Scott County Probates and Wills



Transcribed by Elaine Rathmann 


            This index contains probate records which are available on microfilm at the Davenport Public Library and through the Family History Centers. Two types of wills are included in this index: Prowills and Codewills. Prowills refer to probate packets, which contain information about the decedent’s heirs and property distribution. Codewills are wills that were filed at the Scott County Courthouse for safekeeping, but were never probated.        

Testator Will Type Case Number
Paarman, Henry W. Prowill 13438
Paarmann, J. H. Prowill 12788
Paasch, Caroline Prowill 7604
Paaske, Peter O. Prowill 8608
Padgham, Magdalena Prowill 13225
Pahl, Christian Codewill left blank
Pahl, Christian Prowill 3778
Pahl, Elizabeth Prowill 9940
Pahl, Henry Prowill 10002
Pahl, Henry Prowill 4969
Pahl, Marie Prowill 10094
Painter, Benjamin Prowill 4190
Palm, John Prowill 7305
Pamperin, Henrietta Prowill 5010
Panke, Fritz Prowill 12587
Pape, Anna Prowill 7668
Pape, William Prowill 5240
Papenbrock, Muriel A. Codewill 23314
Parbs, Henry Prowill 4296
Parcell, Hannah Prowill 2641
Parker, Ella W. Prowill 3407
Parker, James Monroe Prowill 3292
Parker, Josephine L. C. Prowill 8600
Parker, Samuel Prowill 2223
Parker, Sarah E. Prowill 13977
Parkhurst, Clinton H. Codewill 15497
Parkhurst, L. Edward Prowill 8830
Parkhurst, Lemuel Prowill 5582
Parks, Phebe Anna Prowill 1277
Parrish, Wm. H. Codewill 15306
Parry, Charles C. Prowill 2963
Partner, Mary Prowill 7514
Pasche, Minnie Johannah Prowill 10771
Patterson, Ella Prowill 13646
Patterson, George Prowill 12800
Patterson, George Codewill 12800
Patton, Mary B. Prowill 3206
Patzsch, Walter Prowill 10896
Paul, Andrew Prowill 853
Paul, David B Prowill 11938
Paul, John Prowill 2324
Paul, Regina Codewill 12763
Pauli, Emma C. Prowill 12703
Pauli, Henry G. Codewill 16587
Paulsen, Hans Prowill 4337
Paulsen, Henry Prowill 2302
Paulsen, Margaretha Prowill 8506
Paulsen, Maria Prowill 10028
Paulsen, Maria Elizabeth Prowill 4977
Paulsen, P. J. Prowill 6376
Paustian, August Prowill 12409
Paustian, August Prowill 9285
Paustian, August & Matilda Prowill 7213
Paustian, Charles Prowill 12422
Paustian, Henry Codewill 19352
Paustian, Henry Prowill 4087
Paustian, Jochim Prowill 2662
Paustian, Katharina C Codewill 19681
Paustian, Louise Prowill 9232
Payne, Charles Codewill 13196
Payne, David (Harriet) Prowill 4512
Payne, David Della Prowill 13621
Payne, Harriet Prowill 7647
Payne, Mary Eliza Prowill 11356
Pazderski, Jacob Prowill 7895
Peaslee, Isabella L. Prowill 7019
Peck, Washington F. Prowill 3237
Peckenscheider, Mary Prowill 3069
Peckenschneider, Detlef Prowill 8565
Peckenschneider, Henry Prowill 13126
Peekenschneider, Carl Prowill 2553
Peekenschneider, Robert Prowill 11940
Peekenschneider, William Prowill 12583
Peeters, John Prowill 9452
Peglow, William Prowill 8399
Peiffer, Wiiliam R. Prowill 13911
Peirce, George W. Codewill 16330
Pellegrini, Antonio Prowill 8988
Pemberton, Emma F. Prowill 10898
Pemberton, Eve Augusta Prowill 8634
Penney, Leonard T. Prowill 500
Pentith, Francis Prowill 846
Pepoon, Emaline Prowill 851
Perrier, Francis Prowill 846
Perry, Ferd Prowill 11465
Perry, Frank H. Codewill 16884
Perry, Mary A. Prowill 9427
Perry, Sarah Woods Prowill 4322
Perry, William Stevens Prowill 4429
Perucia, Matteo Codewill 19619
Peshinski, Stanislous Prowill 11905
Peters, Anna Prowill 11511
