The following chapter is devoted to the more important things that have occurred in Scott county from 1832 up to the present time.  It was in 1832 that a treaty was entered into and completed by and between General Scott and the Indians under which the title to the lands in Scott county became vested in the United States.  George L. Davenport, son of Colonel George Davenport, made the first claim of land in Scott county.  Taking the years in their order form 1833 on down, the salient events relating to the county and Davenport are here given:

1833. - First settlement in the county made by Captain Benjamin W. Clark, near the present village of Buffalo.  Antoine LeClaire received a commission as justice of the peace from the governor of the territory.

1834. - Antoine LeClaire established a ferry between Stephenson, now Rock Island, and Davenport.

1836. - Davenport laid out. - First hotel, built by Antoine LeClaire and Colonel George Davenport.  First public sale of lots in May.  Governor Dodge, of Wisconsin, held another treaty with the Sac and Fox Indians by which the tract of land reserved by the Indians in previous treaty was ceded to the United States.  First law offices opened in Davenport by Alexander McGregor and G. C. R. Mitchell.  First marriage in Davenport occurred this year, the contracting parties being William B. Watts and a niece of Antoine LeClaire.  The first white child born in Davenport, a son of Levi G. Colton; it died in 1840.  Dr. E. S. Barrows settled in Rockingham, being the first physician in the county and second one in the territory.

1837. - Rev. Elnathan C. Gavit, Methodist Episcopal; Rev. Enoch Mead, Presbyterian, and Bishop Chase, Episcopal, preached a sermon in Davenport, in the order named, Mr. Gavit's being the first ever preached in the village.  D. C. Eldridge built a grist-mill run by horse-power.  First blacksmith shop, by Louis LePage.  First shoemaker, David Miller.  First tailor, James O. Kelley.

1838. - The Presbyterians effected the first church organization.  G. L. Davenport & Company opened the first lumber yard.  Harvey Leonard made the first brick and erected the first brick house, on the northeast corner of Third and Main streets, on the site of the Masonic temple.  The Catholics erected the first church edifice in Davenport, St. Anthony's.  The Iowa Sun started by Andres Logan.

1839. - City charter granted the town of Davenport.  Davenport had its first physician in the person of Dr. A. C. Donaldson.  First drug store, by Charles Lesslie.  First wagon-maker, Seth F. Whiting.  First school by Rev. Hummer.  Catholic school, by Rev. J. A. M.  Pelamourgues.  First paint shop by Riddle & Morton.

1840. - First agricultural society in Scott county organized, with A. W. McGregor, president, and John Forrest, secretary.  County seat removed from Rockingham to Davenport.   LeClaire House completed and opened by Mr. Hulse, of Cincinnati, and the White Hall Temperance House, on the site of The Democrat, by D. C. Eldridge.  The first pork packed by Shays & Gano, Davenport.  First stove, tin and sheet-iron store in Davenport opened by R. T. Craig.

1841. - Courthouse and jail built by the citizens of Davenport, and presented to the county.  The first shoe opened in Davenport by L. B. Collamer, Mr. Armitage and Captain Nichols started the first butcher stall.  The first shipment of wheat made by John Owens to Cincinnati; price 50 to 56 cents per bushel.  First watch repairer and goldsmith in Davenport, R. L.  Linbaugh.  Newspaper, now merged with The Democrat, commenced by Sanders & Davis as a weekly, under the name of Davenport Gazette.  October 14th, first regular service of the Episcopal church in Davenport, the Rev. Z. H. Goldsmith officiating.  November 4th, Trinity church parish of Davenport was organized.  The first harness shop in Davenport was opened by Jacob Sailor, but soon after removed to Rock Island.  Flour this year was sold at $5.00 a barrel and wheat 50 cents a bushel.  Pork was worth but 1 1/2 to 2 cents a pound.

1842. - Protestant Episcopal church organized on the 4th of November in Davenport.  Steam ferry-boat by J. Wilson, but abandoned the same year.  Bakery opened in Davenport by Daniel Moore.  Stephen Lindley started his harness shop in Davenport.  The Iowa Sun discontinued.  Good winter wheat sold at 37 and 40 cents per bushel.  The best flour sold for $4.50 a barrel, and the same autumn sold in Chicago at $3.00 and in St. Louis at $2.50 per barrel.  There was no money; everything was barter in trade; pork sold at $1.00 and $1.50 per hundred.

1843. - New city charter granted Davenport.  Horse ferry-boat started by John Wilson.  Iowa House opened in Davenport by D. B. Shaw, afterward called the Ohio House.  Scott County Bible society organized.  Ice in the river two feet thick.  A Dubuque paper stated that for nearly four months the mercury stood at twenty, thirty-five and thirty-nine degrees below zero.  Although the crops were abundant, yet on account of the intense cold and want of sufficient hay and shelter a great many cattle died.  Seven churches in Davenport.

1844. - Iowa College association formed in April.  Stage office opened by Bennett & Lyter, and lines of stages to Dubuque and Burlington established, Bennett & Lyter having obtained the contract to carry the mail on their routes.  By census taken of the county in June it was found to contain 1,750 inhabitants.  Financial condition of the county at the end of the year flattering.  Expenditures, $1,757.80, and the receipts in treasury, $2,503.80.  The wheat raised estimated at 100,000 bushels and no flouring mills in Davenport.  A son of Benjamin W. Clark was drowned in the Mississippi near Buffalo.  A child of Mr. Winfield, near Rockingham, was burned to death by its clothes taking fire.  Ephriam Jenny died suddenly, January 16th.

1845. - First fire in Davenport;  burned the building in which Mr. Eldridge had opened his store in 1837, situated on the corner of Ripley and Front streets, at the time occupied as a residence by three or more German families.  On the 4th of July Colonel George Davenport was foully murdered in his house on the island by desperadoes.  River within one foot of the rise of 1844, May, 1845.  A Swiss man and his wife poisoned by drinking tea made out of jimson weed.  Peaches raised in the county were sold at 37 1/2 cents per bushel.  Arrest of Birch, Fox, Long, Baxter, Aaron Long and Young, murderers of George Davenport.  Grand jury at Rock Island found bill of indictment against Robert Birch, John Long, Aaron Long, Granville Young, William Fox, John Baxter; Birch, the brothers Long and Fox as principals, Baxter and Young as accessories before the act.  Asahel Hubbard, one of the county commissioners, died in Nebraska in September.  Charles, infant son of William Inslee, of Davenport, fell into a kettle of hot water and was scalded to death.  John and Aaron Long and Granville Young hung at Rock Island, Wednesday, October 24th. 

1846. - First banking house in Davenport established by Cook & Sargent, who also opened the first land agency.  April 23d, first Odd Fellows' lodge in Davenport instituted.  First clothing store in Davenport started by Powers & Jordan.  The Democratic Banner first published by T. D. Eagal.  Preparatory department of Iowa college opened, Rev. Erastus Ripley, teacher.  Albion Mills started, J. M. D. Burrows, proprietor.  The German immigration was large this year; 100 landed in Davenport on the 22d of June, nearly all of whom settled in the county; 3,652 white inhabitants in county, and two negroes.

1849. - First jewelry store in Davenport started by A. C. Billon.  During July and August many died of cholera.  There were now 4,873 inhabitants in the county.  There were at this time in the city of Davenport twenty-two carpenters, nine stone-masons, two stone cutters, five brick makers, six brick layers, five plasterers, six printers, ten cabinet-makers, five chair makers, seven wheelwrights, two coach makers, twelve blacksmiths, fifteen coopers, five saddlers and harness makers, one truck maker, eight shoemakers, three tin and coppersmiths, seven tailors, four engineers, three millers, two sawyers, eight draymen, nine teamsters, three butchers, one dyer and scourer, one gunsmith, one watchmaker, one turner, one baker, one upholsterer, one barber, nine ministers, four physicians, two lawyers, two weekly papers.  The public buildings were: two steam flouring mills, one steam sawmill, the Iowa College, the Medical college, five schoolhouses, three hotels, two billiard rooms, two coffee houses, nineteen stores, one public hall, one exchange office, two pork houses, one livery stable and one plow factory.  A full grown bear was killed in the neighborhood of Blue Grass.  The Gazette urgently advocated the building of the Rock Island & LaSalle railroad, and asked the citizens of Scott county to subscribe liberally to its stock.  A medical institute established in Davenport.

1850. - First exclusive book store in Davenport opened by W. H. Holmes, who bought out D. C. Eldridge's stock, he having kept a book and drug store.  Der Demokrat, a German newspaper commenced in Davenport by Theo. Guelich.  Pennsylvania House, Davenport, opened by M. C. Davis, on Second street, between Main and Harrison.  The first district school in Davenport, James Thorington, teacher, Mr. Thorington having taught private or select schools for some five or six years previous.  Charter of Davenport City amended.  First collegiate class formed in Iowa college.  Population of Davenport, 1,848.  First picture framing and gilding establishment opened by Frederick H. Weiss, in Davenport.  Sash, door and blind factory and sawmill opened by Burnett, Gillett & Company, corner of Scott and Front streets, Davenport; capital $125,000; employed ninety hands; manufactured annually, $160,000.  One hundred new houses erected in Davenport during the year.  Twenty-two thousand and forty-one acres of land entered in the county.  Plenty of prairie land to be had for $1.25 per acre.  On Monday, April 5th, the county subscribed $25,000 in aid of the Rock Island & La Salle railroad.  Postoffice established at Allen's Grove, in August, with George Frederick as first postmaster.

