Scott Co, Iowa USGenWeb Project

Financial Report of St. Joseph's Church
For the Year 1921

Rev. Michael J Flammang

Founder and first pastor of St. Kunegunda's Church. Born at Keorick, Luxumburg, December 6, 1825. Came to America 1853. Ordained to the priesthood, April 18, 1854. Appointed to the pastorate of the German Catholics of Davenport, Iowa, shortly after that date. Died December 6, 1883, at St. Donatus, Iowa.

Corner Marquette and Sixth Sts.
Rev. A.H. Schoeningh, Pastor
Sunday Services
Early Masses-6:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m.; High Mass, 10:00 a.m.; Vespers and Benediction, 3:00 p.m.
Holy Day Services
Early Masses-5:30 and 7:00 a.m.; High Mass, 10:00 a.m.; Vespers and Benediction, 7:30 p.m.
Week Day Services
Holy Mass, 8:00 a.m.; Saturdays, 7:00 a.m.

History of St. Joseph's Parish

St. Joseph's Church, as a distinct parish, was established in 1855, under the name of St. Kunegunda Church. Long before that time the German Catholics worshiped together with their French and Irish brethren in St. Anthony's Church under the pastorate of the Very Rev. J.A.M. Pelamourges of sainted memory. It was his desire to do justice to his many German speaking parishioners and had for some years the Rev. Father Plathe as his assistant, who held separate services for the Germans and preached in their language. In the fall of 1853 a German Mission was preached in St. Anthony's Church by the famous Jesuit Missionary, Father Francis Wenniger. This caused such enthusiasm that the building of their own church was taken in hand. A young priest, a native of Luxemburg, Father Michael J Flammang, was put in charge of this congregation. During the process of building St. Kunegunda's Church he had his headquarters at St. Anthony's and held services there. In 1835 the congregation was in position to occupy their own house of worship. Father Flammang, a very zealous priest, was in charge only about three years. The present pastor has asked many of the older people concerning their first pastor, but recollections of his are necessarily vague. Father Flammang's life work was done in St. Donatus. All inquiries concerning him would invariably bring out the mentioning of that place. So the writer of these lines took the opportunity of taking a trip in company with his old friend, Rev. Father H__ of F.M., to the quaint little town of Tete des Morts in Jackson county, where St. Donatus Church is situated, about 12 miles from Dubuque, Iowa. On the way the conversation would often drift to Father Flammang, whom Father H__ admired as his ideal of a model priest of God. He spoke of his sanctity, of his eloquence in the pulpit, of his learning, of his zeal for religion, of his kindly benevolence. He narrated an incident of a widowed mother of five little children, who on her deathbed deplored the fact that she must leave her little children unprovided and unprotected. "Will you die easier," says Father Flammang, "if you know that your children will be taken care of?" "Yes, Father," the good woman said. "The be at rest, I myself will take care of the children," answered the priest. He was as good as his word. The one son became a priest, and three of the four little girls became School Sisters of the Order of Notre Dame.

...Truly St. Kunegunda's Church was fortunate to have for its founder and first pastor such a wonderful man. The spirit of religion which he fostered still lingers after his life's work is done, and his prayers before the throne of God are being offered for his first love, St. Kunegunda's at Davenport.

St. Joseph's parish, one of the oldest in the city, has no definite parish lines or boundaries. The entire city of Davenport, Iowa, is divided between six English speaking parishes. St. Joseph's is for the Germans all over the city and surrounding territory. Any Roman Catholic in the city or country, anywhere, has the right to affiliate with it. People that do not know sometimes say to our people: "You live in this district: you ought to go to the parish church of this district!" It is well, therefore, for the German Catholics to know, that long ago this matter was settled by competent authorities, and that, no matter in what part of the city they live, German Catholics may affiliate with St. Joseph's Church as their own proper parish.

We have a splendid Parish School conducted by the School Sisters of St. Francis, and our children are given the opportunity of a higher education after they have finished the eighth grade in the Parish school.

We ask all our people to continue their loyalty and devotion to their own Church and School, built by the self-sacrifice and zeal of their fathers, now resting in God. We ask them to be ever true to the spirit of true Catholicity that was the inspiration of Father Flammang and his people of St. Kunegunda's in the olden days.

