County Probates and Wills
~~~~~*~~~~~ T-V This index contains probate records which are available on microfilm at the Davenport Public Library and through the Family History Centers. Two types of wills are included in this index: Prowills and Codewills. Prowills refer to probate packets, which contain information about the decedent’s heirs and property distribution. Codewills are wills that were filed at the Scott County Courthouse for safekeeping, but were never probated. Testator Case No Will Type Tagge, Fiederich 13742 Prowill Tague, James 19038 Codewill Tallmon, Eddy Ward 17793 Codewill Tams, Claus 11909 Prowill Tangen, Henry J 13611 Prowill Tangen, John 1071 Prowill Tank, Anna Maria (see Lucht, Juergen H.) 6470 Prowill Tank, Jacob 2178 Prowill Tank, Jochim 10093 Prowill Tank, Lillian Thiel 17937 Codewill Tank, Margaretha 5983 Prowill Tanner, John F 13445 Codewill Tanner, Rosa 4336 Prowill Tanner, Sam 3146 Prowill Tathwell, Roy E 19304 Codewill Taylor, Croline R 5752 Prowill Taylor, Edward 1061 Prowill Taylor, Eliza R 2636 Prowill Taylor, James A 11574 Prowill Taylor, James Andrew 10363 Prowill Taylor, Lucy A 13437 Prowill Taylor, Susan E (Miss) 13690 Prowill Tebbe, Anna 5261 Prowill Tebbe, Herman Sr 4171 Prowill Techentin, Henry 4192 Prowill Teegen, Elsa Helen 23593 Prowill Teegen, Elsabe 11393 Prowill Teegen, John Otto 6029 Prowill Teele, Deborah J 7704 Prowill Teller, Frances Emma 5229 Prowill Telsrow, Elsabe 13319 Prowill Telsrow, Henry 9139 Prowill Telzrow, Fritz 9004 Prowill Tenbensel, William 12116 Prowill Tenebom, Morris 16866 Codewill Tengleen, John P 7113 Prowill Ternecek, Anna 16554 Codewill Ternecek, Emma 14091 Codewill Tetens, John F.E. 22843 Codewill Tetens, Maria 47 Prowill Teufel, William Autust 22254 Codewill Tevoet, Lambert 10398 Prowill Tevoet, Maria 11401 Prowill Tewes, Johan 2499 Prowill Thede, Hans 13667 Prowill Thede, Hans 4472 Prowill Thede, Henry 11190 Prowill Thede, Peter 6860 Prowill Thedens, Hans J 13499 Prowill Theiss, Margaret 23885 Codewill Theleman, Carrie C 24404 Codewill Thelemann, Robert 11780 Prowill Theolphius, William 11006 Prowill Theunen, George 13955 Codewill Thiel, Ferdinand 13486 Prowill Thiel, John 12497 Prowill Thielvoldt, William 2530 Prowill Theiring, Bernard 9411 Prowill Theiring, William (Margaretha) 12479 Prowill Theisen, Lena 12338 Prowill Thistle, Ann N 158 Prowill Thode, Emilie 12959 Prowill Thode, Henry 3594 Prowill Thode, Juergen 9603 Prowill Thode, Jurgen 11840 Prowill Thode, Mary 13455 Prowill Thode, Mary C 12597 Prowill Thode, Marz 18648 Codewill Thode, William 13638 Prowill Thodt, Chas 6803 Prowill Thodt, Jochim 3840 Prowill Thoeming, Margaretha 15885 Codewill Thomas, David 10761 Prowill Thomas, Lena 12977 Prowill Thomas, Martha Ann 8540 Prowill Thoming, Doris 8533 Prowill Thompson, Christ 12698 Prowill Thompson, Clarinda A 4140 Prowill Thompson, James 2333 Prowill Thompson, James 3797 Prowill Thompson, Margaret 3172 Prowill Thompson, Margaret