Scott Co, Iowa USGenWeb Project

other county "Town Gossip"

Davenport Times
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
Thursday, March 15, 1900

WILTON [Muscatine Co.]
Wilton, March 14- The man who has seen the first robin is very numerous, but
the first robin is very scarce...James Murrison is spending the week with
relatives in Davenport and vicinity...Miss Agnes Breniford, who wields the
rod in Scott county, near Davenport, spent Sunday at her home in
Wilton...Miss Edna Giesler, who formerly resided in Wilton, but now of
Muscatine, is spending the week with her young friends here...Misses Lula
and Verda Dose of Iowa City spent a few days during the past week in
Wilton...Mrs. George J. Nicolaus and Mrs. J.Y. Monahon attended a large
dinner party at the home of Misses Freysmith in Bloomington township last
Thursday....Misses Vay and Libby Boer, who are attending school at the state
normal at Cedar Falls, are enjoying a vacation with their many Wilton

Daily Times
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
Mar 16, 1900

FRUITLAND [Muscatine Co]
Fruitland, Ia., May 16- A.E. Stiles made a business trip to Davenport
Saturday...John Roth returned from Muscatine Saturday very ill. Medical aid
was at once summoned and at last account he was considerable
better...Asparagus cutting and shipping is still in progress as the prices
are holding up, paying well for the labor...The fish in the bayous seem to
be more numerous than in former years, and it only takes a short time with
the rod to get a nice string of them...The Fruitland school will close one
week from Friday. A very interesting program is being prepared and all
interested should be present to hear the last efforts of the little ones ere
their summer's vacation comes...J.J. Robins and wife of Baynes Falls, Mich.
are here for an extended visit with Rev. and Mrs. J.H. Parmalee.

SUNBURY [Cedar Co]
Sunbury, Ia. May 14.- L.C. Paustian, who has been quite seriously ill the
past two weeks, hsa improved to such an extent that his nurse, Miss Stanton,
of Davenport, was discharged Sunday morning. Miss Stanton is a very able
nurse and the local K. of P. lodge of which Mr. Paustian is a member, is
highly pleased with her services...H.C. Thiesen, who has been attending the
Highland Park College of Pharmacy, Des Moines, Ia., the past year is home
for vacation...Dr. A.A. Petersen, a recent graduate of the Chicago Dental
college, is home for a short visit before locating himself for
business...Dr. Miller was a Davenport visitor Saturday...Mrs. W. L.
Reinbrecht visited with friends in Muscatin last week...Mr. and Mrs. J.R.
Miller and daughter Vera of Wilton, Ia., were the guests of Dr. and Miss
Miller Saturday. ..Hon. C.L. Schinle shipped some fine stock from here

Davenport Times
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
Mar 20, 1900

Maquoketa [Jackson Co.]
Maquoketa, March 19-E.D. Hansen has refused the Democratic nomination for
alderman of the Third ward and D.H. Anderson is named as nominee...J.W.
Bulen, of Clinton, supreme organizer of state for the Knights and Ladies of
the Golden Precept, was up Friday evening and assisted Timber City Lodge,
No. 23 in the initiation of twelve new members. After the initiatorial
services were completed, Mr. Bulen gave an address which was followed by a
general good time. Refreshments were also served...E.C. Johnson, captain of
Co. M. of this city, is a candidate for first mayor at the election of
officers, which is to be held Monday, April 6. Captain Johnson served a year
in the Spanish-American war and by his ability and close attention to his
duties, won the praise and esteem of his superiors. Besides this service the
fact of his being ranking captain and an expert in military tactics make him
the logical candidate for the office...Fred Ingalls had cause to celebrate
St. Patrick's day as his wife presented him with a fine bouncing boy... R.W.
Crane arrived home from Chicago Saturday evening where he had been visiting
his daughter...Otto V. Eksner has increased his force at his millinery
establishment. Besides Mrs. Pearl Gates, who is his assistant trimmer, he
has the Misses Baker, Bicker and Eades assisting him. Maquoketa is probably
the only city in eastern Iowa which has a man milliner...Mrs. Wm Delarm of
Andrew died at her home in Andrew Thursday morning at 4:30. Funeral services
were held at teh Methodist church at Andrew Friday at 1 p.m., Rev. Eberhart
officiating...Mrs. H.R. Maskery's funeral was held Friday at 2 p.m.  at the
Methodist church, Dr. T.E. Fleming officiating...

Davenport Daily Times
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
April 27, 1900

LETTS [Louisa Co, IA]

     Letts, Ia, April 25- P. Reisch is rebuilding his windmill tower burnt
several months ago. Shellabarger & Hurms are doing the work...T.S. Curtis
has two new gasoline lamps in his barber shop...Ed and Max McCormick visited
over Sunday with relatives in Columbus City...L. Van Horn was transacting
business Monday and Tuesday in Oakville...Mr. Wilson, Mrs. Dr. Thompson's
father, has returned to his home in Morning Sun after several weeks's
visit...The sick of our town are rapidly improving...Mrs. Mary Shellabarger
is making some needed improvement at the Commercial House...L.A. Riley of
Wapello was in town today on legal business...Stock shipments yesterday
were: Ben Leiberknecht, three cars of cattle and one of hogs; Will
Leiberknecht, one car of hogs and John O'Brien, one car of hogs...Garden
making is all the go with our citizens...Dr Weaver was down from Muscatine
today on business...Workmen are excavating for Dr. Thompson's new residence,
which he is building on the corner of Cherry and Vine streets. Section Boss
Bailey has a full force at work in the yards at that place...C.F. Butler was
in town yesterday interviewing our marble man. He expects to purchase a fine
monument in the near future for his wife.

SUNBURY [Cedar Co, Ia.]

     Sunbury, Ia. April 26, Sunbury is a typical German village located
about midway between Tipton and Davenport on the Davenport division of the
B.C.R. & N,. railway. It is one of the principal shipping ports of the
division. While yet in its infancy this village promises many rare
advantages. We have two general stores, a large implement house, lumber,
tile brick and coal yards, a good elevator, two saloons and hotels, drug
store, and with al lthe advantages this village occasionally sustains an
attack of infantile colic due perhaps to the occasional outbreak of
citizens' wrath. Each attack has been bravely beaten down and the shock
survives...Born to Mr. and Mrs. Herman Hazel, a baby girl, April 23...Born
to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schaffer, a baby girl, April 24...John Tretjen takes
possession of the Little's Grove saloon five miles west of Davenport May
1....The Sunbury Social club will give a ball in Cook's Hall, Saturday
evening, April 28.

LOWDEN [Cedar Co, Ia]

     Lowden, Ia., April 25- Dr. Cook is fixing up his office and getting
ready for business...Dickie Parr is commencing work for S.H. Kimball at the
Kimball house...Attorney G.W. Geiger from Tipton, was down one day this week
on business...The K.L.G.P will meet again May 1 and expect to initiate
several new members...Mrs. Chas. E. Schmidt is visiting in Davenport...Hans
Andersen is busy putting up machinery out in the country...Miss Martha
Harmel is slowly recovering after an illness of several weeks...Gustav
Martens is getting ready to build a new barn. Mr. Aug. Ruener will do the


     Pleasant Prairie, April 25- Most of the farmers of this vicinity will
finish sowing their small grain this week...Messrs. Frank Berwick, Otto Koll
and Albert Wulf attended the dance at Blue Grass last Friday evening. The
boys report a most enjoyable time...Miss Jessie Rachow was visiting family
and friends in Davenport last week.....Miss Emma Stormer, who has been in
Davenport the last month or so learning dressmaking, returned to her duties
at home Saturday...E.A. Albee and son Gussie were county seat visitors
Monday...A.L. Eis of Hickory Grove, called at the Tough home last Sunday
evening. John says come again, Abe...The services at the M.E. church Sunday
afternoon were well attended...G.W. Rachow called on his old time friend
Henry Meincke Sunday morning...Bert Agar of Sibley, Ia. is shaking hands
with friends in this vicinity...Dr. Vandaveer of Blue Grass was seen on our
streets Sunday morning...Miss Henrietta Messer is spending a few days with
her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Grimm...Roy Baker and Lee Wathan were
callers at Walcott Sunday afternoon...Miss Orlie Baker, who has been
visiting friends and relatives in western Iowa for the past six months
returned home last Wednesday...Henry Jenkins was out trying his new road
wagon last Sunday evening. We wonder what pretty girl will have the first
chance to take a first class buggy ride...Henry Stormer and family and Mr.
and Mrs. August Stormer spent Sunday with William Sissel and
family...William McElroy made a flying trip to Fairport Sunday...Mr.
McGinnis of Davenport was in this vicinity Monday trying to buy some good
horses...Dude Welsh and best girl attended Endeavor at this place Sunday
evening...William Witt of Davenport bought some cattle in this neighborhood
one day last week.

Daily Times
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
May 6, 1900

WEST LIBERTY [Muscatine Co]
West Liberty, Ia. May 8- Misses Gertrude Cline and Wilma Hildeman came in
from Indianola Saturday evening for a visit with friends and relatives here.
Mrs. George Chesbrough and Miss Edith Smith were passengers to Iowa City
Saturday...Fred Beeson spent Saturday with his brother in Muscatine...Mrs.
Robert Clark, who has been visiting in Cedar Rapids, came home Saturday
evening...Miss Bertha Templeman has returned from West Branch...Miss Edith
Dunlap was a passenger to West Branch Saturday...Little Paul McCann has been
quite ill for the past few days...Rev. Fitzsimmons, of Nichols, preached in
the M.E. church Sunday...J.H. Williams has been suffering for a month with a
carbuncle on his foot but is better now.

Daily Times
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
June 1, 1900

WEST LIBERTY [Muscatine Co.]
West Liberty, Ia, May 30- Charles Miller is spending a few days with
relatives here. He is on his way to New York...Mrs. A Tullis and daughter,
Harriett, are visiting Mrs. Tullis' sister, Mrs. Blakemore of
Marengo...Misses Cynthia Hartman and Elsie Davis were Atalissa visitors
Sunday...Mrs. Florence Smith and mother of Omaha have returned home after a
pleasant visit here...Dr. Chesebrough, who has been spending a few days in
West Liberty, went to Cedar Rapids Tuesday.