Donations for Easter and Christmas
Donations of $1.00

Abeln, Ben Keller, Isidor Ritter, August
Beckmann, Geo. Keller, Rudolph Rolph, Mrs. Sophie
Benton, Mrs. A. Klauer, Ludwig Ruefer, Michael
Birkner, Conrad Klauer, Vincent Ruefer, Anthony
Blunk, Joseph Knoblauch, Mrs. A Ruefer, Edward
Brus, Henry Koch, John Ruefer, Hubert
Burris, Mrs. H Koos, Carl Ruefer, Frank W. 8th
Dempsey, John Kuemmerle, Ed. Ruhl, Leo
Dinger, Henry Landhauser, Wm. Rymers, Joseph
Ehlers, Mrs. H. Logan, Timothy Schebler, Arthur
Elder, Mrs. J Mannion, Frank Schebler, Antony
Epping, George Meinhardt, Oscar Schebler, Albert
Finley, Denis Meinhardt, August Schoo, Herman
Fischlein, Anna Meinhardt, John Schumann, Mrs. Wm.
Fraeliger, Joseph Mennig, Mrs. John Schwartz, Mary G.
Freund, Paul Meyer, Mrs. Herm. Siefers, Barney
Freund, George Meyer, Mrs. Wm. Siegfried, Frank
Freund, Peter Miller, Andrew Siegfried, Anthony
Gadient, Leo Miller, Mrs. Harvey Smith, Roy
Gaertnier, John Moellenbeck, Antoinette Tallerday, Ollie
Gasser, Joseph Jr. Mohr, Leo Tangen, Elsie
Gasser, Anthony Molascheck, Joseph Testroet, Bernard
Gast, Franz Nebel, Charles Testroet, Lawrence
Gerken, Leo Nissen, R.H. Thelken, Louis
Geurink, Alphonse Otten, Henry Jr. Toher, Daniel
Geurink, Frances Otten, John G. Voss, Mrs. L.C.
Geurink, Antoinette Otten, Joseph Walz, John
Gilbert, Elizabeth Otten, Clarence Walz, Joseph
Grachek, Stephen Paulsen, H.J. Werthmann, Loretta
Griebel, John Paustian, Mrs. Werthmann, Eleonore
Grothaus, Mrs. Theo. Pfannenstiel, Alex White, James
Imming, Bernadine Pothoff, Anna Wilharber, John
Jernus, James Pothoff, Elizabeth Wright, Guy
Keller, Adam Purcell, Mrs. M. Yost, Evelyn

