Scott County Probates and Wills



Transcribed by Elaine Rathmann 


            This index contains probate records which are available on microfilm at the Davenport Public Library and through the Family History Centers. Two types of wills are included in this index: Prowills and Codewills. Prowills refer to probate packets, which contain information about the decedent’s heirs and property distribution. Codewills are wills that were filed at the Scott County Courthouse for safekeeping, but were never probated.        

Testator Will Type Case Number
Shaw, Charles Prowill 4272
Shaw, Claudine Prowill 7259
Shaw, Edward A. Prowill 10443
Shaw, Jennie L. Codewill 13710
Shaw, Mary Prowill 6045
Shaw, Mary Jane Prowill 12677
Shaw, Robert Prowill 6583
Shea, Timothy Prowill 10756
Sheaff, Alexander Prowill 7005
Sheaff, Charles H. Prowill 1169
Sheaff, Isabella Codewill Left Blank
Sheaff, Isabella Prowill 7427
Sheldon, David S. Prowill 2450
Shell, Oliver Prowill 13560
Shelly, Daniel Baldwin Prowill 1734
Shepard, William H. Prowill 13400
Shepler, Cyrus C. Prowill 6876
Sheridan, Chas. Prowill 7635
Sheridan, Thomas E. Jr. Codewill 24421
Sherier, Mildred R. Codewill 12782
Sherman, Ebenezer Prowill 2635
Shields, James Prowill 982
Shorey, Ida L. Prowill 12810
Shoto, Isaac Prowill 2102
Showalter, Mary A. Codewill 17346
Showalter, Mary C. Codewill 23842
Shrader, Lillian Prowill 14007
Shroder, Christoph Prowill 947
Shue, Christopher Prowill 975
Shufflebarger, Kate (aka Barger, Kate) Prowill 12902
Shunk, Hiram Prowill 14002
Sibke, Chatarine Prowill 5321
Sibke, Hinrich Prowill 4260
Siebengartner, Frances Codewill 11971
Siebke, Carl N. Prowill 12695
Siebke, Friederich Prowill 6745
Siefers, Christine Prowill 11203
Siefers, John Herman Prowill 9807
Sieg, Reinhold Prowill 3067
Sieg, Victoria Prowill 9291
Siegfried, Heinrich Prowill 6710
Siegfried, Rosalia Codewill 16714
Siegfriedt, Johann Louis Codewill 15137
Siegrist, George Prowill 10129
Siehrt, Claus Prowill 6267
Siem, M. F. Prowill 9189
Siemer, Frederich Prowill 4241
Siems, Louis Prowill 9867
Siemsen, Catharina Prowill 6621
Sienknecht, Heinrich Prowill 3266
Sievers, Anna M. Prowill 13473
Sievers, Claus John Prowill 7150
Sievers, Henning Prowill 1009
Sievers, John W. Prowill 4375
Sievert, Adam Prowill 4259
Sievert, Heinrich Friedrich Prowill 2652
Sievert, Henry W. Prowill 11807
Sievert, Hermann D. Prowill 4218
Silber, Mark Prowill 11611
Silk, Kate F. Codewill 12294
Simmons, Beatrice Codewill 20070
Simmons, James H. Codewill 22617
Simms, Reuben G. Codewill 14082
Simon, August Prowill 11744
Simon, Rebecca M. Prowill 13938
Simon, Sophia Prowill 10314
Simpson, Amelia G. Prowill 13127
Simpson, Charles S. Prowill 13989
Simpson, Joseph Prowill 2348
Sinclair, Nancy E. Prowill 12167
Sindt, Anna Prowill 10169
Sindt, Edward Prowill 12507
Sindt, Henry Prowill 10460
Sindt, Henry H. Prowill 4442
Sindt, Louis E. (Mary) Codewill 19670
Sindt, Marx H. Prowill 5654
Sindt, Mina Prowill 13278
Sinjen, John Prowill 3723
Sitterly, Isabelle Prowill 9321
Sitz, Emil H. A. Prowill 11355
Siverly, Milton T. Prowill 3798
