Scott County Probates and Wills



Transcribed by Elaine Rathmann 


            This index contains probate records which are available on microfilm at the Davenport Public Library and through the Family History Centers. Two types of wills are included in this index: Prowills and Codewills. Prowills refer to probate packets, which contain information about the decedent’s heirs and property distribution. Codewills are wills that were filed at the Scott County Courthouse for safekeeping, but were never probated.        

Testator Will Type Case Number
Quick, Clarence S. Prowill 13444
Quick, Patrick D. Prowill 9202
Quigley, Mary E. Codewill 24342
Quinn, James Prowill 6564
Quinn, James M. Codewill 16441
Quinn, Peter E. Prowill 6230
Quirk, Amelia Prowill 9138
Quirk, Catherine Prowill 7591
Quistorf, Friedrich August Prowill 7814
Quistorf, Heinrich Friedrich Prowill 6957
Quistorf, Herman Prowill 7695
Testator Will Type Case Number
Raabe, Friedrich Thomas Diedrich Prowill 5253
Rabe, John Prowill 5315
Raben, Barney M. Prowill 9457
Rachow, Agnes Prowill 9338
Racquet, Louise Prowill 1970
Racster, Mary Prowill 10630
Rademann, Claus Prowill 4086
Rademann, Dorothea Prowill 5179
Raff, Elizabeth Prowill 3347
Raible, F. J. Prowill 3314
Raible, Magdalena Prowill 7419
Rains, L. C. Codewill 17542
Ralston, Samuel S. Prowill 3065
Rambo, Nathan M. Prowill 1603
Ramm, Caroline Codewill 13610
Ramm, Henry Prowill 10088
Ramm, Hinrich Prowill 1405
Ramm, Margaretta Prowill 12454
Ramm, Marx Prowill 11272
Ramm, William C. Prowill 13415
Ramsey, Maretha R. Prowill 9001
Ramsey, Mary Prowill 11272
Randall, Edward Henry Jr. Codewill 13011
Randall, Katherine J. Prowill 13440
Randolph, Daniel F. Prowill 6204
Rann, Fritz Prowill 9136
Ranzow, Auguste Prowill 7188
Ranzow, Charles F. Prowill 6162
Raphael, Jacob H. Prowill 7741
Raphael, Johanna Prowill 7077
Raphael, Max Prowill 7070
Rasche, Heinrich Prowill 10404
Rasmussen, Johann Thomas Prowill 2887
Rasp, John Prowill 891
Rasp, John Prowill 12474
Rathjens, Amanda Prowill 13223
Rathmann, Caroline Prowill 5271
Ravene, Helene Prowill 7303
Ravenhill, John Prowill 7735
Rawlins, John A. Prowill 10922
Ray, W. F. Prowill 10380
Reading, Elsie H. Prowill 13098
Reagan, Thomas D. Prowill 10669
Reardon, Daniel Prowill 5487
Rebehn, Henry Codewill 18306
Reckord, Delos S. Prowill 11230
Record, Lavenia Prowill 8877
Redeker, H. H. Prowill 2154
Redman, Julius Prowill 3850
Reed, Cahterine H. Prowill 12249
Reed, John F. Codewill 24399
Reed, Julius A. Prowill 3034
Reed, Nicholas Prowill 893
Reese, Adeline Prowill 5056
Reese, Clara F. Prowill 6038
Reese, Frank B. Prowill 19164
Reese, John F. & Clara Prowill 4517
Reeves, Edward Robinson Codewill 20705
Regenniter, Diedrich Prowill 4224
Regennitter, Gerhard Prowill 3272
Regennitter, John D. Prowill 7096