1851. - The foundry, machine and finishing shops in Davenport started by LeClaire, Davenport & Company, employing twelve hands the first season.  Coates & Davies' planing mill built in Davenport; capital $75,000; employed thirty hands.  The first daguerrean artist who opened permanently in Davenport was O. L. Burdick, although some had practiced the art previously.  In April Judge Grant was chosen first president of the Chicago & Rock Island railroad.  Robert Christie's mill was erected at East Davenport.  First wholesale grocery in Davenport, established by S. Hirschl.  June 1st, Stephenson & Carnahan opened a new drug store in Davenport.  New city charter granted Davenport.  In February Charles Weston was elected mayor of Davenport, and H. Leonard, A. Wygant, Dr. Barrows, N. Squires, H. Price, aldermen.  In the August election William Burris was chosen judge, and Harvey Leonard, sheriff.  Second Baptist church of Davenport was organized.  October 7th, S. Burnell's steam sawmill was built.  Three hundred immigrants landed at one time from the Wyoming settlers for Scott county.  Cholera very bad.  Over 300 houses built in Davenport.  Gazette enlarged to a seven-column folio, May 22d.  German Lutheran church erected.  Heavy rain storm occurred May 21, which destroyed a large amount of property.  Forty-five buildings were in process of erection in Davenport in May.  The river was higher than any year since 1844.  Amity postoffice, Hickory Grove township, established in July, with Phillip Baker, postmaster.  Davenport & Rogers' grist and sawmill burned September 9th.

1852. - First exclusive tobacco store and cigar manufactory opened in Davenport by James Burge, although H. Wagener was the first person who manufactured cigars in the place.  Steam ferry boat started by John Wilson.  J. M. Cannon's steam sawmill was built.  First tombstone and marble manufactory in Davenport started by W. W. Kennedy.  Population 3,500.

1853. - LeClaire foundry burned August 20th.  First music store opened in Davenport by J. A. Crandall.  Mississippi & Missouri Railroad Company organized.  September 1st, ground first broken by Mr. LeClaire.  East end of LeClaire's row (in Davenport) completed, the fourth story being LeClaire's hall.  First express office started in Davenport, Renwick & Son, agents.  Telegraph office opened in Davenport.  Population of Davenport, 4,500. August 1st, tri-weekly Gazette started Davenport.  December 21st, remarkable; river not closed.  Steamer "Jenny Lind" arrived from LeClaire and left next day for Galena with a load of goods.  On Thursday, July 7, 1853, vote was taken for or against city of Davenport's subscribing $85,000 in aid of the Mississippi & Missouri railroad - subscribing $50,000, Chicago & Rock Island - 298 for and ten against.  Wednesday, October 26th, first snow of the season.  Antoine LeClaire was offered $130,000 for 100 acres of land near Davenport.  Davenport Weekly Bee being published.

1854. - February 22d, completion of the Chicago & Rock Island Railroad; the Atlantic and Mississippi united.  On the 20th of July, a most terrible and destructive tornado passed over Davenport, the most severe ever known in this region.  Trees were torn up and houses unroofed and blown down.  The LeClaire foundry was partially demolished, the walls of the building falling in on some of the workmen, killing William Overton and injuring his son.  Mr. Wickersham's store, a new three-story brick building, was completely demolished.  In June of this year the Rev. Henry W. Lee, D. D., was elected first bishop of Iowa.  Central part of LeClaire's row, now North Putnam building, finished, which completed the block from Brady to Main streets.  Witherwax's block and Orr's building completed.  Third floor of the latter fitted up and occupied as Odd Fellows and Sons of Temperance hall.  A portion of third loft of Witherwax's block named Literary hall.  The Davenport Commercial was started in the spring by N. H. Parker; W. Atwill purchased it in December and changed the name to Davenport Courier.  An extensive wholesale iron and hardware store was opened in Davenport in the fall by T. Close & Company.  Daily line of stages established to Iowa City, Tipton and Cedar Rapids.  First stove and hollow ware foundry in Davenport established by Davis, Boyd & Company.  Renwick & Sons' steam sawmill was built during this year; capital, $50,000; they employed thirty hands.   First buckskn mitten manufactory in Davenport was established by Keith & Lewis.  Davenport Gas, Light & Coke Company organized.  The first exclusive crockery store in Davenport was China hall, opened by L. S. Webb & Company.  First exclusive book and job printing office in Davenport established by Luse & Coles.  September 1st cornerstone of the bridge laid.  October 16th, the first daily paper in Davenport, the Daily Gazette, issued by Sanders & Davis.  October 31st, LeClaire House, Davenport, sold to Dr. J. J. Burtis.  November 25th, Scott House opened by R. Benton.  First (German) Evangelical Lutheran church organized.  Allen & Bosworth's steam sawmill built in Davenport.  Hildreth & Dallam's steam flour mill at East Davenport finished and put in operation.  Population of Davenport, 6,000.  Scott County Agricultural society held their first annual fair, October 4th; $400 paid in premiums.  June 5th, ex-President Fillmore visited Davenport.  June 24th, a public sale of los was made on the bluff one mile below Davenport, at which unimproved lots sold at from $150 to $290.  William Herrick & Company, of Cincinnati, commenced preparations to light the city of Davenport with gas, September.  Public school building dedicated in Davenport, Saturday, September 30th.

1855. - January 2d, frost out of the ground and farmers plowing.  Banking house of Yerberg & Barrows opened at Davenport.  January 13th, Commercial Writing academy opened by C. Parker in Davenport.  Steamboat "Minnesota Belle" arrived in port, the first arrival from the upper Mississippi for many years.  January 26th, new city charter for Davenport.  March 31st, Young Men's Christian association organized.  May 15th, new ferry boar, "Davenport" established between Rock Island and Davenport.  July 20th, first locomotive eve seen in Iowa arrived in Davenport, called the "Antoine LeClaire."  Track laid two and a half miles west of city.  August 23d, city of Davenport first lighted by gas.  Banner of Davenport changed hands.  T. D. Eagal disposing of his interest to Dalrymple & Richardson.  Enos Tichenor elected mayor of Davenport; William Burris, judge; Harvey Leonard, sheriff; and James McCosh, recorder.  November 28th, the first steam power printing press introduced in Iowa by Sanders & Davis, proprietors of the Gazette.

1856. - January 1st, Mississippi measured by Mr. Hogan at low water mark; found to be 2,580 feet wide, and at high water 2,7000 feet wide.  January 5th, first number of the Daily Democrat of Davenport issued.  January 20th, mercury down to twenty degrees below zero.  February 8th, arrivals at the three hotels, LeClaire House and the old and new Pennsylvania House, during the past year amounted to 50,000, as per the registers in the hotels named.  February 28th, last span of the Mississippi bridge completed.  March 6th, bold robbery of boots and shoes from the store of Moore & Brown, of Davenport.  July 16th, the most destructive and extensive fire by which Davenport had ever been visited, broke out on Monday night in a frame building on Front street, near the corner of Rock Island, occupied as a warehouse by Hull, Allen & Company; D. Moore's bakery, a two story brick building and a frame dwelling house occupied by Mr. Shields were also consumed; total loss, $15,000.  September 9th, bridge over the Mississippi completed.  Cars commenced crossing on schedule time.  October 3d, an ordinance passed by the city council of Davenport for the purchase of two fire engines, two hose carts and 1,500 feet of hose.  First permanent organization of a fire company.  October 21st, dedication of St. Marguerite's church of Davenport.  December 5th, the first concert given by the Philharmonic society.  December 9th, ice bridge formed over the Mississippi.  Davenport iron works established on Rock Island street, near Second, by Jemme, Donnelly & Lea; capital, $18,000.  Value of manufactures, $100,000; employing fifty-five hands.  County jail erected, under the superintendence of Hon. W. L. Cook, then county judge.  LeClaire machine works brought by M. Donahue; capital, $50,000; employ forty hands; manufactures, $150,000 for the year.

1857. - January 1st, dissolution of Sanders & Davis, publishers of the daily and weekly Gazette of Davenport, and partnership entered of Alfred and Add. H. Sanders.  January 9th, Second Presbyterian church of Davenport destroyed by fire.  January 21st, bill passed to amend the city charter of Davenport.  February 16th, board of trade organized, and its officers elected.  February 17th, sixteen persons baptized in the river by the pastor of Second Baptist church of Davenport.  March 17th, Dr. Burtis disposed of his interest in the LeClaire House, Davenport, to Mr. Schuyler.  March 9th, a fire broke out in a store on Brady street, Davenport, occupied by Mr. Meyers as a cigar store.  The fire spread to a two story frame, owned by George L. Davenport, and occupied by Meyers' loss, %500, and Mr. Parker's $8,700.  April 16th, Davenport furniture factory organized.  May 1st, opening of Cook & Sargent's new banking house in Davenport, on the corner of Main and Second streets.  May 19th, $70 asked for a ton of hay.  May 29th, arrival of the two fire engines for Davenport, the "Pilot" and the "Witch", from Boston, Massachusetts, costing $3,400, throwing streams 200 feet from an inch and a quarter nozzle; "Pilot" weighing 3,670 pounds, and the "Witch", 3,610 pounds.  The "Rover" reel, with her hose, weights bridge tenders, in which several were injured by stones being thrown from the steamer "William H. Nelson."  July 6th, great fire broke out on Brady street, between Fourth and Fifth streets, in Davenport, destroying thirteen frame houses, used as stores and dwellings, and a large amount of household furniture.  July 31st, a boiler explosion in the M. & M. workshops, opposite the depot in Davenport.  Two boilers were blown to pieces, the engines and brick work being scattered in all directions; but few lives were lost.  Damage to property estimated to reach $5,000.  August 25th, gas cut off for two weeks in Davenport during necessary repairs, and for new improvements and additions to the works.  September 4th, a boiler explosion at Renwick's mill; no one hurt.  September 28th, first town clock in Davenport; put up by Cook & Sargent in front of their banking house, on the corner of Second and Main streets.  October 1st, Trinity church, Davenport, first lighted with gas.  October 19th, the Independent Fire Engine and Hose Company took possession of their new engine room.