Donations of $2.00

Albrecht, Mrs. R.E. Creedon, Victor Gasseling, Florence
Balluff, Albert Dedrick, Mrs. Mary Geerts, Agnes
Behan, Mrs. John, Sr. Dinger, Emil Gerken, Henry
Baumgaertner, Mrs. Duex, Peter Gerken, Rose
Behrenbrink, Peter Epping, Theodor Geurink, Henry
Boeckmann, Mrs. Aug. Fick, Henry Goosen, William
Boehm, Fritz Fischlein, Frank, Sr. Gormiller, Theo.
Burs, Bernard Fischlein, Frank, Jr. Gress, Agnes
Brown, Theresa Fraelinger, Mrs. M. Gugelmeier, William
Carter, John Freund, Albert Gugelmeier, Silvester
Creedon, George Fries, Henry C Haase, John
Hartmann, Severni Miller, Mrs. Bertha Ryan, Mary
Hartmann, Alphonse Mohr, Walter Schaab, Casper
Hartz, Hermann Moravek, Mrs. Sophia Schebler, Theodor
Haut, John Moritz, Mrs. Mary Schebler, Angela
Haut, Henry Neibert, Mrs. Gustav Scheckenbach, Andrew
Heinz, Mrs. Mary Nelson, Mrs. A. Schloemer, Anthony
Houghton, Mrs. Ray Nester, Mrs. Casper Schmitz, Catharine
Heubing, Mary Nester, Pauline Siegel, Mrs. Joseph
Hueser, Stephan Nester, Marie Spitzmiller, Joseph
Joens, Mrs. Carolina Niggemeier, Bernard Steinhauser, Vincent
Johnston, R.M. O'Neil, J.J. Steinhauser, John
Keller, Edward Otten, Elizabeth Struve, Henry
Keller, Philip Otten, Arsella Suhorpelz, Joseph
Keller, Alfred Pauli, Nicholaus Tangen, John
Keller, Margareth Peisch, Frank Thelken, Leon
Keiser, Mrs. Bernardine Pfannenstiel, Joseph Wagner, Mrs. Adam
Keiser, Frances Pope, William Wagner, Albert
Kneese, Anna Razen, Mrs. Chas. Walters, Charles
Kolling, Mrs. August Reese, John Werthmann, Andrew
Koos, William Reese, Josephine Werthmann, Andrew Jr.
Koppes, Charles Ries, Alfred Werthmann, Philip
Krell, Paul Ries, Leo Werthmann, John A
Kripp, John Roenfeldt, Mrs. Mary Werthmann, Edward
Kuelper, LeRoy Roes, Gerhard Westendorf, Mrs. Kate
Kuemmerle, Jakob Roes, Bernard Westendorf, Joseph
Kupper, Gerhard Roes, William Westendorf, Henry
Laake, Henry Ruefer, Margareth Whipka, Mrs. Elizabeth
Leving, Mrs. Ed. Ruefer, Frank Wolters, Albert
McCarthy, Mary Ruhl, Harry Wolters, Anna
Meinhardt, Henry Ruhl, Mary Wolters, Marie
Michel, Frank Ruhl, Elsie Wolters, Lucas
Miller, Frank Ruhl, Clara Wolters, Verena
Rupp, Philip

Donations of $3.00

Balluff, Hilda Keller, John Ries, Anton
Balluff, Louis Klauer, Aloys Schebler, Louis
Cecil, Hettie Kroger, August & Family Schebler, Norman
DeVine, Nellie Leon, Henry Schoo, Mrs. Bernard
Dittmann, J. Lukavsky, Elmer Schwartz, Mrs. Eugene
Doner, P.J. Mitchell, Dr. George Siegel, William
Fell, Mathias Moellenbeck, John Seigfried, John
Flick, Mrs. Theresa Moellenbeck, Mrs. Anton Spiess, William
Fritz, Mrs. Moravek, Edward Thelken, Mrs. Frances
Gasseling, Bernard Neavins, Harry Wachter, Edward
Geurink, Theodor Otten, J.H. Walters, Bernard
Heick, L.W. Pohlmann, Mrs. Elizabeth Weeg, Edward
Hiegel, Aloys Pohlmann, John
Imming, Mrs. Josephine Riedmann, Michael

Donations of $4.00

Baluff, Edward Doering, Joseph Kruse, Clarence
Behan, John Dulle, William Madsen, Mose
Berg, Chas. Epping, John Meierotte, Gerhard
Beiber, Agnes Fick, John Menihardt, Anna
Blunk, Ella Geerts, Theodor Meyer, Frank
Brus, Frank and Hannah Grothaus, Frank Mohr, Nicolaus
Brus, Tony Hartz, H.A. Mohr, Frank
Costello, Mrs. S.A. Huismann, Bernard Neavius, Simon
Davenport, Mrs. Margareth Imming, Bernard Nester, Louis
Degen, Mary Inkmann, Bernard Otten, J.H.P.
Degen, Elizabeth Ketelaar, Anthony Peisch, Joseph
DeVine, Thomas Killion, Lawrence Riedmann, John
Dhuywetter, Edward Klauer, Franz Ries, Joseph
Roederer, Philip Schupp, Martin Ward, Margareth
Roes, Ben Tangen, Henry Woeber, Amandus
Schebler, F.J.C. Thelken, Harry Zirkel, George
Schebler, Edward Ulrich, C.
Schloemer, Edwin Walz, Edmond