Sivertsen, Frances Codewill 21934
Skelly, Ernestine P. Prowill 13291
Skimin, John Prowill 9416
Skinner, Frederick C. Prowill 9519
Skinner, Orville W. Prowill 989
Skura, Anna Codewill 20927
Slaby, Saphronia Prowill 9022
Slattery, Mary Prowill 9283
Slooper, Samuel Prowill 991
Smallfield, Mary A. Prowill 7111
Smetham, Mary Beatrice Prowill 11679
Smetham, Richard Prowill 2401
Smith, A. Judson Prowill 4415
Smith, Albert J. Prowill 13082
Smith, Alma Codewill 12296
Smith, Catherine Prowill 3049
Smith, Ella J. Prowill 12103
Smith, George Prowill 11334
Smith, Helen A. Prowill 6321
Smith, Howard E. Prowill 10408
Smith, Ira F. Prowill 7528
Smith, J. C. Prowill 3624
Smith, James W. Prowill 13639
Smith, John J.  Prowill 9054
Smith, John M. Prowill 6217
Smith, Joseph S. Prowill 999
Smith, Levina (see Eastman, Levina) Prowill 8635
Smith, Maria Prowill 13711
Smith, Mary J. Prowill 8126
Smith, Mitchell C. Prowill 13000
Smith, Patrick Prowill 5519
Smith, Sarah A. Prowill 9599
Smith, Sarah G. W. Prowill 4253
Smith, Simon Prowill 1738
Smith, Tillie Prowill 11651
Smith, William G. Prowill 5640
Smythe, Andrew Prowill 6028
Smythe, Harry R. Prowill 9638
Snell, Amelia Prowill 683
Snider, Alice M. Prowill 6950
Snider, Mary E. Prowill 4297
Snider, William H. Prowill 9086
Snow, Henry Codewill 22975
Snyder, Curtis L. Prowill 7329
Snyder, Eliza Ann Prowill 4189
Snyder, Harriet Irene Prowill 13379
Snyder, Rudolph Prowill 11553
Snyder, Simon Prowill 2320
Snyder, Thomas Prowill 7865
Soeder, John Prowill 8947
Soehren, Reimer J. Codewill 21952
Soencke, Hans Prowill 1843
Soenke, Catharina Prowill 11571
Soenke, Emma F. Prowill 12378
Soll, Joseph H. Prowill 12970
Sonkens, Gustav Prowill 10465
Sonnenberg, Henry C. Codewill 24666
Sorensen, Hinrich Prowill 8278
Sorenson, John G. Prowill 12440
Sorrowfree, Chas. Prowill 9827
Soukop, Anna Prowill 11150
Soutter, John Prowill 6878
Speakman, William S. Prowill 1013
Speer, Edward J. Codewill 17830
Speer, John C. Codewill 16773
Speer, John C. Prowill 2428
Speer, Sarah Jane Prowill 10123
Speetzen, Minna Prowill 12190
Spelletich, Felix Prowill 3039
Spelletich, Michael Prowill 10949
Spencer, Marcus H. Prowill 11333
Speth, Henrich Prowill 10648
Spicer, Charles F. Prowill 11639
Spieler, Theresa (Zirngible, Theresa)  Prowill 5496
Spiess, Lizzie Prowill 6709
Spink, Emily R. Codewill 14194
Spink, Henry Prowill 4215
Spoo, Mathias Prowill 10386
Spraker, John G. (Louisa) Prowill 2944
Spratt, Horatio N. Prowill 8523
Spray, William J. Prowill 13505
Springhorn, Peter Prowill 7377
Springmeier, Jobst Henry Prowill 7791
Staak, Claus Friedrick Prowill 4995
Stabe, Henry Prowill 6592
Staby, Oscar C. Prowill 12892
Stacey, Agnes Prowill 10231
Stacey, Carlton Prowill 4564
Stacey, Joseph Sr. Prowill 1673
Stacey, Stutley P. Prowill 2858
Stackhouse, Annie E. Prowill 10176
Stacy, Elizabeth Codewill 16395
Staffelbach, George T. Prowill 10666
Stafford, Joseph Prowill 8294
Stafford, Mary A. Prowill 8295
Stahl, Carl Prowill 1295
Stahl, Emelie Prowill 12324
Stahl, Henning (Christine) Prowill 12462
Stahmer, August E. F.  Prowill 14098