1858. - January, organization of the Pioneer Settlers' association of Scott county.  February 22d Burtis House, on the corner of Fifth and Iowa streets, Davenport, opened to the public and the first annual festival of the Pioneer Settlers' society.  May 3d, German Fire Company, No. 3, organized in Davenport, August 4th, Cook & Sargent's bank refused to receive Burrows & Prettyman's currency, except on special deposit.  August 11th, trial of Thomas Cellian for the murder of his wife.  August 19th, the Buckholter arson case on trial.  August 29th, a disgraceful Sunday riot.  Fight between the police and ferry boat hands.  Two policemen wounded and several other parties injured.  September 1st, first edition of the Davenport Daily Times.  On the morning of the 6th at 12:15 o'clock, a destructive fire broke out in the old Bazaar building, at the foot of Brady street, in Davenport.  It started in one of the saloons in teh basement.  The building was erected in 1852 and was worth $30,000.  Cook & Sargent burned 200,000 of Florence currency in the furnace of their new building.  September 28th, the steamer "Fannie Harris" stuck and two lives were lost.  Two firemen were knocked off the boat by the force of the collision with the bridge piers.  Damages to the boat amounted to about $2,000.  October 17th, the Denton House caught on fire, destroying all the furniture; loss, $10,000.  November 6th, a burglar effected an entrance into the postoffice by cutting out a panel in the rear door.  About $12 were stolen.  Arrest of two counterfeiters in Meyers' saloon on Brady street, with over $2,000 of the "queer" in their possession.  November 22d, a hold but unsuccessful attempt to set fire to the new bank of Cook & Sargent, in Davenport.  December 14th, two children burned to death, and one child severely injured, belonging to the family of Richard Dutton, who lived on Harrison, between Ninth and Tenth streets, Davenport.

1859. - February 22d, second annual festival of the Old Settlers' society at the Burtis House.  March 20th, the steamer "Aunt Letty" blown against one of the bridge piers and about forty feet of her hull stove in.  May 12th, the Pike's Peak excitement in full bloom.  Grand review of the fire companies of Davenport and Rock Island.  May 30th, the Pike's Peak bubble bursts and a large number of our citizens are daily returning.  Several attempts at burglary and robbery from buildings and persons recorded on the 30th.  June 6th, daring but unsuccessful attempt to destroy the Rock Island Railroad bridge over the Mississippi river.  October 24th, two persons stabbed in Weideman's beer garden, on the bluff, by cabin boys from the steamer "Fred Lorenz."  October 30th, death of William Herrig, one of the young men stabbed in Weideman's beer garden, Davenport. November 14th, daring but unsuccessful attempt to break jail frustrated by the plucky conduct of Jailer Graham's wife, of Davenport.  November 8th, Sunday laws, a special ordinance passed by the city council of Davenport, that the city marshal be hereby ordered to prevent the unlawful assemblage on the Sabbath day at dance houses, beer houses, grog shops and drinking saloons, etc.  November 21st, first malt house in Davenport started by Mr. Decker, corner of Fourth and Scott streets.  The first operation in tracheotomy, in Davenport, successfully performed by Dr. Adler, assisted by Drs. Fountain and Maxwell, on a little son of D. B. Shelley.  November 26th, the Andalusia packet "Comet" met with an accident during  the storm.  While coming up the river under a heavy press of canvas, when a short distance above Credit island, was struck by a squall, and her mainmast and rigging were carried overboard, and encountering a heavy sea, sunk in five feet of water.  The crew safely swam ashore.  Old John Brown was publicly executed at 11 o'clock on the morning of December 2d, at Charleston, Virginia.  A number of the German citizens of Davenport showed their sympathy for him by lowering the flag to half mast on Lahrmann's hall, and draped it in mourning; a number of stores had crape attached to the doors, and some Germans wore crape on their hats.  December 16th, the Odd Fellows of Davenport dedicated their new hall on Brady above Fifth street.  December 16th, suspension of Cook & Sargent's banking house of Davenport.

1860. - January 1st, Hon. Hiram Price elected mayor of Davenport with a majority of 268 votes over Judge Grant.  January 23d, destructive fire broke out at 90 Brady street, Davenport, occupied by Miss Renwick as a millinery store; loss nearly $3,000.  January 28th, Horace Greeley lectured on Northwestern America, and had the largest audience that had ever assembled for a similar occasion in Davenport.  February 22d, grand military display to celebrate the anniversary of George Washington's birthday.  February 27th, first annual festival of the Scott County "New England Society," held in the Burtis House, Davenport.  March 21st, the city hospital, situated about one mile from the city of Davenport, on Locust street, destroyed by fire; work of an incendiary.  March 22d, Messrs. J. C. Mathes & A. Winert erected a soap, candle factory and tannery in Davenport.  Mr. Stroh also erected a fine two story brick store on Harrison, above Second street, and Richard B. Hill erected a block of five warehouses on Front street, corner of Brady.   April 21st, Robert E. Campbell, of Davenport, a banker, committed suicide.  June 1st, a brush manufactory was started in Davenport by Joseph Shisler, on Ripley street.  Marble works opened by McCosh & Donahue.  June 2d, the large ice house, 100 by 30 feet, belonging to E. Peck, blown down.  June 25th, riotous and disgraceful proceedings at the election polls in the sixth ward of DAvenport during the election for alderman.  July 4th, an immense crowd of the citizens of Davenport turn out and enjoy the day.  Splendid parade made by the military and other civic societies.  July 19th, new grocery house opened in Davenport by A. J. Preston.  John Rowe starts in business on his own account, in the gas and steam fitting and plumbing line.  July22d, a very narrow escape of Dr. J. A. Reid, of Davenport, from drowning.  July 26th, completion of several of the fine stores in R. B. Hill's block on Second street.  Kehoe & Carhart opened a dry goods store.  August 9th, several new warehouses completed and opened a dry goods store.  August 9th, several new warehouses completed and opened by Charles Glassman, grocer, on Third, below Gaines street.  William Dalzell put up a frame eighty by twenty-five feet on Harrison street, above Fifth.  J. S. Coates erected a stone building seventy-five feet by thirty, of one and a half stories, on the southeast corner of Perry and Front streets, Davenport.  'August 12th, extensive improvements made in the Great Western brewery:  the amount of capital invested in about $16,000.  August 15th, Young Men's Associated Congress organized.  September 9th, farewell sermon preached by Rev. George F. Magoun, pastor of the Congregational church of Davenport.  September 12th, Mayor Caldwell, of Davenport, forfeited his position as mayor by moving outside of the city limits.  September 16th, the Reformed Dutch church was dedicated at 10 a. m., and the Rev. C. G. Vanderveer was installed as pastor.  The edifice located on the corner of Eleventh and Brady streets, Davenport, now Temple Emanuel.  September 18th spinning mill opened.  October 3d, the Davenport Gazette took the diploma and a $10 premium at the state fair for the best looking paper in the state of Iowa.

1861. - February 24th, an attempt was made to assassinate President Lincoln, while traveling from Harrisburg to Baltimore.  March 29th, sudden death of Dr. E. J. Fountain.  Six attempts at incendiarism in one night.  April 7th, election day; republicans carry the day by a large majority.  G. H. French elected mayor; O. S. NcNeil, marshal.  Charles H. Eldridge succeeded A. F. Mast as postmaster.  Mr. Mast had held the office for eight years.  April 15th, great excitement in Davenport over the reported surrender of Fort Sumter by Major Anderson.  April 24th, Governor Kirkwood's arrival at Davenport, and the acceptance of Captains Littler's and Wentz's companies for the Second regiment.  May 10th, collision with the bridge by the steamer "Gray Eagle," which sunk a few minutes afterward; total loss of boat and cargo valued at $50,000.  May 10th, A. F. Mast, ex-postmaster of Davenport, opened a grocery store on the corner of Third and Harrison streets.  May 20th, Captain R. M. Littler and his company, the Davenport City Guards, ordered to Keokuk.  May 22d, sword presentation to Captain R. M. Littler by the Davenport Guards.  July 1st, appointment of Add. Sanders to the position of staff officer to the governor.  July 29th, Colonel Hoffman appointed to take charge of a regiment.  August 12th, appointment of Dr. M. B. Cochran as surgeon to the First regiment of Iowa cavalry.  August 13th, terrible fight in Missouri.  The rebels repulsed with tremendous loss.  The rebel depot on the Potomac cleaned out.  Captain Littler promoted to Lieutenant-colonel of his regiment.  August 17th, Edwards Congregational church of Davenport reorganized.  August 27th, grand reception to Captain Wentz's company, First regiment of Iowa volunteers.  September 6th, Company C, Second regiment of Iowa cavalry, organized with Henry Egbert as captain.  September 8th, Colonel Hoffman resigns his commission as colonel of the Eighth regiment.  September 25th, death of Antoine LeClaire, aged sixty-three years, nine months and ten days.  Mr. LeClaire was struck with paralysis about nine days before his death.  October 11th, election delayed on account of war excitement.  Resulted as follows:  James Thorington, sheriff; August F. Mast, recorder.  November 9th, Lieutenant Colonel Wentz killed in an engagement at Belmont.  November 12th, arrival of the body of the late gallant Colonel Wentz, and the same lying in state in Metropolitan hall.  November 13th, funeral of the late Colonel Wentz; grand military display, in which all the public schools, civic societies and citizens take part.  Business generally suspended and the houses on the route draped in mourning for one of Iowa's most gallant dead.  Add. H. Sanders appointed lieutenant colonel of the Sixteenth regiment Iowa infantry, quartered at Camp McClellan.  December 5th, presentation of a sword and revolvers to Lieutenant Colonel Sanders by Colonel Hill.  December 17th, Charleston, South Carolina, in flames.