Peters, Arthur H. Prowill 11627
Peters, Bernard Codewill 20486
Peters, Bleik Prowill 6694
Peters, Carsten Prowill 1769
Peters, Christian Prowill 9596
Peters, Claus Henry Prowill 11406
Peters, Claus Jacob Prowill 4387
Peters, Elisa Prowill 9433
Peters, Hans Diederich Prowill 27
Peters, Hans Fred Codewill 22837
Peters, Henry L. Codewill 19807
Peters, Henry N. Prowill 6067
Peters, Herman Prowill 5990
Peters, John Prowill 12346
Peters, John Prowill 3183
Peters, John Christian Prowill 5151
Peters, John Jacob Prowill 7784
Peters, John S. Prowill 10029
Peters, Maria Prowill 11489
Peters, Maria Prowill 5497
Peters, Mary Prowill 13660
Peters, William (aka Wilhelm) Prowill 9092
Petersberger, Harvey Codewill 16461
Petersberger, Isaac Prowill 10503
Petersen, Adolph Prowill 2785
Petersen, Annette J. A. Prowill 8522
Petersen, August Prowill 835
Petersen, Augusta Prowill 7562
Petersen, C. F. Prowill 2362
Petersen, Carl J. Codewill 24012
Petersen, Catharine Prowill 8821
Petersen, Charles Prowill 8524
Petersen, Chris Prowill 12633
Petersen, Christina Prowill 3858
Petersen, Clara M. Codewill 15262
Petersen, Deglef Prowill 7306
Petersen, Elise C. Prowill 13512
Petersen, Frances Prowill 13050
Petersen, Frank Codewill 13224
Petersen, Gustave A. Codewill 20990
Petersen, Hans Prowill 11764
Petersen, Hans Prowill 12276
Petersen, Hans Prowill 7155
Petersen, Heinrich Prowill 7656
Petersen, Heinrich (Henry) Prowill 5747
Petersen, J. H. C. Prowill 7274
Petersen, Jens Prowill 4165
Petersen, John Frederick Prowill 6229
Petersen, Mads J. Prowill 12891
Petersen, Margaretha Codewill 15742
Petersen, Margaretha Prowill 7846
Petersen, Margaretha Prowill 8847
Petersen, Mary Louise Prowill 11960
Petersen, Max D. Prowill 11960
Petersen, Minnie A. Codewill 21994
Petersen, Paul Prowill 1718
Petersen, Peter Prowill 13633
Petersen, Rosa Prowill 9738
Petersen, Theodor Prowill 5689
Petersen, Walter H. Prowill 13327
Petersen, Walter H. Codewill 13327
Petersen, Wilhelmine Prowill 4267
Petersen, Wilhelmine Prowill 10430
Petersen, William Prowill 10868
Petersen, William D. Prowill 13357
Peterson, Christian J. Prowill 8290
Peterson, Clarence Edward Codewill 21841
Peterson, Flora D. Prowill 7310
Peterson, James P. Prowill 4198
Peterson, Lavinius Wade Prowill 7231
Peterson, Marquard Prowill 12450
Peterson, Neva May Codewill 24473
Peterson, Oscar E. Prowill 7392
Peterson, Thomas D. Prowill 6963
Petherbridge, Wm. G. Prowill 7044
Peto, F. E. Prowill 11009
Petrik, Frances Codewill 23791
Petrik, Frank Prowill 12505
Petrogianis, Peter Codewill 14351
Pfannkuchen, Friederich Ludwig Prowill 12179
Pfund, Theodore Prowill 850
Phelan, Catherine Prowill 4408
Phelps, James F. Prowill 6193
Phelps, Jennett Prowill 7864
Phillipp, Friedrich Wilhelm Prowill 839
Phillips, Ella M. Prowill 9967
Phillips, John Benjamin Codewill 17176
Phillips, Munroe Prowill 6378
Phillips, Willis A. Prowill 7751
Pickering, Charles E. Prowill 3023
Picklum, Frank Prowill 8179
Picklum, Paliga Codewill 16914
Picklum, William Prowill 6002
Piening, Peter Nicolas Prowill 1166
Pieper, Henry Prowill 2495
Pieper, Herman Bernard Codewill 19172
Pieper, Robert Prowill 11630
Pieper, Mary Codewill 11215
Pieper, Samuel Winslow Prowill 9815
Pierce, Tavener B. Prowill 7251
Pietscher, August Prowill 5482
Pillion, Margaret A. Prowill 13271
Pillion, Thomas E. Prowill 14014
Pillion, William F. Prowill 12818
Pillsbury, Jesse E. Prowill 2444
