Scott Co, Iowa USGenWeb Project

SCOTT, IOWA  1920 Federal Census
Sheridan Township

This Census was transcribed by Brent Hemphill 

Copyright (c) 2002 by Brent Hemphill

1920 Census Reference Chart:
    1)Street                                  16)Attended school at any
    2)House #                                    time since 9-1-1919
    3)Dwelling #                              17)Able to Read
    4)Family #                                18)Able to Write
    5)Last Name / First Name                  19)Place of Birth
    6)Relationship to head of household       20)Mother Tongue
    7)Home Owned or Rented                    21)Father's Place of Birth
    8)If owned, free or mortgaged             22)Father's Mother Tongue
    9)Sex                                     23)Mother's Place of Birth
   10)Color or race                           24)Mother's Mother Tongue
   11)Age                                     25)Whether able to speak English, 
   12)Single,Married,Widowed,Divorced            if not, give language spoken
   13)Year of immigration                     26)Trade or Profession
   14)Naturalized or Alien                    27)General nature of Industry or Business
   15)If naturalized, year of                 28)Employer,Salary,Wage Worker,
      naturalization                             or Working on Own Account
                                              29)# of Farm Schedule

    Census Year     1920
    Microfilm Roll  #T625-512
    State           Iowa
    County          Scott
    Twp./Village    Sheridan Twp.
    Supv/Distr      2
    Enum/Distr      186
    Enumerator      John Tank
---------------------Begin Actual Transcription----------------------------------

CENSUS YEAR: 1920    STATE: IA    COUNTY: Scott    TOWNSHIP: Sheridan   MICROFILM#: T625-512    SUPV/DISTR: 2    ENUM/DISTR: 186    ENUMERATOR: John Tank
Pg#  Ln# St                             Hou# Dw# Fam# Last Name          First Name     Relation          Home    Own? Sex  Race Age     S/M/W/D Yr Im. Nat  Yr Nat Sch  Read Write Birthplace   Tongue     Father         Tongue           Mother       Tongue     Eng? Occup.             Industry               Pay   Sch# Remarks
         (1)                            (2)  (3) (4)  (5)                (6)            (7)               (8)     (9)  (10) (11) (12)    (13)    (14)   (15) (16)   (17) (18) (19)  (20)         (21)       (22)           (23)             (24)         (25)       (26) (27)               (28)                   (29)  (30)
178A 1   .                              .    170 170  Greve              Emma           Wife              .       .    F    W    53      M       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Germany        German           Germany      German     Yes  None               .                      .     .    SHEET# 9a ENUMERATED 7 February 1920
178A 2   .                              Fm   224 224  Rogge              Mrs. Mary D.   Head              O       F    F    W    61      W       1865   NA   1879   .    Yes  Yes   Germany      German     Germany        German           Germany      German     Yes  Farmer             General Farm           Em    161
178A 3   .                              Fm   224 224  Rogge              Marcus G.      Son               .       .    M    W    34      S       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Iowa           .                Germany      German     Yes  Laborer            Home Farm              W     .
178A 4   .                              Fm   224 224  Rogge              Edels G.       Son               .       .    M    W    29      S       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Iowa           .                Germany      German     Yes  Laborer            General Farm           W     .
178A 5   .                              Fm   224 224  Rogge              Edward J.      Son               .       .    M    W    24      S       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Iowa           .                Germany      German     Yes  Laborer            Home Farm              W     .
178A 6   .                              Fm   224 224  Rogge              Frances I.     Daughter          .       .    F    W    23      S       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Iowa           .                Germany      German     Yes  None               .                      .     .
178A 7   .                              Fm   224 224  Rogge              Julia J.       Daughter          .       .    F    W    10      S       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Iowa           .                Germany      German     Yes  None               .                      .     .
178A 8   .                              Fm   224 224  Rogge              Theresa E.     Daughter          .       .    F    W    18      S       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Iowa           .                Germany      German     Yes  None               .                      .     .
178A 9   .                              Fm   224 224  Rogge              Agnes I.       Daughter          .       .    F    W    16      S       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Iowa           .                Germany      German     Yes  None               .                      .     .
179A 1   First St.                      .    171 171  Gotsch             Henry C.       Head              O       F    M    W    45      M       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Germany        German           Germany      German     Yes  Painter            House                  O. A. .    TOWN: Eldridge SHEET# 10a ENUMERATED 7 February 1920
179A 2   First St.                      .    171 171  Gotsch             Meta A.        Wife              .       .    F    W    38      M       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Germany        German           Germany      German     Yes  None               .                      .     .
179A 3   First St.                      .    172 172  Geckler            Henry M. T.    Head              O       F    M    W    69      M       1907   PA   .      .    Yes  Yes   Germany      German     Germany        German           Germany      German     Yes  Carpenter          House                  O. A. .
179A 4   First St.                      .    172 172  Geckler            Truca          Wife              .       .    F    W    66      M       1907   PA   .      .    Yes  Yes   Germany      German     Germany        German           Germany      German     Yes  None               .                      .     .
179A 5   First St.                      .    172 172  Dehuk              Hans A.        Brother-in-law    .       .    M    W    60      S       1889   NA   1894   .    Yes  Yes   Germany      German     Germany        German           Germany      German     Yes  Mason              Building               O. A. .
179A 6   First St.                      .    173 173  Helkenn            Gustave        Head              O       F    M    W    58      M       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Germany        German           Germany      German     Yes  Laborer            Lumber Yard            W     .
179A 7   First St.                      .    173 173  Helkenn            Ida            Wife              .       .    F    W    50      M       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Germany        German           Germany      German     Yes  None               .                      .     .
179A 8   First St.                      .    173 173  Helkenn            Marie M.       Daughter          .       .    F    W    16      S       .      .    .      Yes  Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Iowa           .                Iowa         .          Yes  None               .                      .     .
179A 9   Price St.                      .    174 174  Jessen             Christian      Head              O       F    M    W    58      M       1874   NA   1880   .    Yes  Yes   Germany      Danish     Germany        Danish           Germany      Danish     Yes  Painter            House                  O. A. .
179A 10  Price St.                      .    174 174  Jessen             Eliza M.       Wife              .       .    F    W    52      M       1875   NA   1891   .    Yes  Yes   Germany      German     Germany        German           Germany      German     Yes  None               .                      .     .
179A 11  Price St.                      .    174 174  Jessen             Walter C.      Son               .       .    M    W    24      S       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Germany        Danish           Germany      German     Yes  Painter            House                  W     .
179A 12  Price St.                      .    174 174  Jessen             Elmer M.       Son               .       .    M    W    21      S       .      .    .      No   Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Germany        Danish           Germany      German     Yes  Clerk              Grocery                W     .
179A 13  Price St.                      .    174 174  Jessen             Sadie L.       Daughter          .       .    F    W    16      S       .      .    .      No   Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Germany        Danish           Germany      German     Yes  None               .                      .     .
179A 14  Price St.                      .    174 174  Jessen             Rhoda B.       Daughter          .       .    F    W    7       S       .      .    .      Yes  .    .     Iowa         .          Germany        Danish           Germany      German     .    None               .                      .     .