Daily Times
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
July 9, 1900

TIPTON [Cedar Co., IA]
     Tipton, July 6- A serious accident occurred this morning near Charles
Simmermaker's mill on the tracks of the Chicago and Northwestern Railway in
town. Mrs. Myers, who lives on the Zuck farm, northeast of town, was driving
towards the mill near where the locomotive was puffing steam, but not
moving, when the horses became frightened and ran north along the track and
threw her out, striking her jaw and face upon the railroad iron and breaking
the jaw on both sides and injuring her in the back and injuring her
internally. She was taken to the house of Peter Belgard, nearby, and Drs.
Van Meter and Sansom were called. They decided to put her on the noon train
and take her to Cedar Rapids, to the hospital, which was done. The railroad
people got some written statements from eye witnesses of the accident. The
lady had not regained consciousness when the train left Tipton at noon. Her
little boy jumped out of the wagon without injury and her little girl was
thrown out later, being but slightly hurt...The mayor's court this morning
had a case of belated "Fourth" drunk and fight, against Dick Stryker and
Dave Simpson for disturbing the peace and dignity of the town last night.

Davenport Times
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
Wednesday, July 11, 1900

TIPTON [Cedar Co., IA]
     Tipton, Ia., July 9- Yesterday Mr. and Mrs. Cawthorn and M.N. Jordan
wife and family spent a quiet Sabbath on the banks and in the swim of the
Cedar river...R.G. Cousins is home and resting up to be ready for the coming
campaign...Mrs. Myers, who was hurt on the railroad tracks here last week is
doing well in the hospital in Cedar Rapids. Her lower jaw was broken in
three places and was sewed together with wire...Mrs. Mary Sharp and daughter
Minnie go to Lake Okoboji tonight for a few weeks outing where they hope to
improve Miss Minnie's health...Tuesday evening will commence a series of
lectures on Spiritualism by Max Hoffman at Armory Hall. He expects to
attract great public interest in showing how people may communicate with
deceased friends. We suggest that the question of whether the foreing
ministers have been slain at Pekin, China, be determined this way.

AINSWORTH [Washington Co, IA]
     Ainsworth, Iowa, July 6-Mr. and Mrs. Amos Poland of Avoca, Iowa, are
visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Stewart, Sr... Mrs. Curtz and
family of Oskalooska, Iowa are visiting her mother, Mrs. J.W.
Nichols...Ethel and Lillian Lewis, of Oskalooska are visiting friends in
this city...Jonathan Wilkins has sold his farm north of town to a man from
Kansas for $7,000...David Love went to Denver to visit his
daughter...Lucretia Carson is visiting Pearl Sherfey, of Muscatine...B.A.
Filmor went to Houghton, Mich. for a summer's visit...Mrs. H.M. Mize and
family returned to their home in West Branch this morning, after spending
the Fourth with friends here...Rev. J.S. Nicholson and family of Pleasant
Plain, Iowa, are visiting his father, T.J. Nicholson, Sr.

Davenport Times
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
July 17, 1900

WEST LIBERTY [Muscatine Co.]
West Liberty, July 17- Miss Freda Wittig, of Davenport, is the guest of her
relatives, Mr and Mrs. Wm. Burger...Miss Wintermyer, who has been visiting
her during the past week has returned to her home in Muscatine...Miss Zephyr
Wright was a passenger to Muscatine Saturday...Mrs. Hunter, of West Branch,
is visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Zipp...Mrs. Victor Cogshell
and daughter, Eva, came up from Cedar Rapids Saturday for a visit with
friends and relatives here...Mrs. Walker, of Charles City, who has been
visiting Mrs. Lizzie Jones, was a passenger to Atalisa last week...Miss
Mabel Stoker left last week for a visit with relatives in West Branch and
Iowa City...Sam Kirby was a West Branch visitor Sunday...Mrs. Fahey returned
to her home at Muscatine after a brief visit with relatives here...Mr.
Sanders was a business visitor in Centerdale yesterday...Frank Brock, of
Iowa City, was a West Liberty visitor last week...Mrs. Louisa Heald and
children returned to her home in Cone, after a pleasant visitor
here...Mr.and Mrs. Wm. Ady returned home Monday evening after a pleasant
visit at Belle Plaine with their daughter Lucy...Jim Parkes, who has been
very ill, is much better... Bert Hogue and sister Mabel left Friday morning
for Webster City where they will visit old friends...Miss Maude Darner of
Springdale is the guest of her friend, Miss Ida Mitchell.

Davenport Times
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
Sep 5, 1900

FRUITLAND [Muscatine Co.]
     Fruitland, Ia., Sept. 5- Mr. and Mrs. G.W. Webster spent Sunday at
Letts visiting their son, L.L. Webster and family...Misses Eusler came from
Muscatine Sunday evening for a visit with Ida and Flossie Mile...Miss True
Carr has been employed to teach the fall term of school at Olive Branch
which begins Monday, Sept. 10...C.S. Bird returned Friday from his trip to
the Encampment at Chicago...Miss Jennie Fitzsimmons returned Saturday night
from Brooklyn, Ia. where she had been visiting her brother, W.J. Fitzsimmons
and family...Mrs. Eli Summers spent last week in Illinois, visiting her
parents, Mr and Mrs Shetler...Mr. and Mrs. Will Butcher attended the funeral
of Mr. Butcher's little 2-year-old nephew in Musserville, Saturday...Mrs.
Lulu Webster and children spent last week with her parents, Mr and Mrs
Thomas Fitzsimmons...Mrs. Edith Roberts, of Belmont, Mo. who has been
visiting with her sister, Mrs. Elias Wolf for some time, returned to her
home Thursday...Jake Hartman has the new house belonging to Jeff Chambers
almost completed. They expect to occupy it in a few days...D.R. Parmalee
arrived Saturday from Whitney, Ind. for a visit with his parents, Rev. and
Mrs. Parmalee. He is in the employ of the Standard Oil Co. of
Whitney...Mesdames Henry Leonard and Louis Brel, of Sweetland Center, were
visiting friends near Fruitland last week.

TIPTON [Cedar Co.]
     Tipton, Ia., Sept 4-The B.C.R & N. sold 240 tickets yesterday from here
to Davenport and return to people desiring to attend Buffalo Bill's show.
The crowd of people who went from all points near Davenport was so great
that many had to return without seeing the show except the street
parade...Mr. Rochlk, of the McBirney dry goods house was married last week
Thursday at Bennett to Miss Anna Russer. They have gone to housekeeping at
once...Mr. and Mrs. Cawthron, the B.C.R. & N. station agent, are moving into
the Frank W. Adams house. Mr. Adams moved to Mt. Vernon
yesterday...Leitzinger, the noted Tipton photographer, went to take a view
of Wild Buffalo Bill yesterday.

Davenport Times
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
Sep 20, 1900

FRUITLAND [ Muscatine Co.]
     Fruitland, Ia, Sept 18- Miss Rosa Doyle, from St. Louis, who has been
visiting relatives here left this afternoon on the Firefly for Letts for a
short visit with friends...Mr. Foster, brother of Mrs. C.S. Bird, arrived
last week from Missouri for a short visit. He traveled the entire distance
on a wheel...Mrs. A. Hopson has been suffering during the past week with a
very severe attack of the quinsy...Miss Jennie Fitzsimmons, the accomplished
school teacher, has begun her second year as teacher at the Gros?ean
school...Emerson Moore has leased the George Fitzsimmons farm for a term of
five years and will occupy the residence Nov. 1...Fruitland school opened
Monday, Sept. 10 with Miss Myrtle Heinig, of Muscatine as teacher...Mrs.
Mary A. Scull, of Nebraska, Mrs. Lydia A. Dodson and Frank and Mrs. Martha
Dodson, of Wapello, met at G.W. Webster's Friday for a family reunion, the
three ladies being sisters of Mrs. Webster...Miss Cora Fitzsimmons is yet
unable to resume her school duties on account of severe sickness...Any party
having a good cheap, driving horse for sale may do well by addressing B.F.

FAIRPORT [Muscatine Co.]
     Fairport, Ia., Sept. 17-While we have seen many fine specimens of corn
we believe John Schellhorn has raised the finest or best field of corn on
his farm adjoining town we ever saw...Mrs. Sarah Johnson took her departure
for Muscatine Saturday evening to visit her daughter at that place...S.H.
Croft says he contemplates visiting his home of 30 years ago (Canada) early
next spring for the first time since leaving that country...Philip Hunn has
hauled 700 bushels of tomatoes to marked at Muscatine thus far this season
and expects to haul 200 bushels more. Philip is surely and up to date
farmer...Thomas Sherry is at present making a prospecting trip in the west.

Davenport Times
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
Sep 25, 1900

MAQUOKETA [Jackson Co.]
     ...John Sheldon of Welton and Miss Elizabeth Snyder, of Lost Nation,
were recently made happy by Justice Ralston who spoke the words that made
them husband and wife...The Republicans of South Fork township have named
the following candidates for township offices: Loyal Goddard, clerk; John
Crane, trustee; R.M. Jameson and Francis Wright, constables; D.A. Fletcher
and Walter Moorhead, justices of the peace, WAlter Wyatt, assessor...Frank
Brown and Mary A. Mueller, Alexander McDonald and Daisy C. Small, Jerry L.
Miller and Lena C. Krabbenhoeft, Charles Kinney and Hattie Putnam are the
latest marimonial candidates to be made happy by Clerk haney...Miss Veda
Hamley returned home this morning from Davenport where she had been visiting
relatives. She also stopped off at DeWitt to attend the fair..Mrs. S. Temple
and children returned to Chicago this morning after a summer's visit with
relatives...The Republicans of Maquoketa have nominated the following
standard bearers: John Billups, clerk; James Miller, trustee; A.P. Simpson
and Elmer Smith, constables; Wm. C. Kelley and F.C. Gregory, justices of the
peace; Harry Wilhelm, assessor...Arthur L. Hamley departed this morning for
Chicago to enter the state school of pharmacy...The Democrats of Jackson
county have placed the following ticket in the field: Clerk, Joe Young;
auditor, M.J. McCarty; county attorney, G.L. Johnson...Mrs. Getto Clark went
to Chicago today for a few weeks' visit with her grand-daughter, Mrs. E.C.

