter r 1009 w 7th
Rohwedder, Anna, wid Henry r 1429 Franklin
Rohwedder, Catherine wid C H r 1322 w 2d
Rohwedder, Claus, wife Eliza mason r 414 w 7th
Rohwedder, Claus H wife Anna mason r Telegraph rd nr Indian rd
Rohwedder, Miss Ella bds 1114 w 7th
Rohwedder, Emil R wife Bertha (Schroeder & Rohwddder, 1026 w 6th r
1415 w 8th
Rohwedder, Harry wks Schroeder & Rohwedder r 1117 Brown
Rohwedder, Henry clk r Telegraph rd nr Indian rd
Rohwedder, Herman H asst dentist C & H Braun r 414 w 7th
Rohwedder, Otto F watchmkr r 414 w 7th
Rohwedder, Peter wife Amelia wks Glucose Co r 1144 w 2d
Rohwedder, Wm wife Laura carp r 1746 w 6th
Rohweder, George wife Marie A wks Weyerhauser & D r 1346 Union
Rohweder, John foreman G Albrecht Co bds 1007 w 5th
Rohweder, Miss Mattie bds 1007 w 5th
Rohweder, Henry E, wife Louisa, butcher r 2326 Fulton av
Roland, Charles rms 118 e 15th
Rolf, Miss Minnie r 622 w 4th
Rolff, August real est 207 Brady r 224 w 16th
Rolff, Miss Emma M r 224 w 16th
Rolfs, Miss Annie r 1124 w 3d
Rolfs, Miss Annie, dom 1525 Farnam
Rolfs, Claus C, wife Kate E foreman Weyerhaeuser & D r 2 Sylvan ct
Rolfs, Miss Dorothy clk Rider & Co r 915 w 9th
Rolfs, Frances, wid Juergen r 1430 Prairie
Rolfs, Juergen, wife Catherine r 915 w 9th
Rolfs, Jacob wife Catherine A r 1111 w 5th
Rolfs, Johannes, driver W P Halligan Co bds 1708 w 6th
Rolfs, John packer Petersen's Sons r 1130 Prairie
Rolfs, Miss Laura r 1111 w 5th
Rollin, Stephen r ft Filmore
Rollins, Rev. George S wife Helen L, pastor Edwards Cong Ch r 325 Kirkwood
Rombaut, Charles L wife Rosalie M, foreman Dav F & M Co r 2051
Rombaut, Miss Mary J, wks Dav Pearl B Co r 2051 Bowditch
Ronnfeldt, August r 1541 Prairie
Ronnfeldt, Miss Augusta wks N Kuhnen Co r 1541 Prairie
Ronnfeldt, Charles driver r 1541 Prairie
Ronnfeldt, Emil r 1541 Prairie
Ronnfeldt, Henry wks Brammer Mnfg Co r 1541 Prairie
Ronnfeldt, Margaret, wid Henry, r 1541 Prairie
Rook, R Jefferson, wife Minnie E, boilermkr C R I & P r 1132 Farnam
Rooney, Miss Maggie, nurse St Luke's Hospital
Roraback, George R wife Maria E carp r 2733 Farnam
Roraback, Miss Margery H r 2732 Farnam
Roraback, Rhoda, wid Isaac r 308 e 14th
Roraback, Uriah, pres U N Roberts Co r Minneapolis, Minn
Rosburg, Miss Augusta r 1610 Liberty
Rosburg, Carl, lab r 1610 Liberty
Rosburg, Johanna wid Fritz r 1610 Liberty
Rosche, Ben, wife Louise, wks Bett Axle Co, r 608 w 5th
Rosche, Conrad H, wks Glucose Co r 1626 w 3d
Rosche, Frank, wife Kate S. shoes 1626 w 3d r same
Rosche, Miss Linda M, wks Dav Cigar Box Co r 1626 w 3d
Rosche, Otto G, wks Burtis Opera House, r 1626 w 3d
Rosche, Theodore H, shoemkr r 1626 w 3d
Rose, John, shoemkr 2202 Eddy and baker, 2204 Eddy bds 2208 Eddy
Rose, Simeon, barber Nichols & Lesser, r 317 e 3d
Rosenbaum, John W wife Sadie M, motorman Tri-City Ry Co r 406 w 2d
Rosenkrans, Henry wife Anna, saloon, 1210 Harrison r same
Rosenmeier, Andreas, wks Dav Malt Co r 1356 w 2d
Rosenthal, Miss Barbara E r 507 e 8th