179A 15  Price St.                      .    175 175  Kroeger            Christian J.   Head              O       F    M    W    44      M       1891   NA   1897   .    Yes  Yes   Germany      German     Germany        German           Germany      German     Yes  Farmer             General Farm           O. A. 162
179A 16  Price St.                      .    175 175  Kroeger            Sophie         Wife              .       .    F    W    35      M       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Germany        German           Germany      German     Yes  None               .                      .     .
179A 17  Price St.                      .    175 175  Kroeger            Leona E.       Daughter          .       .    F    W    16      S       .      .    .      No   Yes  Yes   Illinois     .          Germany        German           Iowa         .          Yes  None               .                      .     .
179A 18  Price St.                      .    175 175  Kroeger            Roma R.        Daughter          .       .    F    W    13      S       .      .    .      Yes  Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Germany        German           Iowa         .          Yes  None               .                      .     .
179A 19  Price St.                      .    176 176  Stoltenberg        Henry J.       Head              O       F    M    W    61      M       1865   NA   1871   .    Yes  Yes   Germany      German     Germany        German           Germany      German     Yes  None               .                      .     .
179A 20  Price St.                      .    176 176  Stoltenberg        Rosa D.        Wife              .       .    F    W    58      M       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Germany        German           Germany      German     Yes  None               .                      .     .
179A 21  Price St.                      .    176 176  Meier              Marjorie       Boarder           .       .    F    W    7       S       .      .    .      Yes  .    .     Iowa         .          Iowa           .                Iowa         .          .    None               .                      .     .
179A 22  Price St.                      .    177 177  Gambes             Frederick      Head              R       .    M    W    31      M       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Germany        German           Germany      German     Yes  Clerk              Meat Market            W     .
179A 23  Price St.                      .    177 177  Gambes             Carrie         Wife              .       .    F    W    30      M       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Iowa           .                Iowa         .          Yes  None               .                      .     .
179A 24  Price St.                      .    177 177  Gambes             Elna           Daughter          .       .    F    W    6       S       .      .    .      No   .    .     Iowa         .          Iowa           .                Iowa         .          .    None               .                      .     .
179A 25  Price St.                      .    177 177  Gambes             Ruth           Daughter          .       .    F    W    2 6/12  S       .      .    .      .    .    .     Iowa         .          Iowa           .                Iowa         .          .    None               .                      .     .
179A 26  Price St.                      .    178 178  Erps               Peter F.       Head              R       .    M    W    40      M       1879   NA   1911   .    Yes  Yes   Germany      German     Germany        German           Germany      German     Yes  Farmer             General Farm           O. A. 163
179A 27  Price St.                      .    178 178  Erps               Lucy A. A.     Wife              .       .    F    W    35      M       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Colorado     .          Germany        German           Pennsylvania .          Yes  None               .                      .     .
179A 28  Price St.                      .    178 178  Erps               Emma           Daughter          .       .    F    W    16      S       .      .    .      No   Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Germany        German           Colorado     .          Yes  None               .                      .     .
179A 29  Price St.                      .    178 178  Erps               Emil J. T.     Son               .       .    M    W    15      S       .      .    .      No   Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Germany        German           Colorado     .          Yes  Clerk              Grocery                W     .
179A 30  Price St.                      .    178 178  Erps               Harold P. F.   Son               .       .    M    W    11      S       .      .    .      Yes  Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Germany        German           Colorado     .          Yes  None               .                      .     .
179A 31  Price St.                      .    178 178  Erps               Edward H. F.   Son               .       .    M    W    7       S       .      .    .      Yes  .    .     Colorado     .          Germany        German           Colorado     .          .    None               .                      .     .
179A 32  Price St.                      .    178 178  Erps               Luella L. L.   Daughter          .       .    F    W    4 7/12  S       .      .    .      .    .    .     Iowa         .          Germany        German           Colorado     .          .    None               .                      .     .
179A 33  Second St.                     .    179 179  Rose               Catherine M.   Head              R       .    M    W    60      W       1876   NA   1881   .    Yes  Yes   Germany      German     Germany        German           Germany      German     Yes  None               .                      .     .
179A 34  Second St.                     .    179 179  Rose               Marshall B.    Son               .       .    M    W    37      S       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Indiana        .                Germany      German     Yes  Laborer            Elevator               W     .
179A 35  Second St.                     .    180 180  Schneckloth        Hans P.        Head              R       .    M    W    62      M       1873   NA   1878   .    Yes  Yes   Germany      German     Germany        German           Germany      German     Yes  None               .                      .     .
179A 36  Second St.                     .    180 180  Schneckloth        Amanda C. D.   Wife              .       .    F    W    35      M       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Iowa           .                Germany      German     Yes  None               .                      .     .
179A 37  Second St.                     .    180 180  Schneckloth        Ella A. C.     Daughter          .       .    F    W    7       S       .      .    .      Yes  .    .     Iowa         .          Germany        German           Iowa         .          .    None               .                      .     .
179A 38  Second St.                     .    180 180  Rohlf              Frederick      Boarder           .       .    M    W    72      W       1853   NA   1868   .    Yes  Yes   Germany      German     Germany        German           Germany      German     Yes  None               .                      .     .
179A 39  Second St.                     .    180 180  Pries              William        Boarder           .       .    M    W    23      S       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Germany        German           Germany      German     Yes  Clerk              Pool Room              W     .
179A 40  Davies St.                     .    181 181  Ewoldt             Mrs. Hilda     Head              O       F    M    W    27      W       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Germany        German           Germany      German     Yes  None               .                      .     .
179A 41  Davies St.                     .    181 181  Ewoldt             Orrie E.       Son               .       .    M    W    5       S       .      .    .      Yes  .    .     Iowa         .          Iowa           .                Iowa         .          .    None               .                      .     .
179A 42  Davies St.                     .    181 181  Ewoldt             Emma M.        Daughter          .       .    F    W    3 9/12  S       .      .    .      .    .    .     Iowa         .          Iowa           .                Iowa         .          .    None               .                      .     .
179A 43  Davies St.                     .    181 181  Ewoldt             Caroline H.    Daughter          .       .    F    W    1 10/12 S       .      .    .      .    .    .     Iowa         .          .              .                Iowa         .          .    None               .                      .     .
179A 44  Donahue St.                    .    182 182  Baker              John           Head              O       F    M    W    73      W       1885   NA   1890   .    Yes  Yes   Germany      German     Germany        German           Germany      German     Yes  None               .                      .     .
179A 45  Donahue St.                    .    183 183  Bell               Charles E.     Head              O       F    M    W    52      M       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Pennsylvania   .                U. S.        .          Yes  Agent              R. R. Co.              W     .
179A 46  Donahue St.                    .    183 183  Bell               Emma           Wife              .       .    F    W    45      M       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Illinois     .          Germany        German           Germany      German     Yes  None               .                      .     .
179A 47  Donahue St.                    .    183 183  Jacobs             Leila          Step-daughter     .       .    F    W    22      S       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Illinois     .          Iowa           .                Illinois     .          Yes  Clerk              R. R. Office           W     .
179A 48  Donahue St.                    .    183 183  Bell               Cora           Daughter          .       .    F    W    4 4/12  S       .      .    .      .    .    .     Iowa         .          Iowa           .                Illinois     .          .    None               .                      .     .