STOCKTON [Muscatine Co.]
     Stockton, Ia. Sept 22- Miss Etta Hildebrand, of West Liberty, who
teaches at Nolo, was visiting the Stockton schools on Monday afternoon...At
the election on Monday Henry Broders was elected to succeed E.F. Jackheck on
the school board.

Davenport Times
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
Tuesday, Nov. 13, 1900

WEST LIBERTY [Muscatine Co.]
     West Liberty, Ia. Nov 13- Rob Osborne of Davenport, is a guest at the J.B. Luse home..Jesse Morris of Muscatine was a business visitor here Saturday...A series of meetings is being held at the Christian church, Rev. Roming an Evangelist is conducting the meetings...Miss Lizzie Corbin is having serious trouble with her eyes and is unable to attend school...Geo. Robshaw's new house on Columbus street is ready for the plasterers...Misses Minnie Lamb and Myrtle Mackiniege of Atalissa visited friends here Saturday...Mr. Woodford, daughter Inez and son, Laird, of Grinnell, are guests at the Lambing home...The many friends of Miss Lou Teeters will be grieved to learn of her very serious illness...Jas. Gruell of West Branch was a West Liberty visitor Sunday...Miss Oda Romaine will go to Muscatine tomorrow to begin her work in the school there.

WILTON [Muscatine Co.]
     Wilton, Ia. Nov 12- Dr. A.R. Leith was in attendance at the Republican banquet at the St. James at Davenport last Friday evening...Mr. and Mrs. Kiser of Cedar county have moved to Wilton and are nicely located on East Fifth street in the house recently vacated by James Skelley who lately moved to Chicago...Miss Belle Stutler and O.W.L. Daily will  be united in marriage at the home of the bride's parents in Wilton, Nov. 14, 1900 at 7 p.m....Miss Collins, one of the teachers at the college, spent Saturday and Sunday at her home in Davenport...Mr. and Mrs. George Nicolous and son Leo were Davenport visitors last week...Mr. Kenyon, of Minneapolis, is here on a visit to his daughter, Mrs. W.A. Loving...Dr. and Mrs. Henry Mason have returned from Chicago where they spent a part of their honeymoon...J.B. McCartney, the wide-awake proprietor of the Arcade restaurant, has been having a severe tussle with his rheumatism for the past two weeks.

BENNETT [Cedar Co.]
     Bennett, Ia., Nov 12- Ralph Wright spent Sunday with his best girl in Wilton...Mr. Kinney and son of Annendale, N.J. are visiting at the home of the former's cousin, Mrs. J.H. Webb, in Bennett at present...Mr. and Mrs. R. Babcock, of Maquoketa, visited over Sunday at the home of the latter's sister, Mrs. George Dilley, in Bennett...Chas Eggert was a Davenport visitor on Saturday...Mrs. Wm. Goettsch and baby went to Davenport Saturday morning for a visit with relatives...Mrs. C.W. Hamilton and baby came last Tuesday morning for an extended visit at the home of her father H. Rogennitter in Bennett. Mr .Hamilton has quit his job on the Stanwood Herald and is now working on the Cedar County Republican in Tipton...Ruth Foster returned home from her three months' visit with her sister, Mrs. Francis, last Thursday morning...A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Langman last Tuesday, election day...E.P. Wingert spent last Sunday at his parental home near York Prairie.

Davenport Times
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
Thursday, Nov. 22, 1900

WEST LIBERTY [Muscatine Co.]
     West Liberty, Ia. Nov. 22- The funeral services of George Rolfs were held in the Presbyterian church, Tuesday afternoon, Rev. Bradley officiating. Mr. Rolfs, who was a former West Liberty boy was a switchman and his death was the result of injuries received in the Valley Junction switch yards...Mr. and Mrs. George Ward left Tuesday morning for Pittsburg, Pa. where they will visit and attend to business relative to the settlement of the Ward estate...Miss Edith Lyle of Tipton is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Chas. Briggs...Miss Nellie Donnelly has been quite ill and unable to attend school...Work has begun on the new freight depot. It will go upon the site of the old one.

TIPTON [Cedar Co.]
     Tipton, Ia., Nov. 21- Mrs. Wm. Chamberlain is still very low with typhoid fever, though reported on the street Monday evening as having died...William H. Knott is out again but moves about very slowly. His health has been failing for some months...Miss Carrie Pfaff, of Buchanan has been visiting her brothers and their families and many friends during the past two weeks in Tipton...Attorney Jos. W. Bull, of Duluth, Minn. is visiting Mrs. Eliza Cobb, with his wife. The two sisters and Mr. Bull are all old time people of Tipton in the war days.

Daily Times
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
Monday, December 17, 1900

TIPTON [Cedar Co.]
     Tipton, Ia., Dec. 15- Thomas Matthews was buried last Thursday. He was one of the Cedar counties early settlers, living south of Tipton on a farm, and had the honor and respect from all his neighbors. He lived a temperate life to the ripe old age of eighty three or four...The man who is to hunt up taxable property that is not now assessed as the law provides, is at work in Cedar county, and will thoroughly inspect the records. His name is Captain Worthington, a solider in the Philippine war...Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Staggs expect to go into housekeeping very soon in the Cousins house on North Cedar street...George Wingart has rented his farm and will go to Cedar Rapids to live.

Davenport Times
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
February 8, 1901

STOCKTON [ Muscatine Co.]
     Stockton, Ia., Feb. 5- Everybody is either shoveling snow or sleigh riding these days...The elevator company is adding to its sheds. They are now feeding bout 75 head of cattle now...The morning passenger on the B.C.R. & N. had quite a time getting through the drifts here on Monday morning. There was three feet of snow in the cut just east of the switch on the C.R.I. & P., but a snow plow cut through it about 11 o'clock on Sunday night. No. 2 was hauled by two engines on Monday morning...Rudolph Warner is getting to be a mighty hunter. He has killed 40 rabbits up to date. He goes armed with a stick and a little dog...If the ground hog had put on his specs last Saturday morning, he might for the space of a half hour caught a faint outline of his shadow...Miss Haller was unable to be at her desk this morning on account of sickness. So the pupils in room B had a holiday...Mrs. Jensen's house plants all froze on Monday night and undoubtedly "there are others"...The new Sunday school was started here last Sunday and in spite of the storm two sessions were held, one in the forenoon and another in the afternoon. The attendance was about 25...Read The Times. It comes here regularly. One dollar for three months daily by mail.

CAMANCHE [Clinton Co.]
     Camanche, Ia., Feb. 7- Wm. Dunn, of Clinton, was in Camanche on business Tuesday...Fred Evers is reported quite ill, threatened with pneumonia...Fred Horn, an ex-editor of Clinton county, is quite ill at his home in this city...Rev. J.K. Shiffer, pastor of the M.E. church in this place, is sick with the grip...Miss Anna Horn was in Clinton Tuesday...Wm. Eckerman, Carl Kirk, H. Farnsworth and H.J. Steele were in Clinton Tuesday...A genuine snow storm and blizzard prevailed here all day Sunday. Services were suspended at night at both our churches on account of the inclement weather...Our people were busy all forenoon Monday cleaning sidewalks and making paths so as to be able to get around in our city...L.A. Brown of Kilbourn City, Wis., who attended the funeral of his brother, S.C. Brown, last week, returned to his home last Saturday...Mrs. M.T. Sweeny, of Clinton, has sold her residence in that city, and will  for the time being make her home with her son-in-law, John Sweeny, of this city...Rumor has it that our hotel is soon to change proprietors...Mr. and Mrs. R. Brown celebrated the 56th anniversary of their wedding last Wednesday, Jan. 30, when a goodly company gathered to participate in the festivities. One person was present, who witnessed the marriage ceremony performed 56 years ago. Mr .Brown is in his 82nd year, but for all is still quite active...Concert at the Baptist church Tuesday, Feb. 12, under auspices of the B.Y.P.U., Prof. McArthur of Clinton to direct.

WELTON [ Clinton  Co.]
     Welton, Ia., Feb. 6- Mrs. Wm. Smith, of Fayette, Ia., is visiting friends here...Mrs. David Kindig who has been visiting relatives here for some time, returned yesterday to her home at Kingley, Ia...A son arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Van Horn yesterday. All are doing well...The wedding mentioned last week at L.A. Loofboro's proved to be a double one. Miss Orpah Loofboro to Mr. Wells and Miss Sadie Loofboro to David Ring of Milton, Wis. Both couples left next day for their new homes, the former at Chicago, the latter at Milton, Wis., where Mr. Ring is principal of schools. Their many friends congratulate them...Mrs. Elizabeth Potter, who has been visiting at Chicago, returned home this week...An ice cream social at the home of J.B. Davis, Thursday evening...There will be a grand ball at Paulsen's hall, Feb. 15. The holder of the lucky number will receive a top buggy...John Calahan and M. Sullivan are in Chicago with stock this week.