Donations of $5.00

Blank, Gertrude Kuhl, Dr. A.B. Schebler, Frank T
Brugman, Mrs. Stephan Lucht, Raymond Straetker, John
Bruha, Mrs. Margareth Moss, Mrs. John Thiel, John
Carstensen, Mrs. Rose Otten, Mrs. Peter Turner, Nellie
Dishinger, Edward Quinn, James Werthmann, Geo. Jr.
Hencke, Frank Ruyman, Mrs. Theresa Whippke, Henry
Hess, Michael Schebler, Mrs. Catharine Woeber, Mary and Jennie
Kreul, Dr. D.G. Schebler, Paul Wolters, Anton
Schebler, Leo

Donations of $6.00

Bruha, A.A. Handel, Henry Petersen, Mrs. Mary
Bruha, Mary Heim, Ferdinand Snyder, William
Frerkes, Mrs. Henry McGee, Hugh
Geerts, Mrs. A. and Daughter Melius, Walter

Donations of $7.00

Braams, Arnold Tevoert, John Lucht, Emil
Degen, Edmund Geurink, Edward Ruefer, Stephan
Degen, Mrs. Eva and Family

Donations of $8.00

Abeln, Joseph Goosen, John Molashek, Mrs. Emilia
Brady, Frank Ketelaar, Henry Ruhl, Mrs. Mary and Family
Degen, Philip Lepard, Mrs. A. Ruhl, Charles
Geurink, Bernard Meyer, Secunda Thelken, Joseph
Wolters, John G

Donations of $10.00

Bieber, Henry Hild, Mrs. Ignatz Schebler, Joseph
Bruha, Helen Houck, Clarence, Jr. Sevenich, Mrs. Catherine & Family
De Piesse, Susan & Elizabeth Meyer, Mrs. Henry Siefers, William
Fischer, Elizabeth Moss, George Tevoert, Albert
Hartmann, Alban Reimann, Martha Werthmann, Sebastian
Samberg, William Walsh, Mrs.P.T.

Donations of $15.00

Bruegge, Anthony Hild, George Meinhardt, Joseph
Brus, Joseph Houck, Clarence Pothoff, Gerhard
Gadient, Mrs. Mary McCarthy, Mrs. P.T. Putnam, William

Donations of $20.00

Bartemeyer, Frederick Kahl, H.C. Neufeld, Dr. Frank
Geurink, Mrs. Elizabeth Liebal, Christian Ruhl, Fred N.
Halligan, James Moss, Frank Schaub, Casper

Donations of $25.00

Mrs. Henry Kok & Family Logan, James Werthmann, George, Sr.

Donations of $35.00

Gadient, Martin J     Wolters, George, Sr.

Donations of $45.00

Hinrichs, John


Pew Rent of $5.00

Abeln, William Hartmann, Severin Otten, Peter
Baluff, Albert Haut, John Pauli, Nicholaus
Behan, Mrs. John Sr. Hess, Michael Peisch, Frank
Berenbrink, Peter Hild, Mrs. Ignatz Riedmann, Michael
Berg, Charles Huismann, Ben Ruths, Mrs. Philip
Blank, Mrs. Gertrude Keller, John Roenfeldt, Mrs. Mary
Blunk, Ella Keller, Margareth Schebler, Edward
Braams, Arnold Klaus, Mrs. Schebler, Norman
Bruegge, Anthony Knoblauch, Mrs. Ann Schloemer, Edwin
Brus, Henry Kropp, John Schmitz, Kate
Brus, August Kuemmerle, Jakob Seigfried, John
Dedrick, Mrs. Mary Lukavsky, Elmer Thelken, Harry
Cecil, Hetty Madsen, Mose Walter, Bernard
Epping, George Miller, Frank Walz, Edmund
Frerkes, Mrs. Henry Mohr, Frank Ward, Margareth
Geerts, Tony Theo. Molashek, Mrs. E Werthmann, Loretta
Gress, Agnes Molitor, Anton Werthmann, Eleanora
Gugelmeier, Wm. Nester, Mrs. Casper Wolters, Anton
Haase, John Nester, Louis