Rosenthal, Charles H wife Lena lab r 1636 w 2d
Rosenthal, Charles J wife Louise baker, r 507 e 8th
Rosenthal, Miss Dorothy r 507 e 8th
Ross, Miss Blanche R r 2006 Eddy
Ross, Claude X clk r 2006 Eddy
Ross, Dora D wid Julian music tchr r 2006 Eddy
Ross, Miss Edith A r 312 e 14th
Ross, Eugene, wks Leo B & D Co r 2006 Eddy
Ross, Harry E wife Kate elect Gas Co r 316 w 3d
Ross, John A r 312 e 14th
Ross, John W wife Carrie L architect, 403 Brady r 312 e 14th
Ross, Miss Poddie r 2203 Brady
Ross, Thomas porter r 403 e 9th
Ross, Wm F wife Mary Eliza ins r 2203 Brady
Rossi, Miss Lucy C r 1423 Bridge av
Rossi, Sarah M wid Feitz r 1023 e 14th
Rossmann, George r 2104 w 3d
Rostock, Christian, wife Elizabeth wks Glucose Co r 115 Division
Rostock, Miss Elizabeth r 115 Division
Rostock, Henry wks Glucose Co r 115 Division
Rostock, Henry P wife Anna r 1715 Mitchell
Rostock, Hugo wks Harkert & Co r 714 w 6th
Rostock, James P wife Magdaline porter r 714 w 16th
Roth, August J wife Helen clk D R I & N W r 1638 w 8th
Rothmerel, Miss Frances, cash Boston Store r 1512 Harrison
Rothmerel, Isaiah, bds 731 w 2d
Rothermel, John H, clk The Fair r 1512 Harrison
Rothermel, Kate wid John r 1512 Harrison
Rothermel, Miss Katie clk Bee Hive r 1512 Harrison
Rothermel, Mrs. Matilda, saloon, 414 e 2d r same
Rothschild, Abraham, vice pres D Rothschild Grain Co 1800 Rockingham rd r
133 w 18th
Rothschild, David wife Daisy pres D Rothschild Grain Co 1800 Rockingham rd
r 231 e 14th
Rothschild D Grain Co, D Rothschild pres, N Rothschild sec, 1800
Rockingham rd
Rothschild, Miss Fannye V r 419 w 3d
Rothschild, Miss Hannah H cash G U Tea Co r 419 w 3d
Rothschild, Miss Ida E, r 419 w 3d
Rothschild, Isaac clk Mosenfelder & K r 419 w 3d
Rothschild, Miss Jennie r 419 w 3d
Rothschild, Miss Lena, r 133 w 13th
Rothschild, Moses, wife Caroline R sec D Rothschild Grain Co 1800
Rockingham rd r 503 e 14th
Rothschild, Sophia wid David r 123 w 13th
Rotterman, Charles A, wife Ida J printer r 908 Main
Round, Helen A, wid A S r 1206 Perry
Rounds, Horace C r 1520 Rock Island
Rounds, Miss Margaret A r 1520 Rock Island
Rounds, Wm. S blksmith Mason Crrge Wks r 1520 Rock Island
Roundy, Porter W wife Jane A r 2324 Farnam
Rourke, Michael sawyer r 609 Christie
Rourke, Wm sawyer r 609 Christie
Rouse, John H wife Kittie asst ticket agt C R I & P r 317 e 14th
Rouser, Miss Fannie M r 521 Bridge Av
Rouser, George W lab r 521 Bridge av
Rouser, John E wife Daisy wks Economy Rug Co r 322 e 4th
Rouser, Milton A wife Priscilla, driver r 521 Bridge av
Rowan, Miss Sarah, housekpr 422 e 10th
Rowe, Van R wife Anna r 624 w 8th
Rowlen, Charles E wife Mary rms 118 e 15th
Rowley, Catherine wid Richard r 523 w 15th
Rowley, Miss Katherine wks Egbert F & C r 523 w 15th
Rowley, R. Albert wife Grossing, clk U S Exp Co r 1213 Harrison
Rowley, Samuel wife Sarah A (Tri-City Carriage Wks) 313 e 3d r 523 w 15th
Rowse, Angeline wid John r 506 Bridge av