Daily Times
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
March 15, 1901

TIPTON [Cedar Co.]
     Tipton, Ia., march 13-Tuesday morning about 4 o'clock occurred the death of Wm. Knott. Mr. Knott was known by more Cedar county people than probably any other Cedar county man. He had only been sick about two weeks. He was 82 years old. The funeral will occur on Thursday, March 14, at 2 o'clock, with interment at Masonic cemetery...William Panden was born in Pittsburg, Pa., March 17, 1817,and died at his home near Tipton March 1, 1901...Miss Etta Wallick was up from Bennett over Sunday...Fred Heck is over from Clarence this week visiting his daughter, Mrs. John T. Moffitt...Miss Butterfield, a former teacher in the Tipton schools is visiting friends in Tipton this week...Ed Wolf is back from Fullerton, Neb., for a short visit with his parents and other friends in Tipton. Ed likes it all right out in Nebraska...Married at the Methodist parsonage in Tipton, March 6, Rev. Frank P. Shaffer officiating, Mr. William G. Bell and Jane M. Bromell, both of Clarence, this county...Jas Kelly, of near Buchanan, was in Tipton Monday...Perry Thompson sold his residence property in the southeast part of town yesterday to Wm Busier for $1,700 and will give possession the 1st of April...Born to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. E. Diltz, a baby girl...Born to Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Strasser, a gril...Frank McClellan, of near Clarence, was in Tipton Tuesday...Elwood returned Tuesday from his western trip...Mr. Moffit of south of Mechanicsville, is still dangerously ill...Miss Rose Don Braskey of Cedar Valley was in Tipton Monday...W.B. McBurney left for Chicago Monday to buy a new lot of goods...Geo. Smith Jr. of Clarence, was doing business in Tipton Monday...J.H. McDonald and a friend from the Black Hills country were in Tipton Monday.

Daily Times
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
Friday, April 6, 1906

VICTOR [ Iowa Co.]
     VICTOR, Ia., April 4- Jake Slaymaker of Carnforth was in town Tuesday.
     Mrs. H. Mitchell and Miss Blanche went to Marengo Tuesday for a few days' visit.

MARENGO [ Iowa Co.]
     Ed Rule, manager of the university gymnasium and Everett Couch of Iowa City, visited here Sunday at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Couch.
     Bert Swaney returned to Evanston, Ill. Monday after a visit at the home of his mother. Bert is a student at the Northwestern univeristy.
     Dr. P. Schultze went to Freemont Saturday to accompany his wife home who has been visiting for some time at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cannon.
     Messrs. John Cronin, Joe Beem and Everett Burgy and Miss Mae Keyserr, students at the S.U.I. who were here to take part in the contest of contestants at the opera house Friday evening and for a visit with home folks, returned Sunday to resume their studies at the university.
     Miss Margaret Hogan is in Fairfax visiting with her sister, Mrs. Daniel Cahill.
     T. Leader has returned home from Cedar Rapids after a visit with his brother, L.C. Leader and family.
     Miss Gertrude Fawcett, music instructor in our school, returned Monday from Cedar Rapids after spending her vacation with relatives.
     Master Rufus McKnight of Iowa City spent last week in the city at the home of his uncle, E.W. McKnight.
     John Parks spent Sunday in Williamsburg with his niece, Miss Margaret Quinn.
     Mrs. James Carey and son of Rock Island, Ill., arrived Saturday evening for a visit of a couple of weeks with her parents, Mrs. and Mrs. Ira Ryerson.
     Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Flanagan and daughter, Mrs. Thomas McGivern were in Davenport to attend the funeral of Mrs. Flanagan's sister, Mrs. Brounson.
     Fred Shaw, who is employed with Armour and company of Chicago arrived Sunday for a brief visit at the home of his father.
     Miss Margaret Delaney of Washington township was the guest of her cousin, Mrs. W.F. Hogan Monday.
     Chas. Gode visited in Grinnell Friday evening with his sister, Miss Helen, who is attending college.

AINSWORTH [ Washington Co.]
    AINSWORTH, Ia., April 5- The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Lindley Coon of Newton was buried here on Tuesday morning.
     Mrs. John Jones of Haskins was a passenger from here Monday morning for Newton, where she is with her sister, Mrs. Lindley Coon.
     A grocery store known as the Golden Rule and run by S.A. Chambers has opened up in the new Masonic building.
     Mrs.S.A. Walker visited this week with her son James and family at Washington.
     Miss Pearl Fishburn left Tuesday evening for Chapman, Neb., where she was called by the serious illness of her sister.
     Mrs. Charles Olds left Monday morning for Lexington where she will spend the summer with relatives.

MAQUOKETA [ Jackson Co.]
     MAQUOKETA, Ia., April 5-Editor R.G. Grant has been slightly indisposed this past week, but has managed to be on deck at his office most of the time.
     Miss Anna Wandel, the nurse, left yesterday morning for Indianapolis, Ind., where she was called professionally.
     Ed McMurray is moving into the Marshall Davis house on Main street opposite the High school, which he recently purchased.
     Mrs. C. Fitch is now comfortably located in the residence she has recently purchased from M. Lucas on East Pleasant street.
     Michael Cresis, who has been the guest of his brothers, Edward and George, for the past few days, returned to his home in Chicago last evening.
     Miss Ruby Allen departed Tuesday evening for Ft. Worth, Tex., and will remain some months visiting her mother.
     Miss Elsie Edwards has returned home from Charlotte where she has been taking care of Mrs. Monohan, who was seriously ill.
     Mrs. Geo. H. Kimball returned home from Princeton, Ia., after a three weeks' visit with her sister.
     Dr. H.L. Pool has arrived from Chicago where he recently graduated from the Chicago Veterinary College.
     Michael Cassel arrived from Chicago Saturday morning and will visit with his brothers Edward and George for a few days.

TIPTON [ Cedar Co.]
     TIPTON, April 8- Mr. and Mrs. Walace Davis, who have been visiting at the home of his father, Pat Davis, left yesterday for San Francisco, Cal.
     Mr. and Mrs. F.M. Rider departed on Wednesday for their new home in Cedar Rapids, which is located at No. 116 North Eleventh street. Miss Nettie Rider joined them on Thursday.
     A special from Ida Grove to the Sunday Register says: Fred Heckt who recently failed in business here shot himself in the ear while hunting. Frequently since the failure he had he did not care how soon he died. He leaves a wife and four children. He came here from Jefferson, Ia., three years ago.

Daily Times
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
Tuesday, April 10, 1906

SUNBURY [ Cedar Co.]
    SUNBURY, Ia., April 9- Henry Kobert left for Rock Island Tuesday evening on account of the serious illness of his mother.
     Johan Pickron returned home from Rock Island Thursday after a short visit with relatives.

TIPTON [ Cedar Co.]
     TIPTON, Ia., April 7- Messrs. H.W. and W.R. Fields left to Warnay, Ia., to attend the funeral of John Deklats.
     Dr. R.A. Wash returned Monday from Davenport, where he has been taking treatment in the hospital. He left Tuesday evening for Wilma, Ark., hoping the change of climate will greatly benefit him.
     Mr. and Mrs. J.D. DeCamp welcomed a daughter Sunday.

MONTPELIER [ Muscatine Co.]
     MONTPELIER, Ia., April 7- Mr. Frank Morris returned home Friday after a months' visit with relatives and friends in Boynton, Mo.
     Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Parish of Nichols, Ia., have moved here to make their future home.
     Mr. and Mrs. Edward Davis and family moved to Sweetland, Ia., Wednesday, having bought Mrs. Gester's farm.
     Mrs. John McCulley, Jr., and son, Laurence, of Cotter, Ia., are visiting here with relatives.
     Emma Brant of Davenport went to New Era Wednesday to look after the interests of her farm.

Daily Times
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
Thursday, April 13, 1906

MAQUOKETA [ Jackson Co, IA]
     MAQUOKETA, Ia., April 12- Mrs. Mary March, who has been visiting some weeks with her son, Floyd,and Mrs. Ella Bell and family, has returned to her home in Slayton, Minn.
     Frank Ingalls of Davenport is here visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Ingalls.
     Ted Peterson, the barber who has been confined to his home with the grippe for the last three weeks, was down town for the first time yesterday.
     Miss Mary McIntyre has returned to her home in Dubuque after a ten days' visit here with her sister, Mrs. H. Buchanan.
     Mrs. J.A. Holmes was a passenger for Dubuque yesterday morning, where she will visit at the home of her son, Fred.
     Mrs. H.R. Melton and daughter, Bessie, have returned to their home in Marshalltown after attending the funeral of Mrs. Melton's father, the late Jacob Van Meter.
     Robt. Doran, who has been visiting with his brother, Ross and family, at Spring Valley, Ill. the past ten days has returned home.
     Geo. Rarley has returned home from a few days' stay at the home of a brother, Harvey, near Monmouth. He reports spring work already well under way in that locality.
Daily Times
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
Tuesday, April 17, 1906

MAQUOKETA [Jackson Co, IA]
     MAQUOKETA, Ia., April 14- Fred Waugh and wife came down from Monmouth yesterday and spent the day at the home of his parents.
     Deputy Postmaster Chas. King and family are now comfortably located on his farm northwest of town. Chas. drives to and from his work daily and will soon become a tiller of the soil.
     Robt. Dudley and John Blessing went down the river to Klondyke in the latter's gasoline launch yesterday. The boys spent the day at the dam fishing.
     The high wind which prevailed yesterday afternoon about 5 o'clock carried a large section of the iron railing which decorates the top of Hotel Hurst down onto the repair shop of W.E. Williams and son. Luckily no one was hurt by the falling iron., which broke into fragments.
     Carpenters are at work putting a new roof on the Herman Keller residence on East Pleasant street.
     Ted Peterson, the tonsorial artist, resumed his place at the shop this morning after a two weeks' illness.
     The painters and decorators have been busily engaged the past week repainting and decorating the ceiling in the C.M. Sanborn pioneer grocery house.