1862. - February 7th, Fort Henry taken by the Union army.  February 17th, Fort Donelson and 15,000 prisoners surrendered to General Grant.  February 26th, arrival at Davenport of the late Captain Slaymaker's body, who was killed before Fort Donelson; impressive funeral services held in St. Luke's church.  April 6th, election day; Hon. G. H. French reelected mayor; Harvey Leonard, marshal.  April 11th, the Eighth, Twelfth, and Fourteenth regiments of Iowa infantry taken prisoners.  Lieutenant Colonel Littler lost his left arm in the attack before Pittsburg Landing.  April 29th, capture of New Orleans and occupation by the Federal forces.  May 6th, disastrous fire in Davenport, destroying the grain elevator on the southwest corner of Fifth and Harrison streets; loss, $12,000.  May 12th, Norfolk in possession of the Federals.  May 19th, suicide in the Burtis House of Jennett Dutton.  May 25th, dissolution of partnership existing between Alfred and Add. H. Sanders.  July 21st, Burrows & Prettyman's mill and block destroyed by fire; loss, $60,000.  September 8th, Alfred Sanders disposed of his interest in the Davenport Gazette to James McCosh, Edward Russell, Fred Koops and Levi Davis, the same entering into a copartnership to be known as the "Gazette Company."  October 14th, Colonel Sanders returns home badly wounded by a minie ball in his right leg, which he received while leading his regiment against the enemy, his horse being shot from under him.  the Colonel procured another horse and remained with his men till dark.  December 1st, dedication of the new German theater of Davenport, corner of Scott and Third streets, by a grand ball.

1863. - January 6th, sword presented to Major William Penn Clark.  January 13th, Old Settlers reunion.  February 17th, a new bakery opened by Matthes & Berkel in Davenport.  February 21st, Davenport starch factory started by George A. Baker & Brother.  March 7th, new banking house opened in Davenport by Corbin & Dow.  March 26th, LeClaire row, Davenport, on Second street, from Main to Brady, sold to Charles Viele, of Evensville, Indiana, for $60,000.  April 4th, John E. Henry elected mayor of Davenport.  April 27th, Democrat issued as an evening instead of morning paper.  May 11th, J. J. Richardson became associated with his brother in the proprietorship of the Democrat of Davenport.  May 18th, Schricker & Dessaint purchased the mill property of Burnell, Gillette & Company, for $9,000.  June 29th, the First National bank opened with Austin Corbin, president, and Ira M. Gifford, cashier, and secured the first certificate issued under the new banking law in the United States.  August 31st, the Davenport City Relief society organized with mayor John E. Henry as president; G. L. Davenport, treasurer, and F. H. Griggs, secretary.  September 21st, ten candidates admitted to the ministry by Bishop Ames, of the Methodist Episcopal church.  September 23d, Robert Sickels, who had been in business in Davenport many years, formed a copartnership with A. J. Preston, in the hardware and iron trade.  November 11th, Twin City Mills destroyed by fire; loss, $15,000.  Shields' woolen mill in operation for the first time.

1864. - January 1st, Young Men's library, connected with the Associated Congress of Davenport, organized with a library of 1,200 volumes.  June 1st, Forty-fourth Iowa regiment mustered into government service, with S. H. Henderson, colonel; Henry Egbert, lieutenant colonel, and E. F. Richman, adjutant.  July 11th, gold closed in New York on Saturday at $2.86.  August 18th, a load of barley sold on the streets of Davenport for $1.81 per bushel.  August 29th, Bryant & Company, of Davenport, establish a jobbing-house for boots and shoes.  August 31st, corner-stone of Griswold college chapel.  Terrible fight between raftsmen in Hartel's saloon, on Second street, between Perry and Rock Island streets, Davenport; one man dangerously stabbed.  September 22d, General Sheridan routs the enemy at Harper's Ferry; over 5,000 prisoners taken; great public demonstration and rejoicing at the favorable tidings.  November 24th, Lieutenant Colonel Robert M. Littler appointed acting assistant provost marshal general for the state of Maine, with headquarters at Augusta.  December 25th, General Sherman captures Savannah, including 150 guns and 33,000 bales of cotton.  December 29th, Griswold college chapel consecrated by Bishop Lee, assisted by Bishop Vail, of Kansas.

1865. - January 18th, Fort Fisher captured by the Union army; great rejoicings at Davenport; a salute of 100 guns fired in honor of the victory.  March 14th, opening of Bryant & Stratton Commercial Business college in Nichols' block, corner of Brady and Second streets, Davenport.  April 1st, John L. Davis elected mayor; William Pool, marshal; W. A. Remington, treasurer; Francis Ochs, assessor, of Davenport.  April 3d, Lee surrendered, with his entire army, to General Grant.  Extensive conflagration in dwellings in rear of St. Louis Hotel, Davenport; stables and numerous dwellings destroyed; loss $8,000.  Another fire broke out in a frame building used for storage of hay and feed for horses and mules in the government stables, on Second street, between Perry and Rock Island, Davenport; loss, $1,000.  Still another fire broke out in stable in the alley between Perry and Brady, used by Dr. Carpenter.  April 10th, grand gala day in Davenport, and great rejoicings; immense procession; grand illumination in the evening.  April 11th, Major R. M. Littler promoted to lieutenant colonel of United States volunteers, by President Lincoln, for faithful and meritorious service.  April 15th, President Lincoln shot dead; J. Wilkes Booth the assassin.  Secretary Seward also assailed by a murderer; he survives the wounds inflicted upon him; the would-be assassin escaped.  April 25th, death of Alfred Sanders, former proprietor of the Gazette.  April 28th, Booth, the assassin of President Lincoln, was shot dead and his accomplice, Harold, was taken prisoner about three miles from Port Royal.  April 29th, terrible accident on the Mississippi, a few miles above Cairo, by the explosion of the steamer "Sultana;" over 1,000 lives were lost and the boat burned to the water's edge.  May 14th, Jeff Davis, the rebel president, captured in Irwinville, Georgia. July 13th, hoop-skirt manufactory established in Davenport by Winter, Crouse & Company, at No. 23 East Second street.  August 20th, a man shot dead while assaulting a returned soldier with an ax, in Davenport; verdict rendered, justifiable homicide.  October 10th, removal of Mr. Russell as postmaster and General Sanders appointed to the position.  October 31st, postoffice removed to the corner of Third and Perry streets.

1866. - April 8th, election day in Davenport; John L. Davies was elected mayor; W. A. Remington, treasurer; Francis Ochs, assessor; William Pool, marshal.  May 7th, collision, the steamer "Enterprise" sunk by striking the large pier of the bridge; loss $40,000, insurance $12,000.  May 15th, arrival of the new steam fire engine for the Fire Kings of Davenport.  May 16th, firemen's annual review of Davenport; grand display of the department; after the inspection by the city council was concluded the engines were tried and worked satisfactorily.  May 25th,  Davenport rope factory started.  August 1st, the Atlantic cable laid, and in good working order.  August 21st, the roof of the Congregational church fell in while undergoing repairs; no one injured.  October 6th, survey commenced for the railroad bridge and carriage drive over the Mississippi, under the supervision of E. H. Johnson.  October 9th, Hiram Price, of Davenport, elected member of congress.  October 18th, improvements and enlargement of St. Marguerite's church completed.  December 9th, lamentable occurrence; an elderly woman, Mrs. Julia Ann Cahill, aged seventy years, and two grandchildren burned to death, and a boy fatally injured by the burning of their house on Locust street road.  December 28th, incendiarism; burning of barn, horses, cattle, hay, etc.c belonging to Judge W. L. Cook; loss, $4,000.  The number of suicides, burglaries, fires, etc., during the last two months, exceeds anything that has ever occurred in Davenport during any six months from the time of its earliest settlement.

1867. - January 24th, a new grocery establishment opened in Davenport on Brady street by Price & Conner.  A new hardware house opened at No. 50 Brady street, by Goodwill & Bissell.  February 4th, re-opening of the new Young Men's Christian association rooms in LeClaire block, Davenport, J. S. Conner, president.  March 17th, six prisoners broke jail and after a lively chase three were captured by the sheriff and aids.  April 6th, election day; Michael Donahue, mayor; J. W. Moore, marshal; Otto Klug, treasurer; T. J. Saunders, assessor.  June 11th, ceremony of breaking the ground for the Episcopal cathedral.  June 23d, first annual commencement of exercises of Griswold college; sermon preached by the Rev. Chester S. Percival, of Cedar Rapids.  June 29th, permanent location in Davenport of Dr. E. H. Hazen, oculist and aurist.  The corner-stone of St. Mary's church, of Davenport, laid, July 21st.  Over 200 buildings have been erected and more than $500,000 invested within the last seven months in improvements and addition to business and private houses in Davenport.  September 3d, another destructive conflagration in Davenport; seven business houses on Brady street in ruins; loss, $160,000.  Levi Davis sold his interest in the Gazette Company to J. S. Conner.  September 10th, the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific railroad open to Des Moines; the first tran from Davenport through to the capital celebrated with especial interest.  September 30th, five buildings burned on East Second street, Davenport, between Perry and Brady streets; loss, $5,000.  November 11th, Burrows' flour mill burned; loss, $15,000.  November 25th, return to Bishop Lee from the Lambeth conference, to Davenport.  December 29th, opening of the Burtis Opera House, Davenport, a grand success.

1868. - January 16th, subscription books opened for a street railway in Davenport.  February 12th, great damage done to the bridge by the ice gorge; one span moved off the pier; five steamboats and barges wrecked; the water up to Second street; the river rose eight feet in two hours; damages, $150,000.  March 16th a tornado on the river; the railroad bridge in ruins; entire destruction of the draw.  April 4th, election day in Davenport, Mr. Donahue elected mayor; John Kaufmann, marshal; Otto Klug, treasurer; Francis Ochs, assessor.  May 23d, new grocery store opened by Risley & Bawden, on the corner of Third and Harrison streets, Davenport.  July 16th, A. L. Mossman swam from the foot of Perry street, Davenport, to the ferry landing at Rock Island in seventeen minutes.  December 7th, Sickles & Preston opened a hardware store in Davenport.