Regennitter, Gerhard Prowill 3272
Regennitter, Lena H. Codewill 13706
Regennitter, Sibylla Prowill 6664
Reginnitter, Elizabeth Prowill 3274
Reginnitter, Emma Prowill 7614
Rehder, Henry Prowill 11718
Rehder, John C. Prowill 11791
Rehling, Louis H. Prowill 3767
Rehling, Silke Prowill 9093
Reid, Lawrence Prowill 2243
Reilley, Judith H. Prowill 7795
Reimer, Emma Prowill 13395
Reimer, Fritz Prowill 8958
Reimers, Anna Prowill 12828
Reimers, August E. Prowill 7449
Reimers, Christian Prowill 12194
Reimers, Christian Aug. Prowill 4111
Reimers, Claus J. Prowill 9793
Reimers, Hans Prowill 5177
Reimers, Henry J. Prowill 13655
Reimers, James Morgan Prowill 10689
Reimers, John J. Prowill 11008
Reimers, Reimer Prowill 5158
Reimers, Wilhelmine Prowill 10464
Reinbrecht, Louise Prowill 8607
Reinhardt, W. A. Codewill 24371
Reinhold, Heinrich Prowill 5211
Rienhold, Herman H. O. Codewill 5852
Reining, Charles Prowill 9590
Reining, Louise M. Prowill 13312
Reins, Wm. Prowill 4575
Reis, Ernst Heinrich Codewill 11682
Reis, Gustav Prowill 13171
Reis, Heinrich Rudolf Peter Prowill 8856
Reiter, Adam Prowill 11699
Renwick, Elizabeth Prowill 1572
Renwick, James Prowill 3636
Renwick, Margaret Prowill 9899
Renwick, William Prowill 2810
Reynolds, Edward H. Prowill 13540
Reynolds, Frank M. Codewill 23434
Rhoades, Alma E. Prowill 12873
Rhode, George Washington Prowill 7402
Rhodes, A. John Prowill 9792
Rhodes, Anna M. Prowill 12085
Rhodes, Jane Prowill 5970
Rice, Julian H. Prowill 10064
Rice, Leonard                                                       Prowill 6904
Richards, J. A. Prowill 12376
Richards, Walter Codewill 18992
Richardson, Jonathon Jenness Prowill 9141
Riches, Isaac B. Prowill 1368
Richter, Edward Prowill 13509
Richter, Traugott Prowill 13804
Richter, Traugott Prowill 5741
Ricker, Lydia Prowill 979
Ricker, Lydia M. Prowill 2590
Rickert, Johann N. Prowill 7307
Ridgley, Jennie (*see Hill, Jennie) Prowill 9613
Rieche, Amalie Prowill 12752
Rieche, Otto Prowill 9733
 Rieck, Agnes Prowill 13588
Rieckers, Carl F. Codewill 20741
Ried, Conrad Prowill 4320
Ried, Magdalena Prowill 6043
Riedesel, Florentine Prowill 9852
Riedesel, George Prowill 11362
Riefe, Ludwig Prowill 6619
Riehemann, Joseph Prowill 13485
Riehle, Theresa L. (see Hoeft, Theresa L.) Prowill 11592
Rielly, Thomas F. Prowill 12876
Riepe, Adelbert Prowill 10793
Riepe, Ewald Codewill 18121
Riepe, William Prowill 3055
Rier, Wilhelm Prowill 10197
Riessen, Hienrich Prowill 663
Rifenberg, Perlina H. Prowill 1424
Rigard, Christain Prowill 3390
Rigby, William Prowill 13088
Ringlesby, John Prowill 901
Ringlesby, John Quincy Adams Prowill 903
Ringlesby, Lewis Prowill 902
Rinnert, Peter Prowill 5571
Riordan, Dennis Prowill 2554
Riordan, Margaret Prowill 8474
Rippard, J. A. Prowill 3338
Risley, C. P. Prowill 10505
Ristau, Emelia Codewill 17900