Rowse, Elizabeth, wid Edward r 1208 4th av
Rowse, Wm C r 1208 4th av
Royer, Ephraim S wife Caroline wks Arsenal r 820 w Front
Royer, Samuel lab bds 736 Case
Ruben, Max wife Frances r 605 Harrison
Ruch (See also Rusch)
Ruch, Belthasar, wife India V r 130 w 12th
Ruch, Miss Dade, stenog Bradstreet Co r 130 w 12th
Ruch, John wife Marla J brick mnfr South ne cor Division r 680 w 5th
Ruch, Miss Lizzie wks Dav Pearl B Co r 411 Western av
Ruch, Peter, wife Verona r 411 Western av
Ruch, Miss Verona wks Dav Pearl B Co r 411 Western av
Rudisill, Amos H wife Annie hostler rms 316 w 5th
Rudolph, Frank C wife Margaret physician r 3134 w 3d
Ruebeam, Alois H wife Edith L rest 30? Brady and 225 Perry r 124 Kirkwood
Ruebeam, Ernest G, clk A H Ruebeam r 124 Kirkwood boul
Ruebeam, Joseph W jr waiter A H Ruebeam r 124 Kirkwood boul
Ruedy, Miss Caroline r 2001 w 3d
Ruedy, Henry C mach r 1940 Bowditch
Ruedy, Louis wife Mary pipeftr Glucose Co r 1940 Bowditch
Ruedy, Louis M clk Reimers & F Co r 1940 Bowditch
Ruefer, Adolph J (20th Reg USA), r 902 Warren
Ruefer, Frank r 1446 w 7th
Ruefer, George, painter Bett Axle Co r 1446 w 7th
Ruefer, Miss Gertrude, r 1446 w 7th
Ruefer, Mrs. Gertrude, midwife, r 902 Warren
Ruefer, Miss Helen wks Reimers & f Co r 1446 w 7th
Ruefer, Miss Margaret, r 1446 w 7th
Ruefer, Michael, wife Gertrude, shoemaker, 809 Gaines, r 902 Warren
Ruefer, Michael, clk H A St Onge & Co r 1446 w 7th
Ruefer, Nicholas r 1446 w 7th
Ruefer, Stephen, musician, r 902 Warren
Rueffel, Adam wife Elizabeth meatmkt 821 w 4th r 823 w 4th
Rueffel, Miss Carrie J r 823 w 4th
Rueffel, Charles M clk Pittsburgh Glass Co r 823 w 4th
Rueffel, Miss Elfrieda G dressmkr r 524 w 16th
Rueffel, Frederick W wife Irene meatmkt 1531 Harrison r 524 w 16th
Rueger, Jacob, wks Canning Co r 1218 w 8th
Ruehlow, Miss Emma dom 1530 Rock Island
Ruekmann, Henry, lab bds 219 Western av
Ruess, August W wife Elfreda M lab r 2030 Bowditch
Ruff, Charles H clk The Famous, rms 109 e 3d
Ruff, Peter H, wife Catherine A r 1101 w 14th
Ruge, Albert H, clk S B & S Shoe Co r 1428 Leonard
Ruge, August r 1332 Leonard
Ruge, Elizabeth, wid Marx r 420 w 2d
Ruge, Hans D wife Henrietta, tmstr r 1614 Leonard
Ruge, Henry wife Elizabeth tmstr r 1424 Washington
Ruge, Henry H r 1614 Leonard
Ruge, Miss Huldah r 420 w 2d
Ruge, Louis A cigmkr F Haak r 1614 Leonard
Ruge, Mary wid E A r 1636 w 2d
Ruge, Miss Minnie wks Stearns Paint Co r 1636 w 2d
Ruggles, Mary wid Samuel r 322 Rock Island
Rugh, Jacob H wife Bertha G watchman r 409 Mound
Ruhde, Ernest wks Glucose Co r 1848 w 5th
Ruhde, Henry wife Lena wks Glucose Co r 1848 w 5th
Ruhde, Herman wks Glucose Co r 1848 w 5th
Ruhde, J Wm wife Bertha molder Dav F & M Co r 1808 w 7th
Ruhl, Miss Annie J wks Crescent M Co r 924 w 5th
Ruhl, Charles W, wife Theresa sub carrier P O r 1211 w 8th
Ruhl, Edward, wife Josephine, grocer, 1141 w 6th r 1329 w 6th
Ruhl, Elizabeth, wid Lucas r 934 w 5th
Ruhl, Fred N undertaker J F Halligan r 1206 w 6th
