County Probates and Wills
~~~~~*~~~~~ Transcribed by Elaine Rathmann
~~~~~*~~~~~ This index contains probate records which are available on microfilm at the Davenport Public Library and through the Family History Centers. Two types of wills are included in this index: Prowills and Codewills. Prowills refer to probate packets, which contain information about the decedent’s heirs and property distribution. Codewills are wills that were filed at the Scott County Courthouse for safekeeping, but were never probated. Testator Will Type Case Number L Ladehoff, Ida M. Prowill 11407 Ladhof, Johan Joachim Prowill 2791 Laeske, Pauline Prowill 6765 Lafferty, S. B. Codewill 19578 Lafrentz, F. W. Prowill 13380 Lafrentz, John J. Prowill 1169L Lafrenz, Claus Hinrich Prowill 6318 Lafrenz, Dorothea Prowill 12692 Lafrenz, Margaretha C. Prowill 8815 Lafrenz, Martin Prowill 11086 Lage, Anna Prowill 5569 Lage, Cahtrina Prowill 9275 Lage, Christine Prowill 8206 Lage, Christine Prowill 9096 Lage, Claus Prowill 10892 Lage, Claus Henry Prowill 1910 Lage, Ferdinand Prowill 11258 Lage, Hans A. Prowill 7098 Lage, Jochim Prowill 10345 Lage, Jochim Prowill 4064 Lage, John Otto Prowill 12796 Lage, Laura Prowill 11735 Lage, Louise Codewill 18171 Lage, Otto A. (Louise) Prowill 12581 Lage, Peter Prowill 2942 Lage, Richard (Emma) Prowill 12482 Lage, William Prowill 8964 Lager, Christena Codewill 21724 Lagrange, Christopher Prowill 1005 Lagrange, Jemima Prowill 4263 Lagrange, Joseph Prowill 3279 Lagrange, Mary Ann Codewill 14070 Lagrange, Norman Prowill 14071 Lahann, M. Prowill 5490 Lahl, C. F. Prowill 3638 Lahl, Henrick Prowill 3620 Lahl, Marie Prowill 5592 Lahr, Jacob Prowill 10872 Lahrmann, Bernhard H. Prowill 4435 Lahrmann, Otto H. Prowill 5688 Laird, James A. Prowill 8598 Lais, George Fred Prowill 13454 Lally, Thomas Prowill 3173 Lamb, Catharine Prowill 8369 Lamb, Lois D. Prowill 3088 Lamb, R. (Reuben) Palmer Prowill 7031 Lambach, Fred Prowill 6647 Lambach, Friederich Prowill 3893 Lamp, Anna Prowill 6112 Lamp, Asmus H. Prowill 9976 Lamp, Christian Prowill 4287 Lamp, Claus H. Prowill 7810 Lamp, Claus H. Prowill 8658 Lamp, Claus Peter Prowill 3228 Lamp, Gilbert G. Prowill 11879 Lamp, Hans Asmus Prowill 3421 Lamp, Lena Prowill 5780 Lamp, Peter Prowill 2354 Lamp, Peter Prowill 3333 Lamp, Trina (Catharina) Prowill 9180 Lancaster, Aaron Prowill 6771 Lancaster, E. J. Prowill 8364 Landis, Davis M. Prowill 6854 Landt, Julius C. Prowill 8423 Lane, Annie J. Prowill 5620 Lang, John Prowill 6977 Langan, Michael Codewill 22613 Langan, Patrick Prowill 2038 Lange, Carl Prowill 10631 Lange, Carl Prowill 9255 Lange, Edward Carl Codewill 24148 Lange, John Codewill 18620 Langein, Siegfried Prowill 12175 Langenheim, Ernst Prowill 10992 Langfeldt, Elise Prowill 11936 Langfeldt, Friedrich Prowill 2514 Langfeldt, Fritz Prowill 8510 Langfeldt, Wilhelm F. Prowill 13929 Langmann, Fridrick Prowill 13025 Lannan, Maria Prowill 12984 Lantau, Hans Prowill 12273 Lantau, Henry Prowill 8870 Lantau, Maria Prowill 12984 Larkin, James Prowill 14020 Larkin, Thomas A. Prowill 10284 Larsen, Henry A. Prowill 8282 Larsen, Libbie Prowill 12155 Larsen, Louis (Marten) Codewill 24363 Larsen, Rasmus Prowill 8117 Larson, Oscar Richard Prowill 11223 