179A 49  Donahue St.                    .    184 184  Wuestenberg        Otto R.        Head              R       .    M    W    33      M       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Germany        German           Iowa         .          Yes  Merchant           Automobiles            .     .
179A 50  Donahue St.                    .    184 184  Wuestenberg        Rosa E.        Wife              .       .    F    W    29      M       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Germany        German           Iowa         .          Yes  None               .                      .     .
CENSUS YEAR: 1920    STATE: IA    COUNTY: Scott    TOWNSHIP: Sheridan   MICROFILM#: T625-512    SUPV/DISTR: 2    ENUM/DISTR: 186    ENUMERATOR: John Tank
Pg#  Ln# St                             Hou# Dw# Fam# Last Name          First Name     Relation          Home    Own? Sex  Race Age     S/M/W/D Yr Im. Nat  Yr Nat Sch  Read Write Birthplace   Tongue     Father         Tongue           Mother       Tongue     Eng? Occup.             Industry               Pay   Sch# Remarks
         (1)                            (2)  (3) (4)  (5)                (6)            (7)               (8)     (9)  (10) (11) (12)    (13)    (14)   (15) (16)   (17) (18) (19)  (20)         (21)       (22)           (23)             (24)         (25)       (26) (27)               (28)                   (29)  (30)
179B 51  Second St.                     .    184 184  Wuestenberg        Davis A.       Son               .       .    M    W    4 6/12  S       .      .    .      .    .    .     Iowa         .          Iowa           .                Iowa         .          .    None               .                      .     .    TOWN: Eldridge SHEET# 10b ENUMERATED 7 & 9 February 1920
179B 52  Second St.                     .    184 184  Wuestenberg        Reinhardt H.   Son               .       .    M    W    2 7/12  S       .      .    .      .    .    .     Iowa         .          Iowa           .                Iowa         .          .    None               .                      .     .
179B 53  Second St.                     .    184 184  Denker             Ella L.        Sister-in-law     .       .    F    W    19      S       .      .    .      No   Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Germany        German           Iowa         .          Yes  Bookkeeper         Garage                 W     .
179B 54  Second St.                     .    185 185  Wuestenberg        Hans           Head              O       F    M    W    58      M       1883   NA   1890   .    Yes  Yes   Germany      German     Germany        German           Germany      German     Yes  Blacksmith         General                O. A. .
179B 55  Second St.                     .    185 185  Wuestenberg        Minne          Wife              .       .    F    W    56      M       1864   NA   1890   .    Yes  Yes   Germany      German     Germany        German           Germany      German     Yes  None               .                      .     .
179B 56  Second St.                     .    186 186  Behrens            George W.      Head              O       F    M    W    37      M       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Illinois     .          Illinois       .                Illinois     .          Yes  Doctor             Medicine               O. A. .
179B 57  Second St.                     .    186 186  Behrens            Rose E.        Wife              .       .    F    W    36      M       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Illinois     .          Illinois       .                Illinois     .          Yes  None               .                      .     .
179B 58  Second St.                     .    186 186  Behrens            Evelyn L.      Daughter          .       .    F    W    5       S       .      .    .      No   .    .     Iowa         .          Illinois       .                Illinois     .          .    None               .                      .     .
179B 59  Second St.                     .    187 187  Dammann            William H.     Head              O       F    M    W    56      M       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Germany        German           Germany      German     Yes  None               .                      .     .    ENUMERATED 9 February 1920
179B 60  Second St.                     .    187 187  Dammann            Lena           Wife              .       .    F    W    56      M       1883   NA   1886   .    .    .     Germany      German     Germany        German           Germany      German     Yes  None               .                      .     .
179B 61  Second St.                     .    187 187  Dammann            Emma           Daughter          .       .    F    W    17      S       .      .    .      No   Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Iowa           .                Germany      German     Yes  None               .                      .     .
179B 62  Second St.                     .    188 188  Gathje             Ferdinand F.   Head              R       .    M    W    29      M       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Germany        German           Germany      German     Yes  Clerk              Grocery                W     .
179B 63  Second St.                     .    188 188  Gathje             Malinda        Wife              .       .    F    W    26      M       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Germany        German           Iowa         .          Yes  None               .                      .     .
179B 64  Second St.                     .    188 188  Gathje             Alberta        Daughter          .       .    F    W    1 8/12  S       .      .    .      .    .    .     Iowa         .          Iowa           .                Iowa         .          .    None               .                      .     .
179B 65  Second St.                     .    189 189  Thode              Henry R.       Head              R       .    M    W    31      M       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Iowa           .                Iowa         .          Yes  Merchant           General Store          Em    .
179B 66  Second St.                     .    189 189  Thode              Pauline I.     Wife              .       .    F    W    32      M       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Germany        German           Germany      German     Yes  None               .                      .     .
179B 67  Second St.                     .    189 189  Thode              Roland L.      Son               .       .    M    W    7       S       .      .    .      Yes  .    .     Iowa         .          Iowa           .                Iowa         .          .    None               .                      .     .
179B 68  Second St.                     .    189 189  Thode              Vernon W.      Son               .       .    M    W    3 9/12  S       .      .    .      .    .    .     Iowa         .          Iowa           .                Iowa         .          .    None               .                      .     .
179B 69  Second St.                     .    190 190  Briggs             Floyd P.       Head              R       .    M    W    34      M       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Iowa           .                Iowa         .          Yes  Plumber            General Hardware Store W     .
179B 70  Second St.                     .    190 190  Briggs             Myrtle M.      Wife              .       .    F    W    30      M       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Pennsylvania   .                Wisconsin    .          Yes  None               .                      .     .
179B 71  Second St.                     .    190 190  Briggs             Elsa M.        Daughter          .       .    F    W    14      S       .      .    .      Yes  Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Iowa           .                Iowa         .          Yes  None               .                      .     .
179B 72  Second St.                     .    190 190  Briggs             Mildred M.     Daughter          .       .    F    W    12      S       .      .    .      Yes  Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Iowa           .                Iowa         .          Yes  None               .                      .     .
179B 73  Second St.                     .    190 190  Briggs             Esther M.      Daughter          .       .    F    W    9       S       .      .    .      Yes  .    .     Iowa         .          Iowa           .                Iowa         .          .    None               .                      .     .
179B 74  Second St.                     .    190 190  Briggs             Ardene F.      Daughter          .       .    F    W    4 6/12  S       .      .    .      .    .    .     Iowa         .          Iowa           .                Iowa         .          .    None               .                      .     .
179B 75  Second St.                     .    190 190  Briggs             Donald E.      Son               .       .    M    W    2 1/12  S       .      .    .      .    .    .     Iowa         .          Iowa           .                Iowa         .          .    None               .                      .     .
179B 76  Second St.                     .    191 191  Masterson          Leo N.         Head              R       .    M    W    26      M       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Missouri     .          Kansas         .                Kansas       .          Yes  Barber             Own Shop               O. A. .
179B 77  Second St.                     .    191 191  Masterson          Ardena D.      Wife              .       .    F    W    25      M       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Germany        German           Iowa         .          Yes  None               .                      .     .