 Daily Times
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
Tuesday, April 20, 1906

BROOKLYN [don't know which BROOKLYN- Benton, Black Hawk, Calhoun, Madison and Poweshiek Cos. all had BROOKLYNS!]
     BROOKLYN, Ia., April 18- Mr. Hervie is making some improvements on his home by enlarging his kitchen and putting in gas.
     Fred Thompson came home from Iowa City Wednesday to spend his vacation with his parents. Fred is studying law in the city. This is his last year.
     Harry Wood came home Friday afternoon from Grinnell to spend vacation with his parents.
     Mrs. B.E. Dayton visited her sister Mrs. Copely, of Grinnell, last week.
     Ed Eklund, one of Phillip's clerks, has accepted a position in the bank with his brother Fred at State Center, Ia. Ed's many friends are sorry to see him leave.
     Mrs. D.W. Egbert has been very poorly again. She has been sick for a long time.
     Will Coleman, who has been teaching school in Chester Center, is home. He has whooping cough. Carl Cummings is teaching Mr. Coleman's school.
     Ed Heim went to Malcom Saturday evening to spend Sunday with his parents.
     Word has been received here of the death of Mrs. Starkeweather, of Illinois, sister-in-law of W.T. Sharp.
     Eddie Hall is very poorly.
     Born to Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Shoemaker, April 11, a daughter. Mother and daughter doing nicely.
     Mrs. Crain, who is in the hospital under the care of Dr. C.D. Busby, is getting along as well as could be expected.
     Rev. C. Durant Jones left last week for his home in Perry, Ia. after a few days visit with his parents.
     Miss Jennie Stephenson returned Saturday evening from Searsbore, where she had been the last few days taking teachers examination.
     Harry Terry of Davenport visited at the home of E.C. Odell one day last week. Harry's mother was a Brooklyn girl. She was Miss Lizzie Applegate.
     J.B. Hardy died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Stafford Sunday of old age. He was 86 years, two months and 8 days old. Rev. Hardy entered the ministry quite young. He was a Methodist minister. He preached the first sermon in Poweshiek county in an old log house. On account of failing health he retired from the ministry several years ago. Father Hardy, as he was called, will be missed in this town. He leaves only one daughter, Mrs. Stafford and quite a number of grandchildren to mourn their loss.
     Alex Wood is reported very ill.
     Monday morning Uncle Eddie Hall and daughter, Mrs. Katie Loveless were reported as very ill. Joe Hall of Peoria, Ill. is here to assist in caring for his father and sister.
     W.T. Sharf left Sunday afternoon to attend the funeral of his sister-in-law.

     MAQUOKETA, April 18- John Potter, after a pleasant week's visit here with relatives and friends, departed last night for Aberdeen, S.D. where he will devote his time the coming year to looking after his land interests.
     W.K. Burkett, warden of the county farm, near Andrew, was in town yesterday looking after business interests.
     William Trout reached home from Wamego, Kan. Monday evening, after spending the winter there with his brother, George.
     Mrs. Joseph Dawson of des Moines was suddenly called here by the illness and death of her brother, the late J. Conery.

 Daily Times
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
Saturday, April 28, 1906

MARENGO [ Iowa Co.]
     MARENGO, Ia., April 24- Mrs. Edward Lonergan of Hilton township is visiting in the city with her daughter, Mrs. M.J. Kinnavey.
     Mrs. Edward Kline and baby and sister Mrs. Walter Bahls (or Rahls) of Davenport arrived Monday for a visit with their parents, Mrs. and Mrs. Samuel Bishop.
     Will Foster, who is working in the printing office in Grinnell spent Sunday here with home folks.
     Mr McCoy of Waterloo was here to attend the funeral of Mrs. B. Kirby Monday.
     S.A.A. club tendered Mrs. M.J. Kinnavey a farewell surprise party at her home Tuesday evening. Music and games furnished the evening's amusement. Mrs. Kinnavey was presented with a very pretty souvenir spoon. Dainty refreshments were served. Mrs. Kinnavey will leave next week for Fairfield to join her husband where they will make their future home.
     The funeral of Mrs. B. Kirby was held from St. Patrick's church Monday morning at 9 o'clock, conducted by Rev. Father Carroll. Interment in the Catholic cemetery at Williamsburg. Mrs. Kirby died Friday morning at 10:30 after a lingering illness of several months. She leaves to mourn her loss four children, two girls, Mrs. Mike Moynihan and Miss Nellie Kirby, and two sons, John of Canada and James of this city.
     Miss Nellie Driscoll of Parnell was in town Sunday called here by the death of Mrs. B. Kirby.
     Miss Helen Gode, a student of Grinnell college, returned Monday to resume her studies after a several days' visit with her parents.
     Messrs. Ed Eckert and H.A. Brown have purchased two new automobiles.

MAQUOKETA [Jackson Co.]
    MAQUOKETA, Ia., April 24- Mrs. Chas Hall and daughter Ruth departed last evening for Clarinda, Ia., where they will make their future home. Mr. Hall has been there for some weeks getting things in readiness for their coming.
     A team of colts belonging to Walter Dutton became frightened near the bridge while coming to town Saturday afternoon and ran away, colliding with a vehicle occupied by Mrs. Wolfgang Schwartz and her son. They were thrown out and the lady quite severely injured. Medical attention was hastily summoned and she was taken to her home north of town. She is reported as doing as well as could be expected at present.
     J.A. Holmes, a conductor on the Milwaukee-Davenport passenger train, is enjoying a few days' lay-off.
     Mrs. Walter Chalis of Tipton, Ia., is here, the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. I.M. Johnson.
     Mrs. C.F. Golier has returned home from an extended visit with her folks in Ohio.
     Miss Odilla Orr has resumed her position as bookkeeper in the W.E. Lamey department store.
     Andrew Peters, who has been the butter and egg man at the C.M. Sanborn & company store the past 24 years resigned his position last Saturday evening and will embark in the laundry business with Chas. Noble, they having rented the Sandy Cain laundry. His position will be filled by Chas. Moravec.
     Dee Suthers has gone to Clinton where he will work at his trade, Brick laying.

Daily Times
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
Friday, August 3, 1906

MAQUOKETA [ Jackson Co.]
     MAQUOKETA, Ia., July 31- Mrs. R.G. Grant reached home Saturday morning from New Hampton, where she had been the past week being called there by the serious illness of her sister.
     Richard Benton, George Tompkins, and Will Coverdale left this morning on a two weeks' outing along the Wapsie down near Noels. They will camp at Buzzard's Roost.
     Al Smith and family went to Davenport yesterday morning to see the Ringling Bros. shows and visit for a day or so with relatives. Fay Pain took charge of Mr. Smith's barber shop during his absence.
     Chas. Gallagher reached home Saturday morning from a ten days' stay in Detroit, Mich. to which place he was suddenly called by the serious illness of his father,who showed signs of improvement at the time of his son's departure.
     Frank Cowing, proprietor of the North Main street second hand store, is again at his place of business after being ill ten days.
     Elmer Bowman one of the young farmers south of town, lost the end of his thumb while trying to get a stick out of a mowing machine.

STOCKTON [ Muscatine Co.]
     STOCKTON, Ia., Aug 1- John Lutze sold his 80 acre farm north of town to Herman Thede of Durant for $130 per acre. Mr. Lutze will build a modern residence in town on the old Mishie property which he purchased.
     E.E. Moeller has exchanged his property in Muscatine for the old Kistenmacher place and the Witte property in the west end of town.
     E.E. Moeller has disposed of his threshing outfit to H.F. Bierkamp of Durant.
     Mr. and Mrs. William Banks of Durant were in town visiting at the Moeller home. Miss Edna Moeller returned with them for a week's visit in Durant.

LETTS [Louisa Co.]
     LETTS, Ia., Aug. 1- L. Van Horn, J.A. Thompson, Mart Ellison and E.E. Hadley have arrived home from their trip to southern Texas. Several of these gentlemen purchased land in the vicinity of Brownsville, Tex.
    Mrs. F. Rhyner and children departed last Friday evening for Weiser, Idaho, where they will join Prof. Rhyner. The professor has charge of the Weiser band and intends locating permanently at that place.
     W.H. Ellis departed Monday for Watertown, Ill, where he has purchased a grocery stock. The family will follow in a few days and will make their future home in Watertown.
     James H. Dutton is home from Iowa City at which place he had been taking some special work in chemistry.
     Miss Fiege, who has been visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. James H. Dutton, returned to her home in Des Moines Saturday morning.
     Thos. Meeker fell through a hay rack a few days ago and broke a rib with the result that he is unable to work.



Daily Times
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
Aug 7, 1906

MAQUOKETA [Jackson Co.]
     MAQUOKETA, Ia., Aug 4- Dr. Isbell and wife of Clinton have been in town the past few days the doctor looking after his patients while she visited friends.
     Mrs. J.L. Dolph and son, Simon, left Thursday evening for Mitchell, S.D., where they will remain for an indefinite period visiting Mr. and Mrs. Will Hammell.
     Martin Godard and family of Guthrie, Okla. are here visiting his parents, Mr and Mrs. L Godard on West Platte street, Martin for many years was a valued assistant at the Cundil photograph gallery, but has changed from that line of work and is now employed by a large iron manufacturing company and is well and prosperous in his new home in the southwest country.
     Mrs. Harry Calisnay and daughter of Chicago are visiting at the home of her parents, Mr and Mrs J.S. Biliups.
     Mrs. Jacob Glaser has gone to Clinton where she will remain two weeks attending the spiritualists' camp meeting.

CAMANCHE [Clinton Co.]
     CAMANCHE, Ia., Aug 4- Mrs. Ervah Geise, who resides in Chicago, came to Camanche Tuesday to visit her parents, Mr. and Mr. E.G. Bodie.
     Mr and Mrs Martin Hoyt of Council Bluffs, Ia., are visiting their parents, Mr and Mrs Theo. Hoyt in Camanche this week.
     Myron Howard has returned from Wabash, where he has been clamming this season. He brought with him some valuable pearls.
     Relatives of Rev. and Mrs. H.L. Steele gave them a surprise Friday, the occasion being Mrs. Steele's birthday.
     W. Drennen of Princeton, Ia., visited his sister, Mrs. I.R. Piersol in Camanche recently.
     Clinton A Case, resideing at Council Bluffs, Ia., who has been a visitor at his cousin's, Milton Westgate, in Camanche, for two weeks, started for his western home Wednesday evening.

