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From History of War Activities of Scott County, Iowa 1917-1918 The Physicians and Surgeons by Dr. E.M. Kingsbury ..A brief resume of them and their status in April, 1919 follows:
Larned V.P. Allen, 32, single; entered service as First Lieutenant July 3, 1917. Spent three months at Des Moines, Iowa, eleven months at Camp Cody with Field Hospital No. 134. He went to France as Captain in September, 1918; was graduated from the Army Sanitary School at Langres, France. Acted as Bn. Surgeon for the 26th Infantry,1st Division, in Meuse-Argonne drive.Honorably discharged at New York City, December 21, 1918. Hugh P. Barton, 33, single; entered service as First Lieutenant September 29, 1917. Served with the 42d Infantry, 12th Division at Camp Dodge, Camp Devens, and Camp Upton. Recommended for promotion November 14, 1918. In base hospital work at Camp Devens. Was an assistant examiner for Exemption Board No. 1, Davenport, Iowa, before enlistment. George Bawden, 38, married; entered the service as Frist Lieutenant, June 28, 1917. Stationed at Medical Officers training Camp and Base Hospital at Fort Riley, Kansas, August 17th to April 1918; at out patient clinic, Camp Lee July to December 1918; at School of Urology, Fort Oglethorpe April to July, 1918. William S Binford, Dixon, Iowa, 43, married; entered service as Captain July 6, 1917. Stationed at Base Hospital Fort Riley, C.O. pneumonia section, general medical consultant for medical and surgical sections from December 22, 1918 to time of discharge. Recommended for promotion. Charles E Block, 29, single; entered service as First Lieutenant January 3, 1918. Stationed at Rochester, Minn., for special work; then at Fort Riley; then at Allentown, Penn. Went to France in September, 1918, with Base Hospital No. 82 at Toul. After armistice to Tours, Medical Headquarters, then to Coblenz, Prussia, Holland, and Germany with surgical unit. W. Blything, Bettendorf, Iowa, 38; entered service March, 1918, as Captain.Stationed with Base Hospital 88th Division. Served as member of Scott County Exemption Board before enlistment. George Braunlich, 28, single; entered service June, 1918, as First Lieutenant. Was stationed in Base Hospital at Fort McArthur and later sent to Manila, P.I. Still overseas. John D Cantwell, 41, married; entered service June 30, 1918, as First Lieutenant. Stationed at Base Hospital No. 154, Camp Greenleaf, Ga. Served as member of Scott County Exemption Board before enlistment. H.M. Decker, 41, married; entered service July 1918 as Captain. Was sent to France where he was Chief of Radiology Service, Base Hospital No. 113, Savernay, France. Still overseas. Served as an assistant examiner on Exemption Board No. 2, Davenport, Iowa. E.O. Ficke, 39, married; entered service March, 1918, as Captain. Acted as Bn. Surgeon for 357th Infantry, 90th Division, overseas at St. Michiel and Verdun fronts. Was severly gassed and invalided home where he has since recovered. W.E. Foley, 27, married; entered service February, 1918, as First Lieutenant. Was sent overseas and was stationed with Base Hospital No. 53, Langres, France. C.E. Glynn, 46, married; entered service October 24, 1918. Stationed at Camp Dodge as surgeon on reconstruction work of overseas casualties. Still in service. Gordon F. Harkness, 38, married; entered service as Captain July 17, 1918.Stationed at Base Hospital, Camp Jackson and Evacuaton Hospital No. 42, Camp Greenleaf, Ga., in surgery of eye,ear,nose and throat. Previous to entering service was Captain of American Protective League Secret Service for State of Iowa. Wm. G. Johnson, 38, married; entered service as First Lieutenant July, 1917. Stationed at Medical Officers Training Camp, Fort Riley, Kan. Sent to France May, 1918. Promoted to Captain June, 1918. Served in action with 58th Infantry, 4th Division. Ray R. Kulp, 39, married; entered service October, 1917, as First Lieutenant. For instruction in orthopedic surgery in Chicago, February and March, 1918. Sent to France September, 1918. Worked in Base Hospitals Nos.9, 63, 65 and 66. Was orthopedic surgeion in 90th Division during Argonne drive. Still in service. Frederick H. Lamb, 31, single; entered service July, 1917. To Fort Riley Medical Officers Training Camp; to Camp Cody December, 1917. Promoted to Captain; made Chief of Laboratory and Pathology service, Base Hospital, Camp Cody, to January, 1919. Transferred to Base Hospital, Camp Pike, Ark. Chas. D. Martin, Jr., 26, single; entered service July 10, 1918. Was sent to San Antonio, Texas, for six weeks, then to Manila, P.I., where he is now stationed. D.J. McCarthy, 45, married; entered service as Captain in American Red Cross in 1917. Sent to Russia and Roumania as head of surgical unit. Returned to United States in 1918 and since promoted to Major and served in Salonika. Decorated