179B 78  Second St.                     .    191 191  Masterson          Harry A.       Son               .       .    M    W    4       S       .      .    .      .    .    .     Iowa         .          Missouri       .                Iowa         .          .    None               .                      .     .
179B 79  Second St.                     .    192 192  Ihms               Harry H.       Head              O       M    M    W    28      M       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Germany        German           Germany      German     Yes  Barber             Own Shop               O. A. .
179B 80  Second St.                     .    192 192  Ihms               Alma L.        Wife              .       .    F    W    29      M       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Iowa           .                Iowa         .          Yes  None               .                      .     .
179B 81  Second St.                     .    192 192  Ihms               Allan H.       Son               .       .    M    W    5       S       .      .    .      Yes  .    .     Iowa         .          Iowa           .                Iowa         .          .    None               .                      .     .
179B 82  Second St.                     .    193 193  McDowell           Addie L.       Head              O       F    F    W    59      S       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Pennsylvania .          Pennsylvania   .                Pennsylvania .          Yes  Boarding House     .                      O. A. .
179B 83  Second St.                     .    193 193  Hanna              Evelyn I.      Boarder           .       .    F    W    14      S       .      .    .      Yes  Yes  Yes   Illinois     .          Missouri       .                Missouri     .          Yes  None               .                      .     .
179B 84  Second St.                     .    193 193  Hanna              Alma A.        Boarder           .       .    F    W    12      S       .      .    .      Yes  Yes  Yes   Illinois     .          Missouri       .                Missouri     .          Yes  None               .                      .     .
179B 85  Second St.                     .    193 193  Hanna              Allan E.       Boarder           .       .    M    W    11      S       .      .    .      Yes  Yes  Yes   Illinois     .          Missouri       .                Missouri     .          Yes  None               .                      .     .
179B 86  Second St.                     .    193 193  Townsend           E. C.          Boarder           .       .    M    W    64      S       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          England        English          Ohio         .          Yes  None               .                      .     .
179B 87  Second St.                     .    193 193  Eggers             John           Boarder           .       .    M    W    62      S       1857   NA   1863   .    Yes  Yes   Germany      German     Germany        German           Germany      German     Yes  Harness Maker      General Repair Shop    W     .
179B 88  Franklin St.                   .    194 194  Brockmann          Rudolph        Head              O       F    M    W    38      M       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Germany        German           Germany      German     Yes  Painter            House                  O. A. .
179B 89  Franklin St.                   .    194 194  Brockmann          Ida M.         Wife              .       .    F    W    27      M       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Iowa           .                Iowa         .          Yes  None               .                      .     .
179B 90  Franklin St.                   .    194 194  Brockmann          Lawrence E.    Son               .       .    M    W    3 11/12 S       .      .    .      .    .    .     Iowa         .          Iowa           .                Iowa         .          .    None               .                      .     .
179B 91  Franklin St.                   .    194 194  Brockmann          Charles M.     Son               .       .    M    W    1 3/12  S       .      .    .      .    .    .     Iowa         .          Iowa           .                Iowa         .          .    None               .                      .     .
179B 92  Second St.                     .    195 195  Paul               David B.       Head              O       F    M    W    58      S       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Pennsylvania .          Ireland        English          Ireland      English    Yes  Barber             Own Shop               O. A. .
179B 93  Second St.                     .    196 196  Voelkers           Emil           Head              R       .    M    W    35      M       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Germany        German           Germany      German     Yes  Laborer            Ditch Digger           W     .
179B 94  Second St.                     .    196 196  Voelkers           Minnie V.      Wife              .       .    F    W    29      M       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Germany        German           Germany      German     Yes  None               .                      .     .
179B 95  Second St.                     .    196 196  Voelkers           Mildred C.     Daughter          .       .    F    W    5       S       .      .    .      No   .    .     Iowa         .          Iowa           .                Iowa         .          .    None               .                      .     .
179B 96  Second St.                     .    196 196  Voelkers           Clarence E.    Son               .       .    M    W    3 1/12  S       .      .    .      .    .    .     Iowa         .          Iowa           .                Iowa         .          .    None               .                      .     .
179B 97  Second St.                     .    196 196  Voelkers           Lillie C.      Daughter          .       .    F    W    1 10/12 S       .      .    .      .    .    .     Iowa         .          Iowa           .                Iowa         .          .    None               .                      .     .
179B 98  Second St.                     .    197 197  Briggs             Arthur P.      Head              R       .    M    W    30      M       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Iowa           .                Iowa         .          Yes  Laborer            Implement Co.          W     .
179B 99  Second St.                     .    197 197  Briggs             Methel M.      Wife              .       .    F    W    24      M       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Indiana      .          Indiana        .                Indiana      .          Yes  None               .                      .     .
179B 100 Second St.                     .    198 198  Kuhl               Emil J. J.     Head              R       .    M    W    38      M       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Iowa           .                Iowa         .          Yes  Merchant           Stoves & Furniture     O. A. .
CENSUS YEAR: 1920    STATE: IA    COUNTY: Scott    TOWNSHIP: Sheridan   MICROFILM#: T625-512    SUPV/DISTR: 2    ENUM/DISTR: 186    ENUMERATOR: John Tank
Pg#  Ln# St                             Hou# Dw# Fam# Last Name          First Name     Relation          Home    Own? Sex  Race Age     S/M/W/D Yr Im. Nat  Yr Nat Sch  Read Write Birthplace   Tongue     Father         Tongue           Mother       Tongue     Eng? Occup.             Industry               Pay   Sch# Remarks
         (1)                            (2)  (3) (4)  (5)                (6)            (7)               (8)     (9)  (10) (11) (12)    (13)    (14)   (15) (16)   (17) (18) (19)  (20)         (21)       (22)           (23)             (24)         (25)       (26) (27)               (28)                   (29)  (30)
180A 1   Second St.                     .    198 198  Kuhl               Edith          Wife              .       .    F    W    36      M       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Germany        German           Germany      German     Yes  None               .                      .     .    TOWN: Eldridge SHEET# 11a ENUMERATED 9 February 1920
180A 2   Second St.                     .    199 199  Harms              William F.     Head              R       .    M    W    28      M       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Germany        German           Iowa         .          Yes  Merchant           Automobile             O. A. .
180A 3   Second St.                     .    199 199  Harms              Helen M.       Wife              .       .    F    W    22      M       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Illinois       .                Illinois     .          Yes  None               .                      .     .
180A 4   Second St.                     .    199 199  Hand               Opal M.        Boarder           .       .    F    W    12      S       .      .    .      Yes  Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Illinois       .                Illinois     .          Yes  None               .                      .     .
180A 5   Second St.                     .    200 200  Kuhl               Hugo           Head              O       F    M    W    63      M       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Germany        German           Germany      German     Yes  Cashier            Savings Bank           W     .
180A 6   Second St.                     .    200 200  Kuhl               Alvina C.      Wife              .       .    F    W    56      M       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Germany        German           Germany      German     Yes  None               .                      .     .
180A 7   Second St.                     .    201 201  Wiese              Peter          Head              O       F    M    W    49      M       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Germany        German           Germany      German     Yes  Merchant           Implements & Hdw       Em    .
180A 8   Second St.                     .    201 201  Wiese              Rose           Wife              .       .    F    W    37      M       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Germany        German           Germany      German     Yes  None               .                      .     .