A 1173 Prowill Thompson, Mary Ann 6597 Prowill Thompson, Mary E 7300 Prowill Thompson, Nathaniel 3270 Prowill Thompson, Robert Leslie 22901 Codewill Thompson, Thomas 9417 Prowill Thoms, Catharina 3553 Prowill Thoms, Hans Friederich 10155 Prowill Thomsen, Claus P 10147 Prowill Thomsen, Friedrich 2730 Prowill Thomsen, Hans 6911 Prowill Thomsen, Hans Christian 5993 Prowill Thomsen, Henry P 13125 Prowill Thomsen, Johann Peter 1821 Prowill Thomsen, Martin 22093 Prowill Thomsen, P.J. 13446 Prowill Thomsen, Peter N 9469 Prowill Thomsen, Soren 20537 Codewill Thomson, Hugh Mair 2576 Prowill Thomson, James R 7494 Prowill Thomson, Jean 7547 Prowill Thorington, James 2639 Prowill thorley, Clarence I 19219 Codewill Thormahlen, Ernst 1080 Prowill Thorsen, Anna Margarethe 13304 Prowill Thorsen, August 24005 Codewill Thorsen, Johann Jurgen 11460 Prowill Thuenen, Henry 7814 Prowill Thwaites, Florence Mary 15347 Codewill Tichener, Jane 3836 Codewill Tichener, Enos 926 Prowill Tiedemann, H.H. 3635 Prowill Tiedje, Magdalena 1086 Prowill Tiedje, Detlef 1069 Prowill Tietje, Elseba 3051 Prowill Tilebein, Ann 11494 Prowill Tilebein, Emil Albert 5659 Prowill Tilford, Eugene S 7046 Prowill Tilford, Josephine M 20021 Codewill Tilford, Josephine W 23659 Codewill Tillotson, Maggie A 11635 Prowill Timm, Christ 4573 Prowill Timm, Claus Henry 7?0 Prowill Timm, Henry 6188 Prowill Timmerman, Maria 114?0 Prowill Timothy, E.J. 7885 Prowill Einnian, Jerome 127?9 Prowill Tito, Hermann Friedrich 4281 Prowill Titterington, Frank L 21161 Codewill Tobin, Mary 12335 Prowill Tobin, Matthew J 7406 Prowill Tobin, Richard 3787 Prowill Toerring, Christian 4464 Prowill Toerring, Dorothea 10001 Prowill Toher, Catherine 12204 Prowill Toll, Christian F 5637 Prowill Toll, John 8434 Prowill Tomas, Samuel 8368 Prowill Tomlinson, Seward W 13497 Prowill Tomson, Zoe 13359 Prowill Tonndorf, Albin 3176 Prowill Tonsfeldt, hans 11396 Prowill Topp, Anna 19012 Codewill Topp, Hans 3393 Prowill Topp, John Henry 6767 Prowill Torrance, Dick P 24600 Codewill Tortt, Frank 6632 Prowill Tortt, Hannah 8923 Prowill Toynbee, Ann 13963 Codewill Tracy, Joab 8281 Prowill Traeger, Margaretha 4378 Prowill Trainar, John 8406 Prowill Trainer, Mary E 18852 Codewill Trainer,, Michael D 14004 Prowill Trede, Edward 10202 Prowill Trede, Herman 12445 Codewill Treeson, Henry (see Case 12944) 12880 Prowill Treeson, Lottie 12944 Prowill Treftz, Adam G 23307 Codewill Treftz, Henry 9153 Prowill Treimer, Herman 10011 Prowill Trimble, Emma Fletcher 3583 Prowill Troe, John Henry 5792 Prowill Tromley, Alice E 11896 Prowill Troop, Robert 1030 Prowill True, David 948 Prowill Tuberty, Margaret 23114 Codewill Tuchfarber, Joseph 5712 Prowill Tuerk, Julius Gustav 2650 Prowill Tuerk, Luise 3596 Prowill Tuey, Margaret 8413 Prowill Tunnicliff, John G 21208 Codewill Tunnicliff, N.H. 18811 Codewill Turner, Ellen 3934 Prowill Turner, Ellen 9222 Prowill Turner, James 1057 Prowill Turner, James P 7168 