Ritter, Wilhelm Prowill 5286
Ritter, Wilhelmine Prowill 10346
Rix, Hans Prowill 6795D
Roan, John Prowill 3252
Robb, Barbara Madar Prowill 13001
Rober, Ferdinanad Prowill 2407
Roberts, Jane Prowill 3265
Roberts, Julia A. Prowill 12086
Roberson, John Prowill 3874
Robertson, Joseph M. Prowill 914
Robertson, Margaret M. Prowill 6984
Robertson, Marion S. Codewill 14547
Robertson, William Prowill 2219
Robeson, Catherine Prowill 2002
Robeson, Charles Ellsworth Codewill 15591
Robeson, David S. Prowill 2870
Robeson, Edward W. (Minnie M.) Prowill 7841
Robeson, Jacob V. Prowill 922
Robeson, Orville Blake Prowill 12184
Robeson, Rose Jane Prowill 1915
Robeson, Sarah C. Prowill 13459
Robinson, Laura A. Prowill 10257
Robinson, Samuel A. Prowill 17
Robinson, William A. Prowill 7368
Robison, James H. Prowill 2068
Rochau, Charles  Prowill 11786
Rochau, Frederick A. Prowill 6834
Roche, James  Prowill 908
Roche, Mary A. Prowill 11950
Rock, Christian Prowill 9237
Roddewig, Bertha Prowill 12006
Roddewig, Henry Prowill 10725
Roddewig, Peter E. Prowill 6075
Rodgers, Charles B. Prowill 13715
Rodler, Johann Carl Ferd Prowill 5660
Rodler, M. (Mrs.) Prowill 8343
Rodler, Traugott Prowill 2709
Rodler, William Prowill 13606
Roebuck, Mary Prowill 2974
Roehrs, Herman C. Prowill 13216
Roennfeldt, Catharina Prowill 8354
Roennfeldt, Friedrich Prowill 8984
Roeschmann, John H. Prowill 9698
Roeschmann, Mine Prowill 11585
Roettger, Johann Prowill 5139
Rofe, William S., M. D. Codewill 15344
Roger,Eliza Prowill 2442
Rogers, Henry F. Codewill 13575
Rogers, John Newton Prowill 2574
Rogge, Agnes I. Prowill 14077
Rogge, Frances Prowill 12057
Rogge, Nicholas H. Prowill 7097
Roggenkamp, George Sr. Prowill 10091
Rohde, Anna Prowill 8192
Rohde, George Prowill 11877
Rohlck, Henry Prowill 6314
Rohle, Henry Prowill 12048
Rohle, Jochim Detlef F. Prowill 2978
Rohlff, Marx Friederich Prowill 8898
Rohlfs, Henry Prowill 7102
Rohlfs, Rudolph Prowill 12277
Rohm, Anna M. Prowill 10321
Rohs, Fritz (Frederick) Prowill 3558
Rohs, Johann Ludwig Prowill 2640
Rohwedder, Catherine Prowill 7229
Rohwedder, Doris Prowill 12089
Rohwedder, Heinrich Prowill 3062
Rohwedder, Johann Prowill 2077
Rohwedder, Johann W. Prowill 10859
Rohweder, Claus Prowill 3299
Rohwerder, George Codewill 23337
Rohwer, Catharina Prowill 7229
Rohwer, Claus Prowill 3299
Rohwer, Henrich Prowill 7129
Rohwer, Henry Prowill 9134
Rohwer, Mary Prowill 10954
Rolff, August Prowill 5744
Rolfs, Frauke Prowill 8624
Rolfs, Juergen Prowill 3129
Rolfs, Minnie T. (see Jacobs, Minnie T.) Prowill 10544
Roll, Mary Leonard Prowill 11572
Rollins, Eva Codewill 17018
Roloff, Christopher Codewill 4380
Rombaut, Charles L. Prowill 13374
Romeis, Clarence William Prowill 13770
Romick, Jacob E. Prowill 13541
Ronge, Henry E. Codewill 17955
Ronge, Mary M. Codewill 21075