180A 9   Second St.                     .    201 201  Wiese              Myrtle Irene   Daughter          .       .    F    W    11      S       .      .    .      Yes  Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Iowa           .                Iowa         .          Yes  None               .                      .     .
180A 10  Second St.                     .    201 201  Wiese              Grace G.       Daughter          .       .    F    W    9       S       .      .    .      Yes  .    .     Iowa         .          Iowa           .                Iowa         .          .    None               .                      .     .
180A 11  Franklin St.                   .    202 202  Zabel              Robert A.      Head              O       F    M    W    51      M       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Germany        German           Germany      German     Yes  Merchant           Harness etc.           Em    .
180A 12  Franklin St.                   .    202 202  Zabel              Helen M.       Wife              .       .    F    W    48      M       UN     NA   .      .    Yes  Yes   Germany      German     Germany        German           Germany      German     Yes  None               .                      .     .
180A 13  Franklin St.                   .    203 203  Denker             Hans A.        Head              O       M    M    W    62      W       UN     UN   .      .    Yes  Yes   Germany      German     Germany        German           Germany      German     Yes  Merchant           Soft Drinks            O. A. .
180A 14  Franklin St.                   .    203 203  Denker             Amanda         Daughter          .       .    F    W    26      S       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Germany        German           Iowa         .          Yes  None               .                      .     .
180A 15  Franklin St.                   .    203 203  Denker             Delma M.       Daughter          .       .    F    W    16      S       .      .    .      No   Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Germany        German           Iowa         .          Yes  None               .                      .     .
180A 16  Franklin St.                   .    204 204  Rathlef            William F. F.  Head              O       F    M    W    54      M       1882   NA   1887   .    Yes  Yes   Germany      German     Germany        German           Germany      German     Yes  Laborer            Ditches                O. A. .
180A 17  Franklin St.                   .    204 204  Rathlef            Alvina W.      Wife              .       .    F    W    43      M       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Germany        German           New York     .          Yes  None               .                      .     .
180A 18  Franklin St.                   .    204 204  Rathlef            Mary H.        Daughter          .       .    F    W    9       S       .      .    .      Yes  .    .     Iowa         .          Germany        German           Iowa         .          .    None               .                      .     .
180A 19  Franklin St.                   .    204 204  Rathlef            Henry G.       Son               .       .    M    W    5       S       .      .    .      Yes  .    .     Iowa         .          Germany        German           Iowa         .          .    None               .                      .     .
180A 20  Franklin St.                   .    205 205  Schmidt            August F.      Head              R       .    M    W    32      S       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Germany        German           Germany      German     Yes  Merchant           Lumber                 Em    .
180A 21  Franklin St.                   .    205 205  Koch               Henry          Roomer            .       .    M    W    36      S       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Iowa           .                Iowa         .          Yes  Laborer            Ditching               .     .
180A 22  Franklin St.                   .    206 206  Martens            Lena M.        Head              O       F    F    W    69      W       1883   NA   1888   .    Yes  Yes   Germany      German     Germany        German           Germany      German     Yes  None               .                      .     .
180A 23  Franklin St.                   .    206 206  Martens            Bernard        Son               .       .    M    W    32      S       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Germany        German           Germany      German     Yes  Laborer            Ditcher                W     .
180A 24  Franklin St.                   .    207 207  Hasenmiller        Fred H.        Head              O       F    M    W    42      M       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Germany        German           Germany      German     Yes  Veterinary         General                O. A. .
180A 25  Franklin St.                   .    207 207  Hasenmiller        Carrie M.      Wife              .       .    F    W    31      M       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Germany        German           Iowa         .          Yes  None               .                      .     .
180A 26  Franklin St.                   .    207 207  Hasenmiller        Verna I.       Daughter          .       .    F    W    9       S       .      .    .      Yes  .    .     Iowa         .          Iowa           .                Iowa         .          .    None               .                      .     .
180A 27  Franklin St.                   .    207 207  Hasenmiller        Ruth A.        Daughter          .       .    F    W    4 8/12  S       .      .    .      .    .    .     Iowa         .          Iowa           .                Iowa         .          .    None               .                      .     .
180A 28  Franklin St.                   .    207 207  Denker             Flossie        Sister-in-law     .       .    F    W    21      S       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Germany        German           Iowa         .          Yes  Telephone Operator Telephone Co.          W     .
180A 29  Franklin St.                   .    208 208  Horton             Orville A.     Head              R       .    M    W    53      W       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Illinois     .          New York       .                Illinois     .          Yes  Foreman            R. R. Section          W     .
180A 30  Franklin St.                   .    208 208  Hess               Florence G.    Daughter          .       .    F    W    27      D       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Illinois       .                Iowa         .          Yes  None               .                      .     .
180A 31  Franklin St.                   .    208 208  Hess               Elizabeth F.   Granddaughter     .       .    F    W    6       S       .      .    .      Yes  .    .     Wisconsin    .          Wisconsin      .                Iowa         .          .    None               .                      .     .
180A 32  Franklin St.                   .    209 209  Amette             Errol E.       Head              R       .    M    W    24      M       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Illinois     .          Illinois       .                Illinois     .          Yes  Mail Carrier       Rural                  W     .
180A 33  Franklin St.                   .    209 209  Amette             Corda B.       Wife              .       .    F    W    25      M       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Illinois     .          Illinois       .                New York     .          Yes  None               .                      .     .
180A 34  Franklin St.                   .    209 209  Amette             F. Leland      Son               .       .    M    W    3 1/12  S       .      .    .      .    .    .     Illinois     .          Illinois       .                Illinois     .          .    None               .                      .     .
180A 35  Franklin St.                   .    209 209  Amette             Ralph F.       Son               .       .    M    W    1 3/12  S       .      .    .      .    .    .     Iowa         .          Illinois       .                Illinois     .          .    None               .                      .     .
180A 36  Franklin St.                   .    210 210  Waetke             Herman         Head              O       M    M    W    66      M       1853   NA   1858   .    Yes  Yes   Germany      German     Germany        German           Germany      German     Yes  None               .                      .     .
180A 37  Franklin St.                   .    210 210  Waetke             Augusta S. D.  Wife              .       .    F    W    50      M       1886   NA   1889   .    Yes  Yes   Germany      German     Germany        German           Germany      German     Yes  None               .                      .     .
180A 38  Franklin St.                   .    210 210  Waetke             Dora           Daughter          .       .    F    W    24      S       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Germany        German           Germany      German     Yes  None               .                      .     .
180A 39  Franklin St.                   .    211 211  Frahm              John E.        Head              O       M    M    W    30      M       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Iowa           .                France       French     Yes  Carpenter          House                  O. A. .
180A 40  Franklin St.                   .    211 211  Frahm              Elsie C.       Wife              .       .    F    W    27      M       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Germany        Danish           Germany      German     Yes  None               .                      .     .
180A 41  Third St.                      .    212 212  Wiese              Walter H.      Head              O       F    M    W    29      M       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Germany        German           Iowa         .          Yes  Salesman           Automobile             W     .
180A 42  Third St.                      .    212 212  Wiese              Alvina         Wife              .       .    F    W    30      M       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Illinois     .          Germany        German           Germany      German     Yes  None               .                      .     .