Stahmer, Henry S.  Prowill 8389
Stahmer, John C. Prowill 10377
Stahmer, John M. Prowill 11461
Stahmer, Mathilde Prowill 19039
Stanchfield, Grace Codewill 9079
Stanley, Charles F. Prowill 4350
Stanley, William H. Prowill 666
Starbuck, Thomas D. Prowill 10187
Starck, Pehr Grave Halvar Codewill no # listed
Stark, Annetta A. Prowill 10356
Stark, George Prowill 10701
Stark, Isaac Newton Prowill 12943
Stark, Joseph K.  Prowill 3077
Starke, John Prowill 9095
Stearns, John K. Prowill 3077
Steben, John Prowill 6585
Stebens, Catherine Prowill 8412
Stebens, Franz Prowill 6313
Stechmann, Annie D. Prowill 12234
Stechmann, Henry Prowill 10590
Steckel, Bertha Prowill 7579
Steckel, Friedrich and Ernestine (Krenz) Prowill 2951
Steckel, Mae Codewill 12887
Steele, Rube A. Codewill 17609
Steen, Christ Prowill 10862
Stefen, Claus Prowill 9104
Steffen, Claus Prowill 1952
Steffen, Ernest Prowill 5283
Steffen, Hans Prowill 3713
Steffen, Herman H. Prowill 8869
Steffen, Joachim Prowill 3177
Steffen, John Prowill 13355
Steffen, John H. Prowill 6590
Steffen, Julia T. Prowill 10907
Steffen, Margaretha Prowill 7640
Steffen, Silke Prowill 5786
Stegen, Henry Prowill 9479
Stein, Katie E. Prowill 10427
Steinbeck, Julius Prowill 13899
Steinecke, Ella Prowill 13749
Steinhilder, Ezekiel Prowill 2555
Steiniger, William Codewill 22080
Steinmann, Edward Adolph Herman Prowill 12693
Stelk, John Julius Prowill 10240
Stellnag, August Prowill 4356
Stender, Elise Prowill 11899
Stender, Henry Prowill 10480
Stender, Henry Prowill 11534
Stender, John Prowill 13393
Stender, Julius Friedrich Prowill 2866
Stephens, Charles H. Codewill 6289
Stephens, James Prowill 5097
Stephenson, Annie Prowill 10379
Stephenson, David Logan Prowill 3651
Stephenson, Julia Prowill 2171
Sterling, Mary A. Prowill 13571
Stevens, John H. Prowill 3436
Stevens, Lydia J. Prowill 4568
Stevens, Mary Prowill 13571
Stevens, Melone Prowill 3454
Stevens, Sanford P. Prowill 7198
Steward, Charles B. Prowill 19180
Stewart, Isabella Prowill 2042
Stewart, Jacob W. Prowill 3682
Stewart, William A. Prowill 1028
Stichter, John Prowill 3470
Stichter, Mabel Codewill 23616
Suckel, Charles August Prowill 12781
Suckelberger, Lucy Codewill 24072
Stuckley, Viola Codewill 22822
Stieger, Caroline Prowill 7360
Stieger, Fritz Prowill 4209
Stieger, Minnie (see McClain, Minnie) Codewill 15971
Stigall, Pearl Codewill 23306
Stiles, Margaret (see Burkholder, Margaret) Prowill 12816
Stockdale, Alexander Prowill 5473
Stocker, Sarah I. Codewill 17117
Stocks, Ellen Prowill 4409
Stoeber, Margaretha (see Michel, Margaretha) Prowill 8307
Stoelker, Ida B Prowill 7054
Stoelker, Theodore Prowill 4964
Stolley, George Prowill 10305
Stoltenberg, Adolph E. & Ella M Codewill 21984
Stoltenberg, Anna Prowill 11716
Stoltenberg Claus Prowill 8668
Stoltenberg, Claus Prowill 9445
Stoltenberg, Claus H. Prowill 12975
Stoltenberg, Dora (see Stottenberg, Dora) Prowill 9628
Stoltenberg, Hans Prowill 3411
Stoltenberg, Hans Prowill 7771
Stoltenberg, Heinrich Prowill 5012
Stoltenberg, John Prowill 10682
Stoltenberg, John Prowill 5031
Stoltenberg, Mathilda Prowill 13458