Pew Rent of $10.00

Behan, John Hartmann, Alban Ruhl, Mrs. Mary
Brus, Joseph Hartz, Hermann Ruhl, Fred N.
Brus, Tony Heim, Ferdinand Ruhl, Harry
Brus, Frank Heinz, Mrs. Mary Ruhl, Charles
Brus, Bernard Hild, George Schaab, Caspar
Brus, Barney Houck, Clarence Schebler, F.J.C.
Brus, Theodor Keiser, Mrs. Bernardine Schebler, Leo
Degen, Philip Keller, Philip Scheckenbach, Andrew
Degen, Mary Ketelaar, Henry Schupp, Martin
Degen, Edmund Klauer, Franz Seifers, William
Degen, Mrs. Eva Koppes, Charles Sohn, Mrs. Catherine
Dinger, Emil Kroeger, Mrs. August Spiess, William
Duex, Peter Kuelper, LeRoy Spitzmiller, Joseph
Dulle, William Logan, James Spoo, Mathias
Epping, Theodor Meierotte, Gerhard Straetker, John
Epping, John Meyer, Mrs. Henry Sohoropetz, Joseph
Fell, Mathias Meyer, Frank Tevoert, John
Fischlein, Frank Moellenbeck, John Tevoert, Albert
Fraeliger, Joseph Mohr, Nicholaus Thelken, Mrs. Frances
Freund, Albert Moss, Mrs. John Thiel, John
Gadient, Mrs. Mary Niggemeier, Bernard Uken, Hermann
Gadient, Martin Otten, Frank Wachter, Edward
Gasser, Joseph Pohlmann, Mrs. Elizabeth Weeg, Edward
Gasseling, Bernard Reese, John Werthmann, Andrew
Geerts, Theodor Riedmann, Michael Werthmann, Andrew Jr.
Gerken, Henry Riedmann, John Werthmann, Sebastian
Geurink, Bernard Ries, Anton Werthmann, John A.
Geurink, Theodor Roes, Gerhard Woeber, Mary and Jennie
Goosen, John Ruefer, Frank Woeber, Amandus
Goosen, William Ruefer, Stephan Wolters, John G
Wolters, Albert

Pew Rents of $15.00

Abeln, Joseph Geerts, Mrs. A. Thelken, Joseph
Beiber, Henry Ries, Joseph Walter, Charles
Brus, John T Schebler, Mrs. Catharine Wolters, George

Pew Rents of $20.00

Bartemeyer, Fred Kupper, Gerhard Neufeld, Dr. Frank
Bruha, Mrs. Margareth Mienhardt, Joseph Otten, J. Henry
Geurink, Mrs. Elizabeth Meinhardt, Henry Peisch, Joseph
Hinrichs, John Moss, Frank Pfannenstiel, Joseph
Imming, Mrs. Josephine Moss, George Pothoff, Gerhard