180A 43  Third St.                      .    212 212  Wiese              Donald J.      Son               .       .    M    W    3 4/12  S       .      .    .      .    .    .     Iowa         .          Iowa           .                Illinois     .          .    None               .                      .     .
180A 44  Third St.                      .    212 212  Wiese              Bertha E.      Daughter          .       .    F    W    5       S       .      .    .      Yes  .    .     Iowa         .          Iowa           .                Illinois     .          .    None               .                      .     .
180A 45  Third St.                      .    213 213  Fendt              Minnie         Head              O       F    F    W    49      S       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Germany        German           Germany      German     Yes  None               .                      .     .
180A 46  Third St.                      .    213 213  Fendt              Albert W.      Brother           .       .    M    W    40      S       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Germany        German           Germany      German     Yes  Laborer            R. R. Section          W     .
180A 47  Third St.                      .    213 213  Wesdt              Minnie         Housekeeper       .       .    F    W    47      S       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Germany        German           Germany      German     Yes  Housekeeper        Private Family         W     .
180A 48  Davenport St.                  .    214 214  Rabe               Henry          Head              O       F    M    W    47      M       1882   NA   1887   .    Yes  Yes   Germany      German     Germany        German           Germany      German     Yes  None               .                      .     .
180A 49  Davenport St.                  .    214 214  Rabe               Hannah         Wife              .       .    F    W    37      M       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Germany        German           Germany      German     Yes  None               .                      .     .
180A 50  Davenport St.                  .    214 214  Rabe               Fritz          Brother           .       .    M    W    44      S       1882   NA   1887   .    Yes  Yes   Germany      German     Germany        German           Germany      German     Yes  None               .                      .     .
CENSUS YEAR: 1920    STATE: IA    COUNTY: Scott    TOWNSHIP: Sheridan   MICROFILM#: T625-512    SUPV/DISTR: 2    ENUM/DISTR: 186    ENUMERATOR: John Tank
Pg#  Ln# St                             Hou# Dw# Fam# Last Name          First Name     Relation          Home    Own? Sex  Race Age     S/M/W/D Yr Im. Nat  Yr Nat Sch  Read Write Birthplace   Tongue     Father         Tongue           Mother       Tongue     Eng? Occup.             Industry               Pay   Sch# Remarks
         (1)                            (2)  (3) (4)  (5)                (6)            (7)               (8)     (9)  (10) (11) (12)    (13)    (14)   (15) (16)   (17) (18) (19)  (20)         (21)       (22)           (23)             (24)         (25)       (26) (27)               (28)                   (29)  (30)
180B 51  Davenport St.                  .    215 215  Meier              William        Head              O       F    M    W    72      M       1852   NA   1875   .    Yes  Yes   Germany      German     Germany        German           Germany      German     Yes  None               .                      .     .    TOWN: Eldridge SHEET# 11b ENUMERATED 9 & 10 February 1920
180B 52  Davenport St.                  .    215 215  Meier              Maria S.       Wife              .       .    F    W    62      M       1865   NA   1875   .    Yes  Yes   Germany      German     Germany        German           Germany      German     Yes  None               .                      .     .
180B 53  Davenport St.                  .    216 216  McDowell           Joseph P.      Head              O       F    M    W    47      M       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Pennsylvania   .                Pennsylvania .          Yes  Butcher            Meat Market            Em    164
180B 54  Davenport St.                  .    216 216  McDowell           Mary E.        Wife              .       .    F    W    46      M       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Ohio           .                Pennsylvania .          Yes  None               .                      .     .
180B 55  Davenport St.                  .    216 216  McDowell           Earl B.        Son               .       .    M    W    13      S       .      .    .      Yes  Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Iowa           .                Iowa         .          Yes  None               .                      .     .
180B 56  Davenport St.                  .    216 216  McDowell           J. Kenneth     Son               .       .    M    W    9       S       .      .    .      Yes  .    .     Iowa         .          Iowa           .                Iowa         .          .    None               .                      .     .
180B 57  Davenport St.                  .    216 216  McDowell           Alan J.        Son               .       .    M    W    6       S       .      .    .      Yes  .    .     Iowa         .          Iowa           .                Iowa         .          .    None               .                      .     .
180B 58  Davenport St.                  .    216 216  McDowell           E. Jeanette    Daughter          .       .    F    W    4 7/12  S       .      .    .      .    .    .     Iowa         .          Iowa           .                Iowa         .          .    None               .                      .     .
180B 59  Davenport St.                  .    217 217  Murrison           William        Head              O       F    M    W    73      M       1858   NA   1865   .    Yes  Yes   Canada       English    Scotland       Scotch           Canada       English    Yes  None               .                      .     .
180B 60  Davenport St.                  .    217 217  Murrison           Christina      Wife              .       .    F    W    66      M       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Switzerland    German           Switzerland  German     Yes  None               .                      .     .
180B 61  Davenport St.                  .    218 218  Brockmann          Lena           Head              O       F    F    W    68      W       1873   NA   X      .    Yes  Yes   Germany      German     Germany        German           Germany      German     Yes  None               .                      .     .
180B 62  Davenport St.                  .    219 219  Denklau            Nicholas       Head              O       F    M    W    68      M       1872   NA   1880   .    Yes  Yes   Germany      German     Germany        German           Germany      German     Yes  None               .                      .     .
180B 63  Davenport St.                  .    219 219  Denklau            Amelia         Wife              .       .    F    W    73      M       1854   NA   1880   .    Yes  Yes   Germany      German     Germany        German           Germany      German     Yes  None               .                      .     .
180B 64  Davenport St.                  .    219 219  Denklau            Matilda        Daughter          .       .    F    W    35      S       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Germany        German           Germany      German     Yes  None               .                      .     .
180B 65  Davenport St.                  .    220 220  Koch               Christian J.   Head              O       F    M    W    71      M       1852   NA   1858   .    Yes  Yes   Germany      German     Germany        German           Germany      German     Yes  None               .                      .     .
180B 66  Davenport St.                  .    220 220  Koch               Friedericka    Wife              .       .    F    W    68      M       1869   NA   X      .    Yes  Yes   Germany      German     Germany        German           Germany      German     Yes  None               .                      .     .
180B 67  Davenport St.                  .    220 220  Koch               Matilda        Daughter          .       .    F    W    43      D       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Germany        German           Germany      German     Yes  None               .                      .     .
180B 68  Davenport St.                  .    220 220  Carlsen            Edna           Granddaughter     .       .    F    W    18      S       .      .    .      No   Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Germany        German           Iowa         .          Yes  None               .                      .     .
180B 69  Davenport St.                  .    221 221  Wiese              Mrs. Mary      Head              O       F    F    W    78      W       1857   NA   1862   .    Yes  Yes   Germany      German     Germany        German           Germany      German     Yes  None               .                      .     .
180B 70  Davenport St.                  .    221 221  Wiese              John           Son               .       .    M    W    38      S       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Germany        German           Germany      German     Yes  Laborer            Implement Store        W     .
180B 71  Davenport St.                  .    222 222  Lucht              Walter         Head              O       F    M    W    37      M       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Germany        German           Germany      German     Yes  Cashier            Savings Bank           W     .