Ronnfeldt, John Prowill 12685
Ronnfeldt, Mathilda B. Prowill 13362
Ronnfeldt, Mathilda B. Codewill left blank
Rook, John Prowill 21584
Root, S. C. Prowill 3496
Roraback, Isaac Prowill 2780
Rosburg, Johanna Prowill 6129
Rosche, Catharina Prowill 12856
Rosche, Frank Prowill 9518
Rosche, Gustav Prowill 13371
Rose, Jake Prowill 10328
Rosenbaum, John W. Codewill 14514
Rosenberg, Claus Hinrich Prowill 13404
Rosenfield, Joseph Mayer Codewill 12014
Rosenkranz, Henry Prowill 5797
Rosenthal, Maximillian (Augusta) Codewill 14800
Ross, James H. Prowill 2965
Ross, Margaret Prowill 10955
Rostenbach, August Prowill 11222
Roth, Lucinda Prowill 14012
Rothermell, Matilda Codewill 6137
Rothschild, Isaac Prowill 13114
Rothschild, Sophia Prowill 8594
Rougemont, William Haase Codewill 18938
Roundy, Ann J. Prowill 9199
Roundy, Porter Prowill 10394
Rowan, John A. Sr. Prowill 3365
Rowe, Christopher Prowill 913
Rowland, Mary H. Codewill 9731
Rowley, Samuel Codewill 13557
Royer, Jacob Prowill 923
Royt, Laura F. Prowill 6177
Ruben, Max Prowill 9087
Ruch, Balthasar Prowill 8299
Ruch, John Prowill 5547
Ruch, Lizzie M. Prowill 10403
Ruch, Maria J. Prowill 9456
Ruch, Rudolph Prowill 4355
Rudbeck, Andrew P. Codewill 15439
Rudolph, F. E. Codewill 13205
Ruedy, Caroline Prowill 10449
Ruefer, Michael Prowill 10571
Rueffel, Adam Prowill 10904
Ruehmann, Fritz Prowill 2846
Ruehmann, Otto Prowill 10748
Rueter, Gustav A. L. Prowill 9911
Ruge, Albert H. Prowill 14062
Ruge, August H. Prowill 12028
Ruge, Hans Detlef & Henrietta Codewill 11398
Ruhde, Heinrich Prowill 13062
Ruhde, Magdalena Prowill 13932
Ruhl, Elizabeth Prowill 7227
Ruhl, John H. Prowill 11132
Ruhl, Lucas Prowill 4252
Ruhmann, Antje Codewill 18426
Ruick, Josephine Prowill 13697
Runge, Charles L. Prowill 14088
Runge, Elisa Prowill 8901
Runge, Henry Prowill 8970
Runge, Henry A. Prowill 2585
Runge, John Friederich Prowill 3826
Rupe, John Anthony Prowill 9474
Rupf, Ellen L. Prowill 12724
Rusch, Claus Johann Prowill 423
Rusch, Henry H. Codewill 15728
Rusch, Nicholas J. Prowill 882
Rusch, William Prowill 5499
Rush, Caroline V. Prowill 13901
Rush, John Prowill 5749
Rush, Kate Prowill 3783
Rush, Michael Prowill 5651
Rush, Patrick Prowill 8270
Rush, Sarah Prowill 9908
Rush, Walter E. Prowill 3027
Russell, Chester Robert Codewill 24034
Russell, John Prowill 13301
Russell, John Prowill 9017
Rust, Johanna R. Prowill 7121
Rutenbeck, William Prowill 250
Ruwe, Henry Prowill 10612
Ruymann, Claus J. Codewill 16779
Ryan, Catharine Prowill 881
Ryan, Daniel Prowill 3894
Ryan, Dennis Prowill 6677
Ryan, Edgar Prowill 880
Ryan, Harry Clemo Prowill 8647
Ryan, James P. Prowill 9962
Ryan, John J. Prowill 9985
Ryan, John P; Codewill 23274
Ryan, Julia Prowill 13248
Ryan, Julia Prowill 9818
Ryan, Mary E. Prowill 11420
Ryner, Jacob Spencer Prowill 11593