Donations, Monthly and Coal Collections

Abeln, Jos. 23.00 Grachek, Stephan 1.00 Miller, Frank 7.00
Balluff, A. 7.00 Griebel, J. 3.00 Miller, Bertha 6.00
Balluff, Edw. 29.00 Gugelmeier, W. 9.00 Moellenbeck, A. 1.00
Balluff, Hilda 5.00 Gugelmeier, Sylvester 1.00 Moellenbeck, John 2.00
Bartemeyer, F 46.00 Haase, John 4.00 Mohr, Nic. 26.00
Berg, Chas. 23.00 Hartmann, Alban 60.00 Mohr, Fr. 2.00
Behan, John 2.00 Hartmann, Severin 46.00 Molaschek, Mrs. E. 3.00
Bieber, H. 54.00 Hartmann, Alphonose 1.00 Moss, Frank 100.00
Bieber, Agnes 15.00 Hartz, Herm. 15.00 Moss, Mrs. John 16.00
Beiber, Clara 12.00 Haut, John 8.00 Moss, George 17.00
Blank, Mrs. C. 17.00 Heim, Ferd. 42.00 Neaderberger, H. 2.00
Boeckmann, Mrs. G. 5.00 Heintz, Mrs. M 3.00 Neavins, Simon 2.00
Brown, Mrs. Theresa 8.00 Hess, Michael 15.00 Neavins, Harry 2.00
Brugge, Anthony 66.00 Hiegel, A. 2.00 Nelson, Mrs. A. 6.00
Bruha, Mrs. Anthony 17.00 Hild, Mrs. I. 17.00 Nester, Mrs. C. 13.00
Bruha, A.A. 50.00 Hild, George 110.00 Nester, Louis 13.00
Bruha, Helen 5.00 Hinrichs, John 80.00 Nester, Marie 7.00
Bruha, Mary 5.00 Houck, Clarence 12.00 Nester, Pauline 7.00
Brus, Joseph 30.00 Houck, Clarence Jr. 10.00 Neufeld, Dr. Fr. 110.00
Brus, Tony 5.00 Huebing, Mary 1.00 Niggemeier, B. 5.00
Brus, Frank 9.00 Hueser, St. 67.00 Otten, Henry 21.00
Brus, Bernard 5.00 Huismann, B. 27.00 Otten, Peter 8.00
Burris, Mrs. H. 2.00 Huot, Mrs. F 4.00 Otten, John P.H. 8.00
Colgan, C.F. 1.00 Imming, Mrs. Josephine 3.00 Pauli, N. 13.00
Carstensen, Mrs. Rose 7.00 Imming, Bernard 2.00 Peisch, Joseph 38.00
Cecil, Hetty 5.00 Ineichen, Chas. 10.00 Peisch, Frank 12.00
Credeon, Geo. 1.00 Keiser, Mrs. B. 7.00 Petersen, Mrs. M. 13.00
Dedrick, Mrs. Mary 1.00 Keiser, Frances 10.00 Pfannenstiel, J. 2.00
Degen, Phil 17.00 Keller, Adam 13.00 Pfannenstiel, Alex 8.00
Degen, Mary 14.00 Keller, Philip 14.00 Pohlmann, Mrs. E. 12.00
Degen, Elizabeth 14.00 Keller, John 17.00 Pothoff, G. 17.00
Degen, Edmund 20.00 Keller, Rudolph 1.00 Razen, Mrs. C. 1.00
Degen, Mrs. Eva 28.00 Keller, Edw. 16.00 Reese, John 17.00
Dinger, Emil 1.00 Keller, Alfred 3.00 Reimann, Martha 58.00
Dittmann, John 4.00 Ketelaar, Henry 29.00 Riedmann, M. 2.00
Doering, Jos. 10.00 Ketelaar, Anthony 15.00 Riedmann, John 25.00
Duex, Peter 6.00 Killion, Lawrence 22.00 Rieger, M. 3.00
Dulle, Wm. 17.00 Klauer,Franz 2.00 Ries, Anton 15.00
Epping, Theo. 14.00 Klauer, Aloys 1.00 Ries, Joseph 14.00
Epping, John 14.00 Kolling, A. 1.00 Ries, Alfred 13.00
Epping, George 1.00 Koppes, Chas. 3.00 Ritter, Aug. 1.00
Fell, Mathias 13.00 Kneese, Anna 1.00 Roederer, Phil. 18.00
Fick, John 8.00 Kruse, Clarence 2.00 Rolph, Mrs. Sophie 1.00
Fick, Henry 1.00 Koos, Wm. 1.00 Ruefer, Stephan 14.00
Fischlein, Frank 21.00 Koch, Mrs. Mary 50.00 Ruefer, Anthony 6.00
Flick, Mrs. Ch. 1.00 Kroeger, Mrs. A. 6.00 Ruhl, Charles 17.00
Frerkes, Mrs. H. 15.00 Kropp, John 1.00 Ruhl, Harry 14.00
Fries, Henry 1.00 Kuelper, LeRoy 4.00 Ruhl, Elsie 13.00
Freund, Albert 9.00 Kuemmerle, Jakob 1.00 Ruhl, Clara 10.00
Gadient, Mrs. Mary 65.00 Kupper, Gerhard 17.00 Ruhl, Mrs. Mary 17.00
Gadient, Martin 145.00 Liebal, Christ 2.00 Ruhl, Fred N. 15.00
Gadient, Leo 8.00 Logan, Jas. 35.00 Rupp, Philip 4.00
Geerts, Mrs. A. 3.00 Lukavsky, Elmer 6.00 Schaab, Caspar 1.00
Geerts, Theodor 17.00 Madsen, M. 8.00 Schelber, F.J.C. 38.00
Geerts, Agnes 1.00 Meinhardt, Anna 16.00 Schebler, Paul 3.00
Gerken, Henry 7.00 Meinhardt, Joseph 34.00 Schebler, Angela 2.00
Geurink, Mrs. Elizabeth 26.00 Meinhardt, Henry 4.00 Schebler, Louis 52.00