Prowill Twigg, Maggie 11081 Prowill Tyner, Ella 10911 Prowill Testator Case No Will Type Unangst, J.D. 12904 Prowill Untiedt, Claus 3075 Codewill Untiedt, Hans 5101 Prowill Untiedt, Heinrich 10438 Prowill Untiedt, Peter 14339 Codewill Utech, Ernest C 9351 Prowill Utech, Margaretha 9746 Prowill Vale, Elizabeth 1097 Prowill Van Boskirk, Elizabeth R 11427 Prowill Van Duzer, Louisa Ann 7845 Prowill Van Dyke, Richard 1094 Prowill Van Evera, Charles (see Evera, Charles Van) 9570 Prowill Van Orsdal, Claude 19680 Codewill Van Patten, Florence (see Swiney, Florence) 9404 Prowill Van Patten, John P 7451 Prowill Van Sant, Lydia A 6222 Prowill Van Tuyl, N 6798 Prowill Van Tuyl, Patience E 5237 Prowill Van Tuyl, Susan 4046 Prowill Van Tuyl, William 2591 Prowill Vanderlip, William Fred 16363 Codewill Vanderslice, I.L. 12836 Codewill Vanderslice, W.W. 9179 Prowill Vanderveer, A.W. 7592 Prowill Vanderveer, William I 13036 Prowill Vanderveer, William T 2644 Prowill Vanduzer, Griswold 1965 Prowill Vannier, Frederic 12549 Prowill Vansant, John W 5255 Prowill Vavores,Christ (aka Christ Vavourakis) 11915 Prowill Veider, Addie A 7092 Codewill Vendt, Charles 5130 Prowill Vennekohl, Robert 11430 Prowill Verder, Addie A 7092 Prowill Verder, Charlotte C 11152 Prowill Verder, Louisa B 4957 Prowill Viele, Patience (see Newcomb, Patience) 3182 Prowill Vieths, Helene M 13968 Prowill Vieweg, Minna A 12199 Prowill Villian, Paul Peter 4176 Prowill Villwock, John F 5190 Prowill Vinall, Annie K 12174 Prowill Vincent, Annie T 9485 Prowill Vincent, Charles S 8298 Prowill Vincent, George Hall 6016 Prowill Viohl, Anna 1098 Prowill Vitzthum, Anna E 6030 Prowill Vitzthum, Caspar 3660 Prowill Vodenberg, Peter 2250 Prowill Voelkers, ___ 8960 Prowill Voelkers, Claus 9820 Prowill Vogel, Emilie S 14080 Prowill Vogel, Gustav 12248 Prowill Vogel, Margret 7673 Prowill Vogler, Jacob 19104 Codewill Vogler, Jacob 2805 Prowill Vogler, Johan anton 4033 Prowill Vogt, Amelia 22585 Codewill Vogt, August 13681 Prowill Vogt, Frank J 18379 Codewill Vogt, Fred 6245 Prowill Vogt, Henry T 4474 Prowill Vogt, John 6871 Prowill Vogt, Timm 893 Prowill Volimer, Anna Babetta 13853 Prowill Volkman, Henry C 12794 Prowill Vollmer, Christian 4972 Prowill Vollmer, Dorothea 12307 Prowill Vollmer, Emil 4109 Prowill Vollmer, Henry 3076 Prowill Vollmer, Jessie P 13555 Prowill Vollstedt, Augusta 6004 Prowill Volquardsen, Herman F 21540 Codewill Volquardsen, H.F. 11335 Prowill Volrath, George 19239 Codewill Von Ach, Frank 12051 Prowill Von Bergen, Eduard Tobias 11447 Prowill Von Der Geest, Anna 13241 Prowill Von Der Geest, Hinrich (see Geest, Hinrich Von Der) 9553 Prowill Von Gunton, Ulrich 10193 Prowill Von Koeckritz, Curt William 12287 Prowill Von Maur, Charles J 12225 Prowill Voss, Chas N 9635 Prowill Voss, Ernest H 13756 Prowill Voss, Hans Herman 5478 Prowill Voss, Henry J 12181 Prowill Voss, John A 11042 Prowill Voss, Richard J 23532 Codewill Vrooman, George E 9751 Prowill |