TIPTON [Cedar Co.]
     TIPTON, Ia., Aug 3- R.A. Marton of Tipton and Mrs. Mary Marton of California were united in marriage Saturday, July 21 by the Rev. W.G. Beard at the Red Oak parsonage.
     Ned Van Metre has gone to Canada to assist his father in the business of the American Loan and Land company.
     Mr. and Mrs. Jos. McCormick and daughter, Grace, left this morning for a weeks' visit at Marengo. They were accompanied by an aunt, Mrs. Margaret McCormick, of Mt Pleasant, who has been visiting at their home.
     Mrs. L.L. Hoge left Tuesday evening on the Rock Island for Hardy, Ia., where she will make a visit at the home of her son, U.S. Hoge.
     Mrs. Emerson and children of Illinois are visiting at the home of her father, D.M. Graybill.
     Some anxiety was felt here this week when word came to town that Bob Sproat, Garrett Perry, John Smith and Frank Brown were afloat somewhere on the raging Cedar river and their whereabouts unknown. Tired of the monotony of camp life on the banks of the river near Buchanan, the boys built a raft and loading up their camp paraphernalia, they turned the prow down stream Tuesday morning. Whoever was at the pilot wheel deserves considerable credit for the craft dodged the sand bars and navigated the stream successfully. A message from Rochester said the boys arrived safe at that point.
     TIPTON, IA., Aug 4- Mrs Potter of Chicago is here to visit her mother, Mrs Amos Wisener and other relatives.
     The Misses Mildred Bassert, Essie Welman, and Clara Oven are home from Cedar Falls where they have been attending the state normal school.
     R.F. Witmer, the coroner was called to Lowden Tuesday to hold and inquest over a citizen of that place, who was killed by a train Tuesday morning.
     Mrs. Daniel Fleagle of Marshalltown is visiting her sister, Mrs. M.J. Hall of this city.
     Mrs. Richard Large who lives near West Branch and her sister, Mrs. Florence O. Moelier were in Tipton Friday.
     George Ross died Wednesday at his home in Wilton after a brief illness caused by inflammation of the bowels.
     Miss Rose Ried of Chicago is visiting her cousin, Mr. Litinger of this city.
     Mrs. Anne Chambers, widow of Dr. C.L. Chambers, died at her home in Des Moines Monday. Mrs. Chambers was well known in Tipton as she made her home here over 35 years. She probably will be buried at Cedar Rapids by the side of her husband, who died in 1894.

Daily Times
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
Friday, August 10, 1906

TIPTON [Cedar Co.]
     TIPTON, Ia., Aug. 7- Daniel Schultz of this city is suffering from a severe carbuncle on his back.
     Chas. Hawkins of this city has purchased the Bagley restaurant and will take possession Aug. 14.
     Mr. and Mrs. E. Crispin leaves on leave Tuesday evening for Minnesota to visit their son and daughter.
     Mrs. Grant Baker and son, leaves Tuesday evening for Minnesota to visit her sister, Mrs. Dan Rightmann.
     Wm. Mahoney died last evening after a lingering illness.
     The drying sheds at the Kettell brick and tile factory collapsed Tuesday, while the men were at work and some of them had a very narrow escape from being caught in the wreckage.

MARENGO [ Iowa Co.]
     MARENGO, Ia., Aug. 7- Joseph Nick, Sr. went to Wellman Monday for a several days' visit with his daughter, Mrs. Fred Schroeder, and husband.
     Born to Mr and Mrs. Joseph Nick, Jr., Wednesday, a son.
     Miss Anna Cronin and sister Frances returned home the latter part of last week from Davenport after a two week's visit with their sister, Mrs. Bruce Hedges.
     Miss Inez Knapp went to Rock Island Saturday for a few weeks' visit with her aunt, Mrs. Blair.
     D. Gode and wife departed Saturday for a visit at the home of their son Carl. While there Mr. Gode will purchase the fall stock of cloaks and fall suits for the Henry Gode dry goods store.
     Emmett Cronin of Wilton arrived Saturday evening for a visit at the home of his uncle, P.J. Cronin.
     Miss May Clapper of Omaha is here for a visit at the home of her uncle, Frank Clapper.
     Miss M. Ellis went to Chicago Saturday to purchase her fall stock of millinery. Miss Frances Beem has charge of her store during her absence.

Daily Times
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
Friday, Aug 31, 1906

MAQUOKETA [ Jackson Co.]
     MAQUOKETA, Ia., Aug 29- Bert Stengel, who is working at the jeweler's trade at LaCrosse, Wis., arrived yesterday for a visit with his family.
     Earnest Langridge, a Chicago telegrapher, came out from the Windy City Monday evening to make his mother and sisters a visit.
      Miss Anna Schuman, from south of town, is learning the dressmaking trade with Mrs. M. Williams.

Daily Times
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
Friday, Sept 7, 1906

WILTON [Muscatine Co.]
     Mr. and Mrs. George Freeland drove to the rural home of the former's sister, Mrs. Chas Wilkerson near Lime City, where they will spend Sunday.
     Mrs. Geo Frenzel has returned from Columbus Junction after a visit at that place with her niece, Miss A.O. Bahns and family.
     The latter part of last week Fred Little moved his family to Davenport and Thomas Kelley immediately moved his family into the home left vacant by the removal of the former family.
     An infant son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Birdsie Norton on Thursday, Aug. 30.
     Miss Emma Whitmer and brother George are at the home of their uncle, Wm Ridenour near West Liberty.
     Miss Stella Sherberger has recently gone to Maquoketa for a visit with her sister, Mrs. Anthony Stall.
     Word has been received of the death of Mrs. Marie Friend, wife of the late Adam Friend. These worthy people came from Warren county, O., to Wilton Junction, Ia., in 1856. Mr. Friend engaged here at the trade of a carpenter. In 1886 Mr and Mrs Friend and daughter, Miss Kiss Friend, moved to Riverside, Ia., where Mr. Friend died a few years ago and at which place Mrs. Friend passed away, Aug. 15, 1906, at the age of 79 years.
     George Brown, a graduate of the Wilton German English college class of 1904, after spending the past two weeks at S U I at Iowa City, has secured a position as superintendent of public schools at Beaman, located in the southern part of Grundy county, Ia. Mr. Brown left Wilton on Thursday and entered his new work for which he is so well qualified on Monday, Sept. 3. His many friends wish him success.
     At the Republican county convention to be held in Muscatine next Saturday, Sept. 8, the delegates chosen to represent Wilton township are: W.D. Harris, Dr. W.A. Cooling, Dr. A.R. Leith, E.W. Clark, Thos. Boot, Nieholas Long, F. A. Martin, C.W. Derby, Henry Drum, M.D. Allen, C.,W. Norton, Fred Maurer, C VanZandt, L.N. Ayres and C.R. Wilson.
     Miss Ella Detchon, an experienced teacher and former graduate of Wilton public high school opened the fall term at Sharon, three miles northwest of town Monday, Sept. 3.

Daily Times
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
Friday, Sept 7, 1906

MAQUOKETA [Jackson Co.]
    MAQUOKETA, Ia., Sept. 5- Albert Isbell, wife and children of Van Horne, Ia., are here, the guests of the Isbell and Miller families and to attend the fair.
     Mr and Mrs. John Gilroy left yesterday morning for Janesville, Wis., where they will visit with her sister, Mrs. E.O. Fleek and family.
     The Pain lunch room windows have been neatly relettered. M. Stanley did the work.
     Miss Alma Weyerich arrived from Traer yesterday and resumed her position at the C.F. Goller store.
     Warden W.K. Burket of the county farm near Andrew was down here yesterday transacting business and calling on friends.

Daily Times
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
Sept 19, 1906

    JAMESTOWN, Ia., Sept. 19- Mr  and Mrs Isaac Secoy were summoned to Buffalo Wednesday by the serious illness of their little grandson, Howard Secoy, who is sick with whooping cough and bronchitis, but is improving slowly under the care of Dr. Bowser.
    Mrs. Wilson of Davenport visited with her mother, Mrs. Walker, Thursday.
    Ed Taylor is marketing his muskmelons in Davenport.
    Joe Willy took a load of farm produce to Davenport Monday.
    Miss Clara McDonald was summoned to Rock Island to help take care of her sister, Mrs. Garriga, who is ill.
    Mr and Mrs. Linehogan took a load of farm produce to Davenport Saturday.
    Mr. Langwith is having his onions stripped for the Davenport market.
    Mrs. Gardner and son Lloyd took a load of peaches to Davenport Monday.
    Mrs. Will Fridley and her mother, Mrs. Anderson were Davenport shoppers Saturday.

Hanssen & Harfst Complete Plans for Stebens Cottage.
    The contract for a frame cottage for Frank Stebens was awarded yesterday in the offices of Architects G.A. Hanssen and D.J. Harfst to Max Ohm. The cottage will be located at Myrtle and Locust streets. Plans for the cottage were recently completed by the architects.

Daily Times
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
Sept 28, 1906

MAQUOKETA [ Jackson Co.]
    MAQUOKETA, Ia., Sept. 26- Mrs. Wm. Gibson has reached home after an extended visit with her people at Burwell, Neb. Mrs. F.C. Gregory, who accompanied her, stopped off en route home at Ord, Neb. for a visit with friends.
    Miss Ella Mahoney left last evening for Anamosa where she has a position as trimmer.
    Miss Elizabeth Kilma of Minneapolis is here visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs. John Kilma.
    Roy Goodenow is painting the Methodist church.
    Louise Peters has gone to Hartley, Ia., for an extended visit with his son Harry.
    Relatives and friends have received invitations to the wedding of Miss Emma Fisher of this city and Mr. LeRoy Lambertson of Clinton, which will occur in the Reform church Monday noon, Oct. 1.
    Deo Hayes is carrying his arm in a sling the result of a fall out of a tree while gathering walnuts near town Saturday afternoon. He fractured his right arm at the wrist.
    The Democratic county convention was held in this city yesterday. The following ticket was named: Representative H. Reid; clerk A.W. Kegler;  treasurer F.M. Alden;  auditor J.W. Melloy; recorder  H.W. Kruse; county attorney W.H. Palmer; coroner. J.F. Ritter; county school superintendent, E.R. Stoddard.