Stoltenberg, Peter Codewill 18227
Stoltenberg, Peter Prowill 4358
Stoltenberg, Thomas Prowill 9546
Stone, Eliza J. Codewill 12665
Stone, Henry Clifford Prowill 13692
Stone, Henry Heinrich Codewill 3932
Stone, Eliza J. Codewill 12665
Stone, Henry Clifford Prowill 13692
Storm, Henry (Heinrich) Codewill 3932
Stortenbecker Frederike Prowill 6813
Stottenberg, Dora Prowill 9628
Stowe, Robert A. Codewill 22716
Stowell, John Prowill 12678
Strassen, Friedrich Prowill 6813
Strasser, Jacob Prowill 7740
Strasser, Pauline Prowill 13042
Strathmann, Augusta Prowill 9857
Strathmann, Hanna Codewill 16051
Strathmann, Hans Christian Prowill 8402
Streicher, Zacharias Prowill 5546
Strellner, Charles Codewill 15033
Strelow, Emilie Prowill 8424
Strieck, Josephine Codewill 18684
Stroh, Heinrich Friedrich Christian Prowill 6725
Stroh, Lina Prowill 13978
Stroh, Margaretha Prowill 6380
Stroh, Friederich Prowill 5812
Strohbehn, Carl Prowill 7223
Strohbehn, Edward Ferdinand Codewill 20374
Strohbehn, Emil W.  Prowill 12669
Strohbehn, Frederick Prowill 12726
Strohbehn, Margaretha Prowill 9540
Strohkarck, Franz Prowill 10729
Strohm, Josephine T. Prowill 10407
Strong, Charles W. Prowill 13755
Struck, Clara Prowill 14011
Struck, Fred M. Prowill 2155
Struck, George Codewill 15735
Struck, George J. Prowill 3852
Struck, Heinrich Christian Sr. Prowill 5256
Struck, Henry Christian Prowill 7836
Struck, Henry W. F. Prowill 9016
Struck, J. Julius Prowill 5520
Struck, Johanna Prowill 12245
Strueben, Henriette Prowill 11414
Struve, Elise Prowill 9243
Struve, Hans Prowill 3466
Struve, J. D. Prowill 7013
Struve, John D. Prowill 5593
Struve, John H. Prowill 8649
Stuart, M. N. Codewill 22365
Stubbe, Paul Prowill 11051
Stuckey, Samuel J. Prowill 7466
Studt, Claus Prowill 12010
Stueben, H. F. Prowill 8816
Stuehmer, Joachim Prowill 10131
Stuhr, David H. H. Prowill 5760
Stuhr, Margaretha Prowill 6638
Stuhr, Theodore N. Prowill 8579
Stuhr, William J. Prowill 10613
Stuhr, Wm. Prowill 6886
Stutt, Henry Prowill 6483
Stutt, Laura M. Prowill 13118
Stutz, Charles Prowill 13990
Stutzel, William Prowill 9483
Suckstorf, Detlef Prowill 9302
Suckstorf, Friederick Prowill 10185
Sudbrook, Andrew Prowill 8817
Sudlow, Lucy M. Prowill 13014
Sudlow, Phebe W. Prowill 10861
Suellbrandt, Anna and Asmus Prowill 2409
Sueverkruebbe, Catharine Prowill 8331
Sueverkruebbe, Claus Prowill 9990
Suhl, Claus Prowill 9817
Suhl, Herman/Herniann Prowill 12419
Suhl, Hermann Christian Prowill 2325
Suhr, John Prowill 11868
Suiter, George P. Prowill 11557
Suiter, Olive Clark Prowill 9472
Sulau, Hinrich Prowill 5727
Sullivan, Patrick Prowill 1020
Summers, Patrick Prowill 4979
Sundberg, Adolph Codewill 23702
Sunderbruch, August H. Prowill 10306
Sunderbruch, Diedrich Ludwig Prowill 5038
Sunderbruch, Mary D. Prowill 10914
Susemiehe, Fritz Codewill 2983
Susemihl, Gustav Prowill 1035
Susemihl, Oscar L. Prowill 9060
Swan, Mary Louisa Prowill 1125
Swanson, Edna Codewill 16683
Sweeney, James Prowill 13761
Swindell, Ellen Prowill 4222
Swiney, Florence Van Patten Prowill 9404
Swingle, Nicholas M. Prowill 10252