1869. - January 15th, a woman arrested in Davenport with $3,000 counterfeit money in her possession.  January 31st, the jewelry store of Archibald Croken entered by burglars; money and jewelry to the value of $1,600 taken.  March 2d.  Third street railroad opened.  March 13th, estimated population of Davenport, according to the assessor's books, 20,063.  April 4th, election day in Davenport; James Renwick elected mayor; John Kaufmann, marshal; Francis Ochs, assessor; W. A. Remington, treasurer.  April 9th, incendiary work; destruction of John L. Davis' planing mill; loss $20,000; no insurance.  November 11th, the Democrat building fired, narrow escape of the structure; loss about $1,600.  December 20th, Simonson's clothing store on Second street, Davenport, burned; loss, $25,000.

1870. - February 26th, $10,000 worth of beer destroyed belonging to Knepper & Schlapp, in East Davenport, by parties drilling holes in the large casks and vats, and letting all the beer out; over 700 barrels of lager were destroyed.  April 2d, republican victory at the polls in Davenport; John M. Lyter, mayor; John Kaufmann, marshal; F. Ochs, assessor; W. A. Remington, treasurer.  April 4th, extensive fire in Davenport; Pennsylvania House burned; also three residences; loss, $75,000.  April 15th, bold attempt to destroy the City Flour Mills, of Davenport; loss $1,100.  April 25th, Garrett's shoe factory, two dwelling houses, Knostman & Petersen's furniture factory and lumber yard burned; loss, $30,000; all in Davenport.  May 19th, D. A. Burrows' mill of Davenport burned; loss, $10,000.  August 22d, a mother and her two children foully murdered, near Second and Warren streets, in Davenport.  August 29th, a man's arm torn out of the socket at Renwick's mill in Davenport; he died thirty minutes afterward.  September 4th, J. C. Bills elected mayor of Davenport.  A new wholesale store for hats, caps, furs and straw goods opened by J. A. Solomon & Company, at No. 10, Viele's block, Davenport.  September 19th, new trunk factory started in Davenport by William McKay & Son.  September 20th, Hosford & Nutting opened a new hardware store in Davenport.  October 6th, first train on the Davenport & St. Paul railroad over the Wapsie.  October 23d, two passenger trains each way daily from Davenport to De Witt.  November 20th, the firm of Charles Knell & G. R. Marvin opened a new furniture establishment in Davenport.  November 21st, first regular through passenger train to St. Louis; 248 miles in eleven hours to the Mound city from Davenport.  December 15th, installation of the Rev. J. B. Stewart as pastor of the First Presbyterian church of Davenport.

1871. - January 28th, A. S. Alston's store on Second street, Davenport, was robbed of $2,000 worth of silks and velvets.  February 5th, first marriage in Davenport according to the rites of the Jewish faith, the contracting parties being Mr. E. Roghschild, of the city, and Miss C. Lazare, of Rock Island, Illinois.  April 1st, election day in Davenport; J. C. Bills elected mayor; J. A. Le Claire, marshal.  Thompson & Bahls opened a new merchant tailoring establishment.  October 5th, heavy fire in Davenport, the iron elevator destroyed, 50,000 bushels of grain burned; loss, $62,000.  Opening of R. Clayton's plumbing, gas and steam-fitting establishment on Second street.  October 14th, cold-blooded stabbing of Dr. G. W. Lyon, while standing in his own dooryard, by Michael Delaney.  December 17th, Hon. John L. Davies' stable on Harrison street burned; loss, $4,000.

1872. - The Rev. J. G. Merrill succeeds the Rev. J. A. Hamilton as pastor of the Edwards Congregational Church, Davenport.  March 1st, glue factory started by Mason & Company on Second street, foot of Ainsworth, 102x62 feet; costing $13,000.  H. C. Marsh, of Gorton, New York, succeeds Levi Davis as one of the proprietors of the "Gazette"; estimated value of the "Gazette" property, $55,000.  March 28th, death of the Hon. John L. Davies, of Davenport.  April 4th, a fine retail cap and men's furnishing store opened on Third street, near the postoffice, by W. S. Cameron.  August 22d, heavy fire in Davenport; destruction of Kirk's planing mill and other property; loss, $21,000.  November 21st, government bridge opened.  December 31st, completion of the new gas works of Davenport, at a cost of $50,000.

1873. - January 23d, destruction of the old city market house of Davenport, on Western avenue; "Rescue" and Pioneer" hook and ladder truck burned; loss, $4,700.  Bridge completed; length, including shore spans, 1,848 feet; five spans and one draw.  February 10th, dedication, by Bishop Andrews, of the new Methodist church of Davenport, on Brady street, now The Hastings, an apartment house.  March 10th, reappointment of Postmaster Russell.  April 5th, J. H. Murphy elected mayor of Davenport; J. A. LeClaire, city marshal; B. Finger, assessor.  May 5th, completion of the fine organ in the Episcopal cathedral at a cost of $5,000.  May 26th, organization of the Davenport Glucose Company; capital stock, $50,000.   June 18th, consecration of the Episcopal cathedral; sermon by Bishop Whipple, of Minnesota, in the forenoon, and by Bishop Clarkson, of Nebraska, in the evening.  June 22d, death of Dr. White, late business manager of the Gazette Company.  August 26th, corner stone of the new Trinity church laid, on the corner of Brady and Seventh streets.  October 14th election, M. J. Rohlfs, treasurer; H. Leonard, sheriff; L. Robeson, assessor.  December 26th, dedication of the new Congregational church, corner of Ninth and Perry streets.  December 30th, opening of new waterworks at a cost of $512,000.

1874. - Fire pressure; official test of the waterworks; the pumps can furnish 9,610,200 gallons in twenty-four hours, supplied by two engines, each of 125 horse power.  February 5th, swindling venture of T. S. Egglesht & Company to steal $15,000 from three banks; capture of Egglesht after a smart chase.  April 4th, election returns are:  J. W. Stewart, mayor; B. Finger, assessor; J. A. Le Claire, marshal.  April 27th, Fritz Dinkel kills his wife with a butcher knife.  September 27th, death of Bishop Lee from the effects of serious injuries received from falling down stairs.  December 25th, opening of the new Trinity church of Davenport on the corner of Seventh and Brady.

1875. - January 3d, Renwick Memorial, now the Mt. Ida Presbyterian church, dedicated.  January 9th, remarkable change in the weather; at 11 a.m., twenty-one degrees above zero; at 2 p.m., four degrees below, and at 10 p.m., twenty-one degrees below zero in Davenport.  March 29th, disastroud fire in Davenport; Shields' woolen mill partially destroyed; heavy loss of machinery, wool and cloth; loss, $30,000 to $40,000.  April 3d, election day in Davenport; Roderick Rose, elected mayor; E. H. Jennings, marshal; B. Finger, assessor.  may 8th, great mourning in Davenport; the loss of the steamship "Schiller," sixteen residents of Davenport being among the lost, namely:  Charles F. Haase, wife and two children; P. A. Paulsen, William Frahm, Mrs. Margaretta Klemme, Otto Kircher, P. C. Roschmann, Mrs. Emma Hansen and child; Henry Goettsch, G. W. Gutsche and wife; John Nissen, and John Bohnsack.  May 12th, consecration of Trinity church, of Davenport; sermon by Bishop Talbot.  August 28th, Sieg & Williams entered their new warehouse; a fine three-story brick, 43x150 feet, on the southeast corner of Third and Main streets, Davenport.  September 14th, Beiderbecke & Miller take possession of their fine new building on West Second street, Davenport; its size is 150x70 feet and three stories high, with all the latest interior improvements; it is now the home of the Davenport Savings Bank.  November 4th, Edward Russell again assumes the chair as editor-in-chief of the "Gazette," by purchasing the interest of W. M. Potter.

1876. - January 1, "Gazette" annual review shows the following building improvements during 1875:  Charles Hill's furniture store on Second street, four stories, 21x80 feet; cost, $6,000; a three-story brick on Second street between Ripley and Scott, 40x75 feet, erected by August Steffen and H. Dohlman, cost, $10,000; Reupke, Schmidt & Company, cracker factory, corner Iowa and Fourth street, 43x150 feet, two story, cost $5,000; Schauder's Hotel, Front street, three-story brick, 20x70 feet, cost, $6,000; Steffen's block, corner Harrison and Second, 87x77 feet, three-story brick and iron, cost $25,000; Grant's hotel, now the St. James, corner of Main and Front streets, three-story brick, 55x150 feet, seventy-three rooms, and cost $21,000.  February 22d, great fire in Davenport:  destruction of Hill's block and several stores and offices; loss over $50,000.  April 1st, election day; Roderick Rose, mayor; Edward Jennings, marshal.  April 3d, U. N. Roberts & Company took possession of their fine new three-story brick, corner of Harrison and Fourth; size 63x105 feet.  May 15th, heavy fire broke out in Renwick, Shaw & Crossett's mill; lumber and machinery destroyed valued at $10,000.  September 10th, Rev. William Stevens Perry, D. D. (Trinity church, Geneva, New York), consecrated bishop of the Episcopal church for the diocese of Iowa.  October 4th, first issue of the new German paper, "Der Sternen Banner."

1877. - January1st. annual review of the Gazette, 1876, shows building improvements $214,250; total amount of manufactures, $11,302,902.07; goods sold at wholesale, $5,397,000; grain receipts, 5,380,000 bushels.  January 18th, arrival at the waterworks, Davenport, of the new engines.  April 7th, election day in Davenport; T. T. Dow elected mayor; E. J. Jennings, marshal; E. H. Schmidt, assessor.  August 12th, completion of the new Board of Trade rooms, of Davenport.  August 20th Der Demokrat moves into its new quarters; fine three story brick, cut stone front, on Third street, near Main.  September 15th, Whitakeer's mill destroyed by fire; loss, $10,000.  October 4th, cornerstone laid of the new building for the Academy of Sciences.  November 6th, the cornerstone of the new library building, Sixth and Brady streets, with impressive ceremonies by the Masonic order.  November 20th, new book store opened on Brady street, by Gartside & Piatt.  December 16th, the 100 foot single deck span on the island side of government bridge broken down by a derrick attached to a freight train and Conductor McFarland seriously injured.  December 30th, dedication of the Fire King's new engine house on Perry street.  Ashtabula bridge disaster, December 28, 1876.