Daily Times
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
Friday, Oct 12, 1906

TIPTON [ Cedar Co.]
     TIPTON, Ia., Oct. 10-Mrs. M. E. Rodebush, a longtime resident of Tipton passed away Thursday evening, the funeral services being held Friday morning at the home at 9 o'clock and the remains were taken to Mechanicsville for interment.
     L.L. Kennedy, the candidate for recorder, is the only veteran of the civil war who has a place on any of the tickets in the field.
     Mrs. H.R. Porter has gone to Sac City for a visit at the home of her brother, R.M. Lang.
     Bert Ochiltree has returned to Tipton and will engage in business. This is his former home town.
     Tipton friends of E.S. Templeton regret to learn that he is seriously ill at his home in Bennett. Owing to his advanced age there is but little hope for his recovery.
     Mrs. Nellie May, who has been making an extended visit at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Spear, left this morning for Cleveland, Ohio.
     Mike Robinson, assistant engineer of the Electric light plant and Miss Leo Timmons, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Timmons, were married this week at the home of the latter's sister in Vinton. They arrived home Friday morning and will go to housekeeping at once in the Powell cottage in this city.

Daily Times
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
Friday, Oct 19, 1906

WEST LIBERTY [ Muscatine Co.]
     WEST LIBERTY, Ia., Oct. 17- The annual meeting of the Union District Agricultural society was held Saturday afternoon at the city hall; President W.P. Nichols in the chair and a quorum of members present. The minutes of the last annual meeting and subsequent meetings of the directors were read and approved. The finance committee was instructed to audit the reports of the secretary and treasurer and report at the first meeting of the board of directors. This committee consists of Eb Fogg, Geo. w. Gause and P.M. Schooley. W.P. Nichols was re-elected president, A.C. Whitacre, vice president and N.H. Shepman secretary unanimously by acclamation. A ballot for treasurer developed a close race between C.P. Worrell and O.H. Martin. The latter won and was declared elected. C.P. Gibson was re-elected marshal by acclamation. A ballot for directors for two years resulted in the re-election of Messrs. J. F. Yetter of West Branch, George Cornwall of Downey, A.J. Stonebarger of Lone Tree, F.F. Carl of Nichols and R.C. Wagner and W.W. Anderson of West Liberty. On motion of C.S. Barclay the date for the next fair was fixed for the week preceding the state fair. President Nichols was named as the delegate from the society to the annual meeting of the State Agricultural society with C.S. Barclay as alternate. Mention was made of the candidacy of W.H. Shipman for member of the directory of the State Agricultural society from the second district and upon motion of C.S. Barclay he was unanimously endorsed for the position.
     Mr. and Mrs. H.B. Watters left Tuesday evening for an extended visit with their son Allen W. in Dexter, N.M.
     Mr. and Mrs. A. Hardin after spending the past week here with relatives left for their home in Chicago Monday.
     D. Smith returned to his home in New Jersey Monday noon after an extended visit here with his father, David Smith.
     Mrs. Naftzgar, while cleaning house Saturday, accidentally stepped into an open register, causing her knee to be dislocated.
     Mrs. E. Harrison and daughter Miss Carrie returned home Sunday after an extended visit with relatives and friends in South Charlestown, O.
     Mrs. Haines left Monday for her home in Vinton after visiting here with her daughter, Mrs. J.D. Fisher.
     W.H. Scott and wife of Gundy Centre spent the latter part of the week with the former's mother, Mrs. E.A. Scott, of Fourth street.

Daily Times
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
Tuesday, October 23, 1906

OXFORD [ Johnson Co.]
     OXFORD, Ia., Oct. 20- Mrs. E. D. Jones arrived home Wednesday after a two weeks' visit with relatives at Lone Tree.
     Mrs. Frank Riddle is visiting her daughter, Mrs. John Pichner, at Cedar Rapids.
     Cyril Bireline, who has been very sick for the last week, is some better at this writing.
     Most of the farmers around here are husking corn. All report good crops.
     Rev. Dr. Hancher, president of Iowa Wesleyan university will preach at the M.E. church in Oxford Sunday morning, Oct. 21.

MARENGO [ Iowa Co.]
     MARENGO, Oct. 18- Miss Norah Mannagh of Iowa City returned home this week, after a visit at the home of her uncle, Edward Franey.
     Court is going on this week. Judge D.A. Byington on the bench Tuesday. The case of the State of Iowa vs. James K. Sparrowgrove for the exposing of an infant under 6 years of age. The jury returned a verdict of guilty Wednesday. Jury trial State of Iowa vs. William Gilliam, illegal selling of intoxicating liquors.
     Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Glenn returned this week from a visit at Stuart with their son, Mike and family.
     Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Nowlen went to St. Paul, Minn., Tuesday evening to live.

MAQUOKETA [Johnson Co.]
     MAQUOKETA, Ia., Oct. 20- A.L. Alderman of Winthrop, Ia., is in the city in the interests of a woven wire fence company and is exhibiting it at the Greenbay lumber yards. Mr. Alderman was a former resident of this place, being at one time engaged in the grocery business.
     Miss Mae Bailey, who has been on the sick list for the past three weeks, is reported as somewhat improved.
     John Keegan, superintendent of the shipping department of the O. McCaffrey cigar house, left this afternoon for Davenport where he will combine business with pleasure for a few days.
     Mr. and Mrs. Will Brady have moved into the E. Raines residence formerly occupied by Earnest Harder and family.

Davenport Democrat
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
January 29, 1907

MAQUOKETA [Jackson Co.]
    Miss Bertha Hand of Mt. Vernon, Ia., is visiting at the home of her friend, Miss Belle Riegel.
    Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hurst's youngest child, a beautiful boy of four years, lies dangerously ill with lung fever. Miss Minnie Boston is the nurse in attendance.
    A "stork" shower was given at the home of Miss Lena Fischer by the P.I.G.'s in honor of Mrs. Walter Jameson. Light refreshments were served and all had a fine time. Miss Blessing won the prize.
    Ed. Ringlep, living on West Platt street, is fatally ill. The doctors are baffled by his disease. A consultation was held Saturday and it was then thought he could not live but a few days. He has a wife and four children and it would be a sad thing to see him cut down in his early manhood.
    The P.E.O. society met at the home of Mrs. Max Wright Monday evening.
    Mr.and Mrs. Frank Trout entertained 18 ladies and gentlemen Thursday evening at a 6 o'clock dinner, which was followed by cards.
    Isaiah Cooley, a man of 76 years, is ill at the home of his daughter, Mrs. John Tracy. It seems to be his wish to pass on, to join his wife who died a few years ago.

Daily Times
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
Friday, Feb. 1, 1907

STOCKTON [Muscatine Co.]
    Rudie Wasner returned home from his trip to Missouri and other points Friday afternoon.
    Miss Lillian Thiel returned home from her visit in Davenport Friday morning accompanied by her friend Miss Ella Miller, of Davenport.

WILTON [Muscatine Co.]
    Wilton, Ia., Jan. 30- The W.F.H. club was pleasantly entertained Saturday evening at the home of Miss Ella Bannick. A new member Miss Edith Henderson was initiated with all the ceremony fitting such an occasion. Various games were played. Formality was laid aside closing the evening's good time with candy and popcorn. Those present were: Grace Woodhouse, Nellie Hendersen, Cora Riggenberg, Edna Smith, Lillian Hucke, Edith Hendersen, Fay Ayres, May Ruff, Stella Mooney, and Ellan Bannick.
    Chas Millwig of Davenport spent Sunday at the home of his mother, Mrs. Mellwig. [Transcriber note: Mellwig / Millwig surname as spelled in paper]
    The N.N.C. club met at the home of Mrs. D.E. Smith. The lesson was lead by Mrs.C.M. Marshall and Mrs. C.C. Bacon.
    The announcement of the marriage of Frank Rouse and Miss Sadie Cuniff of West Liberty was made at St. Mary's church on Sunday. The couple has many friends here, who will be interested in their approaching marriage.

WEST LIBERTY [ Muscatine Co.]
    West Liberty, Ia., Jan. 30- Mrs. Elias Sanders returned from Davenport last evening. She was accompanied by her grandson, Lawrence Klump, who will spend a short time visiting his grandparents.
    Mrs. George Beyers and daughter and Mrs. Harry Richards and son left for West Branch Saturday where they spent the afternoon with their sister Mrs. Howard Michener, who with her husband will soon leave for California to spend the winter.
    Mrs. Will Reed was a passenger for Atalissa Saturday noon where she visited her parents over Sunday.
    Will Maxon was an arrival from Chicago Sunday night and will visit his father and friends in town for a few days.

Daily Times
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
Tuesday, Feb. 5, 1907

MAQUOKETA [ Jackson Co.]
    MAQUOKETA, Ia., Feb. 1- Mrs. Anna Crawford has arrived from Chicago and is visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. C.H. Johnson.
    The mild weather of the past twenty-four hours makes it doubtful if any ice can be cut from the river at Pinhook to fill the large ice houses for the summer use.
    Will Blunt is able to be at his blacksmith shop again after a week's siege of the grip.
    Miss Rose Becker, who is employed in the J.H.C. Peterson store at Davenport is visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Becker on north Matteson avenue.
    Lyle Markland, the tonsorial artist, is in charge of the Ed Ringlep barber shop on west Platte street during Mr. Ringlep's illness.
    Lawrence Cain is on the sick list.