180B 72  Davenport St.                  .    222 222  Lucht              Flora          Wife              .       .    F    W    37      M       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Illinois     .          England        English          Iowa         .          Yes  None               .                      .     .
180B 73  Davenport St.                  .    222 222  Lucht              Arthur W.      Son               .       .    M    W    6       S       .      .    .      Yes  .    .     Iowa         .          Iowa           .                Illinois     .          .    None               .                      .     .
180B 74  Davenport St.                  .    223 223  Schearer           Joseph M.      Head              R       .    M    W    50      M       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Iowa           .                Iowa         .          Yes  Laborer            Grain Elevator         W     .
180B 75  Davenport St.                  .    223 223  Schearer           Lena           Wife              .       .    F    W    54      M       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Germany        German           Germany      German     Yes  None               .                      .     .
180B 76  Davenport St.                  .    223 223  Schearer           William G.     Son               .       .    M    W    16      S       .      .    .      No   Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Iowa           .                Iowa         .          Yes  None               .                      .     .
180B 77  Davenport St.                  .    223 223  Schearer           Joseph H.      Son               .       .    M    W    14      S       .      .    .      Yes  Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Iowa           .                Iowa         .          Yes  None               .                      .     .
180B 78  Davenport St.                  .    225 225  Ewoldt             Christian      Head              O       F    M    W    33      M       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Germany        German           Iowa         .          Yes  Carpenter          House                  O. A. .    ENUMERATED 10 February 1920
180B 79  Davenport St.                  .    225 225  Ewoldt             Dora           Wife              .       .    F    W    32      M       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Iowa           .                Germany      German     Yes  None               .                      .     .
180B 80  Davenport St.                  .    225 225  Ewoldt             Leonard H.     Son               .       .    M    W    6       S       .      .    .      Yes  Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Iowa           .                Iowa         .          .    None               .                      .     .
180B 81  Davenport St.                  .    225 225  Ewoldt             Arno John      Son               .       .    M    W    2 3/12  S       .      .    .      .    .    .     Iowa         .          Iowa           .                Iowa         .          .    None               .                      .     .
180B 82  Davenport St.                  .    225 225  Ewoldt             Herman J.      Father            .       .    M    W    58      W       1878   NA   1883   .    Yes  Yes   Germany      German     Germany        German           Germany      German     Yes  Carpenter          House                  O. A. .
180B 83  Fourth St.                     .    226 226  Wiese              Fritz          Head              O       F    M    W    39      M       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Germany        German           Germany      German     Yes  Merchant           Implements & Hdw       Em    .
180B 84  Fourth St.                     .    226 226  Wiese              Edna           Wife              .       .    F    W    24      M       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Illinois       .                Iowa         .          Yes  None               .                      .     .
180B 85  Fourth St.                     .    226 226  Wiese              Robert L.      Son               .       .    M    W    1 10/12 S       .      .    .      .    .    .     Iowa         .          Iowa           .                Iowa         .          .    None               .                      .     .
180B 86  Fourth St.                     .    227 227  Kuehl              William H.     Head              R       .    M    W    49      M       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Germany        German           Sweden       Swedish    Yes  Manager            Grain Elevator         W     .
180B 87  Fourth St.                     .    227 227  Kuehl              Julia F.       Wife              .       .    F    W    44      M       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Germany        German           Germany      German     Yes  None               .                      .     .
180B 88  Fourth St.                     .    227 227  Kuehl              Lydia C.       Daughter          .       .    F    W    21      S       .      .    .      No   Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Iowa           .                Iowa         .          Yes  Clerk              Savings Bank           W     .
180B 89  Fourth St.                     .    227 227  Kuehl              Wilma E.       Daughter          .       .    F    W    18      S       .      .    .      No   Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Iowa           .                Iowa         .          Yes  Clerk              Elevator               W     .
180B 90  Fourth St.                     .    227 227  Willrodt           Antonie        Father-in-law     .       .    M    W    71      W       1868   NA   1872   .    Yes  Yes   Germany      German     Germany        German           Germany      German     Yes  None               .                      .     .
180B 91  Fourth St.                     .    228 228  Warneke            Alexander      Head              O       M    M    W    41      M       1896   NA   1905   .    Yes  Yes   Germany      German     Germany        German           Germany      German     Yes  Merchant           General Store          Em    .
180B 92  Fourth St.                     .    228 228  Warneke            Emma C.        Wife              .       .    F    W    45      M       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Illinois     .          Sweden         Swedish          Sweden       Swedish    Yes  None               .                      .     .
180B 93  Fourth St.                     .    228 228  Warneke            Oswald         Son               .       .    M    W    19      S       .      .    .      No   Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Germany        German           Illinois     .          Yes  Clerk              General Store          W     .
180B 94  Fourth St.                     .    228 228  Warneke            Karl           Son               .       .    M    W    17      S       .      .    .      No   Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Germany        German           Illinois     .          Yes  Clerk              General Store          W     .
180B 95  Fourth St.                     .    228 228  Warneke            Josephine      Daughter          .       .    F    W    15      S       .      .    .      Yes  Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Germany        German           Illinois     .          Yes  None               .                      .     .
180B 96  Fourth St.                     .    229 229  Bealer             Clyde H.       Head              R       .    M    W    34      M       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Ohio           .                Pennsylvania .          Yes  Lineman            Telephone              W     .
180B 97  Fourth St.                     .    229 229  Bealer             Marie M.       Wife              .       .    F    W    30      M       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Illinois       .                Iowa         .          Yes  None               .                      .     .
180B 98  Fourth St.                     .    229 229  Bealer             Lloyd R.       Son               .       .    M    W    12      S       .      .    .      Yes  Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Iowa           .                Iowa         .          Yes  None               .                      .     .
180B 99  Fourth St.                     .    229 229  Bealer             Lyle H.        Son               .       .    M    W    4 1/12  S       .      .    .      .    .    .     Iowa         .          Iowa           .                Iowa         .          .    None               .                      .     .
180B 100 Fourth St.                     .    230 230  Hansen             Peter N.       Head              O       F    M    W    75      M       1869   NA   1874   .    Yes  Yes   Germany      German     Germany        German           Germany      German     Yes  None               .                      .     .
CENSUS YEAR: 1920    STATE: IA    COUNTY: Scott    TOWNSHIP: Sheridan   MICROFILM#: T625-512    SUPV/DISTR: 2    ENUM/DISTR: 186    ENUMERATOR: John Tank
Pg#  Ln# St                             Hou# Dw# Fam# Last Name          First Name     Relation          Home    Own? Sex  Race Age     S/M/W/D Yr Im. Nat  Yr Nat Sch  Read Write Birthplace   Tongue     Father         Tongue           Mother       Tongue     Eng? Occup.             Industry               Pay   Sch# Remarks
         (1)                            (2)  (3) (4)  (5)                (6)            (7)               (8)     (9)  (10) (11) (12)    (13)    (14)   (15) (16)   (17) (18) (19)  (20)         (21)       (22)           (23)             (24)         (25)       (26) (27)               (28)                   (29)  (30)
181A 1   Fourth St.                     .    230 230  Hansen             Amelia A. M.   Wife              .       .    F    W    62      M       1867   NA   1874   .    Yes  Yes   Germany      German     Germany        German           Germany      German     Yes  None               .                      .     .    TOWN: Eldridge SHEET# 12a ENUMERATED 10 February 1920
181A 2   Fourth St.                     .    231 231  Topp               Mrs. Anna L.   Head              O       M    F    W    53      W       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Illinoiis    .          Germany        German           Germany      German     Yes  None               .                      .     .