Captain Haupt, proprietor of the Mississippi House, Davenport, died January 6th, in the fifty-seventh year of his age.  He had run the house for twenty years.  March 6, 1877, George Mordaunt arrested for forgery on several parties in Davenport.  June 25th, severe storm throughout the county; great damage to crops.  July 26th, big strike of railroad employes.  September 8th, old settlers had a barbecue at Blue Grass.

1878. - January 3d, Der Demokrat appears enlarged from six to seven column paper.  January 1st, a steamboat, the "McDonald," landed from LeClaire; something that is almost unknown.  January 5th, death of Fred O. Parker.  March 30th, dastardly attempt of two masked men to kill and rob Father Cosgrove.  April 8th, Major Gustavus Schnitger received a telegram from Hon. Hiram Price, at Washington, that he was appointed United States marshal for Wyoming territory.  April 6th, Charles Hagerty, arrested for the attempted murder of Father Cosgrove.  May 22d, state homeopathic convention met at Burtis House.  December 9th, snow storm lasting part of three days; snow about three feet deep.

1879. - The Gazette shows a record of 1878 of the business interests of Davenport; total value of manufactures, $3,458,908; amount of wholesale and jobbing trade as $5,048,500; building improvements, $160,000.  During the year 1878, 29,189 passengers were ticketed from the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific railroad ticket office in Davenport.  January 7th, a Mrs. Hogan living about three miles from Davenport, burned to death; caught her clothing afire while warming herself.  January 4th, quite a serious fire at Princeton, sweeping away an entire row of substantial brick buildings, the worst loss this place has ever had, being about $9,500.  January 12th, John McManus and wife had gone to church and left their five children; the oldest boy, Frank, had the day before bought a pistol, and he got it out, and supposing it to be unloaded, pointed it at his sister Mary and pulled the trigger; the pistol was discharged, the ball entering her brain; she died in a short time.  January 15th, corn blockade at Chicago.  January 30th, General Sigel was in Davenport on a short visit to his friends.  February 9th, quite a fire on the corner of Second and Brady streets; loss, about $3,000.  February 15th, James McManus died at his residence at the west end of Third street.  February 20th, death of Mrs. Clarissa C. Cook.  March 20th, death of N. M. Rambo.  April 4th, double death by suicide, of Harry Watt and Louisa Filter.  April 15th, William Smith crushed to death by a boiler falling on him while helping to move it at the rear end of the roundhouse in Davenport.  April 21st.  Mrs. Schaumberg's and Mr. Becker's houses on West Ninth street were burned.  May 2d, Frederick Winters committed suicide by jumping into the river.  May 6th.  Waren Chase fell from the top of Mr. Ballard's house in Davenport, where he was painting.  His neck was nearly broken and spinal column so injured that the whole body was paralyzed.  May 11th, thirty-six girls and boys took their first communion at St. Anthony's church, Davenport.  May 20th, Judge Dillon tendered the position of professor of municipal and real estate law in Columbia Law school, New York, at a salary of $7,000.  May 22d, total destruction of H. P. Beattie's flouring mill by fire; loss, $100,000.  May 28th, telegram received by Charles E. Putnam that his son, John C., was drowned at Hoboken, New Jersey, while attending school.  May 31st, government bridge opened permanently after being closed for repairs.  Mrs. Dr. Keck bought the John P. Cook residence at the cost of $12,000.  June 2d, the Mrs. Ebenezer Cook will case settled.

On the 4th of July a lad named Henry Gaston acted the part of a genuine hero in saving the life of James Collins, a boy of thirteen years, who was drowning in the river.  A burglary was perpetrated at the residence of G. P. Knostman, on the night of the 3d of July, 1879; several valuable articles were stolen.  One of the most furious storms of wind and rain that ever visited this locality occurred on the morning of the 9th of July; not much damage was done to buildings; but the injury to the crops was enormous, whole fields of corn and oats being prostrated.  On Thursday afternoon, july 12th, a fatal accident occurred to one of Davenport's old and established citizens, Christian Rusch.  He was carrying some shingles to the carpenters on a scaffolding just beneath the eaves of a barn they were building, when the scaffolding fell with him to the ground.  He was taken up senseless and died from the effects of his injuries Friday noon.  He had been a resident of Scott county since 1857, and had always been a quiet man, honest and highly esteemed by his acquaintances.  Jacob Breis, who was in his ninetieth year, died July 16th, at the residence of his son-in-law, Lucas Ruhl.  The deceased had been a resident of Davenport for thirty years.  At 10:00 o'clock on the morning of July 19th, the body of an unknown man was found in the river at the foot of Harrison street; an inquest was held, the jury's verdict being "death from accidental drowning."  The glucose company had $7,000 worth of machinery under contract for their works, much of it nearly completed, when the works were totally destroyed by fire July 19th.  The body of George Westphal, of Davenport, who was drowned off a government dredge boar, above Hampton, on Monday afternoon, July 28th, was recovered above Hampton, two days later.  He had been a resident of Davenport twenty-two years.  An attempt was made to rob the drugstore of J. F. Koch, on the night of August 5th, which came near resulting in the death of Mr. Koch; two shots were fired by the burglars which missed their mark.  B. B. Woodward, for many years one of Davenport's most prominent citizens, died at his residence in that city August 19th, after a long and painful illness.  Nathaniel Wilson died of old age in LeClaire township, August 19th.  He was one of the first pioneers in that township and had resided in Scott county forty-two years.  On Thursday morning, August 28th, the most costly, the finest, and one of the largest barns in Scott county, belonging to E. W. Gilbert, of New York, and occupied by C. Druehl, was struck by lightning and completely demolished.  A shocking outrage was perpetrated in Winfield township on Friday night, September 26th.  Near midnight three masked men forced an entrance into the house of Farmer Flanery, dragged him from his bed, then, in spite of all resistance from him and pleading from his wife, they took him out of doors and kicked and beat him in the most brutal manner and ended their infamous work by throwing him in a pond.  His injuries were very severe.  A shocking accident occurred on October 20th.  The victim was Edward Fleming, son of James Fleming, No. 522 West Fifth street.  He had been put to work by his employer to melt zinc to galvanize telephone wire.  Following instructions he poured a composition of some kind into a kettle of boiling zinc, causing an instantaneous explosion which covered his face and neck with the scalding stuff, which sank deep into his flesh.  He presented a horrible spectacle, both eyes being burned out.  The burning of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul round-house occurred on October 30th, two engines being badly damaged.  The death of John Burnside occurred at his home in Blue Grass township, November 8th.  He was a true, upright and honest man, respected by all who knew him.  On December 12th the livery stable of Judson Parcell was almost completely destroyed by fire.  The live stock and portable property were all saved, but the buildings were almost totally demolished.  After several months of illness Hon. Eugene Birchard died at home, in Pleasant Valley township, December 13th.

1880. - January 28th and 29th, conference of bishops at Grace cathedral church, Bishops Whipple, of Minnesota, Spaulding, of Colorado, Clarkson, Hare and Perry present.  February 28th, Charles Stewart Parnell, the great Irish patriot, received with enthusiasm.  Speeches at the Burtis.  March 11th, Howard Burtis, new landlord of the Burtis.  The hotel renamed the Kimball House.  July 1st, the Kimball house, evolved from the new Burtis by Howard Burtis, its purchaser, ready for guests.  October 8th, work begun on the soldier's monument site.

1881. - March 21st, Grace cathedral receives from Mrs. D. J. Ely, of New York, a gift for the erection of a house in cathedral close for Rev. Dr. Barris; incumbent of the Ely professorship of Griswold College.  May 8th, Pope Leo formally ratifies division of diocese of Dubuque and creates the diocese of Davenport; Very Rev. John McMullen appointed first bishop of Davenport.  June 20th, the old Burtis House, corner of Iowa and Fifth streets, sold by Superintendent A. Kimball to Davenport Oatmeal Company, $10,000.  July 31st, Bishop McMullen's first service at St. Marguerite's.  August 3d, death of Peter Littig, a veteran of Waterloo, aged eighty-seven years.  September 17th, Trinity chimes played the first time by Walter A. Marsh, of New York, "Old Hundred."  September 20th, Davenport draped in mourning upon the news of Garfield's death at midnight.  November 9th, the council discusses paid fire department.

1882. - April 28th, first run of paid fire department.  May 1st, an electric light company organized in this city.  July 7th, the first street car built in Davenport, turned out by Henry Thuenen.  August 29th, death of Hon. Hugh M. Martin at Crested Butte, Colorado, from injuries received on a mountain several days before from a rolling boulder.  October 3d, death of D. C. Eldridge, aged eighty-one.  October 17th, fortieth annual convention of the Iowa Baptist State Association, held in Calvary church.

1883. - May 29th, General Sheridan visits Rock Island Arsenal.  July 4th, death of Bishop John McMullen.  July 8th, the raising of silk worms begun in Davenport.  September 16th, dedication of St. Joseph's church, northeast corner of Marquette and Sixth streets.  September 29th, incorporation of the Hebrew Ladies Aid Society.  October 28th, dedication of the United Presbyterian church, corner of Eleventh and Brady streets.  November 11th, dedication of Swedish Baptist church, on East Sixth street.  November 18th, new standard time adopted throughout the United States.  November 19th, Young Peoples' Guild organized in Edwards Congregational church.

1884. - April 8th, opening of supreme court at Kimball House.  September 14th, consecration of Father Cosgrove as bishop at St. Marguerite's cathedral.  Sermon preached by Bishop Ireland of St. Paul.  September 24th, formal opening of St. Katherine' Hall.  December 11th, first meeting of Scott County Democratic Club held at Turner hall.