Daily Times
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
Friday, Feb. 15, 1907

   WEST LIBERTY [Muscatine Co.]
    WEST LIBERTY, Feb. 12- The Epworth League will give a valentine social at the home of W.J. Stevens of East Sixth street, Friday evening, February 15.
    The many friends of John Evans will be grieved to learn of his serious illness. On Friday evening he came from Davenport and seemed to be in his usual health and late in the evening retired to his room. About 3 o'clock Saturday morning his son Fred, was awakened by a noise down stairs, and he at once went down to his father's room and found him on the floor unconscious. They at once summoned a doctor ,who pronounced it convulsions caused by poisoning. He still remains unconscious but at times rallies and seems to be rational.
    Mrs. E.F. Foster returned to her home at Columbus Junction, Saturday noon, after visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Lempher, for several days.
    Mr. John Maher and children, returned to their home at Cedar Bluffs, Ia., Saturday noon, after visiting the former's mother, Mrs. Lahey, of Elm street, for the past few days.
    A.E. Gates met with a painful accident Saturday. He was on the roof of his house and in some way lost his footing and fell to the ground. He was found in an unconscious condition, but after a short time he gained consciousness and medical aid was summoned. Upon examination ti was found that no bones were broken, but was severely bruised. At last report he was resting easily.
    Mrs. Hannah Kerr, departed for Chicago, Saturday noon, where she will make an extended visit with her daughter, Mrs. A.A. Hardin.
    Mrs. John De Mean has taken possession of the Carlos Briggs property on New Calhoun street.
    Mrs. Elzina Hawley came from Davenport Saturday evening and spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. F.J. Briggs and on Monday she departed on the fast mail for Des Moines to visit friends for a short time.
    Mr. and Mrs. Theo Jones spent Sunday in Atalissa with relatives and assisted in celebrating the sixty-fourth wedding anniversary of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R.P. Stucker.
    Miss Etta Sanders, after spending Sunday with her parents, returned to Davenport Monday noon.

ATALISSA [Muscatine Co.]
    ATALISSA, Ia., Feb. 12- Zell Lamb, Helen Walters, Vesta Croxen, Vera Miller and Nell Scott were entertained by a slumber party given by Jessie Van Horne last Saturday night. The young ladies report a most delightful time.
    Mr. and Mrs. Halbert Heberling are the proud parents of a baby girl.
    Mrs. Davis of Newton is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Whitehead.
    Mr. and Mrs. R.P. Stucker, who have passed their eighty-fourth mile stone and 64 years of wedded life, were surprised Sunday by a home gathering of all their children to celebrate the event. Mr. and Mrs. Stucker are the parents of nine children, six sons and three daughters, all living and residents of Atalissa, and vicinity, except one daughter, a resident of West Liberty, Ia. The combined ages of the family aggregate 633 years. There are also 15 grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. These old people are gifted with the most remarkable ability. Their many friends rejoice to see them in such good health and hope they may live to celebrate Feb. 10 their anniversary, many times again.
    The many friends of Mrs. Doughony were grieved to hear of her death, which occurred Saturday night. She has made her home in this place for many years.

WILTON [ Muscatine Co.]
    WILTON, Ia., Feb. 11- The enterprising firm of Strong & Potter has purchased the D.S. Wright shoe stock and hereafter will carry a full line of up-to-date shoes.
    At 10:30 o'clock Thursday morning at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. August Worker occurred the marriage of Miss Nora Worker and Mr. Clarence Carl of Tipton. The affair was a surprise to the many friends of both parties. The bride is a charming young lady and has been engaged in teaching school for a short time. The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Carl of Tipton and is a prosperous, energetic young farmer. The couple departed for Chicago, where they will spend their honeymoon. They will be at home to their friends after a few weeks on a farm in Bennett.
    Mrs. Don Stiboldt returned to Davenport after few week's visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Luellen.
    Mrs. W.G. Johnson returned from Iowa City Thursday evening, where she visited a few days with her mother, Mrs. Hill.
    WILTON, Ia., Feb. 12- Rev. and Mrs. P.M. Conant of Muscatine arrived Monday for a few days visit with the latter's parents, Mr .and Mrs. S.H. Wise.
    Harry Blizzard of Fonda arrived Monday for a few days' visit with his sister, Mrs. Geo. Woodhouse.
    Mrs. Lulu Ayres who had been visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. Henry Meyers at Wrayville, returned home Monday.
    Mrs. J.R. Brown was a passenger to West Liberty Saturday where she will visit at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Louis Kapfer.

MAQUOKETA [Jackson Co.]
    MAQUOKETA, Ia., Feb. 12- Miss Maud Murray of Preston, Ia., has arrived and taken a position in the C.W. Comstock store.
    The Wilcox ice cutting gang were forced to quit work on the river at Pinhook yesterday, the sudden rise in temperatures the past few days having put the ice in bad condition. The large store-houses are only two-thirds full.
    Linn Taubman and family are packing up and loading their household goods, getting in readiness to move to Missouri where they will settle on a farm near the town of Lockwood. They have the best wishes of a large circle of friends.
    Attend the B.Y.P.U. "Hard Times" social on Valentine evening at the home of Miss Jean Stengel.
    Miss Lulu Beaver is now clerking in the dry goods department at the C.R. Cave store.
    Mrs Kate Russell has purchased the Dr. C.W. Smith farm in Fairfield township.

Daily Times
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
Friday, Feb. 22, 1907

DEWITT [Clinton Co.]
    DEWITT, Ia., Feb. 19- Mrs. Mary Cavanagh went to Cedar Rapids yesterday morning on business. Mrs. Cavanagh expects to move to that city in about ten days. John Mangen, having rented her place, will move here some time in the near future.
     Miss May Wolfe returned to her home at Lost Nation yesterday after spending some time with relatives here.
Funeral for Mrs. Jno. Spain.
    Mrs. John Spain of Petersville was buried at that place Monday morning at 12:15 o'clock at the Catholic church there, Father Lien officiating. Mrs. Spain died after a lingering illness of some months. She was born at Ottawa, Canada, and was about 69 years of age at the time of her death. She is survived by six sons and five daughters, her six sons acting as pall bearers. The deceased has lived in that part of the country for many years, and was a lady of excellent character. A large cortege followed her to her resting place.

    DEWITT, Ia., Feb. 20- W.H. Schlabach returned home from Oklahoma yesterday, where G.M. Smith and he have been for the past two weeks, visiting different cities with the intention of organizing an insurance company. They finally selected Oklahoma City, and the necessary capital having been secured, the new company will be ready for business about April 1. Mr. Smith returned from there several days ago.
     O.Hunter of Milwaukee was buried here with services at the Congregational church at 10 o'clock this morning. Mr. Hunter was a resident of DeWitt for many years previous to his moving to Maquoketa, and was well and favorably known to all.
     John Guinan and Ash Whitemore each went into Chicago with a car of stock of their own feeding yesterday.
    Miss Mary Ryan returned home to Davenport after spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. Joseph Yagge.
    Frank Blair and Tom Kirtley left for Narivosa, N.M., yesterday morning to look at the country. If they like it, Mr. Blair intends to move his family there some time in the near future.
    Mrs. Jas Robinson, of Welton, spent Tuesday with her parents, Mr .and Mrs. John Philibert.
    Mrs. Noel, of Noel Station, who has been visiting DeWitt friends for the past few days, left for Clinton yesterday to visit friends there.   

Daily Times
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
Tuesday, Feb. 26, 1907

WILTON [ Muscatine Co.]
    WILTON, Ia., Feb. 22- The funeral services of John Friday were held at the home at 10 o'clock Wednesday and were in charge of Rev. Julius Doden, pastor of the Lutheran church and Rev. N.A. McAuley pastor of the Prebyterian church. Those who attended from out of town were Mrs Emma Schless, and John Schless of Dundee, Ia., Mrs. Humphrey, Fred Friday and son, Fred of Valley Junction.
    The Woman's club met at the home of Mrs Pye Wednesday afternoon. The study of English literature was begun with Mrs Ida More as leader. A splendid magazine article. "A Day in Old Oxford," was given by Miss Clara Dodge.
    Geo. McCollum and Miss Anna Christensen were united in marriage at 5 o'clock Wednesday evening at the Grace Reform parsonage, Rev. J.B. Bloom performed the ceremony. The couple are both Davenport people but will reside in Sunbury.
    Guyford Leith, who is attending the S.U.I. arrived Thursday evening to spend a few days with his parents, Dr. and Mrs. A.R. Leith. Tom Scroggs accompanied him.
    Mrs. A.E. Ford, who has been visiting the past two weeks with her mother, Mrs. Wm Johnston, returned to her home in Grinnell Thursday.
    Ray Woodhouse, medical student at the State University, arrived Thursday for a few days visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Woodhouse.
    Miss Lillian Miller of Iowa City arrived Thursday, and will visit several days with her cousin, Miss Etta Bannick.

DEWITT [Clinton Co.]
    DeWitt, Ia., Feb. 22-VEn. Mother Gertrude of the mother house of the Sisters of Mercy at Cedar Rapids was a visitor at the Convent of Mercy here yesterday.
    John Bloom, cashier of the DeWitt Savings bank, purchased the building now occupied by the Iowa Association Mutual Fire Insurance company yesterday from W.H. Schlabach, for a consideration of $4,500. Possession will be given about March 1. The insurance company will probably remain in its old quarters.
    Simon Lawler the drayman, sold his fine team of sorrell horses which he used on his dray, to Peter Stoterau, for a good price. Mr. Lawler also bought a fine horse at the Wiese sale.
    James and Clyde Tague went to Davenport this morning to spend a few days visiting relatives.

MAQUOKETA [ Jackson Co]
    MAQUOKETA, Ia., Feb. 22- Postmaster A.M. Phillips did the mail throwing on the Maquoketa-Davenport run in place of the regular agent, J.W. McMeans, who was ill.
    Miss Lucy Bailey has been on the sick list the past week with the grip.
    Leslie Clark arrived last evening from Iowa City and will enjoy an over-Sunday vacation visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M.W. Clark.
    At the pleasant country home of Henry Heinke, two and a half miles south of town, last Wednesday evening at 6:30 o'clock occurred the marriage of Miss Carrie Roemer and Paul Heinke, Rev. D.F. Boomershine of the Reformed church of this city spoke the words uniting these two young people for all time to come. The spacious home was filled with the 150 invited guests. After the usual congratulations a fine wedding supper was served. Many beautiful and useful presents were received. After a visit with relatives at Onslow, Ia., the happy young people will settle on what is known as the Fred Lockwood farm south of town and enjoy life. They have the best wishes of a host of friends for their future success and happiness.

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