Laschanzky, Henry Arnie Codewill 11019 Latendorf, Claus Heinrich Prowill 5085 Lau, Charles W. Prowill 12001 Lau, Margaret W. Prowill 7832 Lau, Maria Margaretha Prowill 4311 Laudt, Doris Prowill 7075 Lauge, Rudolph Prowill 4348 Laughlin, Ellen Prowill 8449 Laux, Elisabeth Prowill 9244 Laux, Valentine Prowill 6697 Laventure, Mary A. Codewill 19881 Lavenenz, Walter H. Prowill 11507 Lavery, Catherine Prowill 13592 Law, Ehlert Peter Prowill 4082 Law, Peter Nicolaus Prowill 2172 Lawson, John C. Prowill 2 Lay, John A. Prowill 13199 Laycock, Adele Bard Prowill 13313 Leake, Cordelia M. Prowill 605 Leamer, David F. (and Rilla Prowill 12542 Leamer, George Prowill 10498 Leamer, George W. Prowill 9023 Leamer, Martha Prowill 2995 Leamer, W. A. Prowill 10870 LeBuhn, Herman Adolph Prowill 13351 LeBuhn, Johann H. D. Prowill 1828 LeBuhn, Mary Prowill 10251 LeClair, Antoine Prowill 1415 LeClaire, Antoine Codewill 21037 LeClaire, Antoine James Codewill 9374 LeClaire, Harry H. Codewill 19719 LeClaire, Marguerite Prowill 1336 LeGrand, Bernhard Prowill 7207 Lee, Edward Prowill 812 Lee, Edward D. Prowill 12827 Lee, Mary Prowill 6560 Leemhuis, Bernhard Prowill 4978 Leemhuis, Gustav Prowill 5265 Leese, Ben H. Prowill 12740 Leese, Wilhelm Prowill 9197 Lehmann, Catharina Prowill 10100 Lehmkuhl, August Codewill 19824 Lehmkuhl, C. M. Prowill 3627 Lehmkuhl, Christian Prowill 7195 Lehmkuhl, Jacob Prowill 852 Lehnhardt, Mary E. Codewill 20197 Lehrke, Dorathea Prowill 11609 Leischner, Melvin Earl Codewill 22129 Leisner, Elise Prowill 11324 Leisner, Hans Prowill 1307 Leitsch, Christian F. Prowill 6734 Lemburg, Charles F. Prowill 8618 Lemburg, Herman Prowill 9947 Lemm, Friedrich Prowill 6250 Lemme, Clara M. Prowill 9595 Lemme, Edward Prowill 6514 Lenaghan, Jane T. Codewill 17295 Lenglachner, Magdalena Prowill 1774 Lenhart, Jochim Leopold Prowill 2377 Lennon, Winifred Prowill 9642 Lensch, John Prowill 7418 Leonard, Harvey Prowill 2800 Leonard, James Prowill 7112 Leonard, James L. Prowill 11613 Leonard, Margaret Prowill 7258 Leonard, Niobe D. Prowill 7754 Leonard, Pelagie Prowill 4264 Leonard, Rowland D. Prowill 5615 Leopold, James Prowill 2377 Lepard, Alfred E. Prowill 12585 Lepper, Adalena Sophia Codewill 14493 Leppien, John Prowill 4074 Lepsky, Mary C. Prowill 14059 Leptien, Wilhelm Prowill 9602 Lerch, Frederick Prowill 5597 Lerch, Helene Prowill 10705 Lerch, Joseph J. Prowill 6593 Lerchen, Fanny Prowill 8812 Lessin, William Prowill 6257 Lesslie, Charles Codewill left blank Lesslie, Charles Prowill 2161 Lesslie, John Prowill 2091 Letts, Howard L. Prowill 10969 Leuenhagen, William Prowill 10402 Levetzow, Juergen Friedrich Prowill 12649 Levin, Harry, Leon Codewill 24253 Levsen, Ludwig Prowill 9763 Levy, Abe Codewill 15339 Levy, Hattie Prowill 8427 Lew, Michael Prowill 2969 Lewis, Addie A. Prowill 9805 Lewis, Henry W. Prowill 582 Lewis, Horace W. Prowill 9432 Lewis, Joseph H. Prowill 11107 Lewis, Mary F. Prowill 645 Lewis, Wm. F. C. Prowill 8477 Lick, Thomas Prowill 4971 Liddle, Arthur William Codewill 15818 Lien, Heinrich Prowill 13790 Lienau, Dorothea Codewill 15699 Lietz, Henry R. Codewill 21389 Like, Mary M. Prowill 11974 Liley, Lilla B. Prowill 9787 Lilienfeld, Auguste Prowill 6640 Lillis, Martin