Ruhl, Harry F wife Helen r 930 1/2 w 5th
Ruhl, Miss Helen wks Egbert F & C r 1206 w 6th
Ruhl, John H wife Anna (Berwald Hornby & Ruhl) 1? Masonic Temple r
1218 Tremont av
Ruhl, Mary A wid Fred r 1206 w 6th
Ruhl, Miss Mary E r 924 w 5th
Ruhmann, Hans wife Antze, janitor J Lorenzen Co r 610 w 6th
Ruhaer, C Henry, wife Anna K wks C R I & P r 103 e 6th
Ruick, Rollin wife Josephine mach Bett Axle Co r 2117 Harrison
Rump, Benj, porter r 416 e 2d
Rumsey, Byron, wife Mary guard Gov bridge r 330 Harrison
Rumsey, James r 330 Harrison
Runge, August C wks Canning Co r 1939 Main
Runge, Miss Bertha r 1660 Liberty
Runge, Charles L, wife Anna A trav agt Dav Vinegar Wks r 611 w 16th
Runge, Charles W wks Canning Co r 1929 Main
Runge, Miss Dora r 1660 Liberty
Runge, Dorothy wid Henry A r 1607 South
Runge, Edward r Pleasant nr Belle av
Runge, Henry wife Christina M (Runge & Petersen) 831 w 3d r same
Runge, Henry tchr r Pleasant nr Belle av
Runge, Henry F wife Emma carp r 1939 Main
Runge, Miss Laura A r 611 w 16th
Runge, Lizzie wid Charles r Pleasant nr Belle av
Runge, Louis wife Mary tmstr r 1539 Gaston
Runge, Miss Lulu r 611 w 16th
Runge, Mrs Mina clk Petersen's Sons r 1660 Liberty
Runge, Otto wife Amanda r 1216 w 3d
Runge, Wilhelmina wid Martin r 815 w 3d
Runge, Mrs. Wilhelmina r C C Cook's Home
RUNGE & PETERSEN (Henry Runge C N Petersen) undertakers 883 w 3d
Rupt [or Rupi], John A wife Ellen L, foreman Lindsay & Phelps, r 825 e
Rusch (See also Ruch)
Rusch, August, blksmith R D Quirk bds 120 w Front
Rusch, Edward wife Frieda (carp r 811 Spring)
Rusch, Miss Emma wks Woolen Mills r 811 Spring
Rusch, Henry wks Arsenal r 811 Spring
Rusch, Henry J wife Julie clk T W McClelland Co r 1036 w 9th
Rusch, Miss Minnie wks Woolen Mills r 811 Spring
Rusch, Wm harness mkr r 811 Spring
Ruser, Miss Etta r 628 Ripley
Ruser, Miss Milie, r 628 Ripley
Ruser, Wm H wife Emma (Stark & Ruser) 119 w 2d r 628 Ripley
Rush, James wife Elizabeth A wks C M & St P r 667 Sylvan av
Rush, John wife Sarah M r 1024 Farnam
Rush, Patrick, wife Ellen lab r 828 Swits
Rush, Miss Rose C stenog Van Patten & Marks bds 2103 Farnam
Rush, Miss Sadie wks Woolen Mills r 828 Swits
Russ, Eugene eng bds 728 w Front
Russell, Albert D city circulator The Times r 106 1/2 w 4th
Russell, Miss Anna tchr Orphan's Home r same
Russell, Miss Anna wks St James Hotel
Russell, Arthur L, bartndr r 327 e 5th
Russell, Charles wife May lab r 320 e 2d
Russell, John wife Elizabeth saloon r 327 e 5th r same
Russell, John A wife Viola G wks Dav Malt Co r 619 w 2d
Russell, John C wife Margaret, insp Io tel co r 1517 Ripley
Russell, John J wife Mary N coachman r 204 e 18th
Russell, John T wife Maggie C wks Metal Wheel Co r 502 e High
Russell, John W wife Mary carp r 716 Henry
Russell, Mary wid Wm r 213 e 9th
Russell, Mary A wid P A J r 14 Petersen blk
Russell, Miss May r 318 e Front
Russell, Robert B printer Egbert F & C r Rock Island, Ill.