1885. - February 9th, fifteen inches of snow in twenty-four hours, followed by severe cold weather.  February 28th, George L. Davenport dies at St. Augustine, Florida, aged sixty-seven years.  Born at Fort Armstrong, on Rock Island, November 17, 1817; the first white child born in this entire region.  March 4th, Davenport democrats have an "inaugural banquet," the first since Buchanan's inauguration in 1857.  May 20th, the city council adopts the eight-hour day for city work.  June 2d, Smith Allen dies; was Davenport's oldest living grain dealer.  July 4th, laying of corner stone of St. Ambrose College.  The park commission organized.  August 3d, eight mules and two horses bought for the Central Street Railway.  August 8th, business suspended in honor of funeral of General Grant.  August 27th, special delivery stamps introduced.  November 13th, first barrel factory in Davenport under construction.

1886. - October 1st, special delivery of mail matter other than letters begun.  October 30th, Captain James May, one of the town lot incorporators of Davenport, dies.  November 26th, end of a ceaseless run on the German Savings Bank.

1887. - January 18th, first examining board meets at the arsenal for the purpose of examining ordnance officers in line of promotion.  Opening of office of Associated Charities in basement of old high school building, corner of Sixth and Main street, Mrs. Nettie F. Howard in charge.  March 10th, death of James B. Eads, of St. Louis bridge and jetty fame.  May 10th, on account of the captured Confederate powder being exhausted, salutes of sunrise and sunset guns discontinued at the arsenal.  June 5th, the Democrat absorbs the Gazette.  November 5th, Rev. Elnathan C. Gavit, who preached the first sermon ever delivered in Davenport, delivers an address at the First Methodist Episcopal church.  November 9th, the main building of the Orphans Home is destroyed by lightning; loss, $50,000.  November 29th, steam-heated passenger trains come into fashion.  December 18th, the G-Whizz, the Rock Island's new limited from Kansas City to Chicago, makes its first run.

1888. - April 20th, the Davenport Business Men's Association throws open its new rooms in the Masonic Temple.  April 25th, grand opening reception of Masonic Temple.  May 11th, destruction of water power dam at Rock Island by flood; loss, about $100,000.  May 16th, Mississippi river reaches highest mark on record-eighteen feet, seven inches above low water mark.  May 17th, opening of three days' festival in honor of the completion of the new Turner hall.  August 8th, Chicago syndicate buys all the street car property in three cities, except the Central and Brady street line, in Davenport.  August 11th, electric cars tested on Brady street hill; cars loaded with forty or fifty persons climbed the grade with ease; general rejoicing.  August 28th, the first electric car accident; three-year old child of W. B. Wiley run over at Fifteenth and Rock Island streets and killed. November 7th, police patrol system in operation.  November 18th, the Rock Island starts vestibule trains between Chicago and Denver.  December 16th, street car line being laid across the island.  December 24th, Davenport, Rock Island and Moline united by street car lines.  December 25th, cars begin running across the bridge.

1889. - January 28th, inspection of new courthouse by board of supervisors.  February 8th, the first call for police was sounded from box No. 3, on Front street, under new telephone patrol system.  March 28th, the Hibernian hall association buys the Christian church property on east side of Brady street.  May 7th, death of Dan Renssellaer Rowe.  Mr. Rowe built the first elevator in Davenport.  May 29th, a very fine portrait of Judge James Grant, the first judge of this district, painted by Miss Mamie Leonard, his niece, is presented to the Scott county bar.  July 3d, contract let for Christian church building at Fifteenth and LeClaire streets.  August 19th, laying of corner-stone of the new Christian church.  August 23d, Methodists of Davenport celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the church's work.  September 7th, death of Jacob Orth, aged ninety-nine years.  September 21st, corner-stone of Calvary Baptist church, Fourteenth and Perry, laid by the pastor, Rev. F. L. Wilkins.  November 15th, Davenport Art Association organized at the studio of Miss Bianca Wheeler, December 8th, the Christian church is dedicated.

1890. - January 9th, death of Bailey Davenport in Rock Island.  February 18th, German Free School association files articles of incorporation.  Bettendorf Wheel Works incorporated, authorized capital $1,000,000; incorporators, W. m. Bettendorf, G. Watson French and Nathaniel French.  March 1st, wide wheel tire ordinance goes into effect.  April 27th, cornerstone of the Scared Heart cathedral laid.  May 25th, dedication of the Calvary Baptist church, corner of Perry and Fourteenth streets.  September 2d, first regular Labor Day celebration in Davenport.  Governor Boies speaks at Schuetzen park.  October 1st, an ordinance is passed permitting electric power to be used by Holmes City railways.

1891. - February 13th, death of John M. Eldridge, the first tailor in Davenport.  March 14th, Judge James Grant dies at Oakland, California, at the age of seventy-nine.  March 15th, the Davenport crematorium is formally opened by the incineration of the body of Otto Kochert.  July 18th, money is subscribed for the Outing Club.  August 29th, first work begun on viaduct to Rock Island, September 19th, the Davenport Gas Company's plant electrically lights city for the first time.

1892. - June 27th, the Mississippi reaches the highest gauge ever known except the flood of 1851.  Much damage and inconvenience in the tri-cities.  September 2d, incorporation of the Farmers & Mechanics Savings Bank of Davenport.  December 14th, twenty-fifth anniversary of the organization of the Academy of Sciences is celebrated.

1893. - July 2d, the newly remodeled Second Presbyterian church dedicated.  December 11th, death in Washington D. C., of Jeremiah H. Murphy, ex-congressman.

1894. - January 18th, thirty-two trades unions notify Mayor Vollmer that they will call upon him to demand work.  February 3d, Bethlehem Congregational church organized.  April 19th, Iowa Sons of the Revolution held their first banquet.  May 5th, electric cars cross the bridge.  August 26th, forty-second anniversary of the Davenport Turner Society is celebrated.  November 6th, first chrysanthemum show at Library hall.  November 30th, water admitted to first section of the Hennepin canal.

1895. - February 14th, first use in Davenport of anti-toxin.  March 2d, transfers introduced on street cars of Mount Ida and Third street lines.  April 9th, purchase of residence of Ruiah Roraback for Catholic orphanage, by Sons of the Scared Heart.  April 17th, Hennepin canal opens locks to receive the first boat.  April 28th, St. Luke's Hospital is opened.  August 11th, announcement of a new government bridge.  August 15th, the Davenport clearing house association is organized.  September 19th, Nicholas Fejervary dies at the age of eighty-four.  September 30th, St. Luke's training school for nurses is opened.  November 14th, the steamer Belcher brings the first cargo of coal out of the Hennepin canal.  December 6th, the Citizens National and the German Savings banks begin business in the new McManus block.  December 27th, Kemper hall closed as a diocesan school.

1896. - May 31st, the bicycle craze takes possession of DAvenport and the country at large.  September 14th, the city hall clock bell strikes for the first time at 12:30.  December 1st, bridge opened to the general public.

1897. - February 23d, opening at the armory of the first bicycle show in Davenport.  March 31st, long distance telephone lines opened.   July 18th, corner-stone of Roman Catholic orphanage of St. Vincent's home opened.  August 2d, the old John P. Cookhome, converted into a Young Men's Christian Association building, is dedicated.  August 12th, the glucose works sold to glucose sugar refining company for $700,000.  October 1st, Rock Island secures the seal, records and complete head office of the Modern Woodmen from Fulton, Illinois.

1898. - March 27th, the Schleswig-Holstein veterans held their fiftieth anniversary reunion.  July 20th, the corner-stone of the new Presbyterian church, corner Kirkwood boulevard and Iowa street is laid.  September 13th, the Tri-City Press club is organized.  September 20th, Company B returns home from the Spanish-American war.

1899. - March 10th, congress passes a bill establishing a gun factory at the Rock Island Arsenal.  May 21st, the corner-stone of the German Free school laid on Western avenue.  October 15th, the two Methodist churches merge and have their first joint service as the Central Methodist church.  October 23d, the first rural free mail delivery in Scott county is inaugurated by Carrier Henry Ade, by way of the Utica Ridge road.

1900. - The first passenger train from Clinton over the D. R. I. & N. W. arrives at the Perry street station.  February 21st, Governor Larrabee presents the Orphans' Home with $3,000 pipe organ.  March 12th, citizens of DAvenport vote to buy the Griswold college property at $53,000 for a high school site.  The women vote for the first time.  May 1st, Baron Otto Von Schaezler brings the first automobile to Davenport.  August 1st, the pink eye, an epidemic among horses, reaches Davenport.  August 22d, a kindergarten organization comes into being in Davenport.  November 4th, the remodeled Edwards Congregational church building is dedicated.

1901. - March 8th, Andrew Carnegie adds $25,000 to his gift of $50,000 for the public library.  April 1st, the chief of police enforces the curfew ordinance.  May 26th. Davenport Maennerchor celebrates its fiftieth birthday.May 30th, Hon. Hiram Price dies in Washington at the age of eighty-seven years.  June 10th, Professor Willis H. Barris dies at the age of seventy-nine.  July25th, Davenport in danger of destruction by fire.  The worst conflagration in this territory.  Eight blocks and Weyerhauser & Denkmann's sawmill and yards swept by flames.  More than 200 people lose their homes.  Rock Island and Moline send help and save the city from greater loss.  Damages, about $1,000,000.  August 24th, McCowen hall, hotel for working women, is formally opened.  October 26, Davenport National Bank goes into liquidation.  November 18th, the public kindergarten started in the old Methodist Episcopal church on Fourteenth street December 7th, spitting in cars is prohibited by the street railway company.