Pillsbury, Mary A. Prowill 3359
Pinckney, Joseph H. Prowill 4197
Pinneo, Mary E. Prowill 13136
Pitcher, Michael Prowill 5031
Place, Jay A. Prowill 8115
Plagmann, Hans Prowill 5462
Plagmann, Lena Prowill 1785
Plagmann, Wilhelmine Prowill 10326
Plambeck, August H. Prowill 10492
Plambeck, Charlotte Prowill 6124
Plambeck, Claus Henry Prowill 1947
Plambeck, Magdalena Prowill 5526
Plambeck, Wilhelmine Catarine Henrietta Codewill 13123
Plath, Ed Prowill 11119
Plett, Henry Prowill 7535
Plett, Jno. Prowill 10287
Ploog, Cecilia D. S. Prowill 3649
Poetsch, Herman Prowill 5777
Poff, Henry Prowill 10523
Pohlmann, Alwine Codewill 24009
Pohlmann, Margaretha Prowill 9526
Pohlmann, Wilhelm Sr. Prowill 8595
Polansky, John Prowill 10500
Pollock, Betsy Prowill 12045
Pollock, D. Y. Prowill 10586
Pollock, Hannah Prowill 8219
Pollock, James A. Prowill 1844
Polzin, Christoph Prowill 5743
Pomeroy, Carl H. Prowill 11311
Pool, Sarah Jane Prowill 2184
Pope, George W. Prowill 13138
Pope, H. L. Prowill 13747
Pope, James K. Prowill 12933
Pope, Mary A. Prowill 11041
Pope, Robert H. Prowill 4308
Pope, Sarah Ann Prowill 4129
Popp, Catherine Prowill 12272
Poppe, Juergen Christ Prowill 2459
Port, John Prowill 9055
Port, John (Maria) Prowill 3546
Porter, Alicia H. Prowill 11123
Porter, Anna Mary Prowill 11814
Porter, Daniel S. Prowill 4374
Porter, James Prowill 5464
Porter, William Sr. Prowill 3457
Porth, Julia A. Codewill 19154
Porth, Karl Prowill 6622
Postel, Carl Prowill 9958
Postel, Fritz Prowill 9510
Potmann, Christina Prowill 968
Pott, Adolph Prowill 2594
Pott, August Prowill 10139
Pott, Louis Prowill 12185
Potter, William Prowill 11037
Powers, Bridget Prowill 8982
Powers, Herman Prowill 878
Powers, James Prowill 3680
Powers, Michael J. Prowill 6900
Pressler, Anna Elizabeth Prowill 1993
Preston, Charles Prowill 3878
Preston, Charles F. Prowill 10182
Preston, Charles Hicklen Prowill 8373
Price, James Prowill 3009
Priegnitz, Liena M. (aka Prignitz, Lena M.) Prowill 8994
Pries, Anna Prowill 13820
Pries, Auguste Prowill 13013
Pries, Christian (Helena) Prowill 12580
Pries, H. O. Prowill 13819
Pries, Jochim Prowill 3289
Pries, Peter Prowill 3066
Pries, William Codewill 11047
Priester, Anna Codewill 11811
Priester, Charles Prowill 4562
Priester, Fritz Prowill 11785
Priester, Gustav Prowill 3135
Prignitz, August J. C. Codewill 17608
Prignitz, Christoph Prowill 8994
Prignitz, Lena M. (see Priegnitz, Liena M.) Prowill 8994
Prince, Geo. K. Prowill 860
Pringle, James Prowill 9135
Prior, Julia Ida Prowill 10279
Pritchard, Elizabeth Prowill 857
Proestler, Henry T. Prowill 9865
Proestler, Matilda B. Codewill 16252
Proksch, John Codewill 22481
Proksch, Sadie Codewill 22482
Proudfoot, Mathias Prowill 7685
Pruter, Johannes F. A. Prowill 5734
Pruter, Wilhelm Prowill 8363
Puck, Anna C. Codewill 22348
Puck, Eggert Prowill 4984
Puck, Henry Prowill 13456
Puck, Marcus Prowill 8570
Puetsch, Mary Prowill 10456
Puls, Christain Prowill 2289
Puls, John  Prowill 12004
Puls, Minna Prowill 3133
Puls, William Frederick Codewill 21631
Pulver, Emilie Prowill 13264
Punt, Joseph A. Sr. Prowill 10627
Purcell, Mary A. Prowill 10944
Purcell, Mary A. Codewill 9657
Purcell, Patrick Prowill 4193
Purviance, John N. Prowill 3217
Putman, Charles M. Prowill 9893
Putnam, Charles Prowill 2602
Putnam, Elizabeth Duncan Prowill 13143
Putnam, Elizabeth Duncan Codewill 13143
Putnam, William Clement Prowill 6131
Putzier, John Prowill 6130