Prowill 2694 Lind, Peter H. Codewill 11382 Lindblom, Andrew Codewill 15340 Lindemann, Wm. Prowill 8968 Lindenblatt, Andrew Prowill 11466 Linder, A. C. Josephine Codewill 14995 Lindholm, Charles L. Codewill 16346 Lindholm, Katherine De Prowill 11539 Lindley, Cora Thurston Prowill 10036 Lindley, Stephen Prowill 2190 Lindsay, Catherine E. Prowill 4420 Linehan, Mary Prowill 601 Lingafelt, Leas E. Prowill 7546 Lintner, George Gerson Codewill 14997 Linton, Harold M. Codewill 24077 Lippold, C. H. Prowill 13725 Lischer, Edward Prowill 12691 Lischer, Henry Prowill 5588 Lischer, Anna Prowill 5476 Litscher, Bernhard Prowill 11923 Litscher, Henry Prowill 13980 Litscher, Leonhard Prowill 3271 Littig, A. N. Prowill 8992 Littig, John (Louise) Prowill 6432 Littig, Mary Prowill 5204 Littig, Peter N. Prowill 12178 Little, Francis (Susan) Prowill 586 Littlepage, James B. Prowill 599 Littlepage, Rounna S. (Jame Prowill 592 Litzrodt, Johann Ludwig Prowill 3417 Litzrodt, Johanna C. Codewill 4703 Lobsien, Theodor Carl Codewill 20586 Lodge, Ivy Prowill 13222 Lofgreen Frederick Emanuel Prowill 6536 Logan, James O. Prowill 7729 Logan, John A. Codewill 23192 Logan, Matthew H. Prowill 602 Logan, Melinda Prowill 8951 Logan, Sarah Prowill 1142 Lohmueller, John Prowill 7581 Lohrman, Nellie E. Prowill 11746 Lohrmann, Charles W. Codewill 17967 Lohrmann, Esther Codewill 21375 Lohrmann, Meakey C. Prowill 11083 Lohse, Henry Codewill 15402 Lohse, Mary Codewill 17020 Loihl, Catharina Prowill 10479 Long, Howard C. Codewill 23360 Long, James Prowill 3674 Long, Wm. H. Prowill 11217 Longabaugh, Anna Prowill 3758 Loppe, Cahtarine Prowill 13553 Lorber, Charles (aka Chas.) Codewill 21830 Lorenz, Gustav Prowill 13240 Lorenz, Rudolph Prowill 9339 Lorenz, Wilhelm C. Codewill 20358 Lorenz, Emma Codewill 23790 Lorenzen, Andreas P. C. Prowill 12293 Lorenzen, Jens Prowill 7034 Lorenzen, Marie M. Prowill 11829 Lorrain, Emilie Prowill 9637 Lorrain, Ernest Prowill 13392 Lorrenzen, Henry Prowill 12734 Lorton, Samuel Prowill 11367 Loury, Louisa Prowill 11392 Louer, Agnes A. Prowill 6036 Louer, Phillip J. Prowill 3435 Loughran, Delia Prowill 11254 Loughran, Hugh Prowill 10446 Loughran, Hugh E. Vs Green not a will Louison, Anna M. Prowill & Codewill 9824 Lovering, Bessie (see Barri Prowill 12863 Lowrey, Almira P. Prowill 6142 Lowry, Frederick D. Prowill 13236 Lowry, William E. Prowill 6277 Luch, William (Jemima) Prowill 591 Lucht, Jacob Prowill 8407 Lucht, Juergen H. (A. M. Ta Prowill 6470 Luders, Michael and Dora Prowill 2809 Luedemann, Jacob Prowill 6916 Lueders, George Prowill 9717 Lueders, Lena Prowill 7057 Luehrs, John D. Prowill 1076 Lueschen, John D. Prowill 4282 Lueth, Ernst Prowill 8232 Luetje, C. H. W. Prowill 12955 Luetje, Johanna Friederika Prowill 11235 Luetje, Louise Prowill 3481 Luett, Henry Prowill 12099 Luke, James W. Prowill 7483 Lumhuis, Henry Codewill 20914 Lumsden, Ellen M. Prowill 7512 Lunger, Frederick Prowill 2041 Luppy, Christine Prowill 3213 Luschen, John L. Prowill 8233 Luthjens, Johann Gottlieb Prowill 3373 Lutt, Henry Prowill 8217 Lynch, Johanna Prowill 12019 Lynch, Mary Prowill 7072 Lynwood, Wilhelmina Codewill 15395 Lyons, James Prowill 626 Lyons, Patrick Prowill 13829 Lyter, John M. Prowill 8925 |