1902. - January 28th, the wagon shop of the Bettendorf Axle Company is burned at a loss of $200,000.  March 1st, the Rock Island Company puts on a through service to California.  March 4th, the Milwaukee Railroad Company purchases thirty acres of ground in West Davenport for shops.  March 11th, a pioneer, Ira Cook, dies in Des Moines.  May 1st, the bolster works of the Bettendorf Axle Company is burned, at a loss of $250,000.  July 30th, plat of new town of Bettendorf, nee Gilbertown, filed on record.  August 3d, St. John's chapel, the new German Lutheran church on Lincoln avenue and Rockingham rod, dedicated.  August 24th, the Turngemeinde has its golden jubilee parade.  October 2d, the cornerstone of St. Mary's chapel, St. Katherine's school, is laid.  December 21st, the German Congregational church at Fourth and Pine streets, is dedicated.

1903. - January 30th, Mrs. Henry W. Lee, widow of the late Bishop Henry W. Lee, dies at Salt Lake City at the age of ninety years.  March 9th, the Benevolent Order of Eagles is incorporated.  March 20th, Mrs. R. R. Roaback dies at the age of ninety-four years.  June 1st, the Davenport free public library is opened in Cook Memorial building at Sixth and Brady streets.  June 28th, orders received by Major Blunt for the installation of a small arms plant at the arsenal.  June 29th, the First National Bank celebrates its fortieth birthday.  December 13th, St. John's Methodist Episcopal church, Brady and Fourteenth streets, is dedicated.

1904. - January 19th, the Sisters of God Shepherd arrive from Buffalo, New York, and establish a home here.  March 1st, the Security Savings Bank begins operations.  March 13th, the Danish Lutheran church is organized.  April 1st, Captain W. P. Hall, "the old man of the skiff," dies at Alton, Illinois.  April 6th, the first contract for paving with asphalt is let by the city council.  May 15th, the Church of Our Lady of Lourdes at Bettendorf is dedicated.  August 27th, the new ferry boat Davenport went into commission to ply between Rock Island and Davenport.  October 4th, the first session of the federal court opens.  The contract for a new high school building is let for $193,358.  November 20th, the I. & I. Interurban Company commences regular service between Davenport and Clinton.

1905. - June 18th, the rapid rise of the river over the dam imprisons several thousand picnickers on Suburban island until taken off by boats.  June 20th, the corner-stone of the new high school building, Main and Harrison, Eleventh and Twelfth streets, is laid.  July 18th, the Davenport Commercial Club is incorporated.  September 17th, Fejervary park is formally opened by a concert.  October 19th, the B'nai Israel congregation, incorporated in 1868 and organized in 1861, is re-incorporated.  October 22d, the Democrat publishes its Half Century Democrat, an illustrated paper giving the history of the county for the preceding fifty years.  November 5th, 3,000 chrysanthemums are placed on view at Central Park.  November 21st, St. Mary's Home, Eighth and Fillmore, is opened.  November 24th, the American Can Company lays plans to increase its plant to a daily capacity of 1,440,000 cans.  December 17th the announcement is made that the mortgage of $7,200 on the Peoples' Mission building is canceled.  December 28th, announcement is made that thirty cremations took place at the Davenport crematorium during the year 1905.  December 31st, the Rummelpott Club closes twenty-five years of charitable work.

1906. - January 11th, the Academy of Sciences pays off the last of its debt.  January 30th, the Good Samaritan Society is organized, which provides free wars for the poor at the Mercy Hospital.  April 4th, Odd Fellows dedicated Prosperity hall.  April 21st, 800 children sing at the benevolent concert for kindergartens under the direction of Professor Otto.  June 13th, the interests of the German Savings and the Citizens National Banks are merged.  August 23d, a band concert at Fejervary park in honor of Miss Celestine Fejervary.  October 14th, the German Savings Bank, after its merger with the Citizens National Bank, opens its doors for business.  October 30th, the Citizens Trust & Savings Bank is incorporated.  November 20th, Elks at Davenport organize a state association.  December 22d, Bishop Cosgrove dies.

1907. - January 15th, the Davenport Commercial Club house is dedicated by an elaborate banquet.  January 22d, the Iola Cement Company of Davenport disposes of its interests to trust for $5,000,000.  February 13th, E. S. Crossett offers $50,000 for a new Young Men's Christian Association building.  February 14th, Peter Willi, on his eightieth birthday, walks from Buffalo to Davenport.  May 2d, the furnishings of the Kimball House are sold at auction and the hostelry closed for remodeling at a cost of $40,000.  May 11th, the traveling men of Davenport secure removal of the state headquarters of the Traveling Men's Protective Association to Davenport.  May 19th, the Iowa branch of the American Folk Lore Society organized here.  June 23d, the Arbeiter Saugerbund convention in Davenport voted to admit women to membership and to meet in Chicago in 1910.  June 28th, the Young Men's Christian Association canvass for subscription reaches successful end with over $101,000.  July 15th, Charles H. Davis celebrates the close of fifty years' service on the Rock Island road.  July 23d, Jens Lorenzen sells crockery business established fifty years.  July 29th, the Young Men's Christian Association building site is purchased at Fourth and Harrison streets.  July 30th, Aunt Lucy Williams, Scott county's oldest inhabitant, dies at the age of one hundred and twenty-three years.  August 20th, Dan Patch paced a mile in 1:58 -1/2 seconds at mile track, giving the track a new record.  August 25th, Barney Oldfield gave the track its auto record of 1:00-1/5 seconds.  September 8th, German veterans dedicated a monument in Washington Square.  November 2d, Conrad Dietz and his wife hold the distinction of having the largest family in Scott county; their children number fifteen.  November 4th, the magnificent new Hotel Davenport is opened.  December 10th, the town of Bettendorf dedicates its new town hall.  December 13th, the glucose plant's capacity being increased to grind 14,000 bushels of grain daily.  December 15th, first dry Sunday in the history of Davenport.  December 30th, public reception of the new Home Savings Bank in West Davenport.

1908. - January 11th, the commission plan of municipal government defeated at special election.  The vote was 3,1111 to 2,713.  January 18th, the big new machine shop of the Bettendorf Axle Company was opened at Bettendorf with a luncheon and dance which were attended by 1,200 people.  January 24th, the Burns Club celebrated its fiftieth anniversary.  February 1st, the new Kimball Hotel was opened.  February 4th, the Outing Club free from debt.  February 10th, the Davenport Motor Boat Club was organized.  February 28th, the Davenport Elks approved plans for a magnificent new home.  March 15th, the Davenport Trades assembly declared against Taft's candidacy for president.  April 28th, Bleik Peters dies.  May 17th, Judge J. Scott Richman dies at Muscatine.  May 30th, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Condon found a two days' old baby on their doorstep.  June 19th, Redemptorist Fathers let contract for new church in West Davenport.  June 28th, the Christian Scientist church was dedicated.  july 7th, thirty boys arrived from Chicago to enjoy fresh air camp which Davenportites had ready for them in McClellan Heights.  July 27th, by computation postmaster Lon Bryson find that his world over 6,000,000 stamps in Davenport in the past year.  July 28th, the "onion king" of Pleasant Valley, Henry Schutter, dies.  September 23d, the Spanish war veterans held their first reunion in Davenport.  September 26th, the Elks' new home was dedicated.  October 4th, the laying of the corner-stone of the new Holy Family church took place.  October 29th, Nathan Van Tuyl dies at the age of ninety-three years.  December 3d, the Lend a Hand Club moved into its new home on Second street.  December 17th, grocery clerks and teamsters organized a union.  December 20th, St. Alphonsus chapel founded by Redeptorist Fathers.  December 24th, Ladies Industrial Relief Society sent out 225 Christmas dinners.

1909. - January 1st, German Savings bank purchases Licher property at Third and Main streets for $70,000.  January 15th, Scott County Soldiers' Monument association give monument and grounds to the city of Davenport.  February 9th, Bettendorf Axle company announce contracts for $3,000,000 for current year.  February 17th, city council voted to refund all bonded and floating indebtedness by issue of $450,000 in bonds.  March 1st, Bettendorf bank opens.  March 19th, Buffalo Savings bank organized.  March 31st, Automobile club organized.  April 16th, city teachers give reception at the Commercial club for Dr. J. A. De Armand, their champion in the Iowa legislature.  May 3d, Davenport Playgrounds association formed; Charles Francis, president, Rev. R. K. Atkinson, secretary.  May 9th, Bettendorf-Moline ferry started.  Carried 2,500 passengers first day.  June 6th, board of supervisors put county prisoners at work on the levee.  June 9th, State Manufacturers' association in session at Davenport.  June 19th, Sunday school rally day marked by parade and picnic of 4,000 persons.  July 3d, Attorney W. M. Chamberlin and Jim Fleming rescue party from burning launch on Mississippi.  July 19th, Bettendorf Metal Wheel company becomes French & Hecht.  August 31st, Davenport August building record was $184,420 in permits.  September 18th, Mrs. Isabella Peaslee, pioneer resident of LeClaire dies, aged seventy-five years.  September 22d, the limit in deeds recorded.  Strip of land two inches wide on West Third street transferred for $100.  October 11th, eighteenth annual convention of Master Horsehoers' National Protective association in session in Davenport.  October 15th, German and Bethlehem Congregational congregations unite in the Berea Congregational church.  October 17th, week of dedication of new $100,000 Y. M. C. A. building opens.  October 31st, Visiting Nurses' association clears $2,541.76 as result of Tag day efforts.  November 1st, announced that Santa Fe and Iowa Central would enter Tri-cities over the Rock Island Southern.  November 8th, Iowa State Conference of Charities and Corrections opens session in Davenport.  November 18th, Brady street merchants give celebration in  honor of the super-lighting of that street.  November 27th, fire at U. N. Roberts company plant entails loss of $250,000.  November 30th, Mrs. Anna B. Amhof, living near Eldridge, celebrates 94th birthday anniversary.  December 12th, opening service in the new St. Paul's church in North Davenport conducted by Rev. C. J. Donahoe, pastor.  December 21st, Trinity and Grace cathedral parishes vote to consolidate.