by Serbian and Roumanian governments. Ranked as Major in Serbia. Returned to United States in May, 1919. George M. Middleton, 44, married; entered service as Captain September, 1918. C.O. of Student Co. 46, Fort Riley, Kan., to November 11, 1918. Field Hospital Co. E to December 7, 1918, when honorably discharged. Was assistant examiner on Exemption Board No. 2 Davenport, Iowa, from July, 1917, until entering the service. John A. McIntyre, 28, married; entered service July 6, 1917, as Captain.Stationed at Fort Riley and Camp Dodge. To France August 1918; 350th Ambulance Co., 88th Division. Acting Division Urologist. Still in service. John C Murphy, 43, single, now located at Aurora, Ill.; entered service May, 1917, as First Lieutenant. Served with Field Artillery at Camp Logan Roots, Camp Cody, and Fort Sill. Sent to France September, 1918 with 126th Field Artillery. Honorably discharged February, 1919. Was recommended for promotion. L.M. Ochs, 31, single; entered service July, 1918, as First Lieutenant.Stationed at Kelley Field Hospital, San Antonio, in psychiatry in September. Was on Examining Board. Raymond E. Peck, 42, married; entered service as Captain, October, 1918. Stationed at General Hospital No. 14, Camp Greenleaf, Ga. Chairman Membership Committee Red Cross. Honorably discharged December, 1918. Peter H Schroeder, 40, married; entered service as First Lieutenant 1916.Served during Mexican border campaign. Sent to Fort Riley June, 1917; to Camp Cody September 1917; with 126th Field Artillery, Regimental Surgeon 109th Ammunition Train and promoted to Captain, February, 1918. Sent to France in September, 1918. Recommended for promotion to Major. Still overseas. Lee E. Schafer, 30, married; entered service at First Lieutenant July, 1917. Went to France in 1917 with Rainbow Division. Served in Evacuation Hospital No. 1. Promoted to Captain. W.F. Speers, 39, married; entered service August 1, 1917, as First Lieutenant. Stationed at Fort Riley, Kan. as instructor to Medical Reserve Officers and Division Ambulance Companies. Promoted to Captain. Discharged January 2, 1919. John V. Littig, 41, married; entered service as Captain August, 1917. Sent to Fort Riley, then to Camp Taylor as Chief of eye, ear, nose and throat service. Promoted to Major. Still in service. Served as assistant examiner on Exemption Board, No. 2, Davenport, Iowa, from July, 1917, until entering the service. Geo. W. Frank, Buffalo, Iowa, 43; entered service. No data furnished. Thos . W. Byrnes; entered service. No data furnished. Frederick Lambach, 53, married. Applied for commission February, 1918; rejected for physical disability May 25, 1918; disability removed by operation July 1st; re-examined August 15th and commissioned Captain October 1, 1918. Stationed at Camp Greenleaf October 24 to December 3, 1918. Sent to Rockefeller Institute December 9th; remained there until December 21st. At Camp Mead from December 22, 1918 to January 3, 1919. Honorably discharged at Camp Dodge January 15, 1919. T. Wilbert Kemmerer, 41; entered service early in 1917. Took special courses at Rockefeller Institute and was later transferred to Base Hospital at Camp Cody. Sent overseas in summer of 1918. Those who by reason of age, physical disability, essential public need, essential institutional need, or on account of dependents were classed as ineligible for commissions, and yet were anxious to do their duty, were made members of the Volunteer Medical Service Corps of the Council of National Defense: Allen, Wm. L. Bailey, W.W. Baker, J.F. Braunlich, Henry Burkhart, J.R. Carney, R.P. Chinn, David J. Decker, George E. Dunn, James Donahoe, A.P. Dahms, O.A. Elmer, Albert W. Gillette, A.E. Hands, S.G. Hunt, W.F. Hoefle, H.C. Hageboeck, A.L. Haller, J.T. Johnson, C.C. Kuhl, A.B. Kingsbury, E.M. Kruel, D.G. Lando, D.H. Lindley, C.T. McCullough, G.F. Marble, J.A. Matthey, Henry Matthey, Walter Porstmann, L.J. Rendleman, Wm.H. Rogers, O.C. Strohbehn, E.F. Starbuck, T.D. Struble, L.W. Schumacher, Henry Skelley, W.F. Sala, O.P. Sullivan, -- Tucker, Genevieve Teufel, J.C. Weber, Lee Watzek, J.W. Those appointed by the Governor of the state to serve on the various Selective Service Boards are as follows: Local Board Division No. 1-Dr. Kuno Struck, Dr. George Bawden, Dr. C.E. Glynn, Dr. F. Neufeldt, Dr. B. Schmidt, Dr. T.D. Starbuck, Dr. E.F. Strohbehn, Dr. K. Vollmer, and Dr. J.S. Weber. Local Board Division No. 2- Dr. Wm. L. Allen, Dr. H.M. Decker, Dr. E.M. Kingsbury, Dr. George Middleton, Dr. George Decker, and Dr. John V. Littig. Scott County Board-Dr. J.D. Blything, Dr. J.D. Cantwell, Dr. G.B. Maxwell and Dr. J.C. Teufel Medical Advisory Board-Dr. Wm. Rendleman, Dr. G.F. Harkness, Dr. P.A. Bendixen, Dr. J Dunn, Dr. Lee Weber, Dr. R.P. Carney, Dr. S.G. Hands, and Dr. L.W. Struble. |
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