Russell, Samuel J wife Ella G clk C R I & P r 521 Tremont av
Russell, George F wife Rose driver W P Halligan Co r 320 e 13th
Rust, Alvadore N wife Sarah M Bicycles, 325 w 3d r 329 w 3d
Rust, Fred I, r 110 w Pleasant
Rust, Johanna R wid W E r 110 w Pleasant
Rust, Louis C lab r 110 w Pleasant
Rust, Minor C bicycle repr A N Rust r 110 w Pleasant
Ruths, Conrad wife Catherine wagon mkr C G F Koos r 1944 w 5th
Ruths, Miss Freda clk H A St Onge & Co r 1944 w 5th
Ruths, Henry H wife Johanna clk A & P Tea Co r 1848 Bowditch
Ruths, John H floorwalker H A St Onge & Co r 1944 w 5th
Ruths, Phillip clk A Steffen r 1944 w 5th
Ruths, Miss Tillie r 1944 w 5th
Ruwe, Henry r 2314 w 3d
Ruwe, Miss Rica M r 2314 w 3d
Rux, Miss Clara wks R Krause Co r 905 w 8th
Rux, Matilda wid Fred r 905 w 8th
Ruymann, Adolph r Middle rd e limits
Ruymann, Claus J Lawyer 325 1/2 w 2d r Middle e limits
Ryan, Miss Alice r 21 Petersen blk
Ryan, Miss Anna r 21 Petersen blk
Ryan Block, 2d sw cor Brady
Ryan, Daniel J wife Minnie r 216 Gaines
Ryan, Daniel W wife Carrie C clk Arsenal r 909 Farnam
Ryan, Dennis wife Catherine r 1447 w 8th
Ryan, Dennis sexton St Mary's Ch r 1447 w 8th
Ryan, Edgar H wife Ella O sec Nat Sunlight Gas Co 12 Ryan blk and sec Dav
Safety Deposit Co r 805 Brady
Ryan, Edward, wife May cook H C & C M Clough r 1107 Scott
Ryan, Edward tmstr r 1107 Scott
Ryan, Mrs Ellen r 1030 Western av
Ryan, Miss Emma dressmkr r 21 Petersen blk
Ryan, Mrs Esther cook r 908 Main
Ryan, Harry C wife Edna G ins agt 24 McManus bldg r 105 College av
Ryan, James civ eng bds Windsor Hotel
Ryan, James clk Smith Bros & Burdick Co r 1524 Rock Island
Ryan, James E r 1447 w 8th
Ryan, James L (Ryan & Bean) 704 w 2d rms 717 w 2d
Ryan, Rev James P rector St Mary's Church r 516 Hennepin
Ryan, Jeremiah wks Bett Axle Co r 1320 w Locust
Ryan, John lab bds 313 w 2d
Ryan, John r 21 Petersen blk
Ryan, John J wife Mary J plumber Gas Co r 628 Farnam
Ryan, Julia wid Daniel r 909 Farnam
Ryan, Miss Julia C r 806 Brady
Ryan, Lizzie C wid James A r 6 Walling ct
Ryan, Mrs. Louisa M furn rooms 208 e 6th r same
Ryan, Miss Mary r 516 Hennepin
Ryan, Michael wks Crescent M Co r 1320 w Locust
Ryan, Patrick r Mercy Hospital
Ryan, Stephen wife Rilia, harnessmkr Arsenal r 221 w 15th
Ryan, Miss Theresa dom 702 Perry
Ryan & Bean, (J L Ryan H E Bean) barbers 704 w 2d
Rynearson, Wm H wife Emma tmstr Weyerhaeuser & D r 514 Christie