181A 3   Fourth St.                     .    231 231  Topp               William H.     Son               .       .    M    W    35      S       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Germany        German           Germany      German     Yes  Laborer            General Farm           W     .
181A 4   Fourth St.                     .    231 231  Topp               Wilma S. A.    Daughter          .       .    F    W    18      S       .      .    .      No   Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Germany        German           Germany      German     Yes  None               .                      .     .
181A 5   Fourth St.                     .    232 232  Kay                Mrs. Anna      Head              O       F    F    W    64      W       1867   NA   1877   .    Yes  Yes   Germany      German     Germany        German           Germany      German     Yes  None               .                      .     .
181A 6   Fourth St.                     .    232 232  Kay                Carolina       Daughter          .       .    F    W    34      S       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Germany        German           Germany      German     Yes  None               .                      .     .
181A 7   Fourth St.                     .    232 232  Kay                Alvina         Daughter          .       .    F    W    27      S       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Germany        German           Germany      German     Yes  None               .                      .     .
181A 8   Fourth St.                     .    233 233  Holst              Herman A.      Head              O       F    M    W    48      M       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Germany        German           Germany      German     Yes  None               .                      .     .
181A 9   Fourth St.                     .    233 233  Holst              Meta           Wife              .       .    F    W    46      M       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Germany        German           Germany      German     Yes  None               .                      .     .
181A 10  Fourth St.                     .    233 233  Holst              Wilma E. H.    Daughter          .       .    F    W    21      S       .      .    .      No   Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Iowa           .                Iowa         .          Yes  None               .                      .     .
181A 11  Fourth St.                     .    234 234  Kroeger            Fritz J.       Head              O       M    M    W    53      M       1866   NA   1871   .    Yes  Yes   Germany      German     Germany        German           Germany      German     Yes  Laborer            General Who            W     .
181A 12  Fourth St.                     .    234 234  Kroeger            Anna D.        Wife              .       .    F    W    52      M       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Germany        German           Germany      German     Yes  None               .                      .     .
181A 13  Fourth St.                     .    234 235  Kroeger            Adolph         Head              R       .    M    W    27      M       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Germany        German           Iowa         .          Yes  Laborer            Garage                 W     .
181A 14  Fourth St.                     .    234 235  Kroeger            Olive M.       Wife              .       .    F    W    24      M       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Iowa           .                Iowa         .          Yes  None               .                      .     .
181A 15  Fourth St.                     .    234 235  Kroeger            Wilbur L.      Son               .       .    M    W    5       S       .      .    .      No   .    .     Iowa         .          Iowa           .                Iowa         .          .    None               .                      .     .
181A 16  LeClaire St.                   .    235 236  Cook               Carl F.        Head              O       F    M    W    49      M       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Germany        German           Illinois     .          Yes  Well Driller       Own Use                O. A. .
181A 17  LeClaire St.                   .    235 236  Cook               Lizzie         Wife              .       .    F    W    48      M       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Germany        German           Germany      German     Yes  None               .                      .     .
181A 18  LeClaire St.                   .    236 237  Lahl               Mrs. Mary      Head              O       F    F    W    67      W       1872   NA   X      .    Yes  Yes   Germany      German     Germany        German           Germany      German     Yes  None               .                      .     .
181A 19  LeClaire St.                   .    236 237  Lahl               Ella           Daughter          .       .    F    W    24      S       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Germany        German           Germany      German     Yes  Telephone Operator Telephone Co.          W     .
181A 20  LeClaire St.                   .    237 238  Zabel              William Sr.    Head              O       F    M    W    66      M       1866   NA   1871   .    Yes  Yes   Germany      German     Germany        German           Germany      German     Yes  None               .                      .     .
181A 21  LeClaire St.                   .    237 238  Zabel              Magdelena      Wife              .       .    F    W    60      M       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Germany        German           Germany      German     Yes  None               .                      .     .
181A 22  LeClaire St.                   .    238 239  Wiese              Henry          Head              O       F    M    W    51      M       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Germany        German           Germany      German     Yes  Merchant           Lumber                 Em    .
181A 23  LeClaire St.                   .    238 239  Wiese              Caroline S.    Wife              .       .    F    W    39      M       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Germany        German           Iowa         .          Yes  None               .                      .     .
181A 24  LeClaire St.                   .    238 239  Wiese              Lois H.        Daughter          .       .    F    W    14      S       .      .    .      Yes  Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Iowa           .                Iowa         .          Yes  None               .                      .     .
181A 25  LeClaire St.                   .    238 239  Wiese              Hazel M.       Daughter          .       .    F    W    12      S       .      .    .      Yes  Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Iowa           .                Iowa         .          Yes  None               .                      .     .
181A 26  LeClaire St.                   .    238 239  Wiese              Carma C.       Daughter          .       .    F    W    5       S       .      .    .      No   .    .     Iowa         .          Iowa           .                Iowa         .          .    None               .                      .     .
181A 27  LeClaire St.                   .    239 240  Gertz              Henry          Head              O       F    M    W    51      M       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Germany        German           Germany      German     Yes  President          Savings Bank           Em    .
181A 28  LeClaire St.                   .    239 240  Gertz              Anna S.        Wife              .       .    F    W    49      M       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Germany        German           Germany      German     Yes  None               .                      .     .
181A 29  LeClaire St.                   .    240 241  Zabel              Otto H.        Head              R       .    M    W    30      M       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Germany        German           Iowa         .          Yes  Hotel              Own Use                O. A. .
181A 30  LeClaire St.                   .    240 241  Zabel              Hilda M.       Wife              .       .    F    W    26      M       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Germany        German           Germany      German     Yes  None               .                      .     .
181A 31  LeClaire St.                   .    240 241  Fock               William H.     Boarder           .       .    M    W    32      S       1902   .    1910   .    Yes  Yes   Germany      German     Germany        German           Germany      German     Yes  Paster             Hotel                  W     .
181A 32  LeClaire St.                   .    241 242  Ross               John           Head              R       .    M    W    26      S       .      .    .      .    Yes  Yes   Iowa         .          Indiana        .                Germany      German     Yes  Laborer            Garage                 W     .
181A 33  LeClaire St.                   .    242 243  Kroeger            Theodore H.    Head              O       F    M    W    66      M       1873   .    1878   .    Yes  Yes   Germany      German     Germany        German           Germany      German     Yes  Harness Maker      Harness Shop           W     .
181A 34  LeClaire St.                   .    242 243  Kroeger            Louisa         Wife              .       .    F    W    62      M       1871   .    1878   .    Yes  Yes   Germany      German     Germany        German           Germany      German     Yes  None               .                      .     .

Palo Alto County, Iowa USGenWeb Project Scott County, Iowa USGenWeb Project Celtic Cousins A Little Bit of Ireland The Irish in Iowa Joynt/Joint Family Chronicles Other Family Ties