Geurink, Barney 67.00 McCarthy, Mary 9.00 Schebler, Theo 4.00
Geurink, Edw. 17.00 McGee, Hugh 1.00 Schebler, Mrs. Rud. 30.00
Geurink, Theo. 3.00 Meierotte, Gerhard 17.00 Schebler, Joseph 80.00
Goosen, John 2.00 Mennig, Mrs. J 1.00 Schebler, Edward 14.00
Goosen, William 5.00 Meyer, Frank 17.00 Schebler, Leo 20.00
Gormiller, Theo. 16.00 Meyer, Mrs. Harry 7.00 Schebler, Norman 15.00
Schloemer, Anth 2.00 Tangen, H. 4.00 Werthmann, Seb. 20.00
Schloemer, Edw. 14.00 Tevoert, A. 20.00 Werthmann, Geo 2.00
Scheckenbach, A. 6.00 Tevoert, John 4.00 Werthmann, John A 5.00
Schoo, Mrs. B. 8.00 Thelken, Frances 1.00 Westendorf, Henry 14.00
Schupp, Martin 13.00 Thelken, Leon 1.00 Westendorf, Mrs. Kate 5.00
Schwartz, Mary G. 1.00 Thelken, Joseph 17.00 Westendorf, Jos. H. 4.00
Schwartz, Mrs. Eugene 30.00 Thelken, Harry 4.00 White, James 4.00
Sevenich, Mrs. C. 4.00 Thiel, John 5.00 Woeber, Mary 14.00
Siegel, Mrs. Joseph 1.00 Tuegel, Eliz. 5.00 Woeber, Amandus 6.00
Siegel, William 6.00 Voss, Mrs. L. 5.00 Wolters, Geo 310.00
Smith, Mrs.A 1.00 Wagner, A.H. 7.00 Wolters, Albert 10.00
Snyder, Wm. 4.00 Walter, Chas. 8.00 Wolters, Tony 55.00
Spiess, Wm. 9.00 Walter, Bernard 16.00 Wolters, John G. 45.00
Spitzmiller, Jos. 8.00 Walz, John 8.00 Wolters, Anna 12.00
Spoo, M. 28.00 Walz, Edm. 12.00 Wolters, Marie 12.00
Steinhauser, V. 7.00 Weeg, Ed. 12.00 Wright, Guy 1.00
Steinhauser, John 3.00 Werthmann, A. 14.00 Zirkel, Geo. 14.00
Straether, John 29.00 Werthmann, A., Jr. 14.00 Zemlicka, John 1.00

Other Collections
German Sufferers....................$500.00
Irish Sufferers............................200.00
Holy Father.................................41.00
Orphan Children........................151.00
Propagation of Faith.....................70.00

Cash, January 1, 1921.......................................................334.00
Sunday Collections over and above household expenses.....522.00
Voluntary Offerings............................................................254.00
Pew Rent.........................................................................1585.00
Monthly Collections..........................................................2796.00
Summer Festival................................................................1144.00
Plays and Card Parties.......................................................1128.00
Coal Collections...................................................................611.00

Interest on Borrowed Money...............................................1329.00
School Salaries....................................................................1160.00
Higher Education...................................................................800.00
Church Decorating...............................................................1316.00
Radiator Covers.....................................................................247.00
Altar Supplies..........................................................................129.00
Care of Sanctuary......................................................................50.00
New Pews.................................................................................88.00
Repairs and Supplies.................................................................926.00
Support of Diocese...................................................................100.00

Palo Alto County, Iowa USGenWeb Project Scott County, Iowa USGenWeb Project Celtic Cousins A Little Bit of Ireland The Irish in Iowa Joynt/Joint Family Chronicles Other Family Ties